* It’s not like he can win, he’ll just extend the clown show. But Scott Lee Cohen is expected to announce a bid for governor today…
The man who voluntarily gave up his spot as Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor is expected to announce today that he will run for governor as an independent.
From his Facebook page…
Scott Lee Cohen will be making an announcement on Monday at 10:30 in front of the State of Illinois Building on the Randolph Street side. I would love to see you there and have your support!
The closest thing to a politician I can find who commented on or “liked” that post was Wanda Majcher, a Democrat who lost the 10th Senate nomination this past February. A yard sign maker also weighed in for him.
The governor isn’t worried…
Quinn says it’s a free country and Cohen is welcome to try to collect the necessary signatures to get on the ballot. The Chicago Democrat says he’s not worried Cohen could siphon away some of his support.
Who the heck would vote for him?
*** UPDATE 1 *** NBC5 is planning live video.
*** UPDATE 2 *** That video didn’t work for me and they’ve taken down the live vid post. This post, however, says he’s in, which is no surprise.
*** UPDATE 3 *** From an onsite pal. Click the photo for a bigger one…
*** UPDATE 4 *** Ha….
“I am running for governor because like the rest of the citizens of Illinois, I am tired of waste and mismanagement, which has led our state to the current financial instability,” Cohen said in a news conference outside Chicago’s Thompson Center this morning. “The people of this great state are suffering every day.”
*** UPDATE 5 *** More ha….
“Illinois needs honesty more than perfection” he said in a release. Campaign aides handed out white “Scott Lee Cohen for Governor” T-shirts.
*** UPDATE 6 *** More pics from our pal on the scene. Click for larger versions…
*** UPDATE 7 *** More quotes…
Cohen did not immediately announce a running mate and called for resumes during the press conference.
“We have several people that we are considering,” he said. “I have not made a decision.”
No running mate means he can’t circulate petitions.
This morning, Cohen deflected questions about his own qualifications by ungrammatically expressing doubts about Quinn.
“What is Quinn’s qualifications?” he asked reporters.
As far as we know, Quinn never tried to knife a hooker. Just sayin…
*** UPDATE 8 *** This will be one very small advisory committee…
Cohen reiterated that he would not advocate for a tax increase, and would organize a committee of small and large business owners to assist with fiscal policy.
- Sheridan Road - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:45 am:
Hasn’t humiliated himself as much as Rod Blagojevich yet.
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:47 am:
Why does Cohen warrant more media attention than the more serious non-Dem, non-GOP candidates running for governor or U.S. senator?
- Brennan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:48 am:
Won’t he have the best record of creating jobs on the ballot?
- VanillaMan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:50 am:
The first thing I thought of when all this went down is how Cohen and the Democrats needed to stop backing their bus over him, and how to neutralize the problems Cohen brought with his primary win. People don’t win elections because they are not likable.
Then the media went after him for everything he ever did that was unsuitable for office. And, boy there is a whole lot, isn’t there? Does his negatives outweigh his positives? Did anyone really look into why this guy won? I don’t think they did. Cohen won, and the Democrats immediately turned and ran away from him and his supporters.
So now he is running for governor? Sounds like he should have never dropped out as Quinn’s running mate.
We can all laugh at him, but he will get stories written about him, and have media cameras and microphones shoved in his face. He will have more than a few more minutes of fame. He will be asked insulting questions by media royalty looking down their noses at him. He will have a lot to live down. But unlike most of us, Scott Lee Cohen will still attract attention a while longer.
If he learns to take every insulting question thrown his way and spin it to demonstrate an appealing trait or issue insight, he can build on his infamy. If any year is a year of voter anger, it is this year. If Cohen wishes to be a player, this is the year for him to be a player.
Who would vote for him? Right now, I can only think of drunk frat boys and disenfranchised voters fed up with all politicians and willing to make a statement. Well see where he goes from there. If the media is sincere in wanting this man politically dead, then they will have to have enough self control to stay away from him.
- Bill - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:56 am:
Who the heck would vote for the Dem or Repub candidates?
Its not like we have any great choices.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:57 am:
He saw the $12 million Sarah Palin train and he wants to get on board.
Funny, he should have been looking at the Rod Blagojevich train - up on blocks in the corner being sold for scrap.
- Logical Thinker - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 9:59 am:
Who will vote for him?
Let’s see. We have a governor that has approval ratings in the 20-30% range with unfavorables outpacing favorables by 2-1. Then you have a GOP candidate who the media loves blasting and is perceived to be too radical for the state.
Let me ask one simple question: Can Scott Lee Cohen do any more damage to the State of Illinois than the leaders of the 2 parties haven’t already done?
The answer is no and hence there are probably more people than you want to believe that will vote for him. At the very least, enough to make a difference in November.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:03 am:
Yeah, LC, I’m so sure he’ll get a lot of votes now that we know what he is and what he’s done. You’re a goofball.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:03 am:
SLC is not a perfect human being, but neither were Jack Ryan, Blair Hull, George Ryan, or Blago…now that all his dirty laundry is out there for all to see, let people see the good he has done, job creation, political chops etc. and they can individually judge his fitness for office…other candidates/incumbents hide their past, and/or stand behind leadership to avoid being responsible for anything, See: our current legislators, who let Madigan run the legisilative show, and let Quinn do the cutting to the howls of the MSM and interest groups that will be affected…
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:04 am:
If Scott Cohen gets 25,000 valid signatures, he will have 25,000 people voting for him, plus many of the people who voted for him in the primary, plus many more who really are disaffected from the two major parties. And with the distrust that people have with the media (as discussed on other blog threads), lurid stories about him may bring only more distrust. I am not counting him out, and I do not find his candidacy self-humiliation. The humble pie can be eaten by all those who ignored his first winning campaign. If the media has to after the man rather than the issues he espouses, then the media is humiliating itself. Cohen is dong what he has a right to do and calling him names is childish. I never could understand why commenters call him “disgraced.” Voters put Rod Blagojevich in office twice, Now that was disgraceful.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:05 am:
Also, how “logical” is it to assume that the two major party candidates could be in so much polling trouble without ever once doing something like knifing a hooker, yet SLC would assuredly get a pass? You’re nuts as well as goofy.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:06 am:
===SLC is not a perfect human being, but neither were Jack Ryan, Blair Hull, George Ryan, or Blago===
Do you even notice what you write? What do all four of those men have in common? Disgraced and gone.
- Montrose - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:07 am:
*If Scott Cohen gets 25,000 valid signatures, he will have 25,000 people voting for him*
Since when does signing a petition to get someone on the ballot equal wanting to vote for the person?
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:09 am:
===If the media has to after the man rather than the issues he espouses, then the media is humiliating itself. ===
Rod? Is that you? Or is it George?
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:16 am:
Ryan and Blago were elected and then re-elected Rich…try not to let your personal bias take precedence over the conversation…are you saying people were unaware of the allegations against Blago and Ryan when they were re-elected?…
the moral “fitness” of a candidate for public office is an individual decision made by voters in the voting booth until criminal allegations are made/proved in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt…BTW, yeah, I do read what I write, and check grammar and spelling prior to posting…:)
- Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:21 am:
- Ryan and Blago were elected and then re-elected Rich…try not to let your personal bias take precedence over the conversation -
Not once the details came out, they weren’t. Cohen’s details are already out, and so is he.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:24 am:
Loop-y Lady:
To be fair to voters, the allegations made against Rod and Ryan (pay-to-play, corruption) are pretty much standard attack-ad fodder these days, and are hard to be translated into something tangible.
The Willis children were something tangible.
Getting arrested in the early morning hours was quite tangible.
Knifing your prostitute girlfriend and spending millions on your campaign while behind on child support is quite tangible.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:26 am:
Meaning - it wasn’t until those tangible things came about that they were in for.
Let me add to the list:
Forcing your wife to have sex in a European sex club = tangible.
Kicking your wife in the shin = tangible.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:26 am:
He has every right to appear on the ballot, and then he can be voted for or against…
- Logical Thinker - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:30 am:
Look at this from a purely political standpoint: how many disaffected and angry voters are there in Illinois right now?
They are upset over a wide range of issues that span the entire political spectrum. Additionally, the Blago Show is about to go live in a month that will suck the oxygen out of the room and dominate headlines for months. This will not help the approval ratings of any incumbent in this state and certainly not the major parties.
If SLC pulls 10% of the vote (100-200k votes), he will impact the race. I think this is the floor for his support. I can EASILY see him getting 20-25% of the vote for the mere fact that he is unattached to EITHER party and that might be a huge advantage come November.
If Minnesota can elect a wrestler and comedian and California can elect an actor, why can’t IL elect a pawn-broker?
Again, I don’t think he will win, however, to dismiss his campaign is perilous on your part.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:30 am:
Scott Cohen has nothing to lose. Allegations about his personal conduct, true of not, are public information. If elected, he may prove to be as good or as bad as any other Governor as far as how he conducts the business of being Governor. He does know how to win a campaign against party regulars.
I already live in a state where the politics in controlled by a very select group of inside players. I feel even worse knowing that the news media is cranky because they can’t control voters, too.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:33 am:
===He does know how to win a campaign against party regulars. ===
Only when the public is unaware of his past. Don’t be silly.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:37 am:
=== I can EASILY see him getting 20-25% of the vote===
I’ll have what you’re smoking. And I’m willing to back up my skepticism with cold, hard cash.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:42 am:
I would put the over-under at 1%.
- wordslinger - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:43 am:
Isn’t there someone who can tell this guy he should be banking that money for his kids? He’s been quite a load to them up to now.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:50 am:
Love the photo.
Question: Do we count all the reporters as supporters of his candidacy?
- cassandra - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:53 am:
Still, Democrats should be worried if this goes on for a while. He started out as a Democrat and he will be a constant reminder of the rather dismal Democratic primary. They can distance themselves but they have to be careful how they do it, since in criticizing his sudden appearance in statewide politics, they are critizing themselves. They brought him to us.
- Anon - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:53 am:
I’ll take that over in a heart beat. If he gets on the ballot, He will get 5%, but not much more.
- Just Wondering - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:53 am:
SLC won the Lt. Gov. primary because he was able to get voters to remember his name. Two million dollars will do that.
He never spoke about issues, just job creation. He won’t get off that easily this time and will have to state his position on a number of issues.
Voters might not be happy with Quinn or Brady but I can’t imagine anyone who takes their vote seriously casting one for SLC. Along with his sordid past he has no experience working with governmental bodies at any level and hasn’t even bothered to vote in previous elections. (Per his interview on Chicago Tonight)
How can anyone possibly imagine he can help solve the serious issues that face our state?
- Aldyth - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:56 am:
This guy is a narcissist who can be charming, but really doesn’t think the laws apply to him. Hmmmm. Sounds rather like Blago, who sweet talked his way into two terms as governor.
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:56 am:
There are a bunch of non-Dem, non-GOP candidates who are likely to appear on the ballot for governor.
Rich Whitney–Green
The Constitution and Libertarian parties are both circulating statewide petitions.
I can see a protest vote against Dems and GOP.
How much of it will go to SLC? Not much, I expect.
- just sayin' - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:57 am:
I assume he’s just looking for some suckers to help him repay himself for all the money he spent in the primary.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:57 am:
George, I can’t tell, but from the photo it looks like Kass is his new running mate. lol
- VanillaMan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:58 am:
Poor speech.
The media gave him his shot and he decided to try a little dishonesty. Nah - it’s over.
- KeepSmiling - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:00 am:
== How can anyone possibly imagine he can help solve the serious issues that face our state? ==
Save-MAP-no-matter-what Quinn? 10% Brady?
I hate to say it, but with SLC, at least it might still be imaginable. This is very depressing.
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:02 am:
John Kass ( I - How you doin’?)
- George - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:03 am:
The real question isn’t what he said in his prepared remarks, but what he said as the pack of wolves was chasing him away from the mic.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:04 am:
“Only when the public is unaware of his past. Don’t be silly.”
What is silly is that Art Turner could not win, nor Hendon, nor Boland, nor Link, despite what the public did or did not know about the allegations that the media now seem to accept as fact about Cohen. Give me a break.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:04 am:
Rich, why are you even engaging with the SLC trolls? It’s obvious they decided this was one of the places they would target. We all know this is a joke. A very troubled and naive man is being taken advantage of AGAIN. It’s pathetic.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:05 am:
===why are you even engaging with the SLC trolls?===
Because it’s so much FUN. lol
Also, CF, are you serious? He won despite what the public did or did not know? Do you think he could’ve won that now? Go soak your head in saltwater, dude.
- Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:06 am:
- I am tired of waste and mismanagement -
Hah, Cohen’s ability to waste money is pretty well illustrated by these campaigns.
- wordslinger - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:11 am:
Cohen is to potential governors as Kass is to columnists.
It’s a disgrace that the Tribune put that yabbo in Royko’s spot.
- Ghost - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:15 am:
Just imagine if we had public financing of elections. he would get to spend ou scarce tax dollars on this run 9assuming he gets the sigs, which is just a matter of feet on the ground)
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:15 am:
POI Georgy boy: The prostitute girlfriend denied that he did said violence on TV (I just happened to see this as I was channel surfing) and, though I could not vote for him, he just may gain ballot access. Between Whitney and himself, these fringy candidates may make the race a bit too tight for Quinn and Brady, given the high level of disaffected voters who may vote for him saying “screw you” to the incumbents but actually just screw themselves further…
- Amalia - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:16 am:
I’m no kass lover, but, the Royko family apparently approved of the trib choice in kass.
back to the main topic….oh boy is this great! SLCohen is back and the comic quailty of the ballot just jumped up. reporters can use him when we all need a good laugh. let’s just hope
they don’t waste too much time covering him cause elections
are for picking people who run the business that is government.
SLC is not a serious person in this arena, but, the ballot is the ballot and he may get on it. it’s up to everyone to concentrate on pushing the good and exposing the bad. he’s just comedy.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:18 am:
===The prostitute girlfriend denied that he did said violence on TV ===
I’d like to see a link to that. Also, she filed a police report, which is essentially under oath.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:19 am:
“It’s a disgrace that the Tribune put that yabbo in Royko’s spot.”
What’s more the shame is that Royko had to wind up at the Tribune in the first place. I will always miss the Daily News.
- Bill - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:22 am:
I got cash that says that not only will Cohen go over 1% but that he will beat Whitney. That is if he gets on. I’m not an “slc troll” but I do think that since the field is so bad and the public is so disgusted and we can’t have “none of the above” on the ballot, Scott gives the voter a way to voice their disgust. How much of an impact he can have will depend on how close it is. Right now it looks like both major candidates are such screw ups that neither should win. Unfortunately, we will be stuck with one of them. Who cares which one?
- Downstate Commissioner - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:22 am:
Quinn- too wishy-washy and has missed his chance for real changes; Brady- too hard-core conservative and lack of understanding of the realities of the fiscal crisis; Cohen- too much (bad) history and no credentials to be governor. Why??? isn’t Rich Whitney getting more good press?? Is the “Green” label hurting him that much? Is it money? Lack of name recognition? Something else that I don’t know about?
I understand that the main party candidates will be the automatic leaders, but with voter dissatisfaction as bad as it is,I don’t understand why Whitney is polling so low.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:25 am:
Well, after a good soak, my head is wondering why Art Turner, et al, lost the primary, and a non-party regular won. Here is the question: why did Art Turner lose the primary?
Rich’s point seems to be anlagous to believing that Steve Bartman cost the Cubs a pennant. It’s an easy mark, but not the right mark.
- Dooley Dudright - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Trib: “Cohen said he has no running mate yet and is asking people to come forward if they are interested in the job.”
This means he can’t circulate petitions yet: an indie for guv must have a running mate.
So he has what, only a month and a half as it is to get 25,000 good signatures? And no immediate prospect of starting?
Lotsa luck, fella.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:27 am:
Clarification according to this link…the case was dropped…
- wordslinger - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:31 am:
–the prostitute girlfriend denied that he did said violence on TV–
That’s a ringing endorsement. What are we waiting for? The prostitute girlfriend now says he didn’t beat her up. He should run for pope.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:32 am:
===why did Art Turner lose the primary?===
2 major reasons…
1) He got way outspent.
2) He never dished the dirt.
- Don't Worry, Be Happy - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:36 am:
He has a strong message about jobs, and we know he’s good at it - just look at the pictures to see how many people he created jobs for today!
Heck, the petition passing alone might drive the unemployment rate in Illinois back below 10%.
- Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:42 am:
- That’s a ringing endorsement. What are we waiting for? The prostitute girlfriend now says he didn’t beat her up. He should run for pope. -
This is why you’re my favorite commenter, I almost spit out my lunch.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:44 am:
- wordslinger - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:49 am:
–Rich’s point seems to be anlagous to believing that Steve Bartman cost the Cubs a pennant. It’s an easy mark, but not the right mark.–
Dude, did you have to? Give a warning before you use that analogy.
It’s taken me years of Cuckoo’s Nest electro-shock to get back to that happy place where the Cubs are up 3 games to 1 on the Marlins with Zambrano, Prior and Woods set to pitch, if necessary.
By the way, it wasn’t Bartman — Alex Gonzalez booted a sure inning-ending double play ball. The Marlins scored eight runs that inning…. It can’t be true… I’m not feeling so good…. I need to call my doctor…
- Bill - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:52 am:
Who’s Steve Bartman?
- wordslinger - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 11:57 am:
Bill, you’re a very bad man.
- And I Approved This Message - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:02 pm:
If I’m not mistaken, Cohen doesn’t just need a running mate, he needs a whole slate of candidates for all the statewide offices.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:02 pm:
wordslinger: he should not run for Pope…please google: Pope complicit in sexual abuse by preists…better come up with a new comparison!
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:03 pm:
All he needs is a running mate.
If he was forming a new party, he’d need a slate. He’s running as an independent, however.
- siriusly - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:20 pm:
The other thought I had was that SLC was so heart-broken by making his son cry over his stepping off the ballot that he decided the only way to make his son proud of him again was to run. If that in any way played into this - it reminds me of Rod “I did nothing wrong” Blagojevich.
- Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:29 pm:
“What is Quinn’s qualifications?”
Can this be the QOTD tomorrow? I can’t stop laughing at this.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:37 pm:
Walked by the circus in front of the State Building this morning. Made sure I kept walking. He will draw some significant press just like Blagojevich has post impeachment.
I wouldn’t count on him getting too many votes but he will suck up some earned media opportunities for other candidates.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:37 pm:
“2 major reasons…
1) He got way outspent.
2) He never dished the dirt.”
and maybe 3) you don’t dish dirt unless you don’t mind having it dished back (see post regarding Turner from Aug. 9, 2009 blog)
maybe 4) jobs is the biggest issue with many voters and Turner did not address it satisfactorily
maybe 5) voters outside, even inside, Cook County were looking for a candidate who was not a party regular
And I would take issue with your reason 2: campaign expenditure is no guarantee of a win in any race
- OneMan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:38 pm:
Because you have to make a decision to knife someone and stick with it, disqualifying Quinn
- titan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
Certainly going to make it a little more interesting/entertaining, at least for a while, won’t he?
I took Whitney’s hair over 10% total from 2006 as effectively a “none of the above” vote. Maybe Cohen serves that purpose this time (maybe even as a stronger “a pox on both of your houses” statement). One or two percent isn’t out of the question. Several percent for Whitney added in could make for enough disaffected votes to be siphoned off the make this a real hard to call race.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
Yeah. OK. You got me, CF. He’s the best candidate ever and he’ll most certainly win the governor’s race.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
And I apologize for the Bartman reference, maybe Bill Buckner watching a ball roll through his glove would have been a better one.
- OneMan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
Some would argue (me included) that an act of violence trumps anything the above were accused or convicted of.
Sex club visit is not the same as being accused of battering a woman.
- fedup dem - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
How long does he have to get those 25,000 signatures - five weeks? Let’s see if he has the ability to get those valid signatures.
On a related note, I saw some clown circulating what he claimed was his own petitions for an independent run for US Senate at the Jefferson Park CTA Station this morning here in Chicago. However, I quickly noticed the box for the name of the candidate on the petition sheets was BLANK! I told the clown that his petitions would be tossed out if tried to filed them and hustled to catch my train.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:43 pm:
===maybe even as a stronger “a pox on both of your houses” statement===
You show me the broad constituency for a guy like that - post revelations - and I’ll show you the loony bin.
- just sayin' - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:46 pm:
Alan Keyes may have to hand over the Most Insane Man To Ever Run In Illinois Cup.
- Captain Flume - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:46 pm:
I have never said Cohen is the best candidate. All I’m saying is that he won a statewide primary by 20,000 votes, which in my silly mind means that he had a campaign that voters responded to favorably. That fact seems to get lost in all the hand-wringing about a booted chance at dishing dirt on him before the election.
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
===he had a campaign that voters responded to favorably===
Yep. They did. And now that they know what he is and what he did, I cannot possibly see how they will again.
- Ghost - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
=== 2 major reasons…
1) He got way outspent.
2) He never dished the dirt. ====
replace 1) with Hendon was against Him
- Rich Miller - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 12:59 pm:
Since there are so many looney tunes on this post today, and since I now have much work to do, I’m just gonna start deleting the tinfoil hatters. It’s been fun, but you’re just too much work for me. Adios.
- Vote Quimby! - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 1:33 pm:
SLC spends $2 million to win a race against a wide field for a nothing race. Seven days later, he withdraws. Less than 90 days later, he says he’s back in for the top spot. Here are questions I would like answered:
(1) Why didn’t he run for governor in the primary?
(2) When can we see the tax returns?
(3) What is his budget for this campaign?
(4) Who is his running mate? The realtiy-show dude who humiliated his family with the fake flying saucer stunt?
(5) Is this just another reality show?
- Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 1:41 pm:
- I’m not saying he is going to win, but he’ll have an impact akin to a Ralph Nader on a national scale. -
If only Al Gore had known about Ralph Nader’s hooker slashing tendencies maybe he would have won the popular vote…
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 1:43 pm:
Who the heck would vote for him?
I still doubt it b/c of the candidate’s flaws, but this would be the year for a Jesse Ventura-type to get enough new and disaffected IL voters for a narrow plurality.
- John - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:00 pm:
Who are the campaign workers passing out the Cohen shirts? Are his consultants working for him again and hoping he dumps in another $2 million so they can laugh all the way to the bank?
- Logical Thinker - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:02 pm:
So let me get this straight, if someone thinks SLC could be a factor in this years election, they are part of the “tinfoil” crowd regardless of the rationale behind the thought?
- TJ - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:25 pm:
We have a wifebeater, a john, a steroid abuser, and a deadbeat dad running for office in the State of Illinois, on a platform of cleaning up the state and fixing its fiscal problems.
I think I said this before, but can we officially label SLC as the moment that Illinois definitively jumped the shark?
- siriusly - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:33 pm:
Carl Nyberg is partially right. This is the type of campaign where a third party / independent candidate might be appealing - but SLC does not qualify as appealing to voters.
If a third party candidate was respectable and credible, yes they could get good numbers (maybe not enough to win) in a year like this. SLC is not that guy.
- Loop Lady - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:35 pm:
Thanks LT, my thoughts exactly…so much for respectful dialogue…
- siriusly - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:37 pm:
Rich- I apologize if I posted something you found inappropriate - but I wasn’t posting random BS.
This is from the Tribune on April 24:
“Just weeks later, rumors began to circulate that Cohen was conducting polling to determine what voters thought of him. Officials at Grainger Terry, a consulting firm that helped run Cohen’s lieutenant governor campaign, confirmed Friday that Cohen paid them $30,000 to do the polling in March.”
- titan - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 2:58 pm:
“===maybe even as a stronger “a pox on both of your houses” statement===
You show me the broad constituency for a guy like that - post revelations - and I’ll show you the loony bin.”
My point is essentially the opposite - people hating both R & D cnadidates may see Cohen as a sufficinetly obvious ‘protest vote’ to pick him - as in “no one would vote for this clown, so by voting for him I make my statement that I’m voting against the R & D candidates”
Pingback Illinois Gubernatorial Election Prediction | chicago.rssible.com - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 4:04 pm:
[…] The flame-out former Lt. Gov candidate gets more press attention than other third-party candidates. On the other hand, he may get a chance to reach a sub-Blagojevich level of notoriety without actually having to serve as governor. […]
- Peggy SO-IL - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 4:09 pm:
KMOX StL radio host Mark Reardon would like to have Cohen on air–for pure entertainment value.
- nick - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 6:44 pm:
haven’t noted the strong reaction to comments by the blogmaster before on this site.Certainly his privilege,but unusual.
- Honest Abe - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 7:30 pm:
How is Scott Lee Cohen going to collect his petitions? Since he voluntarily withdrew from the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor, Cohen is eligible to run as an “independent” since the “sore loser” rule from the primary does not serve to disqualify him, but who will circulate his petitions? Anyone who circulated for a regular party candidate in the February primary is not supposed to collect signatures for an independent now. Moreover, there is a nuclear argument that Joe Berrios is going to try to use against Forrest Claypool that anyone who signed or circulated a petition earlier or voted in a party primary is ineligible to sign a valid signature on a petition for an independent candidate. This same reasoning could be employed in a challenge by Quinn directed towards Cohen.
There may be hotly contested electoral board cases and plenty of litigation to follow as to some of these independent candidacies.
- John - Monday, May 3, 10 @ 10:56 pm:
So Granger Terry is involved? Boy they really are scum buckets, stealing Cohen’s money like that.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, May 4, 10 @ 8:37 am:
SLC was on 560 AM this morning w/Big John and Amy. If Illinois was not the laughing stock of the US before this we certainly are now. If he gets on the ballot our legacy is assured.
- PFK - Tuesday, May 4, 10 @ 8:44 am:
He’s got two big items on his home page…one where you can give him a donation and one to download his petition.
The link to his petition doesn’t work.