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Kirk raises a bundle, keeps up the heat

Wednesday, Apr 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican Mark Kirk says he has raised $2.2 million in the first quarter of the year and had over $3 million in the bank. From a press release….

Five-term Congressman and Navy veteran Mark Kirk today reported his Illinois Senate campaign raised more than $2.2 million since January 1st and more than $6.6 million for the 2010 cycle with over $3 million in the bank at the close of the first quarter.

As of April 1st, the Kirk campaign received contributions from more than 9,000 individual contributors (80% from Illinois). More than 4,200 people (85% of all contributions) donated to the campaign in the last three months alone.

Kirk has been hit in the past for accepting lots of PAC money, so that’s why he’s stressing the number of contributors. Notice that he’s using total numbers of contributors, not dollars, in that second graf.

Giannoulias has not yet issued his fundraising report, but I was told yesterday he raised more in this last quarter than he has in previous quarters. Then again, Giannouolias had a hot primary and Kirk did not. The important number will be the amount he raised after February 2nd, when all heck has broken loose on the family bank. Kirk’s comment about “leading the effort” to repeal the health insurance law (which he has since walked back) reportedly helped Giannoulias’ fundraising.

* The Giannoulias campaign has also been talking up its recent focus group studies. Sen. Dick Durbin mentioned them to the Tribune editorial board yesterday

Durbin said [yesterday] that campaign focus groups show that instead of expressing concern about Broadway Bank, voters are asking, “What about my job? What is going on in terms of the economy and moving forward?” in the contest against Kirk.

“I think at the end of the day, the overriding issue is going to be the state of the economy and whether it’s turned around — whether Mr. Kirk’s position on economic issues is better for the state or Mr. Giannoulias’,” Durbin said.

But Kirk kept hammering away

Rep. Mark Kirk insisted he needed to leave a Tuesday news conference in a hurry to get to another appointment, until he was asked about his Democratic opponent in the race for U.S. Senate and the questions swirling around his family’s bank.

“He has built up a record of reckless irresponsibility regarding other people’s money,” Kirk said of Democrat Alexi Giannoulias after speaking at the Shedd Aquarium about his opposition to closing a Coast Guard helicopter station in Waukegan. […]

Days after Democrats dismissed talk Giannoulias should bow out of the race in the light of the bank’s problems, Kirk sounded like someone clearly happy about who he’s running against.

“That’s not Illinois law,” he said, when asked if he thought the White House would try to get Giannoulias to drop out of the race. “Under Illinois law, once you become the elected nominee of your party you’re in it.”

It seems odd that a reporter would ask a Republican congressman what he thought a Democratic White House would do about a Democratic candidate except as a meaty soft ball designed to produce copy, but that’s the game, I suppose.

* In other campaign finance news, Democratic 10th Congressional District hopeful Dan Seals claims to have outraised Republican Bob Dold. From a press release…

In the April Reporting Period from January 14 to March 31, 2010, Seals received $634,076 in contributions. This figure surpasses the first quarter fundraising record of $632,144 set by Rep. Mark Kirk in the first quarter of 2008. Seals will also report nearly $460,000 cash-on-hand.

For the full quarter of January 1 to March 31, Seals raised $662,773, an advantage of more than 31% over opponent Bob Dold’s receipts of just $504,822 during the same period. Seals’ cash-on-hand figure of $460,000 also outstrips Dold’s holdings of just $377,672.

Regardless of that release, Dold is doing pretty well for a first timer.


  1. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 9:49 am:

    Kirk actually has never been among the big PAC fundraisers. His district has a huge base of wealthy individual donors that have always provided the overwhelming majority of his cash.

    Now that Dick Durbin has discovered the key to the race here’s my suggested ad copy…

    “He may have done business with mobsters, he may have helped lead his bank to ruin, he may have lost half your kid’s college fund, he may have purchased elected office with his family’s fortune, but Alexi has a jobs plan that you can trust.”

    Yeah, Dick, that’s a winner.

  2. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 9:49 am:

    “I think at the end of the day, the overriding issue is going to be the state of the economy and whether it’s turned around…”

    Of course the economy is a dominant issue, but the bank is going to be a huge negative for Alexi, particularly when it ultimately fails. It looks like Kirk will have the cash to keep it an issue to the end.

  3. - shore - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 9:57 am:

    Alexi is focused on jobs except that how many will be lost when his bank goes under? And how many were lost the last 4 years in illinois?

    As far as his bank goes, wait until after the blago trial to see if voters still care about it, I bet they do and senator durbin isn’t one to talk about how kirk’s attacks are a distraction when all Alexi talks about all day are specious attacks about kirk’s flip flops and “insider dealings”.

  4. - shore - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 9:57 am:

    Quinn makes a good argument about brady that his credibility on jobs is limited given the failure of his business. the same can be said on alexi.

  5. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 10:11 am:

    So Kirk is remaining healthy while Giannoulais is on the “watch list”?

    Not good. When the media feels a need to report that vultures are flying in circles over your campaign - it is just not a good sign, even if you feel fine.

    And this scenario will continue as folks covering this race feel a need to continually mention how close Broadway Bank is to bankruptsy all summer long. With these economic times, and with banks and bankers creating waves, it will be almost impossible for Giannoulais to change the subject.

    Worse for him, Kirk has found an easy way to tie Giannoulais as a guy who is irresponsible with other people’s money. Handling other people’s money is Giannoulais’ job as treasurer. How is Giannoulais going to counter that? Say, “Kirk is wrong, I don’t handle other people’s money irresponsibly, I handle other people’s money responsibly!” Voters are just going to remember the uncomfortable fact that Giannoulis handles their money during these rotten economic times.

    Not good.

  6. - Responsa - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    Arguably, the only reason Alexi is state treasurer today (and using that post as a springboard to run for the US Senate) is because he was able to amplify his role and so called expertise in running his family bank to get elected. Now that that advertised credential has been shown to be hollow he really has no other known salient expertise to fall back on which he can offer voters. I will grant you that those of my friends who normally vote for Democrats and with whom I have discussed this race are primarily limited to suburban types—but, at this time I don’t know of a single one of them who is planning to vote for Alexi in the fall.

  7. - Chad - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 10:45 am:

    Another liability for Giann. Will surely be when the poor sapps who took the “hard money” loans from “Jaws” begin to share how the kindly loan collectors dropped by so Broadway could be repaid.

  8. - Segatari - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    >“That’s not Illinois law,” he said, when asked if he thought the White House would try to get Giannoulias to drop out of the race. “Under Illinois law, once you become the elected nominee of your party you’re in it.”

    Unless you’re Scott Lee Cohen.

  9. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 11:03 am:

    What does Kirk stand for.

    He wants to lead the fight to repeal health care for thousands of children, women and men in Illinois. But he wants to keep his government funded health care that we provide for him.

    He wants to lead the fight to make our President Obama who he disrespectfuly calls “this guy” a one term president.

    So Kirk will endorse and support Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrigh or any nominee of the republican party in 2012 just as long as he can make “this guy” a one term president.

    That is not the reckless partisanship Illinois needs or our nation needs.

  10. - Conservative Veteran - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 11:09 am:

    No, (618) Democrat, Kirk doesn’t want to repeal the recent health care law. He voted against the law, but he’s one of the few republican congressmen who doesn’t want to repeal it.

  11. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    Dold just keeps on raising money and sneaking up on everyone else. Ask the group of fine Republican candidates he defeated in the primary.

    The Seals campaign shouldn’t be so smug about him right about now.

  12. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:00 pm:

    Let’s be honest here.

    When has the Sun-Times or the Trib asked Mark Kirk a tough question about anything?

    Giannoulias needs to figure how to play it with the two biggest media outlets shilling for Kirk day-in-and-day-out.

    The Trib regularly quotes Republican campaign contributors as objective sources for information. And amazingly these sources are consistently critical of Giannoulias, Democrats and the Obama administration.

  13. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    louis, i dunno i still think dold is much too conservative for that area. given kirk’s and porter’s longevitythat district strikes me as a fairly stick-with-what/who you-know type of area. as a case in point hamos, who was also too liberal for that area anyway. my only question about seals is can he be trusted enough not to go to d.c. and cave-in to the party demands? would he remain a solid moderate, even under pressure? no one truly knows because he’s never been tested in that way having never held a political office. so, even with him there is some uncertainty.

  14. - well - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    Yeah, Carl, The Sun Times is such a conservative rag.

    Instead of dreaming up media conspiracies to explain Alexi’s troubles, why don’t you take a long hard look at Alexi himself?

  15. - right side - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    Yes, Carl, its time to take a good hard look at Alexi. It won’t get any better from here. His “redemption tour” with the newspapers will ultimately hurt more than help if, as it appears, he lied to them.

    At the end of day they will both be well funded but the weapons in Kirk’s arsenal are so much more lethal than the ones in Alexi’s. “He is a flip-flopper” vs. “he is the mob’s bankers and caused his bank to belly up but he still made a killing”. Which message would you rather run against?

  16. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    right side, didn’t Kirk take campaign cash from Tony Rezko a convicted felon that is now serving a prison sentence.

  17. - phocion - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    (618) - why throw those pitiful softballs?
    Didn’t Obama get his career started, serve as attorney for, and buy his home through Tony Rezko?
    Please. Keep the hyper-partisan, simple minded lameness off of these boards. It just makes the entire comment and everything he or say says look foolish, IMHO.

  18. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    As usual, the only thing the Dem shills can come up with here is, “oh yeah? Well Mark Kirk has cooties.”

    I’ll say it again…

    Alexi’s scandals have nothing to do with Kirk or actual policy issues. Alexi’s scandals go to his fundamental fitness for high public office. Many voters who are not strongly motivated by policy positions (also known as independents) will take note of these matters and it will hurt Alexi badly. There is nothing even remotely like this in Kirk’s background. He has been scrutinized with a microscope by the DCCC repeatedly.

    In this environment, a match up just on the issues will be close. Kirk’s moderate positions play well in Illinois. Alexi has an edge on straight party alignment. But character does matter.

    A relatively inexperienced and unaccomplished pol who is mired in several serious scandals is going to have a rough time with a scandal-free, naval officer with a clean reputation…no matter which party each is in.

  19. - right side - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    618….exactly my point. Alexi tries to hit Kirk with a small Rezko donation and Kirk fires back with the shady loans Alexi made to Rezko, financing his scams and furthering his criminal enterprises. I am guessing Alexi won’t be bringin Rezko’s name up very often.

  20. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    rs, My point is this election won’t be about a family bank or Kirk’s shady involvement with Rezko.

    This race will come down to who will create more jobs for the people of Illinois. Who will support better health care for the people of Illinois. Who will support President Obama.

  21. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    Also 618,
    Kirk isn’t running against an US Senate incumbant, so Giannoulais has to sell himself. Fingerpointing against suspected outcomes if Kirk is elected, didn’t help McCain against Obama. So smearing Kirk will only paint one wall in that room, but not finish the job if Giannoulais can’t settle questions about himself enough for voters to support him.

    You need another talking point on health care too - yours is a lie. Kirk supports repealing Obamacare, he isn’t opposed to health care. Just telling voters that Kirk is in favor of repealing Obamacare, ought to be enough to get your point across, without adding lies to discredit it.

  22. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:46 pm:

    This just isn’t Giannoulais’ year. Stressed out voters worrying about their bills aren’t going to relate to a multi-millionaire banker’s son. Especially when he is a one-note Nelly where his only point of accomplishment is getting millions more in cash as his failing bank is causing voters to lose their money.

    Giannoulais would need coat-tails during a normal election year. He is going to need a miracle for this one.

  23. - well - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    If you think corruption isn’t going to be a major issue come November, 618, you’re dream.

    Furthermore, have you noticed that Republicans are now more trusted on the economy than Democrats? If the unemployment rate remains high, the voters’ trust in the Democrats on the economy is only going to erode further.

  24. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    VM, Kirk says he will lead the fight to repeal the health care bill.

