Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** Trib tracks down Cohen’s ex-girlfriend at “spa”
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*** UPDATED x2 *** Trib tracks down Cohen’s ex-girlfriend at “spa”

Friday, Feb 5, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois political reporters are just so much more versatile than our counterparts in most other states. We cover it all, man.

Today is no exception, the Chicago Tribune has found Scott Lee Cohen’s ex-girlfriend, who was once convicted of prostitution and had Cohen arrested for domestic abuse. Apparently, Amanda Eneman is still with the same massage outfit, which has relocated to Villa Park, and she didn’t want to be found

At that point, the reporter gave the [massage parlor employer] his Tribune business card and asked her to have Eneman call him. Later Thursday, a woman called the reporter’s desk and left a voice-mail message, stating: “Hi. I received your business card. You’re looking for me. I don’t know exactly what it could be that you need to find me. I would appreciate that you make no further contact to locate me. Thank you.”

Ms. Eneman obviously doesn’t read the papers.

The story takes a comic turn…

Later Thursday, another reporter returned to the massage parlor and encountered two women, including one who fit Eneman’s physical description. The reporter addressed that woman as “Mandi,” and asked to talk to her. She said nothing, but another woman with her yelled, “Quick–run to the car!” and told the reporter they wanted nothing to do with the story.

I thought Cohen said that if this woman was found she’d be glad to tell her story? Oh, well.

The Trib has lots more on Eneman’s arrest and Cohen’s ever-changing story…

While Cohen has not given a detailed timeline for his relationship with Eneman, his statements indicate that he likely met her around April 2005. Glenview police shut the spa down after the April 22 arrests, and Cohen has said that his relationship with Eneman lasted “five or six months.” The incident that led to the battery charge occurred Oct. 14, about six months after her arrest. She pleaded guilty Oct. 27 to the prostitution charge, meaning she was charged and dealing with that case while they lived together at Cohen’s Gold Coast apartment.

When the Tribune first asked Cohen about the relationship on Wednesday, Cohen said through a spokesman that he met her in a bar. But Thursday he acknowledged that he met her at Eden Spa. Cohen said Thursday that the first explanation was a misstatement by his spokesman.

What a mess.

* Meanwhile, US Sen. Dick Durbin has called on Cohen to quit the ticket

“He really should spare himself, and his friends and family what he’s about to go through,” Durbin said in an interview with WBBM-AM radio, the local CBS affiliate. “I’m afraid the disclosures so far really disqualify him.”

The last time Dick got involved in something like this, he screwed everything up and we wound up with Roland Burris representing us in the US Senate. Perhaps he should think twice before jinxing us again.

*** UPDATE 1 *** I forgot to add that Scott Lee Cohen’s website has removed a link to its endorsement page. In a typically stupid move, he left the actual page on his server. Click here to see it. And just in case he takes it down, here’s the list…

Carrie Austin, Councilman – 34th Ward
Howard B. Brookins, Jr., Councilman - 21st Ward
JoAnn Thompson, Councilman - 16th Ward
Roberto Maldonado, Councilman – 26th Ward
Bernard L. Stone, Councilman - 50th Ward
Scott Waguespack, Councilman - 32nd Ward
Deborah Sims, Commissioner - 5th District
Joan Patricia Murphy, Commissioner - 6th District
Frank Zuccarelli, Supervisor - Thornton Township
Chris Gonzales, Assessor - Thornton Township
Deyon Dean, Mayor – Village of Riverdale
Terry Wells, Mayor – Village of Phoenix
Stephanie Kifowit, Councilman - Aurora
Brain Wilson, Councilman - Calumet City
Eddy Gonzales, Councilman - Calumet City
Thaddeus Jones, Councilman - Calumet City
Roger Munda, Councilman - Calumet City
Nick Manousopoulos, Councilman - Calumet City
Charles Levy, Clerk - Niles Township
Charles Hernandez, Cicero Township Democratic Committeeman
Don St. Germaine, Kankakee County Democratic Party Chairman
Reverend Johnny L. Miller
Reverend Marvin Hunter
Personal PAC Illinois
Illinois Committee for Honest Government
Ilaz Kadriu, President of the American Albanian Organization
Planned Parenthood Illinois

Getting some heat from his dear, old friends, perhaps? [Hat tip to YDD.]

And in what could be a related development, Cohen’s media consultant has shut down his website entirely.

They’ve hit the bunker.

*** UPDATE 2 - 3:48 pm *** I just called Cohen’s media consultant and was told they are no longer taking reporter questions for the campaign. That’s a complete change from as late as last night.


  1. - George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    ” Illinois political reporters are just so much more versatile than our counterparts in most other states”

    As are, apparently, our politicians.

  2. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    A TV station would have gone in for the massage with a hidden camera then asked her…

  3. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Not bad. I’d buy that for a dollar

  4. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    ==Durbin said … “I’m afraid the disclosures so far really disqualify him.”==

    How so? Some law the rest of us are not aware of?

  5. - OdysseusVL - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Durbin is to blame for Burris? That’s an interesting theory. I thought Blago was to blame.

    In any case, it is great to see Durbin taking the lead on this. Somebody has to, since those who really should are not.

  6. - Jim - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    Maybe this is all good for Cohen’s pawn shop business :)
    And I think Durbin is partially to blame, he stuck with Durbin and threw out the race card along with Harry Reid.

  7. - Knome Sane - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    ==The last time Dick got involved in something like this==

    Are you talking about Cohen or Durbin?

  8. - Wumpus - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:35 pm:

    Wow, they are harrassing this poor woman.

  9. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    ==Wow, they are harrassing this poor woman. ==

    Did you expect otherwise? Cohen asked her to speak out.

  10. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    Her name is WHAT?
    OH. Eneman

  11. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    VM, you can pronounce it leaving the last letter silent, but it’ll cost you extra.

  12. - been there - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    Does she have a ghostwriter for her book yet?

  13. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    Her life will never be the same now. Some one give her Gloria Alread’s number fast.

    I should have suggested 4 more interns instead of 2, as you’ll need two more to follow Mandi around with cameras. This reality politics is better than any reality TV I’ve seen.

  14. - the Other Anonymous - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:43 pm:

    It’s a fair shot at Durbin about Burris, but really, simply saying that Cohen should step aside is hardly getting in the middle of things.

  15. - Streeterville - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    Does the consultant who encouraged Cohen to spend $2 million of his own money bear any responsibility…just asking

  16. - been there - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    Is there a way that we can instantly trademark our political news and charge Jon Stewart and Jay Leno for it? We can pay off the state debt in no time.

  17. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    She’s hot. Do you think Cohen would ever believe a “massage” would cost him $2,000,150.

  18. - Skeptical Cynic - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    And if things weren’t bad enough, if you look at the IDPR website you will find that Ms. Eneman (if that is indeed her real name) is not even a licensed to perform massage therapy service in the State of Illinois. I AM SHOCKED!

  19. - shore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    apparently the tribune read the conversation rich and I had at 230 am this morning. failing to bring a photographer absolute fail. points for getting to the woman first. now who gets the first sit down interview with the most famous dame since jeri ryan?

    also congratulations to the cop that had to endure the sting operation in glenview of all places. reminds me of mcnulty at the end of season 2 of the wire.

  20. - Anonymous Coward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:52 pm:

    “Cohen’s media consultant has shut down his website entirely:

    Google has it cached:

  21. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:57 pm:

    ===The story takes a comic turn…===

    Now there is an understatement. Has this gone national yet? This has to be late night material.

  22. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    At this point, the only thing Durbin and the rest of the Democrats are doing is admitting their complete failure when they call for Cohen to quit. If they didn’t want this guy representing their party in the General as their Lt Governor candidate, they should have done their jobs and taken him out in the primary. Beyond saying “If I were him, I never would have ran in the first place” Durbin and rest of them have no business asking him to step down.

  23. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    ==Now there is an understatement. Has this gone national yet? This has to be late night material. ==

    Oddly enough, I haven’t seen it anywhere like drudge, etc. Maybe they think we’re joking.

  24. - George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:00 pm:

    Now, the Tribune could be REALLY helpful and let us know where this “massage parlor” is…

  25. - disgusted in chi boogie - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    There is a fair amount of overlap between graingerterry’s “clients” and Cohen’s “supporters”

  26. - SLICK NICK - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    Grainger Terry, Inc. was instrumental in coordinating and executing John Edwards Midwest book tour.
    Very Telling.

