A quick look at Jason Plummer
Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
* If Bill Brady (or Kirk Dillard) is elected in November and something happens to him, this is the man who would be our governor…
Striking, no?
WBEZ takes a look at 27 year-old GOP lt. governor nominee Jason Plummer…
PLUMMER: Experience in state government, sometimes it’s great, sometimes it’s not so great. And I think right now people really want that outsider perspective.
And Plummer says he’d be ready to serve as governor if the situation arose, pointing to his experience in the naval reserve and his work as an executive at his family’s lumber company.
PLUMMER: You know, I’d gladly match my leadership and my executive experience up to most anybody’s.
More from WBEZ…
Plummer is an executive at his family-owned lumber business, and an intelligence office in the naval reserves. Using more than $1.3-million in personal and family money, he won the primary with 34-percent of the vote.
State Representative Dave Winters says he expects Democrats to make an issue of Plummer’s lack of government experience, but says he can overcome that. […]
State Senator Matt Murphy, who finished second in the lieutenant governor race, says everything he’s seen of Plummer leads him to believe he’s qualified.
Another candidate in the primary, Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole, would not directly answer the question of whether Plummer is qualified for the job. But says he congratulates the nominee, and will support the entire GOP ticket.
But how upfront has Plummer been about his “experience”? Justin Kaufmann takes a look…
A quick scan of his bio online give him some notable credits, including work served with Senator Peter Fiztgerald and separately, with the Heritage Foundation. Work served is a weird phrase and it grabbed my attention.
Upon second look (and second Google search), it turns out that Plummer served as an intern for both Fitzgerald and the Heritage Foundation.
From Plummer’s bio…
Served under U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald and in Washington, DC with the Heritage Foundation — the conservative public policy institute.
Resume inflation? Looks like it. Of course, in comparison to Scott Lee Cohen, it all seems pretty darned minor. The bar has been reset again, campers.
* Political roundup…
* Usual and Unusual in Last Week’s Primary Election
* Kirk, Giannoulias already hammering at each other
* Cohen hasn’t quit yet
* A history lesson for the `It must be Turner!’ crowd
* Some Republicans Embrace Change to Way Lt. Gov. Nominees Picked
* Picture this: An ‘only in Illinois’ week
* Democrats solve state party problem quickly
* Our View: Change the rules on picking lieutenant governors
* Defeated Moreno laments weaker Democratic machine
* Cook County contractor pays, County Commissioner Moreno gets
* Walsh, local activists center stage at tea party event
* 8th House GOP candidates vow to support Walsh
* 71st District candidates report last-minute funds
* Simon panel breaks down primary results
* Election complaints down for primary
* Move the primary, but to when?
* State Capitol Q&A: Lawmakers question whether primary is too early
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Jason Plummer or Scott Lee Cohen or whomever…
are exactly why the GA needs to work to phase out the Lt. Gov’s office over the next four years. As we have seen with Quinn, the Lt. Governor does not have the experience, the staff,the talent, the competency, the leadership ability etc. to assume such a large role as that of governor. they’re coming from such a small and powerfless position that they are far more likely to be overwhelmed by the governor’s office. the nature of the lt. gov’s office is such that whomever heads it is just not equipped to handle the challeneges of the gov’s office.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:31 pm:
he never worked for fitzgerald in d.c. and no one there has ever heard of him. Heritage foundation will go over really well in the blueing suburbs for a ticket already headed by a guy that got 5 percent in cook county.
then again alexi had LESS experience when he ran for statewide office and he is now being sent to face up against Mark kirk who will take him apart in debates. Because he’s a basketball player
kirk:alexi::harlem globetrotters:washington generals.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:32 pm:
You know, I’d gladly match my leadership and my executive experience up to most anybody’s.
OK - so match up your leadership experience to these people’s - “gladly”
Pat Quinn
Lisa Madigan
Kirk Dillard
Bill Brady
Dawn Clark Netch
Jim Edgar
I could go on - but I won’t because what Plummer says is so totally ridiculous!
First of all, he needs to admit publically the truth - he is not ready to wash. my. car.
After he admits this, he needs to start opening up and telling us how he what he’s going to do now that he’s got the golden ring.
And damn it, grow a beard!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
The LG office has now become a useless distraction. Perhaps now this is one constitutional amendment the GA can get behind.
- Higher Ed - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
Baby Face, you’ve got the cutest little baby face….
- ironman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:43 pm:
i believe mr plummer can balance any budget better than the people running our state.. The people running our state have never balanced any thing except there own checking acct…. Don’t under estimate jason plummer.. He will be our next lg…
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:44 pm:
Need I say it again? IL is the state that suddenly demands REAL experience???
Many people are quite willing to accept that 10 years voting as Mr. Madigan tells you to is about the same or worse than what Mr. Plummer has done.
- A matter of Trust - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:46 pm:
Another good example of why Illinois needs to reform its election code. Governor nominees should be selecting their running mates. I bet Plummer would have gotten a meeting with Brady or Dillard because of Dad’s money, but he resume would have found the trash basket before the door hit him on the way out.
- Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:46 pm:
What do you think Rich, any of your interns fully prepared to take over the job if you’re gone?
- Ryan from Carrollton - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:50 pm:
It has been my pleasure to know Jason for a number of years and I have found him to be a fine, upstanding young man who is more than capable. As recent history shows, age is no indicator of success or leadership ability (Blago, Quinn, and others).
It should be remembered, when Audie Murphy was awarded his Medal of Honor, he had fought in Sicily, Italy, and through Southern France, and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. All by the time he was 19.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
Is it too early for the Palin jokes?
Jason Plummer can start by explaining why R.P. Lumber is being sued for allegedly firing a ten year employee just because he filed a worker’s comp claim when he was hurt on the job.
- Gregor - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
I will chime in once more that Pat Quinn was the best Lt. Gov ever in state history. He took a job that was a joke, and he really made something of it thru his various championed causes, all for things that *should* have been of concern to a governor, but that were not deemed “sexy” enough or lucrative enough for Blago to bother with. Quinn met with constituencies that could not get a decent hearing any place else. In some cases, once Quinn started to make good progress with one of these “orphan” issues, Blago and his people would swoop in to re-claim it and take all the credit. I saw it time and again.
Pat MADE that job interesting enough that we had what, a dozen guys all try for it this time around. For a job Kustra quit TWICE.
So the job is what you make of it. You can be a bench warmer and state emissary for small-time events. Or you can grow the job to match your personal vision.
If you take the LG job away, who is going to speak for those forgotten constituencies? I think maybe we don’t need to dispose of the job so much as re-define it and formalize the parts that up to now were left up to the devices of the individuals in that office. Assign those tasks along with some accountability for them.
All of that is going to take a con-con, I’m thinking.
- Just wondering - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
I heard Dr. Paul Green speak this week on the whole “outsider” mind set. When looking for a doctor, lawyer, accountant etc, do you want an outsider because they bring a new perspective? Why should we want anyone that close to being in charge to have little to no experience?
- annon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
So you are making fun of Jason Plummber because he has a baby face, he interned for very legitimate offices but wasn’t a full time employee and doesn’t mach up in personal experience to a bunch of long time establishment legislators and former Governors?
I think that young energetic candidates will be a very appealing alternative to the past 7 years of terrible leadership. I’m not just talking about Blagojevich, I am talking about Quinn releasing prisoners along with the budget mess continuing not to be addressed because of internal Democrat pity parties about who take the blame.
I think you will find that younger; non-establishment candidates will be very successful in the upcoming election.
I will end with, Plummer and Cohen should not be equated to each other. Cohen is what I consider to be a womanizer and an unethical human being. Jason Plummber is a young man who cares about his country and has proven that with what he has done with his life so far.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
I think the best slogan I saw from someone on Twitter this election sums it up best.
“Jason Plummer – Good enough for number two at U of I Student Council – Good enough for number two of Illinois.”
Our state couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:57 pm:
I am shocked that “Jay-Jay” inflated his resume with “work” as opposed to “intern”… as much as Captain Renault was shocked at the gambling at the Cafe Americain!
If you look at the resume of “Jay-Jay”, everything has to be inflated because how can you have all that “experience” at 27, and yet … still be only 27??? Daddy had to think of titles that make sense for “business experience” because if you jus do the math of years….seriously … Peter Fitz, & Heritage, couple that with college … then HIS OWN businesses(?) THEN as a MAJOR EXECUTIVE… for his Dad! How old can you be???
“Jay-Jay”, my beef with all this, is trying to fool everyone, with a slight of hand, inflating a resume’ that can not match the true years of your age. Your dad took the business risks, built an impressive business, and expanded that business and understands what it means to toil at a legacy.
“Jay-Jay”, on the other hand, had time to intern here, intern there, become an executive here… because you won the DNA lottery. Nothing, execpt your Naval Reservist service, which I have been on record thanking you, is the only thing … the only thing, you can point to that does not scream the DNA lottery winner. Its like a kid, and I mean kid, “driving the car in the driveway”, while Daddy puts him on his lap. Is the kid really driving? But boy, “Jay-Jay” is always driving.
Make no mistake, SLC will change the manner the LG is chosen in an election, or even abolished. But, “Jay-Jay” bought the office like SLC, spending his daddy’s cash and probably is “communion money” too. Is that going to be the legacy of the LAST LG race run as its own office; 2 candidates, buying the office, both with issues of competentcy, one (Jay-Jay) is just more honorable.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:58 pm:
===So you are making fun of Jason Plummber because===
Hmmm. When have any politicians been off limits here?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:01 pm:
On a clear day, Plummer can see Missouri from his house.
Maybe Brady could put him in charge of foreign affairs.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:01 pm:
Don’t you know, “Jay-Jay” doesn’t like it when you question him. He’ll take his money and go home and tell daddy. And then your candidates won’t get any of the money to play with.
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:06 pm:
Jason Plummer did’nt run on a resume, he ran on ideas; that is why he won. Ask anybody that followed this race closely and watched Plummer on the same stage as the rest of the idividuals running which included: a State Sen., a State Rep. and a downstate mayor. He impressed those present that he was the best and offered the most insight as to how Illinois digs its way out of this mess.
For smug insiders that deem themselves political wonks and far superior to the Jason Plummers of the world, please explain to voters why we are better off with MJM running this state when he claims he had no idea that Cohen was such a disaster until after the S.S. Il.DEM struck that iceberg. Explain to voters why Chigago Dem politicos should still be trusted to run this state when it is nosediving toward economic destruction.
Go ahead, keep telling yourselves that the crowd running Illinois is better and smarter and the safe bet to win. I, for one, am far more comfortable entrusting Illinois’ future to the ideas of a Jason Plummer then such political maestroes as: MJM, Stroeger, Quinn, Emil Jones, Blago….. Until you apologize for the aforementioned bums, dont expect many to embrace you attacks on Plummer.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:08 pm:
===Jason Plummer did’nt run on a resume, he ran on ideas; that is why he won.===
I would venture that his well-spent $1.4 million had more to do with it.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:10 pm:
===Until you apologize for the aforementioned bums, dont expect many to embrace you attacks on Plummer. ===
Tone down the language. Also, if you can’t find harsh posts here about those aforementioned folks, I would say you’re an idiot. lol
Just sayin…
- Stones - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
His age and lack of experience will be a factor as the campaign wears on especially without Cohen on the ticket.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
“Dad SAID …after Lieutenant Governor, and if I am real good … BAM, Captain Governor!”
Look, who the heck would have thought 9 years ago, that a LG would have to step in during one of the most trying times IL has faced. We can debate until the cows come home Pat Quinn, his policies, grandstanding… you can go on and on, but no one has said, “Well, this is what we get when we put someone in there with no experience in state government.” True, that statement can be taken negatively, and I get that too …but …
“Dude”, the guy is 27, his dad has put him where he is to “succeed” and “Jay-Jay” can not point to 1 thing he can claim, “I took this from nothing, on my own, and made this successful”, or “I fought for this bill since the beginning, worked the bill, fought a good fight, and saw it become reality”.
Compare a LG to a US Senator … possibly run a state v. one of 100 … Millions of people depending on you as THE chief executive … vote on graxing rights for cattle in WY…. seriously … oh, and by the way, “Jay-Jay” can’t even VOTE in the senate at age 27 … he has to wait 3 whole years … or 3 seasons of the “Real World” on MTV, to help Jay-Jay understand ….
This is not a game … Quinn proved that the LG, or whoever could be next if a Governor is gone (depending how this finally plays out; the LG quandry).
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
Gregor, I agree with you about Pat Quinn as lt. gov. but when it came time for him to step up as gov, he has left a lot to be desired. then to hear from Harold Washington that pat quinn is just not good leadership material really hurts because it means Quinn has not worked to improve himself over the years. he should have. but based on things he has said or not said during the primary campaign and his behavior, it appears that he’s never even admitted to himself that there are things he needs to improve, or that there were things he needed to improve. that’s pretty bad.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:11 pm:
“he ran on ideas” - Said like a true political operative that daddy’s money bought off.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
“Jason Plummer did’nt run on a resume, he ran on ideas; that is why he won.”
Actually, I would say he ran on his dad’s million and a half bucks.
His ideas were that he was the ONE Republican this and the ONE Republican that.
My favorite of these, by the way, was that he was the ONE candidate “who gets it.”
Whatever “it” is you can probably bet he “gets” it from his dad.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:13 pm:
I’m so confused. Is the LG position a useless no-responsibility job that is a waste of tax dollars and should be eliminated forthwith? Or is it an integral and important cog in the wheel of Illinois governance–a job of such complexity and nuance that it can not possibly be undertaken by someone who has not yet reached thirty?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
Responsa, that’s intellectually dishonest. It is a mostly do-nothing job - except if something very bad happens to the governor.
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
“Of course, in comparison to Scott Lee Cohen, it all seems pretty darned minor.”
True, although the Dems cleaned house and will presumably pick someone a lot more qualified now.
Plummer is a nice kid, but he is just that, a kid. Consider he was still in college in 2005, which seems like yesterday.
And yes, his work for Heritage and Senator Fitzgerald was as an intern, opening mail and taking out the trash presumably.
All that said, I would still rather take my chances with Plummer if Matt Murphy is the alternative.
- Joe - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
Rich, from what I heard from a friend down South, Plummer made a mess of being the Chair of the Madison County Republican Central committee. He couldn’t get elected to a second term. There have been rumors, Jason and dad supported local democrats for election and dad contributes to democrats.
His qualifications seem to be limited to the amount of money his dad is willing to spend.
Jason Plummer is extremely conservative. Not sure how that will play out in Illinois.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
He looks like Glen Beck!
- George - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:18 pm:
Would be interesting to see exactly HOW Mr. Jay the Plummer got those internships with Sen. Fitzgerald.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:21 pm:
Jason Plummer. The ONE Republican who is an expert at running to Starbucks for Peter Fitzgerald and the Heritage Foundation.
- George - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:24 pm:
Ok, I didn’t realize this before, but it looks like Jason Plummer received a $200,000 loan from the family company, not the family checkbook.
That’s a little different.
- Just wondering - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:25 pm:
=So you are making fun of Jason Plummber because he has a baby face, he interned for very legitimate offices but wasn’t a full time employee and doesn’t mach up in personal experience to a bunch of long time establishment legislators and former Governors?=
I’m not making fun of his boyish looks. He’s a good looking young man.
There is nothing wrong with candidates who have fresh new idea’s. BUT, I would be more comfortable with a bright eyed young man working his way up to Lt. Gov rather than walking into the position because his family had the dough to successfully get his name out there.
I worked in a US Senate office. We had tons of interns. Neither I nor the interns are ready to be governor. Well, maybe I”m qualified but…..
I’m not making fun of anyone. All I am saying is I would be more comfortable with someone being a heart beat away from running this state, who has SOME experience. This has nothing to do with this guy being a dem or a rep.
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:25 pm:
How old was Dan Hynes when the DEMs nominated his as part of the “dream team” for the office of Comptroller? If memory serves, he was 29. How old was Giannoulias when nominated for Treasurer?
True, Plummer spent over one mil on his race, but so did Don Tracy who was running against him, and Plummer was clearly outspent by the McKenna/Murphy camp. Thus, even an idiot like me knows one cant dismiss the Plummer victory as simply a matter of spending money. Consider that Plummer got the endorsement of the Pro-life organizations and the 2cd Amendment groups among others and ran very strong in areas not covered by major media markets and was very competitive in Counties far from his home in Madison and outside the territory where R. P. Lumber operates.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:27 pm:
CR, one thing you missed. A whole lot of people would have to die or be impeached before a comptroller or a treasurer became governor.
- George - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:29 pm:
I know a good handful of people in their late 20s/early 30s who I would be comfortable with as treasurer or comptroller. Some smart cookies for a pretty straightforward office.
Governor? Not so much.
- enn - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:31 pm:
It’s all well and good to judge lt. gov. candidates on their qualifications to take over the governor’s job, but realistically, if you’re qualified to be governor, why not just run for governor? Of course lt. gov. candidates are going to be underwhelming; if they weren’t they’d run for something else.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:31 pm:
Anonymous, that list you linked doesn’t appear to include interns.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:32 pm:
CR, Tracy only spent half that amount. Plummer ended up spending almost three times the amount Tracy did. Ask for what McKenna/Murphy spent, I think we all can admit that it was TOTALLY about McKenna. Murphy was barely noticeable. So sorry, Jason still out spent all of this opponents.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:33 pm:
If Plummer can get Dad to pony up he will be a real help to Brady who seems to have trouble raising cash. The Plummers along with the national party and maybe even the teabaggers will probably all help out. I can’t wait to see their commercials.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:34 pm:
You do know that Dan Hynes …Alexi … everyone that you cite the “Age” thing … were NOT one step away from running the state! Also, aren’t comptroller and treasurer considered “stepping stone” offices, by which one gets experience to be the Chief Executive of Illinois? Alexi, Dan, et al, never said they were ready to run a state, they made the case they could do the job of treasurer and comptroller respectively.
“Dude, the governor, if he goes like to Disney World or somethinhg for a week, do I get t be governor, like when the Hall Monitor a school is sick or something, someone else gets to be Hall Monitor? ….”
LG is about being ready, heaven help us, if a governor is not capable of fulfuilling the term. That is the job. Pat Quinn filled that role, being sworn in the day the senate convicted Blago. Quinn walked in the House chamber and raised his hand and said the oath to be our governor … you want “Jay-Jay” a moment away from that scene repeating? That is the difference of LG v. Senate, Comptroller, AG, SOS, etc.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:34 pm:
===Of course lt. gov. candidates are going to be underwhelming; if they weren’t they’d run for something else. ===
Paul Simon, Neil Hartigan, Grace Mary Stern, Pat Quinn, Bob Kustra, Corrinne Wood, George Ryan [House Speaker at the time], Sam Shapiro, Joe Birkett, to name just a few candidates.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
But Just Wondering et al. who have a problem with money buying elections and folks not working their way up through the ranks, where were you when Alexi G. did essentially what Jason Plummer did (and he’s still doing it)? The fact that he was supported by Obama, which helped him tremendously doesn’t speak well of Obama given his nassive leadership inabilities and shortcomings. One of the main reasons I am not voting for Alexi G, is because of how he got to where he is now, and the fact that he hasn’t been a very good state treasurer. hmmm..I wonder if his youth and inexperience had something to do with that? yes, of course it did.
Alexi G’s bank issues are a secondary factor as to why he should not be a U.S. senator.
Going foward we (Illinoisans etc) need to figure out a way to encourage young people to pursue careers public service, but keep them a bay enough so that they don’t mess things up and do harm.
Maybe the constitutional offices need to have age limits e.g., 40 and older only need apply.
I hope those of you who are knocking Jason for using his daddy’s money to buy an election and his age are NOT planning to vote for Alexi G and did not vote him back in 2006. Come on now, don’t be hypocritical here!
- Hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
I don’t think it’s totally fair to discount a guy just because he works for his a successful family business or because he’s only 27. Apparently he is or was a county party chairman too (in addition to working for Fitzgerald and Heritage Foundation), so even if I don’t agree with his ideas about government at least he bothered developing ideas before running and didn’t just stumble into this campaign like SLC without even voting before.
That said, does anyone know what business he started while at U of I? It seems weird to me that he talks about RP Lumber using its name but doesn’t whatever these other companies are.
I’m also confused about his involvement in student government at U of I. I thought U of I students voted to disband their student government in 2003? Was he in the Illinois Student Senate?
OK this blog seems to say he was in Illinois Student Senate. And he was A vice president and not THE vice president of the student body:
“As the term of the first assembly of the Illinois Student Senate drew to a close, confrontations flared over the issue of Illinois Student Senate representation. Problems ensued after Vice-Presidents Jason Plummer and Daniel Nugent began creating press kits opposing two Allen Hall speakers. The press kit was full of fabricated quotes and misinformation. The Senate was up in arms against its leaders. Many Senators threatened to resign from elected office. Through a motion by Senator Derek Chan, the argument culminated in a vote of no confidence against VP External Daniel Nugent.”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:39 pm:
Again …
Alexi …
Treasurer … not running a state.
Senator, guess what, you have to be at least 30…Alexi? check … “Jay-Jay”? … “golly, no, but I am tall for my age and stuff …”
Senate … one of 100, Governor - The Chief Executive of the state …
Really?… We really going down THIS road?
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:40 pm:
Plummer PDF bio is quite clear. He interned. Is Kaufmann really searching for needles in a haystack with “work served”.
Wow. Ground breaking work Justin.
I must be crazy, but if you wanted to know what type of work Plummer performed while an intern with Fitzgerald and Heritage, perhaps you would ask him, ask Fitzgerald, and ask Heritage.
You can probably even use Google as a starting place.
If Rich can beat up on the Tribune Editorial page for shoddy craftsmanship, maybe WBEZ can get a similar diagnosis.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:41 pm:
==that’s intellectually dishonest==
Rich, I try to stay on the good side of the owner of this blog. But, considering the MANY people calling for the elimination of the LG position on various threads archived on CapFax over the past week, coupled with the entirety of the (still unresolved) SLC mess, I think I see a fair amount of hypocricy being posted here today. Whatever.
- Just wondering - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:43 pm:
If we are going to continue to let elected offices be “bought” by wealthy candidates, why not just put them on Ebay?
I’ve got nothing against a 27 year old getting involved. I applaud the young man. But you dont’ jump into the game and move to the front of the line. Unless your last name is Lipinski.
- What a Joke - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:43 pm:
Jason lied on his “resume” and daddy kicked in a mil and a half - bingo - he won ! The kid has not worked a day in his life. He has not “employed” one person other than the guy his dad paid to drive Jason around. His dad supports democrats and buys everyone off for anything he needs. What a joke.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:44 pm:
lol… Brennan …
Did you see the quote “Jay-Jay” used in his add from the “retired” Senator Peter Fizgerald.
“Jason is an entergetic and dynamic leader …”
“Dude”, thats the lingo you put on a resume’ to take up space! Fitz couldn’t come up with something better? Really?
So, we KNOW what Fitz says about “Jay-Jay” … it was in “Jay-Jay’s” ad
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:46 pm:
=If we are going to continue to let elected offices be “bought” by wealthy candidates, why not just put them on Ebay?=
Ebay doesn’t host “all pay auctions”. Elections are below the standards of Ebay.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:49 pm:
===Plummer PDF bio is quite clear. He interned. Is Kaufmann really searching for needles in a haystack with “work served”.===
Whatever the case, his website bio page - which is what far more people will see - doesn’t use the word “intern.”
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:50 pm:
The Lt. Gov is waste of time and money anyway. The parties can pay their own way to promote their ticket.
If Cohen and Plummer are effective businessmen, they’ll have a greater impact on job creation and capital growth as private citizens. They both come from positions of success. Build on that. Politics is no direction to further that goal.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:52 pm:
If his resume is the only thing he ever lied about he’ll be the most honest politician in Illinois.
- fedup dem - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:53 pm:
“Jay-Jay” is an intellengence officer? Oh My God, we’re doomed!!!
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:54 pm:
=Served under U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald and in Washington, DC with the Heritage Foundation — the conservative public policy institute.=
These are true statements. They’re accurate.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:56 pm:
“To answer your question, That depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is”
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:59 pm:
Jason P -> about the same age some IL Congressmen were elected at…..
- Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:00 pm:
Well, at least Plummer won’t “upstage” Brady. Anyone heard hims speak?! That’s usually a concern when picking a nominee, but Brady won’t have to worry about that!
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:01 pm:
PC, being a congressman and stepping in to run a big state like this are two wholly different things.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:03 pm:
Congressmen - one of 435
LG - Moments away from Chief Executive of billion dollar budgets and running a state ….
- Pelon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:06 pm:
The fact that he’s young and has limited experience in government may be an issue for the posters on this blog, but I don’t think that will matter much to the average voter. In fact, it may be a distinct advantage. The political establishment is not well liked at the moment.
- B-non - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:07 pm:
I’d like to see more info regarding his Navy Reserve service. Award certficates, dates of service, etc.
- heet101 - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:07 pm:
=== I will end with, Plummer and Cohen should not be equated to each other. Cohen is what I consider to be a womanizer and an unethical human being. Jason Plummber is a young man who cares about his country and has proven that with what he has done with his life so far. ===
I agree with everything but your ability to spell Jason’s last name.
- Just wondering - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:14 pm:
=The fact that he’s young and has limited experience in government may be an issue for the posters on this blog, but I don’t think that will matter much to the average voter. In fact, it may be a distinct advantage. The political establishment is not well liked at the moment.=
And that my friends, gave us Scott Lee Cohen.
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:15 pm:
OK, Jason P –> 5 years younger than Bill Clinton was when he was first elected Gov.
- Justice - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:17 pm:
He’s young and he’s inexperienced…..So……? It would appear the old and experienced crowd has put us in a hole almost too deep to dig out of. I don’t recall anyone saying he was dumb, stupid, lazy, or had no common sense. To me, saying “Daddy’s money” is a point made by the weak.
Give the fellow a break. He at least has the tenacity to run, is putting forth some ideas, and is putting his, or whomever, money where his mouth is. I’ll hand him that. The rest of us sit back and mouth off.
I say we need a lot more like Jason P throughout this nation. If he and his family think that honesty, hard work, and integrity are alive and well….good for them! We need more of those sons and daughters involved!
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:17 pm:
===And that my friends, gave us Scott Lee Cohen. ===
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
===To me, saying “Daddy’s money” is a point made by the weak.===
By “weak” do you mean people who don’t get millions from their parents? lol
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:21 pm:
===5 years younger than Bill Clinton was when he was first elected Gov. ===
Of Arkansas. Fewer employees than the Cook County sheriff.
Also, Clinton had been elected attorney general before that. And, Clinton did so poorly in his first term that he lost reelection.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:21 pm:
I beileive Bill Clinton … he was AG BEFORE governor … I think AG is a “stepping stone” offfice for Guv …
So ….
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:23 pm:
Any attempts by the dems to use jason plummer as a line of attack will only be met by the GOP rightly using Alexi G as a line of counter attack, and very effectively I might add.
so, whatever dems.
- just look into it - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:25 pm:
If we have learned about his experience as just being internships whats to say that he has not stretched the truth on other things? When did he join the navy reserve? What about the actual work he does for his dad?
- Dnstateanon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:26 pm:
So the Dem’s just had to run their LT. Gov. Candidate off because he was useless and held knife to a girl friends neck. There last Lt. is now the Dem’s Gov. because he had to take over for the last Governor because he plead not guilty today. Quinn has helped Blago run the state into the ground and make it a laughing stock and we are questioning the age of the GOP LT Gov. candidates age go figure.
Plummer will be fine as long as Brady doesn’t sell a senate seat or forget to go to the Doctor and at 50 he isn’t going anywhere.
I would guess that Plummer knows more about a budget then Quinn does at least he can get one to balance and pay the state’s bills for more then a month.
Treasurer is still running an important office Plummer is going to LT. Gov. an office people are currently considering doing away with?
Sorry we listen to our voters when they elect someone of course we don’t have to question whether they have been in jail.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:29 pm:
===Sorry we listen to our voters when they elect someone===
First, it was a nomination, not an election.
Second, did you forget Jack Ryan?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:31 pm:
When “Jay-Jay” debates with, we can safely say, a much more qualified Dem LG nominee, and “Jay-Jay” is wearing that new suit he got for the debate, or 1st communion, or graduation … and he looks like a “deer in headlights” like a Dan Quayle …
Do NOT think for a second the Dems will use that …Dems? Using that? Tha.t Just. Won’t. Happen.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:31 pm:
OW, less caffeine, please.
- Dnstateanon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:35 pm:
No I haven’t and we should have listened to them then too. IE Jack Ryan
- Nikoli - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:35 pm:
And let’s be honest, while the possibility does exist that Jason would have to assume the Governor’s duties, is it even remotely likely?
Blago was the first governor in Illinois history to be impeached. It’s more likely that Jason will find himself constitutionally cut from a job if Speaker Madigan’s amendment passes than him taking over for a dead or disgraced Governor Brady/Dillard.
Let’s be honest here, people are up in arms that a young guy from downstate used family/family business money to run a decent campaign for lt. governor and he won. I saw Jason do nothing that Brad Cole, Don Tracy, Randy White or anyone else couldn’t have done if they had the money Jason did. The argument can be made that if they really were serious about running, they should have amped up the fundraising in order to compete with Jason once they knew Plummer was in the race. His family cash is no secret.
