Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » THIS JUST IN… Quinn to speak about Hynes, Cohen
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THIS JUST IN… Quinn to speak about Hynes, Cohen

Thursday, Feb 4, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:25 am - Gov. Quinn has scheduled a press conference for 11:30. Fox Chicago has live video, so click here. or here.

If you’d rather listen to audio, check WBBM Radio’s stream. UPDATE: BETTER AUDIO LINK.

You may have to hit refresh on that Fox stream if you’re not getting reception.

* 11:42 am - Still waiting.

* 11:47 am - In walks the guv. Help with live-blogging in comments if you can, please.

“Now that the primary is over, I want to salute Dan for his career and public service.” … “Very gracious” phone call. … Said he knows that Hynes’ heart is and has always been for “reform.” …

Here come the questions.

“The man who won the primary for lt. governor has some explaining to do.” … Said he must “fully and completely answer all questions.” … Must speak “quickly and completely about very serious matters that we’re all concerned about.” … Asked about Terry Link’s claim that he briefed the campaign. “First I heard about it was yesterday.” Said nobody in his campaign had heard about it either. [We now have to ask Link who he briefed. But the Quinn campaign did, indeed, know there was a problem because I talked to them about it.]

“My view is that this matter will be resolved.”

Fox has an annoying auto-refresh on its web pages, so use this link instead.

“Our country and our state are bigger than ourselves… If there are matters that are raised about your conduct that disqualifies you from running… Then the only appropriate thing to do is step aside… If explanations are unsatisfactory and the conduct is inappropriate, then the only way to go is to step aside.”

“I am confident that this matter is going to be resolved. I really do.” Said he thinks “the candidate will do the right thing.”

He just said he thought “That will be the way it will go” regarding Cohen stepping aside.

Quinn said people running for office who have things in their past that would be a “distraction” should step aside. “And I look forward to that.”

“I visited with the Speaker of the House about the budget. It [Cohen] came up this morning, and we talked in general terms about the procedures. I believe that the party understands that this is a clear and important matter that must be addressed.”

Lost the Fox feed? Try this one from WBBM.

Asked about all the harsh words exchanged during the primary between himself and Dan Hynes, Quinn said things are said in the heat of a primary that, upon reflection, they may not agree with after the primary is over.

He’s basically repeating his talking points now, so I’m not live-blogging them. He said he didn’t see Mark Brown’s column last March about Cohen.

Quinn says there is a provision that allows the General Assembly to pass a law that allows the governor to pick a running mate. So, there’s the pressure point on Cohen? But could Cohen challenge that law’s constitutionality because he’s already won an election? Could be a long haul.

Quinn said he and Madigan “have some budget ideas that are good.” Said Cullerton also had “some very creative ideas.”

“I think that tax reform is always on our agenda.”


Gov. Pat Quinn today said his new running mate, a Chicago pawnbroker with a 2005 domestic battery arrest, should consider withdrawing from the race because his background could hurt the Democratic ticket in the November general election.

Quinn stopped short of saying Scott Lee Cohen should abandon the nomination he won in Tuesday’s primary. But he said Cohen “has an obligation to step aside” if his past becomes a problem.

“I always appeal to others in politics based on what’s good for the people,” Quinn said.

End of presser.


  1. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:36 am:

    Rich — Just a head’s up, the embed is doing the same thing it did earlier this week with launching the full screen player automatically. At least it is for me.

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    OK, thanks. Deleted. Link remains.

  3. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    i hope quinn stays consistent, for once…

    throughout the primary how his 30 year +career in politics is all bout him being a “people person”, “liking to work with people” and “believing in teamwork.”

    slc is a person, and slc is part of Quinn’s team.

  4. - dave - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    WCW - be honest. Do you just want SLC to be on the ticket so Dems lose?

  5. - dave - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    (or have a higher likelihood of losing).

  6. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    11:46 and stll not started. getting more and more like blago as the days go by.

  7. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    no, dave.

  8. - train111 - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    We elected George Ryan when we knew he was under investigation.
    We elected Rod Blagojevich when we knew the guy was a total sleezebag, and then re-elected him when we all knew he was under federal investigation.
    What’s different in Illinois politics this time around? At least in Cohen we know what we have unlike the white-collar crooks we keep voting in time and again to office. Heck Cohen’s crimes are much less costly to us taxpayers than the whole Gov Blagoofevich soap opera will ever be. We sure use a double standard when judging one man’s sins against anothers.


  9. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    OK, enough of the back and forth. Stick to the topic, please. Stop embarrassing yourselves.

  10. - dupage dan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    I wonder if PQ can borrow enough $ from Ed Burke to pay SLC off. What will it take, 2 mil?

  11. - enn - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Quinn just implied he didn’t know about the Cohen charges before the primary, contrary to what Link has said.

  12. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Pat called him “the man who won the Lt. Governor’s race” and the “Lt. Governor candidate.” Did not call him by his name. Called for him to explain himself fully and described the issues that have come out as “grave.” Claimed he only learned about them on Tuesday.

  13. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    Should we be happy he didn’t throw a campaign staffer under the bus, like he did with the early-release program? Terry Link is from Lake County — I believe him on this one (not because he’s from Lake County…)

  14. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    There’s no point trying to defuse a bomb that’s already exploded. Quinn is on his own, and Cohen isn’t going anywhere. Time to come up with a plan to make the best of this Governor.

  15. - shore - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:56 am:

    he’s called for him to leave the race.

  16. - shore - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    ask hynes to come on the ticket, say that hynes’s job will be chief management officer or something and be done with it.

    just wondering if pat brady will re-air the harold washington ad in the fall. hmm..

  17. - shore - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    he threw him under the bus. this fella is going to have to go alone.

  18. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    either quinn is still getting some really bad advice or is still not following good advice because he really does himself a disservice when it comes to handling sensitive situations. he’s leading the ticket and this was all kinds of wrong and will haunt him now through november:

    If there are matters that are raised about your conduct that disqualifies you from running… Then the only appropriate thing to do is step aside… If explanations are unsatisfactory and the conduct is inappropriate, then the only way to go is to step aside.”

  19. - Pelon - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:04 pm:

    He stopped short of calling on Cohen to quit, but he has started to dig a hole that he won’t be able to get out of if Cohen has more issues in his past.

    A related question: would the Dems be facing this problem if the primary was in March?

  20. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    yes pelon because all the air was being sucked up by the gubernatorial and u.s senate races. the lt. gov races would still be flying under the radar.

  21. - Secret Square - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    “would the Dems be facing this problem if the primary was in March?”

    Don’t know for sure. So much for the early primary being a great “incumbent protection plan”.

  22. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    Quinn just asked the media to drive the guy out. Cohen is in for a media Tsunami.

  23. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    “He said he didn’t see Mark Brown’s column last March about Cohen.”

    I don’t believe that for one minute. nor do i believe that yesterday was the first quinn learned of cohen’s past issues. after the primary quinn has no credibility, especially in any instance where he is trying to cover himself.

  24. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    This is pathetic. I’m embarrassed.

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    I seriously think that there is going to be more in this guys background that will come up. This can’t be the end of it.

    For what it’s worth to each of you, SLC is also a chain smoker. I’m not talking casual smoker, but a pure blooded chain smoker. Many probably won’t care, but for others who judge those who smoke, it may help paint a further picture of this man.

    Quinn just said he would look into the ability of the GA to pass a law allowing him to pick his own running mate.

  26. - Bakersfield - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    Probably. The time of the primary had little to do with it. Cohen flew far under the radar and was all over Chicago tv the last week with a catchy message. Had the primary been in March, my guess is the same thing would have happened.

