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And the hits keep coming…

Thursday, May 20, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As I told subscribers this morning, Jason Plummer pledged during the primary not to accept a salary if he’s elected lt. governor. See it for yourself

So, how will he be paying his expenses for four years? We won’t know unless he releases his income tax returns. We’re just supposed to thank him for not taking a state check without knowing who is paying his bills.

Not good.

* The Sun-Times weighed in on Jason Plummer’s refusal to release his tax returns

(V)oters can fairly wonder if Plummer has decided it is better to risk the criticism he’ll receive for not releasing his returns than the stream of news stories if he does.

Plummer’s running mate, gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady, was in a similar situation last month after saying he wouldn’t release his returns. After criticism from several quarters, including Gov. Quinn, Brady relented. The result was the revelation that Brady, who is wealthy, did not owe federal income taxes for the past two years because of business losses.

Plummer, who also is wealthy, might well wish to keep the details of his family’s extensive businesses private. But this is Illinois, where three of the last seven men elected governor have gone to prison and a fourth is scheduled to go on trial next month.

If Plummer doesn’t change his mind, he shouldn’t be surprised if voters turn out to be a bit skeptical.

* And Sheila Simon got in a whack of her own yesterday

Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor Sheila Simon on Wednesday took her Republican opponent Jason Plummer to task for declining to release his tax returns. […]

“I think it’s a pretty reasonable request on the part of the voters to want to know about a candidate,” Simon said. “In the course of the campaign there are probably some unreasonable requests for information, some things that are too personal. I don’t think this is one of those.”

Simon said Plummer’s decision made the Democratic ticket more transparent.

“The other side has a less than stellar record in that department,” Simon said.


* Also, as a followup to an earlier post, Bill Brady’s campaign says that Brady will be turning over the management of his businesses to his brothers if he’s elected. He’ll essentially convert his income from “non passive” to “passive.” I plan to ask Plummer’s campaign today what he will do with his own business interests if he’s elected.

* Related…

* VIDEO: Sheila Simon attacks Republicans

* VIDEO: Simon says Lt. Gov. should not be eliminated


  1. - jonbtuba - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:45 am:

    Simon is completely right. Showing your income tax returns is not something that’s “too personal”. When you run for public office, you should accept that public interests will sometimes trump yours.

    Brady was hiding that he didn’t pay income taxes. I can’t wait to see what Plummer’s hiding.

  2. - Ray del Camino - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:53 am:

    I don’t think the lad thought about what might happen if he would actually win the primary. Well, time to grow up quick!

  3. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:54 am:

    Young man, you wanted to play in the NFL and the hits do keep coming until you show you can take them. Some might think it’s unfair, but I hope the fact that life can be unfair sometimes is not a revelation.

    Any young rich person is going to take a pounding their first time of out of the box in politics. All the Kennedy and Bushes did.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:55 am:

    I am interested in that too, Rich.

    What is still confusing me is that $350K Plummer loaned himself … where did that money come from? If it was “stock” did he pay taxes on cashing in those stocks? I mean, when I take out monies, be it a stock sell, there may … may … be a tax liability …

    Or …

    Was the $350K done in Jason Plummer’s name, but in fact Daddy just gave him the cash, was tired of the loan being under the family, and put it in Jason’s name?

    Where is all this money for a 27 year old accounted for?

  5. - Peggy SO-IL - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:56 am:

    I am of too minds on this. It’s clear that the Dems want to make an issue of the fact that Brady and Plummer are participants in private family businesses that have been “shamefully” profitable–well, Brady’s was not these past couple of years. And the tax laws allowed Brady not to pay income taxes b/c his business losses outweighed his legislature salary. Oh, that’s evil. Are they do be ashamed of making money or their families being productive in some industry, employing people, providing goods/services that consumers want? Is profit an evil word? Quinn-Simon have made their money primarily on the taxpayers.

    On the other hand, at this point, Plummer should not be stonewalling after the Brady experience. It’s okay to be a businessman or to work for one’s family. His family should not be under scrutiny unless there’s some other reason, unrelated to the candidate that requires some investigation of this business. Leave his family alone, but Plummer should otherwise be open.

  6. - Deep South - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:03 am:


    Brady has made plenty of money off the taxpayers. As for profit being an evil word, well Brady wouldn’t know about that, would he?

