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*** UPDATED x1 *** Friday afternoon this and that

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise here

Gov. Pat Quinn today said he has encouraged Iraq military veteran Tammy Duckworth to pursue the vacant Democratic lieutenant governor nomination.

But the governor said Duckworth told him she has other considerations to weigh, including her job with the Obama administration in Washington. She serves as the assistant secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs for the U.S. Veterans Administration.

Here’s my question: How is Duckworth gonna pay her bills for the next 11 months? She’s just a middle class person who needs to have a steady income. She’s not an attorney, so she can’t work on the side while she’s campaigning with Quinn. The governor can’t just give her a state job - that would be a bit much. What’s he gonna do? Get her a job with one of his big campaign supporters? Oh, yeah, that’ll go over well. I guess they could put her on the campaign payroll, but even that might get a bit touchy.

*** UPDATE *** Monique has added to her story

Quinn also said he doesn’t agree with attempts to eliminate the lieutenant governor office. Madigan filed legislation to ask voters this November whether the office should be eliminated in January 2015.

“I told Mike Madigan I don’t think that’s a good way to go,” Quinn said. “I think we should have a lieutenant governor who is capable, who in the case of an emergency can assume the office of governor and do a good job for the people. I think it’s also important to have a lieutenant governor who’s a strong voice for veterans and for service members, for their families, that’s what I have done over the last six years when I was lieutenant governor.”

There are those who think the strident stance against deleting the LG office taken by the African-American members of the central committee was either at the governor’s bidding or the members thought they could score some points by doing so.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* The LaSalle News-Tribune had an interesting budget story today

One of the proposals is a 10-percent, across-the-board cut in general state aid, which is the primary mechanism for the funding of schools. State Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) posited that measure but [Rep. Frank Mautino] said it’s merely a consideration and nothing has been introduced or formalized.

Lawmakers are, however, putting together a list of all programs run by state agencies that would either be eliminated or suspended for two years. Mautino declined to identify any programs considered for elimination but noted suspension would have the same effect.

“Once a program’s been suspended,” he said, “it rarely comes back.”
Not until Quinn’s budget is in hand, however, will the scope of the cuts be known.

* I think Gawker or somebody had a titillating report about this book months ago, but I can’t remember. Anyway, there’s been a shakeup on Dick Durbin’s staff

There’s a reason people get nervous around writers: You never know what might end up in their books.

Kathleen Rooney, a staffer for Sen. Dick Durbin, was fired earlier this month after the release of her latest book, “For You, for You I Am Trilling These Songs.” The autobiographical essays include three chapters about working in a Senate office: insider gossip, staff secrets and a complicated flirtation between the author and her boss, Durbin’s state director in Illinois. […]

The prose hit the fan after Joe Shoemaker, Durbin’s spokesman, saw a short review of the essay collection last month in The Washington Post and bought the book. […]

Although no one was named, Shoemaker was disturbed that she had written about the office and especially concerned about the relationship between Rooney and her supervisor: “Once upon a time there was a girl in unrequitable (but not unrequited) love with her boss,” she wrote. “He would place his hand at the base of her neck, or flick her earring, or twist a strand of her hair…”

The fallout

Sen. Dick Durbin has sharply restricted the duties of a longtime aide who was his Illinois chief of staff after an internally conducted sexual harassment investigation that was prompted by the published essays of a woman who worked in his Chicago office.

Even though no evidence of sexual harassment was found, the senator has determined that Michael Daly, a former campaign manager and close aide for a quarter-century, will no longer have supervisory responsibilities, according to Durbin spokesman Joe Shoemaker.

“The judgments he made were not in keeping with what he wants out of a key employee,” Shoemaker said Thursday.

Daly had been placed on administrative leave during the course of the investigation and eventually was allowed to return to work.

* In other news, the Tribune editorial board and its little “me too” buddies at the Daily Herald both unleashed tirades against the Illinois Senate for holding that secret meeting to discuss an NCSL report. It was the Tribune’s second editorial in two days

Yes, we wrote about this yesterday. We’re still mad about it.


Senator Cullerton, this is a democracy in Illinois. It is not China.

* If at first you don’t succeed, do your own report

A development group that wants to build a mammoth entertainment and retail center near the Interstate 270-Illinois Route 157 intersection has hired consultants for a new economic impact analysis of the 900-acre project.

The announcement came less than two weeks after the Illinois Department of Revenue estimated that the development would take up to $525 million in annual sales from businesses in surrounding communities.

