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Thursday, Feb 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Reading the inspector general’s report on former Department of Human and Family Services chief of staff Tamara Hoffman is a mind-blowing experience.

Hoffman is well-known on Springfield’s after-hours circuit for some of her more, um, “interesting” behavior. But as far as I can tell, none of her behavior ever did a whit of damage to DHFS at the Statehouse. The agency’s bills passed or died, its rules were approved or shot down regardless of what Tami did off-duty.

But back in April of 2008, the department’s inspector general got some reports of baudy after-hours behavior by Hoffman, so he started an investigation.

Yes, you read that right. Blow off too much steam in a bar and the next thing you know the inspector general is on your tail. Literally, as it turns out. The official investigation eventually involved following Hoffman around in state cars.

DHFS Inspector General John Allen initially tried to convince Director Barry Maram to either fire Hoffman or have her tone down her off-duty behavior. Maram brushed off the busy-body, saying he didn’t think her after-hours activities were anyone’s business. Allen didn’t give up, though, and launched an all-out probe.

Eventually, they got Hoffman for showing up late to work (which required IG Allen to spend state money on surveillance), having some naughty pictures on her state computer and talking to me without going through the public information office. From the State Journal-Register story

Investigators also found that Hoffman violated state policy by giving an unauthorized interview to Rich Miller, creator of the Capitol Fax newsletter, in February 2009.

Here’s the story I wrote that got Inspector General John Allen in such a tizzy

DEPARTMENT GOES AROUND BLAGOJEVICH Several hours after Rod Blagojevich was arrested by the FBI, a top official at the Department of Health and Family Services confirmed to me that the governor’s office had indeed put a hold on money for a pediatric care program, an allegation contained in the federal criminal complaint.

The feds claimed that Blagojevich had held up funding for the program in order to pry loose a $50,000 campaign contribution from the person who runs Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Tami Hoffman, who is the chief legal counsel for DHFS, decided to go on record about what she knew yesterday after the Chicago Tribune posted a story on its website claiming that Blagojevich had finally released the state money as his last act in office.

Hoffman said she was told personally by Blagojevich Deputy Governor Bob Greenlee a week before Blagojevich’s arrest that the money was to be put on hold. The department, Hoffman said, had been informed several days earlier that a hold had been placed on the program. Greenlee resigned soon after Blagojevich’s arrest. He has not been accused of any wrongdoing and has not spoken about the criminal complaint in public.

The day after the governor’s arrest, Hoffman said DHFS began working to get the pediatric care funding to hospitals without the governor’s knowledge or cooperation. The governor apparently placed a call to the department a few weeks later to check on the status of the funding and was angrily reminded that his office had placed a hold on the money.

The funding proved to be complicated, Hoffman said, with various negotiations required with providers and difficult computer coding to accomplish. The department eventually decided on a February 1st posting date of the funding availability, but that was a Sunday, so it was moved up.

Hoffman said the decision was made to post the funding availability on the network shortly after the Senate voted to remove Blagojevich from office on Thursday, January 29th. It was, she said, the first time to her knowledge that a posting was done without a governor’s name attached to it. It was also apparently done that way to ensure that Blagojevich could not take any credit for funding the program after he was accused of holding up the money in exchange for a large contribution.

Bottom line: This funding was apparently not Blagojevich’s last act in office.

Inspector General Allen claimed in his report that he had been told Director Maram was “caught off guard” and “upset” over Hoffman’s leak. Maram confirmed to Allen that he was angry, but he defended his chief of staff by saying that she wanted to set the record straight and “did the right thing.”

Yet, somehow, this episode is included in Allen’s report.

What a freaking crock that is.

Hoffman’s refusal to answer numerous questions at the House Impeachment Committee’s hearings is nowhere in the report. Instead, Allen’s report is a salacious collection of innuendo and heresay and “shocking” news that she had some porn on her ‘puter and showed up late to work.

Look, she brought most of this on herself. No denying that. And I won’t defend breaking the on-duty rules. She is what she is, and she’s gotta deal with it.

But what are we coming to in this state when, as corruption is all around, a guy like Inspector General John Allen is expending bigtime state resources to investigate after-hours tavern behavior? And what the heck is Allen doing chastising Hoffman for speaking truth to the media about Rod Blagojevich’s corruption?

Also, just as an FYI, I was told not long ago that Allen was nosing around the office about a comment which had been posted here on my blog. DHFS refused to respond to my questions about that earlier this week when I called to discuss the Allen report.

So, let me just say right now: Get a life, dude.


  1. - OneMan - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:24 am:

    Glad my tax dollars were spent to follow someone going to bars in their off hours…

  2. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:24 am:

    My, my!

  3. - George - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:26 am:

    Rich, we all know that all the work in Springfield happens in the bars at night.

    Some people are just better at it than others.

  4. - shore - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    where is the report to read online?

  5. - shore - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    never mind.

  6. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    shore, it’s linked in the first sentence.

  7. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:29 am:

    ===Rich, we all know that all the work in Springfield happens in the bars at night.===

    I have a saying: After ten o’clock, it’s just drinking.

  8. - George - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    If it were only “just drinking”…

  9. - ok - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    I don’t think this is the last we have heard of tammy hoffman. She is a smart cookie, and she has a few cards close to her vest that will help some folks in November, I hear.

  10. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:31 am:

    George, what I mean is, after ten there’s almost no business being done. It’s just partying.

  11. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    And just for the record, I’ve been home every night this week long before 10. lol

  12. - Cousin Ralph - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:37 am:

    As one who has assisted whistleblowers, I share your assessment Rich that this looks awfully punitive.

  13. - neo state worker - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:38 am:

    Rich… We will ask John Allen to confirm that.

  14. - siriusly - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    Dear All State Employees (Governor down to contracted home-care worker):

    Taxpayers really appreciate it when you do your job in an appropriate and professional manner. If your job is, for example, to ensure that state resources aren’t being wasted and that proper procedures are in place - DO NOT waste state resources (our money) following state workers after they leave the office.

    I was furious at Hofffman and Maram during the impeachment hearings. Based alone on their stonewalling and their defense of Blagojevich’s offenses, I believe they should both be fumigated. However, this IG clearly was doing some sort of cowboy freelance act.

    This IG should be fired. Quinn also needs to re-work those workplace rules that forbid “unauthorized interviews” - we all need more sunshine in our government, talking to reporters is usually a good thing for taxpayer’s interests - even if it results in a critical story.

  15. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:45 am:

    If this is a new state policy, I think I’ve found my calling.

    I’ll happily follow drunk chicks around bars and restaurants at night. Like Jim Rockford, I’ll take $200 a day plus expenses (which will be way more than $200, given the nature of the work).

    I was born for this work.

  16. - shore - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    I read it. I dont know how things work down there but at the federal level you are always on the clock if you have a blackberry. There’s no bonus given for having your life interrupted at 6pm on a saturday because the boss wants something.

  17. - Bill - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    Poor Tami!
    Talking to Miller was a big mistake. As for all the rest of it what happens in Springfield stays in Springfield.

  18. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    Regarding being late for work. She isn’t being paid by the hour, and given her position, I’m sure she’s getting work-related e-mails at all hours of the day and night, weekends too.

    I don’t know her at all, but I’m ALWAYS late for work (unless I have an appointment). I almost ALWAYS work past 5:00 too, as I’m sure is the case with Hoffman. Did surveillance note the times she left the office late?

  19. - siriusly - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    Shore - the blackberry rule is a fact of life in all workplace sectors, but that doesn’t mean you are “on the clock” all the time just because you have a PDA. State laws regarding what state employees can and cannot do “on the clock” are pretty specific for a reason. When off the clock, you can live your own life - even if your boss sends you emails or call you.

    This is still America, I think.

  20. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:51 am:

    neo state worker, you do that. And while you’re at it, ask him if he realizes he might have interfered with an ongoing federal investigation.

  21. - One of the 35 - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:54 am:

    Rich: While I agree with much of your commentary on this matter, one alleged fact/question remains: was Ms. Hoffman was caught having downloaded porn on her state computer? If so, she should be terminated. Would not anyone else would be terminated for such an offense?

  22. - ok - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    The report says the “porn” were pictures of herself

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    One of the 35, I clearly wrote that I wouldn’t defend any on-duty violations. That’s her problem. She’s gotta deal with it.

  24. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    Here I thought this was her resume for the lt. gov post.
    Interesting that we get all puritan with Scott Lee Cohen and so tolerant on Tammy’s indiscretions. She probably made nearly as much and controlled far greater resources.

  25. - Reality is - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    ” Maram confirmed to Allen that he was angry, but he defended his chief of staff by saying that she wanted to set the record straight and “did the right thing.””

    Thats not what the report says, it says Hoffman just wanted everyone to know that HFS “did the right thing.”

  26. - TitforTat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:09 am:

    John Allen’s “after hours” investigation into what this women is or not doing on off hours is bizzare, and appears to border on stalking!

    I wonder if John Allen will make this women shave her head and wear a “SCARLET LETTER” on her chest?

    I thought “witch hunting” went out of style with the puritans?

    This is really, really, really wrong. Someone should be fired and it shouldn’t be the target of this vile investigation.

  27. - TitforTat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:11 am:

    John Allen should be fired, and so should those wierdos that okayed his after hours titilation!

  28. - KC - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:14 am:

    === Redacted from this space is a graphic decription of some of the sexually themed photographs in which Hoffman was featured that were found on her state computer ===

    I know you are not defending any of her on-duty violations,however, dirty pictures of yourself on your computer leads me to also question your
    10:00 pm rule. Sounds like she could be fun a about anytime da or night.

  29. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    In that goofy Mayberry on steroids atmosphere of Springfield, exposing someone’s after hours exploits is easy pickens and a pretty cheap shot. Basically, if the general is going to look into her-he better be looking into everybody’s after work adventures and then heaven help the capitol.

    As far as porn on the computer, there is a difference between actual porn or receiving sick joke emails that she might decide to save. Usually women aren’t the big porn offenders. Sometimes it’s worse than it appears.

    Having said all that, when you take jobs like this it is the price you pay for good pay and benefits. I have seen countless acquaintances embarrassed because of their conduct because they were public employees rather than private sector. I remember an acquaintance making front page news for trying to pick up a hooker. Front page.

    I don’t think it is right but it is that way.

  30. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:20 am:

    Two things come to mind.

    First, why did it take surveillance to determine that Ms. Hoffman came in late? Were people at HFS so scared of her that they would not be willing to tell interested parties that she did not start work on time? Surely more than one employee knew of her tardiness. Compiling a list of eyewitness accounts and testimony from employees should have served as enough evidence to be used against her.

    Second, the porn on the computer is inexcusible. She should have been terminated for that. But even that would have required nothing more than a networking or IT professional at CMS or the governor’s office to access her computer and pick out the suspect files. Or was that even done? Mr. Allen could have easily instructed such a person to access Ms. Hoffman’s hard drive and Temporary Internet Files. Sheesh.

    When there are true ethical lapses occurring in this state, and with Blago awaiting trial and a lengthy sentence, this is just silly.

  31. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    From their efforts in the Impeachment hearings I thought both Tami and Mariam should be fired.

    I find it a bit concerning that the report is complaining about her showing up late for work but then looking at her after hours activities as part of her official duties representing the Department.

    If after hours conduct is a basis for people to get fired, there are a lot of people that could be in trouble.

  32. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:27 am:

    As an update, Hoffman claims she never saw the images the IG says were on her computer.

  33. - UofC Alum - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    Its pretty obvious from this report that Ms. Hoffman has/had a drinking problem that was impacting her professional conduct. If the OIG was concerned about her conduct, they should have helped her get some treatment, rather than publicly humiliating her.

  34. - Been There - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    Anyone who has had one of these 24/7 jobs where you can be called by the elected/appointed public official and told to come to the office at any time of day or night — forget about teaching Sunday School, just get there! — realizes that in today’s blackberry/textmessage world, it’s hard to conform a 8-5 schedule on someone who is chief of staff at a large state agency. It’s just not practical. She was probably shopping midday because she spent the whole weekend prior working on the latest crisis at HFS. I think she deserves a lot of latitude re the timeclock issues here.

  35. - fred - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:39 am:

    I happen to know for a fact that Ms. Hoffman’s termination had nothing to do with the Blagojevich investigation, so put your conspiracy theories to rest, folks.

  36. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    ===had nothing to do with the Blagojevich investigation===

    Yes, it did. That story she gave me became part of the investigation when the US Attorney’s office called and asked me for a “clean” copy.

  37. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    Didn’t she read the rules for women in government?

    After ten hours in office, they may spend the remaining time reading the bible or other good books.

    They may take one evening per week for courting proposes or two evenings to attend church regularly

    Women who marry or engage in unseemly conduct will be dismissed.

    Every woman should lay aside, from each pay, a goodly some for their benefit during their declining years, so that they will not become a burden to society.

    Any woman who smokes, uses liquor in any form, frequents pool or public halls or wears risque fashions will give good reason to suspect their worth, intention, integrity, and honestly.

    Speaking or writing to Rich Miller will force an expensive investigation that requires bar hopping, joviality and eavesdropping.

    If you can’t afford the consequences of this kind of rule breaking, then you should not do it!

  38. - Greg B. - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    I think the wrong person is being walked out of the building…

  39. - What the. . . - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    The John Allen angle here is a complete Red Herring.
    Rich, if you are condoning or somehow excusing the monumental embarrassment that was Tami Hoffman’s tenure at DHFS, you are in very select company.

  40. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    ===The John Allen angle here is a complete Red Herring.===

    Why? He started an official state investigation based on rumors about somebody’s unorthodox personal life. The director is quoted in the report saying that Hoffman’s work on the hospital assessment was crucial to the budget.

    ===you are in very select company. ===

    Maybe to your little morality police circle.

  41. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:00 pm:

    === Second, the porn on the computer is inexcusible. She should have been terminated for that. ===

    First, I think the problem that Rich is getting at and which I and many others have a problem with is that nothing that most of what Hoffman is accused of is neither a violation of the state ethics act or other state laws.

    To the degree that Hoffman may have violated personnel policies, I’m not even sure that is or should be the jurisdiction of the Inspector General’s office.

    Beyond that, employment law is very clear that like cases must be treated in a like manner, and generally leans toward corrective action over termination. But if you’re going to argue that one employee should be terminated for personal use of their computer, then ALL employees must be treated that way.

  42. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    I’d like to read the “redacted” portion of the report before lining up the firing squad.

  43. - MK - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    Ummm, maybe we should all remember this:

    before we cry a river for hoffman… we aren’t dealing with run of the mill misconduct here

  44. - MK - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    And here are the first few bars of the articale if you are reading on mobile devise:

    “The chief of staff for a state social service agency has left her job after allegedly using her state-issued telephone to harass another woman because the two had a relationship with the same man.

    Tamara T. Hoffman boasted of her position in state government in the threats to the Rantoul woman, verbally abused and threatened a police officer when he contacted her and posted photos of herself and the man holding guns on a social networking Web site belonging to the alleged victim’s daughte, according to Champaign County authorities.Hoffman, 50, of Chicago, was arrested last weekend in McLean County and posted $2,500 bond, Champaign County State’s Attorney Julia Rietz said.

    She left her $119,400 job as chief of staff to Department of Healthcare and Family Services director Barry Maram on Friday. Agency officials would not comment further. Hoffman did not respond to a message left at her home.

    Rietz said Hoffman began repeatedly calling the Rantoul woman about Aug. 14. One threat, according to Rietz, began with an expletive and continued, “If you see him again, something bad is going to happen to you. I work for the state of Illinois and you don’t know who you’re messing with.”

  45. - What the. . . - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Rich, despite the overblown emotion exhibited here, the fact remains that the reason she got canned was for abusing state resources and falsifying travel vouchers, thereby defrauding the state. Holding the Director up as an objective observer is clearly a stretch as he is clearly biased (he’s in a position where, facing a charge of deriliction of duty, he would need to defend Attila the Hun)

  46. - Secret Square - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    Sounds like a cross between a bowdlerized version of the Starr Report and a script for an episode of “The Office”

  47. - You Go Boy - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    Pictures of herself on the computer….what is this world coming to?? Number one, what does she look like? Number two (depending on answer to #1) is it possible to access said pictures?

  48. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Reading the report the porn angle isn’t the slam dunk people may think it is. The time issues are relatively serious, but the porn issue is more complicated than she was just downloading it on her state computer.

  49. - D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:30 pm:

    Yet another stunning example of the waste of time that is the record of the various Inspector Generals of Illinois.

  50. - Justice - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    “Freedom is when one hears the bell at seven o’clock in the morning and knows it is the milkman and not the Gestapo”

    Georges Bidault quotes

    IMHO, we must remind people in government continually who is really in charge. Using their perceived power can bring unwanted attention upon them… some cases rightly so.

    The only thing missing in this saga is the uniform and clicking boot heels! We have run dangerously low on fuel, one engine is out, and we have just enough speed to get us to the scene of the crash….And people are “spying” on one another. We had better be concentrating on how to keep this Ship of State in the air!

  51. - former state employee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    I’m going to have to agree with MK. Having observed her in the workplace, she was unprofessional, treated staff in a demeaning manner, and was generally very overpaid for what she did. The cell phone threats were a part of her operating style. That said, she apparently made lots of valuable networking connections, including Rich, after hours.

  52. - Moving to Oklahoma - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    wow. Porn on computers and some after hours drinking?

    Sounds like she has some problems, and brought it on herself, but cowboy Allen needs a set of reigns on that horse. Lets terminate people for their work on the job, not produce material for Entertainment Tonight.

  53. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    You Go Boy, that was crass. Playing the same game you are, you’d also have to wonder about Mr. Wonderful in the article. Dear Lord, help them all.

  54. - The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    Sorry. That last one was the from “REAL Anonymous….”

  55. - What the. . . - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:42 pm:

    Obviously, she was the consummate professional in every way and, unbelievably, she’s currently unemployed. Don’t delay, hire her now! Talent like that won’t go begging for long. Snap her up now man!

  56. - Budget Watcher - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:42 pm:

    I’m really not following this angle that the Inspector General has a problem. He investigates work-related problems. When she allegedly didn’t come into work in the mornings it was because she was working late the night before. So he assigns a person to verify this assertion and finds she’s working at the bars, nightclubs, and receptions around town? What did the IG do wrong? He found out she was a habitual liar. He discovered she had crazy stuff on her PC, that she sent menancing e-mails to people, that she drank excessively on state time , and there were other things, which happened on state premises, that were simply prohibited. She was an embarrassment for a long time to HFS and should have been fired long before she got arrested.

  57. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    As far as I know, I’ve never met Ms Hoffman. Having said that, this is pretty complicated, isn’t it.

    I don’t think I would fire someone for a first offense of porn on a state computer, unless it was being used to sexually harass other employees, but there would be some disciplinary action. Someone working 50 or 60 hour weeks answering their personal e-mail on a state computer, as long as it wasn’t dozens of messages a day, just doesn’t seem that terrible, because at least part of the reason is that she is at work when she could be at home.

    Behavior at night away from the office? There but for the grace of God go a whole lot of people, huh? Talking to Rich Miller without going thru the PIO, well I was guilty as hell too, then.

    On the other hand, if the IG guy really said tell her to dial it down to a 7, right now she’s an 11, that seems pretty decent advice, doesn’t it?

    Like I said, tough one.

  58. - State worker - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    She is only one in a field of inept management of state agencies (hers is one that spends and receives billions of dollars). It appears her outside behavior influenced her job in that she couldn’t show up to work on time, displayed erratic behavior at work and was not accountable for her time. She was the chief of staff - what does that say for the other employees at HFS? While I agree the time spent outside of work hours on investigation may have been excessive, consider the amount of money all the incompetent, non-working chiefs of staff and deputy directors are receiving.

  59. - really? - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    Rich-IG Allen is appointed by the Legislature under PA 88-554. If he had real concerns, not bogus concerns, about Hoffman, he should have taken them elsewhere when Maran ignored him. His office is in charge of pursuing Medicaid Fraud issues. Wonder how he handles those? Also, DFHS-OIG has long has a policy similar to the one IDOC director Randle was taken to task for regarding talking to anyone outside the IGS office about anything. Staff are routinely disciplined regarding this issue and one former employee (not me) has filed two lawsuits against HFS for this.
    Allen’s entire operation needs to be scrutinized by the Ethics commission, too. And if anyone contacts you regarding this post I welcome the investigation.

  60. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===On the other hand, if the IG guy really said tell her to dial it down to a 7, right now she’s an 11, that seems pretty decent advice, doesn’t it?===

    If you believe that it’s the IG’s role to do so, I suppose. But giving advice and then launching a full-blown investigation are two entirely different things.

  61. - Leave a Light on George - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    Over the years I have read several reports about employee conduct like Hoffman’s. Have even had the misfortune to conduct a few investigations of a similar nature. Three things almost always are true. First, the offending conduct is usually a long standing issue. Two, those responsible for supervising the employee usually stick their head in the sand and don’t address the issues in a timely manner or in a proper manner.Finally, when the **** hits the fan everything the employee ever did wrong comes out and it is too late by then to salvage them.

    However, none of that absolves the employee of personal responsibility. After having read the the report even with all the redacted material no way should the woman continue to be a state employee.

  62. - Zora - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    Sounds like an bully got taken down by a bully. One was an out of control screamer, the other a stalker-like schemer.

    I’m not a bit pleased with my tax dollars going to either of them.

  63. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    From 5 ILCS 430:

    The jurisdiction of each Executive Inspector General is to investigate allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, nonfeasance, misfeasance, malfeasance, or violations of this Act or violations of other related laws and rules.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the terms:

    fraud: deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage;

    waste: useless consumption or expenditure; use without adequate return;

    abuse: wrong or improper use; misuse;

    mismanagement: to manage incompetently or dishonestly;

    misconduct: unlawful conduct by an official in regard to his or her office, or by a person in the administration of justice;

    nonfeasance: the omission of some act that ought to have been performed;

    malfeasance: the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law;

    misfeasance: the wrongful performance of a normally lawful act; the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority.

    On its face, the Inspector General’s report doesn’t accuse Hoffman of ANY of these things.

    Notice one thing you don’t see on that list?

    turpitude: vile, shameful, or base character; depravity.

  64. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    I read the report.

    Here is what I would do. Because Ms. Hoffman is a 20 year employee, I would move her to a lower level position if she began receiving counseling or alcohol treatment, if warranted. This would be probationary and she would be fired if her behavior continued.

    I would fire the Director for putting up with this persons behavior and for not taking the needed action on his own.

    I would fire the OEIG director for using two years of valuable recourses to investigate this women’s after work activities.

  65. - siriusly - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    MK - thank you for the link to that story and for the additional background information. That helps fill in part of the story.

    However, a key piece of data is still missing. Without pictures of the two women it is impossible for us to judge which one is hotter. We should all withhold judgment about who is the “winner” in the alleged love triangle situation.

  66. - Leave a Light on George - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    YDD - For God’s sake she was the Chief of Staff of a state agency. Her behavior was so outrageous that he had to ban her from Springfield. What good is a COS that you can’t trust enough to send to the state capitol.

  67. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    “Conduct unbecoming of a state employee” is the lead charge in the IG report. I don’t see that on Yellow Dog’s list either.

    This is all a pretty spectacular story, and it seems many people in Springfield are enjoying what seems to be the exposure of the misbehavior of a bad person. The fact that it is a woman makes it juicier, especially the redacted portions of the report setting imaginations on fire.

    But I agree with several commenters. Hoffman may not be a nice person. She may not have been a good state employee. But is following an employee around the bar scene at night what was intended when they set up the IG process a few years back?

