* GOP House leader to Cohen: Explain yourself: “You need to confront this. You need to address the media,” Cross said. “In Springfield today, it’s the only topic of conversation.”
* Job may be boring, but history of Illinois lieutenant governor is anything but - 1970 overhaul of the Illinois Constitution made top 2 candidates run as a team
* Illinois Politics: Knives, Prostitutes and The Mob: “I was arrested, when she sobered up, she dropped the charges,” he says.
* Scott Lee Cohen and reality: But everything else? As Mike Flannery put it on the news on CBS 2 today.. Dude….
* Blame history for teaming gov, lt. gov in the fall: “I introduced at least twice the legislation that would have combined lieutenant governor and governor in the primary as well. I could never get the doggone thing passed,” Netsch said.
Scott Lee Cohen has no clue about the political firestorm he will be facing in the days ahead. I would not be shocked if by the time of his scheduled Feb. 16 court hearing on the status of his divorce Mr. Cohen is signing a somewhat different tune about remaining on the Democratic ticket.
Unreal! Will Scott Lee Cohen be driving a tank down State Street? Will Pat Quinn revive the Illinois Solidarity Party? Tune in tomorrow, same Bat time, same Bat channel!
Rich,whats with this oye stuff on Cohen. Last Aldermainc election you overly dumped on Jewish candidates. Come on my show and talk. I smell some serious Jewish hating in your takes.
follow up question-was that the same massaage therapy place shut down by the cops for prostitution. did you ever pay her for sex?
The Rich Miller book on the first 10 years of the century in Illinois politics, “…we thought that after the primary it was going to be quiet for awhile. 9 months of back and forth. Then the NRSC went after a banker turned mobster lender, both governors races had too close to call elections, the gop one was less than 500 votes. And then it got real interesting when our governor was re-indicted on 24 counts worth 110 years and 6 million in fines and a little known lt.gov candidate was disclosed had a past involving hookers, massage therapists, restraing orders, knife attacks, pawn shops…the year after an illiois senator was elected to the white house and the previous governor became an international story…
Scottly told his story today, now he should go on the offensive. He should go all out populist and tout that he is 100% independent of any one in Springfield.
Also, am I the only one who notices he sounds quite shy?
This clown is such a joke…one of the most unqualified and pathetic people in the public sphere and thats saying a lot considering the clowns in Illinois politics. Cohen blew 3 Million of Daddy’s money and isnt going to step aside for the good of anyone or anything. Just another example of how disgustingly incompetent the media was in the coverage of the lt gov’s race. Now they are having a field day selling papers. Cohen is sleeezy and morally bankrupt so he will fit right in with the Madigan crowd.
The media conspiracy nuts are out. Do you mean the state’s two biggest newspapers that refused to endorse a Democrat for governor? Or do you mean the Fox News outlets that were in the tank for Democrats?
Arvy, someone says “oy” and you “smell some serious Jewish hating?” What a despicable thing to say, based on no evidence.
The dude has a written body of work out there every day. You have no credibility at all.
Are you the guy on cable access who makes all your interviews do some bit with a pair of scissors? That’s the dopiest thing I’ve ever seen. Do you sense I’m a closet anti-vivisectionist?
- Way South of the Border - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:24 am:
Dear ed board writers: Please spare us the kind of mea culpas that the Beacon Herald put out today(thanks Rich for the link). Your dilemma and the argument it produces are quite transparent.
1. First, broadly point the finger at others, especially at voters for imprinting on ubiquitous Cohen ads that the (now voter-blaming) media was only too happy to air, print and receive payment for.
2. Make sure you mention that woman battering thing in the finger-pointing paragraph! Only mention it in relation to all those other people who had their head in the sand.
3. Then apologize for “also” failing to look into his “nutty” behaviors (keep it vague when we’re talking about us!).
4. Draw no lines, ask no important questions about whether the nature of his crime is part of why it was ignored by the media.
This kind of is a broad finger-pointing / internally narrow apology gives no assurance this won’t happen again. I hope the sisters are mobilizing.
- Way South of the Border - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:31 am:
Dear ed board writers: Please spare us the kind of mea culpas that the Beacon Herald put out today(thanks Rich for the link). Your dilemma and the argument it produces are quite transparent:
1. First, broadly point the finger at others, especially at voters for imprinting on ubiquitous Cohen ads that the (now voter-blaming) media was only too happy to air, print and receive payment for.
2. Make sure you mention that woman battering thing in the finger-pointing paragraph! Only mention it in relation to all those other people who had their head in the sand.
3. Then apologize for “also” not looking into his “nutty” behaviors (keep it vague when you’re talking about your own failings).
4. Draw no lines, ask no important questions about whether the nature of his crime is part of why it was ignored by the media.
This kind of is a broad finger-pointing / internally narrow apology gives no assurance this won’t happen again. I hope the sisters are mobilizing.
Avy, great approach on trying to get someone to be on your show! Not. Oy has been used here on almost every possible ethnic name. I don’t think anyone could hate that much.
To all of your geniuses who say if Cohen drops out (doubtful), then Art Turner should be installed in his place:
As I recall, this idea was shot down for Forrest Claypool when John Stroger “dropped out of his race.” A candidate who loses cannot then run for the same office in that election cycle. Sorry - what’s good for the goose…
Ponce did a magnificent job. I especially liked the concluding questions where he asked SLC which party was better on jobs (SLC: Democrats) and then asked if SLC would drop out if it looked like the party that would be better on jobs would be hurt by keeping him on the ticket.
About halfway through the interview, I realized who SLC resembled. A younger, less articulate Larry Flynt. (Or Vince Vaughn on tranquilizers.)
If I am Pat Quinn (bear with me, please) and I somehow convince SLC to leave the ticket, the person I try to get as a replacement is Dan Hynes. It would bolster the narrative Quinn is selling this week about coming together as a family for the greater good.
Whether Hynes would do it or not, I can’t say. But he has name recognition, and could try to inoculate Quinn against many of the attacks he made which the GOP will surely recycle in the general. Plus he’s out of a job for the first time since his 20s.
Avy, you are being totally unfair to Rich Miller. anti semitism
is real and you should be able to recognize it so you can fight it instead of wasting your time being unfair.
I have been an avid reader of the Capitol Fax Blog since its beginning, and I have NEVER seen one comment or statement or article attributed to Rich Miller that could be in any way considered anti-semetic.
I don’t always agree with you but fair is fair.
Watching that interview, I will be surprised if Cohen stays in the race once he realizes he won’t be able to win. He doesn’t come across as an angry type who will take down his party out of spite.
downstate hack: you are trying to be objective. avy is not known for being objective. he’s an american, too, so he has every right to his points of view, as crazy as they might seem to the rest of us.
ftr, bernie stone engages in this sort of ethnic-baiting, as well (at least when he’s running for election — he’s remarkably “threat” free every other year). given the connection between avy and stone, no one should be surprised that avy would attempt the same disgusting tactic…
LOL Irish Pirate. That page alone would automatically put Shore’s ghost written book for Rich on the best seller list nationwide. Not a lot of folks are looking for taxpayers to pay off Roland’s legal bills after that fiasco.
Let’s just cut the BS. MJM is behind this. He did this whole stunt to embarrass the hell out of Quinn or Hynes and let them know who really runs the state. If you connect the dots that is where it all leads- to Kind Madigan. It is going to take some time and some real investigative reporting, but if go through SLC’s D2’s, his endorsements and who he hired to be his consultants, it is all right there!
Mark thy words: The people of Illinois are so desperate for honesty, that they might grow to like SLC. Seriously, two corrupt govs, US senators who pick up men in stalls…I think the bar is quite low. Laugh, throw stones, but all of you, and the media, secretly love SLC because he is providing us with something to obsess about–as long as there is no other secret shoe to drop, he might just help Quinn’s populist flare and flavor…we are all mess, we just don’t talk openly about it–SLC does, and that’s his ultimate allure.
Anonymous -
Is it more reasonable to suspect that the Speaker was behind this than to suspect that Republican leaders (who are “licking their chops”) were?
If you spent longer than 2 seconds on this website, then you would know the “Oy” is part and parcel, and used correctly. It is NOT used as snark or in a deflamatory way.
Any person who does media and then “decides” that someone is a certain way, being quite flippant about calling someone’s character in question by a word choice needs to take stock in what they consider “research” on a person and their character.
Also, anyone who claims they do not “prepare” for their media show and wears that as a badge of honor should be questioned.
Really, Rich “denied” to friend you? Are you 8, maybe 9?
So Rich didn’t “friend” you in the way or as fast as you think he should have. Rich used “Oy” the 38 seconds you were on CapFax, and he attacked a jewish alderman, who, by most conventional media outlets, including Rich, agreed that the alderman was/has been ineffective?
As Rich says to the peverbial drive-by poster, and can’t to you because he won’t… “Move along”
Tinfoil people, nobody was behind this. Just Cohen himself. Democrats failed to do their due diligence, again, and he slipped through. Maybe he has the answer to the budget problem. Has anybody asked him?
Being of the jewish persuasion with many relatives of the like and having experience with this blog I will say that you are meshugeh if you think you can draw Rich into your little game. What a putz.
BTW, is “bite me” the english equivalent for essen or fressen?
If they have indeed found the girl, just for the sake of a “fun” spin….
Please, oh Please …Make the massage therapist/prostitute/ex-girlfriend be as juicy as every other character in this saga …
Please let her …
Ask, while on camers “I am getting money for this right/ I am a ‘working’ girl’ ”
Wear clothes of a woman 15 yesrs her junior, and think she looks good.
Chew gum during the interview…Please!
Please have a “leopard print” ANYTHING … pant, skirt, coat … 1 thing leopard print.
Please wear a tight curl wig that is either ridiculous red, bleach blonde, or even a baby blue … please of please ….
Please wear sunglesses… hopefully they cover half your face and relfect the media cameras white light ….
and last … please … refer to that time in your life as “Well, I was in the massage therapy business, but my industry could best be described as hospitality”
With all that… and it would be fun ….
I do hope/wish her well. No woman should have to put up with any abuse, and if she was a “no-show” at SLC’s hearing because she feared him and it becomes apparent when she does finally speak about not appearing in court, SLC better hide in a bunker because the media will put on a full-court press even harder than we all think is possible….
–”It is going to take some time and some real investigative reporting”–
Amazes me the time and effort that will be spent to try and toss SLC at MJM’s feet, yet the public could not count on the media to give them real investigative reporting to educate them on informative decisions prior to election day.
I did catch the SLC battery charges prior to voting, but not due to any ‘real investigating reporting’. I caught it by Rich’s comments on Monday “supreme Democratic goofball” and “unexpectedly wins”. Took about 30 minutes on Newsbank running names with keywords like ‘arrest’, ‘charges’, ‘lawsuit’ ect. Pop was Brown’s year old story in which I almost yawned through until the near bottom. Bingo.
1. SLC meets privately with a broad collection of religious leaders to help him search his soul on whether he should stay on the ticket;
2. He apologizes, confesses, cries, and comes out of those meetings more assured that the people of Illinois need him to create jobs, jobs, jobs.
3. He gets in his 1998 Chevy and tours Illinois– alone. He meets with people as he listens to their stories of unemployment–the media has to cover because they seek blood to sell their lousy products.
4. He never falters, never stops–he just keeps going for the people of Illinois.
5. The media eventually tires and moves on to the Blago trial.
5. Assuming there is no other shoe to drop, SLC has found redemption.
6. Quinn slowly embraces the sinner as deserving a second chance.
7 Amen Sans OY
The real question now might be can Quinn continue on the ballot with this clown or will he have to form a new political party a la Adlai. He can do that with only 25,000 signatures on a petition, or, possibly, snag the Reform Party label. How about calling it “ReformIllinois”? That might actually work out better for him than to stay with the Dems. The Blago trial may be in October.
Suppose Gov. Quinn Adlai’s his way forward as a 3d party candidate, wouldn’t the Democratic Party need to appoint a replacement? Not to suggest that there is any potential for abuse, of course, just don’t remember how that piece went down in 1986.
“I caught it by Rich’s comments on Monday “supreme Democratic goofball” and “unexpectedly wins”.”
When all this stuff about SLC broke I immediately thought of Rich’s comment about “almost hoping” that the Dems got saddled with a loony candidate as payback for making the primary so ridiculously early. Well, they sure got it.
I don’t see Quinn going 3rd party - didn’t work for Adlai. I bet SLC steps down, which leaves a few interesting choice. Turner did finish 2nd, but without a lot of votes; not sure he’d help much in the general. Hoffman or Raja might be better choices.
BTW it always amazes me to see the number of politicians that go on Avy’s show thinking are reaching out to the Jewish community. I live in that community, and my only view of Avy is that he is Bernie Stone guy who spouts those views. He is not taken seriously, or even known, by many. Not that he needs me to, but I’ll vouch for Rich on the use of oy for candidates, Jewish and non-Jewish. Finally, I would also say no one has ever heard of SLC in the Jewish community. He has a Jewish name, but he was by no means active or known in any element of the community.
The idea that this is a plot by Madigan to mess with Quinn fails to take into account how damaging this is to the entire Democratic Party in Illinois. Hopefully we’re getting close to the final act in the comedic farce that is the Democrats’ version of “governing” this state.
