Unsolicited advice
Tuesday, Apr 6, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Dear Gov. Pat Quinn, Dude, your job rating numbers are quickly sinking into George Ryan territory. Public Policy Polling has teased tomorrow’s results. They have your approval rating at 25 percent, with your disapproval at 53. Yikes, man. Releasing violent criminals from prison and then refusing to punish those responsible, and then pardoning a bunch of former criminals last week ain’t doing you much good, either. Just sayin’. Also, two months since the primary and you still have no campaign manager? What are you smoking, man? * Dear state Sen. Bill Brady, There is not a single, up-to-date, reputable study that shows anything like the estimate you just gave for how much the new federal health care bill will cost Illinois government…
But this is not a bad argument at all…
* Dear Forrest Claypool, You showed today that you’re trying to piece back together the liberal/black coalition which so badly frayed during your 2006 primary race against Cook County Board President John Stroger. But having Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. at your side during today’s press conference won’t exactly help you burnish those reformer credentials. And while your message packed some real punches and was filled with lots of headline fodder, your delivery style needs more than a little work… I almost fell asleep watching that thing. * Dear Sheila Simon, You need a better answer than this…
Gobbledygook. * Dear Illinois State Fair, Is cover band “Kiss Army” really a grandstand-worthy act on a Saturday night? I will go see Cheap Trick, but all those bubble gum country pop acts are a bit much. * Dear national media,
* Your turn…
- Conservative Republican - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:39 pm:
Hey, you should stay off for a week more often. Your posts here are pithy, to the point, and raw. Best blog reads from you compressed in one post in a while. Keep it up. Your favorite commentator to delete, CR
- Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:45 pm:
Dear IDOT, Why don’t you just close every intersection/interchange on the South/West/East side of Springfield and block access to the entire city???
- Crystal Clear - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
Dear Governor Quinn:
While pardoning hundreds of convicts, it would be helpful to release the names yourself and not refer people to the Secretary of State to find out who you pardoned.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:53 pm:
I concur. Good posts, Rich. I hope your dad is doing better. And Chevelle & Shinedown are coming to the State Fair. It’s nice that we got a national hard rock act - and Chevelle is from Chicago.
- shore - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:54 pm:
Dear wttw, 1. bring back rich samuels 2. bring back the friday night show permanently. 3. get your cspan on and put all of your archives online.
Dear Barack Obama, you lived in chicago for 25 years, not being able to name a single white sox you rooted for is pathetic.
Dear Barack Obama, they do not serve wine at wrigley field so for you (a whole foods eating double ivy league graduate) to go on national tv and blast cubs fans for their elitism shows how a)little you know about wrigley and chicago b)out of touch you are.
Dear Sheila Simon, If you want to root out corruption, please identify the people and practices you believe are corrupt in Illinois politics and what you will do to change them.
- irish - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:56 pm:
Dear Mark Buerle,
Are you kidding me? “I didn’t even realize what I was doing.” You had to have practiced that move before! unbelieveable!
Dear Goat,
Even though I am a Cards fan I still think you gotta back off and at least let the Cubs win some. That was harsh dude, to have their opener turn out that way!
Dear Rod,
The big reality show begins after July. You might want to conserve your energy.
Dear Mr Whitney,
You might want to step it up just a little. You might have a pretty good showing.
- MOON - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 2:56 pm:
Claypool had high praise for the current assessor Jim Houlihan and at the same time criticized Mr. Berrios for his fundraising techniques. My question is how did Houlihan raise his fund? A review of public records indicates that the overwhelming portion came from the same people as those that contributed to Mr. Berrios.
Secondly, Mr. Claypool is of the opinion that Houlihan is reformer. My second question is how can Claypool claim Houlihan is a “reformer” when Houlihan is such a good friend of Blago’s? If this is what Claypool calls reform then I want no part of it!
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:00 pm:
You are COOKIN’, Rich. Hope your Dad is doing well.
- right side - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:01 pm:
Speaker Madigan,
I know you think Quinn is a troll. And you are right. But you better get a team around him before he drags you into the minority (remember how much you hated those two years). Guys like Bob Flider can kiss their A** goodbye if you let this continue. Just saying…
- Crystal Clear - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:02 pm:
Dear Sen. Brady:
You’re no longer running in the conservative and down state leaning - 6 way Republican primary. It will take more than 155,000 votes to win the general election. Broaden your base.
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:04 pm:
Questions for Triple J and Claypool.
Neither of you endorsed Ray Figueroa or any of the good government candidates who gathered sigs to run for Cook County Assessor, e.g. Ali ElSaffar and Andrea Raila.
If the Cook County Assessor race wasn’t a big enough deal for you to support Figueroa, ElSaffar or Raila in the primary, why is it a big deal now? Why should activists risk burning bridges with the Dem Party to support Claypool as an independent?
I assume you didn’t back Figueroa because you were following the wisdom of “Don’t make no waves; don’t back no losers.” Fair enough.
But if you (and Houlihan, and Schakowsky, and Quigley) couldn’t be bothered in the Dem primary, what makes the Claypool vs. Berrios cause so compelling?
Are you willing to accuse Anita Alvarez of protecting Berrios from prosecution in the case of Paul Froehlich and Victor Santana? If that’s the case, shouldn’t this movement include organizing to dump Anita Alvarez in two years?
- Red Ranger - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:04 pm:
Dear Bill Brady,
When you stay on Jerry Clarke’s leash, you aren’t half bad. If Quinn’s numbers keep falling, you may have shot. I’d leave the thinking to Jerry.
Dear President Obama,
The one thing we had in common was a deep love for the South Siders. I guess like a lot of things with you, the White Sox love was just a prop to buy you some street cred. Too bad, I hear the Nats aren’t too terrible this year
- cassandra - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:08 pm:
Actually, I wouldn’t underestimate Sheila. Unless Jason has gotten some really terrific debating lessons she’ll win the lt. guv debate easily.
Most importantly, Illinoisians seem to think Paul Simon was the ultimate in honesty and integrity. I didn’t live here during his tenure so I can’t say. But I can predict that against the backdrop of the Blago trial, the Dems are going to need
all the Paul Simon reminiscences they can put out there. Our Pat isn’t going to be able totally separate his career from that of our Blago. And who knows what zingers Blago is planning against any of his fellow Dem pols, including our Pat.
I could all come down to Sheila being able to convince enough folks that her family’s past
is Illinois’ future.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
===she’ll win the lt. guv debate easily. ===
Don’t base your assumptions on one TV appearance by Plummer. He’s done better since. Also, Simon ain’t exactly great on the stump, either.
And unless somebody makes a gigantically huge error, that debate won’t matter anyway.
- dc - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:15 pm:
The State Fair lineup is better this year that last year. Shinedown is a nice addition. Cheap Trick is always a classic. Even with groups I don’t care for, I see them selling more tickets this year. I agree with you Rich about the Kiss cover band.
- 10th Indy - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:24 pm:
Dear Donald Trump: The impeached and indicted former governor of Illinois not courageous – he’s crazy.
Dear Greg Mortenson: The guy who lost millions of Illinois family’s tuition money is probably not the best guy to have guest speak at a fundraiser for girl’s schools Afghanistan.
Dear Mssrs. Miller - Have a full and speedy recovery.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:28 pm:
Dear Forrest Claypool:
Fat chance.
Dear Shiela Simon:
“George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich had 50 years of experience between them. As any good preacher will tell you, its not how much time you spend on this Earth, but what you do with that time that matters.”
“Pat Quinn’s a former cross-country runner, so lets not get ahead of ourselves. But I think the day is coming soon when a woman will lead this great state, and I think that as a mother and a teacher, I bring great insight to state government.”
“My dad always said that good government begins with listening. Maybe its our ears, but I think he was right, and I’ve learned that if you listen to the people, you can never go wrong.”
Dear Cubs Fans:
Better luck next year.
Redbird Nation
- 10th Indy - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:34 pm:
Dear me: Proof read before posting. Little words like “is” and “in” matter.
- Dead Head - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:36 pm:
Rich, you know I wish you, your father and your grandmother all the best. That being said…
Dear Sheila,
Don’t pay any attention to Rich. I think someone who hasn’t been engulfed in State politics is just what we need.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:45 pm:
Dear Rich: keep up the good work here at Capitol Fax, but don’t let it get in the way of visiting your father. You already knew that, but just saying.
Dear St. Louis Cardinals: Fired Tony LaRussa and Mark McGuire, the hypocrisy of those two guys is almost enough to drive me into a cubs hat.
Dear Mark Kirk: Just switch parties already.
