* Scott Lee Cohen appeared on Chicago Tonight again last night. He tried to explain why he hadn’t yet formally withdrawn, complained about the media coverage of his family and announced that he was heading to Washington, DC to do some media interviews. Watch it…
* House Speaker Michael Madigan was asked about the Cohen debacle yesterday and he spoke at length about Cohen, the replacement process, the governor’s role, etc. This is from a longer video posted by Illinois Statehouse News. Have a look…
* Related…
* Who knew about Scott Lee Cohen: A research perspective
* Madigan not backing anyone in Cohen replacement battle: “I’ve committed to no one,” Madigan said. “I think the overriding goal ought to be to find a strong candidate who will be well received by the people of Illinois.”
* Madigan says he warned Cohen things would get worse: Madigan has been criticized for not vetting candidates and allowing someone like Cohen to be in a position to win. “I’m not going to engage in finger pointing or recriminations. I think we ought to be happy that Mr. Cohen has dropped out,” Madigan said. “Now we ought to focus on replacing him.”
* Madigan: Lawmakers to help pick Quinn running mate: Madigan, who also is chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, said he plans to meet with Quinn and Senate President John Cullerton to discuss filling the vacant position of nominee for lieutenant governor. The three of them will submit the name of a candidate to the party’s central committee, which formally makes the choice. “At some time, the governor and Sen. Cullerton and I will sit down and talk it through,” Madigan told reporters. “I expect that I will be the one that will be called upon to communicate with the members of the committee, which I’ll do. We’ll attempt to come to a consensus.”
* Is ‘diversity‘ a consideration for lt. gov?: “I don’t think that’s an issue. You’ve got four highly qualified African Americans,” said State Rep. Art Turner. “I know I have a proven record and have the ability to represent this entire state, so I would hope that the color of my skin or the region or the community that I live in is not a factor to stop me from going to this position.”
* 10th Democratic leaders have say in Cohen replacement : Pierce personally favors state Rep. Karen May, D-58th, because she has a strong record on the environment and ethics. Additionally, she would provide the Democrat’s November ticket with a representative from Chicago’s collar counties, he said.
* Democrats to pick Quinn’s running mate next month: Brown defended the democratic nature of the selection process for Cohen’s replacement. Brown noted that the central committee members were chosen by Democratic voters on Feb. 2.
* Chuck Sweeny: Cohen’s exit gives Dems chance to leave slot blank: Why are they doing this? They should just promote second-place finisher, state Rep. Art Turner, D-Chicago.
* Walter’s Perspective: Blame For Cohen Fiasco: The bad guy in all this is not Scott Lee Cohen. It’s Michael Madigan, chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois, speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, one of the most powerful politicians in the history of Illinois.
You get the feeling this guy is going to milk it for as long as he can. Not quite like Blago, but he likes the limelight, even if it’s for the wrong reasons.
He’s going to DC to do media interviews? So much for not wanting to “hurt the people he loves.” Drag your family and the entire state through the mud some more!
Illionis does not need a Lt. Governor. There are no major functions that the state would miss if the office was closed. In addition, we would save money…
Lt. Gov. Candidate Scott Lee Cohen was initially non-committal on Democratic Party Chairman Michael Madigan’s request to drop out of the race.
However, Madigan supposedly dropped a bombshell on Cohen that quickly changed his mind.
Madigan noted that Cohen was able to fund his campaign from the proceeds of the Cohen Pawn Shop business. State Democratic leaders, Madigan observed, were so impressed that many were looking at getting into the Pawn Shop business for themselves.
Cohen immediately capitulated saying he would not have his name sullied as being the one to bring such disgrace to the Pawn Shop industry.
SLC praising and cozying up to Hoffman in the Ponce interview, and saying he and Hoffman are really quite a bit alike is probably not something Hoffman was thrilled to have had broadcast over the airwaves.
I think Madigan is being a bit disingenuous here.