Here’s an idea: moderate Republicans like Dillard publicly state that they are done (for a while) banging the drum for tax cuts and restrictions on contraception/abortion. The center moves back to the Republican Party. And we finally get rid of these Democratic Party idiots.
Maybe Dillard’s 1:00 pm press conference will upstage this circus and give this poor Cohen guy a break; even if only for a couple of hours.
- the Other Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:28 am:
Late to the show — but what a show!
I also was thinking about Rich’s comment about karma for holding the election in February. That’s some mystic powers you have there, Rich.
But mostly my reaction to the Chicago Tonight interview was: this guy is as dumb as a box of rocks, although I may be insulting boxes of rocks here. He doesn’t have the charisma, or the brains, to dig himself out of this hole.
If his only excuse is, “I tried to tell you guys,” he’s toast. Well, now we know. And SLC is an unacceptable nominee for any public office.
===look for a bill to rocket out of the GA Spring session abolishing the office of Lt. Governor:
problem solved… ===
Illinois Constitution…
The Executive Branch shall include a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer elected by the electors of the State.===
MJM does nothing that will/would threaten his majority in the Illinois House. Nothning means NOTHING. There is no compromise or “greater good” in dealing with a subject, policy, bill, candidate, et al., that could be in clonflict with this rule. Ever.
MJM will do nothing that will harm, damage, compromise, or even trap Lisa Madigan. The Speaker thinks 5 steps ahead on any decision and Lisa Madigan is an end game in those 5 steps always, always and always.
Now, I remember taking Geometry in HS and the “proofs” you learn are perfect, absolute and unbreakable.
The MJM rules … are even more concrete than the Geometry proofs. Clear?
That being said, the Highest Law Enforcement Officer in Illinois, a female… the daughter of MJM … named Lisa Madigan (look above at the Lisa Madigan rule) can no share a slate with a man having battery charges against a woman in his past.
Democratic memebers of the GA (MJM’s majorty, see MJM majorty rule above) can not share a slate with the candidate described in the Lisa Madigan statement above, and vote on domestic violence bills sponsored by the AG who happens to be Lisa Madigan.
Now, anyone who thinks MJM wanted any of this to happen needs to seriously look at the Geometric “Madigan Proofs”, accept that those proofs are beyond concrete, and move on from this conspriacy.
Now was MJM just lax and didn’t do enough to prevent SLC because SLC was underestimated… that is a different story …
When apportioning blame for the SLC debacle, people should not forget the ineptitude of the other lieutenant gov candidates, including Terry Link, Mike Boland and Art Turner.
If any of them–all seasoned politicians–had run a competent campaign, the info with SLC would have broken long before the primary.
Those three showed us that they don’t know squat about how to work the media. And they assembled campaign teams who were completely inept too.
The consequences of having powerful leaders in the General Assembly is that members of the GA don’t grow much.
You people “blaming” MJM crack me up, he’s simply much smarter than that.
Isn’t it obvious to you all that Cohen is an MJM plant? Think about it, neither Quinn nor Hynes really tickled his pickle, so what better way to marginalize them than with Cohen.
It’s pretty clear to me that MJM has a deal with Cohen to drop out just as soon as Quinn resigns the Democratic nomination to form a new third party.
Once that happens, MJM gets his dream ticket - Madigan/Turner - appointed to the Democratic ballot following Cohen’s resignation.
The real trick to this exercise was getting Brady nominated on the Republican side. A more viable R could’ve scuttled the plan, but MJM was able to suppress enough of the R vote for the moderates in the city and suburbs, all while boosting Brady downstate — all done surreptitiously of course.
Bang on - to think that MJM would cook this thing up is just silly. No one thought SLC could pull it off and so ignored him. MJM is not omnipresent or omniscient no matter what anyone may think. I think eliminating the lite gov position from the constitution would be tough - too many entities will want it to remain. Maybe it could happen with a consolidation of the comptroller and treasurer offices. That would make some sense.
I don’t know anything about this person, tho. What motivates him? He had no chance out of the gate and spent 3 mill. Wow. What will he expect in return for leaving? A mystery wrapped in an enigma. If it weren’t our state it would be fun to watch.
Cohen was clearly leaving a couple of openings you could drive a truck filled with $2 million dollar bills through when he alluded to how the media attention has affected his “family” (that he is separated from and may or may not pay support towards regularly), and that he would listen to the “people of Illinois” if they wanted him to step down.
When asked how that would happen he said “Time will tell”. Very telling.
The main question might be, how much more than the $2 Million would he need? Why stop there? How about $3M or maybe more? Might as well make a profit here. Isn’t that what pawn brokers do? Buy cheap and sell dear.
The next question would be how do the Dems hide the payoff money? It wouldn’t be seemly to openly admit they paid him off. How do they “massage” that one?
I don’t think SLC will step down for a payoff of money; he already has that. Instead, the case is a simple one:
(1) you’ve run a smart campaign, and fair or not, you’re smart enough to know we’ll lose with you on the ticket, and people will blame you, and hate you.
(2) beyond the women and violence scandals, aren’t you concerned that more and more light might be shone on your business and personal finances - that could get legally troublesome for you, right?
So you’ll come out a better person, protecting your family, if you step down.
I cannot believe you got away with saying “6. Quinn slowly embraces the sinner as deserving a second chance.” Although, stranger things have and are happening.
How soon before some media outlet puts out a poll question asking whether Cohen should step aside? Maybe the Press Association could coordinate something across the State.
Kenny: You might be right. There are probably a lot of skeletons waiting to be rattled in his closet. Maybe they could offer him a regular spot on “Pawnstars” on the History Channel.
“The real trick to this exercise was getting Brady nominated on the Republican side. A more viable R could’ve scuttled the plan, but MJM was able to suppress enough of the R vote for the moderates in the city and suburbs, all while boosting Brady downstate — all done surreptitiously of course.”
Madigan has about control over the downstate voters as Obama does over the Alaskan voters.
No way Quinn is leaving the party. The Democrats do have a big problem on their hands, in that Cohen is not a politician and apparently has no ties to the machine which could be used to pressure him out. After spending $2 million, I’m not sure what could persuade him to get out.
Scott Cohen WON the election because he got more votes than the other candidates. He did not strongarm his way into the nomination. He will not come in the back door as Art Turner may do if Cohen withdraws his candidacy. No, he is not a typical winning politician. His sins were out there for everyone or anyone to look at a long time ago. Now the wailing and self-righteous finger-pointing makes this look like a second-class O’Reilly Factor blog.
