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Quote of the Week

Tuesday, Apr 6, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sharon Osbourne understands Rod Blagojevich far better than the goofy national media, which continues to fawn over him…

“He is absolutely crazy. He is insane, completely self-obsessed, insane.”

Keep in mind that she’s known Ozzie Osbourne and the music industry up close and personal for forty years. She understands insane.

More evidence, as if you needed any, of Blagojevich’s mental state

On the “Today” show, Blagojevich predicted he’d fare better with jurors at the June 3 trial.

“I won’t spend any time in federal prison because I did nothing wrong,” he said. “Those tapes will vindicate me.”

Yeah, right.

* From the Sun-Times

Whether Blagojevich was a bizarrely incompetent governor is beyond dispute. And if anybody needed a reminder of just how goofy Blago truly was, his failings were on display for the nation on NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice.” […]

There was the political double- talk. The self-obsession. The disdain for details. The inability to admit mistakes.

Our First Jogger couldn’t type. He couldn’t text. He couldn’t e-mail.

On the radio on Monday, Blagojevich blamed his age — he’s an ancient 53. His generation, he said, didn’t grow up with “all that stuff.”

But Blago, as most of us in Illinois already knew, also couldn’t lead and couldn’t follow.


* Related…

* Prosecutors file new details of case against Blagojevich under wraps: Prosecutors revealed that the document contains details about the government’s evidence that have never been disclosed. The defense could argue the release of the details could taint the jury pool, even though the selection process is two months away.

* Feds want Blago corruption evidence kept sealed


  1. - Castor - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:13 am:

    Astonishing that someone that obviously crazy could have been elected to so many public offices in Illinois.

    You think someone might have said something…?

  2. - unclesam - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:29 am:

    Proves once again that Americans lover their “nut jobs.”

  3. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:31 am:

    I forgive myself for voting for him the first time, and forgive no one for voting for him the second time…it was painfully obvious within the first six months of his first term what his administration was about…

    it was all about Rod…all day every day…

    plus his cronies were slippery and self consumed as well…a few of them are still hanging around, smelling up the place…I hope after November Quinn finally sets them free…

  4. - Redbright - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    Read “The Sociopath Next Door” by Harvard Prof Martha Stout to understand Blago and how we let him get to where he is. It’s a short, easy read.

  5. - Tom Joad - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:38 am:

    Hey Loop Lady, some of us supported Paul Vallas in the first primary. Some people did see thru Rod early on.
    Of course, when Dick Mell bought off the county Chairman’s Association chairman with a $5,000 contribution, Rod was on his way to winning Downstate despite the fact that no one knew him.

  6. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:41 am:

    He sounds like a borderline sociopath

  7. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:44 am:

    Hey Tom: I supported Vallas in the primary too…but I guess he wasn’t running in the General after running a somewhat mediocre campaign in comparison to Rod’s extremely well funded media heavy primary…Hmmmm, I wonder how Blago raised so much cash for his coffers?

    His corrupt fundraising absolutely helped him defeat a way more competant challenger in Vallas…

  8. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    Was some of it a gag? Is it really possible a grown man of his background can’t type or figure out how to use a phone?

    He wasn’t always governor with a posse to cater to his whims. He was just another schnook for a lot longer time.

  9. - vole - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:53 am:

    Let us hope that the trial reveals all the skills Blago was good at and bad at. He and his boys obviously had a knack at amassing huge campaign war chests. And he did finally make it to Letterman’s show — “in the worst way!” Classic. And the man can grow hair. Heads up Coen bros.: there is a movie here somewhere.

  10. - casual observer - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 10:54 am:

    I agree with Wordslinger. You can’t be a parent to two teenage girls and not understand the basics of cell phones, texting or a basic Google search. I’m not wearing a tin foil hat but I am very suspicious. The show went out of their way to show Rod to be completely ignorant and incompetent. Is this a peek into their defense strategy?

  11. - Red Ranger - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    The S-T Editorial is yet another example of former Blago backers now piling on. Much like the Speaker, Barbra Flynn Currie, Prez Cullerton etc; when the getting was good with Blago they were willing to cast a blind eye to his obvious “short-comings.” Now that he has been exposed for the corrupt nut that he is, it is ok to make fun of the man. Where were these people in 2006?

  12. - been there - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    Didn’t Joan Rivers talk to him for less than ten minutes and say the same thing that Sharon Osbourne said? But she also asked what’s wrong with us in Illinois, right?

  13. - Stones - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:05 am:

    It’s ironic - my 82 year old mother learned how to send text messages and can send email just fine. I’m pretty sure she grew up in an era when they didn’t have all that stuff.

  14. - Big Ears - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:08 am:

    I agree w/ Wordslinger and Casual Observer. No fifty-something w/ a law degree from Northwestern is so technologically inept that they need the juicy chess club brain of Michael Johnson to show them how to type. What a pathetic maneuver.

    Until he admits to fraud/bribery/racketeering on the air, can we forgo the Blago posts? It only serves his perverse cause.

  15. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:08 am:

    LL, Why does PQ have to wait until after Nov to get rid of the leftover RB cronies? Why not fumigate now? Didn’t PQ tell us he was going to do that? While I think PQ is not corrupt like RB, he is as incompetent. I don’t care how nice he is - he doesn’t have what we need right now. PQ displays self-absorption as evidenced by the HW video - it’s all about PQ.

    We keep electing either incompetent (RB, PQ) or corrupt (GR, RB) or both (RB) individuals into the mansion. What does that say for those of us who voted for them? What does it say about those of us who voted for RB twice?

    I was still voting democrat when GR ran. Took one look at RB during his first campaign for gov and wrote in Vallas. Voted GOP in the primary and general for the last gov campaign. It didn’t take much to see what RB was about during the first campaign. How was it that so many others didn’t see it?

  16. - Belle - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    I’m tired of all the emails from people I know out of state asking - seriously, Illinois elected him twice??. Rod has proved that just when we thought he could embarrass us no more, he proves us wrong. I think Johnson summed it up, ‘It’s hard to find something for Rod to do that Rod can actually do’.

  17. - Hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    So glad he’s gone so he can stop embarrassing our state, at least until the trial.

    Vole, I wondered about that bit about him trying to show how technologically inept he was might be some strategy on Blago’s part for his defense to make him appear so incompetent he wasn’t capable of doing all the things the feds accuse him of, but I also think it’s possible he would just put on the act of not knowing how to do the technology to try to get out of work.

    I also liked how Trump called him out about his whole Apprentice appearance being a strategy where he wanted to try to get along with the other players to get their fans to support him on the jury.

    Finally, this wasn’t in this week’s show but comments were off last week… was anyone else getting testicular virility flashbacks when Rod was complaining that his team needed more foreplay and were prematurely ejaculating on their task when Michael Johnson was project manager?

  18. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:16 am:

    Rod Blagojevich was who he was decades ago. His success within the Illinois Democratic Party should be seen as an indictment against Party leaders and supporters as it is a display of sheer incompetence and corruption.

    No one can believe that the Party was unaware of how unfit for elected office this man was, regardless of who his father-in-law is. I’m certain that many political families have offspring incapable of holding public office, and are told so privately in order to keep them from harming public offices and citizens. So, how did this guy get through?

    Few can even imagine how little respect the Party seem to have regarding their purported mission, that is, to elect responsible and experienced, and decent people to elected offices. Just as GM went bankrupt making cars like the Chevy Vega, Citation, and Pontiac Aztek, the Illinois Democratic Party should be forced to change how they nominate and spend millions to elect a Rod Blagojevich.

    Rod Blagojevich wasn’t a one-off mistake. He was nominated and elected seven times since 1992.

    There are no excuses sufficient to justify how far the Illinois Democratic Party failed the citizens of Illinois when they produced this Yugo of a governor in 2002, then backed him again in 2006. None.

  19. - soccermom - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    Wordslinger — he’s really that inept. Really.

  20. - I wish I could've fired Rod - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    Big Ears - please don’t blaspheme Northwestern law like that, Rod went to Pepperdine Law. Now there’s a class school - the current dean is Ken Starr, who probably wouldn’t be there but for Linda Tripp and the famous blue dress, but I digress.

    That said, I agree there needs to be a moratorium on Rod news b/c it serves his ego and his cause. I refused to watch any of his “celebrity” appearances. I thin we should put him out of mind while the G puts him out of sight.

  21. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    If Sharon Osbourne could figure this out in a matter of weeks how did Quinn and Madigan not figure it out for 6 years. Both endorsed him twice. Quinn did the campaign trail with him twice and Madigan sat in with him for a number of budget negotiations. Quinn’s defebse us that he had no idea what was going on. Well Pat there are a dozen people on the Apprentice who are apparently smarter then you because they all figured it out. How can anyone seroiusly vote for a guy who had no idea after 6 for 6 years Blago was that bad?

  22. - Mr. Ethics - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    So who took his State Ethics test every year if he couldn’t do any of this stuff?

  23. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    DD: what a bitter, petty man you are…Pat Quinn is incompetant in YOUR eyes buddy…just wondering who is competant according to the greatness that you are…if state government is full of incompetants, does that automatically make you one?

    Thanks for not admitting I was right about Quinn getting his LG pick BTW, you angry little puppy…

  24. - Bluefish - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:30 am:

    I find it difficult to believe his legal team came up with the “strategy” of having him go on national television and pretend to be a completely self-serving idiot.

  25. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    State government is full of incompetents, just as any other organization. But successful organizations don’t put the incomptents in power, then let them remain in power. Yet, that is what the Illinois Democratic Party did with Rod Blagojevich since 1996. By that time, even Michael J. Madigan was aware of how incompetent and useless Rod Blagojevich was, and this grated on the future governor. So, who supported this guy besides his father-in-law, or who allowed Dick Mell to put Rod Blagojevich into positions of power in Washington and Chicago when anyone in the GA knew Rod Blagojevich was a nutcase - including our future president, Obama, who supported Rod Blagojevich in 2002? What gives?

    Rod Blagojevich harms everyone partly because we have given too much power to state government headed by Rod Blagojevichs. Either make governments smaller, or demand better elected officials. Right now, we have the worst of both.

  26. - This Little Piggie - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Dupage Dan - Those Blago holdovers are excellent fund raisers and can get out the vote. That is why they have those positions.

    It is also why Quinn isn’t fumigating them.

  27. - Anonymouse - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    What’s interesting is that Blagojevich’s leadership style on the Apprentice mirrors much of the paranoia and weirdness that many of us in state government experienced during his tenure as governor. I’d like to think that time was something out of a Hunter S. Thompson book, but it wasn’t. It was beyond weird.

    It was straight out of a Thomas Pynchon novel — mania, obsession, paranoia, and elaborate plots for the sake of elaborate plots. It was really a creepy time — the Blagojevich years — and were very much like what happened on Sunday’s apprentice.

    Best line from Sunday’s show:

    “How do you know I was sleeping? I was wearing sunglasses.”

    Dude, that’s bleeping icky.

  28. - Njardar - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    I guess he won’t be listing computer skills on his resume.

  29. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:01 pm:

    LL, It should be noted that I did in the other section, as soon as I say your note. Your use of silly names is indicative of a person w/little command of useful english. Petty, indeed.

    BTW, the idea that PQ is incompetent comes not from me but from Harold Washington, among others. I had some hope that PQ would wake this state up after his accidental elevation. He has gone on to prove, by his own actions, that he has risen to his level of incompetences (The Peter Principal). How’s about that fumigating? PQ had a green light from the GA, MJM and others and couldn’t pull the plug on the RB cronies. What does it take to accomplish this when the entire state was begging him to fumigate? That he has not accomplished that one thing alone should be enough for even you to realize that PQ ain’t fit to run this state.

    This Little Piggie has it right - PQ keeps the cronies around because they are useful to him come fundraising time. It’s called situational ethics - corruption in plain language.

  30. - Anonymouse - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:01 pm:

    BTW — I agree with VanillaMan above. Blagojevich is clearly — sorry for the ad hominem here, but I see no other way to talk about this — clearly dumb. How this obvious lack of able intelligence slipped through — or was let through — the political funnels here is appalling. It really is appalling — and I’m ashamed to say I cast my vote for him once (but not twice.)

    What the heck was Madigan thinking? What was the party thinking? Blagojevich reminds me of one of those late night talk show dudes — the conspiracy people who go on and on about UFOs and how herbacides are a government plot to thin out the American population and how there’s a standing army of green guys cryogenically frozen in a warehouse east of Moline waiting for “go” command from the shadow government in concrete bunkers under Pittsburgh.

  31. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    My 67 year old mother has been texting, emailing and surfing the web for some time. 53? no excuse for Rod.

    It goes to show you how much he relied on others around him. Pathetic he has not brought himself anywhere near up to speed on technology.

    The question of the day should be

    Do you think Rod Blagojevich reads this blog?

    Rich, Best wishes for you and your family recovering from your illnesses.

  32. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    Ooops - it’s the Peter PrinciPLE, not PAL.

  33. - ABCBoy - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:21 pm:

    “So, who supported this guy besides his father-in-law, or who allowed Dick Mell to put Rod Blagojevich into positions of power in Washington and Chicago when anyone in the GA knew Rod Blagojevich was a nutcase… What gives?”

    I think you answered your own question: Dick Mell. He’s a reasonably well respected guy in the Chicago Machine.

    My bet is that other people didn’t have any young pups in the Northwest Side in Mell’s area that they REALLY wanted to champion. So, when Dick Mell started to push Blago up the ranks, people went along w/ it. Not because Blago was so fantastic, but they figured it isn’t worth pissing off Dick Mell. Blago is an OK looking guy, and can be very charming when he’s in the 3 minute schmooze/campaign mode.

    So people let Mell have his pet project just as long as Mell would reciprocate and help them with whatever little projects & deals they had going on elsewhere. Blago was inconsequential in the assembly and in congress. A minor annoyance & a back-bencher perhaps, but not worth crossing Dick Mell over.

    By the time Blago’s true ego came out in detail, the Blago team generally was giving off enough fundraising favors to mitigate any downside.

    Eventually the downs outwieghed the ups, Mell himself got pissed off, and thus Blago lost his major benefactor.

    What amazes me is that Blago got re-elected in 2006. By then, Mell was no longer supporting him and it would have been very easy for the Machine to dismiss Blago from his seat. Perhaps by then Madigan figured he’d rather have Blago up there as a figurehead and be the scape-goat for any catharsis that the unwashed masses might have.

  34. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    …a strategy where he wanted to try to get along with the other players to get their fans to support him on the jury….

    Well, voir dire would certainly be interesting.

    (Welcome back, BTW, Big Guy! You’ve been missed.)

  35. - Bill - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    So I guess everyone here thinks that Madigan knows how to text, tweet and surf the web. Maybe he blogs too.

  36. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    If it weren’t for your ongoing support of Blago, Bill, some of us might be wondering wehther you’re not Madigan himself based on that comment. lol :)

  37. - Lincoln Parker - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:42 pm:

    Rich, future question of the day suggestion: When did you first realize that Rod Blagojevich wasn’t (or in some cases was) the governor you thought he would be?

  38. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    OT and you probably know, Rich, but IR is reporting that Kirk is leading Alexi, 37 to 33. Speculating as to whether Rahm is going to replace Giannoulias.

  39. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:46 pm:


    No one has come up with an emoticon for the Madigan glare, so blogging is right out.

    I’ll admit it, I voted for Blago twice. I was aware of some of the chicanery behind the “miracle” of the Vallas improvement of CPS and didn’t want to reward it. IIRC, I voted for Burris in the first primary.

    The second time I voted for him I was angry with the GOP for a variety of reasons. I made a vow in 2000 not to vote for any GOPer ever again (and I had voted for GOPers in the past, Edgar, Murphy and G. Ryan spring to mind). I’ve kept my vow.

  40. - Gregor - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:48 pm:

    So, how did Rod manage to “write” his book, based on his mad Apprentice-demonstrated laptop skillz? Rhetorical question, I know.

    When they told him he was getting on a jet to a mystery location, Rod was anxious to know if it was staying “in the Continental U.S.” He didn’t want to violate his bond.

    I was surprised Rod got fired so soon, because this show is like pro wrestling, and Rod was supposed to be the “heel”, the bad guy that you love to hate, and the way the play runs generally is that the Heel lasts until the penultimate moment, so the “hero” can beat him. Turns out Brett Michaels has an even bigger ego than Rod (call Guinness!) and now he’s in the “Omarosa” position on the show.

    I keep worrying that there is a cunning unappreciated strategy behind Rod’s foolish moves, some chess board move five moves ahead we don’t see. I think I have to just tell myself, “no, he really IS that shallow and stupid, there IS no plan.”

    We had six years of proof, after all.

    Get better, Rich, and health to your family as well.

  41. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:52 pm:

    I keep worrying that there is a cunning unappreciated strategy behind Rod’s foolish moves

    I’ll admit I don’t understand the process behind this particular trial, but jury selection would probably be tough, wouldn’t it? Seek a change of venue, maybe? Anyone know?

  42. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:53 pm:

    Rich, best wishes and prays to you, your Dad and family. And far be it from me to aggravate my past voting errors by seeming to say anything that my be viewed as supportive of Blago, BUT, remember that “reality” TV films hours of film to find seconds to edit into a storyline that they develop to fit the characters they’ve decide their “real people” should play. In a sense, the Blago character is well-deserved and fitting, but it may also be not unlike the Chevy Chase Gerald Ford caricature. Regardless, Blago the Buffoon seems his best defense for trial–”your honor, my client is too incompetent to have masterminded these crimes!”

  43. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    When did you first realize that Rod Blagojevich wasn’t (or in some cases was) the governor you thought he would be?

    When he used a list of recent state retirees for a PR stunt in Chicago regarding how state employees manipulate the system to get rich. He then flew to Springfield to do the same PR stunt. Along the way it was shown that one of the names on his list was of a man recently deceased. Blagojevich responded that his death demonstrated a need to take vacation days and not to allow them to add up for a big payoff at taxpayer’s expense.

    This demonstrated that the new governor had no respect for those who worked for him, a need to fingerpoint at others, a love of the camera, a love for flying in the state plane, the wish to bloviate on an inconsequential issue out of a list of serious state issues, a personal lack of empathy, and inability to be humorous, and a willingness to declare guilt based on assertions.

    Then he showed up at the State Fair and blamed a boy that he deliberately gave his prize-winning livestock illegal steriods, smeared his parents, made an federal case out of the incident, (which proved no such thing), and used his elected office to browbeat everyone at the Fair event.

    I knew then that Rod Blagojevich wasn’t just an inexperienced, incompetent boob of a man, he had no heart, no sincerity, and was willing to use children and the dearly departed to look better than he was.

    From there I smelled a rat.

  44. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    I volunteered and knocked on doors for Paul Vallas. I donated to Paul Vallas. I made phone calls for Paul Vallas.

    After Blago was nominated in the primary, I realized that there was no hope for anything good to come from the Democratic party in Illinois and spent my energies trying to get centrist candidates on the ballot and elected for the GOP.

    There’s plenty of scumbags in the Illinois GOP, but they’re not as well funded or well organized as in the Dem party since Ryan, Fawell, Kjellander and Cellini went underground or in stir.

    To other recalcitrant Dems, I recommend you come over to the GOP and make it what the Dem party once was, a party that knew how to keep the trains running on time and the streets clean.

    Until the Dems can seriously move to the center and can go off the reservation from the unions, trial lawyers, and developers, there’s really not much good that can be done there.

  45. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    Why did Madigan allow Blago to get through? I’m not sure this one’s on Madigan. Blago won a 3-way primary race, then had two weak general election opponents.

    Is Blago all that different from all of the other incompetent (or marginally competent) political legacies who get elected in Illinois?

    We haven’t had a good, honest governor in this state since Adlai Stevenson II. And even he was a political legacy.

  46. - vole - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:05 pm:

    OK. We got the dude’s number. But, please recall, that even Rod was smart enough to figure out that he did not want to be governor of Illinois anymore. Uh, I’ve messed the nest, I’m out of here and on to other celebrity gigs. And, by the way, NBC, bite me!