He’s concerned about winning in November and about
his daughter’s prospects should she decide to run in four or eight years. Thus, he’ll be advocating for a mediocrity, preferably from Downstate, I guess, although if Brady is the candidate, it won’t matter. Somebody who can be counted on to take office and disappear for the duration. Turner would probably fill the bill except for his Chicago location.
Art Turner grassroots Lt. Governor campaign propelled him to a second place finish in the Democratic primary. Turner received 184,427 votes and finished 4 percent points behind frontrunner Scott Lee Cohen who has withdrawn. Turner spent $60,000, Cohen $2 million. Turner has an impeccable 26 years record as a legislator; energized tens of thousands supporters and received scores of endorsements including Chicago SunTimes and Tribune.
Governor Quinn has said, “I want to run with somebody’s qualified to be governor, who has a record of public service who is able to speak to ordinary, everyday people in plain language about the importance of the economy and someone who also stands up of the progressive values of the Democratic Party.”
So why isn’t Turner the clear choice for Lt. Governor spot? We hear all kinds of talk about gender and geographic diversity to justify selection of someone other than Turner. One person being touted by the Governor presently lives in Washington and did not enter the arena to fight for the Lt. Governor nomination.
When I was growing up basketball and segregation reigned supreme.
Following integration of the schools, most developed an unwritten policy… only one black to start at home games and no more than two in away games. Talent and skill were not determining factors. Eventually my home state got it right and basketball is king once again.
Is Illinois stuck in a time warp of the ‘60s? As reporters always point out three of the six major, statewide Democratic candidates are African-American . Turner would the fourth.
Art Turner is certainly qualified to be Lt. Governor and he should not be penalized because of his race or place of residence. Those days should be long gone
Pat C, I bet no one gives Cohen a dime. Who would be dumb enough to do that? You know the federales would be looking awfully close at that.
I suspect Madigan just laid it down: For the next nine months, every reporter in Illinois, and maybe some nationally, will turn over every rock in your past, personal and business. Are you prepared for that, with the knowledge that absolutely no one is on your side?
If you step aside, you’re no longer a story. I think he’ll milk the limelight for a while longer, but if he pulls a double-cross, he’s in for a world of pain.
I’m sick of this already. Springfield can’t get its stuff done now, the blago trial is coming up which will be another big distraction, the focus should be on the problems at hand.
Pat, you seem to be suggesting that Cohen is stalling his withdrawal until he gets some assurances on recouping some of the cash he blew in the election.
That would be at least a shakedown, quid pro quo, and although I’m no expert on criminal law, I imagine anyone participating in such a scheme would get a lot of scrutiny from the federales that they’d rather not.
No one will give him a dime.
“Mr. Cohen, you can have my answer now. My answer is nothing, not even the money for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you put up personally.”
Bribery -
The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties.
Cohen is not a public official.
If someone offered him their own money to get out, would that be illegal?
For example, if Oberweis had paid Brady $10 million in 2006 and Brady had withdrawn, would that have been illegal.
Of course, campqaign money is regulated. But even there, using campaign money to have someone leave the race which helps your campaign, would that be illegal?
@BIll Ryan
all of that maybe true about Art Turner but here is a man who was personally endorsed by the Democratic Party Chairmen who cannot win the LT Governor’s race against a pawn broker, Art Turner only won one black ward in chicago his own 24th ward. Using your logic Sen Hendon should be the Lt Governor!
I didn’t vote for Cohen because I knew he was a nut. When Cohen announced he was to step down, I fell for the same kind of parlor games political players like to play. Instead of thinking about the kind of government I would like to see in Illinois - I thought about the kind of politician I would like to see on the ticket.
That was the wrong approach.
I didn’t vote for Art Turner either, but he received the second greatest number of primary votes. He ought to be the guy who gets the nod.
Listen to the voters! Pick Turner.
For too long we have suffered under corrupt politics from both parties. If the Democrats don’t let the voters decide in this case, they will be acknowledging that they will continue to play those corrupted political games.
This is the time to start coming clean. It is way over due.
I would be surprised if the selection committee gave Karen May a #1 seed. Her strength of schedule isn’t that strong and she needs a few impressive road wins. Remember what the selection committee is looking for, “who did you play and when did you play them”. Conference play is key.
Get Obama to pardon George Ryan and then select him as Lt. Gov. He can show PQ how to run the gov, he’s already been indicted and convicted, so he’s been “pre-disastered” (see Wld Accdg to Garp movie), and he can draw downstate votes from Brady…what more do we need?
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:43 am:
Art Turner is not qualified because he couldn’t manage to make an issue and get the media and public’s attention about a guy with as much baggage as Scott Lee Cohen.
If he didn’t know about this stuff, then he’s an idiot for not even looking. If he did and couldn’t get it out, he’s incompetent as a communicator. Either way, it disqualifies him (and all the LG candidates) in my book.
I think the “who’s responsible for Cohen” angle is the most underreported theme on this topic. Forget Rickey Hendon — the irony of course is that close to the top of the list, according to the Sun Times, is Dick Mell. The same guy who brought us Blago also gave us Cohen. Who would listen to this guy?
I am suggesting he take his sweet time about filing that paper, and see what happens.
As for who is to blame, I put it SQUARELY on each candidate for Lt. Gov in the D primary. If you run, you should run to win.
People routinely challenge petitions, but they dont drag all this out????
Even just the “he doesn’t pay child support on time” is VERY easy to find out, and is related to fitness for office.
So, the other 5 should be disqualified based on that!
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:07 am:
You got it Pat Collins. All it would take is a quick trip by an intern to the Daley Center and they could have pulled the divorce paper, the list of lawsuits against him, the back child support. It was all right there. Hell, they didn’t even have to hire an oppo researcher to do this since it was so easy.
You can blame Madigan all you want for the SLC debacle but I think there is plenty to go around. The fourth estate certainly has a lot of egg on their face (sorry Rich - nothing personal) as the public depends heavily on the press in the vetting process.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:16 am:
Illinois does not need a Lt. Governor. It never really did. So, let’s phase the office out in 4 years. The Il Constitution can be amended to the AG following taking over the Gov office. There should also be a provision that the GA will be replaced by someone already in that office whom the exiting GA deems fit and competent to carry on with the duties. (In other words no special appointments or elections to fill the GA role). The GA should be well-staffed so that any void can be filled internally until the next election cycle!
Everyone did what they had to do at the time they did it.
Life is full of probabilities.
Every thing you do and the way you do it is based on probabilities of results.
The one exception is taking action based on hunches. Even there, hunches are based on probabilities.
In this country there is nothing more reviled than a snitch.
Whoever brought up Cohen would have had mud thrown back at them.
Since everyone assumed that Cohen was not a player, there was no earthly reason to bring up his background.
Madigan wouldn’t have done it because all it would do is bring disrepute to the Dem brand.
The one guilty party is the Media.
In trying to protect the Dem brand by concealing Cohen’s background, they just poured mud on themselves and they know it. That’s why they drove the story to get him out.
The party leaders and Gov Quinn have a major strategic decision to make. Either try to blunt
the potential appeal of Brady/Plummer in swing areas downstate and with disgruntled D’s or
concede other than the base D vote downstate and
focus on the collars with a candidate who can
draw the “contrasts” between a Chicago metro
area ticket and a downstate ticket for suburban
woman and independents.
The former leads one to Bill Haine or John Bradley, the latter to someone like Duckworth,
Garrett, May, Hamos and the like.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:22 am:
There are a lot of folks suggesting, Turner was second, therefore he should be the nominee. No fuss, no muss.
I voted for Turner.
But here’s another perspective.
78% of voters did NOT vote for Art Turner. Not choosing him isn’t exactly overturning the will of the electorate.
- Pols are to blame - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Why don’t you run that list of pols who endorsed Cohen. They couldn’t have know this guy and if they did they shouldn’t have offered him a place on their palm card unless they were made an offer they could not refuse.
As to Turner, while I agree he’s an affable person and knows his way around Springfield, he’s also a poor fundraiser and campaigner.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:28 am:
“Since everyone assumed that Cohen was not a player, there was no earthly reason to bring up his background.”
Are you kidding me? A lot of people saw that Cohen was spending millions to buy an office, had solid commercials and was blanketing the state. A lot of smart Dems I talked to thought he was going to win. There was ample reason to bring it up.
I think you got it right. I saw a small bit in the news where they had sample ballots that were printed by Mells camp. It had Cohen’s name in the lite gov slot. They showed the sample ballot in the news bit. I have seen nothing else about this sample ballot since. Does having a name on a sample ballot consitute an endorsement? Seems to me you wouldn’t want a persons’ name on your sample ballot unless you were giving some support. And, if you were thinking of putting a persons’ name on a sample ballot wouldn’t vetting the person be essential? Just askin’
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:39 am:
sorry, insert AG everywhere that I have GA in my previous post.
Two million bucks adds up to a lot of gold teeth in that pawnshop. I woulodn’t blame the guy if he doesn’t drop out until someone coughs up some moolah.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:48 am:
“80% of the GOP voters, didn’t vote for Brady. He is still going to be the nominee.”
Probably. But if he withdraws, it isn’t Dillard by default.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:49 am:
I should note that I know Brady has no reason or plans to withdraw.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:59 am:
Defaulting to the second place guy does not necessarily serve democracy. If Scott Lee Cohen weren’t in the race, would Turner have won? It’s a hypothetical question that can’t be answered.
Ditto Brady.
It’s a perfect case for instant runoff. If we had instant runoff, then we’d know who voters’ actual second choice was. Just because a guy finishes second doesn’t mean he was the popular second choice. As I said, 80 percent of voters chose someone else.
In fact, Arrow’s Theorem quite clearly demonstrates that even IRV doesn’t solve the problem entirely. If there isn’t a majority winning candidate any outcome is open to manipulation or misinterpretation of the ‘people’s’ will.
When a candidate who wins a race and then resigns or dies before taking office we don’t give it to the second place finisher. We either appoint someone or hold a special election. Given this is entirely a party matter of how to replace a candidate, the Democratic Party can choose as it sees fit.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
I agree with AP.
To my string of “can’t collect my thoughts in a single post” above, I want to add that I am not a supporter of IRV. Just pointing out that they have an argument here.
I have no clue what the heck Arrow’s Theorem is, however. Off I go to teh google.
- X None of the Above - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:28 pm:
Why doesn’t Madigan leave the Lt. Gov. spot vacant, declare it too costly and unnecessary?
Challenge the ILL-GOP to do the same, pass a Constitutional Amendment eliminating the office, and put it on the ballot for this November.
Turn a lemon into lemonade, and put the GOP on the spot.
****The state Democratic committee will seek to choose the nominee with the best chance of winning the general election in November, even if that candidate wasn’t one of the five other candidates who lost to Cohen, according to Steve Brown, a committee spokesman.
“Democrats need to look at all the alternatives and come up with the strongest possible candidate,” said Brown, who also serves as a spokesman for state Rep. Mike Madigan, the Illinois House speaker.
Brown defended the democratic nature of the selection process for Cohen’s replacement. Brown noted that the central committee members were chosen by Democratic voters on Feb. 2.****
I’d say “chosen by Democratic voters” is a bit strong. How many of the committee members were unopposed? Steve Brown’s boss was one of them.
So they’ll choose the nominee with the best chance of winning, even if that means putting an appealing, upwardly mobile (perhaps even female!) candidate on the statewide stage. We’ll see.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to that democratic (as opposed to Democratic) process. The video of the selection meeting that they’ll post on the Web should be interesting.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:31 am:
Cohen, we can’t miss you if you don’t leave.
