* Speaker Madigan said yesterday he’s surprised that no one has been fired at the Dept. of Corrections in the wake of the botched early release scandal. He also talked about Gov. Quinn’s prospects in the general election. The following videos are courtesy of Illinois Statehouse News.
“I’m rather surprised that there haven’t been some dismissals over at the Department of Corrections,” Madigan told reporters on the opening day of the spring legislative session. “That’s what I would recommend.”
In December, Quinn said corrections officials made a “mistake” by moving forward with the program, but he did not fire anyone. He said his hand-picked prison chief, Michael Randle, exercised “bad judgment.”
Madigan didn’t single out Randle for firing.
“I don’t know who is responsible. I wasn’t around the situation,” he said.
However, Madigan added, “I would think in the ordinary course there would be some dismissals.”
And then there was this surprisingly sympathetic take on Quinn’s general performance during his year in office, which many in both parties say has been an uneven one: Quinn came in “in a very difficult circumstance,” says Madigan. “I think he’s doing the best he can. . . . (Political) goodwill only lasts for so long. It was going to go away eventually.”
Madigan also took aim at Republican lawmakers, saying they have refused to cooperate with Democrats on finding solutions to the state’s massive budget problems. He called them “nonparticipating do-nothings.”
Republicans argue that the Democratic majority routinely shuts them out of budget talks, rejects their ideas and uses parliamentary maneuvers to block their legislation.
* Related…
* Illinois school districts, universities slam state for late payments: The presidents and chancellors of 12 public university campuses sent a letter to Gov. Pat Quinn and Comptroller Dan Hynes asking them to set a payment schedule so they can collect more than $735 million in state payments owed them. Closer to home, Alton’s Community Unit School District No. 11 is waiting on more than $4 million from the state, and administrators say the backlog is forcing them to consider layoffs. Edwardsville’s School District 7 and Collinsville’s Community Unit School District No. 10 are also short about $4 million each. Belleville Township 201 High School District is owed more than $2 million.
* Public universities appeal for money they were promised - State payments to 9 taxpayer-funded schools are behind $735 million
* State university presidents react to lack of funding
Maybe the Speaker does not realize it but there was a firing at corrections ( of sorts) The gentleman ended up at IDOT……Making $10,000 more than what he made at DOC.
Lots of luck to the Speaker on getting Republicans to bail out the Democrats who have created this whole fiscal mess. The question begs if the shoe was on the other foot and the Republicans had drilled this state into the ground, would Madigan and the Democrats come to their rescue? NOT
Mike, why then did you pull back on moving the “fumigation” bill to oust the Blago hacks? And considering it will be a huge election issue for Brady to promise doing it, why not take the initiative and “own” the fumigation for your guy’s side?
Are Republicans contributing ideas that make sense? Or are Republican ideas wishful thinking and ideological nonsense?
When Republicans routinely say that cutting taxes will increase revenue, can you blame people for generally being suspicious that Republican “ideas” are aimed at earning points with the base and not solving public policy problems?
Interesting post in Pantagraph: ” Ok, let’s break this down even more. Director Randle did PLAY a part, believe me. He came gunning to Illinois wanting to strut his stuff. Not only did this secret release program happen but now they are paying over 40 hours a week in overtime to parole agents to go out and violate the parole of these secret release’s at any cost. They are being held to a higher standard than other release’s and this will eventually result in a law suit. The prison population has increased over 1000 beds due to these violations, making overcrowding worse. To make another point, 5 employees from the Governor’s office are now surrounding this Director, each making over 100,00 dollars a year. So we pay half a million dollars in new salaries for an incompetent Director and an ignorant decision? Mr. Erickson, add these costs up and Mr. Brad, have fun making these into commercials. Vinck, Eldrige,Rose, Foster, Dougherty, and McCotter…oh snap..that equals SIX NEW EMPLOYEES. All in the executive building.”
I’m not as impressed with Art Turner and Art Turner is. Here are my Qs for Rep. Turner.
Art, if you’re so great, why couldn’t you defeat Scott Cohen in the primary? Seriously, Art, you had the damaging info on Cohen and you were too inept to have press conference or post it online. Not only were you too inept, your entire campaign team was inept.
So Madigan calls Republicans “do-nothings.” I suppose that’s compared to the “doers” that gave us this spectacular budget and general state of affairs here in Illinois?
@jumpin’ jimmy- the spending problems did start under the Republican govenors…the blame game should not work anymore. Illinois is in fiscal crisis and all should fix it.
- Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:00 am:
I’ll take the Republicans “nothing” over the Democrats “something”.
I don’t think Mr. Randle should be criticized for having new ideas about managing the prison system. We the people should expect more from agency heads than that they appear at press conferences to announce various easy initiatives and collect a large paycheck plus perks. We should demand innovation. The problem was implementation. Career employees tend to resist innovation and there are many ways of derailing
new initiatives without actively sabotaging them. Perhaps that is what happened here.
In any case, the proof is in the pudding. This
initiative failed. It’s time for Mr. Randle to go. And while I agree that it’s wrong that we the people should have to pay for six additional executives to surround him and prevent him from making more mistakes, I also think he should have the sense to see that he is no longer effective in the position. He needs to resign. Or our Pat, however reluctant to fire anybody, no matter how ineffective, needs to fire him. There would be no danger to his election chances in doing that, given the extensive negative press on the early release effort. And make no mistake, every single
decision our Pat makes between now and November will be a political one. This one should be easy.
Trying to dump this onto the Republicans is a joke. The Democratic party has owned the state lock, stock, and barrel for 8 years. The state is in shambles.
Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea, and that includes very reasonable reforms that don’t dogmatically call for a tax cut. When Madigan says he wants the GOP to “participate” what he means is, “I’ll draft the bill that doesn’t include a single GOP idea, and then the GOP should come out and ‘put votes on the board’ for my bill.”
He doesn’t operate in good faith, the Republicans in the legislature know it, and they’re acting accordingly.
Furthermore, I don’t really get what the problem is. We have a Democratic governor, and a Democratically controlled senate and general assembly with near super-majorities. They should be able to pass things without GOP help, so heaping blame on the GOP when they can’t even get their own party in agreement seems pretty shallow to me.
I hope the Republicans at both the State and Federal level don’t provide cover to the Democrats for their spectacularly failed policies–that’s all that madigan and Obama want. Unfortunately for them, the Democrats, rightly or wrongly, own this mess.
Carl, funny how back when the Republicans are ‘needed’ their ideas get listened to, when not, oh well.
If the Democrats think they have the best ideas to solve the issue (besides tax cuts) let them pass their ideas. They can do whatever they want without a Republican vote, they just don’t want to.
- 3 beers to springfield - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:08 am:
Illinois is a mess, and we need leadership. Unfortunately, all we have in Illinois are politicians who are vote courters beholden to special interests - construction trade unions, teachers’ unions, service unions, fire and police unions, senior citizens….and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our schools are cutting teachers, our social service agencies are closing, and pharmacies, software providers, and a host of other businesses that trade with the state are going under for lack of payment taking hundreds of jobs with them. When are we going to wise up and pay attention to what our elected officials are doing or not doing and DEMAND that they start representing the LONG TERM interest of the state and not view each piece of legislation through the filter of, “How many votes can this get me (or cost me)in the next election?”
