Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn’s campaign manager hire now official
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Quinn’s campaign manager hire now official

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this a week ago. Gov. Pat Quinn finally has a new campaign manager, but he’s from Wisconsin, of all places

The chief of staff to Wisconsin Lieutenant Gov. Barbara Lawton is leaving to run the election campaign for Democratic Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.

Ben Nuckels has been Lawton’s chief of staff since February 2007. Lawton announced Nuckels’ move to the Quinn campaign on Tuesday.

Nuckels left Lawton’s office briefly last year to work on her campaign for governor. But when she dropped out of the race, Nuckels rejoined her Capitol staff.

A photo from his Facebook page. Kinda on the young side

So, Quinn waits over three months to hire a campaign manager, but he’s a young out-of-stater who hasn’t run anything in Illinois. Welcome to the bigtime, Mr. Nuckels. Good luck. You’re gonna need it.

…Adding… With a hat tip to a commenter, check out Gov. Quinn’s heavily ironic quote from yesterday

“When there’s a job to be done, look to Illinois workers because they are second to none.”

That slogan apparently only applies to the private sector, not to campaigns.

…Adding More… This is essentially something that I pointed out to subscribers last week and brought up in comments today…

The fact is [that] Quinn is Quinns campaign manager. He does not want anyone around him to contradict his thinking. This guy is going to be asked to coordinate Quinn’s direction and he very well may be up to that limited task.


  1. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    He looks like he’s younger than Jason Plummer, if that’s possible.

  2. - Just wondering - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:31 am:

    Does his mother know he will not be home for dinner?

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:32 am:

    Pot, I thought he looked like Plummer as well. At least in that pic.

  4. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:34 am:

    This guy is toast and so is Quinn.

  5. - Aldyth - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:35 am:

    I’ll bet he gets carded a lot.

  6. - Hoping for Rational Thought - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    His age shouldn’t be an issue here. I can’t believe you’ve lost focus on the fact that he is a CHEESEHEAD!!

    Bear fans unite and oppose Quinn for Gov. whose choice of a campaign manager is a clear sign that he is out of touch with Chicago Bear fans!

  7. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    Eh, Kamis is pretty young and got through the primary.

  8. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    Caption: “Janesville High School senior Ben Nuckels describes his successful management of a friend’s campaign for Prom King with Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.”

  9. - siriusly - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    That is Jason Plummer! The guy is double dipping!

    In the words of SNL: Really?!
    Pat Quinn - you’re going to be asking the faithful Democrats of this state for millions of dollars in campaign contributions, and you bring in a guy who’s never managed a winning campaign, let alone managed any campaign in Illinois to run your race for Governor? Really?!

    On the serious side: Okay, I understand that Quinn doesn’t want anyone associated with the “past” in Illinois. But surely he could find someone more experienced who has actually managed a winning race, even if not from Illinois. Not a confidence builder I have to say.

  10. - Northsider - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    Does Quinn want to be governor?!

    On the other hand, if, thanks to his new CM, Quinn successfully negotiates the return of New Glarus beer to the NE Illinois market, he’ll be considered one of the greatest governors of all time…

  11. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    great name! now for another fun name, go look up the names of the candidates vying for the leader of Lab. in Britain. Jon
    Stewart will have a field day with one name and the hung parliament.

  12. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    Age or knowledge of geographics really aren’t an issue if he is sharp and ready to bone up quick. I figure there is a 6 month learning curve after which he will be able to hit the ground running and really take charge.

  13. - just sayin' - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    I bet he’s a nice kid. But you’re not in Wisconsin anymore Toto.

    He has no idea what he’s in for.

    Quinn should have gone for an Axelrod or Rahm E. style street fighter who knows Illinois.

  14. - RWP - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:48 am:

    Mr. Nuckels will do just fine. It is the break Quinn needed.


  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    Quinn seems to want nobodies nobody sent. Bizarro campaigning.

  16. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    So Quinn’s a cheesehead loving goofball, but you really can’t blame Nuckels for wanting the job. Country kids always want to run toward the bright lights, big city. But don’t you *really* wonder how many people turned down PQ’s job offer before Ben jumped?

  17. - Sacks Romana - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Phineas, that really cracked me up. I’m also looking forward to seeing Quinn’s campaign hit the ground running in six months, just in time for the Thanksgiving election.