I see no rational discussion of the strategy Cohen used to win his nomination, no dissection of the voters who selected his name on the ballot, nothing but what a bad character Cohen appears to be. So many political reporters, pundits, and “observers” know equally distasteful things about others who are elected to office, but keep them quiet out of some kind of respect for the office holder. Reporters especially know more than they report because they want to stay in the good graces of the politicians they report on. Scott Cohen is as much a debacle for the supposed high road political participants as he is for the Democratic party.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 11:01 am:
There are several people and organizations who should be blamed for the Scott Lee Cohen affair. I will list them in the order of least culpability.
Quinn and Hynes. I realize they had their hands full but they are the guys who have to run with the winner so they should have been aware of this possibility and been prepared to stop it.
The media. I am convinced they had the goods on this guy but chose to do nothing with it for two main reasons. First, they didn’t think he would win and second, he was spending his money like a drunken sailor on their media outlets. You don’t kill the golden goose before she lays her egg. Not a fine day for the 4th estate.
Berrios. The Cook County Dem Chair did nothing to inform voters who the candidates were. He was only concerned about getting himself in as Assessor. Lyons used to mail “Know our Candidates” info to all dem households. The vast majority of Cohens votes poured out of Cook County. Total lack of leadership.
Mike Madigan. He’s the boss and he let this fiasco occur. You can think of a million conspiracy theories because he is so smart but I believe this was just laziness or ineptitude. One thing is clear, if he goes into the general election with Quinn/Cohen and Alexi at the top during Blagos trial and the Scott Brown movement in full flower he could lose the whole ticket.
MADIGAN needs to get Cohen off the ticket and get Hynes or Hoffman on.
OK, I was hard on MJM’s party leadership yesterday (and still am), but please stop suggesting he orchestrated this mess. Nothing is more absurd than that. Could he have used his leadership more effectively to get ahead of Cohen’s surge in the polls? I think so.
I just think somebody in charge of our party should have spoken up. Before the primary.
Your theory goes against the “MJM House Majority” and “Lisa Madigan” Geometric proof ..fracturing the Dem Party with a 3rd party deal, on purpose, to put Lisa in a race where she could lose, because, and with no disrespect to whoever the guy the Repubs have, (whatever his name is???) she AIN’T losin’ the AG race (period!), and to run where Brady or Dillard can beat a fractionalized “2″ Dem Parties is insane.
Also, 2 “Dem” tickets, will destroy all hopes in keeping Cross Targeted Dems safe against a GOP opponent … voters get pissed if they think they are being toyed with and Madigan can’t afford any perception. Plus, its just bad politics, especially at this point with SLC to make the voters think twice about voting for a Dem house memeber. “The Dem house candidae, is he/she with Lisa or with Quinn?” Nope, not an option.
1) Do nothing to put the House Majority in jeopary.
2) Do nothing that will put Lisa Madigan in jeopardy.
Cohen doesn’t have to anything, but the Dem establishment in IL sure as hell better do something…I don’t know what is acceptable legally or what is mandated by the constitution (oops Rich, my bad) but if Quinn runs with Hynes, I will hand in my official I am an IL Dem membership card and be done with it…
- Chicago 50th Ward Resident - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:39 pm:
1. Mr. Stone has outlived his useful life. I wish him a long and healthy retirement, which I hope will begin as soon as possible.
2. Mr. Meyers is a turkey. Kosher of course.
Avy, before you accuse me of anti-Semitism, I wear tzitzis and put on tefillin every weekday morning, same as you.
- Chicago 50th Ward Resident - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:45 pm:
Unless the Election Code was amended, Dan Hynes cannot run as an independent candidate after losing the primary election. Quinn, as the winner could withdraw from the Democratic ballot and try his luck as an independent or thirde party candidate.
- real - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:47 am:
Jack! had Jeri Ryan.
Blair Hull had Brenda Sexton.
I’m just saying…
Maybe she could have changed out of her sweats?
- Randall Sherman - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:48 am:
Scott Lee Cohen has no clue about the political firestorm he will be facing in the days ahead. I would not be shocked if by the time of his scheduled Feb. 16 court hearing on the status of his divorce Mr. Cohen is signing a somewhat different tune about remaining on the Democratic ticket.
- real - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:49 am:
I think Scott Lee Cohen was singing a different tune by the end of the interview.
He is willing to go. “for the good of Democrats”
- Honest Abe - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:54 am:
Unreal! Will Scott Lee Cohen be driving a tank down State Street? Will Pat Quinn revive the Illinois Solidarity Party? Tune in tomorrow, same Bat time, same Bat channel!
- Bubs - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:54 am:
Geez, the worse this gets, the more is going to cost to get this guy out. Cohen’s future net worth is rising by the day.
- True Observer - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:59 am:
At this very minute the machine is trying to “find” Dillard the 400 votes he needs.
They probably prefer Dillard over Quinn anyway.
Alexi and the Senate don’t mean much to them. Durbin still gets to handle the federal patronage.
- Avy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 12:59 am:
Rich,whats with this oye stuff on Cohen. Last Aldermainc election you overly dumped on Jewish candidates. Come on my show and talk. I smell some serious Jewish hating in your takes.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:00 am:
follow up question-was that the same massaage therapy place shut down by the cops for prostitution. did you ever pay her for sex?
The Rich Miller book on the first 10 years of the century in Illinois politics, “…we thought that after the primary it was going to be quiet for awhile. 9 months of back and forth. Then the NRSC went after a banker turned mobster lender, both governors races had too close to call elections, the gop one was less than 500 votes. And then it got real interesting when our governor was re-indicted on 24 counts worth 110 years and 6 million in fines and a little known lt.gov candidate was disclosed had a past involving hookers, massage therapists, restraing orders, knife attacks, pawn shops…the year after an illiois senator was elected to the white house and the previous governor became an international story…
- Newt Rier - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:06 am:
Scottly told his story today, now he should go on the offensive. He should go all out populist and tout that he is 100% independent of any one in Springfield.
Also, am I the only one who notices he sounds quite shy?
- T.J. - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:20 am:
“but Louisiana re-elected their senator who saw prostitutes. So as long as we don’t vote SLC into office… we’re still better than Louisiana.”
Not yet they didn’t.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:31 am:
===Rich,whats with this oye stuff on Cohen. ===
Avy, if you had visited this blog more often, you would know I use that word all the time.
===Last Aldermainc election you overly dumped on Jewish candidates. ===
I “dumped” on Ald. Stone. Not because he was Jewish but because he was and is an ineffective tool.
===I smell some serious Jewish hating in your takes. ===
Bite me.
I have Jewish nieces, moron.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:58 am:
Also, let me just say, I didn’t even know that Cohn was Jewish until late today. Seriously. Some folks just like to grasp at straws, I suppose.
- prairiestatedem - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:02 am:
This clown is such a joke…one of the most unqualified and pathetic people in the public sphere and thats saying a lot considering the clowns in Illinois politics. Cohen blew 3 Million of Daddy’s money and isnt going to step aside for the good of anyone or anything. Just another example of how disgustingly incompetent the media was in the coverage of the lt gov’s race. Now they are having a field day selling papers. Cohen is sleeezy and morally bankrupt so he will fit right in with the Madigan crowd.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:14 am:
===why do I think that every intern/reporter in chicago is hunting for this prostitute tonight? ===
She’s been found, I’m told.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:26 am:
next question. she was busted while working at this sex ring in glenview where he said he met her. Did he hire her while she was a prostitute?
follow up-what is the wrong crowd he said fell into? Are there drug dealers. mobsters?
- IrishPirate - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:28 am:
Before I sign off for the night one last comment.
Some people here have been speculating on a possible replacement for SLC.
I do think Governor Quinn owes the black community for their support.
There is at least one black politician who will be available for the campaign and ready to be sworn in next January.
Roland Burris.
He’s rested. Ready. And needs more time in office to pay his legal bills.
Take that to the bank.
- shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:40 am:
how long until we see this woman in public?
- wordslinger - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:20 am:
The media conspiracy nuts are out. Do you mean the state’s two biggest newspapers that refused to endorse a Democrat for governor? Or do you mean the Fox News outlets that were in the tank for Democrats?
- wordslinger - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:30 am:
–how long until we see this woman in public?–
What are you interested in and how much you got?
- wordslinger - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:44 am:
Arvy, someone says “oy” and you “smell some serious Jewish hating?” What a despicable thing to say, based on no evidence.
The dude has a written body of work out there every day. You have no credibility at all.
Are you the guy on cable access who makes all your interviews do some bit with a pair of scissors? That’s the dopiest thing I’ve ever seen. Do you sense I’m a closet anti-vivisectionist?
- Way South of the Border - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:24 am:
Dear ed board writers: Please spare us the kind of mea culpas that the Beacon Herald put out today(thanks Rich for the link). Your dilemma and the argument it produces are quite transparent.
1. First, broadly point the finger at others, especially at voters for imprinting on ubiquitous Cohen ads that the (now voter-blaming) media was only too happy to air, print and receive payment for.
2. Make sure you mention that woman battering thing in the finger-pointing paragraph! Only mention it in relation to all those other people who had their head in the sand.
3. Then apologize for “also” failing to look into his “nutty” behaviors (keep it vague when we’re talking about us!).
4. Draw no lines, ask no important questions about whether the nature of his crime is part of why it was ignored by the media.
This kind of is a broad finger-pointing / internally narrow apology gives no assurance this won’t happen again. I hope the sisters are mobilizing.
- Way South of the Border - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:31 am:
Dear ed board writers: Please spare us the kind of mea culpas that the Beacon Herald put out today(thanks Rich for the link). Your dilemma and the argument it produces are quite transparent:
1. First, broadly point the finger at others, especially at voters for imprinting on ubiquitous Cohen ads that the (now voter-blaming) media was only too happy to air, print and receive payment for.
2. Make sure you mention that woman battering thing in the finger-pointing paragraph! Only mention it in relation to all those other people who had their head in the sand.
3. Then apologize for “also” not looking into his “nutty” behaviors (keep it vague when you’re talking about your own failings).
4. Draw no lines, ask no important questions about whether the nature of his crime is part of why it was ignored by the media.
This kind of is a broad finger-pointing / internally narrow apology gives no assurance this won’t happen again. I hope the sisters are mobilizing.
- Nuance - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:35 am:
Avy, great approach on trying to get someone to be on your show! Not. Oy has been used here on almost every possible ethnic name. I don’t think anyone could hate that much.
- Jeff - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:55 am:
“I will work hard for the people!” “I have done nothing wrong!”
Blago’s ghost. Wow.
- Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:58 am:
Just getting around to watching the Chicago Tonight interview.
No wonder he never put his picture or voice in his own campaign commercials.
Ick. Even if I hadn’t known what we know now about this guy back then I still think that something unsettling about him would have shown through.
- phocion - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:05 am:
To all of your geniuses who say if Cohen drops out (doubtful), then Art Turner should be installed in his place:
As I recall, this idea was shot down for Forrest Claypool when John Stroger “dropped out of his race.” A candidate who loses cannot then run for the same office in that election cycle. Sorry - what’s good for the goose…
- Boone Logan Square - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:47 am:
Ponce did a magnificent job. I especially liked the concluding questions where he asked SLC which party was better on jobs (SLC: Democrats) and then asked if SLC would drop out if it looked like the party that would be better on jobs would be hurt by keeping him on the ticket.
About halfway through the interview, I realized who SLC resembled. A younger, less articulate Larry Flynt. (Or Vince Vaughn on tranquilizers.)
- Boone Logan Square - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:50 am:
If I am Pat Quinn (bear with me, please) and I somehow convince SLC to leave the ticket, the person I try to get as a replacement is Dan Hynes. It would bolster the narrative Quinn is selling this week about coming together as a family for the greater good.
Whether Hynes would do it or not, I can’t say. But he has name recognition, and could try to inoculate Quinn against many of the attacks he made which the GOP will surely recycle in the general. Plus he’s out of a job for the first time since his 20s.
- Amalia - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:53 am:
Avy, you are being totally unfair to Rich Miller. anti semitism
is real and you should be able to recognize it so you can fight it instead of wasting your time being unfair.
- downstate hack - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:56 am:
For the record,
I have been an avid reader of the Capitol Fax Blog since its beginning, and I have NEVER seen one comment or statement or article attributed to Rich Miller that could be in any way considered anti-semetic.
I don’t always agree with you but fair is fair.
- Rod sez I'm pork - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:59 am:
Put me on your show! I am used to irrelevance. I will even change my moniker to Rod sez I’m treif.
- Pelon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:08 am:
Watching that interview, I will be surprised if Cohen stays in the race once he realizes he won’t be able to win. He doesn’t come across as an angry type who will take down his party out of spite.
- Edison Parker - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:10 am:
No way Quinn asks Hynes, not after the Harold Washington commercials and not when there are plenty of other “unity” candidates he could ask.
Julie Hamos, for one, is also out of a job and he could bag some women vote. I’m sure there are some African-American reps/sens he could ask.
- bored now - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:15 am:
downstate hack: you are trying to be objective. avy is not known for being objective. he’s an american, too, so he has every right to his points of view, as crazy as they might seem to the rest of us.
ftr, bernie stone engages in this sort of ethnic-baiting, as well (at least when he’s running for election — he’s remarkably “threat” free every other year). given the connection between avy and stone, no one should be surprised that avy would attempt the same disgusting tactic…
- Responsa - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:17 am:
=Roland Burris…take that to the bank=
LOL Irish Pirate. That page alone would automatically put Shore’s ghost written book for Rich on the best seller list nationwide. Not a lot of folks are looking for taxpayers to pay off Roland’s legal bills after that fiasco.
- Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:19 am:
Let’s just cut the BS. MJM is behind this. He did this whole stunt to embarrass the hell out of Quinn or Hynes and let them know who really runs the state. If you connect the dots that is where it all leads- to Kind Madigan. It is going to take some time and some real investigative reporting, but if go through SLC’s D2’s, his endorsements and who he hired to be his consultants, it is all right there!
- SLC limerence... - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:22 am:
Mark thy words: The people of Illinois are so desperate for honesty, that they might grow to like SLC. Seriously, two corrupt govs, US senators who pick up men in stalls…I think the bar is quite low. Laugh, throw stones, but all of you, and the media, secretly love SLC because he is providing us with something to obsess about–as long as there is no other secret shoe to drop, he might just help Quinn’s populist flare and flavor…we are all mess, we just don’t talk openly about it–SLC does, and that’s his ultimate allure.
- retired doc - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:31 am:
Now is the time for Hynes to mount a campaign as an INDEPENDENT.
- C'Mon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:31 am:
SLC limerence . . .
Yeah, I say the guy takes his show on the road, too, and starts the glass houses defense.
- erstwhilesteve - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:32 am:
Anonymous -
Is it more reasonable to suspect that the Speaker was behind this than to suspect that Republican leaders (who are “licking their chops”) were?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:35 am:
If you spent longer than 2 seconds on this website, then you would know the “Oy” is part and parcel, and used correctly. It is NOT used as snark or in a deflamatory way.
Any person who does media and then “decides” that someone is a certain way, being quite flippant about calling someone’s character in question by a word choice needs to take stock in what they consider “research” on a person and their character.
Also, anyone who claims they do not “prepare” for their media show and wears that as a badge of honor should be questioned.
Really, Rich “denied” to friend you? Are you 8, maybe 9?
So Rich didn’t “friend” you in the way or as fast as you think he should have. Rich used “Oy” the 38 seconds you were on CapFax, and he attacked a jewish alderman, who, by most conventional media outlets, including Rich, agreed that the alderman was/has been ineffective?
As Rich says to the peverbial drive-by poster, and can’t to you because he won’t… “Move along”
- Responsa - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:38 am:
Actually, the glass houses defense might work for a number of candidates this year.
- hawksfan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:38 am:
you are quite ridiculous, take your tin foil hat conspiracies elsewhere.
- vole - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:41 am:
Casinos, slots, massage parlors, steroids, Cohen … if you were a bit cynical you might think the system selects for these kinds of things.
- Jechislo - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:42 am:
Talk about the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot.
Go Brady.
- Old Milwaukee - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:44 am:
Tinfoil people, nobody was behind this. Just Cohen himself. Democrats failed to do their due diligence, again, and he slipped through. Maybe he has the answer to the budget problem. Has anybody asked him?
- dupage dan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:47 am:
Being of the jewish persuasion with many relatives of the like and having experience with this blog I will say that you are meshugeh if you think you can draw Rich into your little game. What a putz.
BTW, is “bite me” the english equivalent for essen or fressen?
- Brennan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:48 am:
Can I punch my ticket for the Roland Burris “I am the Lieutenant Governor” press conference?
The consultants were paid. Cohen’s ads were regular viewing on primetime CNN and MSNBC viewing.
- dupage dan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:50 am:
I wonder if there is enough room on the Burris mauseleum for lite gov?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:57 am:
If they have indeed found the girl, just for the sake of a “fun” spin….
Please, oh Please …Make the massage therapist/prostitute/ex-girlfriend be as juicy as every other character in this saga …
Please let her …
Ask, while on camers “I am getting money for this right/ I am a ‘working’ girl’ ”
Wear clothes of a woman 15 yesrs her junior, and think she looks good.
Chew gum during the interview…Please!
Please have a “leopard print” ANYTHING … pant, skirt, coat … 1 thing leopard print.
Please wear a tight curl wig that is either ridiculous red, bleach blonde, or even a baby blue … please of please ….
Please wear sunglesses… hopefully they cover half your face and relfect the media cameras white light ….
and last … please … refer to that time in your life as “Well, I was in the massage therapy business, but my industry could best be described as hospitality”
With all that… and it would be fun ….
I do hope/wish her well. No woman should have to put up with any abuse, and if she was a “no-show” at SLC’s hearing because she feared him and it becomes apparent when she does finally speak about not appearing in court, SLC better hide in a bunker because the media will put on a full-court press even harder than we all think is possible….
- Cindy Lou - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:58 am:
–”It is going to take some time and some real investigative reporting”–
Amazes me the time and effort that will be spent to try and toss SLC at MJM’s feet, yet the public could not count on the media to give them real investigative reporting to educate them on informative decisions prior to election day.
I did catch the SLC battery charges prior to voting, but not due to any ‘real investigating reporting’. I caught it by Rich’s comments on Monday “supreme Democratic goofball” and “unexpectedly wins”. Took about 30 minutes on Newsbank running names with keywords like ‘arrest’, ‘charges’, ‘lawsuit’ ect. Pop was Brown’s year old story in which I almost yawned through until the near bottom. Bingo.
I voted for Turner.
- SLC limerence... - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:59 am:
1. SLC meets privately with a broad collection of religious leaders to help him search his soul on whether he should stay on the ticket;
2. He apologizes, confesses, cries, and comes out of those meetings more assured that the people of Illinois need him to create jobs, jobs, jobs.
3. He gets in his 1998 Chevy and tours Illinois– alone. He meets with people as he listens to their stories of unemployment–the media has to cover because they seek blood to sell their lousy products.
4. He never falters, never stops–he just keeps going for the people of Illinois.
5. The media eventually tires and moves on to the Blago trial.
5. Assuming there is no other shoe to drop, SLC has found redemption.
6. Quinn slowly embraces the sinner as deserving a second chance.
7 Amen Sans OY
- McHenryMike - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:00 am:
The real question now might be can Quinn continue on the ballot with this clown or will he have to form a new political party a la Adlai. He can do that with only 25,000 signatures on a petition, or, possibly, snag the Reform Party label. How about calling it “ReformIllinois”? That might actually work out better for him than to stay with the Dems. The Blago trial may be in October.
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:03 am:
Only in Illinois.
- OneMan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:04 am:
SLC limerence –
If it wasn’t for the domestic abuse stuff (primarily the allegations of his wife) that might work.
- SAP - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:05 am:
Suppose Gov. Quinn Adlai’s his way forward as a 3d party candidate, wouldn’t the Democratic Party need to appoint a replacement? Not to suggest that there is any potential for abuse, of course, just don’t remember how that piece went down in 1986.
- Old Milwaukee - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:06 am:
Has anybody checked to see if Cohen ever appeared on Jerry Springer? It’s possible.
- Secret Square - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:08 am:
“I caught it by Rich’s comments on Monday “supreme Democratic goofball” and “unexpectedly wins”.”
When all this stuff about SLC broke I immediately thought of Rich’s comment about “almost hoping” that the Dems got saddled with a loony candidate as payback for making the primary so ridiculously early. Well, they sure got it.
- Kenny - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:11 am:
I don’t see Quinn going 3rd party - didn’t work for Adlai. I bet SLC steps down, which leaves a few interesting choice. Turner did finish 2nd, but without a lot of votes; not sure he’d help much in the general. Hoffman or Raja might be better choices.
- SLC limerence... - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:11 am:
One Man:
True, but people need jobs.
One’s capacity to forgive flourishes if one is hungry.
- Niles Township - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:14 am:
BTW it always amazes me to see the number of politicians that go on Avy’s show thinking are reaching out to the Jewish community. I live in that community, and my only view of Avy is that he is Bernie Stone guy who spouts those views. He is not taken seriously, or even known, by many. Not that he needs me to, but I’ll vouch for Rich on the use of oy for candidates, Jewish and non-Jewish. Finally, I would also say no one has ever heard of SLC in the Jewish community. He has a Jewish name, but he was by no means active or known in any element of the community.
- Loop Lady - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:19 am:
look for a bill to rocket out of the GA Spring session abolishing the office of Lt. Governor:
problem solved…
- Lefty Lefty - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:25 am:
The idea that this is a plot by Madigan to mess with Quinn fails to take into account how damaging this is to the entire Democratic Party in Illinois. Hopefully we’re getting close to the final act in the comedic farce that is the Democrats’ version of “governing” this state.
Here’s an idea: moderate Republicans like Dillard publicly state that they are done (for a while) banging the drum for tax cuts and restrictions on contraception/abortion. The center moves back to the Republican Party. And we finally get rid of these Democratic Party idiots.
- Jechislo - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:27 am:
Maybe Dillard’s 1:00 pm press conference will upstage this circus and give this poor Cohen guy a break; even if only for a couple of hours.
- the Other Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:28 am:
Late to the show — but what a show!
I also was thinking about Rich’s comment about karma for holding the election in February. That’s some mystic powers you have there, Rich.
But mostly my reaction to the Chicago Tonight interview was: this guy is as dumb as a box of rocks, although I may be insulting boxes of rocks here. He doesn’t have the charisma, or the brains, to dig himself out of this hole.
If his only excuse is, “I tried to tell you guys,” he’s toast. Well, now we know. And SLC is an unacceptable nominee for any public office.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:32 am:
===look for a bill to rocket out of the GA Spring session abolishing the office of Lt. Governor:
problem solved… ===
Illinois Constitution…
The Executive Branch shall include a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer elected by the electors of the State.===
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:39 am:
There are facts that are undiputable:
MJM does nothing that will/would threaten his majority in the Illinois House. Nothning means NOTHING. There is no compromise or “greater good” in dealing with a subject, policy, bill, candidate, et al., that could be in clonflict with this rule. Ever.
MJM will do nothing that will harm, damage, compromise, or even trap Lisa Madigan. The Speaker thinks 5 steps ahead on any decision and Lisa Madigan is an end game in those 5 steps always, always and always.
Now, I remember taking Geometry in HS and the “proofs” you learn are perfect, absolute and unbreakable.
The MJM rules … are even more concrete than the Geometry proofs. Clear?
That being said, the Highest Law Enforcement Officer in Illinois, a female… the daughter of MJM … named Lisa Madigan (look above at the Lisa Madigan rule) can no share a slate with a man having battery charges against a woman in his past.
Democratic memebers of the GA (MJM’s majorty, see MJM majorty rule above) can not share a slate with the candidate described in the Lisa Madigan statement above, and vote on domestic violence bills sponsored by the AG who happens to be Lisa Madigan.
Now, anyone who thinks MJM wanted any of this to happen needs to seriously look at the Geometric “Madigan Proofs”, accept that those proofs are beyond concrete, and move on from this conspriacy.
Now was MJM just lax and didn’t do enough to prevent SLC because SLC was underestimated… that is a different story …
But… on purpose … really?
- sucka free - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:40 am:
SLC Hiakus:
my kids are hungry
spent the cash on the election
no more left for roids
that was long ago
‘05 was like last century
she was a “masseuse”
where is the money
so much comes from all this junk
nice used watch for sale!
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:47 am:
When apportioning blame for the SLC debacle, people should not forget the ineptitude of the other lieutenant gov candidates, including Terry Link, Mike Boland and Art Turner.
If any of them–all seasoned politicians–had run a competent campaign, the info with SLC would have broken long before the primary.
Those three showed us that they don’t know squat about how to work the media. And they assembled campaign teams who were completely inept too.
The consequences of having powerful leaders in the General Assembly is that members of the GA don’t grow much.
- Anonymuchacho - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:48 am:
You people “blaming” MJM crack me up, he’s simply much smarter than that.
Isn’t it obvious to you all that Cohen is an MJM plant? Think about it, neither Quinn nor Hynes really tickled his pickle, so what better way to marginalize them than with Cohen.
It’s pretty clear to me that MJM has a deal with Cohen to drop out just as soon as Quinn resigns the Democratic nomination to form a new third party.
Once that happens, MJM gets his dream ticket - Madigan/Turner - appointed to the Democratic ballot following Cohen’s resignation.
The real trick to this exercise was getting Brady nominated on the Republican side. A more viable R could’ve scuttled the plan, but MJM was able to suppress enough of the R vote for the moderates in the city and suburbs, all while boosting Brady downstate — all done surreptitiously of course.
See? Isn’t it clear to everyone now?
- dupage dan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:50 am:
Bang on - to think that MJM would cook this thing up is just silly. No one thought SLC could pull it off and so ignored him. MJM is not omnipresent or omniscient no matter what anyone may think. I think eliminating the lite gov position from the constitution would be tough - too many entities will want it to remain. Maybe it could happen with a consolidation of the comptroller and treasurer offices. That would make some sense.
I don’t know anything about this person, tho. What motivates him? He had no chance out of the gate and spent 3 mill. Wow. What will he expect in return for leaving? A mystery wrapped in an enigma. If it weren’t our state it would be fun to watch.
- McHenryMike - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 9:58 am:
Cohen was clearly leaving a couple of openings you could drive a truck filled with $2 million dollar bills through when he alluded to how the media attention has affected his “family” (that he is separated from and may or may not pay support towards regularly), and that he would listen to the “people of Illinois” if they wanted him to step down.