  47. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:08 pm:

    Dan from DuPage: I shall enumerate Quinn’s accomplishments when I have the time to make a lengthy list…not all political hires are incmpetant/corrupt…Quinn has fumigated or pushed out: Maram (DCFS), Adams(DHS), Walker (IDOC)to name a few agency directors,and lots of PSA 2s(merit comps)and Deputies…

  48. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:08 pm:

    ==Why does PQ have to wait until after Nov to get rid of the leftover RB cronies?==

    Uhhh, because they are Pat Quinn, Mike Madigan, and Richard Daley Cronies. Rod didn’t invent this game, he just upped the ante on the game Madigan and Daley have been playing for years. Its their game, he was just better at it than they expected.

    What if Blago isn’t an idiot? What if his entire stent ont the show was to set up the Jury. Now he can say, “I didn’t send that email, everyone knows I don’t know how.”

    If he can’t use a computer how can the feds tie a paper trail to him?

    All I know is that for 7 years if you paid attention you kept saying is this guy for real, and surely he won’t get worse than that, and he did. Who really believes at his point, Rod will just take his lumps and go to jail without trying to go all in one more time.

  49. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    BTW DuPage: as evidenced by your typos and grammatical errors, I do have a better command over the written word than you…:)

  50. - 3 beers to springfield - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    Vanilla Man - Amen, Amen, Amen & Amen. Never voted for Blago. Had chances to meet him and passed each time. How can the voters trust the leaders who put this guy in office not once but repeatedly?

  51. - Beowulf - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:13 pm:

    Nothing personal against Sharon Osbourne but I haven’t yet heard of Rod (or Patty)”biting off the head of a live bat.” Sharon isn’t the one who I would be going to for advice on how to define the word “crazy” or “insane”. Rod may be a crook and an idiot but he isn’t crazy

  52. - Responsa - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    Yes. I watched the most recent Donald Trump show. I suppose men of good will can argue about whether Rod’s “lack” of computer/techno skills on The Apprentice was a clever defense strategy ruse or real ineptitude. But how any father of young children in this day and age could not know even the basics of Harry Potter lore, or be conversant with the characters or pronunciation of the Hogwarts Houses, etc. is truly creepy, and says a lot about how disconnected with the world he really is.

  53. - irish - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:25 pm:

    The more Blago struts his stuff on national TV the less chance he has of hiding his true self in the trial. I didn’t watch the show but from the bits of it I have seen he leaves no doubt of his complete incompetence. He is the picture perfect example of Lincoln’s quote “It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

    Hang in there Rich. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family and wishes for a speedy recovery for all.

  54. - Ghost - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:29 pm:

    Interesting commentary about our major media outlets and pundits that Sharon Osbourne is more on the ball.

  55. - Anonymouse - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    Problem is, nearly everyone here — myself included — voted for this guy.

    Blame the idiot for the mess, but blame the lemmings for enabling idiot.

  56. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    === Rod Blagojevich was who he was decades ago. His success within the Illinois Democratic Party should be seen as an indictment against Party leaders and supporters ===

    Um, well, if you want to indict the voters, go right ahead.

    But here’s a few other names you might want to add to the list:

    - The GOP, which relied on the “Chicago Way” to maintain their grip on state power for 26 years, and after Ryan’s abuses were uncovered, basically proved they can’t win without cheating.

    - Illinois’ campaign finance system, or should i say “lack of public financing”, which allowed Blago to grossly outspend Vallas, Ryan, and Topinka. In fact, it was Rod’s fundraising “prowess” that catapulted him to the front of the pack in the race for gov in 2002, making him the favorite of organized labor.

    As for Rod’s ascension to power as an indictment of Party leaders, he was NOT endorsed by the Democratic Party in 2002, and Speaker Madigan went so far as to announce he wasn’t even voting in that race.

    Madigan want on to oppose almost everything Blagojevich did as governor from 2004 on.

    Tom Cross, on the other hand, was one of Rod’s biggest enablers.