What about the non confirmed Director at State Police who is 29 years of age, could it be that they don’t have the votes. Another reason ISP is not what it once was.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:34 am:
The deficit came compliments of Bush/Cheney/Rove
Fumigation passed the House and is pending in the Senate..I would check there
BTW. Ds did help both Thompson and Edgar in past budget crisis and I think the both said that laswt spring..perhaps the wingnuts had their ear plugs in at the time.
Most of the GOP “ideas” are like yesterday’s jimdandy plan take money away from Autism programs run by Easter Seals So don’ count on much there
Why does MJM want to give any credit to the GOP for solving this horrific problem in Illinois? Curious, isn’t it? Since the dems have such total control over the both houses and the gov mansion it would be a cinch. The fact that MJM wants the republicans on board is not that he needs there votes - he needs to spread the pain. No repbulican with 2 brain cells to rub together should take him up on it. Besides, he justs wants a rubber stamp on his legislation, he doesn’t want their input. No one should be fooled by this lame gambit, least of all the republicans. The democrats have been in charge for years and look how that has worked out. Get your own house in order - you have until the next election. Since a sizeable tax increase is going to be required to pull that off it won’t look pretty. Don’t do anything - get voted out. Raise taxes - get voted out. Cut services - get voted out.
CFC, so the GOP should just roll over and vote how MJM wants them to? What are you smokin’ dude?
Somehow, I think the dems were included in the legislative process during the Thompson years more so than they are now. Edgar didn’t like to mix it up with the GA too much, not from my perspective, anyway. Neither PQ or MJM seem to know how to play nice in the sandbox - that’s what it takes to win people over. Calling them names in the press just ain’t gonna get it.
The deficit came compliments of the budgets passed by madigan-jones-blago. Diverting pension payments to pay for pork barrel projects and runaway spending. Higher taxes and fees on employers that drove jobs out of illinois and with it tax receipts. That’s the legacy of the last 8 years. Where is the solution from the democrat majority?? Please no more bush fingerpointing–i hope the dems truly aren’t that bankrupt on ideas.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:59 am:
Rich, maybe you could get Steve Brown to clarify: when Madigan complains that the GOP is politicizing the legislative process, is he doing so as Speaker of the House or Chairman of the State Democratic Party? It’s always so hard to put his statements in the proper context without knowing for sure.
There is no Illinois Republican Party in play here. They are nearly totally powerless.
This is a Democratic run state. Has been for almost a decade. Fingerpointing at Republicans for our problems is utterly ridiculous. It is a lie.
Claiming that the Republicans are a “do-nothing party”, or the “party of no” is another bald-faced lie. Without power, they have no say in this state. If they had power, you would be unable to claim they have nothing to say. They would be listened to, and their ideas would be melded into the legislative process.
If the Party is unwilling to take responsibility for it’s actions over the past decade, or are unwilling to be held accountable for the disasters that have befallen Illinois over the past ten years - then we don’t need those people. The current Party leadership, which obviously includes Mr. Madigan, has done worse than nothing.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:12 am:
Democrats hold all constitutional offices and have overwhelming majorities in the House and the Senate, and the current mess in Springfield is the fault of Republicans?
Who was driving that truck off the cliff? The guys behind the wheel or the folks left standing at the curb?
Sounds like Madigan wants to get a few more of precinct captains hired at corrections. No one takes advantage of a scandal better than him. To follow up on another post, I think Madigan was speaking at the committeeman of the thirteenth ward–he is always speaking as a ward committeeman.
- Still Gettin Twisted - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:23 am:
Does Madigan think this spin will work? If he’s got an idea, pass it.. EVERYONE knows he can pass whatever he wants. Hopefully, the media will not let him off the hook.
- jumpin jimmy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:31 am:
In reply to “Really ?” why don’t we just blame this whole mess on Jimmy Carter while we are at it? I am a democrat, but lets face it, we control everything in State government and the fiscal crisis has gotten much worse under our watch. We have borrowed zillions of dollars and missed many pension obligation payments. The chickens are now coming home to roost! We democrats have the votes to solve this crisis but we are lacking in the gumption category. Like it or not, elections are coming and MJM has no plan, he just wants to try and blame the republicans as being uncooperative. Message to the democrats-grab the bull by the horns and do your job. You may lose a few this November, but that is doubtful, so buck up and do what you are elected to do and that is govern-quit blaming the other side.
This is like blaming everything wrong in your life at 50 years of age on your parents. Sure, they weren’t perfect but GROW UP. Take responsibility for your actions now. Whining about the GOP in Illinois when they haven’t been in power for almost 10 years makes you look like a child having a temper tantrum. Besides, if the dems have so much power and can lead us to the promised land, why share the glory with the GOP?
@jumpin jimmy
I agree with you-except the sarcasm about Carter. LOL
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:48 am:
1. Anyone who thinks that Democrats created this mess on their own is obviously new to Illinois, and doesn’t understand the first thing about the budget.
2. Carl, if Turner’s camp had the goods on Cohen, I haven’t seen it reported. Scott Lee Cohen won because he spent $2 million, not because Art Turner ran a bad campaign.
3. If Democrats want to force Republicans to the table, I suggest they advance a budget with no borrowing, no tax hike, no gimmicks, and massive cuts to things that Republicans hold dear, such as:
1) Hold harmless is in the school funding formula;
2) Retailer’s reimbursement in the sales tax for big businesses;
3) Local share of the sales tax for communities with poverty rates below 25%;
4) Special education block grants for school districts with high EAV’s;
5) Revenue expenditures for all corporations;
6) Stricter means-testing for college financial aid;
7) Shutter NIU, EIU, WIU;
It takes some creative legislative crafting, but you can structure the budget cuts so that 70 percent of them fall on Republican districts.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:57 am:
@dupage dan -
Just because Republicans aren’t in the majority doesn’t mean that they don’t share the blame.
Doing Nothing is a choice.
Let’s be HONEST about what’s going on in Springfield. Tom Cross and Christine Radogno know very well that a tax increase is needed, although they disagree with Democrats about the size. But even though Republicans know a tax increase is needed, they don’t want to share in the responsibility.
There’s a word for that: COWARDICE.
I know Republicans think that this is just a Big Game, but when the State goes over the cliff, its not going to matter to the people whose lives are destroyed whether it was Thelma or Louise behind the wheel.
*3. If Democrats want to force Republicans to the table, I suggest they advance a budget with no borrowing, no tax hike, no gimmicks, and massive cuts to things that Republicans hold dear, such as:
1) Hold harmless is in the school funding formula;
2) Retailer’s reimbursement in the sales tax for big businesses;
3) Local share of the sales tax for communities with poverty rates below 25%;
4) Special education block grants for school districts with high EAV’s;
5) Revenue expenditures for all corporations;
6) Stricter means-testing for college financial aid;
7) Shutter NIU, EIU, WIU;
It takes some creative legislative crafting, but you can structure the budget cuts so that 70 percent of them fall on Republican districts. *
I agree 100% on this strategy. My only question is how do you get around the ‘boy who cried wolf’ syndrome that has developed over the years. With the pattern of “doomsday is coming” followed by “we found magic money!” at the 11th hour, how do you get folks to believe it is a real budget?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:11 am:
Re: Republicans= non participating do-nothings
Then Speaker Madigan, carpe diem! You can do something! You and your House dems can go on and pass Quinn’s income tax increase as one of your first orders of business after Quinn’s budget address without whining about the Republicans.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:11 am:
BTW - the deficits of the Bush years have nothing to do with the problems in our state - that’s just silly. Look, a kitty!……
The deficit…$5 billion fewer year over year have everything to do with Bush..predatory lenders, their allies and companions AND poor investment returns at the Pension Funds.
Nice try but you cannot escape that one
BTW I would perfer CFS since squad starts with S. I understand that in the Kingdom of DuPage — where BrickheadJoe reigns supreme there might not be time for spelling.
Very good question, Montrose. Whether we like it or not, that’s how the public perceives government at just about all levels.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:22 am:
You’re missing the point about Turner and SLC. If he didn’t know about this stuff that means he didn’t look. It was all right there. All it would take is a quick trip by an intern to the Daley Center and they could have pulled the divorce papers, the list of lawsuits against him, the back child support, etc. Hell, they didn’t even have to hire an oppo researcher to do this since it was so easy. None of it was sealed.
If he didn’t look, then he’s an idiot and therefore disqualified. If he had the goods and didn’t convey it properly, then he’s a bad communicator and disqualified. Either way, he should be out.
YDD, if Turner had information on Cohen’s arrest and failed to get it covered in the media, would you agree Turner is too incompetent to be governor in an emergency?
Did Turner run a bad campaign? How many Black candidates running statewide have gotten the endorsement of the Democratic Party and lost in the Dem primary?
Sorry for the miss-initial. Just because I am from DuPage Cty doesn’t mean I buy into the local cartel.
It’s interesting that you respond to my entry and ignore all the rest. Got a deficit of thinking? Gonna blame that on Bush, too?
Blaming the failure of the state to properly fund the pension on a Bush deficit. You smoking some of that crazy weed? Was Bush stealing money from the GA? Keep thinking delusional - like Nero watching Rome burn. Just sayin it don’t make it real.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:30 am:
And this is just outrageous and yet another example of why we cannot continue to allow democrats to have absolute control of state government anymore:
what on earth has Quinn’s budget director been doing in th nerly 6 months that he has been on the job. we all know that quinn hasn’t cared about illinois a governing because he was too preoccupied with campaigning, but there is no excuse for wanting more time to work on the budget.
it’s lazy and totally inexcusible on the Quinn administration’s part. the state, and it’s budget in particular, has been the administration’s only top priority and should have been treated as such.
Illinois fiscal malaise started in 1990, and worsened over the past decade.
No, the Democrats weren’t alone in creating this mess, but they have been in total control over Illinois for the past decade. Blaming a practically non-existant minority party, or a former president who sat in the WH for only 8 of those two decades, is an excuse so lame, anyone using it should be laughed out of the door.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:37 am:
I agree. We control everything. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:42 am:
YDD – the undisputable fact still remains that the Dems have the ability pass anything without a single Republican vote. In fact, Madigan regularly jams party-line legislation through the House, when it’s not politically dangerous for him to do so, of course. So while you call the GOP cowards, how exactly is Madigan a profile in courage??
And I think you’re kidding yourself if you think that “when the State goes over the cliff, it’s not going to matter to the people” which party was in control.
To the national Republicans, for screwing up the economy so that the resulting recession made things worse.
To the Governor, who did not provide the neccessary leadership to follow up on what was an excellent initial budget message, and revenue proposals.
To the Speaker, who had the power to get a tax increase through the House without Republican votes, and didn’t use it.
To those House Democrats who knew the tax increase was necessary, but were afraid to vote for it.
To Tom Cross, who blocked any attempt to put Republican votes on a tax increase.
To Dan Hynes, who demagogued against a tax increase, although he of all people surely knew it was needed.
Such a perfect storm of a fiscal mess as we have in the state now is beyond any single group or individual to create–it needs a truly wide-ranging bipartisan conspiracy.
*the undisputable fact still remains that the Dems have the ability pass anything without a single Republican vote.*
Can we all just agree on this point and move on? By that I mean, yes the Dems have the technical ability to do raise taxes without the Republicans, but saying that ignores the political reality of what really needs to be in place to get new revenue. The political reality is that Republican votes are needed.
We can have a long debate on why that is the political reality, but that does not change the environment we are dealing with and the need for strategies that recognize that environment.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:56 am:
Can we all just agree on this point and move on? By that I mean, yes the Dems have the technical ability to do raise taxes without the Republicans, but saying that ignores the political reality of what really needs to be in place to get new revenue. The political reality is that Republican votes are needed. —Montrose
Montrose, please. We all know that the “political reality” that the dems want and need is the ability to say the repubs supported the tax increase too, as a way of covering their rear-ends politically. that the social service organizations aren’t seeing this as it is happening in realtime is astounding, but also shows what is soooooo wrong with those who head the social services agencies. they’re gonna get their clocks rocked this year too, by the way, and be exposed for the frauds that they are too.
With each day it becomes painfully more and more apparent that the dems are NOT big tent and all about the little man as they purport and have purported to be, but instead are all about power, special interests, and themselves.
Actually VM, Illinois’s fiscal problems can be traced all the back to 1982 when Thompson campaigned against a tax increase and then promptly proposed one less than a month after the election. The state pension shenanigans also began when Thompson substituted actuarially sound state contributions with the bogus, but politically acceptable “100% of Payout.” It’s been a long process, and both parties have contributed mightily to the current fiscal mess.
*Montrose, please. We all know that the “political reality” that the dems want and need is the ability to say the repubs supported the tax increase too, as a way of covering their rear-ends politically.*
WCW - That is exactly my point. Do I think it is cowardice on the part of the Dems to not vote for new revenue on their own when they have the power to do it? Yep. Does it matter? Nope.
This is the environment we are working in, so those of us - including all those social service agencies that are, contrary to your opinion, very aware of this political reality - that want a revenue increase need a plan that reflects that reality, such as the one that YDD put out. That is the only way we get something done this session.
Rich, on the second video above, Madigan was asked (near the end) if he told Quinn there would be no income tax increase this year. Madigan was facing away from the camera and scratching his ear, he mumbled something about “there have been conversations” and the sound wasn’t great.
Any chance we can get a follow-up or clarification? Did the Speaker tell the Governor an income tax increase was off the table this Spring? Any react from Quinn?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
@Carl -
Turner was not endorsed by the Democratic Party of Illinois. While he was endorsed by the Cook County Democratic Party, several key committeemen defected, most if not all with ties to SLC’s consultant and SLC’s money.
