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About that deleted post…

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s gone. There was a math error that I corrected, but then I discovered, with the help of a commenter, a far bigger error. So, the whole thing is gone.

This is what I get when I know in my gut that something doesn’t look quite right and I post it anyway. Live and learn. Regret the errors. Etc. And thanks much to the commenters.

Here’s the rest of the post with the beginning taken out and slightly edited so it makes sense…

* Mayor Daley said yesterday that more money to hire more cops would be nice to fight crime, but he has no extra money lying around and wants tougher gun laws

“This is all about guns — and that’s why the crusade is on. We hope to get their cooperation in Springfield.”

The cops have a lot of tools to arrest people already. More gun laws might help, but the ones on the books haven’t stopped a whole lot of criminals from breaking the law so far. What’s needed, besides for the communities in question to get their acts together, is more cops on those streets - far more than Daley’s police superintendent wants - and a much more sophisticated use of city resources.

* As for the National Guard idea, there is some misunderstanding of what the Guard does and who they are. The Guard has an MP unit based in Springfield. I embedded with the unit when I was in Iraq. Many of those soldiers are also police officers back home. They are impressively well-trained and they certainly know what they’re doing. This is not the Vietnam War-era Guard of untrained draft-avoiders we’re talking about. These folks are top notch. I watched them in some pretty intense situations and they performed wonderfully. They could definitely handle a Chicago patrol duty.

* Related…

* Surrender policy: Call Meeks : Meeks then contacts police and arranges a meeting place where the suspect can be handed over. He said police have told him that suspects should no longer fear police brutality, thanks to surveillance cameras in interrogation rooms. Meeks said fears remain. But he said suspects have other options.

* ‘Chicago has come a long way’: “Right now, what is lacking in the city is that people involved in violence prevention need to collaborate better.”

* Crime fight is up to us, not the National Guard

* I told you so

* National Guard Proposal Draws Mixed Reactions

* Congressman Davis Says Troops Not Necessary in Chicago

* A brash proposal

* Plea to deploy National Guard simply a cop out

* Quinn not sending National Guard to Chicago without Daley’s OK

* Quinn: Daley Must Request Guard Troops

* Daley: National Guard only a ‘Band-Aid’ solution to crime

* Daley cool to idea of National Guard troops on Chicago streets

* CHA link to Chatham mayhem?


Et tu, Robin?

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic state treasurer nominee Robin Kelly is Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias’ chief of staff. They are obviously not coordinating their campaign efforts.

For the past several days, Giannoulias’ US Senate campaign has been slamming his Republican opponent Mark Kirk for not giving back all the campaign money Kirk accepted from Goldman Sachs employees. Giannoulias has also called on Kirk to give back money contributed by other corporations accused or convicted of fraud.

Ms. Kelly apparently didn’t get those memos. Her campaign put out a press release this afternoon entitled, in part: “Rutherford should follow Congressman Kirk’s example.” In the release, Kelly notes that Republican treasurer nominee state Sen. Dan Rutherford has accepted $75K in campaign contributions from a Goldman Sachs executive…

“I’m calling on my opponent to donate this dirty money to charity and vow not to accept it in the future.”

Giannoulias’ governmental chief of staff then heaped praise on Congressman Kirk…

Kelly is asking that Rutherford follow the lead of fellow Congressman Mark Kirk, U.S. Senate candidate and standard-bearer of the Illinois Republican Party, who just last week announced that he would return the money he received from Goldman employees.

Specifically, Kirk said he would give back his Senate campaign contributions, stating: “I want to set an example of ethics for others to follow.”

Will Rutherford, who sits on the Illinois Senate’s Financial Institutions Committee, follow Kirk’s lead and avoid a conflict of interest? Will Rutherford do what is ethically right by donating the dirty money or will he side with a Wall Street titan accused of corrupt activity and against Illinois families?

“After all the pay-to-play abuses by Illinois politicians in recent years, we cannot risk electing a Treasurer who will be beholden to firms that accepted federal bailouts and fought against financial reform and hardworking Americans,” Kelly said.

Under the bus goes Alexi.

Also, notice that Kelly’s campaign refers to Kirk as a “fellow Congressman” of Rutherford’s. Rutherford is in the Illinois Senate. Kirk is in the US House. Kelly served in the Illinois House, so she surely knows the difference, or maybe not.

* In other campaign news, 8th Congressional District Republican nominee Joe Walsh is in more trouble. First, it came out that Walsh didn’t bother to mention that his apartment had been foreclosed upon during the primary. Now it emerges that Walsh loaned his campaign $28,500 six months after the foreclosure. The candidate responded

Walsh characterized it as a “terribly risky” loan.

“That’s literally every cent we had, combined with a little extra I brought in that month to try and win the primary,” he said. “Some people might say that’s reckless, but so what?”

Walsh says it was too late to save his condo when he loaned the money to his campaign.

Walsh also failed to file his personal financial disclosure form. Asked if he was trying to hide something, Walsh replied…

Oh God no. Oh God no. Not at all.”

Fox Chicago also reports that two local members in the Schaumburg Township GOP want Walsh to resign from the ticket. The two supported other candidates in the primary, however…

“You have a small group of people with ulterior motives spreading misinformation and attempting to enlist whoever will listen to help them blow marginal issues totally out of proportion,” said Walsh Communications Director Whitney Schlosser.

Schlosser tells FOX Chicago the campaign plans to file Walsh’s personal financial disclosure by the end of the week, along with the required $200 late fee.

Ms. Schlosser was an intern for Sen. Barack Obama, by the way.

* Rahm Emanuel was in Chicago today and talked to reporters afterwards about all the breathless coverage of his statement that one day he’d like to run for mayor if Rich Daley ever retires

“Don’t over-interpret anything. Don’t everybody get excited. At some point, when we come back, which is always our goal, which is why we rented the house. … You guys are way too excited. You guys gotta start drinking decaf.”

No kidding.


When it comes to cuts, almost nobody is willing to step up

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve seen many, many times before, people don’t want their taxes raised and instead want “waste and inefficiency” cut by government to solve the state’s deficit problems, but they don’t want any big programs cut. Here are the latest results from the Paul Simon Institute’s poll of southern Illinoisans

The state of Illinois has a budget deficit of over 13 billion dollars. I’m going to read
three statements that people have made about how to fix the deficit, and ask you
which one comes closest to your views…
…taking in more revenue, such as a tax increase 9.7%
…cutting waste and inefficiency in government 60.1%
…a combination of budget cuts and revenue increases 24.4%
…haven’t thought much about it 2.5%
…other/don’t know 3.2%

But when asked about cutting where the real money is, people are opposed…

Do you favor or oppose cuts in state spending on kindergarten through high school education?
Favor 11.7%
Oppose 87.3%
Other/Don’t know 1.0%

Do you favor or oppose cuts in state spending on state universities?
Favor 24.9%
Oppose 67.1%
Other/Don’t know 8.0%

Do you favor or oppose cuts in state spending on community colleges?
Favor 18.5%
Oppose 76.3%
Other/Don’t know 5.2%

Do you favor or oppose cuts in state spending on public safety, such as state police and prison operations?
Favor 18.0%
Oppose 78.6%
Other/Don’t know 3.5%

Do you favor or oppose cuts in state spending on natural resources, such as state parks or environmental regulation?
Favor 35.2%
Oppose 57.9%
Other/Don’t know 7.0%

Do you favor or oppose raising the state income tax rate from 3 percent to 4 percent?
Favor 38.9%
Oppose 58.1%
Other/Don’t know 3.0%

Do you favor or oppose raising the state sales tax rate?
Favor 33.2%
Oppose 64.1%
Other/Don’t know 2.7%

Do you favor or oppose expanding the sales tax to cover services like dry cleaning or
haircuts, which are not currently taxed?
Favor 36.2%
Oppose 60.1%
Other/Don’t know 3.7%

Do you favor or oppose a proposal expanding legalized gambling in the state?
Favor 40.1%
Oppose 54.9%
Other/Don’t know 5.0%

The Southern Illinoisan’s lede about the poll was priceless

There were no questions on the latest Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll about using gold at the end of a rainbow to fix the state budget, but it may be the only option not panned by Southern Illinoisans.


* As we’ve already discussed, the Civic Federation has pulled its support for a 2-point tax hike because the governor isn’t cutting enough and is piling up too much debt. Notice how Lawrence Msall, president of the Civic Federation, gets around a tough question asked by my buddy Ben Yount…

Msall said Quinn is only going to hurt local schools and local governments if he indeed cuts $1.3 billion from education and shrinks the local share of tax money. “We’d far rather have the governor identify non-priority spending,” Msall said. “What are the things that are a priority to the state of Illinois? Can everything in a combined $53 billion budget be a priority? If that’s the case, then it’s unlikely we’re going to identify the level of cuts that need to happen.”

The Civic Federation has put the price tag for those “needed cuts” at $2.5 billion. Msall said that would require lawmakers to craft a budget that spends at 2007 levels. But he acknowledges that is easier said than done. “Fiscally they are just numbers on a page,” Msall said. “The real problem is politically. The political will to tell people ‘No,’ to tell people ‘We can’t afford something’.” Msall said that’s a question he can’t answer, but he did say Illinois can’t wait much longer for lawmakers to answer it. He said the state’s finances are in such bad shape that the “day of reckoning is already here.”

He won’t answer it for good reason. Almost nobody wants to touch this issue. The public is not alone by any means.

* Bill Brady responded to the Civic Federation announcement via press release…

“The Civic Federation’s report should act as a wake up call for Governor Pat Quinn to finally drop his 33 percent income tax increase plan and instead make meaningful cuts to government overspending.”

Except, the Civic Federation actually supports a much larger tax hike than Quinn does. They just can’t support this budget proposal by Quinn. They’ve never once said “solve the whole problem with cuts and tax cuts,” as Brady does.

* But if you think Brady’s statement was delusional, just check out the governor’s Office of Management and Budget statement which they just released…

The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget is pleased that members of the Civic Federation recognize that we are moving forward on changes that will secure our state’s finances, but what is not emphasized in their analysis, is how budget cuts, borrowing and the surcharge for education are all necessary this legislative session to move Illinois toward budget and fiscal stability.

Budget cuts in discretionary spending made by the Quinn administration both last year and this year
must continue and new revenues are needed to restore fiscal balance. One without the other cannot do the job. Both are necessary to secure our state’s bond ratings and the ability to engage in the short-term
and intermediate term borrowing needed to pay our bills on time.

Our budget plan makes the tough decisions necessary to address the state’s challenges and provides
solutions to pay our bills, protect jobs, and save taxpayers money.

Where, oh were, to begin? I don’t read the Civic Club report as recognizing “that we are moving forward on changes that will secure our state’s finances” at all. They look at the proposed budget as a cop-out.

The Civic Federation also points out that Quinn wants to use a tax increase to negate his education cut. Instead, they say, they oppose Quinn’s proposal “to raise taxes primarily to avert spending cuts rather than to pay down the deficit or reduce the State’s other growing liabilities.” That’s kinda circular logic. The state cut education last year and filled the hole with federal money which is now gone. So, it is now in deficit.

* The anti government employee furor has spread to Saturday Night Live

* Related and a roundup…

* : Even for Illinois, this is a crazy way to spend taxpayer dollars: Not surprisingly, Glen Carbon officials and construction trade unions love the idea. Mayors of most other Metro East municipalities don’t. They worry that the development will cannibalize their jobs, businesses and tax bases. State Sen. Bill Haine, D-Alton, and state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Collinsville, who represent the project site, also oppose the legislation. They’re skeptical of the developers’ claims that the project will create 11,760 “direct and indirect jobs” at completion. They also worry that for a state with a $13 billion deficit, betting hundreds of millions of future tax dollars on a “single, speculative real estate project” is “simply too risky.”

* Radogno: Income Tax Hike ‘’Dead Wrong'’

* Hamos Defends Plan to Trim Retiree Health Subsidies

* Businesses will have to wait on Illinois income tax refunds

* No money, but Quinn signs bill to pay for guards

* Our View: Inaction leads lawmakers to lose support for tax hike

* Quinn still talking tax hike, but are leaders listening?

* Quinn signs stopgap bill to pay prison guards

* Film, TV flourishing: But pilot episodes for five television series have been or will be shot in Chicago in early 2010. “I can’t think of a time when we’ve had as many television pilots shooting simultaneously,” Moskal said.

* City’s stage scene is in a bind : The State of Illinois can’t pay its bills, and that includes grant money the Illinois Arts Council has promised to various not-for-profit theater companies in Chicago, putting many of them in a financial squeeze.

* Groups argue to lift Chicago’s video poker ban

* Unions, business groups push City Hall for video gambling approval

* City Council may put video gambling on table

* Schools districts may get state OK to issue bonds for buildings without voter approval

* Illinois Democrats, Republicans offer dueling redistricting plans

* DuPage County takeover of water commission hits snag

* Groups provide prison reform ideas

* Time to put true remap reform on fall ballot

* Our Opinion: Don’t weaken revised FOIA

* Anti-bullying bill passes Illinois legislature

* Lawmakers Pass Big Change To Adoption Privacy Act - New Law Would Make It Easier For Adoptees To Learn Birth Parents’ Names

* Nursing home safety plans miss the mark


Question of the day

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* James Warren asks his readers a question

What would the current state gas tax of 19 cents per gallon be if it had been indexed to inflation since it was last raised in 1990?

The answer…

Your per-gallon gas tax would be 32 cents, instead of 19 cents, if indexed to inflation since 1990.

* The Question: Keeping in mind that the gas tax (Road Fund money) is not a price percentage-based tax like the sales tax on gasoline (which goes to General Revenue), but a per-gallon tax, do you think that the state’s gas tax should be automatically indexed to inflation?


Cook upgrades Kirk and the jabs keep coming at Giannoulis

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Famed political prognosticator Charlie Cook just upgraded Mark Kirk’s chances of winning the US Senate seat. Cook had the US Senate race as a “toss-up” but he moved it a notch to “lean Republican” in the wake of Broadway Bank’s demise

Broadway’s failure will have an enormous impact on Giannoulias’ campaign, and it is entirely possible that the fallout could force him from the race. As such, the race is moving from the Toss Up to the Lean Republican column.

Chris Cillizza looks behind the subscription firewall

“Some Democratic strategists believe that Giannoulias can weather this crisis and remain a competitive general election candidate,” [Cook] wrote. “We are not so sure.”

At issue is whether Giannoulias’ decision to take the failure of Broadway Bank head on — with an ad seeking to explain what happened and why — is the right one. […]

Cook writes that Democrats are likely to give Giannoulias’ strategy a chance to work but that if his fundraising or polling numbers (or both) erode that the search for a replacement candidate is likely to start in earnest.

Frankly, I’ve personally had this race in the “lean Republican” column since Lisa Madigan bowed out and Kirk jumped in. As I’ve written before, Kirk is a nearly perfect Republican statewide candidate. Historically, the GOP must win suburban Republican wome to defeat the Democrats statewide. Kirk’s pro-choice, anti-gun positions are right in line with theirs. And we’ve known about Giannoulias’ bank troubles for over four years, when Speaker Madigan started using them against Giannoulias in the 2006 Democratic primary.

Also, the ad buy mentioned by Cook is, apparently, mostly for show. According to three different buyers, Giannoulias spent just $2,500 on Springfield cable and $20,000 on ABC7 in Chicago, during the early morning news, noon news and the 1 am news.

* Cillizza goes on to observe

It’s worth noting that Republicans have been close to silent about Giannoulias since the bank’s failure, an approach similar to the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s non aggression policy toward embattled Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) last year. Like Dodd, Republicans seem to believe that keeping Giannoulias in the race represents their best chance at winning the seat being vacated by appointed Sen. Roland Burris (D) this fall.

Um, well, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. This Kirk campaign press release just found its way into my in-box…

The Alexi Giannoulias Spin Cycle

From loans to criminals to the collapse of his bank, Alexi has a history of spinning inconvenient truths

Alexi Giannoulias is employing a serious spin cycle as he attempts to elicit sympathy for his reckless decisions that brought down his family bank and cost the FDIC $394 million. As it has often been the case throughout his career, Mr. Giannoulias resorts to pointing fingers when he finds himself in an inconvenient situation.

And this story sure looks like Kirk-generated OR to me…

Two political contributors to Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic nominee for Senate in Illinois, appear in the government’s evidentiary documents against former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich filed earlier this month.

* Whatever the case, Giannoulias ain’t getting out of this race, the political hooplah surrounding Wednesday’s presidential visit to Quincy notwithstanding. All the huffing and puffing turns out to have been much ado about not a whole lot. Not to single him out or anything, but Eric Zorn was among many who read the tea leaves and proclaimed that Obama’s failure to invite Giannoulias to stand by his side was yet another sign that the White House wanted him gone

How much more clear does President Obama have to make it that he’d be thrilled if Giannoulias did a Jack Ryan and withdrew in order to give the party a mulligan in this key race?

Well, the latest news is that Giannoulias has been invited to attend tomorrow’s festivities at the same time that every other state officeholder was invited. It’s not a campaign event, so the White House sent invites Monday to all statewide officials and people like Senate President John Cullerton, who isn’t going because it’s a session day. The only real “scandal” here is that the White House waited until two days before the event to send out invitations to his home-state VIPs.

Everybody really needs to take a breath. Just look at the way The Hill is preparing to parse every one of the Preznit’s words

What Obama says about his fellow Democrat during his remarks [in Quincy] could signal the level of support the White House is planning to provide Giannoulias’ campaign.

Sheesh. Again, this is a government trip, paid for by the taxpayers. If Obama does say something about the election, he’ll be violating the law.

As I’ve written before, people were telling Giannoulias to get off the ticket four years ago when he ran for treasurer against Speaker Madigan’s choice. He kept moving ahead. After he won that primary, pundits made a huge deal out of the fact that Madigan didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with Giannoulias, and suggestions were made that he’d be better off exiting. He kept moving forward. Last year, all were in a tizzy when the White House brought in a large handful of possible US Senate candidates, including Lisa Madigan, for public wooings. Giannoulias stuck with the plan. Since he won the primary, it’s been an almost non-stop cry for Giannoulias to go.

But he ain’t going anywhere, despite the rumor first spread by Rod Blagojevich that Giannoulias would be moved aside and somebody like Rahm Emanuel would replace him. Pure, utter fantasy. The trouble is, some people want it to be true so much that they can see “evidence” everywhere.

Again, I’m not trying to pick on Zorn, because this “I want it to be true so it will be true because I will help make it so” bias is so prevalent.

Y’all can keep shouting if you want, but I cannot foresee a probable circumstance where he steps aside.

* Zorn adds

Politico’s Ben Smith writes of Friday’s failure of Giannoulias’ family bank that it’s “hard to remember a worse thing happening to a Senate candidate during a campaign”

Really? I like Ben a lot, but he must not know Illinois too well. Let’s see, Blair Hull, Jack Ryan and Alan Keyes - and that was just in 2004.

About the worst thing I know that happened to an Illinois US Senate candidate was when Frank L. Smith ran in 1926. The Senate held special hearings during the summer after word got out that Smith’s campaign was being financed in whole by what is now ComEd and other utilities. Smith was chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission at the time. Oops. Now that’s bad. Smith won anyway, but the Senate refused to seat him when Gov. Len Small tried to appoint him that December (the incumbent died after the election). The Senate refused to seat him again when Smith showed up to claim his seat in March of 1927. He resigned a year later and Gov. Small was so upset that he refused to appoint a replacement, leaving Illinois with only one US Senator until after the next election.

* The Tribune editorial board once again goes after Giannoulias today

Alexi Giannoulias has a big problem. Last week, federal regulators closed his family’s money-losing Broadway Bank, where he acquired the financial expertise he touted in running for state treasurer in 2006. So where does he place the blame? On Mark Kirk, his opponent in the race for the U.S. Senate.

Kirk, you see, is a Republican, and it was under a Republican president, George W. Bush, that the economy went bad, making many of Broadway’s loans worthless. In a new ad, the Giannoulias campaign faults Kirk for supporting Bush policies that “got us into this mess.”

Giannoulias’ claim smacks of desperation. Anyone truly looking for culprits would start with the people who ran Broadway. Most banks have been able to weather the recession. This one failed mostly because of its own mistakes.

Did Broadway make mistakes? Heck yes they did. Did those mistakes become fatal when the national economy tanked? Heck yes they did. But where have I heard this before? Oh, yeah. Now I remember. The exact same thing happened to Tribune Co. They way overleveraged, then the economy tanked, newstand sales dropped like a rock and advertising revenues dried up and then they found themselves in bankruptcy court. Oops.

There’s plenty of blame to go around, and Giannoulias has already taken the blame for his share at the bank. Giannoulias doesn’t take any blame at all in his new ad, however, and that’s the real issue here. On that point, I wholly agree with the Tribune.


McQueary asks the right question

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kristen McQueary really nailed it this week with this observation

For weeks, political observers have questioned whether Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady is ready for prime time.

But the real question is whether voters are ready for him.

Good point.

Kristen goes on to give us some color behind the Bill Brady tax returns controversy…

A circle of Chicago-based reporters grilled Brady at an Illinois Republican Party fundraiser Thursday evening at the Drake Hotel about his inadequate attempt at transparency.

“Quinn e-mailed us his full tax returns,” one reporter asked.

“Why not give all of us copies?” asked another

“You are all available to go to Springfield. Three hours is plenty of time,” Brady responded, sweat building on his upper lip.

The back-and-forth continued for another 12 minutes.

Forcing Chicago reporters to travel to Springfield is probably akin to demanding that Pinckneyville residents pick up their tax refund checks in the Loop. It ain’t a popular move.

* Gov. Pat Quinn is doing his best to keep the Brady tax issue alive. Quinn took two whacks at Sen. Bill Brady yesterday. First, he criticized Brady for only allowing reporters to “glimpse” the returns on Friday afternoon. Second, he blasted Brady for not paying income taxes on his “very handsome” state Senate salary. It’s worth a watch it

* Meanwhile, Quinn took some heat from Latino leaders last night. Quinn didn’t attend the event, sending his COO Jack Lavin and his Hispanic point person Billy Ocasio in his stead. Congressman Luis Gutierrez wasn’t exactly impressed

“I appreciate that the Governor has sent Mr. Jack Lavin and Mr. Billy Ocasio to be with our group tonight,” he said, “perhaps the Governor can come to our next event instead of a fundraiser with the Speaker of the House.”


Problem is, Quinn wasn’t at Speaker Madigan’s event.

Gutierrez continued…

He went on to say that one of the major positions in Illinois is CEO of Navy Pier/McCormick Place. That position belongs to Juan Ochoa. Mr. Ochoa was appointed by former governor Rod Blagojevich in January of 2007. Gutierrez commended Jack Lavin for recognizing Ochoa’s achievement of lowering the operational costs at the Pier and calling it a model of what the state as a whole needs to do. “Yet I have never heard the Governor stand up to defend Juan Ochoa these days when it comes to McCormick place,” said Gutierrez.

“Dime, quien te defiende?” (Tell me who’s defending you), he shouted to the crowd.

Quinn’s not defending Ochoa for good reason. McCormick Place is teetering on the brink of collapse. Not to mention that Speaker Madigan despises the guy.

* On the other side of the political spectrum, Sarah Palin is returing to Illinois for a state party fundraiser

The Illinois Republican Party says the former vice presidential nominee will headline a party fundraiser May 12 in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont.

* And former Gov. Jim Edgar said last night that he will be voting for Sen. Brady, but repeated his vow to stay out of direct involvement with any campaigns

Despite recent criticism of Bill Brady’s budget plans, former Gov. Jim Edgar says he will vote for the Republican nominee for governor come November. […]

Edgar said he’ll be voting Republican, arguing that Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn has not made the most of opportunities to get spending under control.

“The incumbency has not been as good to him as I thought it might be,” Edgar, a former two-term governor.

Edgar, however, said he likely wouldn’t hit the campaign trail to help shore up support for Brady. He said he would rather sit this election out and spend more time in his role as an academic at the University of Illinois.

I had a two-hour lunch with Edgar and Samuel Gove yesterday while I was in Urbana to speak to the U of I’s Institute of Government and Public Affairs. It was absolutely fascinating. Too bad I can’t write about it, but we talked mostly about Illinois history.


Your morning video

Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Baby Ian loves the White Sox. The kid obviously has good taste. But you absolutely must check out little Ian’s thoughts about the Cubs

It’s so satisfying in these trying times to see that at least some children are being raised right.

This is a Major League Baseball open thread. Enjoy.


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Tuesday, Apr 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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