    Someone please chime in with a significant IG investigation in recent years. I’m not aware of any.

  68. - Anon - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:18 pm:

    siriusly, agreed.

    Also, what type of pictures were these to be defined as “porn”. That word can be given a wide definition depending on the morality meter of the person using it.

  69. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    Leave a Light on George:

    That’s a fine opinion, but it doesn’t change the fact that everything the Inspector G is accusing her of is outside of his jurisdiction.

    Unless they are arguing that Hoffman was at the bars in Springfield as part of her official duties, its beyond the scope of the employee code unless her actions were criminal.

  70. - Zora - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    Taken together, YDD, Phineas and Leave a Light On’s recent posts make an interesting point. The IG’s office was used, incorrectly, as an HR proxy.

    Maram had recourse to progressive disciplinary remedies to address his COS’s workplace behavior, up to and including dismissal.

    But he threw it over to the IG instead, who literally worked overtime to assemble a case that already was already substantial enough to address as an HR progressive disciplinary matter, if anyone in charge had the guts to do it.

    And so we rack up another point for management by bullying / looking the other way. Where’s the leadership here?

  71. - RJW - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    I think people are getting the various Inspectors General confused. I believe the one that did all of the undercover work was the DHFS INTERNAL Inspector General, not the Executive Inspector General’s Office. The DHFS INTERNAL Inspector General turned over the documents to the Executive Inspector General, which is where the report comes from but is essentially a report of the DHFS INTERNAL Inspector General. Rich, please correct me if I’m wrong.

    I think it is important to understand that Mr. Allen was also an agency employee that perhaps went a little looney also. I think ultimately that Barry Maram should have taken control of the situation at the beginning and his failure to reign in Ms. Hoffman and Mr. Allen was monumental and perhaps it is Barry Maram that should have been fired.

  72. - Budget Watcher - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Official misconduct shouldn’t be defined by only “unlawful” acts. Otherwise, all state employees could drink beer and look at porn all day. It’s not against the law to sleep, to go shopping, or to have sex either, but on the job…it isn’t condoned.

    Also, the timeline of the OIG investigation doesn’t suggest a vendetta. The investigation of Tammy’s actions started in early 2008, a full year before Rod’s demise and well before her subsequent disclosures to Capitolfax and the US Attorney’s Office. Allen indicated in April 2008, again months before the craziness last year, that she should resign based upon his initial findings. He subsequently compiled a dossier of misconduct and Maram refused to review. I’m amazed that Allen is considered the bad guy for doing his job.

  73. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    ===based upon his initial findings===

    Basically, he heard she was getting wild at bars and not being nice to some of her coworkers. Sheesh.

  74. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    ===I’m amazed that Allen is considered the bad guy for doing his job. ===

    I’m amazed that you think a legit function of the IG’s office is keeping tabs on state workers at taverns.

  75. - Leave a Light on George - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    =I’m amazed that you think a legit function of the IG’s office is keeping tabs on state workers at taverns.=

    Could be if the state worker is claiming tavern time as work.

    She wasn’t a reporter. She was COS.

  76. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    Rich - Basically, he heard she was getting wild at bars and not being nice to some of her coworkers. Sheesh.

    I worked with Hoffman. Saying she was not being “nice” to some of her coworkers is a huge misrepresentation. The woman was brutal and rude. She’s been known for threatening legislative staff, lobbyists and coworkers. Let me repeat that, THREATENING, not just not being nice. She tried to throw her weight and title around one too many times, and as far as I’m concerned she got what was coming to her.

  77. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    The bottom line is that if you are director of an agency and can’t control your COS, you need to go.

    And the thought of paying investigators, over a two year period, to follow an employee after hours is so over the top wrong, unless they are suspected of a major crime, that I’m amazed it was approved.

    How much did this ridiculous report cost the taxpayers? Unbelievable.

  78. - really? - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    Let’s dream here a little…???

    Hoffman was once in charge of Admin rules for dHFS. And what happened under Blago-JCAR was ingnored. Hoffman assisted in pushing thru Rules. Did Allen take a stance on this?no tho, Allen is a lawyer. What did he do?-a superficial invesitgation on Hoffman that finds problems with Hoffman that are not tied to Allen, or his bosses but only relate to Hoffman’s own issues such as tardiness and decandent behavior. So is this an IG doing his job or a what? In the future, Hoffman wins legally maybe gets reinstated and some back pay, is removed temporarily from the public eye, but still in the long run gets her salary and reward after some embarrassment but no real legal issues that could make her want to talk to the US Attorney. Just sayin’

  79. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    Leave a Light on George -

    Um, if the Inspector General believed that tavern time was work, he would have cited her for drinking on the job, which is actually illegal for state employees.

  80. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    I’m going to be in the minority here but I say good riddance to Ms. Hoffman. I’m not an authority on wasterful spending of taxpayers dollars but I’m betting I could find a whole lot worse spending by reading the “piglet” book than money going for an IG to cruise the bars looking for more ammunition to fire someone who was already a poor State employee. ANY State employee should be fired the very first time porn is found on their computer. No excuses, absolutely no exceptions. Why are we allowing ourselves to be “dumbed down” and think that someone’s hide should be saved after finding porn “only once” on their State computer? What is happening to us? Why can’t we all see that no matter who he/she is, if you can’t accept the terms of the job; i,e, put in the daily time required and perform the duties required, then you’re out on your can. I don’t get some of you making excuses for her or trying to kill the messenger (IG). For crying out loud, isn’t this what we want to happen? When such outrageous behavior occurs, don’t we all want to see that person off the payroll? I was going to withhold my judgment of her because so much had been redacted from the report but I’m thinking 6 pages or more of redacted material just might be the entire story of the Rantoul woman and threatening a police officer. As Rich would say - SHEESH. Folks, come on. Why is this subject taking up so much space?????