You get the feeling this guy is going to milk it for as long as he can. Not quite like Blago, but he likes the limelight, even if it’s for the wrong reasons.
- Bookworm - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:45 am:
He’s going to DC to do media interviews? So much for not wanting to “hurt the people he loves.” Drag your family and the entire state through the mud some more!
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:49 am:
Karen May……had one interaction with her. It took WAY too long to explain things.
- 2010 - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:16 am:
Illionis does not need a Lt. Governor. There are no major functions that the state would miss if the office was closed. In addition, we would save money…
- Excessively Rabid - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:03 am:
He’s probably going to DC to get Roland’s advice about starting a mausoleum.
- NotAnonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:07 am:
If we don’t have the Lt. Gov, what will we do when the governor gets indicted?
- Pat Collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:16 am:
You get the feeling this guy is going to milk it for as long as he can
He’s minus 2 million USD, and I suspect it’s not as easy for him to replace it as it would be for people like McKenna, etc.
I bet he just “doesn’t file” until he gets some help with that. I know I sure would.
- Leave a Light on George - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:18 am:
He’s just waiting for the check to clear.
- Downstater - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:19 am:
Lt. Gov. Candidate Scott Lee Cohen was initially non-committal on Democratic Party Chairman Michael Madigan’s request to drop out of the race.
However, Madigan supposedly dropped a bombshell on Cohen that quickly changed his mind.
Madigan noted that Cohen was able to fund his campaign from the proceeds of the Cohen Pawn Shop business. State Democratic leaders, Madigan observed, were so impressed that many were looking at getting into the Pawn Shop business for themselves.
Cohen immediately capitulated saying he would not have his name sullied as being the one to bring such disgrace to the Pawn Shop industry.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:34 am:
SLC praising and cozying up to Hoffman in the Ponce interview, and saying he and Hoffman are really quite a bit alike is probably not something Hoffman was thrilled to have had broadcast over the airwaves.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:36 am:
I think Madigan is being a bit disingenuous here.
He’s concerned about winning in November and about
his daughter’s prospects should she decide to run in four or eight years. Thus, he’ll be advocating for a mediocrity, preferably from Downstate, I guess, although if Brady is the candidate, it won’t matter. Somebody who can be counted on to take office and disappear for the duration. Turner would probably fill the bill except for his Chicago location.
- bill ryan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:41 am:
Art Turner grassroots Lt. Governor campaign propelled him to a second place finish in the Democratic primary. Turner received 184,427 votes and finished 4 percent points behind frontrunner Scott Lee Cohen who has withdrawn. Turner spent $60,000, Cohen $2 million. Turner has an impeccable 26 years record as a legislator; energized tens of thousands supporters and received scores of endorsements including Chicago SunTimes and Tribune.
Governor Quinn has said, “I want to run with somebody’s qualified to be governor, who has a record of public service who is able to speak to ordinary, everyday people in plain language about the importance of the economy and someone who also stands up of the progressive values of the Democratic Party.”
So why isn’t Turner the clear choice for Lt. Governor spot? We hear all kinds of talk about gender and geographic diversity to justify selection of someone other than Turner. One person being touted by the Governor presently lives in Washington and did not enter the arena to fight for the Lt. Governor nomination.
When I was growing up basketball and segregation reigned supreme.
Following integration of the schools, most developed an unwritten policy… only one black to start at home games and no more than two in away games. Talent and skill were not determining factors. Eventually my home state got it right and basketball is king once again.
Is Illinois stuck in a time warp of the ‘60s? As reporters always point out three of the six major, statewide Democratic candidates are African-American . Turner would the fourth.
Art Turner is certainly qualified to be Lt. Governor and he should not be penalized because of his race or place of residence. Those days should be long gone
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:45 am:
Pat C, I bet no one gives Cohen a dime. Who would be dumb enough to do that? You know the federales would be looking awfully close at that.
I suspect Madigan just laid it down: For the next nine months, every reporter in Illinois, and maybe some nationally, will turn over every rock in your past, personal and business. Are you prepared for that, with the knowledge that absolutely no one is on your side?
If you step aside, you’re no longer a story. I think he’ll milk the limelight for a while longer, but if he pulls a double-cross, he’s in for a world of pain.
- shore - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:49 am:
I’m sick of this already. Springfield can’t get its stuff done now, the blago trial is coming up which will be another big distraction, the focus should be on the problems at hand.
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:51 am:
If you step aside, you’re no longer a story
If it’s all out there, he has nothing left to lose. After all, the most dangerous person is someone with nothing left to lose.
You know the federales would be looking awfully close at that.
Under IL law, it’s pretty easy to get 3,4 people to give a boat load to someone for a state race.
What law is broken if it happens?
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:03 am:
Pat, you seem to be suggesting that Cohen is stalling his withdrawal until he gets some assurances on recouping some of the cash he blew in the election.
That would be at least a shakedown, quid pro quo, and although I’m no expert on criminal law, I imagine anyone participating in such a scheme would get a lot of scrutiny from the federales that they’d rather not.
No one will give him a dime.
“Mr. Cohen, you can have my answer now. My answer is nothing, not even the money for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you put up personally.”
- MOON - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:05 am:
I am surprised that no one to date has even considered or talked about the person I believe most responsible for Cohen’s nomination. Ricky Hendon!!!!
Hendon entered the race for only one reason …… to take votes from Turner and scuttle Turner’s chance of victory.
Thanks for nothing Mr. Hendon!!!!!!!!!
- Peggy SO-IL - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:09 am:
Here’s Cohen’s interview with Tucker Carlson’s site, The Dailer Caller.
I almost feel sorry for the guy. The Dems would have kept him had he been Harvard educated.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:09 am:
Bribery -
The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties.
Cohen is not a public official.
If someone offered him their own money to get out, would that be illegal?
For example, if Oberweis had paid Brady $10 million in 2006 and Brady had withdrawn, would that have been illegal.
Of course, campqaign money is regulated. But even there, using campaign money to have someone leave the race which helps your campaign, would that be illegal?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:47 am:
Karen May?! What the hell has Pierce been smoking?!
- HMMM - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:54 am:
@BIll Ryan
all of that maybe true about Art Turner but here is a man who was personally endorsed by the Democratic Party Chairmen who cannot win the LT Governor’s race against a pawn broker, Art Turner only won one black ward in chicago his own 24th ward. Using your logic Sen Hendon should be the Lt Governor!
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:00 am:
I didn’t vote for Cohen because I knew he was a nut. When Cohen announced he was to step down, I fell for the same kind of parlor games political players like to play. Instead of thinking about the kind of government I would like to see in Illinois - I thought about the kind of politician I would like to see on the ticket.
That was the wrong approach.
I didn’t vote for Art Turner either, but he received the second greatest number of primary votes. He ought to be the guy who gets the nod.
Listen to the voters! Pick Turner.
For too long we have suffered under corrupt politics from both parties. If the Democrats don’t let the voters decide in this case, they will be acknowledging that they will continue to play those corrupted political games.
This is the time to start coming clean. It is way over due.
- Scooby - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:23 am:
I would be surprised if the selection committee gave Karen May a #1 seed. Her strength of schedule isn’t that strong and she needs a few impressive road wins. Remember what the selection committee is looking for, “who did you play and when did you play them”. Conference play is key.
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:33 am:
Get Obama to pardon George Ryan and then select him as Lt. Gov. He can show PQ how to run the gov, he’s already been indicted and convicted, so he’s been “pre-disastered” (see Wld Accdg to Garp movie), and he can draw downstate votes from Brady…what more do we need?
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:43 am:
Art Turner is not qualified because he couldn’t manage to make an issue and get the media and public’s attention about a guy with as much baggage as Scott Lee Cohen.
If he didn’t know about this stuff, then he’s an idiot for not even looking. If he did and couldn’t get it out, he’s incompetent as a communicator. Either way, it disqualifies him (and all the LG candidates) in my book.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:45 am:
I think the “who’s responsible for Cohen” angle is the most underreported theme on this topic. Forget Rickey Hendon — the irony of course is that close to the top of the list, according to the Sun Times, is Dick Mell. The same guy who brought us Blago also gave us Cohen. Who would listen to this guy?
- Pat collins - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:01 am:
I am suggesting he take his sweet time about filing that paper, and see what happens.
As for who is to blame, I put it SQUARELY on each candidate for Lt. Gov in the D primary. If you run, you should run to win.
People routinely challenge petitions, but they dont drag all this out????
Even just the “he doesn’t pay child support on time” is VERY easy to find out, and is related to fitness for office.
So, the other 5 should be disqualified based on that!
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:07 am:
You got it Pat Collins. All it would take is a quick trip by an intern to the Daley Center and they could have pulled the divorce paper, the list of lawsuits against him, the back child support. It was all right there. Hell, they didn’t even have to hire an oppo researcher to do this since it was so easy.
- Fed Up - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:10 am:
You can blame Madigan all you want for the SLC debacle but I think there is plenty to go around. The fourth estate certainly has a lot of egg on their face (sorry Rich - nothing personal) as the public depends heavily on the press in the vetting process.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:16 am:
Illinois does not need a Lt. Governor. It never really did. So, let’s phase the office out in 4 years. The Il Constitution can be amended to the AG following taking over the Gov office. There should also be a provision that the GA will be replaced by someone already in that office whom the exiting GA deems fit and competent to carry on with the duties. (In other words no special appointments or elections to fill the GA role). The GA should be well-staffed so that any void can be filled internally until the next election cycle!
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:19 am:
The Blame Game:
No one is to blame.
Everyone did what they had to do at the time they did it.
Life is full of probabilities.
Every thing you do and the way you do it is based on probabilities of results.
The one exception is taking action based on hunches. Even there, hunches are based on probabilities.
In this country there is nothing more reviled than a snitch.
Whoever brought up Cohen would have had mud thrown back at them.
Since everyone assumed that Cohen was not a player, there was no earthly reason to bring up his background.
Madigan wouldn’t have done it because all it would do is bring disrepute to the Dem brand.
The one guilty party is the Media.
In trying to protect the Dem brand by concealing Cohen’s background, they just poured mud on themselves and they know it. That’s why they drove the story to get him out.
- FDR DEm - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:20 am:
The party leaders and Gov Quinn have a major strategic decision to make. Either try to blunt
the potential appeal of Brady/Plummer in swing areas downstate and with disgruntled D’s or
concede other than the base D vote downstate and
focus on the collars with a candidate who can
draw the “contrasts” between a Chicago metro
area ticket and a downstate ticket for suburban
woman and independents.
The former leads one to Bill Haine or John Bradley, the latter to someone like Duckworth,
Garrett, May, Hamos and the like.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:22 am:
There are a lot of folks suggesting, Turner was second, therefore he should be the nominee. No fuss, no muss.
I voted for Turner.
But here’s another perspective.
78% of voters did NOT vote for Art Turner. Not choosing him isn’t exactly overturning the will of the electorate.
- Pols are to blame - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Why don’t you run that list of pols who endorsed Cohen. They couldn’t have know this guy and if they did they shouldn’t have offered him a place on their palm card unless they were made an offer they could not refuse.
As to Turner, while I agree he’s an affable person and knows his way around Springfield, he’s also a poor fundraiser and campaigner.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:28 am:
“Since everyone assumed that Cohen was not a player, there was no earthly reason to bring up his background.”
Are you kidding me? A lot of people saw that Cohen was spending millions to buy an office, had solid commercials and was blanketing the state. A lot of smart Dems I talked to thought he was going to win. There was ample reason to bring it up.
- Mr. Ethics - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:36 am:
The 15th floor office should be eliminated to save money. The State Librarian should not be next in line to Governor.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:37 am:
80% of the GOP voters, didn’t vote for Brady. He is still going to be the nominee.
It is called democracy. How about having a little in this ridiculously misled state for a change?
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:38 am:
I think you got it right. I saw a small bit in the news where they had sample ballots that were printed by Mells camp. It had Cohen’s name in the lite gov slot. They showed the sample ballot in the news bit. I have seen nothing else about this sample ballot since. Does having a name on a sample ballot consitute an endorsement? Seems to me you wouldn’t want a persons’ name on your sample ballot unless you were giving some support. And, if you were thinking of putting a persons’ name on a sample ballot wouldn’t vetting the person be essential? Just askin’
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:39 am:
sorry, insert AG everywhere that I have GA in my previous post.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:42 am:
Two million bucks adds up to a lot of gold teeth in that pawnshop. I woulodn’t blame the guy if he doesn’t drop out until someone coughs up some moolah.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:48 am:
“80% of the GOP voters, didn’t vote for Brady. He is still going to be the nominee.”
Probably. But if he withdraws, it isn’t Dillard by default.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:49 am:
I should note that I know Brady has no reason or plans to withdraw.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:59 am:
Defaulting to the second place guy does not necessarily serve democracy. If Scott Lee Cohen weren’t in the race, would Turner have won? It’s a hypothetical question that can’t be answered.
Ditto Brady.
It’s a perfect case for instant runoff. If we had instant runoff, then we’d know who voters’ actual second choice was. Just because a guy finishes second doesn’t mean he was the popular second choice. As I said, 80 percent of voters chose someone else.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
In fact, Arrow’s Theorem quite clearly demonstrates that even IRV doesn’t solve the problem entirely. If there isn’t a majority winning candidate any outcome is open to manipulation or misinterpretation of the ‘people’s’ will.
When a candidate who wins a race and then resigns or dies before taking office we don’t give it to the second place finisher. We either appoint someone or hold a special election. Given this is entirely a party matter of how to replace a candidate, the Democratic Party can choose as it sees fit.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
I agree with AP.
To my string of “can’t collect my thoughts in a single post” above, I want to add that I am not a supporter of IRV. Just pointing out that they have an argument here.
I have no clue what the heck Arrow’s Theorem is, however. Off I go to teh google.
- X None of the Above - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:28 pm:
Why doesn’t Madigan leave the Lt. Gov. spot vacant, declare it too costly and unnecessary?
Challenge the ILL-GOP to do the same, pass a Constitutional Amendment eliminating the office, and put it on the ballot for this November.
Turn a lemon into lemonade, and put the GOP on the spot.
- Ela Observer - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:21 pm:
I just heard from a source who knows Cohen personally that “not even half” of the dirt in his background has been revealed.
- Rambler - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:42 pm:
From the Belleville News-Democrat:
****The state Democratic committee will seek to choose the nominee with the best chance of winning the general election in November, even if that candidate wasn’t one of the five other candidates who lost to Cohen, according to Steve Brown, a committee spokesman.
“Democrats need to look at all the alternatives and come up with the strongest possible candidate,” said Brown, who also serves as a spokesman for state Rep. Mike Madigan, the Illinois House speaker.
Brown defended the democratic nature of the selection process for Cohen’s replacement. Brown noted that the central committee members were chosen by Democratic voters on Feb. 2.****
I’d say “chosen by Democratic voters” is a bit strong. How many of the committee members were unopposed? Steve Brown’s boss was one of them.
So they’ll choose the nominee with the best chance of winning, even if that means putting an appealing, upwardly mobile (perhaps even female!) candidate on the statewide stage. We’ll see.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to that democratic (as opposed to Democratic) process. The video of the selection meeting that they’ll post on the Web should be interesting.
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:27 pm:
Oh man! Another contract for Brownie!
- Vote Quimby! - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:46 pm:
I’m just keeping all my windows open…