Jason will be a great asset to whoever becomes the Republican gubernatorial candidate. He’ll draw in votes that may not normally have been there for the GOP and, unlike most Lt. Gov candidates who just eek off of the gubernatorial candidate’s money, Jason will be able to pull his own financial weight. Is he ready for the top spot?
Probably not yet, but that’s why he didn’t run for it to begin with. If the worst anyone can say is that he’s young and that he used the resources he had to win, that’s not that bad.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:40 pm:
===And let’s be honest, while the possibility does exist that Jason would have to assume the Governor’s duties, is it even remotely likely?===
Besides Blagojevich, Shapiro became guv when the incumbent moved on to a federal judgeship. There have been others here and elsewhere. It’s a distant possibility, but it’s the reason why we have that office.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:41 pm:
Sorry Rich, … but(?)
===Is he ready for the top spot?
Probably not yet, but that’s why he didn’t run for it to begin with.===
The only real function of LG … to take over if the office of Governor is vacant … and he is NOT up to that task?
Like I sad, Rich, sorry, but …
- Justice - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:45 pm:
Because of the way campaigns are financed, if one doesn’t use family money, they are not able to get their message out unless they are tied to the “machine’ on either side. Using family money shouldn’t always be considered as a bad thing, unless there is evidence otherwise.
There are some questions about the level of experience and how that has been presented. I too would be interested in his service record, and would like to hear about what he actually did at his father’s business.
Who knows, this fellow just might be genuine. Old and cunning hasn’t been our to date…..except perhaps for MJM!
- IrishPirate - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:48 pm:
I see the Republican Kool Aid drinkers are out in force today.
I don’t think we need worry that Brady and Beaver Cleaver will be elected come November.
The GOP has likely blown a chance at the Governor’s office by nominating someone who is too conservative for Illinois and his sidekick the Boy Wonder.
Which unfortunately leaves us with Governor Quinn and a Lt Governor to be named later.
- Steve-O - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:54 pm:
==I would venture that his well-spent $1.4 million had more to do with it. ==
Rich, talk about flawed logic. If $1.4mil is all it took to win the race, then why didn’t McKenna/Murphy win with their $5.7mil? There wasn’t a single candidate in any race that worked as hard as Plummer did.
And so many of these comments are just childish and class warfarish, but I guess that’s par for the course. Many of you assume that just because someone comes from money, they must be lazy and get a free pass in every aspect of their life, with no work required.
- siriusly - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:57 pm:
anon 12:31 - while I agree with you that Alexi will get beaten badly by Kirk, I will argue that Alexi could probably perform just fine as our Senator. As 1 of 100 lawmakers it isn’t hard for almost any half-brained pol. to craft an image of doing well, voting the right way and “fighting” for your state.
However, there is absolutely no way I could believe that Jason Plummer (or SLC of course) could ever be ready to perform as Governor.
Ironman - working for a company your dad controls is a far stretch from handling the multi-billion budget of the 6th largest state in the country in the midst of its worst fiscal crisis ever. Have you taken a class in public finance? Public budgeting? Has Plummer? I’m all for “outsider” but there is a lot to learn about how government works and there’s no way this kid knows the first thing about how government should or can work.
I agree with Rich - I’m not saying that Plummer isn’t a “good guy” but he basically made the same electoral calculation that Scott Lee Cohen did. If I spend $1.5 M on this un-important office and say some nice things in my campaign, I can easily beat a handful of small-time lawmakers in the primary. Same formula, same result.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 2:59 pm:
Dnstateanon, if you didn’t forget Jack, then why did you claim that your party listens to voters in situations like this?
Sad to say, almost all of the counter-arguments on this post are either disingenuous or silly straw-grasps. Not all. But almost all.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:01 pm:
===Rich, talk about flawed logic. If $1.4mil is all it took to win the race, then why didn’t McKenna/Murphy win with their $5.7mil?===
Good question. But the answer has more to do with the different dynamics of the contests. Surely, you don’t think that if Plummer didn’t borrow any money from his parents that he would’ve won anyway?
- siriusly - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:05 pm:
LMAO! YDD “On a clear day, Plummer can see Missouri from his house.
The Brady people should remind Plummer to never write his core values on the palm of his hand.
No way that any of these pro-Plummer posters to would actually have voted for him for Governor if he ran. You wouldn’t because you had better, far more qualified candidates in the mix. I bet Brady will vote for the LG elimination bill.
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:08 pm:
Just think, would Jay-Jay have been selected by the old guard in the smoke-filled room? He’s no Jefferson Smith.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
=Have you taken a class in public finance? Public budgeting? Has Plummer?=
Plummer has a bachelors degree in finance from the University of Illinois.
Plummer has about as much classroom experience in these matters as Barack Obama.
At least try and learn something about the candidate.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:10 pm:
–I bet Brady will vote for the LG elimination bill.–
If so, better get the Plummer contribution first.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:11 pm:
“… and he looks like a “deer in headlights” like a Dan Quayle …”
Don’t bet on it.
The most interesting thing that has come out is his willingness to mix it up at the Student Council.
He wasn’t just a go along type of guy.
It takes brains and moxy to do that.
He was obviously willing to present new and different ideas and fight for them. It takes intelligence and savvy to do that.
The whole notion of putting together press kits in opposition to something that was being proposed is remarkable in itself.
Let’s not prejudge on who will be cleaning up after the LG Debate.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:12 pm:
I don’t think you want to compare “Jay-Jay’s” experience with that of Obama’s in finance at this particular moment in history …hurts either way
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:14 pm:
Oh Rich, I didn’t even mock or write this …
===The most interesting thing that has come out is his willingness to mix it up at the Student Council.===
Just let that sit out there for a minute and get ripe ….
- Steve-O - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:15 pm:
=Good question. But the answer has more to do with the different dynamics of the contests. Surely, you don’t think that if Plummer didn’t borrow any money from his parents that he would’ve won anyway?=
Could Plummer have competed with Murphy, when McKenna was spending upwards of $6mil…if his father and his affiliated companies hadn’t loaned him $900k? Probably not. But show me another candidate with money that worked so relentlessly and stayed on point with a disciplined message? Money alone doesn’t buy elections/nominations. Just ask Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and our very own Andy McKenna. It has to come with very hard work and a great team of hard workers.
- Greg - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:19 pm:
Oswego Willy: at some point in your life, were you wronged by a 27 year old?
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:21 pm:
So the Comptroller’s office has been irrelevant and the Treasurer’s office irrelevant to the State’s fiscal crisis? You guys are reaching, pathetically so, I might add. Pointing out the DEMS embraced young Hynes and young Alexi to HEAD important constitutional offices, but are trying to make an issue of Jason’s age does seem disengenous. It also seems to be an effort to detract attention away from the Cohen debacle and the absolute incompetence of DEMs at the highest level in party politics to fend off such a debacle. I, for one, thought Dan Hynes did a better job as a constitutional office holder than any of the Democrats he was elected with, and did seem a voice crying out for fiscal sanity when the government was full speed ahead on the fiscal insanity track. But of course, the DEMs chose to nominate Pat Quinn instead.
Does age matter? Of course it does. Plummer is going to have to work hard to prove he is up to the task. What bothers me though is some of the anti-Plummer posters I read here fail to raise the slightest objection, or voice the most respectful of concerns, that one of the state-wide candidates, because of advancing age and the impact on his health, may not be able to handle the duties of the office in something other than a figure head roll.
I again assert, the voters in Illinois are far more concerned about the corruption and incompetence that they have lived with these past number of years than they are the number of years young Mr. Plummer has been on this earth. And, until those who have advised we place our public trust in the particular failures running this State, offer up a sincere apology for their bad advice, I think attacks on Plummer will not resonate widely within the electorate.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:24 pm:
Yep, that student council stuff sure is impressive! Maybe he and Brady should trade places on the ballot.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:27 pm:
“The most interesting thing that has come out is his willingness to mix it up at the Student Council.”
And dog gon’ it, the cafeteria has Ho Hos again!
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:29 pm:
…and they didn’t close the Fiji house!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:31 pm:
Let me be the first Democrat to defend Jason Plummer.
Time will tell.
We’ll know soon enough whether he had any actual responsibilities at RP Lumber, or whether his dad was just providing him with a soft place to land because he couldn’t find a job anywhere else.
I’m sure that Plummer will release his full college transcripts soon to answer whether he was an A student or a C student in Finance at U of I.
We’ll find out soon whether he has any substantial ideas or understanding of how state government works, or whether he’s just Eye Candy for the Brady campaign.
So, stay tuned, don’t rush to judgment.
P.S. Jason, sorry about the “see Missouri” joke…just couldn’t pass it up.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:37 pm:
A’s or C’s what’s the difference? Remember its UofI we’re talking about. Its not like he went to DePaul or Loyola.
By the way did anyone check his birth certificate?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:39 pm:
Cousin Ralph -
Jesse White just called to challenge you to arm-wrestling and various feats of strength.
Seriously, comparing White’s age to Plummer’s?
Study after study has shown that regular physical activity, which White surely engages in, keeps the mind sharp and raises the I.Q.
Besides, the issue with Plummer is not age per se, its experience.
And the question is: Does Plummer have the experience necessary to lead this state if needed, which is the test of whether you’re qualified to be Lt. Governor.
We’ll know soon enough.
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
Rich, glad you brought up Jack Ryan as it is an interesting comparison. The then ILGOP Chairman was JBT. She pleaded with Jack to allow some meaningful review of his divorce records to verify what he was saying which was: “There is nothing personally embarrassing in the records and the files are sealed to protect the privacy interests on the couples’ special needs child.” When Jack refused to come clean, the state party seriously contemplated endorsing one of the other candidates. The committee split between Rauchenberger and McKenna and neither could get the supermajority needed.
The Chicago Tribune did’nt buy Jack’s explanation either and when it got his records unsealed, Jack was done. Jack was done because he lied about his past and tried hiding behind his kid. That is an entirely different scenario that played out with Cohen. In Cohen, none of his records were sealed and there is no evidence that he tried to hide his past or that the ILDEMs were prevented from uncovering the truth before primary day.
But, lets get back to Jason Plummer jokes. “Ho Hos in the cafeteria,” thats a real knee slapper!
- respectful - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:48 pm:
Pluumer is endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, Jim Tobin’s Taxpayer Acountability, & Jack Roeser’s Reannaisance PAC. Are Schlafly, Tobin & Roeser mainstream Republicans, much less mainstream Illinois?
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:49 pm:
YD, I dont want to turn this into a discussion about my soon-to-be arm wrestling opponent. (who, by the way, have always liked). I think those reading this blog who also know to whom I refered, understand full well the point of my post. It is the duplicity and double standards to which I take offense, not legit criticism.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:54 pm:
“Seriously, comparing White’s age to Plummer’s?”
Wrong comparison.
Plummer’s family employs him.
White employs his family.
- PPHS - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:58 pm:
Is he smarter than a 5th grader? Let’s see his GPA.
Can you imagine the security detail that would have to work for this young man? Does he even know that he would get security?
Maybe he is OK. But it takes a certain moxie to get along in the capitol.
I would like to know what he plans to do as Lt.Gov. and why he picked that office to run for.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:00 pm:
I’m thinking about Luke Ravenstahl who became Pittsburgh’s mayor at the age of 26 when the sitting mayor died suddenly. He had a couple
of years on the P-B city council (elected at age 23) but nevertheless there were dire predictions
when he took the mayoral chair.
He’s doing fine and was re-elected in 2009.
People have a way of rising to the occasion.
In the unlikely even that Brady, the probably candidate wins, I’m not worried.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:03 pm:
===He had a couple of years on the P-B city council (elected at age 23)===
So … He “had” experience, before he had “no experience”?
- T.J. - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:16 pm:
This is pretty transparent. We don’t even know who the Republican nominee for Governor and the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor will be. Democrats are embarrassed as Hell the winner of their primary for Lieutenant Governor had even worse ethics than Dan Rostenkowski and Rod Blagojevich. So, how else to move on from that than to go nuclear on the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor? Too bad all they have are a bizarre nickname they made up and a bizarre obsession with his age and now, what, his family?
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:20 pm:
I apologize if this was already answered in the comments but how old do you have to be to assume the duties of governor in this state.
- (Formerly) Angry Republican - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:20 pm:
CR get over it; you know youth and inexperience only counts against Republican candidates not Democrats(Obama, Hynes, Alexi G…). Plummer can make all this go away by campaigning to eliminate the lite guv.
- Beowulf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:23 pm:
Just a personal thought on the issue of who the Lieutenant Governor should be (or if we even need one). I have always thought that the individual that comes in with the second greatest number of votes for governor on each Party’s Primary election vote should be the person that runs as Lieutenant Governor for their respective party. Then, I guess that the only problem would be if the largest vote getter and the second largest vote getter in each Party had “trashed” each other in their campaigns and couldn’t stand each other’s guts. However, WE WOULD KNOW who the GOP and Democrat Party faithful actually favored after the Gubernatorial nominee in each Party. Just a thought.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:26 pm:
True Observer,
That student council bit was ill advised, as you can see by the glee with which other posters are responding. Ho ho’s indeed. This group will chew you up and spit you out with such comments.
I don’t know much about Plummer but am struck by the comments here related to the fact that he wouldn’t have won w/out daddy’s money. The fact is, in a crowded field it is hard to get ones voice heard without substantial sums of $ to pay for the airtime. Where else is one to get such cash in said crowded field. Only those who have party connections can hope to raise such cash and they are routinely knocked as being party hacks as evidence by their ability to raise $. Or, you get $ from the family fortune and then you are lambasted for getting cash from daddy. Seems like a no-win situation with some who post here.
Any better suggestions from this august body? How do you break thru the good ole boy network without sullying yourself? Run a pawn shop? While my comments don’t directly address the competence of Plummer it does show a problem with the system of nominating people for office. I am not suggesting some type of statewide public financing - that would likely be shot down by many here. Who would be eligible? Do you require a level of support via polling?
Brady and Plummer ran primary campaigns that at least looked at the landscape and came up with a strategy to address that using their strengths and minimizing the weaknesses. Cohen did that, too. Sounds like they can figure things out that others in the crowded fields couldn’t. Good campaigners don’t necessarily make good elected officials, we have seen that before. I don’t like the idea of “anyone is better than PQ”, but I will likely not do a write in this Nov unless we find out something horrible involving livestock.
- Torts - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:02 pm:
Why not just take Plummer, if you’re Brady, and let him run with the tort reform issue? He’s from the Metro East. Stir it up like they did with Karmeier. Give him some niche responsibilities like that and I bet he’d be off to the races. Tell’em he’s on the ticket to make a difference on bread and butter issues like frivolous law suits and outrageous worker’s comp claims. Or something along those lines. Let him do the grassroots stuff on wedge issues.
- ironman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:03 pm:
All i can say is that, I read all of the comments from disgusted democrats that there own party is in shambles. The democrats control every major office and control the house and senate. People of Illinois are sick of the same ole politicians, Jason Plummer is a fresh face for the working people of Illinois. He is and has worked in the private sector and knows how to manage his and the companies money. Unlike the the democratic controlled House and senate, Gov, comp, ect…I think when people talk to jason, they will see he means business….
