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New videos from Kirk and Giannoulias

Wednesday, Apr 14, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Kirk’s US Senate campaign takes a big whack at Alexi Giannoulias. The Internet spot is called “Downplay - A Brief History of Broadway Bank.” Rate it

* The Giannoulias campaign ridicules Kirk’s claims that he’s an “independent” in its brief video. Rate it as well

* In related news, Mayor Daley defended Giannoulias yesterday

Mayor Richard Daley defended Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias [yesterday], saying the candidate should not step aside despite revelations about family-owned Broadway Bank.

“Why should he step aside? Tell me,” Daley said. “He went through the primary.”

“Everybody knew that, what was happening to the bank, so why?” the mayor added.

Daley then made a pointed reference to Scott Lee Cohen, whom Daley also defended during the post-primary debacle….

“You forced one candidate out for Lt. Governor because you didn’t like his profession or his personal life, so are we going to? It’s interesting, really interesting how people go through a primary, and they have to step aside because we don’t like what happened. Everybody knew that was happening to the bank, right? So why?”

While the Daley defense was likely welcomed news at Camp G, dredging up Cohen probably stung more than a bit.


  1. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 6:06 am:

    mark kirk has to be the only senate candidate in the country hoping that a local bank in “his” state fails. simply amazing.

    one notes that kirk had no problem bailing out the big wall street banks 18 months ago. but here he is, cheering for an illinois bank to go under. pathetic…

  2. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 6:40 am:

    Alexi was always in over his head. It’s time for the big coach in DC to sit him on the bench or face losing another Senate seat.

    Where’s the hammer–Rahm—when we need him? Perhaps, it’s too a tough call for the ballerina boy?

    Senate control could be ride on his decision.

  3. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 7:00 am:

    louis: feel free to list the nine other NET GAINS by republicans in the senate this november. i’d bet you are one of the only people in the country who believe that republicans can retake the senate…

  4. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 7:35 am:

    Bored-Now—Wake up and read Charlie Cook’s Report…

  5. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:15 am:

    again, i note that YOU ALONE are suggesting that republicans will run the table, that barbara boxer will lose and that connecticut will vote republican (despite the fact that atty gen blumenthal is polling above 50%) AND NOT A SINGLE gop “toss up” state (eg, ohio — where democrats are ahead in polling — new hampshire — where democrats are ahead in polling — or missouri — where polls show carnahan and blunt neck to neck) will turn over.

    again, you are the only person in the country who thinks this is possible! the one thing we’ve learned from this exchange is that no pol, let alone a democrat like alexi, should take your advice on campaigns…

  6. - shore - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:38 am:

    Mark Kirk ratings end of story, Alexi.

    Issue Organization Rating
    Abortion NARAL Pro-Choice America 100

    National Right to Life Center 0
    Civil Rights ACLU 14

    Human Rights Campaign 85
    Ideology American Conservative Union 72

    Americans for Democratic Action 55

    Drum Major Institute C

    Family Research Council 17
    Children Children’s Defense Fund 70
    Environment League of Conservation Voters 69
    Immigration Immigrant’s List NR

    Numbers USA C+

    U.S. Border Control NR
    Public Health American Public Health Association 78
    Senior Citizens Alliance for Retired Americans 60

    Issue Organization Rating
    Business and Labor AFL-CIO 31

    National Education Association A

    AFSCME 43

    BIPAC 70

    Chamber of Commerce 83

    Club for Growth 42

    National Federation of Independent Business 82
    Taxes & Spending Americans for Tax Reform 60

    Citizens Against Government Waste NR

    National Taxpayers Union 43

    Issue Organization Rating
    Defense and Peace Council for a Livable World 12

    Center for Security Policy 88

    Friends Committee on National Legislation 50

    Peace Action 9
    Guns Gunowners of America F-

    Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 90

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:40 am:

    The videos are okay. The Broadway Bank stuff sells itself, so you really can’t go wrong.

    Alexi’s video started out funny, but regressed into phony, alleged third-party testimonials that were obviously scripted and delivered by supporters (from the looks of things, at a fundraiser at a bar).

    One of the dangers of video is that it’s so cheap and easy that people just wing it. Film production is so expensive that you have to storyboard and script everything very tightly. That discipline produces better spots.

  8. - Amalia - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:40 am:

    oh, boring, more dueling campaign rep types.

    here’s an unaffiliated opinion on the two spots…

    the Kirk spot starts out really dull. really dull. but the clips from the news stations put real interest and weight into the story, particularly the bits from that Fox local reporter. especially the end words. but the spot is long and I wonder if it will go viral. needs editing.

    The Alexi spot is snappy, could go viral cause it is short and to the point. perhaps the quality is intended to make us think that some people off the street came up with it. which is, of course, not true. it’s kind of childish and silly and only focuses on money, which can loop back to Alexi’s problem…his family has lots of money from the suspect business they run.

    if i’m voting for which is better, I vote for the Kirk spot. as a democrat, i’m hoping people won’t vote for Kirk in the fall. but I urge Alexi to get out of the race and let someone who is not so ethically tainted get in so people aren’t tempted to vote for Kirk.
    I’m under no illusions that Hoffman, for whom I voted in the primary, would get the nod. but I’d like another Democrat in the spot.

  9. - Windy City Mama - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:41 am:

    What a cheezy ad by Alexi.

  10. - Fan of Cap Fax - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 8:56 am:

    Agree with Amalia wholeheartedly. And I believe it’s way to early for the hateful response from bored now.

  11. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:00 am:

    Kirk’s video waS much better than Alexi’s though it could be condensed to a shorter on-air ad.

  12. - ABCBoy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:03 am:

    1) I think the Kirk video is more substansive, but it’s a bit too long and slow. People can lose interest pretty quick.

    2) The Alexi video has a higher production value (better quality video, etc.), and is more snappy. Less substance, however. I’m just not sure “Kirk takes $ from corporate & federal lobbyists” is all that damning. If he didn’t and self-funded, they’d slam him for being a rich-guy self-funder. Kirk also has the abilty to turn around and point out how Alexi isn’t much different–he takes money from STATE lobbyists and labor unions. Plus, Kirk is pro-choices, voted for cap & trade, is pro gun-control, etc. He’s hardly the type one could paint as a knuckle-dragger…

    Production value winner: Alexi.
    Substantive value winner: Kirk.

    And I agree..apparently somebody whizzed in bored now’s cornflakes this morning.

  13. - Robert - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:03 am:

    when the debate is whether you should step aside or continue to run, that’s a sign you aren’t doing too well.

    but daley’s comparison between alexi and slc is wrong, as the voters weren’t aware of slc’s troubles before the primary, whereas they were aware of alexi’s before the primary.

  14. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:05 am:

    Bored Now - we already know what you are going to write. You are a one-note Nelly. How anyone could claim that a senatorial candidate hopes for a bank failure, isn’t thinking clearly.

    I agree with Rich on this. Daley backing Giannoulais would have been a good thing if the Mayor didn’t include Cohen into the mix.

    And Kirk’s ad is more convincing because it has non-political facts to back it up. Broadway is failing. It is being investigated. We have to clean up the mess, but Giannoulais gets millions. The ad writes itself.

    Trying to paint Kirk as a GOP lemming doesn’t work for all those Democrats that have voted for Kirk over the past decade. Giannoulias’ ad is a more difficult sell with less payoff.

    When journalists play vulture on your campaign, everyone starts to look like carrion to them, and that is a bad thing.

  15. - Windy City Mama - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:06 am:

    What kind of defense was that by Daley ? We all knew he was dirty and he won the primary ?

