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Post-meeting leader videos, Quinn on Leaders/Rahm and Lisa on Rahm

Tuesday, Apr 20, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno talked to reporters after the leaders meeting today about the governor’s proposals that I’ve already outlined below.

Radogno claimed that the proposed cuts don’t really add up to $2.6 billion because Quinn wants to add spending back into the plan. She claimed the cuts really added up to only $900 million, while Quinn wants to do $9 billion in borrowing and new taxes. Have a look

* House Republican Leader Tom Cross, like Radogno, was asked about a six-month budget. But, like Radogno, Cross said it wasn’t discussed. Take a look

* Quinn’s budget director David Vaught talked about extending the lapse period by four months and how that helps vendors avoid the court of claims. Actually, it helps the state avoid the court of claims. Either way, watch

* In case you missed it below, Gov. Quinn told Chicago reporters that he wants a review of leadership use of cars

“This is an alarm bell that we need to pay attention to,” Quinn said. “Especially in these times of austerity, we need to look at where all state vehicles are, how they are used, where they’re assigned, and I intend to pursue that.” […]

Quinn said it is “absolutely wrong” for state-owned vehicles to ever be used by family members or anyone not working for the state, but he stopped short of saying top lawmakers should be stripped of the perk saying he planned to meet with legislative leaders and discuss the issue this afternoon.

The governor did suggest the legislative branch could face budget cuts that would force the General Assembly to reconsider some purchases.

“It bears inspection, and this is a good time to do the inspecting,” Quinn said. “We have a tough budget, we have to tighten the budget. Any information that we have that indicates that a vehicle is not necessary, then we will act appropriately.”

* Quinn and Attorney General Lisa Madigan both commented on the Rahm Emanuel for mayor kerfuffle.

First up, Quinn, who cracked that he knew Rahm when “he was an idealist” back in 1980



  1. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    ==Quinn said it is “absolutely wrong” for state-owned vehicles to ever be used by family members==

    How about the free license plates? Shortly after Build Illinois nearly doubledd the plate fee, about every weekday at daycare I parked behind the mid-20s daughter of my state rep….notable by her House plates.

  2. - cassandra - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 4:45 pm:

    Well, Radogno does give voice to what I’ve been wondering. Where are the cuts? I’d like to see that list too. But I’m doubtful she (and we) will ever see it. Quinn seems to believe that if he keeps talking about (insert promise, threat to cut something) we’ll think those cuts actually happened. It’s not a bad political move. But given our recent history, we Illinoisians should be more insistent about seeing the actual facts and numbers.

    Quinn’s latest plan seems to be a combination of selling the cow, borrowing a whole bunch, and raising income taxes during a lingering recession which has left many individual bank accounts seriously depleted. If it weren’t for the upcoming Blago trial, I’d say maybe he could get away with it. This is blue blue Illinois. But the Blago trial is going to feature huge amounts of money sloshing around and our Blago and pals allegedly try to figure out a way to enrich themselves from public service without going to jail. Not an inspiring picture, especially since so many Blago folks are still at the trough. At a minimum, a whole lot of folks might just stay home in despair. Democratic folks especially.

  3. - Robert - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 5:13 pm:

    state-owned vehicles for private use - relative to the budget crisis, we’re talking pennies, right?

    but that’s the thing - lawmakers who abuse perks plus put relatives on the payroll - this is what helps cause the public to not trust them on the big issues (pension reform/taxes).

  4. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 5:18 pm:

    Vote Quimby—FYI—House Members pay for their license plates, just like you…Legislators don’t receive free plates…

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 6:30 pm:

    Would it help balance our budget if ALL state jobs were competitively bid?

    Not just the blue collar contractor jobs, but all the white collar political jobs too?

  6. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 7:00 pm:

    There are hundreds of vehicles owned by various units of government that are used for personal use throughout this state.

    Costs of acquisition, depreciation, insurance, maintenance and fuel add up. To claim it it is only pennies ignores the fact that the State(and other bodies of government) have no free pennies available.

    Eliminate this perk immediately.

  7. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Apr 20, 10 @ 9:01 pm:

    Thanks Louis…that has been bugging me for a decade!

  8. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 12:34 am:

    ==Quinn’s budget director David Vaught talked about extending the lapse period by four months and how that helps vendors avoid the court of claims.==

    Does this mean that vendors would need to wait an additional four months before filing in the court of claims?

    ==“Especially in these times of austerity, we need to look at where all state vehicles are, how they are used, where they’re assigned, and I intend to pursue that.”==

    I applaud Quinn for trying to do the right thing here; however, I wonder how much loss this particular problem causes. Also, if we’re looking to save money in this arena, what about some requirements for fuel efficiency, or better yet, alternative fuels?

  9. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 12:35 am:

    Why are there even special House license plates to begin with? I assume they serve some public interest?

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