Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Blagojevich lawyers subpoenaed Durbin - Quinn, Cullerton, Lisa Madigan, Speaker Madigan weren’t subpoenaed
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Blagojevich lawyers subpoenaed Durbin - Quinn, Cullerton, Lisa Madigan, Speaker Madigan weren’t subpoenaed

Friday, Apr 23, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He’s just gonna drag everybody in, apparently. I think I should just send out a blast e-mail to everyone in Illinois politics asking if they’ve been subpoenaed, too…

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, the chamber’s No. 2 Democrat, said he was subpoenaed by the defense to testify in the June 3 corruption trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

“Whether I’m going to be called, I don’t know,” Durbin said, adding that he received the subpoena “several” weeks ago. “But, you know, a subpoena is an order of the court to appear. And if I’m called to appear, I will.”

Blagojevich’s lawyers are asking the federal judge overseeing his case to compel President Barack Obama to testify in order to dispute allegations against the impeached governor.

U.S. District Judge James Zagel will consider that request on April 30. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs wouldn’t comment on the possibility of the president being subpoenaed in the case.

Durbin said he was interviewed for about 30 minutes “several months” ago by federal investigators in the Blagojevich case.


Last year, Durbin was interviewed by the federal prosecution for the case. At that time he said he had one 10 to 15 minute conversation with Blagojevich about the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President Barack Obama, which Blagojevich is accused of trying to sell. Durbin said he suggested 10-20 names that should be considered for the replacement.

…Adding… I sent out some e-mails to various spokespersons and just got my first reply. The governor’s office says Gov. Quinn has not been subpoenaed.

…Adding… Senate President Cullerton’s office said he has not been subpoenaed, either.

…Adding… Lisa Madigan is a “no” as well.

…Adding… Speaker Madigan is a “no.”


  1. - Stones - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    Blago has apparently made the decision to ruin as many political careers as possible. The guy is as low as they come.

  2. - Peggy SO-IL - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    Rod’s way of “sharing the wealth.” Not sure if this is what Obama had in mind.

  3. - Team America - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    Um, Stones, most of these people are the very same folks who supported Blago for election and re-election. You keep company like Blago, you deserve what you get. And nobody’s career is going to be ruined unless it’s proved they’re dirty, in which case, tough luck.

  4. - John Bambenek - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    I have not been supoenaed. And for the record, I had considered sending a letter to Rod after Obama won to be snarky and ask for the appointment myself.

    In retrospect, I’m really glad I didn’t. :)

  5. - Secret Square - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:37 pm:

    What next? Subpoenas for every talk show host that’s interviewed him and every contestant on “Apprentice” and “I’m a Celebrity….”?

  6. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:47 pm:

    Just because a defense lawyer issues a subpoena doesn’t mean either that the “witness” (a) will actually be called by the lawyer, or (b) has relevant tetimony and will be allowed to testify by the judge. Sometimes the issuance of a subopena … Hey look, a Kitty!

    (Or was that a Wookie?)

  7. - Stones - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    T/A: While you are correct that these folks were supportive of Blago, getting subpoenaed for little or no reason (such as having a 20 minute conversation about potential Senate appointees) is certain to have a chilling impact on a political career. Joe Voter thinks of one thing when they hear terms such as wiretap, subpoena, indictment, etc and it ain’t good.

    As an example, when someone is indicted (which is simply an accusation) do you think that it might ruin a career, whether a conviction is reached or not?

    My point is that Blago has made a conscious decision to drag as many folks through the mud as possible and I don’t think he particularly cares which party they belong to.

  8. - Logical Thinker - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Blago, literally has nothing to lose. Why not call everyone to the stand? I would argue that the Durbin’s of the world have much, much more to lose especially when they are under oath. Blago’s going to jail. He just wants to make a really big splash before he goes down.

  9. - OneMan - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:07 pm:


    This does make sense…

    If you are defending Rod you are going to try and poke holes into the narative the government has set out for how the senate vacancy was delt with.

    The more respected people you get who share what they know and the more they can cause doubt about the government’s timeline the better off you are (if you are Rod).

    Also if he any anything that modifies the feds timeline re any of the Senate Candidate X info, that helps too..

    Also Durbin bringing this up today actually hurts Alexi since it will bump the Brady story

  10. - siriusly - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    The subpoenas and the whole issue about who said what about the Senate seat appointment is one huge “look a kitty”.

    This Senate seat sale is one of the least significant charges he faces. Notice, no sense of outrage about the charges that he tried to personally profit by syphoning state money to his friends. No phoney charges about Fitzgerald’s manhood about the charges that he sold a state job to Ali Ata. No subpoenas to people who are involved in the Health Facilities Planning Board corruption.

    The man is just about out of tricks.

  11. - He Gone.... - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Have they subpoenaed the Congressman that he was so close with yet? Little Louie….

  12. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:30 pm:

    There’s another congressman who comes to find first.

  13. - fed up - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    Every single one of these people supported Blago with time and money. Many made deals with Blago just like they do with every polititcian. Just because Blagos friends are trying to forget they supported and enabled him does not mean it didnt happen. Some of these illegal acts may have been politics as usual in Ill. I bet alot of former supporters of Blago dont want to be asked about what is politics as usual in this state.

  14. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    Team America @ 1:35, you hit the nail on the head. Nicely done.

    Anonymous @ 1:47, you aren’t suggesting Blago & Co. are engaging in The Chewbacca Defense, are you?

  15. - Cousin Ralph - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    Team America and fed up are dead on.

  16. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 2:55 pm:

    “Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!”

    Along the same lines:

  17. - OneMan - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    Anonymous @ 1:47, you aren’t suggesting Blago & Co. are engaging in The Chewbacca Defense, are you?

    Now lets remember who first pointed out he was going to use the Chewbacca defense here at CapFax…

    If Zorn isn’t going to give me props, I expect you guys to do so.

  18. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 3:22 pm:


  19. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 3:45 pm:

    You’re right, OneMan, the Force was with you first. My bad.

  20. - Cousin Ralph - Friday, Apr 23, 10 @ 4:16 pm:

    Blago’s read of the situation is that Fritz is trying to criminalize Chicago-style politics. Blago thinks that he has’nt done anything that the rest of those who made it to the top of the political food chain in Illinois do routinely. Why will Dick Durbin be called, among other things, Blago will try to introduce through Durbin the senate rules that would allow whoever Blago appointed to the Senate to block a reappoint as USA. Thus, Fitz had a motive to sink Blago before he can put Fitz’s position in jeopardy. I doubt the judge will allow him to make that pitch to the jury, but this is fed court and prosecutorial abuse etc… can be considered. Remember this is Blago we are talking about. If instructed to answer, Durbin would have to say that if a senator from Illinois blue-carded Fitz, he would not be reappointed period.

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