Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Poll: 44 percent of Illinoisans are loser-lovers
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Poll: 44 percent of Illinoisans are loser-lovers

Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Public Policy Polling has released more results from their recent statewide survey. Here’s one that’ll surely get some tongues wagging…

Would you say you are a Chicago Cubs fan, Chicago White Sox fan, or St. Louis Cardinals fan?

44% Cubs
19% White Sox
22% Cardinals
16% Not a fan of any

The Flubs always win popularity contests. Too bad they can’t win actual ballgames.

Here’s the breakout along partisan lines…

* In less important news, opinions aren’t really set yet over whether the state should eliminate the office of lt. governor…

Do you think Illinois should eliminate the office of Lieutenant Governor?

39% Yes
37% No
24% Not Sure

* PPP also asked questions about corruption. One was whether Illinois has the most corrupt politicians in the country

57% of Illinois voters express that sentiment to 24% who disagree and 19% who are unsure. Republicans are the most solid in that belief, holding it by an 82/9 margin. But a majority of independents (53/27) and a plurality of Democrats (43/32) do as well.

And then there’s this

Perhaps the greatest indicator that Illinois is unusually corrupt is that fewer than half of voters in the state think Rod Blagojevich is the most corrupt Governor of the last half century. 42% of voters say he is followed by 29% for George Ryan, a total of 6% for older Governors Otto Kerner and Daniel Walker, and 22% who aren’t sure.

As you might expect opinions about who’s been most corrupt see a division along party lines- Democrats say it’s Ryan while Republicans say it’s Blagojevich.

Here’s the partisan breakdown…

* It’s no surprise that Attorney General Lisa Madigan is popular. It is a bit of a surprise that her favorables are under 50. However, as we’ve seen with other PPP polls, their favorable/approval ratings lag behind others…

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Lisa Madigan?

49% Favorable
23% Unfavorable
28% Not Sure

64 percent of Democrats, 28 percent of Republicans and 49 percent of independents/others have a favorable opinion of the AG.

…Adding… Go Sox.


  1. - Stones - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    I’m not sure what that baseball poll proves but it’s interesting nonetheless. If you had told me 5 years ago that the Sox would have won the WS I probably guessed that they would be at least as popular as the Cubs. Go figure?

    I’m with you Rich - GO SOX!

  2. - Old Shepherd - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    One way of manipulating this data is to say that 41% of Illinoisans hate the Cubs, while 16% could care less about the Cubs.

    Go Cards!

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:41 pm:

    OS, that might’ve been a better headline. Wish I’d thought of it before.

  4. - Gregor - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    Rod’s numbers often counted on splitting the votes:-)

  5. - Downstate Commissioner - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:47 pm:

    As usual, downstate is beat up by Chicago politicians Go Cards!

  6. - cover - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    The baseball loyalty breakdown doesn’t surprise me. In Chicago, loyalties generally split between the Cubs and Sox. South of I-74, the split is between the Cubs and Cards; here, it’s hard to find fans of the AL generally because of the DH rule.

    Regarding the corruption survey, I don’t understand why Gov. Walker was one of the choices. The actions that landed him in prison were not connected to his time in office. Where was the option to choose Gov. Small, who was more corrupt than Ryan and Blago combined?

  7. - Old Shepherd - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:51 pm:

    You’re welcome to use it!

  8. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 12:53 pm:

    Too late.

  9. - Chubby Cubbie - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    What a refreshing break from hearing about Tiger Woods…and all of his non-golf issues. Media Overkill…Enough!!!!

    Corruption… It’s Illinois folks…we have the best politicians money can buy…..well… maybe not…

    Go CUBS!

  10. - Doug - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    Illinois citizens are smarter than I thought…..

  11. - Greg B. - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:25 pm:

    Too bad the poll didn’t break down whether or not respondents knew anything about baseball… Maybe ask if they knew how many outs in an inning or something. I’m sure Cardinals and Sox would score much better.

  12. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’m not sure if that question would be so good, Greg B. I am not sure if Sox fans can count that high, let alone a fan of a team who is based in Missouri. Maybe something easier like - “If Chris Carpenter throws a strike on the first pitch, how many balls crossed home plate?” That might work.