  27. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    Now the Trib has enough reporters to visit the suburban massage parlor twice in one day. A few days ago there were none to actually take the story that was written a week before the election and put it in the paper.
    I see a John Peter Zenger Award just over the horizon for this group

  28. - TitforTat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    The FBI should look into his endorsment and cash passed throughout the African American community!

  29. - George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:04 pm:


    That’s the sound of you getting deleted.

  30. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:05 pm:

    I hear the Trib, Sun Times, and Daily Herald are all now sending teams of reporters to this place for in depth “research”

  31. - Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    If it’s not national yet, it might be in another week or so. I noticed gawker and wonkette both had references to this scandal and Politico mentioned it again today.

    I think the national MSM is too busy on past sex scandals to get into this new one yet though with tonight 20/20 having Jenny Sanford to promote her new book about the Love Gov and supposedly the NY Times about to break open some more David Patterson sex revelations.

  32. - Inish - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    what a train wreck- forget Jersey Shore- this would be a gold mine..Rich can we play name that Reality TV show tomorrow-

  33. - Taxmandan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    “Illinois political reporters are just so much more versatile than our counterparts in most other states. We cover it all, man.”

    Yeah ok. If you folks in the media hadn’t been so lazy in the first place, everyone would know Cohen’s troubles after he disclosed it.

  34. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    Wasn’t it Barney Frank who didn’t know he was living with a prostitute at some point? What does Durbin have to say about that?

  35. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:12 pm:


    It’s not laziness.

  36. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:12 pm:

    Pawn Star Playa

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:14 pm:


    Dude, tomorrow is Saturday.

  38. - Obamarama - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:14 pm:


    It’s not laziness.
    I thought that was going to be a “bite me” for sure.

  39. - 32ndCliff - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    As an afterthought I am bothered that he refers to aldermen as councilmen. He can’t do anything right.

  40. - Anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    Im a little disappointed. I thought for sure under “videos” on SLC’s website there would be a link to redtube.

  41. - OdysseusVL - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    OK, Rich, what is it then? The basic story seems like it would get some attention, if anybody dug into it. There seem to be some facts that might get people to buy a paper.
    Are editors the problem? Was the story there but the editors decided not to run it?
    Seriously, how does a story like this, especially when it became clear that the guy was dumping a lot of money on the race, not get major play before the election?

  42. - dupage progressive - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:24 pm:

    His D-2’s are unbelievable. This “consulting firm” took him (and his poor kids) to the cleaners. Look at all those “staff meals”. Unbelievable.
    Also heard that the state has LOTS of violations against him. Anyone looking into that?

  43. - Dem in Denim - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:25 pm:

    SLC’s consultants are blowing (have blown?) the week, if they are still consulting on this. They could have saved SLC some dignity with him bowing out to focus on doing better for the children in his life. It would have been over this weekend. Now it goes and grows…and grows. Maybe they can give SLC a refund. There is no happy ending here.

  44. - anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    What a shock! State professional regulation website shows no licensed massage therapists by the name “Eneman”.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Should we be shocked if, now this would be a coincidence, just by happenstance, mind you, that the Ex’s Spa she works at has its Department of Revenue tax certificates looked at? Or, even the licensing of the “workers” looked into? When, which we already know there seemed be some licensing issues with the Ex at one point, the owner and manager may get into trouble, or at least aggivated at the nosiness, you think some of SLC’s friends may “convince” him that going away might be nice for everyone?

    Not a tin hat thing, just, if the Ex doesn’t want to be found, and it seems as though the employer is “bashful”, is it plausible?

    Just askin …

  46. - really? - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:30 pm:

    =no happy ending here=

    did you really say that?

  47. - Brennan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    Actually, Granger Terry still has an active website. They just took down their landing page.

    Just in case you need to contact them.

  48. - Fed Up - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    So Rich what do you think Cohen thought this woman would say or do once she was tracked down? If she says the incident din’t really happen then she is admitting to filing a false police report and could be subject to possible prosecution. (Were you lying then or are you lying now?) If she indicates it did happen the way she reported it what’s the upside for Cohen? He didn’t mean it? He’s a changed man? Blago has got to be having a ball with all of this!

  49. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    TaxMeMore - I’m pretty sure Barney Frank never was accused of holding a knife to his partner’s throat.

  50. - Dem in Denim - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:36 pm:

    It had to be said! :)

  51. - Secret Square - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:36 pm:

    “If she says the incident didn’t really happen then she is admitting to filing a false police report and could be subject to possible prosecution.”

    What about the statute of limitations? If it’s less than 5 years for this offense wouldn’t she be in the clear?

  52. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:40 pm:

    I was also just thinking …When someone does “talk” with SLC, a “pressure point” could be …

    “You know, I am sure you could take or leave all this bad press you are getting, but … I am sure others around you, connected to you … they may not want … attention …and they may let you know it

    Have the pie here, it’s good”

  53. - "I had her locked up" - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    What if they find out that he coerced her into not showing up for the court appearance? Isn’t that interfering with a case - a crime??

  54. - Fed Up - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    My point is that before she talks to anybody she had better consult a laywer!

  55. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:46 pm:

    I have a terrible feeling, the Ex. is nt the only one who is going to have to “lawyer-up” before it is all said and done … or … SLC could walk away and all these pesky questions and inquiries would float away ….

  56. - siriusly - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:48 pm:


    G/T’s website bio of Philip Molfese says he has contributed to Capitol Fax in the past. An old guest piece you can dig up? Oh please let it be about opposition research . . .

  57. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:48 pm:

    Small Town liberal - That isn’t what I asked, now is it? So Durbin is ok with Democrats living with prostitutes as long as they don’t allegedly hold knives to their throats? You can’t win this one. Durbin needs to shut up. I don’t think Cohen isn’t going to quit.

  58. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:50 pm:

    siriusly, really? Man, my brain is fried. I don’t remember. I’ll have to check.

  59. - siriusly - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    so update #2 either means they have decided to walk away from him - or he’s not paying them anymore

    if they walked away, surely that must tell him something

  60. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    G/T was also looking for interns, according to its cached website

  61. - siriusly - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    It’s a little vague, perhaps I mis-read. But here’s what it says on his bio page:

    “Philip Molfese, President & CEO”

    “Phil has provided commentary on public affairs, crisis communications and public relations to major media outlets including the L.A. Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, Capitol Fax and the ABA Journal.”

  62. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:54 pm:

    There’s nothing on the blog or my ‘puter. Dunno.

  63. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:54 pm:

    Heck any poster here has ‘contributed’

  64. - Knome Sane - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Oswego Willy: you seem a little naive to me. Do you really think a massage parlor that employs prostitutes establishes itself legitimately? You think these woman are licensed massage therapists? And am I to infer from your post that the “underworld” figures that run such joints might be pressured to persuade SLC to drop out for his own safety? Come on now, this story is incredible but people, please, hold it together!

  65. - George - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    It might have meant he was a commenter, Rich.

  66. - siriusly - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Oswego Willy - that’s too funny.

    I do know one of the G/T staff people and he’s a smart, really nice, honest person. Wonder how much of this story they knew, or wanted to know.

  67. - TJ - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    == Illinois political reporters are just so much more versatile than our counterparts in most other states. We cover it all, man. ==

    Except, of course, the criminal records of lieutenant gubernatorial candidates prior to the primary.


  68. - Pat collins - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Phil has provided commentary on… toCapitol Fax

    I can say that. In fact, by posting this, I am doing just that!

  69. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    LOL. Somebody just called to ask me if I wanted to know where SLC was partying tonight. Sheesh.

    Anyone going to Vertigo? lol

  70. - Just Observing - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Update No. 2 could also mean they think its in SLC’s best interest not to respond to any media inquiries — whether or not that is a good strategy is a different story.

  71. - Just Observing - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Update No. 2 could also mean they think its in SLC’s best interest not to respond to any media inquiries — whether or not that is a good strategy is a different story.

  72. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    ==*** UPDATE 2 - 3:48 pm *** I just called Cohen’s media consultant and was told they are no longer taking reporter questions for the campaign. That’s a complete change from as late as last night. ==

    Because they are no longer working for the campaign or their crisis communications plan is to go quiet.

  73. - love the fax - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:56 pm:

    Yikes! The roster of Grainger Terry, Inc. is something else: John Davis, former Ch. 2 reporter; a DePaul U professor; a guy who’s married to a judge.

    Just yikes!

  74. - Brennan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:57 pm:

    G/T client list reads an awful lot like SLC’s endorsement list.


  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:58 pm:

    lol …

    I couldn’t help but think about SLC in another “lawsuit” … this time with his paid consultants, which helped him get elected

    Ponce: Are you still with Grainger Terry, are they your consultants?

    SLC: No, “Day” are NOT

    Ponce: Why not mr. Cohen?

    SLC: Day had fallin’ out wid me ’bout it, but it’s ok, I just ‘kan’t talk ’bout dat. Phil, I am an open book ’bout tings …

  76. - Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 3:58 pm:

    “provided commentary” means he was quoted by this outlets or otherwise interviewed at one time or another

  77. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    Knome …

    You are missing the point … They AREN’T licensed? No, you silly Goose, not underworld figures … but, let’s be a bit “real” for a moment … the man makes money off pawned stuff… His Ex. pled guilty to prostitution, you think he is hangin’ with choir boys? “Other than this … or orther than that …” he is just Joe Six Pack??? Reall?

  78. - Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:04 pm:

    Going to Vertigo eh? Funny he would choose a night out at the Dana Hotel and SPA?

  79. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    It could also be that Grainger Terry realized it has a big conflict of interest, given that its website lists among its clients The City of Chicago, Cook County, Democratic Party Chair Joe Berrios.

    Rich makes a good point about why the Democratic Party can’t and won’t pay back Cohen’s loans.

    If anyone should reimburse Cohen, its his consultants. If not, the guy should sue them for professional malpractice for letting him believe he could be elected Lt. Governor.

  80. - Mikey - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    Hey I once commented to a story at the Atlantic, at the NYT and here. I really should update my resume to reflect all the proud publications that have published my work…

  81. - linked up - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    This bad boy is still up:

  82. - Fed Up - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    Rich - What do you think it will really take to get this guy off the ballot? If he spent more than $2 million of his own money he is going to want to be compensated in some fashion - probably will want interest as well.

  83. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:08 pm:


  84. - Billy Dennis - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    It’s like an episode of Reno 911.

  85. - Mikey - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:10 pm:

    So GT takes SLC’s money, their other clients endorse SLC, he wins primary, he immediately blows-up, everyone runs for cover and dems get to name any candidate they want anyway.

    Not saying it was “planned” that way (so not tin foil hat area) - but regardless of planning the effect is SLC out $ that others now have to keep and those others still get to choose the candidate they want if he bows out.

  86. - Secret Square - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    I know “S10″ refers to something only subscribers know about at this point… but would it be fair to say that we’ll all know what it means eventually?

  87. - Segatari - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:13 pm:

    Nobody thought Cohen had a chance to win? Apparently this list of endorsements says otherwise…someone should be asking these folks why they endorsed this guy.

  88. - Jeeves The Cat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:13 pm:

    I’m still musing over the fact that over a month ago, people paying attention to the Lt. Gov. race clearly saw that Scott and his G/T staff could easily over-run the field and that, if he did win, he would become a dead weight for the ticket in the General. No one tried to aggressively thin the field to counter what was a clearly a problem for the party. Amazing.

  89. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    ===I know “S10″ refers to something only subscribers know about at this point… but would it be fair to say that we’ll all know what it means eventually?===

    No. And no.

  90. - zatoichi - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:22 pm:

    For the movie “Political Pawn” may I suggest:
    George Clooney as Cohen
    John Travolta in full Pulp Fiction mode as his media consultant
    Jennifer Aniston as the ex-girlfriend
    Kristen Wiig as the ex-wife
    Randy Quaid as Quinn
    Ashton Krutcher as Hynes
    Fred Armisen as MJM
    Jeff Bridges as the Investigative reporter.

  91. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    I think its hilarious that these other campaigns who believed they had the goods on Cohen wasted their time shopping it to editorial boards when they should have just sent it to CapitolFax.

    No reporter or ed board is going to do a piece on a guy they don’t think can win, while Rich is smart enough to understand that aguy willing to spend $3 million out of his own pocket always has a chance.

  92. - anon - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:25 pm:

    Wasn’t he elected? Why would he step down?