  16. - Team America - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:08 am:

    I think I can actually hear Bored Now sweating…

  17. - Brennan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:18 am:

    The people in Alexi’s video are his campaign staff. Could they not find Alexi supporters on the street?

  18. - Team America - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:27 am:

    === The people in Alexi’s video are his campaign staff ===

    Which one is Bored Now?

    Or does it just sound like he’s on the payroll?

  19. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:31 am:

    When Alexi swears off special interest money,(trial lawyers and labor unions) and the laundered corporate PAC money that he desperately needs from the Democratic Party, his argument might have a little traction.

    The polls show that voters are starting to take real notice of Alexi’s shady dealings. It’s really hard to disparage someone else’s ethics when you are up to your eyeballs in scandal.

    It comes across as sour grapes from someone who got out-raised by 83% in the first quarter.

  20. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:35 am:

    Good point Windy.

    Winning a nomination doesn’t mean jack when the leaders of the party giving the nomination doesn’t care about the quality of the nominee.

    We’ve witnessed too many nominations going to scummy people to just allow our party leaders to kick back and tell us that since they won the primary, they’re good enough for government.

    Daley’s attitude is what has given us Blagojevich, Burris, Cohen and other damaged candidates limping along but ending up in state offices.

    Enough is enough Mr. Mayor!

  21. - Robert - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:39 am:

    Brennan - maybe they had a problem with Alexi supporters passing a background check, so they had to use campaign staff

  22. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:53 am:

    team america: who sweats in illinois? it’s not like it ever gets hot (or really even humid) up here.

    and i know that it’s boring to keep hitting the same old points: mark kirk is the ultimate beltway insider. that we should rename kirk from saint kirk to wall street mark kirk (i’ll have to remember that one), eager to bail out the big banks (who contribute millions of dollars in thanks) but is so cavalier about a local community bank going under. that mark kirk wants to make this a race about what happened more than four years ago for alexi giannoulias, but doesn’t want to answer questions about what he did (while in congress) more than four years ago! that mark kirk is eager to talk to the nytimes or washpost, but won’t sit down with the illinois media (like alexi giannoulias did a month or so ago).

    i’ll be the first to admit that mark kirk is one of the best republican pols in the state (i personally don’t think he’s the best, but he’s certainly a top performer), running in the best possible political environment for a republican in illinois. does that make me worry? of course! as you surmise, i wouldn’t spend any time talking about this race if i wasn’t concerned.

    but i certainly am not ashamed to support alexi giannoulias. he stood up to the most powerful forces in illinois — and won. he’s made great strides in reforming the treasurer’s office here in illinois — reforms we need to continue by electing robin kelly! he has demonstrated an impressive ability to be everywhere in illinois. he will represent us well, while helping our favorite son change the culture in washington. alexi will make a great senator, and illinois will have an impressive one-two punch in the u.s. senate!

  23. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 9:54 am:

    What has Giannoulias done wrong?

    He owns a small chunk of a family business that will probably fail because of the economic downturn.

    What did Giannoulias do or what decision did he make that reflects on his fitness to be U.S. Senator?

    Now compare that to Mark Kirk. Kirk lied about having personal knowledge of Iraq’s WMD program. Does lying to help Team Bush make the case for invading Iraq reflect on Kirk’s fitness to be a U.S. Senator?

    Has anybody else noticed that all the papers that write stories about Broadway Bank all endorsed invading Iraq? Have you noticed that these pro-Iraq invasion papers have never asked Kirk critical questions about his cheerleading for war?

  24. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:00 am:

    As a message, I’m not sure how the no corporate PAC or federal lobbyist money plays.

    Glenn Poshard went down that path and he lost.

  25. - Responsa - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:03 am:

    The Alexi ad featured people who struck me as somewhat naive and youthfully goofy 20-somethings. Now that someone here has suggested they were all G. campaign staffers, it made me think of the classic old Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland movie riffs where the the neighborhood kids would be sitting around, and then come up with the idea, “hey, let’s put on a show!!”