That report also said that pending legislation would divert up to $1.3 billion in sales taxes over 20 years to the developers’ use.

* The Tribune talked to some McPier trade show customers who didn’t particularly care for any of the legislative solutions floating around

Rather, they said, the authority, known as McPier, should take a series of nonlegislative steps to cut exhibitors’ costs for in-house electrical service, food and drink, and booth setup.

That in-house electrical service is a gigantic problem over there. They jack up electrical service costs through the roof to fund McPier staff salaries. The other items are a function of the contractor mark-ups, which I touched on earlier this week.

* Not even one minute after I received an e-mail notice about Tiger Woods’ apology, I got this e-mail from the Illinois Republican Party…

If Tiger Can Do It, Alexi Can Too

“If I’m fortunate enough to make it out of the primary, we can have that conversation,” he said. His plan now seems to be to stonewall until November.
– Chicago Tribune Editorial, February 12, 2010

CHICAGO – As Alexi Giannoulias enters his 22nd day of silence since promising reporters he would answer questions surrounding his role in the near-collapse of his family’s Broadway Bank, the Illinois Republican Party today renewed its call for Giannoulias to answer the Chicago Tribune’s demand to come clean.

Talk about rapid response.


  1. - George - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:44 pm:

    Republicans should be careful with the Tiger analogies….

  2. - George - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    And my question - can’t Tammy still serve in her current position until the paperwork is filed? That could be drawn out until at least May.

    I mean - they don’t really need her to start campaigning until the Fall.

  3. - Ray del Camino - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    If I were Duckworth I’d keep the sweet Federal gig. Sorry, Pat.

  4. - 2BCONFUSED - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    ALL politicians should be carfeul about the TIGER analogy-how many are guilty of the same action? Tiger was able to make a STATEMENT with no QUESTIONS asked-will Alexi get that? Doubtful! Why should he be guilty for what his parents/family did. We ALL can’t be responsible for parents/family actions. I say WE ALL because those that read the blog also have family issues-not just politicians!

  5. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    It is a little ridiculous to expect Duckworth to take this kind of risk. I wouldn’t recommend she do it. If she has an actual interest in returning to Illinois and holding an elected office, the work she is now doing will support her credibility better than taking this risk.

    Quinn needs to find another vet. There are plenty.

  6. - VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:54 pm:

    It looks like the GOP is going to fight hard to win this Senate seat. This is just an opening shot tying Giannoulais to his past.

  7. - Robert - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    re: Duckworth paying bills, I imagine she makes at least $80k in her currrent job and she seems responsible, so I don’t think she’s been blowing money left and right; she probably has a savings account she can tap or go into short term debt before either getting the LG job or returning to an appointed position somewhere. but i agree with others - she’d be a good candidate, but if she plays her cards right in Washington, she could also be secretary of state some day. It’s not clear that leaving DC would be the best move.

  8. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    The LG sweepstakes keeps getting odder and odder. Has the State Central Committee asked if Quinn has a preference? Would Christine Cegelis vote for Duckworth? Does a Committee Member like Barb Brown want this spot? How many CapFax readers can name more than a couple Central Committee members?

    Given the obscurity of the Committee, it’s hard to tell who may or may not be seriously considered. And Quinn is likely to find out who his running mate will be about the same time we find out.

  9. - Robert - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    why hasn’t Alexi answered questions yet? seems like a dumb strategy - this isn’t going away by ignoring it. I’m not talking about whether it is the ethically right thing to do; just wondering politically what the advantage of stalling is - closer we get to the election, the more people pay attention, so might as well answer questions now. what am i missing?

  10. - Tech Boy - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    I remember when the huge Broadcasters’ Association convention used to be held in Chicago. (Been in Vegas now for years). You can blame some of it on the weather, some of it on hotel capacity. Some of it on available show floor space. But what it boils down to is the cost to get things done got out of hand, and Chicago priced itself out of the market.

    A peer tells me that they worked near the Sony booth in Chicago one year, (the last year) and the electricians were trying to charge over a hundred bucks to plug an extension cord into a socket. When the Sony guys, all professional electrical engineers, refused to play ball, *somehow* an “accidental” electrical overload happened overnight and ruined the entire exhibit. Sony quit the Chicago show and soon the rest followed out to Vegas.

    I am all for unions. But in the case of McPier, they got too greedy and McPier added on to the pile with other excessive bills under cover of the labor costs. Those guys need Bill Holland to come over and give them a tune-up. And labor should understand the difference between symbiosis and parasitism, and act accordingly.