Paul Mangieri was endorsed by the Democratic Party of Illinois and lost. He lost because Alexi spent bazillions of dollars.
I don’t care how good of a candidate you are, chances are if your opponent outspends you 7 to 1, he or she is going to win, ESPECIALLY in a down ballot race. Obama v. Hull was the exception, not the rule, and there it was media coverage of Hull’s divorce that was his undoing. But the media refused to cover Cohen, according to Terry Link, because they didn’t think he could win. Also, i think because it was a down ballot race and they were writing stories hourly on the U.S. Senate and Governor’s race.
There was No press coverage to speak of in the races for Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Dog, I don’t think we should or need to focus on things important to Rs when we look at budget cuts. It’s the sort of approach that helped get us here.
Your suggestion of introducing a balanced budget is sound, though politically risky. I believe if the Governor introduced a balanced budget, with no gimmicks, just letting the chips fall where they may, that legislators of both parties would quickly be begging for a chance to vote for a tax increase. The budget would be brutal, but the Rs have said all along the budget can be balanced with cuts only. Perhaps that’s what the Governor should give us.
Republicans lose in November if they continue as do nothings. Madigan is right. Anyone with half a brain understands that some revenue enhancer or tax increase is necessary, and that both parties need to work together. Just saying no can hurt you more than saying yes.
I used to believe, having fought against his candidates and policies for years, that Mike Madigan was a genius - politically, legislatively, everything.
Now, it’s becoming clear that that’s not the case at all. When he looked so brilliant, he always had a Republican fall-guy to either batter or at least provide cover, whether it was Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, Pate Phillip or George Ryan.
The last eight years, he hasn’t had that evil Republican to blame everything on, and it’s beginning to show. The emperor may have no clothes. He’s been unable AND unwilling to fix this mess - he’s not even been able to slow it down. Now he’s just flailing. Pathetic really.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:01 pm:
AM, I venture that he is neither unable nor unwilling, but agree that the lack of someone to take the lead on the R side is a problem, and Governors do have to take the lead.
I don’t think it’s as much someone to take the “lead” as it is someone to take the fall for Madigan. That’s what I think is pathetic, and the true definition of cowardice that some poster above inaccurately threw at the party clearly not in a position to do much of anything.
There’s nothing to keep him from fixing this mess with the majorities he has and what could be an ally in the Governor’s office if he really wanted to. He’s more interested in retaining his majority than fixing the problem. If not, it would have been done by now. That’s become abundantly clear.
At what point do the citizens of Illinois realize that the person who “runs” the state should be removed? At what point do they realize that said person can’t be voted out of his powerful office by said citizens? At what point do the citizens of this state get that only their elected state reps can remove said person? Can these citizens connect the dots? Can they influence their state reps enough so that said reps believe it is better to vote w/their constituents and not re-eect MJM as speaker? Frankly, as long as the citizens keep re-electing their democrat state reps MJM remains as the speaker. Only if the GOP takes over the majority in the house is MJM gone. What are the chances of that happening?
Madigan may well think of jobs at corrections. it is more likely that he recalls that there is a very high ranking person there
who has long been associated with Blagojevich. This is a very smart and good person. but, like with all the other smart and
good people previously associated with GRod and who are
still in jobs, blame may be heavily pointed. and people
“Only if the GOP takes over the majority in the house is MJM gone. What are the chances of that happening?”
Only if Chicago falls into lake michigan. Nice thought though!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:45 pm:
== Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea ==
That is an outright lie.
When Madigan introduced legislation to create a two-tiered pension system, every single House Republican voted against it.
Tom Cross doesn’t want to fix state government, he just enjoys talking about how broken it is.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:50 pm:
@Schnorf -
Okay, I’ll grant you that. If the Governor introduced a balanced budget with NO gimmicks and NO new revenue, without any partisan hanky-panky, I would HOPE that a group of bipartisan lawmakers would step forward to lead us to new revenue.
Although they might just lead us to even more borrowing. If there’s still anyone dumb enough to loan us money.
But if Doomsday I failed, I’d go with my Red Hot Poker plan.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:01 pm:
=== There’s nothing to keep him from fixing this mess with the majorities he has and what could be an ally in the Governor’s office if he really wanted to. ===
Its been pointed out before, but is worth repeating, that when Republican governors needed and asked for additional revenue, Democrats in the General Assembly were bipartisan, provided votes, and got it done. Even when they were in the Minority.
IF Madigan passes a tax increase without a single Republican vote, it will be the end of any hope of bipartisanship in Illinois State Government, atleast for a political generation.
Even though they know that additional revenue is needed, Republicans will excoriate Democrats. And because tax increase, even when necessary, are never popular, Democrats will lose substantial numbers, possibly their majorities, definitely the governor’s mansion.
And then when Governor Brady needs additional revenue, not a single Democrat will vote for it.
P.S. If I were Democrats and the above scenario played out, I’d repeal the tax increase on my way out the door and say “Up Yours!”
====Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea ==
That is an outright lie.==
The dog is right on this one. He doesn’t block and kill he just completely ignores them.
I’m beginning to think that one party rule just doesn’t work. Just look at the federal gridlock. It is as bad as here in Ill.. Nobody can get rid of Mad-again. Maybe a republican executive branch wouldn’t be so bad after all.
I don’t know if Brady has it in him to counter MJM if he wins. We sure know PQ ain’t got the cojones. Sounds like it’s time to re-boot. If Dillard fails to move with a first line of recount he should concede and throw his weight to Brady. Brady, for his part, better come out with a fiscal message and de-emphasize his social issues and maintain that posture firmly. It’s his only chance to re-assure the moderates/independents that he needs to win.
MJM ain’t going anywhere - even if Chicago falls into Lake Michigan. Darn near untouchable.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:13 pm:
@GOP -
What makes Madigan courageous and Cross a coward?
Madigan believes a tax increase is actually needed, and actually votes for it.
Cross knows a tax increase is needed, but can’t even admit it into a microphone, let alone vote for one.
Madigan says he supports a two-tiered pension system, and every Democrat votes ‘Yes’ to get pension reform legislation out of committee.
Cross says he supports a two-tiered pension system, and every single Republican votes ‘No’ on advancing legislation out of committee.
Tom Cross talks a good game, and that’s it.
And to clarify what I said earlier, once state funding for education, public safety, health care and economic development is cut by 46%, the people impacted by those cuts aren’t going to take any comfort in being able to blame Democrats for the mess.
And if you think they’re going to be hugging Republicans for opposing a tax increase, your deluded.
“Lower taxes, smaller government, less regulation” is a great campaign slogan until you find the programs you depend on being cut, you witness the flood on t.v., or Wall Street runs off with your money.
Amalia, you know you are referring to Asst. Director. When she came in the door prior to my retirement, parole hated her. But at the end of my career, I did see a very smart and strategic woman. She turned parole around to what it needed to be, not to mention the Sheridan project. Too bad the new Director has poisoned that project and has let the rabid dogs in parole loose again. She is walked out, she can talk. That would be a bad move —she is very respected by women’s rights groups.
- truthful - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 5:00 am:
Maybe the Speaker does not realize it but there was a firing at corrections ( of sorts) The gentleman ended up at IDOT……Making $10,000 more than what he made at DOC.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 6:34 am:
I’m betting that Madigan has some ideas on IDOC firings that pre-date Randle.
- jumpin jimmy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:04 am:
Lots of luck to the Speaker on getting Republicans to bail out the Democrats who have created this whole fiscal mess. The question begs if the shoe was on the other foot and the Republicans had drilled this state into the ground, would Madigan and the Democrats come to their rescue? NOT
- Gregor - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:13 am:
Mike, why then did you pull back on moving the “fumigation” bill to oust the Blago hacks? And considering it will be a huge election issue for Brady to promise doing it, why not take the initiative and “own” the fumigation for your guy’s side?
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:18 am:
Are Republicans contributing ideas that make sense? Or are Republican ideas wishful thinking and ideological nonsense?
When Republicans routinely say that cutting taxes will increase revenue, can you blame people for generally being suspicious that Republican “ideas” are aimed at earning points with the base and not solving public policy problems?
- retired doc - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:20 am:
Interesting post in Pantagraph: ” Ok, let’s break this down even more. Director Randle did PLAY a part, believe me. He came gunning to Illinois wanting to strut his stuff. Not only did this secret release program happen but now they are paying over 40 hours a week in overtime to parole agents to go out and violate the parole of these secret release’s at any cost. They are being held to a higher standard than other release’s and this will eventually result in a law suit. The prison population has increased over 1000 beds due to these violations, making overcrowding worse. To make another point, 5 employees from the Governor’s office are now surrounding this Director, each making over 100,00 dollars a year. So we pay half a million dollars in new salaries for an incompetent Director and an ignorant decision? Mr. Erickson, add these costs up and Mr. Brad, have fun making these into commercials. Vinck, Eldrige,Rose, Foster, Dougherty, and McCotter…oh snap..that equals SIX NEW EMPLOYEES. All in the executive building.”
Shameful, Shameful, Shameful
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:32 am:
I voted against Art Turner and my side won.
I’m not as impressed with Art Turner and Art Turner is. Here are my Qs for Rep. Turner.
Art, if you’re so great, why couldn’t you defeat Scott Cohen in the primary? Seriously, Art, you had the damaging info on Cohen and you were too inept to have press conference or post it online. Not only were you too inept, your entire campaign team was inept.
- Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:41 am:
So Madigan calls Republicans “do-nothings.” I suppose that’s compared to the “doers” that gave us this spectacular budget and general state of affairs here in Illinois?
- really? - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 7:44 am:
@jumpin’ jimmy- the spending problems did start under the Republican govenors…the blame game should not work anymore. Illinois is in fiscal crisis and all should fix it.
- Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:00 am:
I’ll take the Republicans “nothing” over the Democrats “something”.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:11 am:
I don’t think Mr. Randle should be criticized for having new ideas about managing the prison system. We the people should expect more from agency heads than that they appear at press conferences to announce various easy initiatives and collect a large paycheck plus perks. We should demand innovation. The problem was implementation. Career employees tend to resist innovation and there are many ways of derailing
new initiatives without actively sabotaging them. Perhaps that is what happened here.
In any case, the proof is in the pudding. This
initiative failed. It’s time for Mr. Randle to go. And while I agree that it’s wrong that we the people should have to pay for six additional executives to surround him and prevent him from making more mistakes, I also think he should have the sense to see that he is no longer effective in the position. He needs to resign. Or our Pat, however reluctant to fire anybody, no matter how ineffective, needs to fire him. There would be no danger to his election chances in doing that, given the extensive negative press on the early release effort. And make no mistake, every single
decision our Pat makes between now and November will be a political one. This one should be easy.
- ABCBoy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:48 am:
Trying to dump this onto the Republicans is a joke. The Democratic party has owned the state lock, stock, and barrel for 8 years. The state is in shambles.
Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea, and that includes very reasonable reforms that don’t dogmatically call for a tax cut. When Madigan says he wants the GOP to “participate” what he means is, “I’ll draft the bill that doesn’t include a single GOP idea, and then the GOP should come out and ‘put votes on the board’ for my bill.”
He doesn’t operate in good faith, the Republicans in the legislature know it, and they’re acting accordingly.
- ABCBoy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 8:59 am:
Furthermore, I don’t really get what the problem is. We have a Democratic governor, and a Democratically controlled senate and general assembly with near super-majorities. They should be able to pass things without GOP help, so heaping blame on the GOP when they can’t even get their own party in agreement seems pretty shallow to me.
- Champaign Dweller - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:03 am:
I hope the Republicans at both the State and Federal level don’t provide cover to the Democrats for their spectacularly failed policies–that’s all that madigan and Obama want. Unfortunately for them, the Democrats, rightly or wrongly, own this mess.
- OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:04 am:
Carl, funny how back when the Republicans are ‘needed’ their ideas get listened to, when not, oh well.
If the Democrats think they have the best ideas to solve the issue (besides tax cuts) let them pass their ideas. They can do whatever they want without a Republican vote, they just don’t want to.
- 3 beers to springfield - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:08 am:
Illinois is a mess, and we need leadership. Unfortunately, all we have in Illinois are politicians who are vote courters beholden to special interests - construction trade unions, teachers’ unions, service unions, fire and police unions, senior citizens….and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our schools are cutting teachers, our social service agencies are closing, and pharmacies, software providers, and a host of other businesses that trade with the state are going under for lack of payment taking hundreds of jobs with them. When are we going to wise up and pay attention to what our elected officials are doing or not doing and DEMAND that they start representing the LONG TERM interest of the state and not view each piece of legislation through the filter of, “How many votes can this get me (or cost me)in the next election?”
- ispretired - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:14 am:
What about the non confirmed Director at State Police who is 29 years of age, could it be that they don’t have the votes. Another reason ISP is not what it once was.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:34 am:
The deficit came compliments of Bush/Cheney/Rove
Fumigation passed the House and is pending in the Senate..I would check there
BTW. Ds did help both Thompson and Edgar in past budget crisis and I think the both said that laswt spring..perhaps the wingnuts had their ear plugs in at the time.
Most of the GOP “ideas” are like yesterday’s jimdandy plan take money away from Autism programs run by Easter Seals So don’ count on much there
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:41 am:
Why does MJM want to give any credit to the GOP for solving this horrific problem in Illinois? Curious, isn’t it? Since the dems have such total control over the both houses and the gov mansion it would be a cinch. The fact that MJM wants the republicans on board is not that he needs there votes - he needs to spread the pain. No repbulican with 2 brain cells to rub together should take him up on it. Besides, he justs wants a rubber stamp on his legislation, he doesn’t want their input. No one should be fooled by this lame gambit, least of all the republicans. The democrats have been in charge for years and look how that has worked out. Get your own house in order - you have until the next election. Since a sizeable tax increase is going to be required to pull that off it won’t look pretty. Don’t do anything - get voted out. Raise taxes - get voted out. Cut services - get voted out.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:46 am:
CFC, so the GOP should just roll over and vote how MJM wants them to? What are you smokin’ dude?
Somehow, I think the dems were included in the legislative process during the Thompson years more so than they are now. Edgar didn’t like to mix it up with the GA too much, not from my perspective, anyway. Neither PQ or MJM seem to know how to play nice in the sandbox - that’s what it takes to win people over. Calling them names in the press just ain’t gonna get it.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:48 am:
BTW - the deficits of the Bush years have nothing to do with the problems in our state - that’s just silly. Look, a kitty!
- ezenmia - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:54 am:
The deficit came compliments of the budgets passed by madigan-jones-blago. Diverting pension payments to pay for pork barrel projects and runaway spending. Higher taxes and fees on employers that drove jobs out of illinois and with it tax receipts. That’s the legacy of the last 8 years. Where is the solution from the democrat majority?? Please no more bush fingerpointing–i hope the dems truly aren’t that bankrupt on ideas.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 9:59 am:
Rich, maybe you could get Steve Brown to clarify: when Madigan complains that the GOP is politicizing the legislative process, is he doing so as Speaker of the House or Chairman of the State Democratic Party? It’s always so hard to put his statements in the proper context without knowing for sure.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:09 am:
There is no Illinois Republican Party in play here. They are nearly totally powerless.
This is a Democratic run state. Has been for almost a decade. Fingerpointing at Republicans for our problems is utterly ridiculous. It is a lie.
Claiming that the Republicans are a “do-nothing party”, or the “party of no” is another bald-faced lie. Without power, they have no say in this state. If they had power, you would be unable to claim they have nothing to say. They would be listened to, and their ideas would be melded into the legislative process.
If the Party is unwilling to take responsibility for it’s actions over the past decade, or are unwilling to be held accountable for the disasters that have befallen Illinois over the past ten years - then we don’t need those people. The current Party leadership, which obviously includes Mr. Madigan, has done worse than nothing.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:12 am:
Democrats hold all constitutional offices and have overwhelming majorities in the House and the Senate, and the current mess in Springfield is the fault of Republicans?
Who was driving that truck off the cliff? The guys behind the wheel or the folks left standing at the curb?
- watchdog - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:19 am:
Sounds like Madigan wants to get a few more of precinct captains hired at corrections. No one takes advantage of a scandal better than him. To follow up on another post, I think Madigan was speaking at the committeeman of the thirteenth ward–he is always speaking as a ward committeeman.
- Still Gettin Twisted - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:23 am:
Does Madigan think this spin will work? If he’s got an idea, pass it.. EVERYONE knows he can pass whatever he wants. Hopefully, the media will not let him off the hook.
- jumpin jimmy - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:31 am:
In reply to “Really ?” why don’t we just blame this whole mess on Jimmy Carter while we are at it? I am a democrat, but lets face it, we control everything in State government and the fiscal crisis has gotten much worse under our watch. We have borrowed zillions of dollars and missed many pension obligation payments. The chickens are now coming home to roost! We democrats have the votes to solve this crisis but we are lacking in the gumption category. Like it or not, elections are coming and MJM has no plan, he just wants to try and blame the republicans as being uncooperative. Message to the democrats-grab the bull by the horns and do your job. You may lose a few this November, but that is doubtful, so buck up and do what you are elected to do and that is govern-quit blaming the other side.
- gary klass - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:35 am:
Since Hines seems to have his choice of which bills to pay, why not NOT-PAY the legislature’s appropriations?
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:39 am:
This is like blaming everything wrong in your life at 50 years of age on your parents. Sure, they weren’t perfect but GROW UP. Take responsibility for your actions now. Whining about the GOP in Illinois when they haven’t been in power for almost 10 years makes you look like a child having a temper tantrum. Besides, if the dems have so much power and can lead us to the promised land, why share the glory with the GOP?
- really? - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:42 am:
@jumpin jimmy
I agree with you-except the sarcasm about Carter. LOL
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:48 am:
1. Anyone who thinks that Democrats created this mess on their own is obviously new to Illinois, and doesn’t understand the first thing about the budget.
2. Carl, if Turner’s camp had the goods on Cohen, I haven’t seen it reported. Scott Lee Cohen won because he spent $2 million, not because Art Turner ran a bad campaign.
3. If Democrats want to force Republicans to the table, I suggest they advance a budget with no borrowing, no tax hike, no gimmicks, and massive cuts to things that Republicans hold dear, such as:
1) Hold harmless is in the school funding formula;
2) Retailer’s reimbursement in the sales tax for big businesses;
3) Local share of the sales tax for communities with poverty rates below 25%;
4) Special education block grants for school districts with high EAV’s;
5) Revenue expenditures for all corporations;
6) Stricter means-testing for college financial aid;
7) Shutter NIU, EIU, WIU;
It takes some creative legislative crafting, but you can structure the budget cuts so that 70 percent of them fall on Republican districts.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:57 am:
@dupage dan -
Just because Republicans aren’t in the majority doesn’t mean that they don’t share the blame.
Doing Nothing is a choice.
Let’s be HONEST about what’s going on in Springfield. Tom Cross and Christine Radogno know very well that a tax increase is needed, although they disagree with Democrats about the size. But even though Republicans know a tax increase is needed, they don’t want to share in the responsibility.
There’s a word for that: COWARDICE.
I know Republicans think that this is just a Big Game, but when the State goes over the cliff, its not going to matter to the people whose lives are destroyed whether it was Thelma or Louise behind the wheel.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:59 am:
YDD said:
*3. If Democrats want to force Republicans to the table, I suggest they advance a budget with no borrowing, no tax hike, no gimmicks, and massive cuts to things that Republicans hold dear, such as:
1) Hold harmless is in the school funding formula;
2) Retailer’s reimbursement in the sales tax for big businesses;
3) Local share of the sales tax for communities with poverty rates below 25%;
4) Special education block grants for school districts with high EAV’s;
5) Revenue expenditures for all corporations;
6) Stricter means-testing for college financial aid;
7) Shutter NIU, EIU, WIU;
It takes some creative legislative crafting, but you can structure the budget cuts so that 70 percent of them fall on Republican districts. *
I agree 100% on this strategy. My only question is how do you get around the ‘boy who cried wolf’ syndrome that has developed over the years. With the pattern of “doomsday is coming” followed by “we found magic money!” at the 11th hour, how do you get folks to believe it is a real budget?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:11 am:
Re: Republicans= non participating do-nothings
Then Speaker Madigan, carpe diem! You can do something! You and your House dems can go on and pass Quinn’s income tax increase as one of your first orders of business after Quinn’s budget address without whining about the Republicans.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:11 am:
BTW - the deficits of the Bush years have nothing to do with the problems in our state - that’s just silly. Look, a kitty!……
The deficit…$5 billion fewer year over year have everything to do with Bush..predatory lenders, their allies and companions AND poor investment returns at the Pension Funds.
Nice try but you cannot escape that one
BTW I would perfer CFS since squad starts with S. I understand that in the Kingdom of DuPage — where BrickheadJoe reigns supreme there might not be time for spelling.
- GA Watcher - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:17 am:
Very good question, Montrose. Whether we like it or not, that’s how the public perceives government at just about all levels.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:22 am:
You’re missing the point about Turner and SLC. If he didn’t know about this stuff that means he didn’t look. It was all right there. All it would take is a quick trip by an intern to the Daley Center and they could have pulled the divorce papers, the list of lawsuits against him, the back child support, etc. Hell, they didn’t even have to hire an oppo researcher to do this since it was so easy. None of it was sealed.
If he didn’t look, then he’s an idiot and therefore disqualified. If he had the goods and didn’t convey it properly, then he’s a bad communicator and disqualified. Either way, he should be out.
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:28 am:
YDD, if Turner had information on Cohen’s arrest and failed to get it covered in the media, would you agree Turner is too incompetent to be governor in an emergency?
Did Turner run a bad campaign? How many Black candidates running statewide have gotten the endorsement of the Democratic Party and lost in the Dem primary?
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:29 am:
Sorry for the miss-initial. Just because I am from DuPage Cty doesn’t mean I buy into the local cartel.
It’s interesting that you respond to my entry and ignore all the rest. Got a deficit of thinking? Gonna blame that on Bush, too?
Blaming the failure of the state to properly fund the pension on a Bush deficit. You smoking some of that crazy weed? Was Bush stealing money from the GA? Keep thinking delusional - like Nero watching Rome burn. Just sayin it don’t make it real.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:30 am:
And this is just outrageous and yet another example of why we cannot continue to allow democrats to have absolute control of state government anymore:
what on earth has Quinn’s budget director been doing in th nerly 6 months that he has been on the job. we all know that quinn hasn’t cared about illinois a governing because he was too preoccupied with campaigning, but there is no excuse for wanting more time to work on the budget.
it’s lazy and totally inexcusible on the Quinn administration’s part. the state, and it’s budget in particular, has been the administration’s only top priority and should have been treated as such.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:35 am:
Blaming Bush is also ridiculous.
Illinois fiscal malaise started in 1990, and worsened over the past decade.
No, the Democrats weren’t alone in creating this mess, but they have been in total control over Illinois for the past decade. Blaming a practically non-existant minority party, or a former president who sat in the WH for only 8 of those two decades, is an excuse so lame, anyone using it should be laughed out of the door.
- Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:37 am:
I agree. We control everything. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:42 am:
YDD – the undisputable fact still remains that the Dems have the ability pass anything without a single Republican vote. In fact, Madigan regularly jams party-line legislation through the House, when it’s not politically dangerous for him to do so, of course. So while you call the GOP cowards, how exactly is Madigan a profile in courage??
And I think you’re kidding yourself if you think that “when the State goes over the cliff, it’s not going to matter to the people” which party was in control.
- jake - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:47 am:
There is so much blame to go around:
To the national Republicans, for screwing up the economy so that the resulting recession made things worse.
To the Governor, who did not provide the neccessary leadership to follow up on what was an excellent initial budget message, and revenue proposals.
To the Speaker, who had the power to get a tax increase through the House without Republican votes, and didn’t use it.
To those House Democrats who knew the tax increase was necessary, but were afraid to vote for it.
To Tom Cross, who blocked any attempt to put Republican votes on a tax increase.
To Dan Hynes, who demagogued against a tax increase, although he of all people surely knew it was needed.
Such a perfect storm of a fiscal mess as we have in the state now is beyond any single group or individual to create–it needs a truly wide-ranging bipartisan conspiracy.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:49 am:
*the undisputable fact still remains that the Dems have the ability pass anything without a single Republican vote.*
Can we all just agree on this point and move on? By that I mean, yes the Dems have the technical ability to do raise taxes without the Republicans, but saying that ignores the political reality of what really needs to be in place to get new revenue. The political reality is that Republican votes are needed.
We can have a long debate on why that is the political reality, but that does not change the environment we are dealing with and the need for strategies that recognize that environment.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:56 am:
Can we all just agree on this point and move on? By that I mean, yes the Dems have the technical ability to do raise taxes without the Republicans, but saying that ignores the political reality of what really needs to be in place to get new revenue. The political reality is that Republican votes are needed. —Montrose
Montrose, please. We all know that the “political reality” that the dems want and need is the ability to say the repubs supported the tax increase too, as a way of covering their rear-ends politically. that the social service organizations aren’t seeing this as it is happening in realtime is astounding, but also shows what is soooooo wrong with those who head the social services agencies. they’re gonna get their clocks rocked this year too, by the way, and be exposed for the frauds that they are too.
With each day it becomes painfully more and more apparent that the dems are NOT big tent and all about the little man as they purport and have purported to be, but instead are all about power, special interests, and themselves.
- Louis Howe - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 11:57 am:
Actually VM, Illinois’s fiscal problems can be traced all the back to 1982 when Thompson campaigned against a tax increase and then promptly proposed one less than a month after the election. The state pension shenanigans also began when Thompson substituted actuarially sound state contributions with the bogus, but politically acceptable “100% of Payout.” It’s been a long process, and both parties have contributed mightily to the current fiscal mess.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
*Montrose, please. We all know that the “political reality” that the dems want and need is the ability to say the repubs supported the tax increase too, as a way of covering their rear-ends politically.*
WCW - That is exactly my point. Do I think it is cowardice on the part of the Dems to not vote for new revenue on their own when they have the power to do it? Yep. Does it matter? Nope.
This is the environment we are working in, so those of us - including all those social service agencies that are, contrary to your opinion, very aware of this political reality - that want a revenue increase need a plan that reflects that reality, such as the one that YDD put out. That is the only way we get something done this session.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
Rich, on the second video above, Madigan was asked (near the end) if he told Quinn there would be no income tax increase this year. Madigan was facing away from the camera and scratching his ear, he mumbled something about “there have been conversations” and the sound wasn’t great.
Any chance we can get a follow-up or clarification? Did the Speaker tell the Governor an income tax increase was off the table this Spring? Any react from Quinn?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
@Carl -
Turner was not endorsed by the Democratic Party of Illinois. While he was endorsed by the Cook County Democratic Party, several key committeemen defected, most if not all with ties to SLC’s consultant and SLC’s money.
Paul Mangieri was endorsed by the Democratic Party of Illinois and lost. He lost because Alexi spent bazillions of dollars.
I don’t care how good of a candidate you are, chances are if your opponent outspends you 7 to 1, he or she is going to win, ESPECIALLY in a down ballot race. Obama v. Hull was the exception, not the rule, and there it was media coverage of Hull’s divorce that was his undoing. But the media refused to cover Cohen, according to Terry Link, because they didn’t think he could win. Also, i think because it was a down ballot race and they were writing stories hourly on the U.S. Senate and Governor’s race.