  7. - ShadyBillBrady - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:06 am:

    Yeah, it is interesting Oswego. Looking at the campaign filings, it looks like initially the loans (lots of them) came from the business and dad. Then a few large ones from the candidate. That, coupled with his pledge to not take a paycheck from the State, certainly raises the question of where his income will come from.

  8. - Captain Flume - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:07 am:

    I would like to see him not reveal his tax returns. Why? Just for the entertainment value of all the news articles and blogged opinions about the non-revelation. Then come Nov. 3, we’ll see what happens. If he and Brady are elected, then the public at large did not really care that much about the tax return issue. If he and Brady are not elected, then who cares what was on his tax return.

  9. - unspun - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:14 am:

    Sheila is good at getting her digs on the opposition without looking like the hatchet. She throws the concept out there, and lets the voters “draw their own conclusions”. Subtle, but effective.

  10. - MrJM - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:15 am:

    As Just Sayin’ noted yesterday, the Illinois Board of Elections website — — shows $350,000 in loans from “Plummer, Jason” to “Plummer for Illinois”:

    9/23/2009: $50,000.00
    1/6/2010: $150,000.00
    1/19/2010: $125,000.00
    1/26/2010: $25,000.00

    Unless intern jobs are recession-proof, I sincerely doubt that his “work served” for Sen. Fitzgerald and the Heritage Foundation provided him with that kind of scratch.

    So where’s it coming from?

    Who’s funding this 27 year-old’s campaign?

    If he wins and refuses his salary, who’s gonna fund his time in Springfield?

    The voters of Illinois have a right to know who’s bankrolling this kid.

    – MrJM

  11. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:16 am:

    I’m amused by the collective weeping for Brady and Plummer over the big bad Democrats asking about their taxes. If you can’t handle politics, don’t try to be a politician.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:23 am:


    I asked that myself yesterday;

    “At 27, and interning, … oh, exuse me “working” … for Heritage Foundation and Senator Peter Fitzgerald, he must have made a mint! … Or … after just 2 interships, did his Daddy give him a title to “justify” a bankroll … or did they just skip all the appearances and just bankroll the kid?”

    The tax issue, now, is not just about what he made, but WHO IS bankrolling this kid? According to the SBE,and Plummer say the campaign is compliant in reporting, transparent even, the Kid supplied $350K of his own money … well, where is that coming from? Further, with no LG salary coming if elected, and at 27, where and how are you making all this money, given your resume’?

    Tick Tock … it will get worse, Jason …

  13. - cassandra - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:28 am:

    Of course he should release his tax returns. It’s not like we don’t know he’s rich. And it’s not like we haven’t seen self-funding candidates before. Maybe these days, with local, state, and federal governments, political parties, “non-profit” charities and everybody else wanting our middle class money, a potentially self-funding, well-off candidate will seem, well refreshing. Maybe at least Jason won’t be asking me for more, more, more money.

    Also on the transparency front..of course employee unions want to bar access to employee evaluations. Not because they are hiding the bad apples, although there are plenty of those in public service. No, they don’t want us to see how
    meaningless those evaluations are. Everybody, even the bad apples, gets a good one. Evaluations mean nothing in union civil service jobs because these are lifetime jobs with regular raises negotiated by the unions and totally unconnected to performance. Why should anybody bother writing a real evaluation for a government employee when it doesn’t matter.

  14. - Pelon - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:29 am:

    I still think this is a total non-issue for the moderates and independents who actually decide elections. This is the Lt Governor spot, and most people don’t pay attention to those candidates. The average voter also has a hard time associating the failure to release their tax returns with something nefarious. Most people wouldn’t want to show their own returns, so it is hard for them to fault a politician for taking the same stance.

    Of course, this is a big issue for the media types looking for something to report and yellow dog Democrats looking to bash Republicans. Come election time, though, these people don’t really affect the outcome much.

  15. - VanillaMan - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    For crying out loud!
    You can’t have your father buy an election, have no experiences beyond school and family business to offer voters - then try to sell yourself as something new.

    Jason Plummer is about as new as Alexi Giannoulais. About as new as Sheila Simon. Jason Plummer is about as new as the last youngster who came to your door to ask for your vote. He is just another wanna-be thinking he can be big-time if he can win enough elections. Damn the governing.

    Don’t expect voters to fall for this act. Jason Plummer knows nothing, but is convinced he can sell himself if he blathers enough and spends enough money.

    Bashing him over his tax returns is a waste of time, because this guy is a complete waste of time.

  16. - Patriot - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    I’m not sure why people are trying to tag Brady for not paying taxes that were offset by business losses. Last time I checked the Fed Tax Code encourages that behavior. In terms of Plummer, I think we can all gather that the money probably came from his dad. And I say that because Plummer is refusing to refute that by publicly disclosing, so people are then allowed to arrive at any conclusion they want.

    This being said, I think Quinn would be foolish to lose sight of the end game here: a budget. No one cares about Plummer’s taxes come election day. Voters want to hear clear articulate policies to fix the abyss which is the Illinois budget. Brady cannot put forth sound solutions. Quinn, albeit somewhat bumbling, is trying to put forth solutions. It’s important to keep your eye on the prize which is the budget. If your legislature cannot do this under your watch, to me, you’re a failure.

  17. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:36 am:

    “Legislators should be the last in line for a paycheck”?

    So, Ensign Plummer, how would this work in the real world?

    Legislators determine how billions of dollars are spent, but aren’t going to get paid?

    Do you think maybe they’d look for ways to spend money that get themselves kickbacks?

    Ensign Plummer wants to create a world that works well for people who are independently wealthy. The rest of us will either be excluded from the legislature or forced to become criminals.

    Maybe interning for Peter Fitzgerald and working at Heritage aren’t broad enough experiences in the real world to prepare someone for elected office.

  18. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:36 am:

    - Of course, this is a big issue for the media types looking for something to report and yellow dog Democrats looking to bash Republicans. -

    If its such a non-issue, which I don’t necessarily disagree with, why is it such an issue for Plummer and Brady to release them?

  19. - Vole - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:36 am:

    Jason: Last in line for a pay check. Last in line for a tax/income check. First in line for a credibility/reality check.

    Jason, get this: The voters do care about your income tax returns so quit channeling the voters’ minds with this nonsense about focusing on the future and the issues that really matter.

  20. - Fairplay - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:39 am:

    Yeah it’s not hard to advocate going meddling around in the business interests of a bunch of innocent people who really aren’t the people running for office when you haven’t ever really done anything to build a business or jobs. Lets see Quinn was made Governor because Blago was impeached and Simon was a professor not bad but the best she could do was lose running for mayor of a small city? They really haven’t set the world on fire have they?

    Jason wait until Quinn comes clean on his taxes from last year don’t let the liberals bully you.

  21. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:44 am:

    ==For crying out loud!
    You can’t have your father buy an election, have no experiences beyond school and family business to offer voters - then try to sell yourself as something new.==

    VM, you just described Alexi as of the day he was elected Treasurer.

    So Alexi lost millions of taxpayer dollars and abused the rules on department vehicles…. Our multi-billion dollar state didn’t just disintegrate under him.

    Ergo, having Jason Plummer in the do nothing job of LiteGov won’t affect anything. He can ably do what he will be expected to do, go around the state and be a cheerleader for the administration. That has nothing to do with his family business or his personal wealth.

    This issue is completely bogus. The Plummer family is wealthy. Deal with it. If the Dems and the press want to puruse this non-issue, I say Sheila Simon should prove she isn’t a socialist.

  22. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    ==certainly raises the question of where his income will come from. ==

    Shady, Google “Trust Fund Baby” and learn something new today.

  23. - D.P. Gumby - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    VM, what’s interesting is that, compared to the Plum, Sheila and Alexi have a depth of experience. Jason just stuck his thumb in Daddy’s pie and pulled out his plum and it’s likely the tax return will demonstrate such. More interesting is that it will reinforce the old Rich White Guys party for the GOP as they talk about cutting services for non-rich white guys on the campaign trail. I can just hear the debates–Quinn “Gee Brady, why would you oppose a tax increase–you don’t pay any taxes anyway.”

  24. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:47 am:

    We think we must conclude that Jason files no return because he gets allowance not a salary.
    Daddy pays the taxes. All totally legalramabama

  25. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:47 am:

    - The Plummer family is wealthy. Deal with it. -

    Voters don’t like it appears someone might be hiding something, deal with it.

  26. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    *when it appears

  27. - ShadyBillBrady - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:48 am:

    Pelon, I might agree with you that it is a non-issue if there had been no issues surroungind Billy’s. The fact that Billy already went through a fiasco, only for us all to see what he was hiding (nothing illegal, mind you, but he clearly didn’t want anyone to know he had paid no taxes), means that JP not doing it does matter. If it was done in a vacuum, you’re right, probably a complete non-issue.