  26. - cassandra - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:04 am:

    bored now is starting to sound like Bill on the subject of Blagojevich, back in the day.

  27. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:07 am:

    I realize I’m not Kirk’s target audience, but does anybody else think that the Kirk campaigns attack video is way too long?

    Kirk’s people expand a message that could be told in 30-60 seconds into 3 1/2 minutes of repetition.

    It seems like they are boasting how effectively they’ve gotten the TV news to make their press releases news.

    Again, I repeat, what is the allegation that Giannoulias did something wrong or unethical?

  28. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:11 am:

    now bored with bored now.

  29. - Brennan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:24 am:

    bored now: In your world did Senator Barack Obama and Senator Dick Durbin oppose the Wall Street bailout?

  30. - Fed up - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:24 am:

    he was the loan ofc at the bank making loans to known members of organized crime. How about the Brightstart debacle where he lost money for all of us saving to put the kids in college.

  31. - Brennan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:26 am:

    =Again, I repeat, what is the allegation that Giannoulias did something wrong or unethical?=

    It’s a political message. Everything Alexi Giannoulias says about himself is mythology.

  32. - Robert - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    @Carl- I’ll try to answer your questions “What is the allegation that Giannoulias did something wrong or unethical”?

    1) What is the allegation that Giannoulias did something wrong? I think the allegation is that he made wrong loans that went belly-up. His bank took on relatively more risk than other banks did at the time. So his judgment is in question.

    2) What is the allegation that Giannoulias did something unethical? I think the allegation is that he loaned money to people who he knew to be mobsters in criminal behavior.

  33. - Anon - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:28 am:

    Trying to get back to your original point — rating the ads.

    The Kirk ad shows why you should always hire a professional to read the script. Having some 12-year-old read the script really undercuts the message.

    Pay a pro. They know how to give nuance to the script and are worth every cent.

    The Giannoulais ad has a related problem. Don’t give amateurs a script to read. It’s painfully obvious they were told what to say and memorized the lines. Take some extra time and have them make the points in their own words. It will sound much more authentic.

    In both cases, the concepts are okay, but the execution is a little off.

  34. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    When is the CommandoKirk start talking about his agenda? If not soon he will be a goner and Ds will win the 10th CD too

  35. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    Ah, Carl, the war. Yes, it’s all about the evil neocons and the war.

    What did Alexi do? Hmmmmm.

    He and his family actively pursued a reckless (and potentially profitable for them) business strategy of lending money for questionable real estate deals. If it is all the recession’s fault that Broadway is in the tank how come the vast majority of banks are surviving? Could it be sound management?

    As the bank slid into insolvency the family took $30 million in profits out of the bank to “diversify their holdings” which is another way of saying taking care of themselves before the bank goes under. ($40 million also went to pay estate taxes.)

    Alexi grossly inflated his credentials in the 2006 Treasurer’s race, claiming he was some sort of banking wunderkind and that he should therefore be in charge of the state’s money. Now, he claims he didn’t even have a key to the executive washroom. Is that trustworthy?

    He has changed his story on doing business with convicted mob figures so many times no one can keep track.

    Now we know you want to debate the war, and that’s fine. We can discuss all the policy issues you want. But you cannot escape a hard political fact–Voters care about a candidate’s character. The Broadway Bank mess raises serious questions about Alexi’s character and his qualification for office.

    You think policy differnces are the same as character issues. They are not. You believe that if someone disagrees with you on policy (like Iraq) they must be of inferior character. Typical liberal.

    What is a true character issue is something that has no connection to partisan politics. Republicans and Democrats get caught with hookers; Republicans and Democrats get involved in crooked business deals; Republicans and Democrats get hooked on booze. Voters care about this stuff and it is part of the process of deciding who is fit for office.

  36. - shore - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    the ratings came out yesterday from the hill

    Kirk got
    f- on gun control from the nra
    A from teachers unions
    B from small business owners
    b from the gay rights groups.
    f- from aclue

    that should put to rest any of this wing nut or flip flopper stuff

  37. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    CFS - when things are going real poorly for your opponent, why talk about yourself? That’s politics 101.

  38. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    Did the loan to the convicted felons identified as “mobsters” get paid back?

    If the loans didn’t get paid back, I agree that it looks suspicious to give two guys $20 million on the way to prison and not get the money back.

    But if Broadway got repaid in accordance with the terms of the loan, what’s the big deal? Broadway is a bank. Banks are looking to make loans to people and businesses who repay loans.

    Has anyone in Congress sponsored a bill to make loans like the ones made by Broadway illegal? Did Mark Kirk sponsor a bill to make loaning money to felons illegal?

    If the loan was legal and profitable, what did Giannoulias do wrong? He knew some shady characters? OK. Does that make Giannoulias unusual in politics?

    Do you think Giannoulias will be influenced by his connections to these two?

    Or is this just a smear to make Giannoulias sound dirtier than he is?

  39. - Fed up - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:44 am:

    Alexi was part of the U of I admissions scandal. He got an unqualifed kid into U of I and the the person he did it for threw him a fundraiser where he made $120,000. You know the scandal where Pat Quinn said all the trustees have to resign or I will force them out. The when two wouldn’t resign booby Rush told pat Quinn to shut up and like it so Pat Quinn walked away with his tail between his leggs.

  40. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Giannoulias made phone calls to help is campaign contributors kids get into school?

    Whoa! Do people in politics do that sort of thing?

    But seriously, if UIUC was taking action on those phone calls, who is doing something wrong?

    If Giannoulias was the only politician doing it then it looks like he’s got some special leverage over the school he’s abusing.

    But if UIUC was taking those calls from a variety of sources then what’s Giannoulias doing wrong?

    Picture this scenario:

    AB contributed $5,000 to politicians CD. AB has a daughter who is on the cusp of getting admitted to the engineering program at UIUC, but her GPA is a tenth of a point low. She can go to liberal arts and sciences and transfer into engineering, but this will probably add a year to her time at UIUC.

    AB hears that state politicians can help get applicants over the hump. AB calls CD and asks CD to make the phone call to the admissions people at UIUC. What kind of Illinois politician wouldn’t make that phone call?

    You’d have to be a self-righteous tool to not make that phone call.

    Giannoulias didn’t create the favoritism in admission at UIUC. He played the game by the rules that existed when he was elected.

  41. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 10:59 am:

    The Bright Start situation is more complicated. And when there’s a discussion devoted to that, I’ll write about it.

    Overall, the program went from being ranked from being one of the most poorly run programs in the 50 states to one of the best run.

    There was obviously a hiccup along the way.

  42. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    Fed Up, I think your point about Quinn is substantially valid.

    However, I would note that the attacks on Giannoulias often rely on tying him to stuff he didn’t have control over.

    The $10,000 in disputed interest payments to the IRS is the classic example of tying Giannoulias to something that sounds bad, but the dispute between Broadway and the IRS is from some totally different part of the bank. It wasn’t anything under Alexi Giannoulias’ responsibility.

    But the Sun-Times ran with the story. Not that it has anything to do with the S-T’s preference for Kirk.

  43. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:07 am:

    If this campaign is about issues Giannoulias wins. Because Giannoulias is with the voters of Illinois on the important issues.

    In the Senate Giannoulias will work to improves the lives of the middle class. If elected to the U.S. Senate–and I doubt it will happen–Kirk will be constantly saying, “Is it time to bomb Iran yet? Y’know, I’m a foreign policy expert.”

  44. - ABCBoy - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:17 am:

    The polls show that voters are starting to take real notice of Alexi’s shady dealings. It’s really hard to disparage someone else’s ethics when you are up to your eyeballs in scandal.

    I think this is generally true. Plus, I’ve VERY RARELY seen any campaign get real traction on real inside-baseball type stuff such as what PAC money is donating to what campaign. It may help w/ the political junkies, but not the average voter. In an otherwise boring or issue-free contest, maybe the PAC money/political junkie news would filter down to the average voter by osmosis. But if there’s a hot issue or more direct news, that’s the stuff that will penetrate.

    Of course, 6 months is a lifetime in politics. It’s possible that Alexi’s problems might be TOO big and be run off the ticket by August by his own party. Kirk might have to be careful what he wishes for if they put in Rham or Bill Daley in there…

  45. - phocion - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    Nyberg said:
    ==The Bright Start situation is more complicated. And when there’s a discussion devoted to that, I’ll write about it.==

    Phocion Request:
    Rich, please don’t devote a discussion to Bright Start.

  46. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:27 am:

    Mr Nyberg,

    You should know that campaigns frequently are not about issues but appearances. The tide runneth against Giannoulias in regard. Just sayin’

  47. - well - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:28 am:


    You and bored now are beginning to come off as more than a little desperate.

  48. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Brennan: while i can’t say with certainty how either of them voted, i’m pretty sure that neither the president nor sen. durbin are eagerly awaiting the failure of another community bank. after, there are jobs involved.

    but mark kirk is like a relentless vulture, circling the corpse of a local bank here in illinois. it’s unseemly. well, it’s unseemly if you assume that mark kirk actually cares what happens here in the state. i don’t make that assumption; i’m pretty sure his future is secure as a beltway lobbyist peddling whatever his contributors/clients want while pocketing the cash directly starting this january…

  49. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    Ok Carl, try to see past the cloud of Bush Derangement Syndrome and gather your wits. You are starting to rant.

    Thank you for your spirited defense of Alexi’s Banker to the Mob reputation.

    You are right. If you are a fine, upstanding pillar of the banking community and two guys with felony convictions for running illegal business operations show up AND ONE IS ABOUT TO REPORT TO PRISON and they want a $20 million loan what’s the problem? Heck, mobsters gotta eat too!

    What kind of human being would Alexi be if he said, “hmmm, I just would prefer not to do business with these types of people?”

    Instead, he hops on a plane to Miami to look at the property they want to purchase. I bet that was a fun jaunt.

    The problem is (FOR ABOUT THE FIFTIETH TIME) that Alexi’s business dealings show a serious lack of judgement. AND it was his supposed business acumen (and his parents millions) that he ran on in the first place.

    Rich is always a fan of showing polling data to back up your claims on this site. The numbers are pretty clear–voters are abandoning Alexi because the have serious questions about his judgement and his dealings at Broadway.

  50. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    dupage dan, thank you for admitting (implicitly) that Giannoulias is suffering from manufactured appearances of impropriety rather than actual allegations of misconduct or unethical behavior.

  51. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    Alexi’s “testimonials” look too contrived with “ordinary” people uncomfortably regurgitating talking points. Kirk’s, although long, keeps building and piling on with press reports validating the charges.

    Alexi C-
    Kirk B+

  52. - Brennan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    =i’m pretty sure that neither the president nor sen. durbin are eagerly awaiting the failure of another community bank. after, there are jobs involved.=

    Welcome to the world of here and now where that’s a concern in just about every decision made by anyone in America.

    The fact of that matter is you cannot paint Durbin or Obama with any set of brushes that doesn’t reflect the very image they project as the bailout the banksters supporters that they are. Durbin and Obama voted for the bailout for the same reason Kirk voted for it: mutually assured economic destruction.

    You know whose bank isn’t failing right now? Peter Fitzgerald’s bank isn’t failing. I wonder what his right wing extremist secret is to sound banking.

    But all is well. Senator Durbin isn’t the co-chair of Alexi’s campaign and he didn’t really vote for the bailout even though he did.

