Gloria Allred joins the circus
Saturday, Feb 6, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Scott Lee Cohen’s ex-girlfriend Amanda Eneman has retained attorney Gloria Allred - yes, that one - and has issued a statement through her new mouthpiece…
In his infinite wisdom, Mr. Cohen had earlier encouraged both his ex-wife and his ex-girlfriend to speak out and tell the truth…
Great thinking there, Scott. Always good to rely on the two women you abused to come forth and save you. After all, your ex-wife claimed you tried to rape her and wrote threatening notes in lipstick on her mirror. The ex-girlfiend had you arrested for holding a knife to her throat. So, I hope you’re not too surprised now that the ex-wife is on record saying she stands by her allegations of abuse and adds a claim that you owe her child support. And the ex-girlfriend says you’re unfit for office. Like that wasn’t predictable at all. I asked Cohen the other day what he’d do if someone ran an honest poll which showed he would cause the governor and himself to lose and hurt the rest of the ticket as well [revised after checking my notes.] Would he get out of the race? He strongly indicated that he’d listen. Maybe somebody will run that poll. …Adding… Commenter TaxMeMore wrote this on Friday afternoon about Ms. Eneman…
Heh. This is just another reason why I always say I have the best commenters anywhere. They may not always be the best spellers, but they’re consistently the brightest bulbs on the big street.