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Reader comments will be opened next week

Friday, Apr 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not sure yet if I’m coming back to work Monday or Tuesday, but blogging will resume next week, as will the subscriber services. Sorry about the interruption, but it couldn’t be helped. Thanks much to my two interns for filling in for me all week. They did a splendid job.

* I’ve been listening to a lot of Wilco on my way back and forth to the hospital to visit my dad, so they and Billy Bragg will play us out today

I won’t say which night

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Missing the forest for the trees

Friday, Apr 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune ran a huge headline over its long, front-page story on the Giannoulias family’s Broadway Bank today, but it meandered all over the place and missed the real point. The story was about how the bank loaned more money to a couple of shady characters than originally thought. But the Kirk campaign pointed out what should’ve been the real angle in a follow-up press release…

Less than one month ago, Alexi Giannoulias took a tour of Chicago newspaper editorial boards to answer questions about his time as Vice President and Senior Loan Officer at Broadway Bank.

When asked specifically to answer questions about loans Broadway Bank made to convicted mobsters Michael “Jaws” Giorango and Demitri Stavropoulos, Giannoulias flatly denied he or his family had any knowledge of their criminal backgrounds when they approved those loans.

Demetris Giannoulias in Today’s Chicago Tribune:

“Demetris Giannoulias said the bank learned of Giorango’s bookmaking and prostitution promotion convictions from a spring 2004 Tribune report detailing those cases…He said he asked Giorango about the convictions and Giorango said, ‘It’s in the past. I don’t do that anymore.’” (Chicago Tribune, April 2, 2010)

Alexi Giannoulias One Month Ago:

Audio Available: “Banks do not perform criminal background checks on their borrowers. If I knew then what I know now, would we have given these loans to these colorful characters? Absolutely not.” (Alexi Giannoulias, Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Interview, March 3, 2010)

Audio Available: “I learned of it primarily when I was running for the office of state treasurer…I mean, I don’t remember the exact date, whether it was during the primary or during the general. I think it was during the primary…We didn’t know about this, no.” (Alexi Giannoulias, Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Interview, March 3, 2010)

“Mr. Giannoulias personally visited Florida to see property involved in a Giorango loan. Asked if he was aware then of Mr. Giorango’s criminal past, Mr. Giannoulias replied, I didn’t know the full extent of his legal problems.’ Full extent? Mr. Giannoulias declined to say more, despite several efforts to get him to elaborate on exactly what he knew and when he knew it. (Crain’s Chicago Business, March 3, 2010)

“Giannoulias denied, even though he went down to Florida to inspect the properties, that he was aware of Giorango’s mob ties.” (Chicago Sun-Times, “Giannoulias acknowledges family bank will probably fail,” March 3, 2010)

Meanwhile, the Tribune has yet to publish a single article about Mark Kirk’s apparent flip-flop on whether he would “lead the effort” to repeal the new federal health care reform law.

* On a personal note, my dad is still in the hospital, which is why I haven’t been around here this week. He’s in a rehab unit to help him recover from a stroke. The stroke didn’t appear to damage his brain (he beat me two out of three at checkers the other day), but it left his left side very weak. Thanks for all the calls and e-mails.

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Morning Shorts

Friday, Apr 2, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chicago unemployment at 11.3%

The Chicago-Joliet-Naperville area employed 137,500 fewer people in February than the same month in 2009, according to the Illinois Department of Employment Security.

Chicago’s unemployment is eighth-highest in the state, according to figures released Thursday by the department.

* Decatur area unemployment rate continues unabated climb to 14.6 percent

The February rate was the highest since 1983, when it was 19 percent. In January, it was 14.4 percent.

* [Peoria] Jobless rate largely unchanged

In the Peoria metropolitan area, unemployment worsened slightly to 13.2 percent, the worst February rate since 1984 - the last time rates stayed in double digits for a sustained period of time - and an increase from 12.9 percent in January. A year earlier, the rate was 9.4 percent in the Peoria region.

* Adams County officials forsee improvement in job market as rates hold steady in February

The latest Illinois Department of Unemployment Security (IDES) report indicates Adams County remains at 9.6 percent and the city of Quincy at 10.3 percent. Both of those figures are the highest since the late 1980s…Hancock County dropped to 15.5 percent from January’s record 15.7 percent, and Brown County saw its unemployment rate reduced to 6.5 percent from 6.7 percent. Pike County’s rose to 12.2 percent from 12 percent.

* [Metro-east] unemployment at 12.7%

Unemployment in Granite City increased from 13.9 percent to 14.4 percent, O’Fallon’s rate went up from 7.8 percent to 10 percent, Collinsville’s rate jumped from 9.5 percent to 12.4 percent and Belleville’s total swelled from 10.9 percent to 14.2 percent. The number of jobless in East St. Louis witnessed the greatest increase over the past year as it inflated from 14.9 percent in February 2009 to 19.6 percent last month.

* Tribune: A Chicago job crisis

It’s not news that the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, the state- and city-run organization known as McPier that operates the city’s convention venues, needs an overhaul. Its dysfunction has been apparent for years. What was different and refreshing Thursday was a sense of urgency that punctuated testimony over three hours at the packed-to-capacity hearing run by Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago.

* Trade shows to McPier: Change, or we’ll walk

Orlando and Las Vegas both receive hotel tax revenue to help pay for operations. Illinois needs to consider doing that, too, Mr. Cullerton said, but making that change would require action by the General Assembly.

* Trade shows: Drop fees or we’ll leave Chicago

* Work rules under attack at McCormick Place legislative hearing

Organizers of five shows called on lawmakers to reduce overlapping union jurisdictions at the convention hall. They said trade show exhibitors — companies that bear the final cost for staging a show, are exasperated with Chicago. “It’s not only pricing but also the hassle factor,” said Mary Pat Heftman, executive vice president of the National Restaurant Association.

* State jobs task force holds hearing at Harper

* Longtime state agency director Barry Maram resigns

Maram was also cited earlier this year for failing to properly supervise his former chief of staff Tamara Hoffman, who was the target of a critical internal investigation.

* State health care agency director resigns

Gov. Pat Quinn said Thursday that Barry Maram will continue serving as director of Healthcare and Family Services until a replacement is found.

* Illinois, short by billions, still cuts 2-cent checks

Since 1993, the state has paid 1 percent interest per month on each bill that’s over 60 days old. Illinois was on the hook for $55.4 million in interest under the “prompt payment act” the last two years, according to the state comptroller.

Until now, a vendor had to request payment in writing for any amount of interest under $50.

Last year’s ethics bill made the payments automatic, no matter how small.

* Illinois bond rating lowered

Kelly Kraft with the Illinois Office of Management and Budget said there is good news in last week’s developments at Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s: Neither downgraded Illinois, which she saw as “reaffirmation” about the state’s credit.

* Angry parents heading to Springfield

* Our Opinion: ‘Race’ setback not a total loss

* Do as We Say, Not as We Do

But having spent the better part of the last week poring over the 350-page Chicago Public Schools budget, I can tell you there’s little evidence that the central office has gone on a diet. In fact, top schools brass are enjoying something like a carbo-loading feast. The district’s highest-ranking officials got healthy raises this year— and one of the biggest went to Huberman…There are 53 departments, bureaus, or offices in the central schools bureaucracy, and the top remaining officials in every one—as well as many of their assistants—received raises, according to the budget.

* Did CPS brass get big raises amid budget cuts?

* Court panel lifts cap on nursing home fines

State officials were glad that Zappa’s ruling was overturned, Arnold said. But to avoid more legal disputes about the level of fines, she said the department - at least for now - will continue to limit nursing home fines to $10,000.

* Illinois highlights earthquake preparedness

* Illinois ranks high for rates of STDs

* State’s oldest building celebrates 200 years

* Sneed: Fixer-upper? This old house

“The governor spends a lot of time here, and he’s opened it up to the public. It’s the peoples’ house, and we have a responsibility to maintain it,” Bourland said.

* DH: It’s time Democrats push to vote on party limits

* Zorn: Blago belongs in the Hall

* Jack Roeser now a rising star in Illinois GOP’s big new tent

You know Mr. Roeser. He’s the guy who, just a couple of months ago, was being widely quoted in radio ads aimed at GOP U.S. Senate nominee Mark Kirk, ads that said, “Illinois Republican leader Jack Roeser says there is a solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual. Roeser suggests that (Kirk) is part of a homosexual club.”

Well, guess who’s the new finance co-chair of the Illinois Republican Party, one of five folks leading the party’s hunt for cash to retake control of Springfield and Washington?

* GOP presses issue on Cook tax bills, election

* Sun-Times: A tax conspiracy — or just slow process?

* Daley urges Chicagoans to complete census

* Union: O’Hare emergency center staff at breaking point

* Panel Approves Lobbyist for City Colleges Board

* Special grand jury to review Kane coroner’s case

Sun-Times Media received a letter from appellate prosecutor Charles Colburn last week requesting a Courier-News correspondent make himself and his notes available from a mid-March interview with coroner Chuck West for use as evidence in at least one grand jury hearing scheduled for April.

* Oswego to raise sales tax rate July 1

* Rival says photo ties Schaumburg mayor to indicted businessman

* Rockford’s census return rate above U.S., Illinois average

About 60 percent of city households have returned the 2010 U.S. census forms that the federal government mailed to their homes two weeks ago.

Rockford’s return rate bests those of Illinois and the nation, where a respective 58 percent and 54 percent of households have returned their forms.

* Belvidere crime rate drops 2.9 percent in 2009

* [Peoria] County braces for up to $1.8 million loss

* Washington Park mayor is fatally shot

Thornton, 52, was behind the wheel of his car when he was shot twice in the chest. Washington Park police said he was headed home from his job as an overnight-shift foreman at the Metro East Sanitary District.

* ‘The people’s soldier’ is remembered: ‘They did an injury to all of Washington Park’

* Murder is latest in string of Washington Park woes

Last July, one of Thornton’s duties was to sign the village’s second petition for bankruptcy in five years. The village reported debts of at least $1.6 million, including $449,000 to the Illinois Department of Employment Security and $300,000 to Johnny “Chico” Matt, a former village public safety director who had accused the village of dismissing him for political reasons.

* News-Democrat: Budget games need to end

* [Johnston City] fire chief put on leave

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* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* IEMA, DoIT directors depart
* Sen. Durbin's dangerous idea could worsen the problem he wants to solve
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
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