  18. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Somebody send Knucks a link to the CapitolFax Blog. We’ll take care of him.

  19. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    Normally, a political guy named “Nuckels” would come out of the NortWest Side and his street name would be spelled “Knuckles.” This guy just doesn’t look like he’s from the NortWest Side.

  20. - SOS - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    same old stuff–he appoints young people because they will work night and day without ever challenging his authority. Hasnt worked in running state government–wont work in a campaign.

  21. - Altgeld's Ghost - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:55 am:

    The fact is the Quinn is Quinns campaign manager. He does not want anyone around him to contradict his thinking. This guy is going to be asked to coordinate Quinn’s direction and he very well may be up to that limited task.

  22. - Wilson T - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    I think the Chicago City Council should pass a “no confidence” resolution on Quinn. Illinois has an 11% unemployment rate and he is giving jobs to Wisconsin. What’s next, sweetheart contracts for the Department of Aging to move their headquarters to Indiana???

  23. - Jennifer - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:58 am:

    Although I am concerned about the learning curve here, I am tired of age being equated to incompetence. I agree that with age comes experience, but has that led to the best outcomes for Illinois so far? I think it shows incredible trust and a willingness to think outside of the box for Quinn to put his money on a young outsider. I would take someone with a clean background, integrity, and fresh and innovative ideas over an old rusty dog any day of the week.

  24. - Peggy SO-IL - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    He hired Samwise?

  25. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    On the bright side, being from Wisconsin Nuckels won’t have to declare his lifelong allegiance to either the Sox or the Cubs–so that’s a mine field uncrossed, and a plus for Quinn’s campaign.

  26. - Anon - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    Maybe he’s up to the task, maybe not, who knows. Illinois is a much different State to deal with than Wisconsin, though. There have been young campaign managers on statewide campaigns before, but more often than not those were people with a lot of campaign experience all over this state. For his sake I hope he’s a quick learner, as this an extremely diverse State in many, many ways (for some reason I typed those last few lines in the voice of the commandant in Police Academy).

  27. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    Get that checkbook ready, Jerry! This guy looks expensive.

  28. - Anon - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:02 pm:

    ==I think it shows incredible trust and a willingness to think outside of the box for Quinn to put his money on a young outsider.==

    Or, it shows that nobody in this State wanted to touch this campaign with a 10 foot pole and he was left with few options.

  29. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    SOS, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. Quinn, like Dan Rutherford (in 2006 and now) and Alexi when he ran for Treasurer, is really his own advisor, campaign manager, investment analyst, meal planner…well, you get the idea. It’s pretty apparent that he doesn’t want some big-shot, ego-driven person running either his government or campaign operations. The inability to delegate is the type of personality problem that sinks states and companies, and it has followed Quinn wherever he goes.

    As much as I don’t want to pass judgment on Ben because of his age and as often as I think young, hungry politicos can do as good a job as the old guard, this is a curious hire.

  30. - Ok - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:03 pm:

    Quinn couldn’t find someone who wanted to take on his campaign here, he had to outsource the job to Wisconsin.

  31. - Anon - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:07 pm:

    This kid is going to go against Jerry Clarke????? Oh that poor, dear boy.

  32. - The Shadow - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    Why don’t you insider baseball hacks relax. There is 6 months to go and come October/November you won’t be talking about this and neither will the voters… who quite frankly don’t care and don’t know anything about this.

    How about we focus on Quinn actually standing up for the people of Illinois while the general assembly continually sits on their thumbs for only 52 days out of the year.

  33. - shore - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    And matsoff is fresh off that winning olympic bid for chicago 2016.

    At least this guy didn’t send his candidate on chicago tonight last night and to an audience of liberal and moderate viewers proclaimed the only book he had read lately was the karl rove book.

    Not smart.

  34. - Brennan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:10 pm:

    =What’s next, sweetheart contracts for the Department of Aging to move their headquarters to Indiana???=

    Indiana could likely run it better than Illinois can.

    Last in line at the discount window wins.

  35. - Me - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    Funny Quinn said yesterday “When there’s a job to be done, look to Illinois workers because they are second to none.”

  36. - (Formerly) Angry Republican - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    All of this Quinn and Brady nonsense reminds me of the Monty Python skit about the 100 yard dash for people with no sense of direction (
    Forget about Sox/Cubs minefield what about Bears/Packers?

  37. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:13 pm:

    Youth has many advantages, but wisdom and experience is more important. You can learn a lot from books and education, but wisdom and experience turns knowledge into understanding. Without life experiences, one lives in a hypothetical world instead of the real one.

    Pat Quinn has made many interesting gubernatorial appointments which reveal that he may not fully understand where theory meets reality. While it is good that he sees potential in people, we are at an age when learning on the job is risky.

    I hope Mr. Nuckles is ready to be shown what he does not know, quick enough to recognize it, and humble enough to learn from it.

  38. - bored now - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:14 pm:

    ben isn’t new to illinois (he went to school here), nor is he new to campaigns. and i know that he won’t make the same mistakes that quinn’s campaign crew did in the primaries…

  39. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===How about we focus on Quinn actually standing up for the people of Illinois ===

    How and when?

  40. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    Like what, bored? Let Quinn talk?

  41. - siriusly - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    Jennifer - age is not the factor by which he is being pre-judged. Experience is what matters. Running campaigns is like taking a sports team into the playoffs. If you’ve been there once or twice, its a bonus. If you’ve won in the big leagues - its a big advantage. As far as I can tell, this guy hasn’t even gotten out of AAA.

    This doesn’t look good for the Dems.

  42. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===ben isn’t new to illinois (he went to school here)===

    Yeah, so did Bradley Tusk.

  43. - siriusly - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    Phineas - LOL! Good one. You’re right, this guy should be ready to roll come December.

  44. - just sayin' - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:16 pm:

    That is a great name though. Guys in the Chicago Outfit would love to be assigned that for a nickname.

    Maybe by November it will Ben “Bloody” Nuckels. (yes, I know the spelling is off)

  45. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===this guy hasn’t even gotten out of AAA.===

    Working for the Wisconsin lite guv is more like sub-A, but we’ll see what he can do.

  46. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    I was just thinking about good ol’ Brad. Knucks makes him look like a grandfather. I wonder how the Ford for Senate camapign is going?

  47. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===it will Ben “Bloody” Nuckels===

    Or Ben “Broken” Nuckels.

  48. - A.B. - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    My co-worker is a Democratic County Chair in Wisconsin. I asked him about Nuckels and he said,

    “Nuckels is a terrific guy. He has had one of the more difficult jobs in Wisconsin politics in keeping his boss in a good light and getting her re-elected. He has weathered some nasty stuff and handled it beautifully. Quinn probably made a very good and educated choice there….but then again it is Illinois and God only knows what you guys will pop next….”

    Not exactly the news this Republican wanted to hear…

  49. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    While it might be possible to run for Treasurer and manage your own campaign, it won’t work for Gov. Quinn already has some experienced, well-qualified folks on his campaign staff; were none of them willing to take on this job.

    The other thing this guy will have to do is manage all of the experienced and strong-willed folks working for Quinn. Since he comes in with little, if any, street cred, how well will he do giving orders to all these folks who know the state backwards and forwards?

    The amazing race to the bottom continues. As a counter to Brady’s recent difficulties, I am impressed with the speed at which Quinn moved in to solidify his low standing. I am curious to see how Brady will counter this.

    Whitney’s campaign song should be: “…clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…”

  50. - Lakefront Liberal - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    Believe it or not I have actually heard of this guy and I really, really would not write him off.

  51. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    - This kid is going to go against Jerry Clarke????? Oh that poor, dear boy. -

    Yeah, Clarke has been doing a stellar job so far keeping Brady from screwing up.

  52. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    Altgeld’s Ghost is right. What matters most is whether Nuckels can take direction and not get it in his head that he’s actually the campaign manager.

  53. - Bill - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    Yeah, He worked for Howard Dean!

  54. - The Shadow - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    ===How about we focus on Quinn actually standing up for the people of Illinois ===

    How and when?

    Mr. Miller,
    How about his whole carrere? He stood up for Illinois most recently by getting pension reform.
    • He’s standing up by telling people the truth… even in a election year.
    • He stood up and saved 1,200 jobs at Ford
    • He stood up in getting the capital bill past
    • He stood up for the campaign fiance bill
    • He stood up in saving Plum Island
    • He stood up by signing a law that gave homeowners 90 extra days to avoid foreclose

    Just to name a few

  55. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    TS, there are plenty of other blogs for that sort of puffed up silliness already. I would suggest that you go find one of those if you can’t deal with it here. Most of your list, by the way, was not Quinn’s actual doing. But if you want a suckup blog, try the Google.

  56. - Wait a minute - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:30 pm:

    So, Quinn imported staff from another state with no (crucial) experience in IL politics to manage a possibly game-[read: party-]changing campaign? When did the DCCC get into the business of gubernatorials? :)

  57. - siriusly - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    Plum Island - good one Mr. Quinn Campaign staffer! Keep pushing hot button issues like that and you’ll have this race in the bag.

  58. - ugh - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    Is the grand plan to lose?

    Can we just call this a day and save the counties the expense of having to hold the election?

  59. - OneMan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    My co-worker is a Democratic County Chair in Wisconsin. I asked him about Nuckels and he said,

    “Nuckels is a terrific guy. He has had one of the more difficult jobs in Wisconsin politics in keeping his boss in a good light and getting her re-elected. He has weathered some nasty stuff and handled it beautifully. Quinn probably made a very good and educated choice there….but then again it is Illinois and God only knows what you guys will pop next….”

    Not exactly the news this Republican wanted to hear…

    Dude does not have the connections that someone from in-state would, nor does he understand the factions or who hates whom etc….

    Saying he defended the Lt. Governor of WI, is sort of like saying…

    You know he was a heck of a Division III backup quarterback, great fit for the Bears…

  60. - The Shadow - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

    Touche - But I do believe he was responsible for bringing 1,200 jobs to FORD. And he was the one who brought both sides together for the capital bill and pension reform. Am I wrong?

  61. - Hank - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:36 pm:

    As long as he averts his eyes in the presence of Mr Madigan and only speaks when spoken to he will be just fine

  62. - OneMan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    • He’s standing up by telling people the truth… even in a election year.
    Then changing his mind about just about everything 20 seconds later. We are going to do this, no that….

    • He stood up and saved 1,200 jobs at Ford
    Yes, because keeping jobs in the state is really controversial

    • He stood up in getting the capital bill past

    And doing next to nothing in getting it funded nor pushing for implementation of video gaming nor defending it. It’s easy to be in favor of a capital bill, different matter to fund it.

    • He stood up for the campaign fiance bill

    a fliped-flopped on that if I recall right…

    • He stood up in saving Plum Island

    Going back 6 years, not desperate at all… He suggested developers hold off and started a petition. That’s a profile in courage for sure!

    • He stood up by signing a law that gave homeowners 90 extra days to avoid foreclose

    Because we all know how politically unpopular that was…

    It’s easy to stand up when it’s easy. The man folds more than someone playing poker who thinks you need three of a kind to open.

  63. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    Never forget, “Old Age and Treachery ALWAYS Beats Youth and Talent!”

    Here endeth the lesson.

  64. - Anon - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:43 pm:

    Quinn “brought both sides together”? When was this?

    ==Am I wrong? ==


  65. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    ===This guy just doesn’t look like he’s from the NortWest Side===

    North West side of Springfield, maybe..

  66. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:46 pm:

    Rich: I don’t think Bradley Tusk was as poor of a politician as his boss was…not a good comparison IMHO…I cant beleive the rush to judgement by you and my fellow bloggers, give a person a chance at least to earn your disrespect…

  67. - George - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:46 pm:

    Rich, I think you are too hard on our old friend The Shadow.

    I mean, c’mon, Quinn’s web site WAS!

    It says it right there…

  68. - David Ormsby - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:49 pm:

    Oh, well.

  69. - Gregor - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:55 pm:

    Caption for the photo: “Dude, I TOTALLY will get all my Facebook friends to vote for you, like they did to get Betty White on SNL. You’re a lock, I’m telling you.”

    I thought it was a picture of another Miller Intern, until I read the story.

    Never mind, Quinn will probably change his mind in 48 hours and go with someone else.

  70. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 12:57 pm:

    Rich, it’s nice to know this “TS” isn’t being rapped for a comment! :)

  71. - Pat Robertson - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:08 pm:

    ==But I do believe he was responsible for bringing 1,200 jobs to FORD. ==

    By giving them a tax credit created by George Ryan.

  72. - the Patriot - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    One, it is a memo to Pat Quinn that Madigan has you under the bus. The memo went out to everyone who is serious about a future in IL politics not to help you.

    Two, we went off about Jason Plummer being too oung, but I am going to take advice from a guy who is 10 minutes older named Nuckles. I love this State!

    On a side note, I hear he makes a mean sandwich!

  73. - A.B. - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:12 pm:

    I am not making a case for him, just providing a little insight from someone who has worked with him directly. Please don’t take my info as anything more than a reference from his home state. Hell, I hope he is the worst choice since Alan Keyes, but knowing my co-worker, he probably is pretty good.

  74. - Joe from Joliet - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:17 pm:

    This guy looks to be about the same age as Dillard’s CM. I hope Quinn enjoys the same electoral result.

  75. - right side - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:18 pm:

    I think Bradley Tusk was only in his mid 20’s when Blago brought him in as deputy gov. He did a pretty good job and managed to somehow be the only guy on “lunatic island” to escape prosecution. So, maybe this guy will be ok.

  76. - cassandra - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    Well, even David Axelrod had to start somewhere.
    And an ambitious young person has to get out of Wisconsin eventually. I love Milwaukee but nevertheless….flyover country and so forth.

    I wish him well. I wish Jason Plummer well too.
    This plague of elderly pols in our state is not immortal, although many no doubt believe they are. Here’s to youth.

  77. - Moderate REpub - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    So basically it’s Clark vs. Quinn (this kid is irrelevant).
    Quinn would have been better off grabbing a 20 something kid who’s only experience is a B race in the suburbs. That way the kid would at least walk in knowing he knows nothing.

  78. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    I’m wondering how the meetings are going to pan out when he has to represent PQ to the central committee and explain to Madigan, Berrios, Burke and Rush why their campaign is taking down the ticket.

    He will need all his cheesehead know how to come out of those meetings in one piece.

  79. - Ahoy - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    It appears that the only two people who actually want to win the Governor’s race is Cohen and Whitney.

  80. - dupage dan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    right side,

    Somehow I don’t think Bradley Tusk will put “escaped prosecution” while serving on “lunatic island” on his resume.

    And then you make this improbable segue to Nuckels. Just too weird.

  81. - dupage dan - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    I wonder what happens when Nuckels says “no” to PQ. I mean, isn’t that something that campaign managers say to the candidate from time to time?

    It could happen. It could, really.

  82. - P. - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    Quinn is THE worst. No one wants to work for him. He and his brother will run his campaign and he’ll continue to do dumb things, throw more logs on his campaign funeral pyre then look like a dope when he reaches in and tries to pull them off. He’s toast.

  83. - Jim - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    TS - the capital bill is passed but not funded and pension reform didn’t address current employees so in typical fashion he took the wimpy way out.

  84. - bored now - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    rich, i don’t know who Bradley Tusk is, although i assume from the comments that he was on the governor’s staff. the comments from someone’s source in wisconsin are spot on. and while ben did work for dean, a majority of his campaign experience before serving on lawton’s staff would have been with lcv (under deb).

    look, y’all are having a bit of fun here at ben’s expense but you’re going to find that ben nuckles is enormously talented, a quick study and rather insightful. i seriously doubt that he’s brought into the state the arrogance i did, so i suspect that he’s open to the “illinois is different” meme. it seems to me that the entire “democrats in illinois” strategy is predicated on the hope/wish/dream that the economy will be a lot better in november, that democratic voters will wake up to the dangers that republicans represent and the belief that blago’s trial won’t demoralize the base. in that sense, seiu is more realistic anyway. i’m just not buying all the assumptions that underlie these snarky comments, and don’t have time today to get into this. yeah, ben’s not your prototypical choice for illinois, but neither is pat quinn. he made barbara lawton look good, time and again. not everyone thought that was the easiests of tasks (note that she decided not to run for governor)…

  85. - Niles Township - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:57 pm:


    You hit the nail on the head. Quinn has always been his own campaign manager. Why should that change now? For better (or mostly) for worse, Quinn is his own guy. He would have gone much farther in politics if he ever had a strong campaign manager and a strong chief of staff.

  86. - right side - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 1:57 pm:

    Did I suggest that was going on his resume? Where did that come from….talk about weird.
    And, I believe my point was that Tusk was as young as Nuckels, from out of state and by most accounts was successful. Improbable segue…not so much.

  87. - Bob - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    The last person he brought in from out of state started letting people out of jail early.

