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Question of the day

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Rep. Art Turner appears to want the lt. governor job so bad that he’s willing to openly defy Gov. Pat Quinn

QUINN: As the nominee of the Democratic Party, I should have a strong voice in who my running mate is, and I’m sure that’ll happen.

TURNER: Well, I’m not certain where the governor’s coming from. He sounds a little confused on a number of issues.

State Representative Art Turner got the second most votes in the primary, behind Scott Lee Cohen, who dropped out. Turner says he thinks the governor’s heart is in the right place, but notes that the nominee will be voted in by members of the Democratic state central committee, not Quinn.

TURNER: You know, I respect his opinion, but I think that voice is up to the 38 people, and they’re the ones that should make this decision.

That’s probably not the best tack to take, to say the least.

* Hermene D. Hartman, the publisher of N’Digo, wrote a column recently entitled “The Lieutenant Governor’s Race Shouts Racism”

The argument against [naming state Rep. Art Turner as the Democratic lt. governor candidate] is that not only is he is Black, but that the Democratic General Ticket is not balanced. Quinn is at the top of the ticket, and everyone else is Black. Therefore, the Lt. Governor choice should be a white person and preferably a downstate white person, which would balance the ticket. This is a great thought in the name of diversity and racial consideration. But what about the voters? Should we vote; should we appoint; or should we call a special election? What happens to the runner up, no matter what?

Have there ever been too many Irishmen on the ticket? Kennedy; Daley; O’Brien; O’Keefe; Burke; Madigan; O’Connor; is that too Irish?

The late columnist, Mike Royko, used to write an annual column on the Irishmen who ran the city.

So, Turner finds himself in a strange position on racial politics. The concern or the fear is that if Turner is on the ticket, he will darken it too much and it might throw the election. Voters might not vote for the straight party ticket. Turner has been a good party man, who happened to be Black. But then, if one is appointed to the position, the voters are slapped in the face and it makes you wonder if your vote matters.

Either position smacks of racial politics and if things were truly fair and balanced, which this shows we are not, it wouldn’t matter. I wonder if anyone told Cohen to withdraw from the race because he is Jewish?

* Meanwhile, comments like these are why I was secretly hoping that Sen. Rickey Hendon would win the lt. governor’s primary…

A powerful Democratic lawmaker is throwing some big stones at the likely Republican nominee for Illinois governor. Rickey Hendon says his fellow state senator, Bill Brady is “as crazy as you could possibly get.”

HENDON: People will look at Bill Brady and his hoffific, horrific voting record. I serve in the Senate with him. He is as far to the right as you can possibly get. You don’t get any crazier - and that’s the word I used - than Bill Brady when it comes to right-wing politics.

Brady says he has no comment on the tone of Hendon’s remarks. But he insists he’s a “center right” candidate in a state full of “center right” voters.

Not that I agree with Hendon, understand. But, man, would he have been fun to cover on the trail.

* Related…

* Editorial: We should drop the lieutenant governor

* Marin: You be the judge. No, wait. That’s Madigan.

* Auroran will help pick next Lt. Gov. nominee

* The Question: Whom should Gov. Quinn and the Democratic Central Committee choose to run for lt. governor? Explain.

Also, since Gov. Quinn is adamant about filling the seat with somebody and not leaving it open, choose an actual candidate. And, as always, stick to the question at hand.


  1. - VanillaMan - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    Whoever is the runner up.
    Let the voters decide.
    We did vote, right?

  2. - Heartless Libertarian - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    Turner came in second, it should be him. The gov should have kept his mouth shut, and the central committee should have quietly named Turner as the replacement. The whole Cohen thing could have gone away rather easily, with little fighting. Now, we are going to drag this thing into March. And it may get bloody.

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    People, the question is “should” not will. I’ve already deleted one response. Stick to the question.

  4. - Obamarama - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    Turner had the second most votes only three weeks ago. I can’t think of a better way to gauge what the will of the people is.

    Hendon calling Brady crazy brings to mind an old saying about a pot and a kettle.

  5. - been there - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Tammy Duckworth if she’ll do it.

