Edgar believes Brady’s lead will hold up - And the RGA goes after Quinn
Thursday, Feb 4, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Needless to say, this is a pretty big blow to Kirk Dillard…
Actually, the latest AP tally now has the Brady lead at 420…
…Adding… The Republican Governors Association uses Dan Hynes’ TV ads in a YouTube video… That music played behind the clip of Quinn nodding off made me sleepy. Or, maybe it’s just today’s pace.
- Bookworm - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 5:48 pm:
“Brady was at home in Bloomington Thursday resting his vocal chords. A spokesman said Brady could not talk above a whisper after the intensity of the final days of the campaign.”
That is proving to be a blessing in disguise…. given what’s going on with other candidates who are shooting off their mouths like crazy
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 5:50 pm:
So does that make Brady’s lead now 421?
- Yesterday's News - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:04 pm:
Edgar is a piece of work. I wouldn’t want him at my side in a knife fight. He’d cut and run!
Can we please be done with all the media gushing over his influnece in the GOP.
Let’s review the ‘10 record: Dillard, lost. Coulson, lost. That DuPage guy Sheehen, lost.
Enough of him.
- Quinn-Cohen Ticket - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:06 pm:
I hope the RGA’s weighing in a good sign that Republicans intend to put up a fight in the governor’s race. If the republicans play their cards right, this should be a very good year for them.
- shore - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:12 pm:
edgar was at the kirk for senate rally for most of the night on tuesday he knows whats up.
the rga should send hynes a bottle of bubbly, that was great stuff.
edgar and dillard are part of the old guard gop, enough with the past. goodbye fellas.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:16 pm:
===I wouldn’t want him at my side in a knife fight===
Probably not the best day to use that line.
Just sayin…
- Levois - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
I would expect that perhaps Dillard may have already figured that out. Surely he can’t control what any of his endorsers say. Since Edgar is something of a mentor to Dillard surely Edgar gave his mentorly advice.
- Jechislo - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
I’ve been touting Brady since the last election. Actually Rich, I think I am only one of a very few that has been singing Brady’s praises for the last several years. I worked very hard on his campaign over the last couple of months. Finally, the Illinois Republican ticket will have a conservative running for Governor. I’m so pumped.
Go Bill…..
- Quinn-Cohen Ticket - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:36 pm:
Congrats! I am looking very foward to getting to know more about Brady and the type of governor he would like to be. Keep in mind that Illinois is a democratic leaning state, so while you are proud of Brady’s conservatism please be mindful that conservatism is not entirely what Illinoisans want. In other words most aren’t looking to be converted, so please just focus on the things that are of common interest and concern. Thanks.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:52 pm:
From the Illinois Onion Newspaper (SNARK)
Edgar says Brady’s Lead will hold; Surises and Sunsets MIA
- wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 6:56 pm:
Edgar just told Dillard not to push it too far.
- Jechislo - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 7:15 pm:
Quinn-Cohen Ticket: I am more than aware that Illinois is a Democratic leaning State. But, I can remember a time not that long ago when that was not so. We have Kirk for the not-so-conservative anti-Democratic voters (might I also say for the Independents)?
I think Dillard would have caused the true conservatives to stay home.
But, Brady may actually push Kirk over the top. Kirk is very weak downstate and may not rally a lot of Conservative voters down here. Brady is exactly what the Republican ticket needed.
- BradyismyMan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 7:22 pm:
yea, look how we did with a “RINO” in topinka last time vs blago. It is the candidate that wins elections, and how excited they can get their base and get a grassroot effort
- really? - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 7:38 pm:
THANK YOU yesterday’s new!!!!
=Edgar is a piece of work=
- The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 7:53 pm:
I don’t think there’s any need to be disrespectful to Edgar. I’d bet he a great mentor to many and it’s nice to have him around.
- The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 7:53 pm:
Typos again. …he’s a great mentor….
- Republican Mom - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 8:29 pm:
Democrats are thrilled with our GOP choice…bankrupt, southern IL ticket for gov and lt gov: http://blogs.chicago
- Park - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 8:44 pm:
Dillard is a victim of Jim Ryan’s last ego fling. Took enough Du Page votes from Dillard to put Brady in. Thanks Jim.
- Bookworm - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 8:57 pm:
“Democrats are thrilled with our GOP choice…bankrupt, southern IL ticket for gov and lt gov.”
Yeah, those downstate weed chewing hicks (apologies to the blogger of that name) can’t possibly do any better than the stellar, sophisticated big city guys have been doing for the past 7 years… right?
- QRBNST - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 9:18 pm:
I wonder if the RGA has/had to pay for the right to to use the monologue by the voice over guy from the Hynes ad.
- One of Three Puppets - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 9:21 pm:
The RGA didn’t spend much to create a youtube video. As a Republican, that to me is not a sign that they will funnel money or support yet.
- Alex Carbo - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 9:23 pm:
Jim Ryan is a victim of Dillard ego. Took enough DPC votes to put Brady in. Thanks, Kirk.
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 9:36 pm:
I just talked to a friend of mine who said the Dillard team is in the DuPage Election Commission office looking at provisional ballots…I thought they couldn’t start a recount process until certification-perhaps someone could clarify the rules on how this process may work…
- Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 9:41 pm:
geeze, if some of you feel this way about edgar how do you feel about topinka? no offense, but you guys might want to keep her in the background and let Brady and Mark Kirk be your headlining acts.
- SALly Mae - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 10:15 pm:
Still think Kirk Dillard is going to win this
- Veritas - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 10:19 pm:
Topinka actually managed to convince me it was in the GOP’s interest to re-elect Blago.
- Jechislo - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 10:25 pm:
SALly Mae - Nope. Brady will win this. Dillard won’t be able to lead the Republican ticket now.
- BradyismyMan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 10:27 pm:
Sally, what makes you think dillard is gunna win?
- Clearlake Twp. GOP - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:00 pm:
I’ve known Bill Brady for years. He is Mr. Clean. No dirt. How’s that gonna look in comparison with the Madigan-Quinn-Cohen-Cook Co. Machine sludgebucket? The Sludgebucket’s negative ads will be laughable stretches, at best!
- Hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:43 pm:
Dillard has a press conference scheduled for tomorrow morning. Hmmm.
Would he drop out already?
- BradyismyMan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:54 pm:
What time is this press conference?
- Jechislo - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:47 am:
10:00 am. NBCChicago.com says a consession might be possible??
- kanderso - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:38 am:
- Republican Mom - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 8:29 pm:
Point of clarification: Brady is from Bloomington, and Bloomington is not “southern” Illinois. It’s about 2-2.5 hours from Chicago, and if you chopped the state in half, it would be in the northern half. I think sometimes those up near the city (I grew up on the suburbs, so I get it) have no idea how big the state actually is, and how little of the state - geographically speaking - Chicago and the suburbs represent.
As to your point, yes, I agree it may be a problem that the ticket is so heavily downstate. However, I think we’ll end up with a decent amount of money for our candidates, and I think Mark Kirk - a moderate suburbanite - will really help balance out the ticket a little.