  11. - GA Watcher - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    Tammy Duckworth has a bright future. The question for her ought to be: to whose star should I attach myself, President Obama’s or Governor Quinn’s? I think she’ll be staying in Washington.

  12. - Obamarama - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:05 pm:

    ===Would Christine Cegelis vote for Duckworth?===

    Didn’t even consider that dynamic.

    Regarding the proposed 10% cuts across the board: I am generally not a fan of GOP talking points, but when Adam Andrejezskjzkjeski called the 50% across the board cuts proposed by one of his opponents “intellectual laziness,” that resonated with me.

    The only way to cut responsibly is to go over the entire budget dollar by dollar and decide the fate of each expenditure on its merits. When you have parted with everything that you can bear to, then you look for new revenue to close the gap.

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    ===And labor should understand the difference between symbiosis and parasitism, and act accordingly. ===

    That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s happening over there. It isn’t the union worker costs, it’s the outlandish McPier electrical services markup.

    However, many of those union rules need to be changed. I don’t disagree with that.

  14. - fed up - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    Alexi wont answer questions because he cant. If he explains how mobsters got special loans at his bank while he was vice president of the bank then losing an election will be the least of his problems. Alexi will just keep trying to remind people he plays basketball with Obama and that should be enough.

  15. - Skeptical Cynic - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    Rich–Does your disdain for the Tribune and Daily Herald Ed Boards come from the fact that the Sun Times pays you to write a column? Just askin.

  16. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:16 pm:

    My disdain for the Trib edit board goes back decades. And the amount of money the Sun-Times pays me doesn’t even pick up my usual restaurant tab on a typical night in Spfld. lol

  17. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    I applied for a federal job. The website posted two different deadlines. I was applying after the first deadline, but before the second.

    Durbin’s office was completely unhelpful, and Mike Daley, in particular, was an obnoxious person who not only denied me a phone call to straighten things out before the deadline, but seemed to enjoy being unhelpful.

    So, the fact that Durbin is canning Daley brings a little joy to my heart. Maybe Durbin should hire someone who actually wants to provide constituent service.

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    Also, if you can’t see the grotesque problem with the Tribune editorials, particularly since the parent company got caught up in the Blagojevich scandals, I can’t help you.

  19. - ivoted4judy - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    Quinn doesn’t need a military vet to help him in November, he has done a great job with military families. He needs a running mate that is a one hour press pop, and then lets the race between him and the “R” go forward. There are too many “Chicago” candidates already on the ticket, minorities are well represented, a non Chicago person would not “HURT” the ticket, and that is really all Quinn needs.

  20. - fedup dem - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    Regarding a possible Cegelis weighted vote for (or against) Tammy Duckworth, that decision is minute compared to the huge weighted votes of Congressmen Rush, Jackson and Davis (all of whom are now on the State Central Committee), along with those of the Committeewomen from their districts - State Rep. Constance Howard, Ald. Carrie Austin and State Rep. Karen Yarbrough. If those six members vote as a bloc, they may well be able to dictate who the choice will be.

  21. - ivoted4judy - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    Rich: I am not sure being the majority owner of the Sun Times would help settle one of your Springpatch bar tabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. - Louis Howe - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    Carl….Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Daly has always been a Wise-Guy type. He’s disdainful, even when dealing with elected officials.

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    ===If those six members vote as a bloc, they may well be able to dictate who the choice will be. ===

    I think they have about a quarter of the weighted vote, and they’re all split over whom to appoint. Right now they’re only united on dissing MJM. But they could be united against any candidates who are submitted. Still, a quarter ain’t a majority.

  24. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    Louis, Durbin’s constituent services are not good at all.

  25. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    As far as trade shows in Chicago, a place I worked at saved more money by shipping a booth, flying people out, putting us up, etc. than having it here locally because of all the high costs and things we were charged for that were not charged at other venues.

    Duckworth, she has a job for the next almost 3 years, why take a chance on not being employed.

  26. - Dem in Denim - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:37 pm:

    Skeptical Cynic @ 1:14 — Thanks for your “Friday afternoon laugh-out-loud” entry! What about me? A long, long time ago I delivered newspapers for another daily. Does that mean I can’t criticize the Tribune either? Actually the Tribune editorial page has been earning justifiable criticism for more than a few decades! How old are they?

  27. - Niles Township - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    she could also be secretary of state some day. It’s not clear that leaving DC would be the best move.

    I’m not sure who your DC sources are, but wow, they must be smoking something.

  28. - Illinois voter - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    I can’t believe how Duckworth will earn a living, if she chooses to be the Lt. Gov nominee, is even a point of discussion. That’s her personal business. Many people have taken a leave of absence from their jobs to run for office. I think if Duckworth leaves DC for the Lt. Gov spot, I think the Obama Admin may hire her again, in case she loses. She seems to be highly respected in Illinois and in the Obama Admin.

  29. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    lol, NT. At first, I thought that comment was about Illinois SoS. But then when I read it again I chuckled too.

  30. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    ===Many people have taken a leave of absence from their jobs to run for office.===

    Yeah. Rich people. I couldn’t give up my job for 10-11 months.

  31. - Niles Township - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    I’d like to criticize Quinn for his publicly encouraging Duckworth to be be Lite Guv. As many of you know I am a Quinn supporter, but it seems to me his best course of action would be to privately express his wishes to the state central committee, and not at a public event.

  32. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    Why doesn’t Quinn run without a Lt. Gov. candidate? The State is near broke. The Lt. Gov. has no resposibilities. You would save the State money and it would give the appearance that Quinn is serious about trying to cut some waste!

  33. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    Re: Mike Daly

    Bingo, Carl. Daly was absolutely surly when I approached him about an issue. And we are paying Daly $154,000 a year for that? It seems he abuses a lot of people.

    There are those who say Tiger needs a full blown inquiry by the media to explain his behavior. I disagree. I don’t see public money being abused there. But how about Daly? I think a full-blown inquiryinto his hanky-panky while ’serving the taxpayer’ is more necessary. Or he could just quit.

  34. - Niles Township - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    I should probably explain further. There are three possible outcomes to Quinn’s statement.
    1. Some reporter (or Rich) calls up Tammy and asks if she has any interest, and she says no. This makes our governor look foolish.
    2. The state central committee ignores Quinn’s publicly stated wishes and picks someone else. Quinn is now stuck with someone who was publicly not his first choice through the campaign season, and probably for four years. Makes the governor look foolish.
    3. The state central committee picks Duckworth. Quinn doesn’t look foolish, but he doesn’t gain anything by naming her publicly now.

  35. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    ===Some reporter (or Rich)===


  36. - Niles Township - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    ===Some reporter (or Rich)===


    I meant it as hint to Rich to make the call, not as a slam.

  37. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    No, I know that’s what you meant, and I also agree with your comment above. It was just too funny not to point out.

  38. - Honest Abe - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    Why doesn’t Illinois abolish the elected position of Lieutenant Governor and modify the position to something equivalent to the post of Vice Mayor of Chicago? In the City Council, an alderman is chosen by the body to serve as Vice Mayor. In the event of a vacancy in the office of mayor, this person serves as the mayor on a temporary basis until the full Council can elect an Acting Mayor, who serves until a special election can be called. It worked this way following Harold Washington’s death: the Vice Mayor Alderman David Orr served until Eugene Sawyer was chosen to be the Acting Mayor by the Council. Sawyer lost the special election to Daley.

    Ideally, the Lieutenant Governor should be chosen from the ranks of the Illinois State Senate by a caucus of the members of the Governor’s political party. Best of all, it would be a non-paying position.

  39. - Niles Township - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Is Bernie Stone still the Vice Mayor? You still think that is a good idea for the whole state?

  40. - shore - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    getting a political job at the federal level is an absolute pain in the end. why she subjects herself to that, gets settled with a 6 figure salary-she’s had a somewhat busy decade-to become unemployed to deal with the mess in illinois for a job she may or may not get and have to move for. it doesn’t make sense.

    durbin should look at what happened to tom daschle and what’s happening to henry reid and realize that just because he’s been in office forever doesn’t mean he can’t be beat if stupid stuff like this continues. senate democrat leaders-even ones who have a lot of success have been great targets lately.

  41. - Illinois voter - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    Rich, my main point is whether Duckworth can afford to leave her job and run for office is a personal matter between her and her husband, not for us to discuss.

  42. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    ===is a personal matter between her and her husband, not for us to discuss. ===

    Perhaps, unless any of the options above are implemented, then it’s our business.

  43. - UISer - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:33 pm:


    Wouldn’t it be a matter of when she would resign? I mean we have candidate for statewide currently on a state government salary.

    What if Duckworth didn’t resign until later in the election calendar. I for one hope that heavy hitting campaigning doesn’t start til after June.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:42 pm:

    ===What if Duckworth didn’t resign until later in the election calendar.===

    Then the drama would be extended.

  45. - Louis Howe - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:43 pm:

    Rich…I understand that some of Durbin’s staff have a difficult time returning phone calls. Perhaps, they could ask Gene Callahan, a former Simon and Dixon staffer about proper office call procedure—-return calls within 24 hours—no exceptions.

  46. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    It’s not just returning calls, it’s getting things done.

  47. - UISer - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    Fair point.

  48. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    Durbin used to have a staffer, Michael Vernon, who was exceedingly conscientious. Based on my interactions with Durbin’s staff in the 1990s, I assumed Durbin’s team was good at constituent service.

    Dealing with Mike Daley? Wow! Even the incompetents working for Moseley Braun aspired to be nice.

  49. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 2:58 pm:

    Durbin is a complete failure. If it weren’t for Paul Simon this guy would be nothing. I for one, a Democrat, can’t wait to vote for someone other than Durbin, Obama, etc. These guys are ruining the country with their spend, spend, spend approach to everything!

  50. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    ===Durbin is a complete failure.===

    Dude, the guy is second in leadership in the US Senate. I wouldn’t call that a complete failure. Sheesh.

  51. - dupage dan - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:05 pm:


    I’m with you on this. Publicly encouraging Duckworth to seek the lite gov position is not fair. It seems like he is calling her out. If I were her I would pass. Not a good way to court a running mate.

  52. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:05 pm:

    Also, if you can’t see the grotesque problem with the Tribune editorials, particularly since the parent company got caught up in the Blagojevich scandals……..

    Got caught up…gotta love that line any update on status of many Tribbies called to the GJ? Let’s tell all

  53. - bill ryan - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    the green party is beginning to look better and better given quinn action of late

  54. - ToddAF - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    As for Quinn’s defending keeping the Lite Gov spot, while advocating for veterans is definitely a noble and worthy responsibility, if Illinois is going to continue having a Lite Gov, the Constitution should be changed to give him or her a few other responsibilities. Maybe transfer the SoS’s duty as state librarian?

  55. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    - These guys are ruining the country with their spend, spend, spend approach to everything! -

    I’m so sick of that line, use your head once in a while. All of you tea bagging idiots weren’t saying anything when Bush was racking up record deficits, but all of a sudden the country is going down in flames because of spending.

  56. - Louis Howe - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    Sometimes the public expects elected officials to be able to move mountains. I’ve had some experience at this and the best constituent service staff is courteous, and promptly responds to constituent requests. That’s half the battle. They also don’t try and pass the buck by saying the request “isn’t covered by our office,” but instead look for ways to resolve the issue. There’s an old retail saying that “you never tell a customer no.” Constituent service isn’t rocket science, but it takes top down management concern.

    Mike Daly wouldn’t be my first choice as Durbin’s State Director, but I didn’t realize that his attitude had permeated the constituent service operation.

  57. - OneMan - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    Perhaps he can get the acting head of the State Police to be his running mate if Duckworth takes a pass.

    I don’t see why she would want to do this. To be blunt I think she wouldn’t find it much of a challenge.

  58. - babs - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    Callahan was in public office before the advent of the internet, cell phones and pdas. It’s a whole new world and every interest group has email trees asking their big donors and recognizable activists to call on this issue or that. No one can return every call/letter anymore. This not to dis Callahan or apologize for Daly it’s just a different world.

  59. - Claud Peep - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:28 pm:

    Tammy Duckworth is not even the first in command. She is the Assistant Secretary of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. What is so great about that job?

    For Senator Durbin to keep Daly on staff and publicize private personnel information regarding this 29 year old young lady and her personnel information seems wrong. The judgment of a senior staffer around twenty something girls is important. Then when someone goes public, they are intimidated with being fired.

  60. - Anonymous ZZZ - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:29 pm:

    I’m kind of surprised at the criticism of Durbin’s constituent services. I needed some assistance from his office several years ago, and the person I dealt with was fantastic and took care of my problem promptly.

  61. - Red Ranger - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:40 pm:

    Wouldn’t the Hatch Act prevent Duckworth from doing any campaigning as a federal employee? She would have to quit her job the moment she was slated by the Dems, correct? Thus no way to get paid by the feds while on the trail?

  62. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    It’s a whole new world and every interest group has email trees asking their big donors and recognizable activists to call on this issue or that.

    Hmmm. Sounds like this might be a communications management problem that some might be tempted to use as an excuse for providing poor services to constituents. Just sayin.