  81. - Name Withheld - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    === misfeasance: the wrongful performance of a normally lawful act; the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority. ===

    Now this is a definition that should be used more often around here for things that have happened here in Illinois. Blagojevich, the current budget situation, the whole shebang. I would figure the IG could get a lot of mileage out of that one definition alone with a whole lot more people than Ms. Hoffman. I don’t know her from Adam, and I can’t say as I find the reported conduct to be decent, but I am with those people who think the IG could have spent his time going after bigger offenders.

  82. - cassandra - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    I can’t believe she’s trying to get reinstated. Time to get another job and leave this part of her life behind.

    I do agree that her boss carries some responsibility here. Maybe he was overcome by her
    “larger than life personality” to cite the report
    (his quote) and lost his objectivity.

    But if she was the valuable employee he says she was, as her direct supervisor, he had the responsibility to confront her about her apparently problematic behavior and ensure that she made and followed through on a correction plan. That could have included an employee aid referral regarding the drinking–available in government workplaces. That’s part of what he is being paid for. Sounds like he didn’t do it.

    If he had, maybe she’d still be there.

  83. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    I think a lot of people are missing the point of this story.

    What is not the point: An important state employee might not be cutting the mustard at work. A reason for that is that she might be having too much fun outside of work. That happens in public and private, every single day. There are ways to deal with that.

    What is the point: Government is funding surveillance on its own employees, not because they might be stealing from the taxpayers, or doing a bad job, but because they might be leading a lifestlye somebody doesn’t like.

    I’ve been around the block a few times, and I lived in Springfield for a year, 25 years ago. I had my fun, but I didn’t think it was Sodom and Gomorrah.

    It’s also not the good ol’ Soviet Union. State employees secretly surveilling state employees — not about crimes, but their personal behavior? No way, brother.

    John Allen, you are way out of line.

  84. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    wordslinger, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

  85. - really? - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 3:59 pm:

    @Dupage Dave-check this link out
    pdfs of annual OIG reports…you will find the answer to your question LOL

    Rich-I agree with wordslinger too but its more like Nazi Germany
    or to quote Hedley Lamar-lets save our phoney baloney jobs
    enough from me on this…the horse is dead !!

  86. - Who dat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:13 pm:

    It is amazing that so many commenters are basing their opinions on a report that is missing a minimum of 9 single spaced pages of details. The OEIG made a recommendation of discharging Ms. Hoffman. I’m sure that recommendation wasn’t based on the fact that she may have over indulged after hours in bars. The details are obviously in the redacted pages and will come to light at the civil service proceedings. Those who endured her behavior on a daily basis, I know for a fact, are much more productive and less stressed than when she was making their lives miserable every single day.

  87. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:17 pm:

    Thank you Who dat. I basically said the very same thing in a post just before yours that Rich deleted. I guess it’s a touchy subject and our opposing views are not welcomed.

  88. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:17 pm:

    It’s pretty clear what that missing info is. And if you think that the IG ought to be starting investigation because of after-hours behavior in bars, so be it. I don’t. I also don’t think she should be punished for whistleblowing on RRB. Period.

  89. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    Are we all “daft” and can’t see that the end result (firing Ms. Hoffman) was the intended and appropriate result? We’re losing site of the fact that an investigation would NOT have occurred in the first place if this employee had been doing the intended job in the correct way.–

    LE, thank you for stating your position honestly and succinctly.

    Here’s the deal, brother: we don’t roll that way in the United States of America. Ends justify the means? HR in any state agency can deal with issues without resorting to secret surveillance and character assassination.

    We’re better than that. That’s kind of the big Branding point we’re trying to make all over the world.

  90. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    Wordslinger, jump into this century at any time brother. It’s now 2010 and this kind of stuff goes on in government at all levels and has for several years now. You should have started complaining when government was putting up surveillance cameras at street corners.

  91. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    LE, take a breath. You’re so offended by her personal morales that you can’t see straight. Enough already.

  92. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    Thanks for posting the link really??

    What’s amazing when you read it is that John Allen investigated cases of HFS employees engaged in bribery who were only suspended for 7 to 14 days.

    Another was found guilty of using their computer for personal use, including visiting porn sites, and suspended for 1 day.

    Another employee threatened a co-worker with bodily harm and received a written reprimand.

    Vendetta may be too weak of a term to describe his fixation on Hoffman.

  93. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    I can’t see straight? LOL

  94. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 4:43 pm:

    The investigation went on for 2 years for a Chief of Staff, whom I believe, could be terminated without cause. 2 years of following this woman to bars to really get the dirt.

    YDD is right, this is a very interesting link. Someone really needs to calculate how much it costs for this report. This issue is a perfect example of why Illinois government is so dysfunctional. Directors so afraid to make decisions or ruffle clout that they allow spy tactics that costs the taxpayers thousands and mirror despicable Soviet era tactics our country fought so hard against.

    LE is right when she says “It’s now 2010 and this kind of stuff goes on in government at all levels and has for several years now.”

    It does go on and it should be stopped.

  95. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    BTW, I’d raise the affirmative defense that telling the truth to the media is a public interest that supercedes a department rule saying you have to get clearance from a public information officer first.

    Since when do we punish people for telling the truth to the public?

  96. - wordslinger - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 5:20 pm:

    LE, it’s pretty simple. In a free society, you can handle problem employees without secret agent surveillance.

    Deep down, we’re all pretty good folks.

  97. - Bookworm - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 5:21 pm:

    Many people inside and outside HFS knew that Hoffman was bad news for the agency and needed to be terminated or “fumigated” — but they didn’t expect it to be done for the reasons outlined in the IG report.

    The real reasons were not even touched on in the report. Instead the IG chose to cite a laundry list of offenses, any one or more of which could be invoked against just about any state employee if someone tried hard enough. I mean, c’mon, banking online and shopping from her state computer — get real!

    It’s a textbook case of using minor or less serious stuff that can be proven to “get” someone for bigger offenses that are harder to prove — like Al Capone being busted for tax evasion rather than murder or racketeering.