  27. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    what’s with the whining about the early primary? it was a means to help obama win Super Tuesday two years ago. no one was whining about it back then, so why start now? oh,because you’re unhappy you want to change things? great. you’ll probably on change things from bad to worse. the thinking in springfield needs to be done more carefully and all potential repercussions considered and explored.

    so let’s start today: leave SLC, who won the primary, alone and on the ballot!

  28. - Easy - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    shouldn’t the Chairman of the Democratic Party have done a little vetting on this?? I have read reports that he is all knowing.

  29. - 2010 - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    Why wouldn’t a sitting Governor who was given the post because he was Lt. Governor previously not partner with someone/select a candidate going into the Primary? oy.

  30. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    So then Brady gets to pick dillard for his runningmate? Dillard would certainly help Brady to court the moderate dems and independent votes.

    Quinn is all kinds of wrong for the governor’s office. make things up as you go. change the laws to suit your whims. slc is only a problem because quinn is unhappy and scared it may he may lose with slc. quinn, run on your record/acomplishments. oh, wait.

    This stuff from quinn is just crazy:

    Quinn says there is a provision that allows the General Assembly to pass a law that allows the governor to pick a running mate.

  31. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    WCW: ==“He said he didn’t see Mark Brown’s column last March about Cohen.” I don’t believe that for one minute.==

    I’m sure the Gov reads Mark Brown’s column daily and files them carefully in a box on his desktop so he can refer to them when questions arise. Please. If he read a column in March 2009 about a guy who might file for Lt. Gov., I doubt he would remember it. As I recall, Quinn had been Gov. for about 6 weeks, the state was broke and he was scrambling to put together a budget while Lisa Madigan was considering challenging him in the primary.

  32. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    2010, yeah like that worked so well for mckenna and murphy on the GOP side.

    if blago had tried to get of him, quinn would’ve pitched a fit.

  33. - Amalia - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:29 pm:

    Dear CLTV: you are not on a deadline with some network show to put on. when you cover a press conference, don’t cut away after the first few questions! signed, Longing for a CSPAN approach to public political events in Illinois

  34. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:32 pm:


    quinn has a campaign team that is obviously into researching and trying to dig up dirt. did they not hae some responsibility to look into the lt. guv field and keep the gov briefed on all the players. google search. someone on his camp has surley been keeping files on the GOP guv/lt guv candidates, as well as dan hynes. so, please.

    but, quinn is all about himself so not surprisingly he once again dropped the ball on his own foot.

  35. - Timing is everything - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    Bakersfield, I gotta disagree with you on the primary timing.

    1. March primary = more time for the story to get picked up and be tossed around the media outlets.

    2. March primary = more time for voters to focus on the election. How many undecideds were there in the Senate/Governor races the week before the primary? If you don’t know who you are going to vote for in the big races, how are you going to know who to vote for in the smaller races?

    3. March primary = more time time for the polls to be conducted and more time for candidates to drop out.

    People were just not paying attention to any election in November/December. You had the Holidays and the typical holidays dominated the news cycle. No room for SLC story, no time for some of the other Lt. Gov candidates to give up, and more time for the party to realize they need to take matters into their own hands on the Lt. Gov race.

  36. - 2010 - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    @ WCW

    Governors always enter races with their Lt. Governor. This time the seat happened to be vacant. But imagine if Quinn selected a strategic running mate - he could have picked up more votes and Hynes would have called to concede much earlier on Tuesday night. Or, he could have saved a lot of money and grief and have Hynes run with him.

  37. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    Easy -

    The Dem chairman doesn’t decide who can run for office and didn’t endorse him. This is really the voters fault.

  38. - Irish - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    Anonymous - 12:14 are you kidding me? FDR, LBJ, Ike, JFK, and Ron Reagan all smoked.

    How much do you think Blago will use this if there is an attempt to remove Cohen? He will claim it shows a pattern of MJM using his power to get rid of duly elected people that he doesn’t like. Do you think that then affects the decision to remove Cohen?

  39. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    just out of curiosity…none of the polls that i saw mentioned the lt guv candidates on either side,or i don’t recall seeing polling on them, but wouldn’t the guv candidates been polling the lt. guv candidates to see who might emerge as their running mate?

  40. Pingback ArchPundit | And Roland Burris Won’t Be Seated - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    […] You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t think that Mike Madigan and Pat Quinn are the guys to go to regarding Scott Lee Cohen: […]

  41. - George - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    I think there is/will be enough of a voter disgust and embarrassment at the fact that this came out the day after the election that Quinn will get little to no backlash from trying to kick Cohen off his ticket.

    Unless he is unsuccessful.

    For those (like WCW) trying to make kicking Cohen off the ballot a negative - it probably ain’t gonna work. It shows you haven’t been talking to those Dem voters today who did vote for him.

    It’s a collective “OOOPS”.

  42. - Bubs - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    Cohen will be a media and attack ad nightmare by November. Voters recently received a sharp reminder that the Lt. Gov selection means something.

    Quinn is right to try and get him out, but it will be messy butchery, if it even succeeds, if Cohen does not agree to go.

    The General Assembly route will be a poltical disaster, and will fail on constitutional grounds. The media hounding angle may work, but it will be really ugly. Does Quinn want the foibles of his running mate to be the lede story for the next 3 months?

    I suspect the real route will be to have “certain leaders” sit down with Cohen, “advise” him to step down, and offer very nice candy to entice that decision, all such candy not to appear until after November, of course. He may say take the candy, and he may not.

  43. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    i don’t think quinn was blago’s first choice or preference in 2002. from what i’ve heard over the years, blago was none too pleased when quinn won the lt guv primary race.

    timing is everything,i disagree. fropm what i have seen and heard the field of candidates this election cycle were not particularly liked. none had major star power, and most if not all had vulnerabilities. really the lt. guv race was not all that interesting. having the election a month later probably would not have changed much.

    i did not vote for a lt. guv candidate because i believe that the office should be eliminated, and have stated that on the blog before and independent of dan hynes.

  44. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    Much as I hate to say it, if I were SLC, I wouldn’t resign - not this way. I’m thinking “what do people think of Blair Hunt and Jack Ryan now? What do I gain by leaving on these terms? The good of the Democratic party? Like I cared about that when I decided to run for this two-bit position? I’m going to hold more job rallies and ask “what the heck are those career politicians doing for you” every chance I get. Hey media: there’s no such thing as bad pub (especially for a pawnbroker) - just spell my name right.”

  45. - HUH - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    Correct me if i am wrong Quinn did go to law school this is the second time in thirteen months he has tried to change a law (i.e appointment of Roland Burris) and now he wants to change the lt governor’s post ex post facto?

    I do not trust Madigan on this matter as his ordained candidate Art turner finished second behind cohen and would be in line to secceed cohen.

  46. - Timing is everything - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    “most if not all had vulnerabilities”

    Which apparently were worse than Scott Lee Cohen or were somehow more generally known than Scott Lee Cohen’s? This is new to me. Care to share?

  47. - Quiet Sage - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    It’s hard to overestimate the Democrats’ culpability in this matter. The 1986 primary, where two LaRouche candidates won for Treasurer and Lieutenant Governor, showed how important it is not to let candidates for minor Statewide offices, particularly Lieutenant Governor, fly below the radar. By not slating a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and failing to vet the candidates on the ballot, the Democrats ignored the lessons of history, to their immense detriment.

  48. - Righto - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    Passing a law allowing the Governor to pick his running mate is one thing. But how can they pass a law, post-election, which knocks off the duly elected Dem. Lt. Gov. candidate because he has PR problems? Why have an election in the first place? Why not just let the majority and minority parties in the GA vet candidates and make appointments like Board and Commission chairmen.

