Helmets for kids goes down in flames - Thomson will be sold regardless
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Senate just defeated a bill 19-32 that would require kids to wear helmets on motorcycles…
Sen. Gary Forby (D-Benton), an avid motorcyclist rights defender, staunchly opposed the bill…
Sen. Bill Brady voted “No.” One wonders if we might hear something from the governor’s campaign operation (such as it is) soon. * In other news that could relate to the campaign, I think we’ve pretty much known this all along, but it’s now been confirmed…
Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The Question: Should the state pass a bill requiring a 5-cent deposit on bottles and cans? Explain.
Supremes shoot down property tax exemption for hospital
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * A new opinion by the Illinois Supreme Court is very bad news for not-for-profit hospitals in Illinois who want to qualify for local tax exemptions.
* The court ruled that Provena could not apply for a not-for-profit exemption from property taxes for a few reasons. Here’s one…
The hospital failed additional tests…
Provena also asked for a religious exemption. That, too, was denied…
The Illinois Hospital Association responds…
More on the Kirk-Obama kerfuffle
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Congressman Mark Kirk said far more at that event earlier this week than previously reported. As we’ve already discussed, media coverage has mostly focused on Kirk’s referring to President Obama as “this guy” when talking about how Obama could be made a one-termer and then his health insurance reform bill could be repealed…
But as I wrote yesterday, the substance of his remarks are probably more important. Kirk began his presentation thusly…
That got some loud applause. And he summed up this way…
In between came the rationale…
You can listen to the full audio by clicking here. David Axelrod responded…
* Kirk also provided yet another explanation for why he flip-flopped on the cap and trade issue…
In the past, Kirk used national security and cost as reasons for voting for the bill…
But when he decided to run for Senate, he got such an earful that he changed his mind and came up with this excuse…
Kirk also addressed the “flip-flop” charge the other day…
The problem with Kirk’s “openness” comment is that Kirk rarely allows reporters to cover his events. The YouTube video of the first instance of Kirk’s flip-flop was taken by somebody who fed it to the national Democrats. Reporters weren’t invited to the event. Lynn Sweet…
You can listen to the full cap and trade Kirk audio by clicking here. * In reply to all of this, Kirk is trying to change the subject back to Alexi Giannoulias. From a press release…
* Related…
On the brink
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * There’s talk of bankruptcy in East St. Louis. With property tax revenues down and gaming proceeds from the local riverboat tanking, the city is facing a $5 million budget shortfall and is having a rough time meeting its payroll…
I’ll have more on New Jersey’s budget situation next week because I just haven’t had much time to study it, but one of the proposals by the state’s new governor is to forbid all local governments from getting in over their heads by limiting their lee-way in future contract negotiations…
One seriously doubts that’ll happen here, and it probably won’t even happen in New Jersey. Still, it’s an idea that I don’t ever remember seeing before. * Gov. Christie mentioned Illinois in his budget address, by the way. After I wrote a column about Christie, I ended up (temporarily, at least) on his press release list, so somebody out there apparently saw it. Here’s what Christie said in his address…
* As I reported to subscribers yesterday, the House Republicans submitted a long list of budget ideas to Gov. Quinn this week. The Southtown Star does a story today..
Sounds like a lot of money, right? There’s a big catch…
As I’ve already told subscribers, redirecting $5 billion of the capital plan to state operations simply cannot be done with the current revenue situation. Plus, lots of members didn’t even know that item was on the list. Oops. OK, so now they’re down to about $300 million in savings. Much of that comes from postponing funding for high-speed rail. Illinois Issues Statehouse bureau chief Jamey Dunn has a partial list over at Illinoize. Some of the ideas aren’t bad at all, but this is no real solution. * Since the top item on this post deals with unions, let’s throw this one in here. As our videos showed yesterday, Republican gubernatorial nominee Bill Brady was bashed on the union issue…
The Brady campaign responded…
* Related…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Metro-east unemployment rate soars to 12.6 percent * Unemployment hits 13 percent in the Peoria area * Blagojevich Attorneys to Play Tapes When He Testifies * Blagojevich request for trial delay is denied * Judge refuses to delay Blago corruption trial * Commissioners React to Cook County Bidding Process * No Details on CPS Clout Admissions, But Tightened Controls
* New alderman to pay city for moving out early
* Trade show organizers meet with McCormick Place’s labor leaders
* Former PTA treasurer charged with theft in DuPage * Kane wind turbine rules getting off the ground * SXSW 2010: Night one, the showcases
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller