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Bill Brady’s excuse will never fly

Friday, Apr 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here is Sen. Bill Brady’s reason for telling reporters that they had to travel to Springfield to view his tax returns last Friday afternoon…

“I think we’ve often criticized governors for not living in Springfield, not being in the state capital,” Brady said, referring to complaints raised about disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s avoidance of Springfield. “We picked a location–the state of Illinois’ capital.”

That’s not gonna endear him to Chicago reporters, who are accustomed to getting their way and who often bite back hard, as we’ve seen time and time again.

Frankly, I don’t think the Springfield decision is a big deal. Just about every paper, TV and radio station in the Chicago area belongs to the AP. They could’ve set up something with the wire service in advance to make sure they got as much detail as they could ever want. The huffing from the TV stations is a bit strange, considering this isn’t exactly a “visual” story.

But this is an easy story to write, so we keep getting it over and over again. The much tougher story is figuring out what to do with all the data we’ve collected. I’m still in the planning stages myself. It’s time-consuming and will probably include lots of blind alleys, but there may be a nugget or two therein. The Peoria Journal Star editorial page hinted at one possibility

Meanwhile, others have noted that the federal income taxes he did pay over the last five years were considerably less than the tax bracket he occupied would suggest.

* And our quote of the day goes to Judy Baar Topinka

“I love Springfield,” she said. “I could never understand how that Looney Tune Rod Blagojevich always felt, why he didn’t want to live here — the greatest place in the world.”


  1. - Stormy - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 8:24 am:

    What’s with the crocodile tears for disturbed news operations. You go where the news happens. Radio and TV have been living off research by print reporters but it wasn’t too long ago major Chicago stations covered Springfield legislature beginning to end of session..Hugh Hill, Peter Nolan, Chick McKeon, Don Harris, and later Shaw, Flannery and Dick Kay. What’s wrong with making the new guys join thelong hurs and grunt work of covering the capitol.

  2. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 8:51 am:

    Today’s media are legends in their own minds. When we ask voters what they think regarding news coverage, we see a reason for their declining demographics and falling profits.

    If I am not mistaken, I think polls indicate that used car salesmen have about as much credibility as their local news commentators on television and in print.

    It is stories like these that have made it so. The closer media and political parties become over the past two years, the less credibility the media has with voters. Today’s media cannot be the “forth estate” within our government when it colludes so blatantly with the status quo ruling in Washington and Chicago. There eventually becomes a breaking point with their viewers.

    So, get on a bus gentlemen and gentleladies and stop giving credibility to rumors and partisan hack jobs. The longer you are seen as a ventriloquist’s dummy on the knee of our ruling party, the less you will be listened to.

  3. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 8:53 am:

    Brady shouldn’t have made up that phony-baloney reason. He understandably wanted to limit the number and amount of time prying eyes would have on his tax returns. I think most people would accept that as reasonable.

    Through his own missteps, he’s given his taxes more juice as a story then they might have received.

    And yes, the Chicago media will whack you if you make their lives difficult.

  4. - Amalia - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 8:57 am:

    hey Judy, takes one to know one.

  5. - just sayin' - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 8:58 am:

    Brady is way too slick for his own good.

    What should have been an easy pick up opportunity for the GOP is going to be a horserace.

    The problem is he’s never really been vetted by the Chicago press. In 2006 he never polled better than third in the primary, and no one really thought he was a leading contender this year either.

  6. - shore - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 9:17 am:

    They could have just brought cameras, photographed the documents uploaded them and reviewed them.

  7. - SAP - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 9:28 am:

    Haven’t seen JBT around Springfield much in the last 3.5 years. Where’s she been keeping herself if not in the “greatest place in the world”?

  8. - "Old Timer Dem" - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 9:36 am:

    JBT in her quote about Blago should have added “What could he be thinking”.

  9. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 9:40 am:

    wordslinger is right, and has been right regarding this silly issue for the past week.

  10. - Tom Joad - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:01 am:

    When Judy was in Peoria a couple of years ago she said Peoria was the greatest town. She also said that when she left politics she might move there and find a man!
    I guess it depends what town she is in when she is campaining.

  11. - Steve-O - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:02 am:

    I love how the Chicago media whiners pretend that the entire world revolves around Chicago. Maybe they should stop being such lazy journalists and go where the news is. I know Blagojevich made it easy for the Chicago media by living there, so they didn’t have to venture down to Springfield.

    It’s easy for Quinn, a career political hack, to release his tax returns, because he doesn’t have any business interests/partners to protect.

    Rich, before anyone starts speculating on Brady paying in the “appropriate bracket”, I think everyone should first consult a tax expert. Not everyone understands the difference between “marginal tax rates” and “effective tax rates”.

  12. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:15 am:

    I think the Peoria Journal Star article does a pretty good job explaining why Brady not having to pay income taxes the last couple years is a political liability. Sure he did nothing illegal, but how does he expect to identify with the “taxed to death” crowd when he hasn’t been taxed at all? I don’t think it will endear people to an income tax increase, but it does force Brady to probably tone down that sort of rhetoric or face easy rebuttal from Quinn.

  13. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:23 am:

    Just Sayin’ … you’re right on track.

    Bill Brady has never been on this kind of stage under this kind of spotlight.

    His excuses that he’s used to getting away with in his uncontested races for re-election as a career politician aren’t gonna fly statewide under more scrutiny.

    Every time he does something stupid and gives a weak excuse in response it just makes him look more shady.

  14. - sick of Brady's excuses - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:23 am:

    If Brady cares more about his business and his business partners, then fine.

    No one is forcing him to run for public office. Especially when you run for the top office in the state, voters expect you to be transparent. If Brady can’t or doesn’t want to do that, then maybe he should rethink this whole thing. Sounds like his struggling business needs him at work and not running around the state on the mashed potato circuit anyway.

  15. - Steve-O - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    Small Town Liberal: are you saying that Brady should’ve paid taxes, even if he didn’t have any income? And you think the average voter is so stupid to think that way as well?

  16. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    Steve-O … have you been paying attention?

    Actually there are a lot of people that feel Bill Brady should have paid taxes on his state-supplied, taxpayer-supported paycheck, even though his business(es) lost money. There are a lot of people who think he should have been paying more in taxes even in the good years.

    There are even more people who think regardless of that, he should at least stop being disingenuous … how do you go out and harp on the “horrible tax system that kills small businesses” when you didn’t pay any taxes? How do you rail against the “Obama stimulus plan” when you personally benefited greatly from it?

    I think what many of us are saying is that Bill Brady should start being a big boy and stop making excuses. We want more out of a potential governor, especially one who keeps talking about needing a clean break from the politics of the past and the culture of corruption.

    Doing one thing and saying another. That’s hypocritical. That’s shady. That’s shady Bill Brady.

  17. - siriusly - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    Nobody is pretending anything. The world does revolve around Chicago.

  18. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    NoTaxBill will be a great piece of merchandise to peddle across Illinois
    —I am a biz man I know how to run stuff (but I got no taxes he he he)
    —-Cut the taxes ( but I don’t pay any now) he he he.
    — Look at the forms fast ( but no copies)

  19. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:44 am:

    - are you saying that Brady should’ve paid taxes, even if he didn’t have any income? -

    No, as I clearly stated he did nothing wrong. But first of all, he did have income. And because he’s a business owner, unlike most Illinoisans, he was able to take advantage of tax rules that allowed him to deduct business losses and not pay any income taxes. My contention is that if Bill Brady makes statements about being fed up with high taxes, all Pat Quinn has to do is point out that Brady didn’t actually have to pay any income tax. I don’t think the average voter is stupid, but I think many people will form a negative opinion of Brady if that dialogue occurs many times.

  20. - Steve-O - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    Shady, you’re clearly displaying your complete lack of knowledge of what it means to be a business owner, and how the tax system works. You clearly don’t understand the difference between marginal tax rates and effective tax rates.

    In addition, as a business owner, Brady paid millions in payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, corporate taxes. And in the years in which he earned an income, he paid the taxes that were required by the federal government. But you seem to be suggesting that, even though he paid what was required, he should’ve offered to pay more?? And please explain to everyone how much someone should pay in taxes when their net income is a negative number?

  21. - Steve-O - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:51 am:

    – he was able to take advantage of tax rules that allowed him to deduct business losses and not pay any income taxes.–

    Just like non-business owners “take advantage” of deducting mortgage interest, investment losses, student loan interest, dependents, etc?

  22. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    Steve-O you are clearly displaying your clear lack of knowledge regarding politics.