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:28 pm:
I am a Repub … and I, too, am sick of same ole … but we are talking about LG … whose sole purpose in existence is to step in if the governor is unable to complete the elected. term.
I, too, have read the comments like, “is he ready for the top spot, probably not”.
That was from a “supporter” and just one of the inane support posts for Plummer.
Fresh face does not mean the same as unadequately qualified. The private sector experience needs to include working for someone other than your father to ring as a true quality of being in the real world. Managing his dad’s company’s money? So far, Plummer has not listed that as his role there, so if it is, can he demonstrate something he has done ON HIS OWN to reinforce it?
My fear is that image I gave about Plummer at a debate 9 people will care about as it happens. He will get hammered on padding the resume and lack of understanding, fair or unfair. There will be some sort of stink, “This is the guy who could be a heartbeat away … like Pat Quinn was?” This is real. This is politics.
Then, that debate 9 people cared about becomes an ad, with Plummer looking like Dan Quayle, Brady being hammered as “too extreme” and all will be lost.
Quinn IS the example of the LG office in action. Plummer “plumbers” can not say it rarely happens, then deny that Quinn IS the example that is recent memory.
Plummer has problems… being 27 is probably the least, but the most damaging.
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:35 pm:
Two points. Why should we the people elect our Lt Gov. nominee when Chicago power brokers can do it for us? And, in response to some age and experience observations offered in this tread, remember,there becomes a time when “senior moments” happen so regularly that it is no longer considered momentary. I have seen courts take away driving privileges from seniors who evidenced similar cognitive capacities I have seen evidenced in Springfield.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:38 pm:
If there had been no lt gov office in Illinois, Lisa would be Governor now. The truth is candidates for AG probably do get vetted better than candidates for lt gov. Oh well, I voted for Brad.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:40 pm:
CR - Really, we are now goig to defend “Jay-Jay” because …”He won’t have a senior moment?”
Is his resume so thin, you have to chide seniors?
That is what “Jay-Jay” would face if HE answered questions on his qualifications by saying what YOU just posted …And people wonder why I am so adament about this candidate, look at the “best” that can be come up with to defend his qualifications.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:46 pm:
The Dem hypocrisy here is nauseating. I didn’t vote for Plummer and haven’t really reached an opinion, but you commenters with the snarky nicknames, college jokes and class envy are a bit much in light of the utter and total incompetence of the Blago/Quinn/Madigan/Emil “leadership” that sank this state. Not to mention the glaring double standard being applied to Plummer vs. the just as young and just as modestly credentialed Hynes, Alexi, and (oh, dare I say it?) Lisa “Governor-in Waiting” Madigan when they first took office.
Give the kid a break. He’s a veteran, and for as much blather about vet issues as we get from Quinn, exactly none of the Dem Statewide ticket, (excepting Jesse White, proud service in the 101st Airborne and National Guard) their siblings or adult children have spent one freaking day in the service of our country. His willingness to raise his hand and take that oath (when he clearly didn’t need to do it for the GI Bill) says something about the man to me.
As low as your party has set the bar for qualifications for elected office, (see also Obama, Barack) you have a lot of stones piling on this guy.
Oh, and college transcripts-if I’m Plummer, I would say “I’ll hand mine over when the President does the same thing.”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:58 pm:
Alexi, Dan, Lisa, … they never ran for a job out of the box like Plummer is running for, with the qulifications be “be the person to step in as Governor at a moments notice. They never ran to be the ACTUAL “Governor in Waiting” where the qualification is indeed just that, “Become governor if the office of governor is vacant.”
At 27, he will face all the jokes no matter what, so get some thick skin, ride and embrace it, or ignore it, ’cause it is a fact.
The class envy? My beef is so simple, Plummer has done nothing outside jobs his dad gave him … and parlay that with an age not even acceptable to be a member of a body of 100 in DC, but he can run a state with his resume’?
As repubs, when we chide Dems about lack of qualifications, should we answer with weak candidates, or beat them with impeccable candiadtes beyond approach with qualifacations? Or, are you suggessting every time we beefed about qualifications, we are not hypocrites?
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:03 pm:
OW, I concede your point, if only Jason had worked as a community organizer instead of working long days helping to manage a full service lumber company doing business throughout most of Illinois. I know in some family businesses there are do-nothing legacies with big titles and no talent. That aint the case at R P Lumber, that is a hard working, talented family.
- Cutiemomma46 - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
Maybe the constitutional offices need to have age limits e.g., 40 and older only need apply
WCW, that doesn’t mean those over 40 don’t have minds of a 12-year old. There are a lot of people older than 40 but have an intellectual age of 17 and I’ve seen some 20 year olds have the intellectual age of someone beyond their years.
I do understand people’s apprehension but the fact that he’s military should prove that he has the leadership experience that most at his age don’t have. The military teaches you to be a leader and train you to take command. Yes he’s young but I feel he’s ready for the challenge. I believe he can do the job of governor if called upon because he has been trained by the military to be that leader.
True Observer 3:54 that was funny - White employs his family. Now that’s knee slapper.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:31 pm:
=Plummer has not listed that as his role there, so if it is, can he demonstrate something he has done ON HIS OWN to reinforce it=
VP of Corporate Development. This is also in his posted bio.
He lists more details in his bio. I would encourage you to read it.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:34 pm:
… and his DAD gave him that title????
Yeah …i am sure when Daddy looked at tall the qualified candidates …”Intern for Fitz, Intern at Heritage …I smell VP of Business Development!”
Please, list jobs that did not have his DAD as the HR department.
- Madison County Watcher - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:12 pm:
I live in Madison County and have watched Jason’s entry into politics. He’s a good guy with honest values and a relentless work ethic.
What people don’t know is that the family wasn’t always rich. His dad started his career as a teacher and bought his first lumberyard and built the business into 40 lumberyards, plus all the other development stuff.
If Jason reads these comments today, he’ll say to himself, “great, everyone’s underestimating me again,” right before he heads out the door to start outworking everyone else again.
Jason might be young, his resume might not be as long as Quinn’s resume (or Burris’ tombstone), but he’s not some foolhardy young kid. Walk in a local RP Lumber and see how the business is ran. That business is a no-nonsense place, and Jason reflects that type of work ethic.
But forget my observations and keep underestimating him…
Did you look at the Madison County results and see that the GOP pulled more ballots than the Dems? First time in how long?
Keep underestimating him…
- Madison County Watcher - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:21 pm:
Oh, and everyone should continue calling Mr. Plummer (Jason’s father) as his “daddy”…each reference is probably good for $10,000 for the general election.
Better yet, I challenge any of you to walk into the Edwardsville RP Lumber tomorrow morning and walk up to the offices in the back and loudly ask to see Jason’s “daddy”.
For that matter, I doubt any of the people who have made reference to Lisa’s “daddy” would ever have the guts to go into 300 and ask that, either.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:30 pm:
“His dad started his career as a teacher…”
“Walk in a local RP…”
His dad. A local RP (not a local JP).
Look, I’ve taken part in the sport today because it’s amusing and because when one runs for public office, one becomes, well, public.
I will say some of the criticism has been, if not harsh, at least a little intense by some.
But that doesn’t mean his resume isn’t thin, his experience isn’t light or his path to the nomination wasn’t paved by his dad’s wealth.