  93. - McHenryMike - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    What’s also incredible is that the massage parlor owner and the ex didn’t seem to be aware of any of this story. This explains how this guy got elected in the first place, No Information Voters.

  94. - True Observer - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    When do we get the poll on what percentage want him to stay on the ballot?

    The numbers may surprise.

    As to the consultants. Why should they have to be ashamed.

    The people who got O.J. off became respected celebrities.

    If you want to run for office without having to go to the ward bosses, why wouldn’t you go to these guys first.

  95. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    “Wasn’t he elected? Why would he step down?”

    Welcome to the conversation, anon.

  96. - Jeeves The Cat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    Go to: to see a portrait of the candidate in his natural habitat. It’s actually a clip from the “Today Show”. Scott is in the background in several shots handling merchandise.

  97. - Linda - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:32 pm:

    He hasn’t taken down his Facebook page. Some of his “friends.”

    Dawn Turner Trice
    Tribune Company

    Gerardo Cardenas

    Jim Houlihan

    Lou Lang

    Ray Long
    Tribune Company

    Rich Miller

    Walter Dudycz

  98. - ZC - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:33 pm:

    I’m not gonna read much into who somebody’s Facebook friends are.

  99. - Wondering - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:34 pm:

    Rich, weren’t you a part of this?

    Plan To Win: A Roadmap to Election Victory.
    A Grainger Terry, Inc. & Politics Magazine Campaign Training

    I recall seeing something on your blog about it.

  100. - Hisgirlfriday - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    Oh SLC is getting a shoutout on Hardball right now. He’s a star!

  101. - love the fax - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:35 pm:


    Is the guy who is giving the tour of the shop the brother who is suing SLC for a wad of cash?

  102. - Just wondering - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    And I was feeling sorry for myself for running and losing. Things could always be worse.

  103. - Pat collins - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    he guy should sue them for professional malpractice for letting him believe he could be elected Lt. Governor.

    No, they should boldly proclaim it.

    “Can i help you win? I got THIS guy nominated on a state wide ballot! Of course I can get YOU nominated!”

  104. - John - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:45 pm:

    There is no way Cohen thought this place was a legitimate massage place. Here is there website:

    The photos are, to put it mildly, risque.

  105. - Jeeves The Cat - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:49 pm:

    Randy is Scott’s brother.

  106. - Mikey - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:50 pm:

    Be careful with the Edenspa website - it is definitely NSFW… but if you can check it out, it’s pretty safe to say the “Gallery” section doesnt exactly look like Mario Tricoci… heh.

    For all those giving SLC credit for “being honest” and “coming clean” etc etc., please. He’s not at all, he’s trying to spin things but just really inept. Oh my.

  107. - love the fax - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:53 pm:

    And, Mandi is in the Gallery section. Oh. dear.

  108. - Obamarama - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    I wonder how many people are about to get fired for clicking that link.

  109. - Link voter - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 4:55 pm: owned by Friends of Don Harmon

  110. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:38 pm:

    I want to see an angry mob of women outside that club where Cohen is at tonight with Quit Not You Creep signs. Please please please please.

    This guy has done more to undercut the Illinois Democrats in 3 days than the Illinois Republicans have been able to do in 10 years.

  111. - TaxMeMore - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:39 pm:

    Quit NOW! You Creep signs - correction

  112. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 5:41 pm:


    Can you get Jon Voigt for Link and Danny Glover for Turner?

  113. - Jack - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 6:01 pm:

    Aurora Alderman Stephanie Kifowit sent out LOTS of email blasts, letters and endorsement help for Scott Lee Cohen. has a story on Kifowit + Cohen:

  114. - Albany Park - Friday, Feb 5, 10 @ 7:39 pm:

    Anyone notice a correlation between Grainger Terry’s client list and Scott Lee Cohen’s endorsements…the numerous Chicago alderman/Cook Commissioners and all the local electeds out of Thornton Township

  115. - realpolitical - Saturday, Feb 6, 10 @ 11:36 am:

    Alderman Stephanie Kifowit and Scott Lee Cohen both have the same message: “LEADERSHIP THAT LISTENS” hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

  116. - In the Loop - Saturday, Feb 6, 10 @ 7:20 pm:

    Amanda is with Talking trib article

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