  13. - Pre - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:41 pm:

    Rich, great post. However, I was shocked to see this flip flop from President Obama. This needs to be addressed…

  14. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    You really don’t have to go very far out of the suburbs down I-57 to get into Cardinals Country. I always thought it was mostly a rebellion by downstaters against all things Chicago. (Is a possibly similar correlation/explanation in play with the new governor polls?

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    do we have regional crosstabs of those team breakdowns?

  16. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    With respect to Lisa Madigan’s favorables a lot of her perceived popularity is based on the media repeatedly *saying* how popular she is along with all the inside baseball stuff about whether she’d run for governor or speculation that the WH wanted her to run for the US Senate seat.

    Look, I like the woman, but exactly what has she DONE this last year in her current position, or as a party leader, to raise her profile or burnish her resume for the future? I’ve been sort of surprised at how off the radar she’s been.

  17. - Bongo Furry - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:18 pm:

    44% of Illinois baseball fans have never had a ballpark hotdog in October.
    Kind of sad don’t you think?

  18. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    When it comes to the Cubs, you can’t underestimate the lasting influence of WGN TV and radio drilling that sickness into the heads of generations of unsuspecting baseball fans across the country.

    I know. I’m a victim.

    On the farm, WGN had the best TV and radio signals, case closed. That’s what you watched.

    The Sox were on Channel 44, usually after some weird Japanese cartoons, and the reception was very bad.

    Plus, when the pretty girls started moving into Wrigleyville in the 80s, it was a done deal.

  19. - Amalia - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    White Sox. World Series. Been there (recently). Won THAT!

  20. - Greg - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:33 pm:

    Sox fans are just upset that 3% more Illinoisians like the Cards than a home-state team.

  21. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    81% of Illinoisans hate the White Sox? They must have oversampled Bridgeport because that sounds low to me. I would have guess the anti-Sox numbers would be in the mid-90s.

  22. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:40 pm:

    As always I eagerly await alert readers reminding me of corruption during George Ryan’s term as Governor. I don’t recall much.

  23. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 2:44 pm:

    You’re right Steve, he wasn’t a corrupt governor.

    That’s probably because he was under investigation for the corruption in his SoS office before he got near the Mansion. It’s harder to be corrupt when the feds are circling over you before you take office.

    So let’s put him in the same category as Walker. Neither were sent to prison as a result of their tenure as Illinois Governors.

  24. - Rudy - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:02 pm:


  25. - Doug - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    Even the President, an ardent White Sox fan can’t pronounce the name of the old ballpark or name his favorite player. Shows how many IQ points you lose when you root for the Sox.

  26. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===or name his favorite player===

    Don’t be a doofus. He said he didn’t have a favorite player growing up because he lived in Hawaii. Stop reading Drudge, or whatever it is.

  27. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:13 pm:

    George Ryan hijinks? Hmmmm. Gimme a minute.
    How about Swanson selling a prison site?
    Or maybe the tollway oasis swindle?
    I’ll pause

  28. - hawksfan - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:26 pm:

    Go Sox. Was at the game Monday, even from the left field line 500’s I could tell the Buehrle play was spectacular. Is it really suprising that Kass takes an answer out of context to try and bash the pres?

  29. - Bongo Furry - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:39 pm:

    Cards fans do not dislike Sox fans.
    Sox fans do not dislike Cards fans.
    They are baseball fans who respect other baseball fans.
    Neither can say the same about Cub fans.

  30. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:43 pm:

    Like our president, I have been a White Sox fan since grade school. Unlike our president, I can actually name some White Sox players and know the name of the stadium they play in.

  31. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:47 pm:

    The next time anyone asks me if I am Republican, I can always just tell I couldn’t be since I am a White Sox fan.

    Hey - I even have my White Sox popcorn container from my first Sox game, back in 1971. And I have two Comiskey Park seats painted the proper shade of green.

  32. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    I also have a World Series Ball that Ozzie signed for me.

    Now, I have seen the Cubs “play baseball”, mind you, and it was OK because they were playing the Cardinals, so I got a chance to see a real team.