  23. - dupage dan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 10:59 am:

    The circuitous login and guilt by inference re the Brady tax issue is breathtaking. I think he should have done what he did much earlier, it makes the whole thing go away faster. Compare that to the Pat Quinn Senate(?) campaign still receiving donations and Quinn reaping profit from it may also be legal but smacks of political games. Who comes out smelling better when side by side?

    STL, tagging Brady as different from most folk in Illinois by saying he is a business owner when most here aren’t. What are you trying to say? Brady is somehow bad because he is a business owner? Are you a business owner? Do you work for a business? Do you benefit from any businesses? Ridiculous.

  24. - dupage dan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    Ooops, should be logic, not login.

  25. - just sayin' - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:02 am:

    Of course if we had the returns, we might be able to figure out how many of the business expenses used to eliminate his tax liability, did in fact still benefit the Brady Bunch in some way.

    For example, a lot of employees were laid off. But how many family members remained on the payroll?

    There are lots of ways to legally shield income that still won’t look good when done by a guy running for governor.

    Just sayin’.

  26. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:05 am:

    - Brady is somehow bad because he is a business owner? -

    Your inability to grasp what I’m saying is breathtaking. Of course I’m not suggesting this, all I am saying is that Brady is going to have a hard time getting people to relate to him about taxes when he, unlike most Illinoisans, didn’t have to pay any income taxes. I’m not saying its wrong, just saying it provides easy rebuttal for Quinn. Quit trying to read more into it than that.

  27. - dupage dan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:12 am:


    You talk as tho the voters in this state can’t figure out how someone could not owe taxes after his business tanks. That is the insult here. Given your moniker, I would think you are praying that they are stupid. After all, the democrats elected RB and where did that get us? Breathtaking, indeed.

  28. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:21 am:

    dupage dan - Ok buddy, if I’m wrong then why was Brady concerned about releasing them? You really think it had to do with his competition? No, its because politics doesn’t always allow for reasonable explanations, its often very quick perceptions that matter. If you haven’t figured that our from reading this blog, or just paying attention to how political campaigns usually work, then I don’t know what to say.

  29. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:36 am:

    As an anti-tax Democrat, I’m not finding Bill Brady’s non-payment of non-taxes due to our tax laws to be a problem. Here’s why…

    1.) The point of operating a business is not to provide for the community. But, when communities allow a business to focus on earning their owners a profit, there are societal benefits. Thinking that Senator Brady should pay taxes because he is a business owner responsible for his community isn’t understanding how markets, businesses or how the government-business relationship works. Not only is this concept wrong, it doesn’t exist in the real world. The point of running a business isn’t to provide jobs or grow the economy. The point of running a business is to earn an income. A lot of businesses are part time, so the income generated by the business is only a part of their income. Like many folks have more than one job - hardworking businesspeople oftentimes have more than one business. Their personal income reflects this.

    2.) Demanding that Mr. Brady pay taxes he doesn’t owe to satisfy political demands is blackmail, which is still illegal even if well intentioned. Politics doesn’t trump reality. What kind of country would this be if we start demanding that some people give us more money because we just want them to? No laws, no reasons, no guidelines, but because of political demands.

    3.) I’m anti-tax. Although I am definately not a Brady voter, I do not find his tax returns showing that he didn’t pay taxes, even after receiving a state senator’s salary to be a problem. There are no laws requiring that state legislators pay taxes because of the source of their salaries as state legislators. We’re talking about income taxes, not a specific state legislator tax. Claiming he ought to pay taxes because he receives taxes in the form of a state salary is downright nutty.

  30. - dupage dan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 11:38 am:


    Ok, friend, I was only remarking on how much you appeared to want the perception to go your way with your rhetoric. If you can’t pick up on that you need better glasses.

  31. - Vole - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:00 pm:

    Have Brady’s tax returns ever been audited by the IRS? Ever any penalties/fines imposed?

    Those tax forms, even the ones applying to business, are just the outline summaries of many other documents that are not submitted to the IRS. There can be a lot of “creative interpretation” in deciding what and where to report expenses and income.

    I am not sure any reporter who is not well trained or practiced in tax accounting and business accounting would be able to fathom much from his returns even if given more time. Forensic accountants, yes. But reporters? I don’t know.

  32. - just sayin' - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    VanillaMan, stop with the straw man arguments. No one is saying Brady broke the law and no one is being blackmailed to do anything.