  53. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    What has Giannoulias done wrong?

    We’re talking about electing a senator. How about a candidate that doesn’t have to defend the only experience he ever had?

    How low is the bar you are setting here? If your only point in voting for a candidate is to claim that you can’t prove he did anything wrong, then you are backing the wrong guy.

  54. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    i don’t make that assumption

    Now you are just flat-out lying. You can’t possibly read through what you have written on this web page and make that statement. We all know you made up your mind before either candidate was nominated, that your mind is made up regardless of what happens during the campaign, your mind is made up regardless of what new information is exposed by either candidate, and that you mind is made up to the point where you cannot have a normal conversation about this race, forcing everyone to simply endure what you are posting.

    When your mind opens up a wee bit, tell us, so that we can start reading through your postings again with some credibility.

  55. - The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    Louis: First take, I’d guess that the “quality” of the “acting” was by design and intentional. Their target audience is obvious–and they’re sending a message and using an approach that’s worked very well for them recently.

    bored now should analyze that thought and try to figure out what it means.

    bored: I’d suggest that you start with reading through the following comment you made: “again, you are the ?only? person in the country who thinks this is possible!”

  56. - The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 12:29 pm:

    Feeling the love, bored? Maybe you’ll be in the next vid.

  57. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    sorry, real, i’m a realist. charlie cook doesn’t believe that republicans will retake the senate (despite louis’ inference, or rather, wishful thinking). the most optimistic prediction that i’ve seen thinks that senate republicans will end up with 48-49 seats after this election (including a dem loss here in illinois). if you can find people who believe otherwise (and have actually looked over the contests — it’s obvious that louis had not), i’d love to see it…

  58. - siriusly - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 1:02 pm:

    Holy cow! That Alexi video was horrible. The fact that he made that commercial is enough to convince me he’s done (as if I didn’t know that 6 months ago).

    I feel like a broken record telling all of my Democratic friends - I told you so. I did it after Blago got arrested, I did it after SLC won and here we are again. I’m not crying in my Hoffman yard sign, but I do wish that Democratic primary voters would have thought about electability.

    Kirk is going to coast with 60%.

  59. - siriusly - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 1:03 pm:

    Oh yeah, sorry forgot:
    Kirk’s video C-
    Alexi’s video F

  60. - The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    sorry, real, i’m a realist.

    I don’t think you are.

    Re-read my comments, bored. They had nothing to do with issues, or predictions as to who was going to win. They were strictly related to the intent behind the video.

    While Kirk is mentioned, it’s not strictly about him or Alexi.

    They’re recruiting, bored.

  61. - Brennan - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 1:46 pm:

    bored now: Louis said it “could” happen. Cook concurs. Few are saying it is “likely” to happen. The only one I know saying that is Dick Morris.

    Realism has nothing to do with any of these statements. They’re true. They’re accurate. If you don’t like them then that’s your opinion.

  62. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    brennan, now you’ve just driven over into conspiracy territory. sure, it’s theoretically possible that republicans could win 33 seats in the u.s. senate. of course, the mere mention of that *fact* doesn’t make it likely or even realistically possible.

    i’ve not heard charlie cook say it is possible and will be happy to read/view any link where he mentions it as a possibility. it’s possible that mark kirk could win; i don’t think it’s likely but it *is* possible.

    talk about desperation…

  63. - The REAL Anonymous...fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    brennan, now you’ve just driven over into conspiracy territory.

    Hmmm… lol

  64. - Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    Well said, Adam Smith at 10:30

    RE Carl Nyberg, when you questioned whether the “mobster” loan had gone bad or not, either you are deceitfully ignoring the facts or you really don’t have enough grasp of the facts to pontificate as much as you have.

    The 2004 $20 million Giorango loan (an additional loan to Giorango, I might add, who already had a loan portfolio with Broadway since 1999), which was granted when Alexi was “senior loan officer” is in default, which means the bank wasn’t repaid. The same Tribune story in April which broke this story also noted the collection case against Giorango to get the money repaid. The lawsuit is public record.

    By the way, if Alexi, when he first ran in 2006, was “super qualified” because he was an “experienced senior loan officer”, but in 2010 now characterizes his work as “clerical” only in explaining his role in the Giorango loans, aren’t these significantly inconsistent statements? If he is now saying that he only engaged in “clerical” work on the $20 million loan to an admitted felon, why should we elect a “clerk” to one of the most prestigious offices in our country, particularly when the “clerk” lost $50M in Bright Start funds and millions on liquidated real estate for the State? (I know that Nyberg doesn’t really care, so long has his “clerk” Senator votes the way he likes.)

  65. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 4:29 pm:

    Bored-Now—Pay Attention!….Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, take a deep breath, and remove your shoes and socks….I am going to teach you how to count—Politically Speaking.

    Charlie Cook has 5 current democrat seats (AR,CO,IL,NV,PA) as “Toss-Ups.” Now add 3 current D’s rated Lean(IN), Likely (DE) or Solid (ND) in the GOP column and that’s a total of 8 very competitive republican challenger races. Then include the 3 current D’s in the Lean (CA,CT) and Likely(NY) democratic column and we have 11 races, seven months out from election day, that “could” switch parties, according to Cook.

    Now for the currently held republican seats, Cook has 4 republican seats in “toss-up” races, but not one…nada….zero….democratic challenger in Lean/Likely/Solid favored to win races.

    Just for reference democrats lost a net 12 senate seats in 1980 and gave up control of the senate for the first time in 28 years. In 1994, the number was 8 seats and control.

    I learned a long time ago not to make election predictions, especially this far out. However, 2010 is looking like a very bad year for democrats, especially in Illinois. After losing Ted Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts, and most likely Joe Biden’s in Delaware, I would think democratic leaders would be taking a second look Alexi’s chances. The way I add things up democrats may very well need every senate seat they can muster next January to maintain control.

  66. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 4:58 pm:

    ok, you really are denser than i thought. i understand that you probably don’t follow federal elections (after all, illinois is the only place that matters — to be more precise, that little part of illinois north of i-80 and east of 355), but i didn’t assume that you’d speak about something of which you clearly only had peripheral knowledge.

    what i don’t know is if you don’t understand cook’s rankings (which i strongly suspect) or you’re simply engaging in wishful thinking.

    i repeat: no one else credibly believes that the u.s. senate is at stake. that you could surmise that california or connecticut (let alone new york!) are in play undermines any bit of credibility here. but, then, i’m assuming that you even know the people in those races …

  67. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 5:02 pm:

    Bored Now…You’re hopeless…

  68. - bored now - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 5:40 pm:

    nope, just a realist. still waiting for that link where charlie cook predicted that a gop takeover of the senate was possible…

  69. - Responsa - Wednesday, Apr 14, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    Here you go, bored–

    Apparently Louis is not the only “heretic” out there, after all. Check out this quote from a new AP article by Liz Sidoti up on Yahoo News: “With the electorate angry, Republicans enthusiastic and Democrats seemingly less so, Obama’s party increasingly fears it could lose control of the House, if not the Senate…” There’s some more good stuff in there too, but I’ll let you search it out on the Google.


  70. - bored now - Thursday, Apr 15, 10 @ 7:12 am:

    i got the poll yesterday and went through it. but, AGAIN, can you point out where the story suggests (or even infers) that the senate is at stake? i understand the wishful thinking, the whole mark kirk walks on water thing, the cheerleading, etc — i’m just asking: what credible commentator, who actually is authoritative about this stuff, believes that the republicans can take over the senate next year? just one. any one. anyone?

    (i know, i know, it’s mean for me to actually rely on facts and keep insisting on them…)

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