  98. - Keyser Soze - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 5:27 pm:

    Full disclosure; I’ve known Tami for the better part of two decades and I like her. To be sure, she’s no shrinking violet. And,if she was doing a bad job then perhaps she should have been terminated. End of story. But, what happened here was that someone put a bulls eye on her back. Simply put, she was targeted and then publicly smeared. And, to be tailed after hours by an investigator; I conjure visions of Inspector Clouseau, or maybe one of Joseph McCarthy’s thugs. Of course, it doesn’t end here. The redacted material in the inspector’s report will be un-redacted when Ms. Hoffman has a hearing to regain her job. At that time the motivation and means attached to the investigation, any false statements therein, etc. could trigger some nasty lawsuits. As it stands, Tami has made the front page in a very unflattering fashion, largely on the basis of heresay and personal judgements. We should have gotten over this sort of thing in the 1950’s.

  99. - Way South of the Border - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 5:54 pm:

    Rich, I agree with you that the surveillance of Hoffman’s private life was way over the top.

    If surveillance was needed to verify that she was actually working when she said she was (e.g., the mall visit)Allen should have confined the report to whether or not that charge was founded. Period. No need to go all Ken-Starry here.

    But “not being nice to some of her coworkers” does not accurately describe her abusive behavior toward subordinates. No need to minimize that element of the report in order to convince many of us that Allen is out of bounds here.

  100. - Nick - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 6:02 pm:

    She was COS. Pretty sure that is an at will employee who can be fired for no reason at any time so how can she fight her termination?

    Surprised no comments yet about her screen name here back during the impeachment hearings. Can’t remember
    exactly but it was real professional….

  101. - Former State Employee - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    I am a happily a former state employee. The general assembly enacted ethics legislation, at the request of Blago, when he first came into office. They created the CIA of state government. But, where was the CIA of state governement, when Blago was defrauding the state? Following employees around to find out their drinking habits? Please.

  102. - Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 11, 10 @ 11:56 pm:

    This story has all the ear marks of Quinn esque behavior, Quinn has made a practice of hiding, no actually suppressing the criminal behaviors of those who are politically connected.

    One should take a look at the recent candidacy of John Lagattuta, a well connected political operative, a friend of DeLeo. Lagattuta reportedly got his job through a political contribution through his now deceased father who owned several employment agencies. It has been rumored that Lagattuta’s father bought John Lagattuta’s job with a substantial campaign contribution to the Blago Political fund.

    John Lagattuta recently ran for a Judicial spot, his $25,000 plus campaign fund is littered with contributions from the very people he regulates at IDFPR.

    The Executive Office of Inspector General has been sitting on its haunches, avoiding upsetting the apple cart.

    Have there been other complaints regarding Lagattuta’s professional behavior while at IDFPR?

    You bet ya!

    Quinn has failed to clean house as promised. Inquiring minds want to know why? How did he amas the political war chest he has in such a short length of time?

    Quinn-Blago, one and the same.

  103. - really? - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 8:28 am:

    YDD- u r welcome…think about this-the reports on the website indicate the allegations and the resulting dicipline NOT what was found in the investigation. Sometimes the level of discipline relfects the crime not the quality of the investigation. There was one case in which a state employee’s personal cell phone records were obtained to verify use of the cell phone for the person’s other job while at the state job. That person was suspended for a few weeks.

  104. - speak truth - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 9:44 am:

    I am sad to be a state employee.

  105. - 123456789 - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 10:26 am:

    HFS has a team of investigators that prowl around watching every move employees make. They will call employees into their office and threaten them to be fired and interrogate them for hours, make inappropriate comments, lying about the facts and demand information and make employee complete statements.

    They can subpoena any information they want, access your private e-mail accounts, and obtain bank statements, credit card statements, show up at your house making demands and entering private property without a warrant, integrate your family and all in the name of an investigation. I have watched this unethical investigation tactics happened to many co-workers all in the name of investigations. Investigators stock employees waiting for something they can use to make a case.

    Other agencies are not held to this standard nor do they have this group of special police to stock employees. Why does HFS need all these investigators, there are many levels of management that should be supervising employees. Can’t the supervisor do their jobs?

    Someone needs to look into the conduct of these investigators and determine if they are really needed at HFS, the EOIG doesn’t investigate their cases this way. Someone needs to stop this, who is watching the investigators and their conduct. Something needs to be done with group.

  106. - Capt. America - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    While I cannot read between lines that are blacked out, it does seem beyond debate that the real, unedited investigation report (See 2/12 SJR story) begins with after-hours drunkenness, but ends with 9 mysteriously missing pages that absolutely must describe conduct much more scandalous than mere late-night boozing.

    What kind of conduct? What kind of public behavior could be so bad that it called into question the integrity of Hoffman and her fitness to be a public official. What conduct can we imagine would this possibly compare to, and yet take 9 pages to describe.

    Well, were it fraud, theft, drug sales, or some other crime, we would see that she was being prosecuted. Since she is not being prosecuted, it must be something else. For the sake of speculation, what other public officials have been found to have been unfit? And why?

    Or does anyone really believe this is about her criticizing someone she shouldn’t have?

    And how could a single instance of anything possibly take up 9 pages - leading us to believe there were multiple episodes of whatever.

    So could anyone in their right mind truly believe that this investigation and discipline was about drinking after hours? And since the unauthorized media contact was detailed elsewhere in the report, the 9 missing pages could not logically have had anything to do with that.

    Well, who knows. But it does seem clear that a professional journalist would start hitting the Springfield bars where Hoffman went and start doing what a reporter does - asking questions. I hear she had quite a presence, so there should be no problem finding people who have run across her.

    But then, it IS easier to spin conspiracy theories, isn’t it.

  107. - Time to Go - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    The one and only time tha this woman came in contact with my former agency, her first sentence out of her mouth insulted the whole bureau, in an attempt to be funny. No one laughed and she got red and finally got to the reason she was supposed to be there. Most of us had heard of her afterhours conduct, which is really her own business but when it involved lower level employees and made a bad impression about the agency out in public, then it becomes a problem. Her private life was impacting on the agency’s reputation but the agency’s director blew it off. If any lower level employee was misusing a computer or embarrassing the agency, they would be out on their ear.

