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The media goes bonkers

Monday, Apr 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My syndicated newspaper column looks at an all-too-familiar trend in the Chicago media these days

It seems like everywhere you look these days, the Illinois Democrats are getting hammered.

Most of the Democratic carnage is self-inflicted, like the Scott Lee Cohen debacle, or the brutal gubernatorial primary, or the troubles at U.S. Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias’ family bank, or the decision to run a lobbyist with close connections to House Speaker Michael Madigan for Cook County Assessor.

But some of the media coverage is going far over the top lately, and a few people in Chicago really need to take a breath already.

The media went off their collective rocker in the closing years of George Ryan’s term, and the Republican Party paid a steep price for a very long time. I wrote quite a few stories about media overreach back then, and I think it’s past time for another one. Let’s look at just a few examples, shall we?

* On behalf of a law firm client, Senate President John Cullerton persuades Cook County to open up a decades-old no-bid traffic school contract to competitive bidding. Millions of dollars are saved and Cullerton’s client loses the open bidding process, but the Sun-Times whacks Cullerton for engaging in a “clout fight” because the other side had a lobbyist with ties to the Daley family. This story really crystalizes how truly strange things have become with the Chicago media. Money is saved, the people are better served, an old contract is finally opened up to competition and it’s somehow a bad thing. Bizarre.

* Giannoulias’ family bank is allegedly ripped off by a widely respected business owner (Boston Blackies, Carson’s Ribs) who also contributed to Giannoulias’ state treasurer’s campaign. The bank is obviously a victim here, but Giannoulias is repeatedly hammered because the reporters and editors engaging in a wild feeding frenzy apparently don’t stop to think about what they’re really doing. Overboard.

* The disgraced, notoriously unstable former governor Rod Blagojevich says on a Chicago radio show that he suspects the White House wants to push Giannoulias off the ticket and the city’s punditocracy picks it up and repeats it as gospel, without, of course, attributing the theory to the discredited, unreliable Blagojevich or identifying a single source - even an anonymous source - at the White House who will confirm it. And now it seems that some are trying to will the crackpot Blagojevich’s theory into existence. Crazy.

* The Tribune editorial board slams Democrats in the General Assembly on the front page of the Sunday paper for not balancing the budget, which the board says shouldn’t be so difficult. The edit board puts forth its own budget-cutting plan, which consists of cutting half the deficit and then claiming those reductions will magically solve the whole problem in two years. Um, $13 billion minus $6.5 billion does not equal zero, Tribune. Not to mention that many of the Tribune’s cuts aren’t really spelled out. Stupid.

* The Tribune editorial page and Crain’s Chicago Business loudly tout a recent study that claims Illinois “would collect an additional $2.1 billion in annual tax revenue” if it had as many jobs as it did a decade ago. Well, sure, but if the sky was green then grass might be blue. Anybody notice China over there? Or Mexico? Or the two recessions in the last decade, including this really big one we’re in now? Sure there’s a lot of work to be done here, but how much cash would the sainted Indiana have if it had all the jobs it lost in the last 10 years? Even more ludicrous is the stated claim that the $2.1 billion the state would get from those lost jobs would be “enough to fill roughly half of (the state’s) fiscal 2011 budget hole.” Half of $13 billion is not $2.1 billion. Not even “roughly.” Nuts.

The problems in this state are wide and deep. No question about it. The Democrats deserve the blame for many of the problems because they’ve been running the show (although you can hardly blame them for the national economic collapse). But this very disturbing media trend of making stuff up or creating controversy out of thin air really needs to end. It’s wholly irresponsible and is yellow journalism of the worst kind.

There’s more than enough material to jab the Illinois Democrats without all this insane goofiness.

* Speaking of which, the Sun-Times has an article today about how a winner of a competitively bid contract also makes campaign contributions. NBC5’s blog has a piece about how Toni Preckwinkle is a “backsliding independent” because her campaign manager left to run the Cook County Democratic Party’s political organization. Chuck Sweeny wrote a column claiming that liberal Democrats are “the only kind now” in Illinois, even though quite a few Dems are on the conservative side. And a Tribune editorial claimed that the Democratic majority in the Senate passing a Democratic redistricting plan is “an apt illustration of what’s wrong with the Democrats’ redistricting proposal.” Senate President John Cullerton, by the way, published a stinging response to a recent Trib editorial.


  1. - Steve-O - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Well, it’s about time that the Chicago Democrats are getting a well-deserved butt kicking in the media. It’s about 10 years overdue, though. I’m sure they all fed into the feeding frenzy over George Ryan…and the Bush Administration for 8 years (both of those instances were well-deserved)…and now the tables have turned.

    Time for some house cleaning in this state.

  2. - - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    With smaller media staffs due to decreased readership and viewership, once you invest in your “big” story, you have to roll with it no matter how weak. If you can’t have steak, you’ll take sizzle.

    Did you read front-page hyped “The Mysterious McCaskeys” in last weeks Sun-Times sports? It was basically an eight grade paper on the history of the Bears. No “mysteries” at all. Just weirdness.

  3. - well - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:10 am:

    As a Republican, I view this as Karma, and the media, belatedly balancing the scales after the aforementioned George Ryan nuttiness that destroyed the Illinois Republican Party for the better part of a decade.

    The Democrats build their Illinois hegemony on the back of the media George Ryan feeding frenzy, and they’ll lose it thanks to the Blagojevich feeding frenzy.

    Seems fair.

  4. - Captain Flume - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    . . . insane goofiness.

    Yep, those words cover the state of Illinois government and politics, as well.

  5. - Just Observing - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    I think the same thing everytime I see those silly FOX News Chicago commercials claiming how “they went there” asking tough questions and exposing corruption — yet, the issues they are highlighting are often trivial issues or nothing substantial was investigated or reported.

  6. - Adam Smith - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    With fewer reporters and very few senior reporters around a lot more quasi-scandals are getting reported with scant investigation. As you know Rich, it can take months to do the leg work needed for a good expose. No one has the time or the talent anymore.

    One point of clarification…Broadway Bank was not cited as a victim of the Giannis check-kiting scheme. It was the bank they actually had money in to intiate the process of floating checks to the other banks that ended up holding the bag. In this case it is just dumb luck that these once-upstanding pals of Alexi’s turned to a criminal scam and Broadway got more mud splashed on it. But I’m sure if one of Kirk’s $100k donors took it on the lam his name would get dragged into the story too. That’s politics in the big leagues.

  7. - bman - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    It is about time the media, in this case the Tribune, point out the flaws in Illinois government. Why did Chicago voters support the last governor when it was so obvious he all talk and no substance. I say not only critcize the democrats but also republicans. Neither party demonstrates a willingness to make Illinois livable, rather both work to maintain and increase their power and influence. No mater how much you move the shells around there is still a pea underneath!

  8. - Stallion - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    There is NO doubt that the Tribune has a political agenda. They have become the National Enquirer of the city of Chicago. Freedom of speech is understandable, but the baseless claims that the Tribune makes are God awefully pathetic.

  9. - Logical Thinker - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    “Are you the pot or the kettle? I detect an agenda on your part. Do you deny it? ”

    Absolutely spot on!

  10. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    ===It is about time the media, in this case the Tribune, point out the flaws in Illinois government.===

    You’re missing the point of the column, which is about overreach and fabrication.

  11. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    Thanks for drawing attention to media bias.

    Both the Trib and Sun-Times simply don’t ask skeptical questions of Kirk.

    When Kirk held a presser, the newspapers asked him to comment on some intra-Dem issue.

    Will the guy ever get asked about the incorrect information he was peddling to help Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld sell their war profiteering project?

    Kirk said he had personally reviewed the evidence and based in classified information and his own expertise he knew Iraq had WMD.

    Was Kirk lying? Or did he suffer from having an overly inflated opinion of his knowledge, experience and skills?

    And does Kirk feel he owes an apology to any of the dead and wounded or their families?

  12. - OldSmokey2 - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    Great column… It illustrates, as much as anything, what’s happened to reporting in Chicago since accountants and investors looking no further than the next quarter’s bottom line started decimating the news staffs in Chicago. In the last few years, the Tribune in particular has forsaken being the comprehensive source for local news. Way fewer reporters means way fewer local stories and way more bluster, filler and window-dressing. It’s like an old palatial estate owned by an old-money family that’s fallen on hard times. It still looks like it used to from the outside, but when you go inside, the furniture’s been hocked, rooms are closed off and dusty, and what little staff is left just can’t do the upkeep anymore. Sad.

