* Does Pat Quinn want Tammy Duckworth as his running mate? Sneed says so…
Sneed hears former Illinois state veterans chief Tammy Duckworth is Gov. Quinn’s personal pick as lieutenant governor nominee — replacing the scandal-ridden Scott Lee Cohen.
• The upshot: Although Duckworth is at the top of Quinn’s original wish list, he will defer to the choice of the Dem State Central Committee led by state party chief Mike Madigan.
• The backshot: Duckworth, who is now assistant secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, was at the top of Quinn’s list during the infancy of his election campaign, said a top Quinn source. “Veterans groups are already petitioning Gov. Quinn for her to fill the role,” the source added. […]
• The militaryshot: “The governor has an incredibly high regard for Duckworth, a bona fide war hero,” the source said. “Gov. Quinn is dedicated to the American soldier — and the office of lieutenant governor is transformable into taking on that task during this time of war.”
From the Tribune…
But sources said Quinn has discussed with top Democrats the possibility of selecting Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran who lost a 2006 run for Congress in the western suburbs before becoming an assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Duckworth could not be reached for comment.
* As long as the governor stays mum, it’s pretty much a free-for-all out there…
Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, noted prior to a Monday meeting of Senate Democrats in Springfield that “half the people here want to be lieutenant governor.”
Some of the also-rans are lobbying hard. Rep. Art Turner, who finished second, worked reporters yesterday…
“Who better than a guy, me, who has worked with all the current leaders?” said Turner, a legislator for nearly 30 years.
Others are thinking a Downstater might be best…
Some suburban committeemen contacted Monday said they would consider appointing a downstate candidate to run with Quinn. Every candidate at the top of the Democratic ticket is from Chicago and Quinn didn’t do well downstate in his close primary against Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes.
“We have a ticket packed with Chicago people,” noted Dan Pierce, a former Highland Park mayor and 10th District committeeman.
U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello of Belleville, a member of the committee that will pick Cohen’s replacement, said through his spokesman that the candidate should come from outside the Chicago area.
And Rep. Mike Boland is hoping to seize on that geography issue…
State Rep. Mike Boland, D-East Moline, also wants consideration, saying he won more downstate counties last week than everyone but Cohen.
He notes that with state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington and businessman Jason Plummer of Edwardsville, the potential GOP ticket has two downstate candidates.
“We’re loaded up with Chicago people,” Boland said of Democrats’ statewide nominees. “We need a little balance there.”
I believe that there’s almost no chance Boland will ever get the nod. Besides the fact that he finished fourth in the LG race, the issue of him giving a legislative scholarship to the daughter of his largest campaign contributor will dog him to death.
More Downstate…
State Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, said he heard that his name has come up as a potential contender. He said he’s not necessarily pursuing the spot, but that he’d seriously consider it if Quinn and party leaders asked him.
Raja Krishnamoorthi was busily floating his name yesterday…
Former Peorian and comptroller candidate Raja Krishnamoorthi wants to be considered for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor and says he can bring the votes to help clinch victory. […]
Krishnamoorthi said the pairing with Democratic gubernatorial nominee Pat Quinn would make sense because he could help Quinn grab more votes, a key concern for Democrats who don’t want to lose the state’s top elected post to a Republican in November.
* Quinn’s personal choice, if he announces it, will probably weigh the most, however…
“Pat Quinn has to feel comfortable with whoever the state central committee picks,” said Steve Powell, an 8th District committeeman and UFCW union leader. “This is a process that will unfold in a public way, and I think there are a lot of potential candidates out there.”
“The person who first and foremost should have input is the governor himself,” Hoffman said. “The governor should be comfortable with the choice. The final decision should be the competency of the person to hold the office.”
* Sen. Rickey Hendon gets the final word…
“The party does not have to choose one of the five of us who ran,” Hendon says. “They could pick someone outside of the five of us left standing. And I just caution the party to take their time and get it right. We get this one wrong, and we’re done.”
* Related…
* Sullivan, Koehler say no contact about lieutenant governor nomination
* Who Will Replace Scott Lee Cohen?: Gov. Pat Quinn, though, was deeply touched, as so many were, by the obvious pain of 11-year old Jacob Cohen, who sobbed as his father announced he would quit. “I don’t think there’s any more poignant moment, when a young boy is next to his dad who’s making a very hard decision,” Quinn said. “I was certainly touched by that. I think everybody in Illinois knows that was a heartfelt decision by Scott Lee Cohen.”
* Illinois Democrats Look to Fill Sudden Ticket Gap
* Picking Cohen’s replacement: Turner, after all, got only 22 percent of the vote. Had Cohen fallen ill and had to withdraw next September, no one would think Turner would have any automatic claim on the spot. The party would merely choose whomever it deemed suitable, and that’s what it should do now.
* Boland says he should fill Cohen’s ballot slot for Democrats
* Dropping out was the right move for Cohen
* Who Does Quinn Want as His Running Mate?
* Cohen election exposes total system failure
* Cohen controversy renews debate over value of the job
* Cohen fiasco highlights issues with office
* Our Opinion: Have open process to fill out Dem ballot
* Cohen denies deal was made for resignation
* Quinn says no payback for pawnbroker out $2 million for lieutenant governor
* Police called to Cohen party: When Cohen aides “saw I was calling police, they asked me, ‘Please don’t do that. It’s going to cause negative press,’” said Cecili Tomlin, a Cook County medical examiner’s autopsy technician who was at the party with a friend… Tomlin said Monday she’s aggravated not only because the coat remains missing but because she felt hotel staff and Cohen workers weren’t taking her seriously. She also was perturbed by an offer from Cohen’s brother, Randy, to sell her a mink coat from a Cohen-owned pawn shop.
- John Bambenek - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:08 am:
I think all the candidates who ran should be immediately disqualified from consideration. If they couldn’t beat a roid-using, wife-abusing, hooker-cutting candidate… they basically fail at politics and would be a drag on Quinn.
- annon - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:15 am:
There is no way Tammy would take the number two spot with Quinn. For one thing it would be a significant step down from her current position. That and she is a super competent manager/leader and Quinn is…well…not as competent according to Mayor Washington. I could see Quinn as Lt. Gov. and Tammy as Gov. that makes more sense.
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:20 am:
I’m kinda surprised Duckworth would leave a job at the VA to be ltgov. But asst secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs does sound like lots of meetings and not so much delivering services to veterans.
By the way, I created a Condorcet poll of candidates to replace Scott Cohen. In Condorcet voters rank options. This poll also allows write-ins.
After 76 votes, the top ten are:
1. Thomas Castillo
2. David Hoffman
3. Dan Hynes
4. Julie Hamos
5. Raja Krishnamoorthi
6. Tammy Duckworth
7. Cheryle Robinson Jackson
8. Naomi Jakobsson
9. Dawn Clark Netsch
10. Tied:
Linda Chapa LaVia
Sheila Simon
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:21 am:
Duckworth is sitting pretty nicely in her own federal executive position. Why would she want to come down to the powerless Lt. Governor’s “job”? The office doesn’t have a good track record as a launching pad for another office.
While Duckworth is an attractive candidate, she shouldn’t be interested in saving Quinn’s bacon in a useless elected office.
Whoever will be selected will get grilled. Just go with Dawn Clark Netch and start campaigning.
- downstate hack - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:22 am:
Tammy Duckworth?? While I admire her service and sacrifice, I wonder if voters wouldn’t see her selection as an obvious and pandering politic move? It seems to me the choice should be from the candidates who ran showing an interest in the office. Art Turner may mean too many Chicago pols on the ticket, but he is obviously qualified and did get substantial votes in the primary.
- phocion - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:22 am:
Duckworth makes sense, and so does John Bradley. Hendon got it right - they’d better get this one right.
- sparky - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:23 am:
These “behind the scenes” negotiations should have happened before the primary election. I don’t think SLC could or should serve as LG but we had an ELECTION. You can’t just throw that out the window and pick whoever you want. It sets a dangerous precedent and is a threat to real democracy when you can choose to accept election results only when they are convenient. I say pick someone that ran in the primary.
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:24 am:
That would be the radical move by Quinn.
“After much consideration, I’ve decided, with the blessing of the state central committee, that I am the person best qualified to be lieutenant governor. Now the Democrats need to come together and determine who is the best person to be governor.”
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:30 am:
===but we had an ELECTION. ===
No. We had a nomination.
That same logic you used was also used by Rod Blagojevich. He was actually elected.
- (Formerly) Angry Republican - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:34 am:
Cullerton’s comment certainly says a lot; half the senate Democrats believe the quickest path to governor is through the lite guv office. Does this mean Quinn will follow in the footsteps of Walker, Ryan and Blago? What do those senate Dems have on Quinn? Stay tuned for the next episode of Survivor-Illinois Politics.
- Veritas - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:37 am:
As a soldier, I can’t help but ask: How does surviving a helicopter crash make one a “bona fide hero”?
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:38 am:
It seems unlikely that a potential future candidate for the top spot would be given this cherry.
I’m sticking with Poshard. His positives:
1. Won’t run for governor.
2. Organized (would be great for running the campaign)
3. Downstate moderate
4. Name recognition
5. Strong education credentials
6. Acts like an adult
- Veritas - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:40 am:
Poshard would make for a very persuasive choice. I think a lot of downstate conservative dems could vote for Quinn if Poshard were on the ticket.
- RFK fan - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:45 am:
Tammy Duckworth or John Sullivan. Poshard absolutely isn’t a possibility–he’s not gonna go there.
- OdysseusVL - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:46 am:
Time for a “Draft Raja” movement. Having both Miller and Raja on the ballot would be very good for the ticket. Two smart guys. That was the rare race where it was “choose the best.”
- Scooby - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:47 am:
Well, now we’ve opened the door wide enough for the whole circus to come through.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:49 am:
I think everyone is putting to much thought into this….
Your Lt. Gov can only hurt, not help much…
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:49 am:
I was a supporter of Netsch when she ran for gov. Thought she did great during the primary. Fell flat in the general. Frankly, she should be the gov nominee, not PQ. Nyberg has it right. PQ for lite gov, again!
A slam dunk pick would only highlight PQs deficiencies.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:50 am:
Duckworth would be ideal and they could get her something meaningful to do (indeed, it would behoove them to).
My question: is this what Lisa Madigan wants (and thus what Mike Madigan will permit)? Another woman Dem, a military hero no less, in a visible statewide race?
Dawn Clark Netsch would not be good.
Saints preserve us, Hendon makes sense.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:50 am:
If the LG nominee can help organize a campaign, he/she would be a big help.
- True Observer - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:54 am:
They’ll rue the day they decided to gang up on Cohen and had him removed.
The free-for-all coming up will be a better show than the WWF.
The ill feelings and resentments will last way beyond the general election.
The big one. If Tunner isn’t picked, the Blacks are going to feel they’ve been dissed. That’s the one thing you don’t want to do. The fact there are 3 other AAs on the ticket wont matter.
So, if Turner is out, then so is everyone else who ran for LG.
The Balkans have a more cohesive federation than the Illinois Dems.
Turner - The one thing AAs wont take is being dissed. He was number 2.
- BigBob - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:57 am:
Hynes killed Quinn downstate. Was that downstate vote primarily for Hynes or was it against Quinn and Hynes was just the beneficiary.
If it was pimarily against Quinn and Hynes was just the benificiary, then I think the party should select a solid downstater for the run.
If it was a vote for Hynes, then I think the party should persuade Hynes to reconsider the Lt. Gov. spot and make the run.
Sure they don’t like each other much, but part of the art of politics is to come together after a race for the good of the party. If Quinn & Hynes could follow the Obama & Hillary example, their skills could compliment each other and might lead to a strong team.
- Hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:57 am:
I know she’s a decorated veteran and everything, but I still don’t get the Tammy Duckworth hype.
I also don’t get this sentence ==== “Gov. Quinn is dedicated to the American soldier — and the office of lieutenant governor is transformable into taking on that task during this time of war.” ==== at all.
A lt. gov. who can transform into an American soldier? Is he saying he needs a lt. gov. with combat experience to fight off the cheeseheads in the event Wisconsin invades?
p.s. A poll with Naomi Jakobsson as lite gov? No thanks.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:59 am:
===If Tunner isn’t picked, the Blacks are going to feel they’ve been dissed.===
OK, first, try not to use the phrase “the blacks.” Not good.
Secondly, Hendon’s presence means African-American leaders will be divided over Turner. Hendon hates Turner. It’s mainly why he ran for LG in the first place.
Too many whites over-simplify black voters. It’s usually more complicated than it always looks to outsiders.
- Keep Smiling - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:00 am:
Pot, Poshard is a fine guy. He really is. But Quinn + Poshard = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Tammi is good for Quinn, but I don’t think the Lt Gov position is good for Tammi. Watching Quinn bungle his way through the next 4 years could be painful for her. And the perception that the selected lt gov isn’t supposed to run for governor next time around would make this a complete waste of her time. She’d be better off as Lt Gov with Lisa Madigan (when she runs), than to take this post under Quinn.
- Deep South - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:02 am:
I think Poshard’s happy where he is. John Bradley, well, he would be a terrible choice…I don’t care what anyone else says, Bradley is: Weak. Weak. Weak.
Now Duckworth? Not a bad idea.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:05 am:
For the voters, it will come down to whether or not the person appears to competent to hold office. For the party folks who are making the pick, I think the primary consideration will be the persons future political aspirations. It seems unlikely they will pick someone who might try for the top spot in four years.
- GA Watcher - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:06 am:
It would make sense that the Governor would want Tammy Duckworth as his running mate given his strong support of the military and veterans. But I agree with some othes who question whether Ms. Duckworth would want to return to a do-nothing job when she has so much more responsiblity and can impact so many more people through her current position.
A person wh has yet to be thrown into the mix is Gary Hannig. He’s part of the Quinn team now as IDOT Secretary,is a downstater, seems to get along well with Dem leadership and was Speaker Madigan’s cheif budgeteer for years. He would bring credibility to a Quinn ticket.
- Dude in Springfield - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:07 am:
The Springfield paper today says they wish Hynes (or Hoffman) would take the job. I like Hynes.
“IT’S TOO BAD that Comptroller Dan Hynes, who barely lost the primary to Quinn, isn’t interested in the job. Hynes knows the state budget and has better ideas than the governor himself on how to get the state out of a hole estimated to be as large as $13 billion.
One name that hasn’t been floated is former Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman, who finished second to Alexi Giannoulias in the Democratic U.S. Senate primary.
Hoffman, who served on the governor’s Illinois Reform Commission, could be Pat Quinn’s Pat Quinn. The governor, over the last year, has made us doubt at times how much he is committed to reform.
First, he undercut the reform commission last spring and struck a deal with Madigan for watered-down ethics reforms, partly in exchange for a pledge that the state party organization wouldn’t endorse in the primary. Then he cozied up to the remains of the Cook County Democratic machine, getting the county party’s endorsement after years of decrying such tactics.
Hoffman’s credentials as a watchdog of Mayor Richard Daley in Chicago would send a message to the state’s voters and Democratic insiders that the process of reform is not yet complete, and Quinn remains committed to it.
THESE SUGGESTIONS are not intended as endorsements of one potential candidate or any party over another. But voters shouldn’t be faced with a lesser-of-two-evils choice in any race. An open and thoughtful process in choosing a lieutenant governor candidate is the best means to that end.”
- Rambler - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:07 am:
Duckworth would be a big asset, in my opinion.
Quinn is going to defer to MJM’s committee? Makes sense, given how hard MJM has worked to make Quinn’s tenure a success.
If Quinn has a clear preference, and he runs with somebody else, that’s very informative.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:10 am:
Dude in Springfield, that editorial is linked. No way are they gonna pick Hoffman. No way.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:26 am:
–The Balkans have a more cohesive federation than the Illinois Dems.–
What does that say about the Illinois GOP of recent elections?
- Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:26 am:
the choice should not be from the list of those who lost
to Scott Lee Cohen. first, they lost, so the topic will
continue. second, all sorts of fights over who and why
from that list of candidates.
move on to someone else. that person should not be
from Chicago. And that person could be Tammy Duckworth
because she’s smart, inspiring, experienced in lots of ways,
could actually do a job which Quinn values and which fits
in with his message. the dems could do worse with most
any of the names already floated. and, bonus, she’s already
been vetted by the U.S. Senate hearing process.
- shore - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:40 am:
duckworth has to quit her job for a year to do this. considering it took the adminisration 6 months to get going and this is their first budget it really means not a lot of time there. I think krisnamoorthi is the best call, his education means people in the suburbs will like him but hes from downstate.
Hoffman would also be really tough.
- Steve-O - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:41 am:
What about Senator Bill Haine from Alton? He was the long time Madison County State’s Attorney and is popular in the metro east.
- Bill - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:51 am:
Quinn’s whole administration is filled with Blagojevich people. Why not his running mate also?
- Logical Thinker - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:13 am:
This is a mess already and it’s going to get worse. There are seemingly more candidates than voters at this point.
The funny part is no one ever voted for the Governor because of who the Lt. Gov nominee was until Blago got impeached. The media could have gone soft on SLC post-election and the dems wouldn’t be in this spot.
I agree with an earlier poster who said that the hard feelings, regardless of gets the nod, won’t be calmed by election day. This is going to get bloody.
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:14 am:
What’s in it for Duckworth? She’s got a good thing going and will do well at the Federal level. She can build a great base there and come back in several years if she wants. Raja and Hannig are also two down staters who could do well.
Cohen’s announcement that he was stepping down popped up on TV again last night. Thought it was pretty funny that the background noise was the Super Bowl half time with Daltrey hitting the scream of WGFA just as Cohen finished speaking.
- Robert - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:15 am:
@Carl Nyberg, interesting poll results you report. I know you know they aren’t scientific, but still interesting. Was happy to see that the lt gov losers didn’t make the list tho I still think Turner has to be considered a favorite to be picked, if you believe the theory that Mike Madigan doesn’t care about winning.
1. Thomas Castillo - surprised to see him first; maybe his supporters just mobilized?
2. David Hoffman - don’t think Madigan’s group will pick him
3. Dan Hynes - won’t take it
4. Julie Hamos - interesting possibility
5. Raja Krishnamoorthi - interesting possibility; from Peoria and popular in suburbs
6. Tammy Duckworth - looks like Quinn is floating her name as a possibility; does connection to obama admin help or hurt?
7. Cheryle Robinson Jackson - don’t see her winning swing voters
8. Naomi Jakobsson - downstate female
9. Dawn Clark Netsch - frankly won’t look like a new day with her on the ticket; she didn’t do well w independents when she ran for gov.
10. Tied:
Linda Chapa LaVia - another possibiltiy
Sheila Simon - intriguing choice if she’s interested
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:16 am:
Quinn is just using Duckworth and her name to get media attention.
Quinn could have fought to retain her as his Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs Director when he was installed last year, but he did not. Therefore I find it hard to believe that he is really pinning away for her at this point.
I agree with some others: maybe Quinn can be talked into going back to the lt. go’s office?
I wonder who Blago would have picked fr his running mate if he had not HAD to take the people’s choice in 2002?
- Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:19 am:
I can see no good reason Tammy would even consider this–agree to run for a lowly state office many here say they want to see eliminated. Her current position and national profile gives her much greater exposure and opportunity to positively impact the nation’s veterans and their issues she is so committed to. I will be surprised and disappointed if Tammy goes for this.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:20 am:
“Just go with Dawn Clark Netch and start campaigning”.
He’s not going to pick her. Just stop it VM. You are making my tummy turn.
- Veritas - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:22 am:
Okay, let’s have a little more honesty about Tammy Duckworth’s “national profile.” No one knows who she is. I had to google her. Her claim to political fame: she lost to Peter Roskam. The people of Illinois have no clue who she is. She has no base of supporters. She would bring nothing to the campaign.
- cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:28 am:
Did Quinn consult with Ms. Duckworth before he announced his preference for her as a candidate.
I agree with those who believe it could be a step down, especially as there is no reason she couldn’t return after 4 or 8 years of Quinn (probably) and run for the top jog anyway. Given her astonishing background of service, she wouldn’t need to be lt. guv first to make her case. Plus, if Quinn loses this fall, she has neither job.
Those who believe that lt. guv is a path to guv are putting way too much emphasis on recent events. Sure, the winner could collect a nice salary for doing whatever he or she chose (or nothing). But Quinn looks to be bursting with health, his father only died two years ago, and his mom, in her nineties, looks fabulous. He’s got the genes. I say if he wins, he goes for 8 years, minimum. That’s a long and unpredictable time to wait for the brass ring.
- cassandra - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:30 am:
Sorry, I mea, the top job.
- suburban DEM - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
How about David Phelps. Former IL House member and Congressman. He worked on economic development and access to medical care in his southern IL district. He’s a great campaigner.
- Veritas - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:07 pm:
Phelps would be a good choice, but would he be interested?
- Interesting - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
I fail to see how Duckworth really helps Quinn. He is relatively strong in the Chicagoland area and last week showed he’s quite weak downstate. He’s running against a GOP ticket which should be quite strong downstate. Quinn already has credibility with the veterans. The only former LG candidate who brings something to the table is Turner and his issues with Hendon are a net minus for Quinn. Quinn should go with a strong downstate candidate like Senators Bill Haine, John Sullivan or Dave Koehler. (Chapa La Via in Aurora is not “downstate.”)
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:17 pm:
===I fail to see how Duckworth really helps Quinn. He is relatively strong in the Chicagoland area and last week showed he’s quite weak downstate. ===
You may fail to see it because you focus solely on geography. You don’t think that a wounded, decorated veteran would help Quinn downstate?
- MrJM - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:22 pm:
Rich: “You don’t think that a wounded, decorated veteran would help Quinn downstate?”