    She’s a woman, which would make the ticket more accurately reflect the state population. She also has a major disability that she valiantly overcomes 24/7. She is beyond inspiring. And she clearly has administrative ability, having run the Illinois Deparment of Veterans Affairs and now running a federal department. Maybe we could persuade her to move to, say, Carbondale?

  6. - Easy - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    State Rep. John Bradley is the perfect fit. Downstate, conservative, good on the stump. Brings the balance the Dems want plus he’s an attack dog. How about a draft Bradley movement???

  7. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    Easy, you’re being a bit too transparent there. lol

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    Fed Up, one more deletion today and you’re banned.

  9. - wndycty - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    Once the nominee resigned the Governor/Central committee has an obligation to choose the best STRATEGIC candidate. Politics ain’t bean bag as Harold Washington would say. This is no longer a popularity contest. Whom the Governor/Central committee chooses can either kill or spark the ticket.

  10. - Fed Up - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    Rich You know what I wrote is true. But they should pick a downsate mayor that has actually delt with budgets.

  11. - ivote - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    GOT to be a down-stater unless the dems are ready to concede downstate to Brady (especially in view of Quinn’s apparent weakness downstate as evidenced by the primary vote). A down-state woman would be a very good idea, as would a down-state African-American. A moderate (not conservative–Brady has them all sewed up!)would be wise. Oh and it WOULD be nice if it is someone competent to be Governor! All sorts of people fit the bill.

    To argue that Art Turner has a right to it because he came in second is to argue Cohen should have stayed. . .he WAS the voter’s choice!

  12. - Strategic - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    Appellate Court Judge Mary Kay O’Brien. Former Legislator(gets along with Madigan), collar county with downstate philosophy, articulate, bright and attractive. Would probably take a lot to lure her from the bench, but she would bring a lot to the ticket.

  13. - shore - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    I think raja is their best candidate. He’s a winnetka profile but from deep downstate and he makes mr.plummer look like an amateur. Plus the chicago democrats owe the indian community after screwing up the state dinner last november. Indians are also a powerhouse constituency waiting to happen.

    He would do really well in the suburbs. The other guy is hoffman, whose nomination for lt guv would be EXACTLY like the lieberman veep pick in 2000 where the democrats also sensed the gop plan to hit them on ethics and so went with one of their parties strongest critics against the behavior of its former leader.

  14. - cassandra - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    My recommendation would be Raja. He’s young, he’s smart, and he had some good ideas for transparency and cost containment. Seems not to see the Illinois taxpayer as the eternal cash cow, unlike many Democrats currently in power. His youth is a big plus. If we are going to
    be stuck with Democrats running the state for decades to come, we need to lose the elderly Irish guys-Daley, Quinn, Madigan–and bring in some new ideas and the will to implement them.

  15. - Erstwhile mushroom fertilizer - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    I supported Art Turner in the primary and will continue to do so; therefore I think he should be nominated. He was numbr two in the vote. That really does seem like the most practical way to go.

    Bradley would be awesome for the ticket but I’d hate to lose his intelligence and expertise in the House for an essentially meaningless position. Sue me, I’m selfish.

  16. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    I’m with you on Rickey.
    When all else fails, vote news value.

  17. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    Quinn needs a running mate who can help organize and run a good campaign. The Democrats need someone on the ticket who is not from the Chicago area to show some geographical balance. Madigan (and others) probably prefer someone who does not have their sights on a future run for Gov. It also helps to have some one who is well known and has already been vetted by a state-wide run. This last point is key, because “NO SURPRISES!” should be the motto of the selection procedings.

    Glenn Poshard fits the bill. (I know he doesn’t want it, but he’s a great fit.)

    John Bradley and James Clayborn would be second tier. They meet some of the criteria, but have not been vetted in a state-wide race and they would be good candidates in a future run for Gov.

    None of the Lt. Gov. candidates should be considered because they all dropped the ball on the Cohen win. Ever heard of opposition research?

  18. - Just Do It - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:46 pm:

    Turner should get it. He is tremendously qualified and hard-working. And because he knows the system so well and gets along with all major players (Dems, Repubs, and Gov), he can really do something effective with the job. He is a committed policy person, and respected by other legislators.

