Madigan disses Giannoulias, McPier
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Alexi Giannoulias can’t catch a break. Even when there’s no new news to report on the family bank, somebody just has to go and pop off at the mouth. This time, that “somebody” was House Speaker Michael Madigan…
* Madigan spoke about Giannoulias to reporters after a hearing on the struggling McCormick Place. During that hearing, the Speaker more than hinted that big changes were on the way…
By the way, there’s something important to remember when reading about this back and forth between the unions and the two big trade show contractors…
Rosemont’s convention center (which is in the top ten in the nation) uses the same unions with the same work rules as McPier and they have no cost complaints. The difference between McCormick Place and Rosemont is that Rosemont doesn’t use those two big contractors to put on shows. Rosemont is its own contractor. Also, McPier uses its own electric company to jack up rates for juice and services through the roof. The profits go to pay staff salaries. That pricing situation absolutely must be redesigned. * Related and a roundup…
Poll: 44 percent of Illinoisans are loser-lovers
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Public Policy Polling has released more results from their recent statewide survey. Here’s one that’ll surely get some tongues wagging…
The Flubs always win popularity contests. Too bad they can’t win actual ballgames. Here’s the breakout along partisan lines… ![]() * In less important news, opinions aren’t really set yet over whether the state should eliminate the office of lt. governor…
* PPP also asked questions about corruption. One was whether Illinois has the most corrupt politicians in the country…
And then there’s this…
Here’s the partisan breakdown… ![]() * It’s no surprise that Attorney General Lisa Madigan is popular. It is a bit of a surprise that her favorables are under 50. However, as we’ve seen with other PPP polls, their favorable/approval ratings lag behind others…
64 percent of Democrats, 28 percent of Republicans and 49 percent of independents/others have a favorable opinion of the AG. …Adding… Go Sox.
Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m running a little slow today and waiting on some info, so let’s go to the question now and we’ll get back to the stories in a bit. Some naughty little person has started a fake Speaker Madigan Twitter page. Here are a few recent posts…
* The Question: Can you come up with more entries for Madigan’s fake Twitter page? Snark is, of course, heavily encouraged. Have fun.
Feds want to force Quinlan to testify against Blagojevich
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The US Attorney’s office filed a motion yesterday to force Rod Blagojevich’s former general counsel to testify at the upcoming trial. You can read the motion by clicking here. Bill Quinlan has refused to fully cooperate so far, citing concerns over attorney-client privilege…
Quinlan says he wants to cooperate, but can’t…
Quinlan was caught on federal wiretaps, including during a key conference call about the alleged selling of Barack Obama’s US Senate seat. A look back…
For years, Quinlan helped Blagojevich build a brick wall around his administration. They denied FOIA after FOIA under the slimmest of pretenses. Eventually, some of those denials were overturned, including a raft of requests for copies of federal subpoenas. There ain’t much sympathy for Quinlan around here. * In somewhat related news, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. said earlier this week he was “concerned” about what he wasn’t hearing from Gov. Pat Quinn and Democratic nominee for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle…
The congressman made his criticisms during his endorsement of Forrest Claypool’s independent bid for assessor. Yesterday, he walked the comments back…
Forget about the walk-back for a moment. Take notice, instead, that Jackson is once again using his federal government e-mail service to send out a campaign statement. You’d think he’d have learned a lesson by now, but nope.
Rasmussen: Brady leads Quinn 45-38
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Another day, another bad news poll for Gov. Pat Quinn. Today’s result is from Rasmussen. Its early March results are in parentheses, preceded by yesterday’s Public Policy Polling results…
From the pollster…
* From the toplines…
That’s a much higher approval rating for Quinn than PPP’s 25 percent. The difference may be due to Rasmussen offering intensity choices, while PPP just offered straight up approve/disapprove choices. * Favorables…
Rasmussen puts the “should the state sue the federal government to overturn health care law” question into a national context…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller