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Odds and ends

Wednesday, Apr 7, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A few years ago, I was giving a speech at the Executive Mansion to an interest group. Before the speech, I walked out onto a balcony on the main floor. Unbeknownst to me, I set off a silent alarm and a flock of troopers swarmed on my position and ordered me off the balcony. Turns out, they had that door alarmed because the wooden balcony was so rotted they were worried somebody would fall through. The troopers may have saved my startled hide that day.

ABC7 has just posted a brief story about the horrible condition of the mansion

The mansion needs $12 million to fix heating, plumbing and structural problems. Bricks are displaced and the roof is warped.

About 50,000 tourists visit the mansion each year. And it hosts about 200 events each year. It’s been 40 years since the mechanical systems were rehabbed.

Governor Pat Quinn’s budget proposal allows for just $75,000 in repairs, which is far short of what’s needed to complete the job.

$75K probably wouldn’t even fix the rotted balconies. It’s almost a metaphor for how the leadership of this state has allowed everything to deteriorate.

* Kristen McQueary writes about the race between freshman Democratic congresscritter Debbie Halvorson and Republican Adam Kinzinger…

Kinzinger promises to be a less-partisan Republican. An Iraq war veteran, he recently secured the endorsement of Sarah Palin who will undoubtedly swing through the 11th District at some point to raise money.

Those two sentences don’t jibe, I’m afraid. Among other things, Palin recently described the GOP as the “the party of hell no!” You can’t, on the one hand, predict that a candidate will be less partisan and then immediately note that he has embraced somebody like Palin.

That said, I do believe Kinzinger is a heckuva candidate who has a good shot at this one.

* Several governors have reported receiving ominous letters from some nutball fringe group, but our governor won’t confirm anything

Gov. Pat Quinn is keeping mum on whether he received one of dozens of foreboding letters sent to governors throughout the country threatening to remove them from office.

“As a matter of policy, this office declines to discuss security matters pertaining to the governor,” Quinn spokesman Bob Reed said.

The letters, sent by the right-wing extremist group Guardians of the free Republics, called on the top state officials across the country to leave office within three days or be removed.

The group’s website (no link from me) claims it is strictly non-violent, but some governors have increased security after receiving the letters.

* And if you actually need any further evidence that Rod Blagojevich is a sociopath, then look no further than this

In 2008, Rod Blagojevich allegedly set out to shake down Children’s Memorial Hospital after getting a phone call from onetime Cubs manager Dusty Baker, according to court documents.

Baker, who supported the hospital, was asking for state help, according to the filing, which was based on allegations from Blagojevich friend-turned government cooperator John Wyma. Baker was not accused of anything improper.

“Dusty Baker called me. I’m going to do $8 million for them. I want to get [Children’s Memorial Hospital CEO Patrick] Magoon for 50,” Blagojevich allegedly said in a meeting, according to what Wyma told federal authorities.

“50″ allegedly meant a $50,000 campaign contribution. What a menace he was.

* And a roundup…

* Senate Dems Introduce Redistricting Plan

* Fair Map Amendment a good plan for Illinois

* Dems unveil redistricting plans to change constitution

* School voucher pilot program deserves support

* State telecommunications laws due for update

* Bill would require insurance to cover smoking progams

* Blagojevich’s brother wants to suppress recordings

* Blagojevich brother: Don’t play the tapes

* Blagojevich Brothers Differ on Legal Strategy


  1. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:23 pm:


  2. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    $75K probably wouldn’t even fix the rotted balconies

    Could you imagine what they would say if he put in real money into the budget for the fixes it really needs. ‘Gov Living Large while the poor, elderly and veterans get screwed.’ Guess you can’t win either way.

  3. - Bill - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    Its time to knock that dump down.

  4. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    Good point NT,

    Anybody else remember the Rose Garden ad that Hartigan ran against Edgar? The Mansion is a symbol and the voters are not going to like it if they are told how much money the state paid to fix it up this year.

    But for the sake of Illinois, and this important symbol, I sure hope they find the millions next year to save this gem, regardless of who gets to live in it next.

  5. - Apple - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 12:42 pm:

    “Kinzinger a heckuva candidate.” - I’m not so sure. He’s a heckuva a pandering NRCC poster boy that hasn’t met a national GOP talking point he didn’t love. This, along with his love of all things Palin, may not have the desired impact come November..

  6. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    Couldn’t the funds to repair the mansion be secured through a private fundraising effort. You know, pennies from school children (not snark). May be hard to sell but wonder if that could be done. I am a sentamental old fool and love old buildings - hate to see it crumble,collapse or be torn down. Bummer is right.

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    Blago didn’t pay any attention to the mansion, but didn’t Ryan and Edgar spend a lot of time there during the previous 12 years?

    It’s an old, big house, but $12 million for the work described sounds like “deferred maintenance” has been going on there longer than just the last eight years.

    I thought the Ryans poured some bond money into the mansion when they were there. Wasn’t that a project of Mrs. Ryan’s?

  8. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    An energy efficiency audit and retrofit of all systems, infrastructure,and the grounds could be “donated in kind” by Nicor, People’s, Ameren, Exelon Corp. IL Green Industry Assoc and IL companies in the US Green Business Council…they can afford it if each does part of the work necessary…the old manse deserves/needs a facelift!…

  9. - Plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    Maybe Blago wasn’t so crazy to avoid living there after all.

  10. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    The McQueary article is really good. But it doesn’t mention Halvorson’s fundraising quarter.

    $400k raised and $1.2 million on hand.

    That’s a pretty big number.

  11. - Springfield Sceptic - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    Rich, do you know where you can sign a petition to get redistricting on the ballot. Obviously, anything put on there by the legislature will be useless.

  12. - Will Guzzardi - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    SS, you can find the petition here:

  13. - Going nuclear - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    Loop Lady makes a good point. Last year, an Illinois lighting company donated over 100 LED bulbs to the state, which were installed at the mansion to cut energy costs. Six rain barrels were also placed around the building to capture rainwater from downspouts for reuse. Perhaps the Governor could recruit other Illinois firms to donate environmentally friendly equipment and materials to make the mansion a model for greening older, historic buildings.

  14. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:45 pm:

    Our governor’s already tend to have somewhere in the state to live prior to being elected, so I’m not sure there’s any reason to keep it up just as a governor’s mansion. Springfield already has the statehouse and the old statehouse which are far more attractive and historical buildings. Tear it down and plant some ground cover.

  15. - Castor - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    Privatize the mansion. Charge the governor rent.

    If he doesn’t use it a la Blago, no skin out of the taxpayers pocket.

  16. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    There is a Mansion Foundation already in existence, but if memory serves me correctly it has been largely used to purchase antiques and interior work. While I’m not saying it couldn’t or shouldn’t be used to help offset exterior renovation, it might require a change to its operating rules and filing with the IRS to expand its 501 C 3 designation. That all said, the deterioration of the mansion is one more example of the shoddy and inept leadership of this and the previous administrations. Dan Walker did little to keep up the place and things got so bad that the place was deemed uninhabitable in the mid-70s. Jim Thompson spent a bundle on rehabbing the place and Edgar and Ryan kept the place up pretty well.

  17. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    While they were frequently at the mansion, the Edgars had a residence outside Springfield.

  18. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    Word they did some major renovation and security upgrades a while back, but I thought it was during edgar, not Ryan…

    but then again “I like to drink wine more than I used to …”

  19. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    What I said in 2008 regarding Halvorson, still is true - the 11th CD is a GOP leaning district that will return to it’s roots this fall. Her win was due to the economic collapse that discredited oppositional candidates like Ozinga. Ozinga ran as a businessman in a year that didn’t elect businessmen. Polls during that summer showed that she would lose. She didn’t look like a winner until the economy tanked and took Ozinga along.

    In late 2008, voters wanted protection from a collapsing economy, so they ran to Debbie. In late 2010, they will want to see results from the trillions spent and taken from them, their children, and their grandchildren. The largest grouping of tea partiers in Illinois were in her congressional district.

    In 2008, the GOP wasn’t united. In 2010, it is. In 2008, Ozinga didn’t have an issue to run on. In 2010, Kinzinger has many issues drawing hyperactive Republicans who will not sit at home this year. Ozinga is a fat Good Samaritan businessman, a traditional GOP candidate. Kinzinger is a soldier Boy Scout delivering GOP talking points skillfully to a receptive audience.

    Back in 2008, I also repeatedly wrote that once Halvorson was elected, her constituents would learn to love her. But the last two years have not been the kind of political landscape that generates ties between a GOP leaning congressional district with a liberal Freshman Congresswoman, even one as gifted and charming as Debbie Halvorson.

    The article you linked regarding the Halvorson Kinzinger race doesn’t appear to recognize these realities. I wouldn’t put much stock in it.

    Rich, you are correct. I initially thought of Kinzinger as a lightweight. He isn’t. He is for real.