  33. - Pre - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:22 pm:

    He could have named any current player or even someone from the 1983 team which in my opinion was one of the best. BTW - didn’t get that one from Drudge, blame Facebook. Drudge doesn’t appeal to me anymore.

  34. - Pre - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:22 pm:

    P.S. Yes, I’m a White Sox fan and Republican.

  35. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    He was asked about players he loved when he was a kid growing up. He told the truth and said he didn’t follow the Sox when he was growing up. I don’t get what people are all weirded out about here.

  36. - - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:28 pm:

    VMan must have missed the Drudge memo.

    If you haven’t heard a Sox fan call the ballpark Cominnskey, you’ve never driven on ROOSevelt Road or WARSHington Street, either. Much less been to The Jewels or The Dominicks.

    Dick (don’t call me Richie) Allen was my favorite Sox player growing up. The SI cover of him stretching with that big bat, smoking a cigarette in the Sox dugout was the picture of old Cominxskey Park during the Veeck Era to me. The dude could mash, too.

    –I also have a World Series Ball that Ozzie signed for me.==

    That’s super, little fella.

  37. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:33 pm:

    Go Sox.

    We don’t like to talk about that team up North, unless the Sox are playing them.

    Stayed up too late to watch the Sox last night. Let’s hope for better weather this year, all the games I went to last season I froze, even in June and July. I waited until the end of April this year to start seeing my South Side guys play ball.

  38. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    It must be nice to be so old and wise.

  39. - - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    VMan, it beats the alternatives, as you well know.

  40. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 5:33 pm:

    –I don’t get what people are all weirded out about here–

    Rich, a question. Did you actually listen to the audio of the interview in question, or possibly did you just read a transcript or a description of it? Because I think it makes a big difference. I am a long time Sox fan and glad that the president says he is one too. But I heard him on that audio and it was not his finest hour. I was embarrassed for him. He hesitated and mumbled and stumbled around for a response for about 30 seconds and it was clear he was stumped. It made Obama sound evasive and uninformed and I can see how people might question how true a fan of the south siders he really is. I even had a friend from Atlanta call to razz about it.

  41. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 5:38 pm:

    Responsa, listen to the question. That’s what people are ignoring. He was trying to answer the actual question.

  42. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 5:57 pm:

    –He was trying to answer the actual question–

    Aw Rich, politicians NEVER try to answer the actual question! I was pretty sure you knew that. LOL

  43. - Tweed - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 6:39 pm:

    It’s too bad they didn’t have crosstabs with each team’s approval ratings. Those would have been pretty lopsided I imagine.

  44. - Park - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 7:32 pm:

    Rich, take a break. stop working all night and getting sick.

    I’m a Detroiter who lived in St. Louis long enough to enjoy the early ‘80 Cardinals and become a fan. Moved to Chicago….who to support? Thought it would be Cubs…NL, nice park area, not much of a threat to the Cards. But I’m a Sox guy, even when they play the Tigers. Just something there…they always seem to have a PLAN, and almost all of the players they’ve had since the 80’s have been real baseball guys…like Fisk,Baines and Konerko. Loved Big Frank, and couldn’t care less what the writers thought about him. Best hitter I’ve ever seen.

    Oh,and I’m an R.

  45. - Doug - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 8:10 pm:

    As another commentor pointed out, I didn’t have to read it on Drudge, but rather listened to the audio. They must not have had a teleprompter for him in the booth.

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 9:08 pm:

    47w, I saw in the paper the other day that an SoS employee at West was arrested for taking a $1000 bribe for a phony license. Figure they are all still saving up for George’s fundraisers?

  47. - steve schnorf - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 9:10 pm:

    47w, sorry, the anonymous was me

  48. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 8, 10 @ 9:43 pm:

    Responsa, you seem “out of character” for some reason the last few days. Feeling OK?

  49. - D.P. Gumby - Friday, Apr 9, 10 @ 9:06 am:

    I surprised that the correlation between support for the loser Cubs and willingness to tolerate loser government/corruption has not been noted. After 100+ years of abuse by the Cubs, what’s a corrupt governor or alderman here or there…just seems part of the culture….

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