  13. - moron - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    elected representative legislators who are also registered lobbyists is bad government

    allowing elected representative legislators to work as registered lobbyists is bad public policy

  14. - Dead Head - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Ok, here’s the one thing that has contributed to this State’s fiscal mess that the media doesn’t report on: Early Retirement. When Ryan lost the election, there was an early retirement incentive passed so that employees could buy five years of age and service, 10 years total. Since it was the high paid employees who would be retiring, Directors, Deputy Directors, etc., the poension liability of the State skyrocketed. With these folks receiving guarenteed 3% increases per year, it’s only getting worse; and with fewer employees now paying into the system the State’s burden increases.

  15. - shore - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    I disagree with you sometimes regarding your coverage of soon to be senator kirk, but always always respect you.

    Sorry but this column stinks of the status quo defending the status quo. What’s outrageous is the behavior of politicians in this state who treat government and the general population like entities there to serve them. I doubt that if we fired every politician in springfield crook county and chicago we could do worse than we’ve got and why you continue to back these people is beyond me. blah blah they are nice people who do good things and have “expertise”. There’s a reason dillard, coulson, and murphy got whacked and why dan proft dominated in the otherwise conservative firebrand averse and stuffy establishment new trier, establishment government stinks, and you defend it, while you publish story after story about corruption and public policy failure.

    Either the system stinks and we need change or it works and these cats should stay on the prowl. Make a choice amigo, but c.

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    Shore, perhaps the message of the column was too subtle for your partisan inclinations. The idea was to point out overreach. Two wrongs, my friend, don’t make a right.

  17. - VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    The Committee on Calming Down America’s Report on How To Calm Down America - Chairman VanillaMan

    Executive Summary
    The Committee on Calming Down America’s Report on How To Calm Down America rises to defend the glorious status quo! This report is intended to assist the status quo and defend their mismanagement, incompetence and petulant snobbery in the face of political disasters confronting them in 2010.

    Enough is enough! Yes, you are on the verge of losing your homes, your marriages, your savings, your jobs, your lifestyles and your hair, but this is no excuse for losing your sense of humor! When you are arrested by the
    Americare Volunteers for a Better America, just sing a little ditty and you will be surprised at how many of your arresting officers will join in! When you are sent to one of the “Rachel Maddow Reeducation Centers” for your six week “life affirmation check-up”, you will better off if you recognize that others can make better decisions for you, than you can yourself! Smile and say, “Yes! We Can!”

    Today’s politicians are more than your extended family - they are your guides to enriched living! When you read media articles from unapproved news outlets named after small furry creatures or unsourced bloggers, just press the red button on your permanently attached Jawbone, and one of our assistants will calm you!

    Have a problem? Don’t worry! Just ask your friendly staffer at your congressperson’s office to give you the comfort you were once forced to provide by yourself! You are never alone! When you lose your life savings, remember it went to a more deserving group of Americans, stipilated by law as pentinance for your forebearer’s crimes!

    It is important that you remember to smile, and know that each and every one of your elected public officers are doing their very best to lead each and every one of us into an unbridled future where the sun perpetually shines, war is never waged, and where Rod Blagojevich is merely a political aberration from a party who only wishes for you and your loved ones, the very, very, very best!

    What? Me Worry? Never! Just Calm Down America! Remember in November how hard your incumbants are working for you and return their kindness by not repeating ugly rumors, unsubstantiated gossip, or voting for any challengers. Better yet, send them more of your money as a campaign contribution! This way, you will be letting them know that you are still employed, still getting paid with real cash, and sending them a little “green hug” in return for the hard work and dedication!

  18. - shore - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    I think the difference in opinion is one of location. You work in the town with these people, you have lunch with them, you see the hours they work, the families they miss, the salary they give up and on and on.

    The tribsters live in evanston, don’t know the people personally and what they see is a day in day out mess and headlines. they draw their conclusions and let it rip.

    This is no different than stu rothenberg saying what a good member so and so republican in 2006 was and how good they were for the district, only for the member to get denied the home paper editorial in 2006 for the first time in their careers because the paper decided the country’s direction was wrong.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    shore, tone is only a small part of it. Gross factual inaccuracies or ommissions in the name of hype is what the column is about.

  20. - Ghost - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    I wonder if the over reaching has any correlation to the reduction in invetigative reporters and the rapidly delcining sale and revenue of the media outlets. There have always been rags with these kinds of stories, but it seems the trend towards quality and relaibility are dieing.

    Tehn again it may be more an artifact of need it now 24/7 instant reporting. The need to get a story out quickly, and draw in readers, has replaced getting out an accurate story.

  21. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    Dead Head-

    I’m sure the early retirements have exascerbated the state’s funding problems to a degree, but the state also has about 12,000 less salaries that are being paid than at the time of Ryan’s exit. There was also a little incident that happened in September 2001 that had at least as big an impact. Retirement systems make their nut by successfuly investing pension funds. When the market loses half its value, defined benefit plans go in the tank, just like the 401k style plans.

  22. - Fan of Cap Fax - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    Ok, I now have an official crush on Vanilla Man! I’ve said it before, but Vanilla Man, I believe YOU should run for office. You always seem to write what I wish I could say! Good one!

  23. - nick - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 1:01 pm:

    Vanilla Man-you rock!

  24. - PalosParkBob - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 1:09 pm:

    Regarding the loss of “conservative” Dems. I’d have to say that there are quite a few Dems in the Illinois state house who are pro-life and for minimizing gun control.

    What I don’t see is any FISCAL conservatives amongst the Dems, and very few ammong the GOP as well. BOTH parties seem quite content in giving benefits, salaries, and pensions the state can’t afford, as well as protecting unions over non-union worker rights and job creation.

  25. - Just Sayin' - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 2:41 pm:

    And now the Tribune got to be a Pulitzer finalist for their editorials:

    “John McCormick and Marie Dillon of the Chicago Tribune for their unyielding editorials urging reform of a culture of corruption in Illinois state government, repeatedly sounding the alarm when lawmakers faltered.”

  26. - moron - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    geez, enough already with the reform!

  27. - moron - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 3:18 pm:

    I can’t believe they give out awards for whining whining whining about corruption

  28. - moron - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    let Illinois be Illinois

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 3:23 pm:

    So, moron, you’re OK with media fabrications and yellow journalism because…. ?

  30. - MrJM - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 3:30 pm:

    I’m confused, Rich.

    You say there is a newspaper called the “Chicago Tribune” that repeatedly preaches about how the state government should mind its books.

    But the only “Chicago Tribune” I know of is currently in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and feuding with a couple of dozen lenders to whom it owes more than three-and-a-half billion dollars.

    Surely, those two entities can’t be one and the same… can they?

    – MrJM

  31. - moron - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 5:12 pm:

    The media goes bonkers - thank God for CF!

  32. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 6:50 pm:

    Miller, you are very partisan on your blog and in your columns. Just late week, for example, you spent the better part of the week trying to light a fire under Quinn because you don’t want Senator Brady to win. You are constantly trashing Congressman Kirk too. I know it’s your blog and you can use it as a bully pulpit if you like, but don’t try to pretend to readers that you aren’t doing just that.

    I am in favor of the Chicago media are not letting things slide because they shouldn’t. Had they not been letting things slide in years past, we would not have gotten RRB a first and definitely second time or Todd Stroger a first time, or so many others who don’t really deserve the positions that they hold. Where is the “overreach” and “fabrication” that you mention in your defense of yourself to posters who aren’t buying into what you write? Nowhere! There is no “overreach” or “fabrication” on the part of the media. And if there was any of that going on why not just let the politicians take on the media for themselves and tell the media where or when it is all wrong? Where are the rebuttal editorials from those who are being “unfairly” maligned or mischaracterised, as you seem to think? John Cullerton offered a defense and tried to set the record stright for himself.

    Just because you say or think “it” Rich doesn’t make “it” true. I know you think you are a leader of opinion when it comes to all things political in this state, but really you’re just another opinion-giver. So, maybe it is you who should step back and take some deep breaths? Now, what is that old saying about opinions?

    The Chicago media are doing a really good lately of highlighting the issues, and they ought to keep it all up for all to see, read and then decide when election time comes around. Your “calling them out” here is your attempt to get them to back off and back down only because you think they are feeding into the perfect storm that will befall the democrats in November. The democrats got themselves into the position they are in by having lousy candidates on this year’s ticket.

  33. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 9:51 pm:

    ===Where is the “overreach” and “fabrication” that you mention===

    Apparently, you can’t read.

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 12, 10 @ 9:54 pm:

    ===you spent the better part of the week trying to light a fire under Quinn because you don’t want Senator Brady to win.===

    Actually, I wrote a column and some posts saying that Quinn was getting his head handed to him, and ridiculing him for inaction. If you think that’s trying to “light a fire” under him, then that’s your opinion. But, as you said, we know about opinions.

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