    This is about politics and public relations, not tax code minutia. Brady isn’t being transparent (or honest), and that’s a bad thing when you’re running for governor. Brady also wants to tout his business experience, at the same time he hides behind a money losing business to excuse not paying taxes. He spends most of his time campaigning for another public office, instead of working to save the business that he complains is in trouble. Lastly, especially if you’re a Republican official with all the trappings of a fat cat (Porsche, Florida home, etc.) and you haven’t paid taxes, you’re going to get hit. That’s just a fact of life one should know going in, especially in today’s environment of Wall Street scandals and people worried about losing their houses. And most people can only dream they had a second Florida house to worry about losing.

    This whole thing is about whether Brady is ready for prime time.

  33. - GetOverIt - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:21 pm:

    Fun conversation. However, if I am running Quinn’s campaign Brady is an easy target on the tax issue. “Bill Brady doesn’t pay taxes, do you?” Remember our voters supported Blago not just once, but twice. The second time around we knew he was incompetent, but that didn’t stop us…did it?!

  34. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:26 pm:

    –”Bill Brady doesn’t pay taxes, do you?”–

    You can debate fairness until you’re blue in the face, but that is the basis for one powerful campaign spot. With a little creativity, you could turn it into a whole negative campaign.

  35. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    ==As an anti-tax Democrat==

  36. - Bill - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 12:40 pm:

    ==As an anti-tax Democrat==

  37. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 1:04 pm:

    - I was only remarking on how much you appeared to want the perception to go your way with your rhetoric. If you can’t pick up on that you need better glasses. -

    I think maybe you need a better dictionary so you know what rhetoric is.

  38. - dupage dan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 1:28 pm:


    My dictionary has a definition for what is is. Howsabout yours? You can have the last word.

  39. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    This is about politics and public relations, not tax code minutia. Brady isn’t being transparent (or honest), and that’s a bad thing when you’re running for governor.

    You mean Brady isn’t playing politics with this in a way that satisfies you. Big deal.

  40. - imeanreally - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 1:58 pm:

    Steve-O said: “In addition, as a business owner, Brady paid millions in payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, corporate taxes. And in the years in which he earned an income, he paid the taxes that were required by the federal government.”

    We don’t really know if any of this is true. Shady didn’t release his tax returns, remember? You can make these claims all you want, but why don’t you go tell your boy Shady to release his returns rather than providing a politically absurd peek at his papers? Remember the old saying…in God we trust, everyone else bring the evidence.

    By the way, I’d love to know how much he ACTUALLY pays in the taxes you listed. Seeing as how his “employees” are largely private contractors (and Lord knows he doesn’t pay taxes for private contractors…look at his campaign expenditure reports), methinks you may be surprised at how little he actually pays in taxes. Add to that the fact that his business ventures have continued to lose money…I doubt he’s giving much to Springfield or Uncle Sam as you claim.

    But remember, he’s a successful businessman who knows what it takes to work a budget. Uh huh. Right. There’s a reason they call him Shady.

  41. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    In addition, as a business owner, Brady paid millions in payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, corporate taxes…We don’t really know if any of this is true…

    So you think a business can not pay these taxes for years and remain in business? The fact that Brady is not in jail, and that his business is still open, means the taxes were paid. Your concerns are a bit wide of the mark regarding this. We are talking about his income.

  42. - just sayin' - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    “You mean Brady isn’t playing politics with this in a way that satisfies you.”

    No, I mean Brady is in a high profile political campaign, not an IRS tax audit. Perception matters here.

    Brady may be ahead now, and good for him. But we’ll see after more voters get to know him. It’s a long road to November.

  43. - fed up - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    Perhaps everyone in this state should ask a few farmers to see there tax returns. Very few pay taxes because of all the deductions they are allowed. Maybe we could see tried and true Dem voting block public aid recipiants Hmm not much tax being collected there. And Quinn he doesnt make checking his taxes easy so we have to take his word for it that he paid taxes on the income he earned off interest on that Senate campaign fund that he keeps around and accepts money to. Brady didnt pay taxes because he didnt owe any.

  44. - fed up - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    Imean really? I agree Quinn should release his tax returns. Just ask Rich ” Jus Getting a peek at Gov. Pat Quinn’s taxes isn’t as easy as you might think.

    Quinn didn’t make copies of them available today when he released the returns, instead requiring people to make appointments to see them at his Chicago or Springfield offices… Quinn spokesman Bob Reed said in an e-mail that Quinn prefers viewers take notes from his original documents.