  88. - Wait a minute - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:01 pm:

    Bored - you sound like an out-of-stater yourself when you say things like, “I don’t know who Bradley Tusk” is. or, you sound like someone who doesn’t know how to use the Google before typing.

  89. - Knuckles - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    Nuckels wasn’t first choice:

  90. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    Although I may be somewhat skeptical about the new CM, if, 4 months from now, when PQ thinks it might be a good idea to have another prisoner release and our new leader puts a stop to it. Ill buy him a pound of Southern Milwaukee goat cheese.

  91. - Belden Ave - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:06 pm:

    There are a couple of staffers on Quinn’s campaign who know what they are doing, mixed with Nuckels’ outsider status it may be the perfect formula for Pat Quinn.

  92. - bored now - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:08 pm:

    wait a minute: it’s absolutely no secret that i hail from florida, where politics is actually fierce, and have lived here since 2000. nor is it a secret that i wasn’t huge follower of blago and i didn’t need to google tusk, since i effectively conveyed the point to rich i was trying to make. campaigns and governance are different. ben, btw, has been successful at both. i doubt i’d be…

  93. - ShadyBillBrady - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    Interesting choice, indeed. Although, one could argue that however good Brady’s staffers are, they are having a hard time keeping their candidate in check. An experienced, disciplined manager can be a huge asset to a campaign. A naive, undisciplined candidate can make any manager look bad.

    It would have been nice to see Quinn pick someone more familiar with Illinois, and who actually paid taxes here.

    Of course, Quinn’s opponent, while familar with Illinois didn’t even pay taxes here. And he’s the candidate.

  94. - Anon - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    The fact remains that Quinn’s top campaigner is Brady, and vice versa…whichever campaign has the least effective campaign manager likely wins, since their man won’t be as aggressively out there for the other guy.

  95. - offended - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:21 pm:

    Why doesn’t Quinn realize how offensive it is that he hired a young white male from Wisconsin? There are many young people in Illinois who actually have a personal stake in this election. Nuckels can go back north if they lose and all of us will have to deal with the outcome of the election.

    I am wondering exactly what his qualifications are besides being a “nice guy?” How many staff does Barbara Lawton have? why does the Lt Gov in WI even need a “chief of staff” What does Barbara Lawton even do? What campaign experience does he have?

  96. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:26 pm:

    I think the idea is that he will do what he’s told, and he’s not wired to anyone in the state.

    Who are the fundraisers? That might be the bigger question now.

  97. - Montrose - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    I think his choice of Nuckles continues the pattern of Quinn’s hiring. Good, smart people that he likes, but have little to no experience operating in Illinois politics.

  98. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    Perhaps Mr. Nuckels will be a game changer. But, it seems more likely that Quinn need to find someone he felt would not get in the way. PQ is an older campaigner who knows how to campaign, dammit! Heaven forbid someone should get in his way.

  99. - bored now - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 2:48 pm:

    pat quinn believes in getting in the media. i suspect that, if experience is any guide, that ben will augment that, try to get more people involved in the campaign, to get the buy in from democrats, volunteers and the electorate. if nothing else, he’s got better election day skills than quinn’s campaign demonstrated in the primary…

  100. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 3:06 pm:

    Bored Now -

    “…have lived here since 2000. nor is it a secret that i wasn’t huge follower of blago and i didn’t need to google tusk…”

    That explains a lot. Tusk was a really important fellow around here for several years - essentially the go to guy to get anything done in Rod’s administration. He’s also one of the highest ranking Rod guys never to have been in trouble with the law. In and of itself that says a lot.

    As to this kid…oy vey. I know Pat actually runs the show and certain people around Pat like Tom and David Rosen pull a lot of the strings, but geez. Couldn’t running for governor of the fifth largest state allow you to attract some kind of more experienced talent.

    I keep saying it…this is a race to see who can screw up less and lose less, but not a race to win.

  101. - Persinickety - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    I worked early on in Quinn campaign headquarters and couldn’t believe their ineptitude and lack of basic intelligence re campaigning and staffing. Another bizarre move.

  102. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    - I worked early on in Quinn campaign headquarters and couldn’t believe their ineptitude and lack of basic intelligence re campaigning and staffing. -

    Yeah, they were so inept they got him a victory in a very difficult primary, what a bunch of morons.

  103. - Chad - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 3:55 pm:

    Jerry Clarke has delivered consistent and positive results in tight, stressful campaigns. Just look at the results from his early career, when he netted positive results in Ron Stephen’s campaigns (when the Speaker was throwing maximum challenges at him). Later he successfully ran a gauntlet of difficult, negative House campaigns despite Tristano’s meddling. He was able to maintain control over Daniel on key campaign operations. His more recent efforts — some behind the scenes — on US House races have been effective as well. And, don’t forget he has been doing quite a bit of service in combat areas in Iraq — sharpening his ability to maintain control in difficult circumstances. Jerry will be a tougher than ever this year, and a nice guy campaign manager will not be much use against him.

  104. - Loop Lady - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 3:58 pm:

    the old saying, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” should apply here until facts uphold all the negative comments that have been posted…I remember my reaction when I saw a photo of Rich and asked myself, “That’s Rich Miller”? He didn’t look like what I thought he would look like, but after I was hooked on the Fax/Blog, who cared? …ignore Miller at your own political peril all …maybe it will turn out the same with this young guy…one never knows…

  105. - unclesam - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 4:16 pm:

    Did anyone else see that Quinn vetoed the “legislative scholarship” reform bill?

    Cited that the bill was “too weak.” IMO, bad move — small changes are better than denying changes.

  106. - Larry Mullholland - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    It is going to be national news that the Governor of Illinois, home of Chicago and the “outfit”, hired a guy named “Knuckles” to be the enforcer of the Quinn campaign.


  107. - Jake from Elwood - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 4:35 pm:

    Since when did youth automatically equate to incompentence? I guess some you more “seasoned” critical commenters never accomplished much when you were younger. I have seen alot of “seasoned” dead weight in many an organization. So don’t write off the man simply due to his age.

    [pause for effect]

    I would have no argument against those who would write him off because he decided to hook his wagon to the Pat Quinn campaign. I guess someone has to hold the easel for the TV cameras on Sunday afternoons.

  108. - dupage progressive - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 4:50 pm:

    Can we start the nickname?
    I vote for Brass Nuckels.

  109. - Obamarama - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    I was a part of Quinn’s election day operation and it was extremely well organized and executed. The issue during the primary had nothing to do with their field organization, and everything to do with MGT push.

    Their primary campaign manager was given very little work with. In fact, there was an article during the primary where their fundraiser David Rosen said that online videos were more important than direct mail. Having worked with Kamis I’m certain there is no way he agreed. Crazy stuff.

    I sincerely hope that this guy is able to able to get through to those pull the strings. Everyone who is scared by Brady’s 8 billion in cuts is hoping he succeeds.

  110. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 5:18 pm:


    It’s not that he’s young. It’s that he appears to be an inexperienced lightweight. And given the drama, buildup and time PQ had, it’s more than a bit underwhelming.

  111. - methinks - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 5:36 pm:

    I saw the campaign operation too — not well organized at all… If it’s anything like last time, we’re in trouble.

  112. - PatheticpatQuinn - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 5:46 pm:

    Maybe buckles is using the Gov race to gear up for quinns real objective the Us Senate primary in 2012. I mean why else would Quinn keep his senate campaign fund open and use it to make money. From the looks of the campaign so far Quinn doesn’t want to be Gov of Ill he is lost without his friend, mentor and partner Blago.

  113. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 5:53 pm:

    –Maybe buckles is using the Gov race to gear up for quinns real objective the Us Senate primary in 2012.–

    Dude, that is so far out there. Quinn’s not 40 years old. He’s not planning for 2012. If he would have gone for the Senate, there would have been a lot of happy people, if you know what I mean.

  114. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 6:01 pm:


    I’m pretty sure that was meant to be a joke.

  115. - methinks - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 6:44 pm:

    ok, this is officially a joke.
    Baxter Swilley as Lt. Gov. candidate with Cohen??

    What is with clueless-egotistical goofballs in this state? Is it something in the water??? Seriously…

  116. - Stunner in the 92nd - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 7:07 pm:

    Good Luck Bloody Nuckels your gunna need it guy! Always watch your own back. Money and Bodies win races. Welcome to Illinois.

  117. - Mighty M. Mouse - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 7:28 pm:

    Pathetic, YOU certainly are that. You say that Pat Quinn’s “friend, mentor and partner” was Rod Blagojevich. I’d say you were trained in the Big Lie by Joseph Goebbels but you flunked the course. Be a man, admit it.

  118. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 8:58 pm:

    cassandra says even David Axelrod had to start somewhere. I believe he started as the campaign manager for Paul Simon after he quit as a political reporter for the Tribune. now that might say he knew all the players, but he certainly did not have experience working up the ladder in campaigns.

    what Axelrod did have was complete confidence in himself, the ability to tell others they were wrong, and the will to make things happen. he pushed around lots of people with way more experience in campaigns. and he became a winner quickly.

    I’m hoping Nuckels can do the same.

  119. - Are Ya Kiddin' Me? - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 9:18 pm:

    Bradley Tusk came to Il. after the 1st Blago campaign/election. He was Dep. Gov. in the first term. He had no official position in the 2nd campaign and left soon after the 2nd election.
    So there should be no comparison to this guy.

    What should be noted is the knowledge and experience (in Illinois politics) that it takes to run a state-wide race, particularly for Gov. You need to know the real players from the want-to-be’s, you need to know who can produce volunteers and who can’t, you need to know media markets, you need to know that Chicago issues are different from downstate issues (guns & taxes) and how to raise money and most importantly WHO TO RAISE MONEY FROM! If you are not from Ill. how in the world can you know any of this? No matter how talented you are?
    Having said all this it doesn’t matter, Pat Quinn is his own Campaign Manager, always has been, always will be……kinda like the saying about a lawyer defending himself has a FOOL for a client.

  120. - The CARDINAL - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 9:30 pm:

    MONEY X10 and the in-laws machine is what got Blago elected in round 1 don’t fool yourself. MONEY got him in the next time Oh and the GOP had a worn out candidate. Sans that, the former cheese head has not much of a chance unless someone else is pulling some strings from behind the scenes. Maybe the Wizard will help.

  121. - P. - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 10:17 pm:

    - Yeah, they were so inept they got him a victory in a very difficult primary, what a bunch of morons.

    That should give you an idea of how good Hynes’ campaign was. It wouldn’t have even been close had Quinn not let crooks back out on the street. Hynes spun and spun and spun his wheels. I still don’t know what his campaign was about save, “I’m not Pat Quinn.” Then he changes the focus gives back some gains with the Harold Washington deal just when the prisons thing was getting traction. Yuck.

    This General is going to be a race to the bottom.

  122. - PatheticPatQuinn - Tuesday, May 11, 10 @ 10:57 pm:

    No, I don’t think apologies are necessary,” Quinn said after an Earth Day event at the Executive Mansion.

    Gov. Pat Quinn today flatly refused to apologize for his testimonials to the honesty of his now-indicted predecessor, Rod Blagojevich, when the two ran for re-election as a team in 2006. 23 Apr 2009.

    He’s always been a person who’s honest and one of integrity…I have confidence the governor does the right thing all the time.” (Chicago Daily Herald, Quinn suddenly has little to say about Blagojevich October 20, 2006)

    Pat Quinn says he sees nothing wrong with Blagojevich’s 7-year-old daughter receiving a $1,500 check from a man whose wife had just obtained a state job. He also says that “He’s [Blagojevich] always been a person who’s honest and one of integrity…I have confidence the governor does the right thing all the time.”
    Daily Herald, September 16, 2006

  123. - Mighty M. Mouse - Wednesday, May 12, 10 @ 3:04 am:

    So what if Quinn always thought Rod was honest and a man of integrity? So did a majority of voters, or they wouldn’t have elected him. As far as they all knew he was clean. If Pat Quinn knew about any of the shenanigans, why wasn’t he even so much as questioned by the Feds? Pat Quinn is refusing to apologize for what he didn’t know. As if you knew, of course, or are you the person who brought the case to the attention of the Feds?

  124. - bored now - Wednesday, May 12, 10 @ 6:39 am:

    Chicago Cynic: it’s not that ben “appears to be an inexperienced lightweight,” but that *you* perceive him that way. which only shows your hubris, not ben’ experience.

  125. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 12, 10 @ 8:43 am:

    I say give the guy a chance to actually screw up before you start beating him up.

    The best campaign manager in the world is useless if the candidate won’t listen.

    I think a lot of folks with a lot of experience in Illinois took a pass on Quinn because they weren’t convinced he would listen.

    If Quinn let’s the professionals — any professionals — actually do their job, he should win.

    If he doesn’t, their age and what state they are from won’t matter.

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