And whoever says Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes or Alexi Giannoulias…ESPECIALLY Alexi Giannoulias, haven’t been subject to criticism clearly doesn’t read this blog too often.
Maybe you forgot my favorite example, because it wasn’t even an anonymous blogger but an elected official: when Lisa Madigan –state Sen. Lisa Madigan, by the way– beat Joe Birkett, he couldn’t even show grace in defeat, calling her and saying “Congratulations, Lisa. You’re a prosecutor now” (besides rude, ignorant of the fact that the AG is NOT a prosecutor).
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:51 pm:
Do people think this is helping?
===His dad started his career as a teacher and bought his first lumberyard and built the business into 40 lumberyards, plus all the other development stuff.===
Jay-Jay’s Daddy …
Ja-Jay’s resume’ is thin … no matter what his dad did, it was HIS DAD, not Jay-Jay
===Oh, and everyone should continue calling Mr. Plummer (Jason’s father) as his “daddy”…each reference is probably good for $10,000 for the general election.===
So, … his dad is the same Dad Veruca Salt had ….”I want a Lt. Guv. spot daddy, and I want it now …”
“Very well, Wonka, Jay-Jay wants his LG spot, name your price …”
‘Please stop helping the swimmer, you are drowning him’
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:53 pm:
Sorry, that last post (Wonka referenc) was me, I am sorry….full disclosure
- anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:10 pm:
he would probably do as good as Obama is doing..
hopefully better.
- Torts - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:15 pm:
I’m with ya’ Madison County Watcher. Don’t think there aren’t some nervous Dems in the Metro East thinking the same thing: That this kid could energize some hometown Independents and Rs to vote big in the General–and not for the Quinn/Blagojevich-crony ticket, either.
- Bookworm - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:40 pm:
The 1970 Illinois Constitution set a minimum age of 25 and minimum residency of 3 years for all the constitutional offices (including governor and lite guv). That does seem awfully young but for whatever reason, the framers of our current state constitution thought it sufficient. (Back in those days, the watchword was “don’t trust anyone over 30.”)
I voted for Don Tracy simply because with his age (almost 60), legal experience, and previous acquaintance with politics (albeit as a Democrat) I just felt more comfortable with the idea of him taking over the reins should something happen to the governor, rather than someone young enough to be my son
That being said, youth and inexperience can be cured with the passage of time, while bad judgement and bad character usually can’t be.
- ironman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:36 pm:
I can say , that Jason Plummer is the hardest working candidate i have ever seen. I have been involved with politics for 26 years and i have been impressed with jason and his campaign. I am proud to support him and his run. I think all of the democrats are under estimating Mr. Plummer……
- More Checking Necessary - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:38 pm:
Now it is time for more review of Mr. Plummer’s resume. He attended U of I, he received ROTC financial aid. Guess his father could not afford to pay the tuition. Did his ACT score automatically meet U of I admission standards ? Or, was his father’s “influence” part of his admission to U of I ? Remember that U of I “issue” this past year. When did he get training for his declared Reserve Intelligence “position” ? Might that have been just one month before he announced his candidacy for Lt Gov ? These questions are appropriate, the answers might just shock people. Any good investigative reporter can have a hay-day with this.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:01 pm:
Holy Toledo …I didn’t even think of that, but Jason Plummer would fit in that “clout” window at the U of I.
Rich, you should just “ask” Jason Plummer about the admission to the U of I, and Plummer should answer that question, for 2 very important reasons:
1. Relavence - Most “jobs” ask you what you have done either in a 5 or 10 year period of your business life and/or your college education. Both fit the window. It should be fairly easy for Jason Plummer to come up with that information, due to it being realtively recent.
2. Character - If Jason Plummer, with a thin resume’ is running on “it” and “it” includes character, and, if he got “clouted” in the U of I, that could be very telling.
It’s your show, Rich, I am just asking if you could ask …thanks.
- Steve Downstate - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:52 pm:
Plummer’s website (the “about Jason” section) touts his business experience outside of RP Lumber: “Jason is a successful entrepreneur, having started his first companies while still at the University of Illinois — including a wireless internet company that provides broadband access to several counties in downstate Illinois. This enterprise provided high-speed internet to citizens in areas where minimal service, if any, was available.”
I’d love to know the name of that company Jason founded, as well as whether it’s still in business, and if not, how short was its life. When your resume is this thin, and you’re bragging on what a “successful entrepreneur” you are, a detail such as that is pretty damn important. Anybody know if Jason’s non-RP businesses are still afloat?
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 6:30 am:
MCN, ROTC tuition waivers and stipends are hardly “financial aid” as the latter is commonly defined. In exchange for the waivers and stipends, which are completely merit-based, a multi-year commitment to active and/or Reserve service is required depending upon the candidate’s intended fleet assignment. Navy ROTC test/grade requirements, especially for students earning the aforementioned scholarships, are substantially in excess of the University’s comparable admission requirements.
Doubtful again that you Grassy Knoll Democrats will find anything adverse on Mr. Plummer in this latest salvo.
- Dave - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 6:43 am:
Please sign and support our Petition to bestow upon Audie Murphy, America’s Most Decorated Soldier of WWII and beloved actor the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, our Nation’s highest civilian honor, in recognition of his lifelong devotion to our Nation and his many cultural achievements in life.
Thank you!
Dave Phillips
Audie Murphy Presidential Medal of Freedom Petition Drive
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 7:57 am:
With quotes like these, heaven help him in the Big Show:
From Bernie Schoenberg, SJ-R;
““There’s been a whole lot of things that I’ve done in my life that aren’t on the biography,” Plummer responded. “I think that my biography is probably understated, to be honest with you.””
It takes my breath away ….wow
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 8:17 am:
Again, from Bernie Schoenberg, SJ-R …
“Plummer, a 2005 U of I graduate…”
Math: Figuring he worked for Fitz and Heritage for a year… and it was internships …the max he can claim “real-world” experience is from June 2005 to Jan 2010, 4 1/2 years … He started an internet servie provider and also, according to Schoenberg, was called “Celerty”, it was in “5 or 6 counties” and was “sold to another internet provider”.
Any word WHO bought that company, who financed the company’s start-up (Daddy?), did the company turn a profit (you would think if he would tout his ‘own’ successes if i was so successful!)?
===“There’s been a whole lot of things that I’ve done in my life that aren’t on the biography,” Plummer responded. “I think that my biography is probably understated, to be honest with you.”===
Goodness Gracious!
- Responsa - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 8:30 am:
OW, you’ve made your point. Multiple times. Over two days. You don’t like Jason. We get it. You are starting to sound like an obsessed ex-girlfriend or something.
- What a Joke - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:55 am:
The bottom line is that Mr. Plummer has greatly enhanced his resume especially in the area of business experience and work experience. His experience is having a title at his father’s company but it pretty much ends at that. We have someone on the ballot in November for the statewide office, that with due respect, has not even led a Cub Scout Troop or been acitvely inolved in anything other than a plan by him and his family to secure a major political position. His “leadership” as Chairman of the Madison County Republicans was very short lived - one year and kicked/voted out. The real “plan” was for him to run for Congress but when the area congressman decided to run again that plan went south fast. So, why not be Lt Gov for a while ! He has no real business or executive experience, he and his father just want to have an impressive title behind his name. And people wonder why this state is such a joke and money decides who will govern it
- seriously? - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:40 pm:
the dems nominate an LG candidate who is a wife beating roid rager and this is your post? gets better every day.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:43 pm:
Hey. You think we haven’t don’t innumerable posts on Scott Lee Cohen? Are you stupid or blind?
I pick “stupid.”