    Again, since we didn’t know about the interest on his campaign account, it would be tough to see if he paid taxes on that interest.

    So, since Quinn has loudly demanded that Brady distribute copies of his tax returns, I’d like to suggest that the governor ought to release all of his own tax returns dating back to the first time he took an interest payment from his campaign account. It’s only fair.”

  45. - Ghost - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    Big picture here, brady failed to mention Mom and Apple pie in his stament supporting the use of springfield. Thats why his excuse failed…. that and he needed a country/western song as background music.

  46. - Slick WIlly - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    V-Man - What do you have against used car salesmen?

  47. - imeanreally - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    VM, I believe that you are missing the mark actually. The taxes listed by Steve-O are based largely upon the success of his business, the amount he actually pays in payroll, the total receipts, etc, etc, etc. Furthermore, his income (or lack thereof depending upon the year) also depends upon these same factors apparently. Separating one from the other–as you seem to propose–is simply not possible.

    We have NO IDEA how much he has paid in for any of the taxes listed. The Brady supporters continue to bring in outside areas regarding his business taxes. The door has now been opened…stop making claims about how much Shady has paid in taxes unless Shady is prepared to back that up and fully release his taxes.

    Again, for those who stop reading before the end of the post, Brady “employs” mostly private contractors and realtors. Can you claim with any certainty that he is paying payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, etc. on these “employees”? Furthermore, can you truly make the claim that he has paid “millions”. Good luck with that.

  48. - VanillaMan - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 3:15 pm:

    No, I mean Brady is in a high profile political campaign, not an IRS tax audit. Perception matters here.

    The only folks complaining here are the ones not voting for him anyway. The only ones that care about this perception are his critics.

    Sometimes political people just want to spin based not on what can be spun, but based on what they think can be spun. I see my fellow Democrats jumping all over this because they just hate businesspeople, profits and anyone who can use a tax loophole. Since Brady is two out of the three, these spinsters really want to make this nothing into something.

    Right now, there is nothing there that would make an independant or a Republican change their minds over Brady. So, the longer we spin, the sillier we look.

  49. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    Bravo, VM, Bravo.

    You’re right. At this point, the only ones who really care are his critics. And the ones who think it won’t hurt him are his supporters. The rest of the people are undecided … welcome to a political campaign.

    And if you think it makes the critics look silly, imagine how it makes Bill Brady look.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it agian. This won’t be THE issue that does Brady in, but it is one in a growing line of issues … and for that reason, it matters.

  50. - Loop Lady - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 3:31 pm:

    But no one IS running Quinn’s campaign…I bet he’s missing Brown-Hodge these days…I’ll wager she advised him well on political ops like the Brady tax fiasco…

  51. - GetOverIt - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    Not so fast VM. Don’t you remember Blago’s successful ad campaign against Judy, “What was she thinking?!” It’s way to early suggest independents will not be swayed for either Quinn or Brady. Politics and spin are one and the same these days - less I live on Mars…

  52. - GetOverIt - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    “way TOO early…”

  53. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 5:25 pm:

    –The only folks complaining here are the ones not voting for him anyway. The only ones that care about this perception are his critics.–

    Too early for that. So many people don’t know him, or voted for the other guys in the GOP primary. The reason I’m a little leery about Brady’s big lead in the polls is I doubt he’s locked down a very large percentage of what needs to be his base.

  54. - downstater II - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 7:41 pm:

    how much longer on brady’s tax returns ? fasinating ? what people really find important.

  55. - Jack - Friday, Apr 30, 10 @ 7:52 pm:

    “Shady” Bill Brady? Because he legally avoided taxes? For an Illinois politician to avoid taxes legally is refreshing. I think Brady just needs to remind voters of the questionable fund raising tactics and the garbage bags full of cash of the last 8 years to knock the air out of Quinn’s baloon. We’ll see how Quinn is doing after the Rod trial starts in a couple of months. Quinn can disassociate all he wants with Rod, but they ran on the same ticket and won with the same dirty money.

  56. - terry - Friday, May 7, 10 @ 7:30 am:

    If ignorance and political posturing could be converted into dollars and cents, Illinois would not be in the red with regards to the state budget. If your a politician and are looking for job security jump on the sex offender band wagon and tag line your own bill… Make politicians take maintenance polygraph tests just like they make sex offenders on parole. How many politicians would pass?

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