When asked how that would happen he said “Time will tell”. Very telling.
The main question might be, how much more than the $2 Million would he need? Why stop there? How about $3M or maybe more? Might as well make a profit here. Isn’t that what pawn brokers do? Buy cheap and sell dear.
The next question would be how do the Dems hide the payoff money? It wouldn’t be seemly to openly admit they paid him off. How do they “massage” that one?
- really? - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:02 am:
Next we will find out that SLC golfs…
- Kenny - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:02 am:
McHenry Mike,
I don’t think SLC will step down for a payoff of money; he already has that. Instead, the case is a simple one:
(1) you’ve run a smart campaign, and fair or not, you’re smart enough to know we’ll lose with you on the ticket, and people will blame you, and hate you.
(2) beyond the women and violence scandals, aren’t you concerned that more and more light might be shone on your business and personal finances - that could get legally troublesome for you, right?
So you’ll come out a better person, protecting your family, if you step down.
- C'Mon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:03 am:
SLC limerence–
I cannot believe you got away with saying “6. Quinn slowly embraces the sinner as deserving a second chance.” Although, stranger things have and are happening.
- GA Watcher - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:06 am:
How soon before some media outlet puts out a poll question asking whether Cohen should step aside? Maybe the Press Association could coordinate something across the State.
- McHenryMike - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:08 am:
Kenny: You might be right. There are probably a lot of skeletons waiting to be rattled in his closet. Maybe they could offer him a regular spot on “Pawnstars” on the History Channel.
- Jechislo - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:09 am:
“The real trick to this exercise was getting Brady nominated on the Republican side. A more viable R could’ve scuttled the plan, but MJM was able to suppress enough of the R vote for the moderates in the city and suburbs, all while boosting Brady downstate — all done surreptitiously of course.”
Madigan has about control over the downstate voters as Obama does over the Alaskan voters.
- Jeff - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:12 am:
No way Quinn is leaving the party. The Democrats do have a big problem on their hands, in that Cohen is not a politician and apparently has no ties to the machine which could be used to pressure him out. After spending $2 million, I’m not sure what could persuade him to get out.
- Captain Flume - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 10:32 am:
Scott Cohen WON the election because he got more votes than the other candidates. He did not strongarm his way into the nomination. He will not come in the back door as Art Turner may do if Cohen withdraws his candidacy. No, he is not a typical winning politician. His sins were out there for everyone or anyone to look at a long time ago. Now the wailing and self-righteous finger-pointing makes this look like a second-class O’Reilly Factor blog.
I see no rational discussion of the strategy Cohen used to win his nomination, no dissection of the voters who selected his name on the ballot, nothing but what a bad character Cohen appears to be. So many political reporters, pundits, and “observers” know equally distasteful things about others who are elected to office, but keep them quiet out of some kind of respect for the office holder. Reporters especially know more than they report because they want to stay in the good graces of the politicians they report on. Scott Cohen is as much a debacle for the supposed high road political participants as he is for the Democratic party.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 11:01 am:
There are several people and organizations who should be blamed for the Scott Lee Cohen affair. I will list them in the order of least culpability.
Quinn and Hynes. I realize they had their hands full but they are the guys who have to run with the winner so they should have been aware of this possibility and been prepared to stop it.
The media. I am convinced they had the goods on this guy but chose to do nothing with it for two main reasons. First, they didn’t think he would win and second, he was spending his money like a drunken sailor on their media outlets. You don’t kill the golden goose before she lays her egg. Not a fine day for the 4th estate.
Berrios. The Cook County Dem Chair did nothing to inform voters who the candidates were. He was only concerned about getting himself in as Assessor. Lyons used to mail “Know our Candidates” info to all dem households. The vast majority of Cohens votes poured out of Cook County. Total lack of leadership.
Mike Madigan. He’s the boss and he let this fiasco occur. You can think of a million conspiracy theories because he is so smart but I believe this was just laziness or ineptitude. One thing is clear, if he goes into the general election with Quinn/Cohen and Alexi at the top during Blagos trial and the Scott Brown movement in full flower he could lose the whole ticket.
MADIGAN needs to get Cohen off the ticket and get Hynes or Hoffman on.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 11:10 am:
OK, I was hard on MJM’s party leadership yesterday (and still am), but please stop suggesting he orchestrated this mess. Nothing is more absurd than that. Could he have used his leadership more effectively to get ahead of Cohen’s surge in the polls? I think so.
I just think somebody in charge of our party should have spoken up. Before the primary.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 11:24 am:
Strange Times ….
Your theory goes against the “MJM House Majority” and “Lisa Madigan” Geometric proof ..fracturing the Dem Party with a 3rd party deal, on purpose, to put Lisa in a race where she could lose, because, and with no disrespect to whoever the guy the Repubs have, (whatever his name is???) she AIN’T losin’ the AG race (period!), and to run where Brady or Dillard can beat a fractionalized “2″ Dem Parties is insane.
Also, 2 “Dem” tickets, will destroy all hopes in keeping Cross Targeted Dems safe against a GOP opponent … voters get pissed if they think they are being toyed with and Madigan can’t afford any perception. Plus, its just bad politics, especially at this point with SLC to make the voters think twice about voting for a Dem house memeber. “The Dem house candidae, is he/she with Lisa or with Quinn?” Nope, not an option.
1) Do nothing to put the House Majority in jeopary.
2) Do nothing that will put Lisa Madigan in jeopardy.
- C'Mon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 11:52 am:
Great observation, Capt. Flume. Bullseye.
- Loop Lady - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 1:03 pm:
Cohen doesn’t have to anything, but the Dem establishment in IL sure as hell better do something…I don’t know what is acceptable legally or what is mandated by the constitution (oops Rich, my bad) but if Quinn runs with Hynes, I will hand in my official I am an IL Dem membership card and be done with it…
- Chicago 50th Ward Resident - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:39 pm:
1. Mr. Stone has outlived his useful life. I wish him a long and healthy retirement, which I hope will begin as soon as possible.
2. Mr. Meyers is a turkey. Kosher of course.
Avy, before you accuse me of anti-Semitism, I wear tzitzis and put on tefillin every weekday morning, same as you.
- Chicago 50th Ward Resident - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:45 pm:
Different topic:
Like him or not, we should give Mr. Cohen credit for taking the stance that he is not trying to hide anything. His website currently has a link to Mark Brown’s column from 2009:
Mr. Brown wrote yesterday about why he did not say more as the primary drew closer:
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:52 pm:
Nothing on my computer. I’ll search the blog.
- Honest Abe - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 8:49 pm:
Unless the Election Code was amended, Dan Hynes cannot run as an independent candidate after losing the primary election. Quinn, as the winner could withdraw from the Democratic ballot and try his luck as an independent or thirde party candidate.