    Not only that, he did come in second–and there is something intuitively fair about giving it to him. Yes, they have the right to give it to whoever they want, but it looks shabby to have pushed out the voters first choice and try to pick someone who doesn’t even want the job. Turner got his votes with a real grassroots campaign and only $60,000, whereas Cohen spent millions to do the same. He did quite well considering.

  19. - Levois - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    The spot should go to anyone who was already on the ballot sans the one who withdrew after the race was concluded. I would say Art Turner. Although to be sure that could be problematic since most of the Democratic ticket for the state’s executive spots are all from Chicago.

    Another idea for a bonus, if that’s allowed, is that they should find a downstater who wants the spot.

  20. - siriusly - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    Best choices for Quinn would be: Dan Kotowski, Linda Holmes or Michael Frerichs.

    I voted for Art Turner, but I don’t see how he helps Quinn or the ticket at all.

    If I’m the DSSC or the Governor, my priority is picking someone who helps win. Best options are state legislators from either suburban or rural areas who are popular enough that they can help win votes in their home areas.

    You also want someone who has run competitive races and been “vetted” by their opponents O/R operations. All three of those members have. Kotowski would be the best campaigner and fund-raiser, but the other two have strenghts also. Cullerton may not want to see them go, but if I’m Quinn my money is on Dan K.

    What about the Blago trial? Kotowski was the only legislator who publicly stated he wasn’t voting for Blagojevich in 2006. It’s a great message for him.

    Picking a House member gets you less in terms of name recognition and also it aggrevates the Speaker who doesn’t want to defend an open seat.

  21. - Huh? - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    Art turner should be the lt governor because he won downstate in the primary and finished second

  22. - lake county democrat - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    You know what, for all the hell I rightly give Mike Madigan, his picking the lt. guv nominee isn’t really outrageous — it’s an elected position so the state party chairman arguably has as much right to weigh-in as the gov. Blago didn’t get to pick Pat Quinn, and the state GOP wasn’t exactly responding to public demand or the wishes of the National GOP when they selected Alan Keyes to run for US senate.

  23. - siriusly - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:53 pm:

    I meant only Democratic legislator.

  24. - ILPundit - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    I think the only sensible solution is for Quinn to make the selection, and have the Central Committee ratify it unanimously.

    For the committee to push someone not favored by Quinn would be yet another comedy of errors.

  25. - ILPundit - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Oh….and I think Quinn should select Miguel Del Valle

  26. - Irish - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 12:58 pm:

    I can understand the push for Turner as the second place vote getter but isn’t the stronger argument that a majority of the voters did not want him? Hence the second place spot.
    Mary Kay Obrien would be okay but not downstate enough to balance the ticket. Which begs the question that is having a downstate candidate going to matter that much when that candidate is viewed as being closely tied to Madigan, because he orchestrates the choice, and therefore will be a Chicago Machine person no matter where he/she hails from?
    And finally isn’t it ironic that this “unimportant” position that gave us our current Governor,(who must be then somehow a less than average candidate because he could only win this position), will be the top story of this campaign for the general election?

  27. - shore - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    I also find it really disgraceful that the chicago media has already started destroying Bill Brady and the gop ticket because of the social conservatism. I’m not a social conservative but social conservatives aren’t to blame for the state of Illinois and it would be nice if the same journalists-the 4 of you still employed that have spent the last several years bellyaching about Illinois would put your ink where your mouth has been and do what Mr. Miller did this morning and focus on the real issues. Mr. Hendon, I’ve read spent 45 million on a building for a college I’ve never heard of at a time in which the state is bleeding red ink. He should act like a grown up and the chicago media should read its own writing.

  28. - Just Do It - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:17 pm:

    Note to Irish: The majority of voters didn’t want the first place winner either–in either party’s race. Plummer got 35% or so of the vote.

  29. - VanillaMan - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:17 pm:

    I also find it really disgraceful that the chicago media has already started destroying Bill Brady and the gop ticket because of the social conservatism.