  63. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:04 pm:


    I stand by my earlier comment, ” Durbin is a complete failure”. Being second in command of the Dem. caucus is nothing to brag about given the failure of the Dems, and going off on wild tangents and not addressing the problems this country has (unemployment, high taxes, etc.). Ask Senators Bayh, Dorgan,Lieberman, etc what they think of the Dem Leadership in the Senate.

    If I was to use your logic, given his position, then Blago was not a failure. Just because someone holds an important position doesn’t mean they are good at what they do!

  64. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:05 pm:


  65. - Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    ===If I was to use your logic, given his position, then Blago was not a failure. ===

    You said total failure. Total means total. Even RRB wasn’t a total failure. Close, maybe, but he did get some things done.

  66. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:14 pm:


    To begin with I am not a tea bagger. I am a registered Dem. I thought Bush’s excessive spending was also wrong.

    The least you can do is elevate the tone of your remarks and not call people unsavory names. Name calling has no place in a adult and serious topic; no wonder this country is in such a mess, when people such as yourself have no respect for others!

  67. - MOON - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:16 pm:


    I stand corrected. Durbin is a failure!

  68. - jtpren - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    === To begin with I am not a tea bagger. ===


  69. - babs - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    The Real Anon - not at all, at least I hope not. Offices do have more staff and funding to keep up with the calls but it’s also true that more people are calling to specific people. Returning every call, email and letter every day just isn’t realistic. Give em an extra day or two is all I’m saying. Which is something no one ever needed a few years back but is realistic now.

  70. - Lakefront Liberal - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    Tammy Duckworth aside, the ability to take several months off from your job so you can run for office is huge barrier for a middle class or working class person who wants to run for office. If you are wealthy of course it is no problem, if you have the right connections you can get a low-show job that will pay you while you campaign. Yes, you can over time save up enough money but try telling someone who is thinking of running for Alderman or State Rep or County Board or whatever they they need to spend years scrimping their pennies so they can quit their job and campaign full time for something that, if they are campaigning against an incumbent, there is a 95% chance they won’t get. It is one of the many things that keeps otherwise qualified candidates from running for office, which results in the often really poor choices we often have at election time.

  71. - Pete Granata - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 5:12 pm:

    I understand Christine Cegelis now works in the Quinn administration. If Quinn wants Duckworth as his LG, Celgelis should not only be voting for her but seconding the nomination.

  72. - not my experience - Friday, Feb 19, 10 @ 7:04 pm:

    I’m a little surprised to see all of the negative comments about Mike Daly. I’m a GOP’er who is no fan of Sen. Durbin, but I have occassion to deal with his office on behalf of clients. Mike has always been very responsive and professional, and I’m sorry to see that he is having difficulties. I wish him the best.

  73. - curious - Saturday, Feb 20, 10 @ 2:19 pm:

    We should

  74. - R_Kaputnik - Saturday, Feb 20, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Rich- you have some good points about “how would Tammy Duckworth make a living if she moved back to Illinois to run for Lite Gov”. My thought is what does her husband do for a living? Can he transfer into a decent job? That might help with the bills.

  75. - No STAR - Saturday, Feb 20, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    Yea, the “worst bill ever”, as described in 2009 by Capital Fax, the STAR Bond legislation is back. The Department of Revenue report provides facts that again show that this bill will lead to the largest state financed private development ever. The state will “kick in” 100% of its sales tax to this larger than life use of public funds to pad the pockets of a handful of private developers, including the son of a Congressman. Hopefully Capital Fax will join virtually every newspaper that has looked into this issue and make sure that the members of the GA know what they will be voting on. Stop this non sense

  76. - Confused - Saturday, Feb 20, 10 @ 4:49 pm:

    Is anybody else confused that the powerless female staffer who was sexually harassed was kicked summarily to the curb without so much as severance, while her powerful middle-aged male boss got a slap on the wrist and gets to keep his hundred-fifty grand a year salary? Doesn’t seem fair to me. All she did was tell the truth and walk away quietly.

  77. - pope - Sunday, Feb 21, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    I think the lieutenant governor’s position should be given to the person that came in second in the election.

  78. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 7:35 am:

    === What if Duckworth didn’t resign until later in the election calendar. ===

    1. Imagine the appearance of a government employee running for office.

    2. I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the Hatch Act requires her to resign her job immediately upon becoming a candidate.

  79. - D.P. Gumby - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 9:38 am:

    My experiences w/ Durbin’s office and w/ Daley are not consistent w/ the negative comments here. Further, the simplification of the fact situation into a stereotype sexual harassment complaint is contrary to the facts as they have been reported elsewhere.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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