* The state Democratic Party will make the appointment to fill the Scott Lee Cohen lt. governor vacancy. So, I asked Steve Brown, Speaker/Chairman Michael Madigan’s spokesman, about what was next.
Brown said that Madigan intends to work with the state central committee, Gov. Quinn, Senate President Cullerton and others to find a replacement for Cohen on the ticket. Brown claimed that Madigan would not act “heavy-handed,” as the media has constantly portrayed him.
Stay tuned.
*** UPDATE - 12:36 am *** From Rep. Art Turner, who finished second in the lt. governor’s race…
“I commend Scott Lee Cohen on making the difficult decision today to resign his nomination for Lieutenant Governor, and have great respect for any citizen who engages in the public political process with the hopes to improve the lives of Illinoisans.
“I believe that in the November general election, the people of Illinois will elect the candidates who are the most honest, experienced and effective leaders. Governor Pat Quinn heads an outstanding slate of accomplished legislators on the Democratic ticket that far surpass the Republican candidates in every important regard. It continues to be my desire to join this exceptional group of individuals as the Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and to bring my 30 years of experience to the executive branch as we solve the difficult economic and social challenges that face this great state.”
Even before Cohen stepped off the ticket, some Democratic leaders said privately that they would like to expand a search beyond the primary election contenders and look to fill the vacancy to provide some regional balance–namely a downstate resident.
Currently, all of the nominees on the Democratic statewide ticket come from Chicago—a point Republicans have used in the past to contend that city-controlled politics dominates state policy.
From Gov. Quinn…
“Tonight he has made the right decision for the Democratic Party and the people of Illinois. Now we can continue to focus our efforts on putting our economy back on track and working to bring good jobs to Illinois.”
Media Availability with Governor Quinn Tomorrow:
When: Monday, Feb 8 at 10:30 am
Where: Allegro Hotel (171 W. Randolph St) - room TBA