  108. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Some of the weekend comments which are still in moderation go like this…

    ===If any lower level employee was misusing a computer or embarrassing the agency, they would be out on their ear. ===


    Take a look at this…

    As YDD noted above…

    ===What’s amazing when you read it is that John Allen investigated cases of HFS employees engaged in bribery who were only suspended for 7 to 14 days.

    Another was found guilty of using their computer for personal use, including visiting porn sites, and suspended for 1 day.

    Another employee threatened a co-worker with bodily harm and received a written reprimand.===

    So, spare us the breathless overreactions from the far too easily offended who, in reality, have axes to grind.

    Also, I’ve flat-out deleted some comments which looked as if they were either organized or came from the same person under different names.

  109. - Not Right - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    Clearly HFS is very inconsistent. I have friends who have been suspended for a week or more and they did not go to porn sites and they were not on the internet. It was only for emailing. Glad I don’t work there.

  110. - The real crime - Friday, Feb 12, 10 @ 10:27 pm:

    Take a look at the info below on the OIG Office of Internal Affairs that investigates hfs employees. Great use of state resources in this budget crisis.

    Springfield Staff Title Annual Salary
    Derrick Moscardelli SPSA $83,736.00
    Laura Mercer PSA $71,148.00
    Ken Cole Investigator $80,976.00
    Joe Sylvester Investigator $77,868.00
    Kathy Zock Investigator $80,976.00
    Steve Hilgers Investigator $80,976.00
    Laura Whetstone Investigator $67,296.00
    Edward Pinn Investigator $64,296.00
    Connie McMillan Clerical $48,240.00

    Chicago Staff Title Annual Salary
    Larry Ayers PSA $83,736.00
    Tom Kinsella Investigator $67,296.00
    Tralisa Haskell Investigator $56,640.00
    Joyce Gaiter Clerical $42,528.00

    13 FTEs Total Salaries $905,715.00

    The Division of Internal Affairs which is under the Office of the Inspector General has
    13 full time employees (FTEs). The salary base, which does not include any benefits
    for these employees is just over $900,000 annually. This figure also does not include
    overtime pay or travel expenses. The Springfield office is housed in very nice space in
    Pleasant Run on the west side of Springfield. I don’t know who owns the property
    but I’m sure it isn’t inexpensive to rent.

    One example of how they use their time to investigate, Joe Sylvester, who is listed
    above making just under $78,000 a year spent two weeks sitting in his car all day in the Bloom
    Building parking lot and across the street in the Spaghetti Shop parking lot watching
    people enter and leave the building.

  111. - Telling the truth - Saturday, Feb 13, 10 @ 7:01 am:

    I realize that Rich Miller is appreciative to Hoffman for giving him a tip, however, it was against HFS rules for her to do so. For those of you who only know what you read in the paper; trust me, T.T. Hoffman was as bad, if not worse, in the office as she was in the bars and on the streets of Springfield. (She was mostly late to work due to hangovers from activities the night before.) She is not fit to be a supervisor, much less a chief of staff, over anybody, anywhere, anytime. Those of us who were subjected to her inappropriate, crass, unprofessional behavior could tell you many stories about the way we were treated and the filthy language she used in some of her tirades. It’s unfortunate it took so long to remove this cancer from state employment. (Actually, she was also fired from Dept. of Labor before getting a job with HFS, formerly Public Aid.) It’s sad to me that she seems to be in more trouble for her illegal use of state equipment than her treatment of employees. Someone in a high-level position should be expected to follow the proper decorum in and out of the office. And. Mr. Maram needs to be fired as well for looking the other way when he knew what was going on.
    If Quinn would have fumigated the state like he said he was going to do, they both would have been gone at least a year ago. Can we please restore some integrity to state employment?
    Good work, John Allen!!

  112. - Telling the truth - Saturday, Feb 13, 10 @ 7:15 am:

    To Phineas J. Whoopee–Hoffman has only been working for the state since 1999. She was fired from the Dept. of Labor before joining HFS. She and Maram both should have been fired for their deceit in the “Blago” hearings as well!!

  113. - Oh please.... - Saturday, Feb 13, 10 @ 9:13 am:

    The IG would never have gone down this road if Tammy were a man. Salem revisted….scary in 2010. We have a long way to go, ladies….

  114. - Bookworm - Saturday, Feb 13, 10 @ 9:16 am:

    I question whether all the redactions really spare Ms. Hoffman any embarrassment. What you THINK or want to think she was caught doing could be worse than what she really WAS caught doing. I suspect that the uncensored version of this report could become one of the most sought after documents in the history of state government for a number of reasons — not all of them related to good government, of course.

  115. - OMG - Wednesday, Feb 17, 10 @ 2:57 pm:

    I have seen a lot of IG reports and many of them include some employee suggesting that another isn’t showing up to work on time or is out of work during the day etc. The IG does a lot of surveillance just like the surveillance mentioned in this report. It is pretty standard operating procedures for an OIG.
    I remember when I first heard about this, I thought “going after Tami for time abuse?” that seems crazy. She may come in late after a bad night out but she sure works a lot more than her 40 hrs and doesn’t get comp time. That being said, I am pretty sure that the HFS OIG did try many softer options such as recommending treatment, counseling, asking the director to talk to her etc etc and this was all met with a blank stare. Using your state phone to send harassing messages to a woman involved with your lover, having porn on your state computer, posting pictures of yourself with guns on this poor woman’s daughters facebook page, coming to the office intoxicated, harassing the guards at the building while under the influence. This is all pretty crazy sometimes illegal and not acceptable for a COS. Flashing to members of the general assembly when you are going to be before them in JCAR or at the State Housein the next few days - not what you want your chief rules person to be doing even in their spare time.
    She used to be good friends with the HFS OIG. I imagine this whole episode has been a nightmare for him. Certainly her tenure at HFS and her out of control screaming and harassing of employees there was a nightmare.
    I totally agree that some of the report seems petty but not more petty than an average OIG report. I hope she finds peace, good treatment program, and eventually rebuilds her life and develops some true friendships. Addiction is hard.

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