  57. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    Anonymouse, I wrote in Gov. Stevenson each time. He may have been dead for decades, but he was still better than either candidate in each general election.

  58. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:57 pm:


    1) PQ removed Walker only after MJM proposed legislation to have him removed.

    2) Maram resigned.

    3) Adams got the golden parachute - how do you call that fumigating?

    Not quite the robust chief executive you picture. PQ is not an effective gov’t official. Indecisive and ineffective. :(

  59. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:58 pm:

    So, how did Rod manage to “write” his book, based on his mad Apprentice-demonstrated laptop skillz?

    Has to be either a smoking jacket with super hero powers or voice recog software, I’d guess.

  60. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    Sorry. That last one was me. Lost my new handle somehow.

  61. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    As an Ozzy fan who owns all his albums and has seen him in concert several times, and as someone who has closely followed Sharon’s business and managerial careers, her assertion about Blago really sheds light on our former governor’s ineptitude and mental state. Granted, Sharon is a loose cannon, but she calls them like she sees them and she sees Blago as self-important and nuts.

    I too think it’s a bit of a ruse for Blago to act as though he cannot type or use a computer or smart phone. Seriously? How did he make it through law school or his gig as an assistant state’s attorney? How did he respond to in-staff e-mails or texts when he was a Congressman and then Governor? Something smells fishy - even for Hot Rod.

  62. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    Team Sleep,

    You assume Rod showed up for work at any of his prior jobs.

  63. - Louis G. Atsaves - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    Love the comments here. So many Democrats earnestly pretending they didn’t know what Rod B. was about, especially during his reelection bid. Democrats claiming they were against him, honest! And now laughing that Rod B. is delusional after deluding themselves about him for years?

    The Casablanca defense: “I’m SHOCKED!” just seems to bring the same chuckles as the movie did.

  64. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    So true, Beowulf. Future QOTD suggestion: When did you determine Blago was actually sane and pretending not to be?

    My first response: “fetal position”.

  65. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    Danny: Maram was pushed out as was Adams…I know you want a Trump style firing, but it doesn’t work that way in the real world…you have to give folks a chance to save face and pick up work elsewhere…

  66. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    But how any father of young children in this day and age could not know even the basics of Harry Potter lore….

    I don’t know, Responsa. Many Dads are extremely busy providing for their families and/or–quite honestly–might not have the tolerance for that type of thing. Therefore, they truly might not even know who Harry Potter is. (That’s where Moms sometimes have to really have to “kick in” to “compensate”.)

    Not making up excuses for Blago, but I remember the “Harry Potter” phase (when it first started based on my child’s age) and quite honestly, *I* could barely stand it myself through two movies and one paraody (which was actually more interesting than the movies)–let alone expect anyone else to deal with it.

  67. - Anonymouse - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    So many Democrats earnestly pretending they didn’t know what Rod B. was about, especially during his reelection bid. Democrats claiming they were against him, honest!

    Not entirely true. I remember the hubub here when Blago was gearing up for re-election. Actually, this particular blog seemed the only place where people continued to be critical and genuinely outraged. I mean, come on — you know you’re like everybody else: you punch democrat no matter who’s running.

    We could (and did, perhaps) put a natty suit on an oak tree, give it a briefcase, and call it “Berkley Penobscott, Candidate for Governor” — and if it was a democrat in 2002 or 2006, it would have won.

    It did win. But the win came because voted without thinking about who — or what — they were voting for. It happens in all elections. Here, it’s particularly painful because Blagojevich decided to go grandstanding in search of celebrity, knowing that he’d much be hobnobbing with creepy hairband singers and wishywashy athletes.

    When Blagojevich starts his hard time, Trump will go on TV and say, “Well, I liked the guy. He was very genuine. I feel bad for him.”

    And you know news is gonna trickle out how Blagojevich is helping his fellow prisoners with legal advice. We’ll hear how he’s working hard. He’ll discover — or perhaps rediscover — Jesus. He’ll bask in his captivity and let us all know that he’s a changed man. He’ll finally get out, get on some TV, and then run for office. He’ll win, too — for the very same reasons I mention above.

  68. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Rod and I are the same age and I know how to email/text/Twitter.

  69. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:34 pm:

    And, by the way, NBC, bite me!

    lol. (I’m out of it, obviously.) Was that comment re: coverage of Blago, vole?

  70. - Responsa - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    –Many Dads are extremely busy providing for their families and/or–quite honestly–might not have the tolerance for that type of thing. Therefore, they truly might not even know who Harry Potter is.–

    Oh my dear REAL anony: When your kid’s 45 and on the shrink’s couch complaining how dad didn’t ever have time to play or to “bond” I hope you remember this conversation. LOL

  71. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:43 pm:

    Really, Responsa? Some might argue that that’s what Mom’s are for when the “going get rough”.

    Couples are a Team, Responsa–remember THAT. They compensate for one another when required. And when it’s done properly, there’s no “shrink’s couch”.

  72. - Carlinville, IL - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    I am not RE-Electing anyone…I am not alone…we will remember in September. I can also remember a conversation with Senator Vince Demuzio, very first primary Blago ran in for governor…I asked Vince if he planned to support Blago… He spoke up and said…”one word comes to minf…THUGS”…he then shook his head to indicate “no” and walked away. That was Vince…not Deanna,,it appears..that Vince forgot to clue her in… So I repeat…I will not vote to RE-elect anyone.

  73. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    OK, enough. Move along.

  74. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    Loop Lady - sure, you just keep believing in PQ. From PQs recent job rating numbers (see more recent capfaxblog article), it looks like you are increasingly alone in your rosy picture of PQ. Fumingation is only one area of incompetence. I believe the number of those who “qualify” for that program was in the hundreds. PQ has only removed a few, and it appears only after much pressure from others. What a man. From his flip flop on the capitol construction program to his failures in reform and his inability to enact a tax increase are only a few. You go ahead and find those other fumigants. I can add more failures to the list as you go.

  75. - Tommy98 - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    Too bad Kirk Dillard didn’t win, our choices are incompetent or crazy for gov, nice Illinois.

  76. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:50 pm:


    Dillard would not have been a shoe-in either. I supported his candicacy and think he would have been a fine gov. However, he would have been fiercly attacked for being a GOP insider with strong ties to the DuPage GOP power structure and would have had to deal with that. I’m going to assume you refer to PQ re incompetent - Brady for crazy. I agree with PQ. Brady can still make this a race if he acknowledges his strong conservative beliefs and re-direct the dialogue to the pressing issues this state has. Issues that are important to many but have limited impact on the financial horror that is the states’ finances. If he stays that course he has a chance. People may be able to overlook some ideology in favor of fiscal competence and integrity.

  77. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:49 pm:


    I would add that the 2 high ranking DOC staff who were sacked unceremoniously to cover for Randle’s screw up of the prisoner release program were not afforded the chance to save face, were they? The opinions of many who blog here of the 2 staffers were quite favorable - it looked more like a petulant director stabbing 2 senior staff in the back for having the audacity to challenge his decisions. PQ should have fumigated Randle but he couldn’t cause it would be proof that he screwed up by hiring Randle in the first place.
    At least we don’t have to worry about PQ fumigating a campaign manager - he doesn’t have one!

  78. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 5:36 pm:

    VMan, for the umpteeth time, the Democratic Party didn’t elect Blago governor, the people of Illinois did. No escape.

    You have a hard time understanding that. Who types for you and dials your phone calls?

  79. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 8:13 pm:

    DD: Sorry I couldn’t blog all day to further my points…I have a day job…I don’t take a messianic view of any pol…it’s April and the election is seven months away…Quinn will win, assemble his own team, and further pull the state out of the morass that his two predecessors left him to clean up…

  80. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 8:47 am:

    ” . . . he screwed up by hiring Randle in the first place.”

    The Governor hired him but the Senate confirmed him. And the hearing he got in Exec Appointments was as soft as cotton candy.

  81. - Apprentice Curtis - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 9:08 am:

    At the end of Apprentice Curtis says to Rod ‘Keep in contact’.. with what? How? snail mail Rod can’t use a computer or a mobile phone

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