There was No press coverage to speak of in the races for Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
Dog, I don’t think we should or need to focus on things important to Rs when we look at budget cuts. It’s the sort of approach that helped get us here.
Your suggestion of introducing a balanced budget is sound, though politically risky. I believe if the Governor introduced a balanced budget, with no gimmicks, just letting the chips fall where they may, that legislators of both parties would quickly be begging for a chance to vote for a tax increase. The budget would be brutal, but the Rs have said all along the budget can be balanced with cuts only. Perhaps that’s what the Governor should give us.
- anon - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:51 pm:
Republicans lose in November if they continue as do nothings. Madigan is right. Anyone with half a brain understands that some revenue enhancer or tax increase is necessary, and that both parties need to work together. Just saying no can hurt you more than saying yes.
- Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
I used to believe, having fought against his candidates and policies for years, that Mike Madigan was a genius - politically, legislatively, everything.
Now, it’s becoming clear that that’s not the case at all. When he looked so brilliant, he always had a Republican fall-guy to either batter or at least provide cover, whether it was Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, Pate Phillip or George Ryan.
The last eight years, he hasn’t had that evil Republican to blame everything on, and it’s beginning to show. The emperor may have no clothes. He’s been unable AND unwilling to fix this mess - he’s not even been able to slow it down. Now he’s just flailing. Pathetic really.
- steve schnorf - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:01 pm:
AM, I venture that he is neither unable nor unwilling, but agree that the lack of someone to take the lead on the R side is a problem, and Governors do have to take the lead.
- Amuzing Myself - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:07 pm:
I don’t think it’s as much someone to take the “lead” as it is someone to take the fall for Madigan. That’s what I think is pathetic, and the true definition of cowardice that some poster above inaccurately threw at the party clearly not in a position to do much of anything.
There’s nothing to keep him from fixing this mess with the majorities he has and what could be an ally in the Governor’s office if he really wanted to. He’s more interested in retaining his majority than fixing the problem. If not, it would have been done by now. That’s become abundantly clear.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:23 pm:
At what point do the citizens of Illinois realize that the person who “runs” the state should be removed? At what point do they realize that said person can’t be voted out of his powerful office by said citizens? At what point do the citizens of this state get that only their elected state reps can remove said person? Can these citizens connect the dots? Can they influence their state reps enough so that said reps believe it is better to vote w/their constituents and not re-eect MJM as speaker? Frankly, as long as the citizens keep re-electing their democrat state reps MJM remains as the speaker. Only if the GOP takes over the majority in the house is MJM gone. What are the chances of that happening?
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:40 pm:
Madigan may well think of jobs at corrections. it is more likely that he recalls that there is a very high ranking person there
who has long been associated with Blagojevich. This is a very smart and good person. but, like with all the other smart and
good people previously associated with GRod and who are
still in jobs, blame may be heavily pointed. and people
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 1:46 pm:
“Only if the GOP takes over the majority in the house is MJM gone. What are the chances of that happening?”
Only if Chicago falls into lake michigan. Nice thought though!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:45 pm:
== Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea ==
That is an outright lie.
When Madigan introduced legislation to create a two-tiered pension system, every single House Republican voted against it.
Tom Cross doesn’t want to fix state government, he just enjoys talking about how broken it is.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 3:50 pm:
@Schnorf -
Okay, I’ll grant you that. If the Governor introduced a balanced budget with NO gimmicks and NO new revenue, without any partisan hanky-panky, I would HOPE that a group of bipartisan lawmakers would step forward to lead us to new revenue.
Although they might just lead us to even more borrowing. If there’s still anyone dumb enough to loan us money.
But if Doomsday I failed, I’d go with my Red Hot Poker plan.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:01 pm:
=== There’s nothing to keep him from fixing this mess with the majorities he has and what could be an ally in the Governor’s office if he really wanted to. ===
Its been pointed out before, but is worth repeating, that when Republican governors needed and asked for additional revenue, Democrats in the General Assembly were bipartisan, provided votes, and got it done. Even when they were in the Minority.
IF Madigan passes a tax increase without a single Republican vote, it will be the end of any hope of bipartisanship in Illinois State Government, atleast for a political generation.
Even though they know that additional revenue is needed, Republicans will excoriate Democrats. And because tax increase, even when necessary, are never popular, Democrats will lose substantial numbers, possibly their majorities, definitely the governor’s mansion.
And then when Governor Brady needs additional revenue, not a single Democrat will vote for it.
P.S. If I were Democrats and the above scenario played out, I’d repeal the tax increase on my way out the door and say “Up Yours!”
- Bill - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:16 pm:
====Madigan and crew continually block and kill any GOP idea ==
That is an outright lie.==
The dog is right on this one. He doesn’t block and kill he just completely ignores them.
I’m beginning to think that one party rule just doesn’t work. Just look at the federal gridlock. It is as bad as here in Ill.. Nobody can get rid of Mad-again. Maybe a republican executive branch wouldn’t be so bad after all.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 4:38 pm:
I don’t know if Brady has it in him to counter MJM if he wins. We sure know PQ ain’t got the cojones. Sounds like it’s time to re-boot. If Dillard fails to move with a first line of recount he should concede and throw his weight to Brady. Brady, for his part, better come out with a fiscal message and de-emphasize his social issues and maintain that posture firmly. It’s his only chance to re-assure the moderates/independents that he needs to win.
MJM ain’t going anywhere - even if Chicago falls into Lake Michigan. Darn near untouchable.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 10, 10 @ 10:13 pm:
@GOP -
What makes Madigan courageous and Cross a coward?
Madigan believes a tax increase is actually needed, and actually votes for it.
Cross knows a tax increase is needed, but can’t even admit it into a microphone, let alone vote for one.
Madigan says he supports a two-tiered pension system, and every Democrat votes ‘Yes’ to get pension reform legislation out of committee.
Cross says he supports a two-tiered pension system, and every single Republican votes ‘No’ on advancing legislation out of committee.
Tom Cross talks a good game, and that’s it.
And to clarify what I said earlier, once state funding for education, public safety, health care and economic development is cut by 46%, the people impacted by those cuts aren’t going to take any comfort in being able to blame Democrats for the mess.
And if you think they’re going to be hugging Republicans for opposing a tax increase, your deluded.
“Lower taxes, smaller government, less regulation” is a great campaign slogan until you find the programs you depend on being cut, you witness the flood on t.v., or Wall Street runs off with your money.
- retired doc - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 7:16 am:
Amalia, you know you are referring to Asst. Director. When she came in the door prior to my retirement, parole hated her. But at the end of my career, I did see a very smart and strategic woman. She turned parole around to what it needed to be, not to mention the Sheridan project. Too bad the new Director has poisoned that project and has let the rabid dogs in parole loose again. She is walked out, she can talk. That would be a bad move —she is very respected by women’s rights groups.