    Would my VanillaPre-Schoolers try Peruvian food? Of course not. Chicagoans are not going to try Freeze-Dried Bloomingtonian Oatmeal with extra fiber. Not if you covered it in chocolate syrup. With whipped cream. And a freakin’ cherry.

    Mr. Brady is a whole ‘nuther culture. Talk all you wish about how Mr. Brady’s ideology didn’t cause our current problems. It doesn’t matter. Folks up north know what they like. They don’t like anything labeled “Conservative Republican Downstater” deciding if they can keep getting their state funding. Chicagoans depend upon state funding. Three of the top four employers in Chicago are taxpayer based.

    Mr. Brady is like an Amish missionary trying to get the residents in Lake Point Tower to give up their electricity and use the stairs in order to cut down on their monthly budget.

    Get used to this. The guy is a Martian to our friends up north. Mr Brady’s job is to make Martian “sexy”.

  30. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    People, get back to the question, please. We have a post up about the Brady conservatism stuff. Take it over there.

  31. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    Oops. No, we don’t. Haven’t hit the publish button yet and have no headline. Gimme a sec.

  32. - Fan of Cap Fax - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    Raja is the BEST choice. Let’s do the right thing for a change.

  33. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    OK, it’s up now…

  34. - Irish - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    Another take on Lite. Gov. candidate choice which so far has been unmentioned and is probably more important than any other is; the candidate selected cannot overshadow or look stronger than the candidate for Governor from the same ticket. Finding someone that can underperform Quinn on the campaign trail might be very difficult. With all other issues aside I think that both Turner and Hendon will not be able to second fiddle Quinn. If MJM wants to make the point that the Lite Gov. is unnecessary then he especially cannot afford a stronger Lite Gov. candidate than the Gov. candidate.

  35. - Jake from Elwood - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    What does “hoffific” mean? Just asking.
    How about Careen Gordon or Frank Mautino?

  36. - Amuzing Myself - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    Jay Hoffman…. you know…to sew up the Metro East vote where Plummer is from. ;)

  37. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:27 pm:

    Since this system is so broken, I think the only logical way to end this is to pick the second-place finisher–Turner.

    With that said, it is ridiculous that someone who only garners 20-30% at the polls wins. The only ones who received more than 50% of the vote were Kirk and Quinn. The rest were elected by a minority of the people. (A minority of the minority when turnout is taken into account.) This state is screaming for instant-runoff voting.

    I’ll begin not holding my breath now.

  38. - Bill - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    Yeah, Ill go with Hoffman (Jay)too. It will finally get him out of the legislature.

  39. - Deep South - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    No way on Bill Bradley. Just no way.

    How about State Central Committeewoman Barb Brown. A downstate (Chester)woman with smarts, charisma and genuine Democratic bona fides.

  40. - Deep South - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    Bill Bradley? I mean John Bradley. No way. But then again, no way on Bill Bradley either.

  41. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:34 pm:

    ===Bill Bradley===

    He’s from New Jersey. Different post.

  42. - Dem in Denim - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    I voted for Art Turner, but the SLC debacle really did completely re-open the LG nomination to folks other than the on-ballot LG candidates. Criticizing the Gov. may have even just lost Rep. Turner votes from some of the Dem CC members. Yikes!

    Looks like Tammy Duckworth is a fine choice by her being smart leadership material and dedicated to public service, plus familiar with state government without being a political regular with any of that baggage. As for helping to earn votes, a woman veteran from the suburbs could be a real winner with swing-vote suburban women and with conservatives who care more about patriotism than political stripes. She has a good assignment in Wash.DC, but she would be a real asset back home in Illinois. The LG job is what one makes of it, and Gov. Quinn would gladly allow her to be a proactive LG.

  43. - Illinois voter - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    Raja is the best choice. He did well in the suburbs and downstate and raised a ton of money. Turner raised $200,000, Raja raised more than $1.1 million. He is very smart and brings some fresh ideas. Don’t understand the Turner argument. He finished second and couldn’t beat a novice like Cohen, nor raise the money.

  44. - Chathamite - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    I aggree with Illinois Voter — Raja

  45. - Progressive Democrat - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    Barb Brown makes real sense. Downstate progressive. Teaches political science at SIUC (intelligent, articulate). She has been involved in grassroots democratic organization for over 20 years but she isn’t tied to Springfield or Chicago. Has been through a campaign before (vetted). Ties to all parts–legislative, executive, party officials– of the State. Serves as Chair on the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (nonpartisan board). I am surprised her name hasn’t come up more often. She may bring fresh ideas to the table at a time when the State needs fresh ideas, not recycled ones.

  46. - Captain Flume - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    They should pick Scott Cohen, the candidate who won the election.

  47. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    ===Bill Bradley===

    Forward or guard, I think, not Post. LOL

  48. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    Last time this came up, there was a strong push for Hynes, not so today…

  49. - Big John - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:58 pm:

    The best choice would be John Sullivan!

  50. - KM - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    N’Digo: “Quinn is at the top of the ticket and everyone else is black'’?
    Lisa Madigan is black?

  51. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    This isn’t friggin Miss America. Turner ran. Turner lost. SLC won. SLC resigned the nomination. Now the state central get to make a strategic decision.

    Looking at VP selections you find two schools of thought. The traditional school says you go for geographic balance (think Lloyd Bentsen for Dukakis or John Edwards for Kerry.

    The non-traditional approach is to double down on your competitive advantages or shore up a different weakness. Think Al Gore for Bill Clinton.

    I prefer the non-traditional approach. Let’s look at Pat’s weaknesses.

    1) Horrific polling among independents.
    2) Proximity to Rod (especially important during the trial)
    3) Law enforcement cred (early release program, unconfirmed kid head of state police, etc)

    When you evaluate it that way, there’s really only one halfway decent choice - David Hoffman. But I doubt he would take it and I doubt the state central would offer it.

    I think enough folks are pulling the race card that Pat will be shoved into a corner.

  52. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 3:09 pm:

    My last answer notwithstanding, Hynes on a unity ticket would still be the best bet.

  53. - Anon - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    A unity ticket with Hynes would obviously be the best, but that’s never going to happen.

    It needs to be a downstater, particularly someone from Western Illinois or from south of Springfield. Two reason for this - Look at how badly Hynes beat Quinn downstate and because the Democrats have been labeled the party of Chicago.

    I’d argue for John Sullivan or, even better, a county official of some kind who has a good record in office and can’t be attached to the mess in Springfield.

  54. - T.J. - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    I preferred Bill Bradley to Al Gore and really like the idea of him on the ticket. If Republicans could pluck their replacement from Maryland, can Democrats pluck theirs from New Jersey? Quinn-Bradley has kind of a nice ring to it.

  55. - Way South of the Border - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 4:26 pm:

    Sheila Simon, because she does what a good lt. gov. candidate should do, namely, she

    1) boosts Quinn’s base (women, liberals, reform minded people) and

    2) expands it (downstaters).

    And no, it doesn’t matter that she didn’t win the C’dale mayoral race a few years back. It was a squeaker and anyway, that’s a false standard. In the general election, lt. gov. is supposed to pump up the gov’s numbers, not win as a stand-alone candidate.

  56. - T.J. - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 5:14 pm:

    “And no, it doesn’t matter that she didn’t win the C’dale mayoral race a few years back. It was a squeaker and anyway, that’s a false standard.”

    You don’t appear to know what you’re talking about. Sheila Simon lost by a margin of almost thirteen percent. Hardly a squeaker.

  57. - LouisXIV - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 5:31 pm:

    If they want ticket balance, a downstate, hispanic or asian woman. Can’t think of one off the top of my head. Otherwise, David Hoffman would be a good choice if he’d take it. He ran a good campaign, has good name recognition around the state and has good reform credentials. For ticket balance, absent the downstate angle, Raja would be good. Sheila Simon might be another good choice with ticket balance in mind. Personally, I’d like to see the unity ticket of Quinn/Hynes. Surely someone can talk to Hynes about saying yes for the good of the party.

  58. - He Gone... - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    I would like to see the Central Committee select Rep. Linda Chapa La Via (Aurora) to really bring some diversity to the ticket.