    If I am SLC I just slide back and let things die down. It’s only two days after a nasty election and the daggers are whetted. The Cohen issue will fade if all they have is this. Hang tough, Scott.

  49. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    - George - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    if there’s a collective oops that’s their problem! all is not lost for the people. there’s plenty of time to learn about and hear from candidates before the general. if nothing else, slc illustrates how and why voters need to pay better attention. this is part of the reason why I rejected a lot of the sentimentality surrounding quinn during the primary. I decided to pay attention instead. also i’ve noticed throughout the primary that when quinn doesn’t get his way or when he is scared/upset he throws fit about things. I’ve said repeatedly that his temperament is all wrong for the governor’s office; and, it still is. as gov you’re not always gonna get your way–things are not always going to go your way or your gonna have to put the state’s needs above your own, and just deal with things.

  50. - True Observer - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    “The 1986 primary, where two LaRouche candidates won for Treasurer and Lieutenant Governor,”

    If Janice Hart had been candidate for Treasurer, no one would have cared about the LaRouchies on the ticket.

    She beat the Pucinski daughter for Secretary of State.

    That’s why the Dems went bonkers.

    They couldn’t afford to lose all the patronage that goes with Secretary of State.

    They could have ignored and lived with Fairchild for Lt. Gov. and Stevenson would have won.

  51. - Quinn T. Sential - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:27 pm:

    [Asked about Terry Link’s claim that he briefed the campaign. “First I heard about it was yesterday.” Said nobody in his campaign had heard about it either.
    [We now have to ask Link who he briefed.]

    {But the Quinn campaign did, indeed, know there was a problem because I talked to them about it.}

    In the interest of equal protection; if Link is responsible for trhowing someone in the Quinn campaign that he spoke to under the bus on this, does the same obligation apply to you?

    Under the presumption of a journalist source protection exemption, on what basis would we impose a disclosure obligation on Link?

    Not trying to be a SOB on this, I am just curious now. I really do not know the full extent of the established law; and any precedential rulings (yet)with respect to the applicability of the source protection issue being available to someone operating in the media as CAPFAX does.

    What piques my interest on the issue at this point now is not this situation, but rather how AA is treating the NU students as investigators; rather than journalists. I am not sure in this day and age how a journalist is defined, in order to be able to have the source protections usually afforded to them.

  52. - Kenny - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    wow! I’m very surprised Quinn went so far against SLC so early and wonder if he knows there is more to come out about SLC or just figures there must be…Turner, Hynes, Hoffman, Krishnamoorthi, you might not be done campaigning yet.

  53. - The Truth shall Set you free - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:38 pm:

    Maybe we could push for Bill to be nominated for Lt. Gov if SLC is pushed……

  54. - Amalia - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    ahh, Quinn T. Sential. very observant.

  55. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:43 pm:


    weren’t you paying attention during the primary?
    Quinn barely won and you think it was because he didn’t/doesn’t have vulnerabilities? Likewise, the rest who won or lost? I don’t know your gender, but as woman I am a bit curious about the ex. Mrs. Pat Quinn. (by the by…the Quinn boys mentioned her in one the Quinn camp videos posted on this blog) I am also curious about the column stella foster of the Sun-Times did about Quinn last year, and all of its components/implications. explored might these reveal other vulnerabilities that would make one not want to vote for PQ. And when he was on the WTTW debate he did refuse to answer a question about mistakes he made. he said it was “too personal.”

  56. - polwatcher - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    OMG…OMG Yogi….its DEJA VU all over again!!

  57. - zatoichi - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    SLC spends $2M of his own money (earned in a tough business) and wins a campaign (while playing by the rules) where he was basically ignored by all the pros. Yeah, he’ll step aside because some of those same people he beat are now are saying pretty please and are looking for anything that’ll force him out. I can picture him smiling back in his office doing a Rahm ‘I got your pretty please right here’ along with several additional descriptions. The guy worked hard to win so I doubt he will voluntarily step aside easily unless there is something big in it for him. He has nothing to lose, while being able to make life really uncomfortable for several big names.

  58. - Just wondering - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    Illinois continues to be a political embarrassment.

  59. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Whatever is in SLC’s past..maybe is the reason why he sought out public office. maybe he saw public as a noble and virtuous way to redeem himself and help people at the same time. is that so wrong? he hasn’t been convicted of anything and allegations is an insufficient reason to push here. i agree that the allegations are troubling, but there are two sides to any story.

  60. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    The answer may be in of the posts but I didnt see it. If Cohen does withdraw what is the process to select a replancement.

  61. - dupage dan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    Just wondering,

    Certainly the Illinois dems are a political embarassment right now. Given the RodB trial and the upcoming general election it is only going to get worse, or better, depending on your political persuasion. The bombs just keep going off - poor PQ can’t catch a breather, can he?

  62. - dupage dan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    One should never throw the chamber pot over the windward side of the boat, boys, you just get the #!$$ back in your face. That’s what PQ just did by publicly proclaiming that Cohen should withdraw. They are now attached at the wrists and ankles - not a pretty sight. Can you see people pulling the lever for that pair? I should feel sorry for PQ since he is not the typical politician. However, much of what is happening lies at his feet.

  63. - Lewis Grad - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    According to the State Constitution that provision Quinn is talking about the General Assembly letting a candidate for Governor pick his running mate only applies to the primary. If they go that route to remove him, Cohen does have the law on his side.

  64. - Wow - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    Richard F Mell 33rd Ward Sample Ballot supports Scott Lee Cohen-
    I am glad I did not vote for him

  65. - Anonymous Springfield - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    I don’t ordinarily believe in this, but maybe the stars are aligned for Brady for Gov.

  66. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    that’s what makes this all so worrisome. because we (Illinoisans) cannot be sure the process will done in our interest as opposed to behind-the-scenes political interests. one thing we can be fairly certain of is that if mike madigan is involved, and he is, he won’t be concerned about the interests of illinoisans.

    quinn no doubt wants art turner as a way of innoculation from someone black possibly running against him as an independent. mike madigan is apparently fond of turner. Funny how the majority of democrats who voted weren’t, otherwise he would have won.

  67. - espoir - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    Scott Lee Cohen created the group, “Rod Must Resign.” Someone should start a facebook group “Scott Lee Cohen Must Resign.”

  68. - Downstate - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 3:13 pm:

    Quinn’s smoking something. There’s no way the General Assembly can overturn an election. Cohen won, and if you force him to take the party to court, it will only make matters worse.

    Best bet is to bribe him with something, say the next open U.S. Senate seat. I’m sure the feds have their hands full with the last one, so surely he could be slipped in.

  69. - keep in mind - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    1 — someone said the democratic party should have done something to prevent Cohen from becoming Lt. Gov, but keep in mind the democratic party of illinois did not slate candidates AT THE REQUEST OF PAT QUINN

    2 — the governor does not get to pick a replacement, that is up to the state central committee. Quinn must have been referring to the fact that he can ask them to pick someone.

    3 — hey Governor, what happened to “this is the will of the people” and “the people have spoken”

  70. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    –Best bet is to bribe him with something, say the next open U.S. Senate seat.–

    Dude, the guy is a successful pawnbroker. He knows no one can promise that.

    He has a thing of value — effing golden. To even get in the ballgame with him you’re going to have to offer something credible and better.

  71. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 3:36 pm:

    I didn;t know that Quinn requested that lt. guv candidates not be slated. What was his reasoning for that? there were two or three lawmakers running. is that he didn’t want to offend any of them?

  72. - Donovan - Thursday, Feb 4, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    And here I thought that it was only Toyota with this problem of the accelerator being stuck in “crash-mode”? Hang on Pat–It’s going to be an awfully bumpy ride!

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