    When you see polls showing Congressman Phil Hare, in the Democratic leaning 13th barely leading a newby pizza parlor owner, something is definately up. And after listening to Congressman Hare’s blustering poor performance answering questions regarding his undying support of Obamacare over the US Constitution, I wouldn’t be surprised if this pizza parlor owner who never ran a campaign before, ends up in DC this January.

    As a Democrat, I smell a total wipe-out this Fall.

  20. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:39 pm:


    I like Deb but agree with your assessment of her chances this fall. Her fundraising is the only thing that gives her half a chance in this race. After all, this was a district that sent the often-absent Jerry Weller to DC multiple times, and people have forgotten his sins by now.

    But I don’t see a “total” wipe out in IL. Just a surprisingly big one for this state.

  21. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    Tut tut VM, are you sure your allergies aren’t acting up?
    Just because you write incredibly long, oft times witty blurbs, please avoid drinking your own kool-aid…

  22. - irish - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    So if Blago had lived in the mansion, and someone stapled a $20.00 bill on the very edge of the balcony we could have saved ourselves a lot of misery?

  23. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 2:55 pm:

    Tut tut VM, are you sure your allergies aren’t acting up? Just because you write incredibly long, oft times witty blurbs, please avoid drinking your own kool-aid…

    Thank you for your concerns, kind Loop Lady! I like Debbie Halvorson, and am proud that she was elected to Washington in 2008. But she got a lucky break then that will probably not reoccur.

    If Kinzinger puts together an ad where Debbie Halvorson’s face morphs into Nancy Pelosi’s every time Debbie voted to support one of Nancy’s looney left legislation, voters won’t be seeing her charming similarities to Palin.

    BTW, I’m partial to Root Beer Kool-Aid, a rare exotic delight difficult to find, and I am all out. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been so enthralled by my party’s candidates…

  24. - Ghost - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    Why not compromise, move the Dept of aging and other state offices with rented space into the mansion, use the rent money to fix the place

  25. - Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:01 pm:

    the fact that the mansion is in disrepair does not suprise me. The assertion that it will cost $12 mil to repair does not seem like a number that needs to be accepted at face value. I would solicite bids for the overall job and give the winning bidder the right to advertise that it was tasked to fix the mansion or that its windows are in the mansion. Should save us a considerable sum off the $12 mil figure. An old twist on a long time political practice, let someone other than the politician figure out how to “monitize” this thing.

  26. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    I don’t scare easily VM, but Palin scares me to death…Nancy Pelosily does only when she is photographed from her bad side…I am saying that to expect a Dem tsunami this November is at best a suspect conjecture, and at worst delusional…I would not be saying this if the Republican Party hadn’t outlawed moderate viewpoints, and gone completely to the right in it’s political points of view…the choices are few my friend for those who desire rational policy making and makers in this perennial silly season we call Illinois politics…

  27. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    Ha! Funny typo…P-e-l-o-s-i

  28. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    I am saying that to expect a Dem tsunami this November is at best a suspect conjecture…

    I think you meant a Republican tsunami?

    And thinking one is going to lose a campaign is the only way to win one. Expecting to win is delusional.

  29. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    Dem Tsunami meaning: a Dem wipeout…the rest I know after 30 years in the game…

  30. - JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    “Polls during that summer showed that she would lose.”

    That is demonstrably false.

  31. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 3:56 pm:

    Maybe it is time to give Norm and crew at This Old House a call about the Mansion. TOH has not been in the Midwest for a while. This could be a big enough job for a whole season. Get WSEC and WILL involved for a fund raiser. Good PR everywhere.

  32. - Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 4:27 pm:

    The mansion is falling down, but the new heated driveway is in good shape.

  33. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 4:34 pm:

    “Polls during that summer showed that she would lose.”

    Right. That’s wrong.
    Polls during the summer did not show her walking away by over 20 points. That is right.

    I don’t know why I wrote the other line because that was clearly wrong. Thank you for the correction.

  34. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 5:02 pm:

    Maybe it is time to give Norm and crew at This Old House a call about the Mansion. TOH has not been in the Midwest for a while. This could be a big enough job for a whole season. Get WSEC and WILL involved for a fund raiser. Good PR everywhere.

    What a great idea!
    I already email them with this suggestion. Let’s see if they can do that!

  35. - special assistant - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 6:36 pm:

    A home crumbles quickly without a family in it, no wonder it is in bad shape. It has not been lived in since Gov. Ryan. I say fix it up and make a law that it must be occupied my any sitting governor FULL time.

  36. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 7, 10 @ 10:09 pm:

    It’d be nice to see a family living there full time, with perhaps a First Lady who’d be willing to raise some funds. And I’d bet others would be willing to help, too.

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