    If the bill is repealed there wil be children, men and women in Illinois who won’t have health care. To me that means he opposes and will denie health care to those people. That is the truth.

    Why is it a great idea for Kirk to have government provided health care yet he thinks government health care is a bad idea for the people that provide it to him.

  25. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    and UH!
    Polls are showing BRADY ahead!
    Talk about a canary in a coal mine!

    Giannoulais has to do something now, but even I can’t come up with a suitable strategy as Illinois awaits his bank’s funeral this year. As the kid banker whose family bank is dying, doesn’t he have to go through some kind of public mourning and wear black?

    OK - how’s this - Giannoulais starts to claim that he and his family are also victims of Bush’s economic catastrophe? You know - Alexi is a victim too, just like you! Maybe do a tearful interview talking about how his dreams are being crushed by the cruel hand of business fate!

    “I’m down to mere millions!” [sob!]

    On his campaign photos he can do his portrait kinda like those Margaret Keene paintings back in the 1960! Big doe eyes all droopy with little pouty lips! YEAH!

    “Help Our Littlest State Treasurer Go To DC!”

  26. - right side - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:14 pm:

    618…Have you been watching politics for very long….especially politics in Illinois? Did I miss it….did voters suddenly develop an intense appetite for substance? Doubtful. This race will be what most of them are, a race about character. And a tiny donation from a slime will matter a lot less than bankrolling his schemes. Alexi has crap everywhere he turns. And that is how voters will decide who to trust.

  27. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Kirk says he will lead the fight to repeal the health care bill.

    There ya go. It says it all. You want to sway Independants and Republicans, so you have to speak like them. All that other stuff just muddies it, and they won’t care.

    Any candidate leading a repeal sets himself up in a bad way.

    And the reason Kirk gets health care is the same reason a majority of Americans get health care, their productivity pays for it. We all know that because that is common sense in the real world, right? So that line isn’t going to wash with Independants and Republicans either.

    K.I.S. - Dude.

  28. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 4:03 pm:

    VM, Kirk gets health care because me and millions of other Americans pay for it with our tax dollars. I really don’t understand why he is opposed to children with a pre-exsiting health condition getting health insurance as good as the health insurance we provide for him.

    rs, I have been watching politics in Illinois for a long time. You may think voters in Illinois are idiots but I think they are hard working intelligent people who fully understand substance.

    All of the things that Kirk and his shills are bringing up has been brought up before. Two primaries and a State Wide election. The voters supported Alexi because of his vision and hard work ethic. They will again.

  29. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 4:57 pm:

    Kirk has proven himself to be a major fundraiser when he was running for election and reelection in the 10th. He has continued that strength and has the full support of the RNC and NRSC. This seat is the NRSC’s #1 takeover target. Kirk will get the full ammo he needs and will have the manpower and volunteer base to GOTV and splatter his name, message and face all over God’s green Illinois.

    Alexi was elected on Obama’s coattails in a bad GOP year. Period. I know that seems like the most simplified, high school civics class analysis, but there isn’t much other reason voters would put a 30 year old neophyte over the top against a very moderate GOP candidate. 2008 was also a bad GOP year. This will not be a bad GOP year. Alexi is running at the wrong time. The previous negative stories about loan “sharking”, Bright Start and the Ford Escape rendevous were bad enough. The current Broadway Bank crisis and the questionable Abe Lincoln Hotel sale only compound his problems.

    618, I understand you don’t like Mark Kirk. But numerous posts in the same afternoon about the same guy you don’t like? Come on. And don’t hit Mark below the belt for healthcare when Alexi receives awesome care provided by the state of Illinois taxpayers. Unless Alexi is willing to extend his great coverage to all taxpayers, he is talking out of both sides of his mouth.

    Bob Dold really impresses me. He can certainly pull it out with some national help.

  30. - phocion - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 6:09 pm:

    Wow. Is 618 a Republican plant meant to make Democrats look absolutely soft-headed? I mean, geez.

  31. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 6:42 pm:

    2.2 million, huh? You go, Boy!!!

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