Now what?
Sunday, Feb 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The state Democratic Party will make the appointment to fill the Scott Lee Cohen lt. governor vacancy. So, I asked Steve Brown, Speaker/Chairman Michael Madigan’s spokesman, about what was next. Brown said that Madigan intends to work with the state central committee, Gov. Quinn, Senate President Cullerton and others to find a replacement for Cohen on the ticket. Brown claimed that Madigan would not act “heavy-handed,” as the media has constantly portrayed him. Stay tuned. *** UPDATE - 12:36 am *** From Rep. Art Turner, who finished second in the lt. governor’s race…
From Gov. Quinn…
* ABC7’s report from the scene…
And, he’s out
Sunday, Feb 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 7:17 pm - AP…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Updated SLC news - Out at 7:30?
Sunday, Feb 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 6:34 pm - Democratic lt. governor nominee Scott Lee Cohen has reportedly asked that a withdrawal speech be prepared for tonight. He’ll be at the Hop Häus starting at 7 o’clock or so, then emerge at around 10 o’clock for an announcement. Just as a cautionary note, he’s not 100 percent certain to drop out tonight, but he is far closer than he has been if he’s drafting a speech. *** UPDATE - 6:45 pm *** Change of plans. He’s reportedly making his statement at 7:30 and the word is it’s a drop-out statemeNT.
We interrupt your Superbowl party for the clown show
Sunday, Feb 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 5:52 pm - It never ends…
…Adding… I was saving this for tomorrow, but the Tribbies beat me to it…