Dear Pat Quinn: Keep it up. You may be the only man alive who can get Bill Brady elected.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:47 pm:
Dear Rod Blagojevich
You should be careful where you jog. There is a drone that has been assigned to follow your movements from outer space. The Chinese set it up in cooperation with the Sri Lanka Tamal rebels. It has the power to take photos of you through your clothes. They plan to take these photos and transfer them to t-shirts and dog sweaters and sell them on E-Bay. The money collected will go to Lisa Madigan’s campaign fund. When the Speaker’s bill eliminating the Lt. Governor’s office is passed, he intends to ensure that whoever is elected in November will be forced to resign, making his daughter, as Attorney General, governor. Get the word out by appearing on Ellen and The Tyra Banks Show.
Dear Jesse White
Do you feel lonely? We are wondering how it must feel to be the only normal person nominated on a major party ticket.
Dear Senator Brady
Learn Spanish and how to play the piano. This way if you lose in November, you could have a nice job waiting for you in an Acapulco dive bar.
Dear Sheila Simon
When questioned by journalists on your previous experience in government, tell them you can see Kentucky from your kitchen window.
Dear Jason Plummer
Grow a beard. Carry an axe. Wear red flannel and walk with a blue ox. On stage, swing your axe over your head and shout to the audience that you will “chop this debt down to size, and feed it to my blue ox!”
Dear Governor
If you find a need to get away from pesty journalists questioning why you have done little to nothing since becoming governor, start jogging shirtless. Not only would they leave you alone, they won’t take photos either. And you get the added bonus of becoming a “Love-A-Bear” poster boy.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
Hey Moving to Oklahoma - you still here?
Hey VM - staying home this Nov, are we?
- train111 - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 3:59 pm:
Quinn’s numbers in PPP’s Jan 27th poll were 25% fav and 55% unfav, so not much change there. Their head to head horserace numbers were with Ryan and McKenna however, so Brady is the unknown here.
I expect something similar to the Senate race numbers.
The Greens should ramp it up. Given the number of undecideds they might indeed make a good showing.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:04 pm:
Dear Brady/Plummer,
Plummer’s greatest strength is not his business background. His business background is somewhat dubious. His geatest strength is the fact that he campaigned that he would not accept pay so long as Illinois’ unemployment rate remains in the double-digits. You both need to highlight this for voters and use because it more than you have heretofore for its excellent populist appeal. In order to win you both must make populist appeals, more importantly they need to be populist appeals that you will actually follow-through on. Plummer may in fact want to consider expanding his pledge and not accepting any pay for a year or more, regardless of the state’s unemployment rate because it shows Illinoisans that he actually cares and isn’t in it to enrich himself and it is also a perfect example of a public servant putting service before self. This ties nicely with the fact that he is a reservist. He’s not doing it because he has to, he’s doing it because he wants to.
We understand that Plummer is wealthy and doesn’t need the money, and I write this not to suggest that everyone should follow suit. Plummer has no political experience, this is a way to help him find a way to relate to voters outside the GOP and resonnate well with them. Also it definitely distinguishes him from Simon.
Dear Sheila Simon,
If you really wanted the Lieutenant Governor job, you should have ran for it in the primary! The ONLY reason you were chosen, as it were, is because your lastname is Simon and you are the daughter of Sen. Paul Simon. Please keep the fact that you were chosen for your famous pol lastname and the fact that you didn’t actually run in the primary in mind everytime you go out on the campaign trail and stump.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:07 pm:
===I expect something similar to the Senate race numbers.===
You need to adjust your expectations. Just sayin…
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:09 pm:
Dear Sheila Simon,
Don’t let some fatty reporter new to Illinois faze you…remind him you are the daughter of two state reps, and that your father is one of two politicians from Illinois known for their honesty. Maybe not being able to get a loophole for that Blago Gaming Board appointment is a good thing.
- Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:10 pm:
==help him find a way to relate to voters==
I thought his Dad would help him with that…
- A.B, - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
Dear Democratic Ticket -
When you figure out to shut-up and spend these months raising money, you might have a shot.
Dear Republican Ticket -
I hope you have a convoy of Brinks Trucks rolling the dough in from out of state, because while the Democrats are hanging themselves, you haven’t figured out how to get your message into the homes of the independents and soft D’s. Looks like ad revenues and postage will be way up this year.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
Hey VM - staying home this Nov, are we?
No way! I’m voting them ALL OUT, except Jesse White. Every single one of them. We simply cannot do worse than what we have right now.
But that doesn’t mean I’m voting GOP either. I tried voting out these hacks during the Democratic Primary, but they still ended up winning the nominations. But I want these people out of office. I do not want to see them on television, read about them online, hear about them on radio, unless they are doing something about the mess we are in. No more spin.
My advice to incumbants is to pack up. They have not earned re-election.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 4:56 pm:
But, VM, there is no spot on the ballot for “voting them all out”. You gotta vote for someone. Voting someone out must mean that someone is already in. That means you would vote PQ out - but that can’t happen unless your vote elects someone new (Brady?). Voting for a 3rd party candidate is a wasted vote. No 3rd party candidate has won an statewide election that I am aware of. Writing in someone may make you feel better (it made me feel better) but, ultimately, it is a wasted vote - no write in candidate has won at the statewide level as well.
That only leaves the possibility that you are secretly preparing to mount a major campaign as an indepentent candidate for the Gov office. Got someone in mind for the Lite Gov slot?
- ABCBoy - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 5:00 pm:
“Dear Jason Plummer
Grow a beard. Carry an axe. Wear red flannel and walk with a blue ox. On stage, swing your axe over your head and shout to the audience that you will “chop this debt down to size, and feed it to my blue ox!””
VanillaMan wins.
- quicknote - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 5:49 pm:
Dear CWS fans angry with BHO: Realize the question was “What CWS fans did you follow in your youth” and the answer was “I was living in Hawaii. I wasn’t a fan until I moved to Chicago.”
- AnnonyDonny - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 5:54 pm:
Capt Fax:
It appeared Claypool committed his heartfelt emotional bid return to flee private sector buckaroos to another county check to memory. Those the rushed delivery. Plus if you try to talk slowly about Hooli with JJJ (aka/Senate seat seeker) hovering you cannot avoid giggling.
Hope he has added up all the breaks Hooli gave the big biz bldgs. Berrios just gets to correct the mistakes.
- quicknote - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 5:57 pm:
players, not fans, that is.
- Q. Lett - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 6:02 pm:
Dear Chicago News Media:
Will someone please ask Claypool what exactly his now defunct healthcare “business opportunity” was all about? Remember, he gave up his County Brd President campaign to start this new business. What happened?
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 6:09 pm:
Dear Brady/Plummer and Quinn/Simon,
The race for Gov. is to see who can get the MOST votes, not the least.
Dear Rich Whitney,
I know you aren’t Jesse “The Body” (not sure if that’s a plus or minus), but you might want to study his campaign.
- One more thought.... - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 6:13 pm:
Dear Pat Quinn:
You will not win in November unless you put an end to the unforced errors your administration seems to make on a weekly basis. Here’s the solution: 1) Fire all the Blago holdovers in high-priced state agency spots. 2) Fill those jobs by reassigning all the members of your executive staff. 3) Hire a new team of experienced and trust-worthy outsiders to run your office.
It will be tough to move all these familiar folks out of your inner-circle, but it’s for their own good. They won’t have jobs at all next year if the status quo remains.
- AnnonyDonny - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 6:25 pm:
Speaking of double standard….A quick peek at Hooli campaign reports shows:
A. Enough tabs to firmly cement his “last man in the bar” moniker and
B. the following shocking crimes. Will FC stand by his man?
Citizens for James M Houlihan Violation
City of Chicago Dept. Of Revenue P.O. Box 88290
Chicago, IL 60680 $60.00
8/19/2009 Expenditure
Citizens for James M Houlihan Violation
City of Chicago Dept. Of Revenue P.O. Box 88290
Chicago, IL 60680 $60.00
10/1/2009 Expenditure
Citizens for James M Houlihan Violation
- Amalia - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 7:33 pm:
methinks AnnonyDonny doth protest too much.
- Dnstateanon - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 8:25 pm:
Where did Vanillaman go I want to read his response to the other posters concerning “voting them all out” if he’s not voting for Brady?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 6, 10 @ 11:08 pm:
Dear Forrest:
When you told Sneed that people in the White House were encouraging you to run for assessor, you really meant people at the White Castle, right? The place with the jalapeno sliders on Cicero Ave., not the one with the rose garden on Pennsylvania Ave., right?
Actually, it’s hard to believe the folks at either one would care what you did.
- Bookworm - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 6:51 am:
Dear Sen. Brady,
Put NJ Gov. Christie’s number on your speed dial if you haven’t already done so.
- the Patriot - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 8:00 am:
Dear Pat Quinn,
The threat to cut schools and state police didn’t work. Give us a real budget proposal. Cutting state funding to education only shifts the burden to local tax payers unless you loosen requirements on schools. Laying off state troopers doesn’t make there be less crime, it shifts the burden to local law enforcement. Of all the things to cut, ideas that only shift burdens from state to local taxes, don’t work. You have to start eliminating programs started by Blago that don’t work.