Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bigtime GOP dollars coming Illinois’ way?
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Bigtime GOP dollars coming Illinois’ way?

Monday, Apr 26, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Review covered an Illinois Republican Party event last Thursday, but managed to bury the big news

IL GOP’s Executive Curt Conrad said IL GOP Chairman Pat Brady and the new Finance Committee has raised more funds in the first four months of 2010 than was raised in 2009 altogether.

And because of the heightened interest in the possibility of winning the U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races, Illinois has been promised at least $5 million in RNC funds to get out the RNC message and get voters to the polls on Election Day. The state’s RNC Victory program will be headed by Rodney Davis, who’s been key to Congressman John Shimkus’ (R-19) campaigns over the years.

At least $5 million? That’s a lot of scratch, man. The national GOP is in love with the idea of taking the US Senate seat away from the Democrats…

RNC Chairman Michael Steele spoke with the coalition representatives for ninety minutes, emphasizing the importance of grassroots building and message presentation. “A candy hasn’t been invented yet that would be as sweet as winning Barack Obama’s Senate seat back,” he said. Steele promised RNC resources during the upcoming election.

With SEIU, AFSCME and the teachers unions all upset with the Democrats, thus possibly depriving them of bigtime buckaroos, and the absolute governmental meltdown by the Democratic majority, the Republicans would be smart to target money into this state. Whether they’ll actually have it is anybody’s guess. They’re not doing too well these days.

* And speaking of that state GOP meeting

Rich Williamson, an attorney who lost the 1992 U.S. Senate contest to Democrat Carol Moseley Braun, was selected by the GOP state central committee from a field of candidates during a meeting at a Chicago hotel.

Williamson succeeds Pat Brady, who vacated the position when he became chairman of the Illinois Republican Party last year.


  1. - truthteller - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 5:53 am:

    Madigan will more than make up for the loss of union money with cash from business.The coterie of corporate lobbbyists whose clients employ them largely at the behest of the Speaker and who deliver for those clients will now complete the circle with heavy contributions from their principals.The House Repubs will be the ones to suffer. They haven’t figured out that when Madigan whacks the unions, he is picking up business support. When the Repubs join in, they get nothing for it, except the maintenance of their ideological(anti-union) purity.They’ll need that DC money.

  2. - ok - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 7:50 am:

    Wouldn’t this assume the RNC HAS $5 million to spend on Illinois? Last I checked, their burn rate was over 100 percent for the last couple quarters, and have almost no cash on hand.

    And will this be in addition to the $5 million they promised JBT?

  3. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 8:01 am:

    $5 million is a big promise from Michael Steele. According to the Beltway reporters, GOP donors have been avoiding the RNC like the plague because of him and directing their cash to other groups and individuals.

    Still, if there’s GOP money out there, there’s no better time to invest in Illinois.

  4. - been there done that - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 8:44 am:

    Of course last year wasn’t an election year.

    We’ve all heard these big promises before from the party honchos. We’ll see.

    There were barely 200 people at that IL GOP fundraiser at the Drake last Thursday night (probably a big reason why they closed it to the press). At $500 a ticket or $5,000 a table, that’s $100,000. They say they raised in excess of $600,000. So maybe some people gave more, or gave but didn’t come. I guess eventually someone can confirm when reports are filed.

  5. - GOP lies... - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 8:50 am:

    I am not sure anyone should be worried about what the ILGOP is claiming these days. They clearly have problems with facts:

    2009 Federal Fundraising

    January - $87,667
    February -138,366
    March - 301,864

    Total - $527,899

    2010 Fundraising

    January - $18655
    February - 125,589
    March - 45,700

    Total - $189,945

    Now this is only federal money raised but that is the far more important money for a state party and makes up a much greater share of the money raised. The state reports won’t be out for a few months.

    So the claim that they have raised more money in the first 4 months of this year than they did all of last year combined is as insane as “the RNC has committed $5 million to Illinois”

    The ILGOP raised around $2 million total last year so it is hard to believe that after raising a whopping $189k or so in the first 3 months of this year and then raised over $1.8 million in the first 20 days of April.

    What a joke!!! But no one calls them on it

  6. - Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:01 am:

    Many, many rank and file GOP members are giving to candidates instead of the RNC. [You should see the angry forms sent back to the RNC, which Michelle Malkin posts occasionally.] Even before the fiscal malfeasance under Steele, the RNC has been stuck on stupid and has ticked off the base, during the W Bush administration. The base does not live on tax cuts alone. The RNC doesn’t get that.

  7. - Easy - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:12 am:

    $5 million is completely reasonable. Do you have any idea how lucrative fundraisers at strip clubs are?

  8. - CMB - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:13 am:

    Rich Williamson… Really? So George Ryan’s State Party Chairman selection is part of the new direction for the Republican Party? I didn’t know he was still on IL.

  9. - train111 - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:16 am:

    Ah yes!! A $5 million fundraiser at a strip-club one night and then the ‘family values’ speech the next day!! Typical GOP move.


  10. - Downstater - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:18 am:

    The activity by the RNC syncs with Rich’s article on the deep Southern Illinois Poll which showed Brady leading Quinn. The RNC smells opportunity in Illinois.

    While many on this board stated that Southern Illinois was aleady a strong Republican area, I’d refer them to this map of the 2006 Governor’s race.

  11. - shore - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:21 am:

    the party has 11 million cash on hand with 12 competitive senate races, 30 governors mansions and 100 congressional seats. The NRCC has very little money and so I am sure resources will go there.

    someone is blowing smoke up someone’s end. The NRSC I am sure will spend 6-7 million dollars on the kirk race because if you look at the last 3 cycles they average about that much per race since they have so few of them. That’s probably where the number comes from.

  12. - Cousin Ralph - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:27 am:

    Wow, a lot of whistling past the graveyard by some of our posteres this morning. Taxpayers and businesses are realizing they cant afford Chicago style governance. The machine has too many malfunctions to keep it well-oiled this year. Time to invest in a new model.

  13. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:28 am:

    That is a lot of bondage clubs..where is Jack! btw?

  14. - John Bambenek - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:34 am:

    If the ILGOP and RNC can pull off an upset in Illinois (Obama’s home state) that is a huge moral boost to the GOP and a huge hit to the DNC. Especially if we pick up the governor’s mansion. Whether they can pull it off is another question, but if there was one Senate seat they could get that would be the shot across the bow in 2010, it’s the Illinois Senate seat. It’d be gravy if they can get Brady over the top also.

  15. - SalukiDog - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:36 am:

    I agree with GOP Lies…the real story here is the absolutely absurd claims of raising more money than last year. I am willing to bet when state reports show up in a couple months they are gonna have to walk back those claims…oh and that commitment of $5 million from the RNC…hilarious.

  16. - Brennan - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:46 am:

    Doesn’t the SEIU owe Bank of America about 75 million dollars on a loan Andy Stern took out in 2008?

    I wonder if the RNC has good credit.

  17. - VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:48 am:

    I don’t buy the hype, but I do recognize the bigger issue - the Illinois GOP is more alive than it has been in a decade.

    My friends ‘tsking’ the bravado sound like Pharisees not recognizing the bigger fact that Lazarus is alive. His claims that he can will dance like Fred Astaire may invoke jeers, but shouldn’t delude anyone to the fact that a bigger miracle has occurred.

  18. - OneMan - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:57 am:

    thats right, it isn’t going to happen…
    (waves hand)
    These are not the droids you are looking for..
    (waves hand)
    You can go about your business…

    Just work on the assumption that it isn’t going to happen IL Dems, I am cool with that.

  19. - AnonToo - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 9:59 am:

    And the ol’ Madigan whacking unions periodically to get business support assumes a one party model. Ultimately business interests back the perceived winner–witness how Wall Street and big business swung towards the Democrats in the 2006-2008 cycles at the national level. They simply want to be seen as backing the “winner.” Combine that with the fact that the GOP is the natural home of business anyway, and it’s entirely possible that a good chunk of corporate cash will swing towards the ILGOP this year. Maybe not 100%, but they will significantly hedge towards certain GOP races here in Illinois.

  20. - ShadyBillBrady - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    Wait … the GOP wants Kirk to win now? I thought he was a RINO? And I’m not so sure a Kirk win is an upset, btw. Alexi was in over his head last time and pulled one out. He’s in WAY over his head this time.

    And Bambino, getting Brady over the top would be gravy? This gubernatorial race was and is the GOP’s to lose - has been since day one. And, ironically, the primary voters elected the one candidate that many believe could actually lose it.

  21. - Wumpus - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    For once, the ILGOP seems somewhat united. Even Jack Roesser is playing somewhat nice.

  22. - ABCBoy - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:11 am:

    Wait … the GOP wants Kirk to win now? I thought he was a RINO?

    You’re assuming the GOP is monolithic. Just like the Democratic Party, it isn’t. The folks who don’t like Kirk were the conservative grassroots. Many are still not happy with him, but a few factors have happened:

    1) Kirk has sworn off his cap & trade vote he made in the House.

    2) The prospect as Alexi as senator instead is just too difficult to bear.

    3) Grassroots leaders are starting to come around to Kirk–or at the very least are grudgingly supporting him since the ILGOP is backing Bill Brady for governor in a reasonably strong way. Nine out of 10 years the conservatives are happy to play spoiler to “punish” the ILGOP for being insufficiently conservative. But once in a blue moon they get the urge to win. Each wing has a major candidate on the slate so everybody is happy this year.

  23. - Living in Oklahoma - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    As a right wing loon I would just like to remind everyone that…

    Mark Kirk voted NO on troop surge in Iraq.

    Mark Kirk voted NO on allowing school prayer.

    Mark Kirk voted YES on raising CAFE standards.

    Mark Kirk voted YES on prohibiting oil drilling and development in ANWR.

    Mark Kirk voted NO to prohibit partial-birth abortion.

    Of course I could go on.

    There is your “Republican” candidate for U.S. Senate, Micheal Steele wants to replace Barack Obama, with Barack Obama lite. That candy is about as sweet as a rotten turnip.

  24. - just sayin' - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Of course never underestimate the ability of the IL GOP to screw things up.

    There have been other years where the GOP did very well nationally, but still lost ground in Illinois. 2000, 2002 and 2004 for example.

    There is also a dirty little secret no one wants to talk about. The GOP’s statewide ticket is in reality very weak.

    Even Mark Kirk’s support, while maybe a mile wide on the surface, is only about an inch deep.

  25. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    Uh huh, just sayin.

    Is that the sound of delusion and desperation I hear?

  26. - oneman - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    Yes because school prayer is a huge issue in Illinois.

    Also I don’t get why we don’t want government in most things but we want it involved when we talk to God?

  27. - VanillaMan - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Of course never underestimate the ability of the IL GOP to screw things up.

    For the past decade, I think everyone has been mining that chestnut. I certainly have. I think that vein is now mined out.

    When the Democrats took over in ten years ago, it wasn’t because they offered something spectacular - it was because the GOP fell apart.

    Same thing is happening this year, but the roles are reversed. So, to those who believe that the GOP can’t win because they haven’t delivered any real reasons to replace the Democrats, consider that this political spin didn’t keep the GOP in power ten years ago.

    …and the Blagojevich trial hasn’t really started…

  28. - ABCBoy - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    As a right wing loon I would just like to remind everyone that…

    And I would like to remind everyone that, apparently, you live in Oklahoma. Kirk is heads & above a better candidate than Ali G. That holds true on the GOP side, and for moderate Democrats who want a candidate without an ethical cloud over him.

  29. - cuban pilot - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    This seems like a great opurtunity for Rodney. From what I have seen of him, he is very, very competent. If the Party gets some big wins in November, this will improve his already growing reputation.

  30. - Robert - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’m always a little skeptical of whether it is big news that either the RNC or DNC is investing big money in a state race, because this news is often followed by the other national party also investing big money, making the national parties’ involvement a wash.

    but with Alexi so toxic I wonder if the national dem orgs will donate?

  31. - George - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 1:38 pm:

    2) The prospect as Alexi as senator instead is just too difficult to bear.

    Really? Y’all seemed to bear him just fine as your Illinois State Treasurer - another statewide elected office.

    And I seem to recall many occasions during his time in this position where he was received enthusiastically by some of our state’s conservative, GOP politicians.

  32. - Bill - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 1:42 pm:

    With a couple of rare exceptions, Alexi is the only Dem who hasn’t alienated me so I’m sticking with him. As for the rest I’m sitting this one out. Will they miss my people and our money this season? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see. If they can’t remember who their core constituency is they don’t deserve to win. Let them ring their own doorbells and make their own phone calls. It’ll be the hardest some of them have worked in a long time. We’ll see how many soldiers “business” will put on the streets for Madigan.

  33. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 2:39 pm:

    Didn’t they promise Topinka $4 million in 2006?


    I believe it when the check arrives.

  34. - Bubs - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 2:53 pm:

    The Jay Leno joke about President Obama taking something that was on the brink of disaster and bring it back to life - “the Republican Party” was never so true than in Illinois. Add in the Blago Show, a fiscal crisis during a complete Democratic reign, and a sinking economy. A perfect storm is brewing, and playing right into the hands of the Illinos GOP.

    Past State Chairman Andy McKenna did a great job fundraising for the Party, which includes opening doors to get regular contributors. Current Chairman Pat Brady has done a lot of groundwork on healing some of the deep divisions (note Jack Roeser), and has close ties with the RNC and Michael Steele. So the Illinois GOP is no longer the red-headed stepchild in GOP national thinking.

    There is a larger national issue being recognized. Given the size of this state, as well as its economic importance, corporate connections, and the City of Chicago with all that entails (and we are talking all about money here, folks), it will be hard for the GOP to maintain any recovery in the Heartland area without strength in Illinois.

    I don’t know if $5 million will arrive, but its going to be a lot. The RNC is not kidding around.

  35. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 2:59 pm:

    –A perfect storm is brewing, and playing right into the hands of the Illinos GOP.–

    All the pieces are in place, Wanny. There’s such a long way to go.

    Caterpillar had a nice forecast today.

  36. - ABCBoy - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 3:16 pm:

    George said:

    “Really? Y’all seemed to bear him just fine as your Illinois State Treasurer - another statewide elected office.

    And I seem to recall many occasions during his time in this position where he was received enthusiastically by some of our state’s conservative, GOP politicians.”

    Hardly likely. At any rate, the number of GOPers that want Ali G to be a US Senator is nil. To pretend otherwise would be a joke.

    YDD said:

    “Didn’t they promise Topinka $4 million in 2006?


    I believe it when the check arrives.”

    Don’t quite follow your logic here. You’re comparing a down year for the GOP in 2006 to the climate today in 2010? And JBT as a candidate versus Kirk?

    Whether $5-$6 million actually comes into the state is up in the air. But there’s no doubt that the RNC (or GOP pacs, the RGA, NRSC, NRCC, etc.), are going to dump a heap of cash into the state this cycle. Nationally, they could PICK UP a governor, a senator, and 2+ congressional districts. And the Illinois Democratic Party is absolutely floundering due to self-inflicted wounds.

    It’s too rich of a target for them to ignore.

  37. - Bubs - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    I ain’t “Wanny,” whoever that is.

  38. - right side - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    Anybody who follows national politics knows that the RNC doesnt have a pot to p**s in. The big donors are not giving Steele anymore money. He squandered all the money his predacessor left him and things are so bad he might actually have to start taking cabs instead of limos. He isn’t sending anything to Illinois because he will have nothing to send. The GOP Senatoral Committee may have more to offer (in part because donors are going to them instead of the RNC). But whatever they give will be Kirk-specific. And the state GOP is more hapless than ever when it comes to raising $$ in state.

    But on the plus side, that Alexi is a nighmare!!

  39. - 71 - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 4:46 pm:

    The Illinois and national GOP is brimming with (over) confidence … which is just where the Democrats should want them.

  40. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 5:10 pm:

    Capt Fax
    $5 million doesn’t cover Ambassador Williamson’s shrimp and lobster bill for a year no less buckaroos for campaigns of CommandoKirk.
    Welcome back Rich!
    Another good sign for Dems in IL

  41. - LincolnLounger - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 6:53 pm:

    GOP Lies: They do, but you don’t understand coordinated expenditures very well.

    The RNC currently has $11 million cash on hand. It’s doubtful given the antics of Steele’s staff that they will have the resources to come anywhere close to $5 million for Illinois. My guess is that Steele is taking credit for anticipated spending by the flush NRSC, the NRCC, Republican Governors’ Assoc., and the RNC. Probably an accurate tally for combined spending by the national committees.

  42. - Brennan - Monday, Apr 26, 10 @ 8:26 pm:

    The DNC announced just 10 days ago that it was pledging 50 million it doesn’t have yet on the midterm elections.

    Take posturing for what it’s worth.

  43. - Third Eye - Thursday, May 6, 10 @ 7:28 pm:

    1st. For Senator Brady to win, it will take a lot more then money. Mathematically, Senator Brady must win atleast 33% of the vote in Chicago to have a chance at taking Quinn out. Brady already has lost much traction by siding with Reverand Meeks and showing no presence what so ever in the African American community. Brady had three months to garner a percentage of those votes because of the disgruntled blacks who were angry regarding Todd Stroger and Art Turner, but he did not.

    2nd. Independents and angry Democrats are already shifting support toward Scott Lee Cohen as he represents “A Person of the People” and one that has also been abused by the Chicago Democratic Machine. These were votes that Senator Brady needs in November.

    3rd. There are candidates such as Jimmy Lee Tillman II for MWRD Commissioner, Frederick Collins for Cook County Sheriff and Isaac Hayes for Congress who Brady must embrace to pull some of the black vote in Chicago. This is the optimal time because there has never been this much diversity on the Republican ticket. (For those who do not know, Jimmy Lee Tillman II is the son of Dorothy Tillman. If you do not know who she is then GOOGLE it.)

    In conclusion, The RNC can pour how ever much they want to into Illinois for Brady, but if he does not reach out to independents in Cook County then it is money and time wasted.

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