I don’t think she would hurt Quinn, but her performance in the 6th Dist race (with Rahm & the DCCC firmly behind her) gives me doubts about how much she could help.
But at this point, “not hurting Quinn” could pass for “helping Quinn”.
– MrJM
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:27 pm:
Not Phelps. Too many Blagoesque issues there. Besides, PQ would be jealous when the Phelps’ all start singing and Pat can’t carry a tune in a bucket.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
I forgot about Tammy Duckworth. She would be almost as good as David Hoffman.
Duckworth or Hoffman would have Republicans quaking in their boots. Both are potential game changers.
All the other names I’ve heard floated are snoozers. None of the others would have a material impact on the race either way.
- Budget Watcher - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:47 pm:
There’s some irony that Quinn will essentially get to hand-pick his running mate while Brady (or Dillard) gets paired with someone he didn’t chose. Doesn’t seem entirely fair that the party of Cohen ultimately gets to optimize their ticket post-primary.
- George - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
Duckworth has built up a much stronger name recognition and brand compared to when she ran 4 years ago.
I think she is more well-known statewide than any of the other names being seriously mentioned. And well-received.
Remember - she worked hard during her time as Veterans Affairs head, spending most of her time going around to the far reaches of the state, reaching out to veterans. That will likely pay off.
- George - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
Budget Watcher - you are free to compel your Republican nominee to resign if you so choose.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
- Down South - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
How about Roland B. He has ran state wide. Will need a job a year from now. Plus still has room on his stone for another accomplishment.
- Al Swearengen - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 12:58 pm:
Can we all stop talking about David Hoffman as a possible choice? None of the powers that be will ever let him on the ticket. After his grandstanding while inspector general for the benefit of his own political career, I don’t think there is much of an appetite for the self-anointed “corruption buster” grabbing the Governor’s limelight.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:07 pm:
QUinn can pick Donald Trump as his Gov Lite
Hendon’s is spot on, this choice will carry QUinns fate with it. In my opinion, Quinn has a giant hole with donwstaters that needs filled.
VM === The office doesn’t have a good track record as a launching pad for another office. ===
The current track record is the last few Govs have been idncited, and the most recent impeached… odds are looking up for the lite Gov
Quinn should nominate himself to run for both offices. Then he can speak truth to power by talking to himself….
- Rich rules - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
hey Al Swearengen—- you protest too much with too much anger. Keep it light. Did someone maybe spend some time checking out your sweetheart deal?
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
george, it has been common practice to just be content with the people’s choice. that’s what quinn said he’d do when asked his lt. gov. preference during the wttw candidate forum. yet another flip-flop on quinn’s part.
the people’s choice on the dem side was cohen.
funny how quinn said after last tuesday that the first he learned of cohen’s past was reading about (last) wednesday morning in the newspaper. that could not have possibly been true. what is true is that he like so many others didn’t think cohen would win.
not happy with the people’s choice quinn and other raise holy heck to pressure cohen off the ticket. i wonder what quinn would’ve said had blago tried to force him (quinn) off the 2002 ticket? but that’s okay, nevermind, with quinn we see that with him it’s all about him, all the time: selfish.
evidently neither brady nor dillard would think of subverting the people’s choice, which is why neither would try to compel the winner of last tuesday’s lt. gov primary off the ticket. they are men of character and they understand, respect and are willing to abide by the people’s choice principle that has been the established rule/precedent/practice in illinois for sometime now.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:25 pm:
Rich rules, Al is right. I see pretty much no chance for Hoffman.
- My Opinion - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:27 pm:
WCW- honestly, are you ever happy with anything a Democrat does?
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:27 pm:
Glenn Poshard makes $300,000 a year as President of SIU. Why would he take a massive pay cut and play second-fiddle to anyone? Poshard has also bashed Quinn for late payments to SIU (C&E).
Sheila Simon couldn’t win a mayoral race with the help of Durbin & Costello. Yikes.
Mike Boland is a doofus. At one point, I think he sent out feelers to run for President of the Midwest until he realized that wasn’t a real office.
Bradley or Sullivan would be the best qualified. They are both Downstaters and are both fairly socially conservative, which would balance the geographic and ideologic ticket.
- Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
In my initial delerium upon finding out about SLC winning, I predicted he would help Quinn’s ticket. If Quinn gets Duckworth, he should said SLC a big thank you card.
- ZC - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
Agreed with Rich, a combat veteran will play Downstate. You can rarely go wrong appealing to the patriotism of Southern Illinois, especially as you get down to the Shawnee region. Some of the flippant way Chicagoans might talk about the Iraq War, some of the voters there might take it as a personal insult. Duckworth is a solid pick from that perspective.
If Tammy wants to come back and run in IL some day, too, it’s not a bad move from her perspective, to keep her name out there. I disagree she is building much of a future IL resume by being off in DC. Yes, it worked for Rahm, but he had deep Chicago political roots too. Duckworth might be more in the John Schmidt category, and remember how well coming back to IL after service in DC worked for him.
Lastly, yes, she lost in her last race, but it’s not like she did -badly- vs Roskam in 2006. She got 49% of the vote in Henry Hyde’s old seat, to Roskam’s 51% - a blowout, it was not. And Peter Roskam is in my opinion one of the more underestimated campaigner-politicians in IL. He’s real good at underselling just how conservative he is. How is a Democrat who got 49% in GOPville a bad candidate -statewide-?
For all these reasons, I think it’s a solid pick.
- ZC - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:49 pm:
Also, Rich, am I then reading Rickey Hendon’s comment right, translated thus: “Go ahead and pick anybody who didn’t run, as long as you’re not picking Art Turner”?
- respectful - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 1:54 pm:
If giving a legislative scholarship to the child of a supporter disqualifies Boland, as Rich insists, I wonder if that same standard will be equally applied to other legislators, more than a few of whom (Sen. Brady, for instance) dhave done the same thing?
- P.D. southside - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 2:01 pm:
How about State Rep. Lisa Hernandez, she worked for Quinn, helps bring in the Hispanic vote and also helps with putting a female on the Democratic Ticket.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 2:15 pm:
ZC, bingo.
- P.D. southside - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 2:30 pm:
800,000 eligible Hispanic Voters in Illinois,previous Special Ed Coordinator, past member of Teachers Union. Lisa Hernandez would be a great addition to the Democratic Ticket
- Steve-O - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 2:32 pm:
There’s always Alan Dunstan.
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 2:39 pm:
My Opinion - WCW hates Quinn so much she even defends Blago and Cohen. I think Pat must have ran over her kitten or something.
- james - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 3:56 pm:
It’s a great opportunity for Dems to be able to handpick the LG candidate after seeing the opposing ticket.
Duckworth is a good choice, that I think would inspire voters, if she’ll take it. It would be a risk for her, since she still has to go out and win the election. But the President might encourage her, as it would be a useful contribution from his administration to the IL Dem ticket, where a key Senate seat is exposed.
Duckworth satisfies no less than four categories: female, Asian, vet and person with disability. She’s also has a certain star quality that all the others LG would-bes lack–(not their fault). She’s not exactly Chicago, and she’d appeal to Reagan Dems. She’d shore up waning support, noted in the primary polls, among females.
Mostly, the Dem’s LG candidate is needed in the campaign. (That’s was also PQ’s gretest contribution to Harold Washington in 1987.) This is within her skill set, and she would enable PQ to be in 2 places at once.
- ivote - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 4:07 pm:
If he picks a Chicago area running mate, the Dems effectively cede downstate to Brady (assuming he holds on). Raja might be the right choice. Then again, what about Deanna Demuzio? A strong downstater, woman, bright, etc. In addition to her own strengths, I suspect she’d benefit from Vince’s legacy of very strong ties to downstate and political-insider types. Yet, maybe it behooves D’s to wait to see who the Repubs nominated for guv?
- Capitol View - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 4:17 pm:
The Dems need a woman on the ticket, and a Jewish candidate rather than a third afr-am makes sense.
Suburbanite Julie Hamos makes the most sense to me.
Julie was the heir apparent to AG Madigan if and when Lisa runs for governor or senator, so the Lt. Gov spot gives Julie that much more statewide exposure before running as the next AG.
- LisleMike - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 4:38 pm:
Illinois Idol….
Mike Madigan as Simon Cowell..
Quinn as Paula Abdul..all of the wannabe LG line up and one by one are skewered by MJM.. Quinn pleads “Oh, come on..I REALLY liked that candidate”
We could syndicate and use the income to pay the Universities!!
- T.J. - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 4:59 pm:
This would backfire. She’s never won a general election, and her fellow veterans despise her.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 5:12 pm:
Given that Tammy Duckworth is not seeking the job, Team Quinn’s floating her name out there seems really desperate.
Its like the dance the GOP does with Jim Edgar every two years.
Moreover, once word leaks out tomorrow or later this week that Duckworth doesn’t want the job, it just feeds into the Incompentency Story.
Whomever in Camp Quinn is floating names out there should SHUT UP.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 5:15 pm:
P.S. If the GOP had any brains, they’d be heaping praise on Duckworth now, so that when Quinn finally does get a running mate, they can say “She/He’s no Tammy Duckworth.”
Fortunately, the GOP isn’t that cunning.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 5:35 pm:
Is Bill available? Maybe he could straighten out Quinn.
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 5:39 pm:
In my defense, I have and will write nice things about Quinn, but only if they are true. And I only give credit where it is due.
I wrote some nice stuff about him on this blog as recent as yesterday, and apparently no one noticed? You people, especially you quinn people, thrive on the negative stuff–it’s all you care about, and go out of your way to dwell on it.
I don’t hate democrats.
- Sophie G - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 5:55 pm:
Who will get picked is important as well as a great parlor game, but the fact that Speaker/Chairman Madigan is now actually talking directly to the press demonstrates just how serious this Lt. Gov mess is for Illinois Dems. The Democratic Party of IL needs to be more than a voice mail. Would be great to see the state party become an actual organization - open & accessible to the public - that cares about more than just Statehouse races. There are many intelligent people who would like to volunteer and be active on behalf of the whole ticket. A more engaged chair and state central committee could have kept us from becoming a national laughingstock, once again. But now we look forward…
- Another Man For... - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 6:22 pm:
And how do we know that Duckworth doesn’t want it? Seems like that choice would be double-stuff for veterans issues on the ticket. Veteran’s issues are the ONE thing covered with Quinn already–everyone grants him that, even Hynes.
DeMuzio and Hamos–both excellent candidates. Do either of them want the job?
- Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 7:49 pm:
SLCohen was just on WTTW again and it was riveting. Madigan the only dem who talked with him with the media guy as a prover. SLC going to DC for chat shows next week. SCL’s
kids got cell phone followed, followed I think he said to school,
that is why he got out. He has other plans. Thinks Hoffman
should be LG cand.
- Limerick - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 8:08 pm:
Chicago pawnbroker Scott
Took a statewide political shot.
Though his spending was vast,
He tripped on his past.
But he showed that the Vote can be bought.
- Bright Start a problem - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:09 pm:
With SLC doing the right thing and leaving, the Dems don’t need the Bright Start problems of Krishnamoorthi. Miller didn’t do a good job bringing them out, but the Republicans will.
- Blue Dog Dude - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:40 pm:
Why pick Duckworth or Hamos when he can have Careen Gordon? Seems to me she would have more curb appeal
- Another Man For... - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 9:46 pm:
Careen Gordon hasn’t done much legislatively. Hamos has handled a range of issues, and solves problems. Although I guess people can argue that you don’t need to do much as Lt. Gov.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:38 pm:
Hamos solves problems….like how to win a Congressional
seat? she just lost! move on.
Walter Jacobson just did a Perspective on WBBM. He sets the
blame for the SLC debacle first, and by name, on Madigan, but then includes Durbin, Daley, Obama in the mix. court records
check simple, for anyone to do, shows domestic violence.
once upon a time Rahm Emanuel had a firm that concentrated on opposition research. who does that now?
- Rambler - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 10:51 pm:
Seems that someone wants to nip this talk of PQ choosing his own running mate in the bud.
Channeling Al Haig: “I’m in charge here!”
I guess “I expect that I will be the one” to communicate with the committee plays better than “I’ll make sure that I’m the one.”
He’ll “work cooperatively” with the governor — just as he’s been doing all along, of course.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan said Tuesday that he and the top Democrat in the Senate will play a key role in choosing Gov. Pat Quinn’s running mate for the fall election.
Madigan, who also is chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, said he plans to meet with Quinn and Senate President John Cullerton to discuss filling the vacant position of nominee for lieutenant governor. The three of them will submit the name of a candidate to the party’s central committee, which formally makes the choice.
“At some time, the governor and Sen. Cullerton and I will sit down and talk it through,” Madigan told reporters. “I expect that I will be the one that will be called upon to communicate with the members of the committee, which I’ll do. We’ll attempt to come to a consensus.”
Asked how much weight should be given to Quinn’s preference, Madigan said he would work cooperatively with the governor.
- Another Man For... - Tuesday, Feb 9, 10 @ 11:25 pm:
Amalia…..A lot of the candidates mentioned have lost other seats. That doesn’t disqualify them from future office. Obviously you have a grudge against Hamos. You love Dan Seals? WhatEVER.