This just in… Quinn to announce he prefers Sheila Simon for LtG
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Citing anonymous sources familiar with the decision, the Chicago Tribune is reporting Gov. Pat Quinn plans to announce he would prefer to run with Sheila Simon.
* Simon is daughter of the late former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon, a southern Illinois Democrat. An associate law professor at Southern Illinois University School of Law in Carbondale, Simon is a former member of the Carbondale city council and challenged incumbent Republican Mayor Brad Cole in the spring of 2007. Rich says he had been hearing talks of Quinn’s decision, which he expects to formally announce Friday, throughout today.
Quinn to stick to $300 million savings, digs at Tribune edit board
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor promised today to stick with his $300 million savings estimate from the pension reforms…
Here are all of Quinn’s comments about the pension bill… * The governor also took a funny little shot at the Tribune’s reactionary editorial board today when asked a question by a Trib reporter about his lite guv choice. Watch… More on the lite guv… * Quinn also took questions about the cuts to the State Police. He essentially admitted that his proposed tax hike for education could take the pressure off other areas of the bureaucracy. Have a look-see…
Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * In honor of yesterday’s Operation Cobra-like blitz of the pension bill, let’s do a caption contest…
Rep. Monique Davis rebuked for racial comment
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rep. Monique Davis went way over the top yesterday…
The quotes above don’t do her initial comment or the rebukes justice. You can listen to it all by clicking here. Davis’ logic was weird and twisted, and she deserved the blow-back. She did eventually apologize…
* We didn’t post this story from earlier this month, but it was something I broke and then eventually followed up on by Kristen McQueary of the Southtown Star. I found it today while looking for something else. The basic gist is that a Democratic township committeeman with close ties to the Pat Quinn campaign is alleged to have pressured a potential appointee to the Illinois House to vote for the governor’s tax hike. Worth Township Democratic Committeeman John O’Sullivan supported Kelly Burke for the House and she supported his campaign against an incumbent as well. Burke defeated a candidate backed by House Speaker Michael Madigan, but she made up with MJM and wanted the appointment after incumbent Rep. Jim Brosnahan (D-Evergreen Park) resigned. Everybody figured it was a “go” since Burke and O’Sullivan were allies. But it all fell apart. Kristen McQueary takes it from there…
There are many claims from insiders that the Quinn campaign was directly involved with this pressure on Kelly, but the governor’s campaign won’t comment. * Speaking of MJM, he had a bit of fun with my intern Barton Lorimor yesterday. Watch… And while we’re looking at silly videos, here’s a weird one of Rep. Bill Black…
This just in… Senate passes voucher bill… Senate approves red-light bill… Supplemental, job credit bills approved
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:14 am - The Senate just SB2494, which would create a pilot school vouchers program for Chicago elementary schools. It would impact about 22,000 students. Whew, I wouldn’t want to be a teachers union lobbyist this week, man. “If they would just vote down a tax increase this week we’d have the trifecta,” cracked one union official a few minutes ago. * 11:15 am - The Senate is now taking up the red light camera bill, SB935. * 11:51 am - The bill, which was a compromise worked out by Senate President John Cullerton, passed 45-10. * 11:56 am - Also today, the Senate approved a supplemental approp bill…
And the governor is getting his tax credit bill…
Forensic audit not in the cards right now
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * House Republican Leader Tom Cross teamed up yesterday with former GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski to call for a “forensic audit” of the state budget…
Some of those differences are about semantics, but he has a good point. Andrzejewski told the SJ-R in January that the cost of the audit would be at least $60 million. The auditor general would be in charge of this project, but the current fiscal year’s appropriation for the auditor general’s office is $24.3 million all funds, including $6.8 million GRF. So, a $60 million project would be unprecedented for that office. The House Speaker’s office was not impressed…
Cross’ resolution was introduced yesterday and is now in Rules Committee. You can safely bet that the HGOPs will make a stir on the floor to get that thing released. * In other budget-related news, Mayor Daley will try not to let Gov. Quinn cut state trooper patrols in Chicago…
If they didn’t put it into statute, I’m not sure he can hold Quinn to it. We’ll see. * Mayor Daley has also turned thumbs down on the idea of switching to a four-day school week to save money…
And so does the Daily Herald…
Some extremely rural Downstaters like it, though…
* There was a microscopic bit of good news on the budget front…
* Related…
A closer look at the pension extravaganza
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Some people are just never happy unless they get everything they want. For instance, here is a press release by R. Eden Martin, the president of the Civic Committee of The Commercial Club of Chicago regarding the pension reform bill approved yesterday…
Senate President John Cullerton said yesterday that his research shows cutting benefits not yet earned by current employees cannot legally be done. And the General Assembly was nervous enough about cutting benefits for future employees that a cut to current employees would’ve been hugely tough, if not downright impossible. Today’s Tribune editorial was entitled “Don’t be fooled“…
As we’ve already discussed, the Tribune’s budget cut ideas are grossly inflated and some are even downright bogus. And if editorial board members had bothered to read their own paper, they’d know there are some significant immediate and longterm budget savings in this package…
COGFA has a rough estimate of $500 million to $1 billion for next fiscal year. It won’t cure the deficit, but it ain’t chump change, either. * Doug Whitley of the Illinois Chamber was far more optimistic than the naysayers… And so was Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno…
The Sun-Times editorial board, which is way more reality-based than the Tribune’s grumpy old men, praised the proposal as a “giant first step.” But they did have some quibbles…
* The bill’s highlights…
* Who’s covered…
* The Chicago schools provision…
The Sun-Times editorial addressed that as well…
* The reaction from union leaders was intense…
The Illinois Federation of Teachers’ political director Steve Preckwinkle talked to me last night about the bill and the union’s political plans. Watch it… So did AFSCME president Henry Bayer… * The rationale…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller