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Obama may visit Quincy as the rest of the state boils

Wednesday, Apr 21, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The President is about to embark on a small-town Midwestern swing which could take him to Quincy was reporting that several sources confirmed that an Obama advance team was setting up a possible visit to Quincy, with Wednesday appearing to be the most likely day. Various federal and state officials did not indicate any plans for a Peoria or Springfield stop.

Yeah. Springfield. Right. No way does he want to pop in near the end of session mess. And steering clear of Chicago’s craziness is also smart. Still, if he does come to Illinois, I’d like to see him pressed on what he thinks has happened to his home state since he departed.

* Meanwhile, Lynn Sweet says Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is slightly walking back what he said on the Charlie Rose show this week about running for mayor if Daley decides to hang it up…

Emanuel told me Tuesday night he never intended to go as far as he did with Rose. The question came up at the end of a wide ranging interview. The usually disciplined Emanuel says he slipped up.

The Sun-Times runs down a list of other possible Daley successors

Nor is [Rahm], necessarily, the frontrunner in that crowded field.

Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., CTA Board Chairman Terry Peterson, City Colleges Board Chairman Gery Chico and former Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman are also high on the list.

Former U.S. Commerce Secretary William Daley, the natural politician of the Daley clan, could try to succeed his brother. The field might also include: former Schools CEO Paul Vallas; presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett; U.S. Rep. Luis Guitierrez; and Chicago aldermen Bob Fioretti (2nd), Edward M. Burke (14th), Brendan Reilly (42nd) and former Ald. Manny Flores (1st).

And Congressman Gutierrez makes a good point in that Sweet piece…

Earlier in the day, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who is at odds with Emanuel over the slow pace of comprehensive immigration reform in the Obama White House, told me, “I am sure every word that he spoke was not some sort of off-the-cuff remark but calculated to achieve some political goal.

“When I see Rahm Emanuel, [from now on] I don’t know if I am talking to the president’s chief of staff and if that is his chief priority, or if I am talking to a future candidate for the mayor of the city of Chicago,” Gutierrez said.

FOOTNOTE: Emanuel never liquidated his political war chest when he joined the White House; as of April 15, he had $1,175,109.76 cash on hand that could be transferred to a mayoral campaign.

* The Trib runs down the negatives

But back in Chicago, where Emanuel made his political bones, the former congressman and political insider’s sharp elbows and national cachet aren’t much of a guarantee that he will replace the man who remains firmly in control of Chicago.

Just ask the Daleys.

“Absolutely not, and I don’t think anyone would say that,” said Cook County Commissioner John Daley when asked Tuesday if Emanuel would be the front-runner in a mayor’s race that didn’t involve his brother. “And I don’t think (Emanuel) would say that, knowing the electorate of Chicago.”

A return home to run for mayor means Emanuel, who renewed his interest in the job on national TV Monday, would have to address some long-standing political baggage. Questions abound about his quick stockpiling of wealth on Wall Street, help from a Daley patronage army to win a seat in Congress and chats with disgraced ex- Gov. Rod Blagojevich about filling a vacant U.S. Senate seat.

* And Congressman Quigley shoots down the whole idea

“This is all b.s. The mayor is running again,” Quigley answered adamantly, not using the abbreviation. […]

“I’ve met with the mayor three or four times since I’ve been elected,” Quigley said. “He is focused. He is knowledgeable. And I think he wants to go out on his own terms, whenever that is.”

On top of that, maybe there is a little inside information.

“I hear their operation is getting put together,” Quigley said, meaning that he has been told by others that Daley is assembling a political team in preparation for a 2011 re-election bid. He couldn’t supply any details.

* And Fran Spielman writes that Rahm’s trial balloon, if it was that, didn’t go over well on the 5th Floor

Mayor Daley’s popularity is at an all-time low, city finances are in the toilet, the Olympics went to Rio and his wife, Maggie, is battling a series of cancer setbacks.

So Rahm Emanuel’s announcement that he’d like to be mayor some day understandably touched a nerve in the Daley camp.

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  1. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 10:24 am:

    I think Quigley has it right. Who, that would care to run, on the Sun-Times list, would beat Daley now?

    The only one I see who would possibly run is Hoffman, if he could raise the cash.

  2. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 10:25 am:

    Well if Daley does decide to step down, it appears that Chicago has a wealth of possible future mayors - beyond Rahm Emanuel, that is. Being a mayor requires skills beyond political chicanery and revenge. Knowing how to win an election doesn’t qualify an individual to know how to govern. Take a look at Emanuel’s predecessor as congressman, Blagojevich, to recognize that being an aggressive SOB might win you the office, but doesn’t help anyone, (which is usually the point of this kind of political animal), btw.

  3. - The Doc - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    Hoffman could be a credible Daley opponent, and perhaps the only name mentioned in the article that would challenge the mayor even if he decides to run again.

    And it’d be fun to watch Bernie Stone’s head explode.

  4. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    Obama will use Quincy to stump for Phil Hare, because Quincy is still Democratic enough, yet Midwestern enough, for good camera and press. Someone on the Obama Team are doing what they can to show that Obama is still popular outside of large urban areas. Expect Obama to hang with Wal-Mart rural people on television.

  5. - Fan of Cap Fax - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    Thanks, Rich, for taking the time to note the issues on Mayor Daley’s plate. Godspeed to Mrs. Daley and your Father for a quick recovery.

  6. - jen chicago - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    Whoa–”Illinois Democratic Party Chairman Michael Madigan met with Cohen Saturday where the former lieutenant governor nominee broke the news that he’d run for governor as an independent.”

    I knew he met with Madigan but have not seen this reported elsewhere. Am I missing something?

  7. - hmoore - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 11:17 am:

    I just want to see the fluffy campaign ads with Rahm holding a baby or petting a dog smiling cynically. Can we make that happen?

  8. - siriusly - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    I thought Lisa Madigan’s response to Ch5 yesterday was classy and funny.

    “Your name has been mentioned as a possible candidate too . . ?”

    Lisa: “Not by me it hasn’t”

  9. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Actually, Obama’s “home state” is Hawaii, isn’t it?

  10. - Hank - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    Daley runs
    Daley wins
    Daley resigns and appoints Patrick “the war hero” to finish his term
    Da Chicago way

  11. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    ==The President is about to embark on a small-town Midwestern swing which could take him to Quincy…==

    Because he’s secretly trying to bolster a Google-in-Quincy-caves deal, or because he saw a pictures of the caves and thought it might make a good location for a government facility? :)

  12. - siriusly - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    Nice try Hank. Or should I say John Kass. But there is an official rule about mayoral resignations, and it doesn’t include getting to appoint your own successor.

  13. - Peggy SO-IL - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    Quincy has an active Tea Party movement. Go for it, O! Game on.

  14. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 1:23 pm:


    Yeah, like that would be some kind of hinderance. Are you naive or have you not lived in Illinois long?

  15. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    Rahm is nowhere near as verbally disciplined as many believe him to be. In fact, he’s famous for just spouting off BS, especially when it is to promote Rahm, and then having to walk it off later. Just ask Rich about that one.

    Hoffman won’t be challenging Daley. Everyone should just get that little fantasy out of their heads. After raising a boatload of $$$ and coming from behind to almost beat Alexi, he’s not likely to take on a suicidal fools errand like taking on Daley.

  16. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 2:36 pm:

    Rahm Emanuel is the poster boy, or should I say Ballerina Boy, for what’s wrong with the Democratic Party. Daley has delivered big time for Chicago, sometime national democrats have failed to do when powered.
    Phil Hare should stop high profile campaigning in Quincy. All he’s doing is inciting the crazies. After all, Adams County went for George Wallace and John McCain. Dumb move on Phil’s part.

  17. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 2:45 pm:

    I really should start proof reading before hitting the send button…it’s “something national democrats have failed….not sometime….and empowered not powered…sorry…

  18. - cassandra - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    I must say, re: Hank’s post, that I’ve been wondering when the next generation of Daley princes and princesses would be popping up for consideration by residents of the Kingdom of Chicago.

    As for Rahm’s comment, it doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who would let anything slip. Either it was a trial balloon and he decided the somewhat negative reaction warranted a walkback or the pressures of being WH COS are getting to him.

  19. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    –After all, Adams County went for George Wallace and John McCain.–

    Are you saying that Hare would go so far as tearing Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars, and he voted for Barack Obama for president?

    Old Charlie Daniels, before he saw the light and felt the need to change some lyrics. Kick ass Nashville band blasting from the eight track in the pickup.

  20. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    President Obama will fly into Quincy on Tuesday, go to Ft. Madison and Keokuk (I think Keokuk), IA, and spend the night in Des Moines. On Wednesday, he will travel back to Quincy to tour a business enterprise.

    Quincy is a Democrat stronghold, and Mayor John Spring and former Mayor Chuck Scholz have strong ties with Sen. Durbin. The rest of Adams County, not so much.

    Are you saying he’s even got a Commie flag
    Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage? ;)

  21. - 71 - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 3:57 pm:

    Rahm’s as articulate as Daley; he’s a perfect successor ;)

  22. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    What I am saying is that Adams County isn’t the place to campaign with Barack Obama. Obama rec’d less than 40% of the vote in Adams County, and he lost the surrounding counties Brown, Hancock, and Pike by big margins as well. FYI…Quincy is by far the most dominant community in far western Illinois but is NOT a democratic stronghold. Phil needs to jazz up his base and stop rattling the cage where the red necks hang out.

  23. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 4:19 pm:

    He doesn’t even have a garage, you can go home and ask his wife.

  24. - Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 4:38 pm:

    The Rahm Emanuel “I’d like to be Mayor” story brings to mind the incident of former Republican Cook County State’s attorney Jack O’Malley, who, during Governor Edgar’s second term, ran a poll to see how he would fare in a race for Governor. The poll and its results were never officially published or acknowledged, but the backroom reaction from Edgar was fury. Rumor was the governor’s office iced O’Malley after that, O’Malley lost he next race for re-election, and made a comeback some years later as a suburban appellate court judge with no further state wide ambitions. Perhaps the same medicine awaits Rahm?

  25. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 4:50 pm:

    After all, Adams County went for George Wallace and John McCain.

    In 1968, Nixon carried Adams County with 53% of the vote. Humphrey received 36%, and George Wallace didn’t get out of single digits.

    Adams County supported Ross Perot in 1992 with double the Wallace results.

    You are wrong - and insulting.

  26. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 6:40 pm:

    VM—It’s not insulting, but a a fact that Obama rec’d 38.26% and lost Adams County by 6,000 votes in 2008. Hare lost Adams County with 39.1% and by 3,700 votes in his 2006 only contested race. My point is, if you are going to bring in the President of the United States bring him to a region that he is popular. Adams County isn’t Obama Country. Further more focusing on a republican base area in this off year election doesn’t seem to me as a good use of Hare’s time.

  27. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 21, 10 @ 11:37 pm:

    V-Man’s right. It is insulting.

  28. - Louis Howe - Thursday, Apr 22, 10 @ 7:01 am:

    Insulting? What’s insulting about saying Hare should bring Obama into regions where Obama is popular .i.e. won the region. Actually, Obama lost Adams County by 6,719 votes, but I rounded down in my previous post.

  29. - chuckT - Thursday, Apr 22, 10 @ 8:43 am:

    Southside political strategist Maze Jackson is the most influential African American in Chicago and should be mentioned in any conversation about mayoral candidates.

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