  59. - bill ryan - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 7:22 pm:

    Art turner not only deserves to be candidate b/c he finished second; not to select the people choice but instead someone who didnt even run for the office just might cost the dems the election in Nov as many will not support such offensive action that smacks of the worse kind of racism…not selecting turner b/c too many African-Americans on the ticket. I thought these days were gone long ag.

  60. - Way South of the Border - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 7:49 pm:

    T.J., thanks for the correction. What I was recalling here, way too quickly in light of the passage of time, was the difference in total votes for that race (which struck me, at the time, as quite weeny).

    But you are right, the actual percentage does not come close to squeaker-land. I hope my other qualitative points are nevertheless sound.

  61. - Richard Afflis - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 8:27 pm:

    How about going with the one candidate with NO liability…. NOBODY!
    We have done just fine with no Lieutenant Governor for over a year now. Madigan wants there to be no Lieutenant Governor. The democrats can pass this legislation and start the ball rolling to eliminate the position.
    No one will say anything about how the Lieutenant Governor candidate is bringing down the ticket. The ticket is doing just fine right now with no Lieutenant Governor.
    If the party truly believes the position should be eliminated, here is an opportunity to take the lead.

  62. - ivote - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 8:30 pm:

    Sen. Deanna Demuzio. . .

  63. - 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 22, 10 @ 10:13 pm:

    ===Whom should Gov. Quinn and the Democratic Central Committee choose to run for lt. governor?

    Sorry, but this is a trick question. Or it’s two questions: who should Quinn pick (hypothetical)?, or, who should the Central Committee pick (actual)? It is hard to believe but true nonetheless, Quinn has no say in this. He is at the mercy of the Central Committee.

    Have I missed any reporting about whether the Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party and the Democratic Nominee for Governor are working together on this? Is Quinn lobbying his bff, Central Committeeman Bobby Rush (2nd)? Did Quinn lock-in Joe Berrios’ support for LG at the January 31st endorsement meeting? If Quinn is holding those kind of markers, then maybe his preferred candidate is relevant. But if not…

    …this question can’t be answered.

  64. - moby - Tuesday, Feb 23, 10 @ 8:37 am:

    Art Turner has been in government for decades, and is actually honest! He should be rewarded with the Lt. Gov nod. In addition, he is kind, fair, and progressive. I met him once at a Black Caucus event, and he spent 20 minutes with me talking about issues — not because i could do anything for him, (I am a white guy, not in his district, with shallow pockets), but just because he cared and i asked good questions. He’s sure got my vote.

  65. - Tony - Tuesday, Feb 23, 10 @ 9:15 am:

    Art Turner should be the Lt. Governor on the Demoratic ticket as he was second in the primary voting.I am a white man and have reviewed Mr. Turners background in government and find that he truly qualified to become Lt. Governor or even Governor it necessary. He stands up for the little guy and the middle class. He has established a great voting record prior and has stood his ground in his beliefs that are good for the State of Illinois. I am not a resident of his district.I respect his work and wish him on the ballot in November.

  66. - TedInChicago - Tuesday, Feb 23, 10 @ 5:15 pm:

    I think that Art Turner strengthens the ticket because he is (1.) honest (2.) articulate (3.) has great experience, and (4.) has broad support. He can support the Governor’s program in the Legislature better than any other candidate, in my opinion.

    The fact that he lost the primary narrowly to a person who ponied up millions for his own campaign (contrasted with a few thousands raised by Art Turner) means he still got more votes than any of the other candidates remaining. How can that motivate choosing someone who got no votes at all because he or she didn’t run?

    Art Turner is a winner in my book, and a Quinn-Turner ticket is very strong, especially against a conservative Republican. It will inspire enthusiasm and turnout in November.

  67. - T.J. - Tuesday, Feb 23, 10 @ 7:45 pm:

    “T.J., thanks for the correction. What I was recalling here, way too quickly in light of the passage of time, was the difference in total votes for that race (which struck me, at the time, as quite weeny).

    But you are right, the actual percentage does not come close to squeaker-land. I hope my other qualitative points are nevertheless sound.”

    Thanks for the friendly reply. I won’t quibble with the rest.

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