    Of course, JBT dancing with Ryan was a non-issue as well, but it made a great campaign commercial.

  28. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    ===don’t let the liberals bully you. ===

    Yeah. Stick with that one. I’m sure it’ll work.

  29. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    Come on MSM, how does a 27 year old get $350,000 to loan his own campaign? And why was this never asked in the primary?

    Either there is something fishy going on, or else young Jason Plummer should replace Brady on the top of the ticket as the more successful businessman who actually knows how to create jobs and pay taxes. The only other option I can think of would be he’s a trust fund beneficiary.

  30. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    ==Any young rich person is going to take a pounding their first time of out of the box in politics. All the Kennedy and Bushes did. ==

    Word, you clearly know precious little about the lives of JFK or any of the Bushes. They suffered no such anxieties or indignities in their first campaigns for lower office.

    This Plummer wealth/tax return/ income stuff is so bogus it should be a crime to raise it.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:51 am:

    So … CR …

    Jason Plummer - Trust Fund Baby?

    I am sure Jerry Clarke will love that on the trail, along with Bill being bullied on paying no taxes, even though Bill followed all the rules and lost money.

    Yeah! We have a solution… Jason does NOT have to provide tax returns, voters, just know; Jason is a Trust Fund Baby, forget “internships” and Vice presidencies, this IS the Jason Plummer we give you.


  32. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:55 am:

    In the absence of knowing where Plummer got the funds to loan his campaign $350K, it is possible to speculate that his father gave him the money, and Plummer in turn loaned it to his campaign.

    If that was the case (pure speculation), then I hope Plummer’s income tax returns show the $350K as a gift from his father, subject to taxes, and that he paid the taxes he would owe on that gift. If he didn’t pay the taxes on the $350K, he’s got more than a political problem on his hands, he’s got a major IRS problem too.

  33. - Robert - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    is it normal, post-primary, for a ticket’s candidate for governor and lt. gov. to have 2 separate operations? at the national level, the VP candidate generally is expected to basically work for the presidential candidate’s campaign manager - and if they don’t (Palin’s going rogue), it is understandably criticized. I guess I’m surprised at how little coordination there seems to be b/w Plummer and Brady camps. Seems like Brady + republican party establishment shoudl be telling Plummer what to do in this campaign if he wants a future in the party.

  34. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    CR, you are nuts if you really believe that JFK and GHWB never got any grief for his family money.

  35. - RobRoy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:00 am:

    IMO - The Dems in control the last 8 years - Madigan/Jones/Cullerton/Blago/Quinn/et al have ground this state into near bancruptcy. And with no solutions to fix it, they want badly to stay in power in order to retain their hold of power and the billions of tax dollars that come with it. So the plan is — let’s divert attention from that and pull the wealth/class card.

  36. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:02 am:

    RobRoy, are you suggesting the AP is a front organization for the Illinois Democratic Party, doing its dirty work to distract the voters from the real issues?

  37. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    ===pull the wealth/class card. ==


    Stop looking for Reds under the bed. They aren’t there.

  38. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    I am more and more impressed with Sheila Simon. I think she is really starting to benefit this ticket and might pull the old war horse over the goal line. I commend Quinn for this pick which I might have been a little scared of at first.

  39. - Joe from Joliet - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    … Voters don’t like it appears someone might might be hiding something. Deal with it …

    Really? The how did Blags get reelected? My guess is you are one of those who voted for him both times. We’ll all be dealing with that disaster for the next 10-20 years.

    Blags and 10-20. Has a ring to it, doesn’t it?

  40. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:22 am:

    - Really? The how did Blags get reelected? -

    Apparently his opponents didn’t effectively point out that he may be hiding things, genius.

  41. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    Joe, you may have hit on the problem without realizing it. Because of Blagojevich, people are gonna suspect the worst.

  42. - Way Way Down Here - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:29 am:

    ===They suffered no such anxieties or indignities in their first campaigns for lower office.===

    I don’t know if this is an anxiety or indignaty, but I like this Ted Kennedy story.

    In his first campaign, Kennedy was shaking hands at a factory gate when an exiting workman said, “Kennedy I hear you never worked a day in your life.” Teddy paused and said “I guess I never have.” The startled workman replied “Ah you ain’t missin’ nothin’”

  43. - Sueann - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:33 am:

    My guess is that Plummer borrowed the money from his father, then lent it to his campaign. As campaign contributions slide in he, the fund will pay Plummer’s loan back and then he can pay his father back. If he doesn’t get elected and the fund is short, can they get a bad debt deduction on next year’s Federal tax reurn? Just pondering here, but doesn’t it sound intriguing? :)

  44. - ShadyBillBrady - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:34 am:


    “What was she thinking?” didn’t hurt. And yet, weren’t all those about things that were essentially “non-issues”.

    And Rich is right … we’re in post-Blago Illinois now (or close enough) and people suspect the worst, especially when it appears candidates are trying to hide something, or “proetect” their privacy or business interests.

  45. - Sueann - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:37 am:

    “As campaign contributions slide in then” and not “he” is what I meant to put there. Oh the horrors of no erasers these days

  46. - Way Way Down Here - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    I agree with Rich and SBB, an atmosphere has been created in Illinois where anything, no matter how outlandish, can be believed.

  47. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    People, enough with the speculation. I’ve let that go on way too long. Sorry for that. No more. We don’t know what’s in those returns. Your guesses and counter-guesses and fleshing out of those guesses and still more analysis is getting ridiculous. I just deleted one comment. I’m gonna delete more as they come in. Stop it.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:45 am:

    I am sure a tax return would show, somewhere, the $50K he loaned the campaign in September, … unless Jason had $50K cash on hand to just fork over,… and would not have to take a hit on selling stock or something … I am sure a tax return could show some sort of transaction occuring to get that $50k out …and in a campaign fund …

    Or if Daddy “loaned” the $50k in September, there MAY be a tax issue somewhere, if it is not disclosed …possibly …

    So, if Daddy “loaned” the money to Jason, who then, in turn, “loaned” the money under his name (Jason) … Who actually “loaned” the $50k, and who had the income to make the “loan”?

    Who is to say if another candidate, at another time, in another race, gets a “loan” from an unsavoy person, completely different than Jason, but a “loan” just the same, then that candidate claims the “loan” as theirs in a campaign … should the voters worry where the monies are actually coming from?

    Questions, questions….

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    Sorry Rich ….

  50. - MrJM - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    “Our Gubernatorial Candidate Made $120K in 2009 and Paid Zero Federal Taxes on the Income — and Our Lt. Gov Candidate is a Trust Fund Baby. Deal With It, Illinois!”

    And thus, the Republican victory in November was assured.

    – MrJM

  51. - ShadyBillBrady - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    Sorry. Wasn’t trying to offer more speculation - was just trying to respond to someone else’s speculation. My bad.

    On the Plummer front, I do have a question. I know in his emailed response regarding his returns he reiterated the statement “My campaign has committed to putting the names of every one of my donors online, going beyond what the law requires” …

    Are those names on his campaign website somewhere (I couldn’t find them) or is just just referring to the information on the ISBE website?

  52. - Ghost - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:51 am:

    This will be a big hit to Bady Plummer.

    We used to have part time pulic officials who worked for free in their govt job whle holding a private buisnes. We found that this just opened the door to outside influence. Therefore the salaries of these offices, judges etc were set at their current levels with the philosophy that you wanted these to be well paid positions, so that the individuals holding them would not be influenced by outside entities.

    Plummer is taking the opposite approach; he is asking us to turn over public power to him while making himself entirely depedent on outside income source which would then have massie influence through the ability to deprive him of the ability to provide forhimself. This is a wrose case scenerio for the public representing almost guarnteed undeu influence and corruption.

  53. - MrJM - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:52 am:

    Rich, If my post violates your @11:43 am prohibition on speculation — although I don’t think that it does — know that I didn’t see your admonition before hitting “Say It!” — MrJM

  54. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    Sorry for speculating Rich, but that’s what happens when there is missing information. It is absolutely Plummer’s right to keep this information private and I will control my urge to assume the worst about the motives of politicians.

    And as a Democrat, I do not want anything to come up that would result in Plummer’s getting out of the race. We need him on the ticket this fall.

  55. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    ==CR, you are nuts if you really believe that JFK and GHWB never got any grief for his family money. ==

    Its not a matter of belief, but of fact, that is, restricted to the matter of their FIRST forays into electoral politics, which is what I wrote. Obviously, as both JFK and GHWB worked their way up the greasy pole to national prominence, their family’s wealth (and the sources thereof, which is really the point here) became matters of opposition criticism.

    But when they both started out, neither was subject to the proctological demands for private financial disclosure that you have suggested of Plummer in your original post. (In fact, if anyone can gobsmack me and show me evidence of JFK being asked to disclose his tax returns to the public when he first ran for Congress in 1946, I will never post on this site again, really.)

    By the way, Sheila Simon seems to have had a pretty comfortable life, relatively speaking: so if the demand for Plummer disclosure contineus, let’s have some financial disclosure regarding her lifetime finances and those of her parents. Its is only fair.

  56. - Montrose - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    *so if the demand for Plummer disclosure contineus, let’s have some financial disclosure regarding her lifetime finances and those of her parents.*

    Where has anyone asked for lifetime disclosure of Plummer’s finances or the disclosure of his parents’ finances?

  57. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===if anyone can gobsmack me and show me evidence of JFK being asked to disclose his tax returns to the public when he first ran for Congress in 1946, I will never post on this site again, really===

    While I wish I could, I’m sure you’re right on this point. Still and all, it’s 1946 we’re talking about. If JFK ran today, his personal finances would be the least scandalous thing reporters would be digging into. Reporters tended to overlook his other personal indiscretions, and I don’t think he’d get a pass today as he did then.

    And GHWB lost his first race in Texas due in part to his East Coast Establishment family. He was a Yankee born with a silver spoon in his mouth, an Ivy League educated carpet bagger, or so the story went in that campaign.

  58. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    ===let’s have some financial disclosure regarding her lifetime finances and those of her parents.===

    As anyone can plainly see, the pushback from GOP partisans is pretty intense and way over the top on this one. It had that same panicky yet defiant feel with Brady’s taxes, too, right up until he disclosed.

  59. - Way Way Down Here - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    Sheila Simon lives a very modest lifestyle. Don’t go there, I doubt the comparison would come out like you hope it would.

  60. - Secret Square - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    In the interests of the public’s right to know, as advocated by the Illinois Policy Institute and others, why not take this a step further and insist that all state EMPLOYEES, elected or not, disclose their tax returns? After all, we pay their salaries so we have a right to know, right? (snark)

  61. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    - Its not a matter of belief, but of fact -

    - show me evidence of JFK being asked to disclose his tax returns to the public when he first ran for Congress in 1946 -

    How could anyone do that when its apparently a fact that no one asked? The definition of fact isn’t something that can’t be proven wrong, in case you didn’t grasp that in elementary school.

  62. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    Is anyone required to keep old tax returns of the deceased?

    I would be so entertained if Ensign Plummer responded to questions about his 2009 tax return by saying something along the lines of what Conservative Republican said. I suspect Ensign Plummer would not only end his career in politics, but he would have to take a ten-year hiatus from doing business in Illinois.

    Go ahead, Ensign Plummer, ask for the tax returns of Paul and Jeanne Simon. Let’s test my theory. Let’s compare the GOP process of replacing the LtGov nominee with what the Dems did.

  63. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==As anyone can plainly see, the pushback from GOP partisans is pretty intense and way over the top on this one.==

    == Sheila Simon lives a very modest lifestyle. Don’t go there,==

    GOTCHA! I just love hypocrisy among Democrats and liberals!

    When the shoe is on the other foot, it doesn’t wear so easily.

    Apparently, there is little interest in exposing the financial background of the Simon family, which poses as much possible speculation about conflict of interest as any speculation about Plummer. Just like Alexi, if Paul Simon wasn’t Sheila Simon’s dad, (or to paraphrase a famous line, if “her name were Sheila Moore…her candidacy would be a joke”) she wouldn’t be our candidate.

    This situation is a perfect example of the docile acceptance in this state of Democratic political dynasties, while the union/liberal/progressive hacks go ape over any wealthy individual on the Republican ticket (spurred by Democratic lust for never ending class warfare, to their electoral benefit). Hopefully, with Brady/Plummer we will see a departure from this sorry legacy.

  64. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:39 pm:

    CR, if that’s the case, then Brady ought to force his brothers to release their taxes and Plummer’s dad should release his as well. Do you really want the media to go down this stupid route?

    Your premise is goofy and makes you look like a fool. Take a breath.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 12:50 pm:

    CR … Where to begin …

    As a Repub, and ALSO calling out Plummer … my fear is that we will not get the mansion back. Eveery misstep gets us farther from our goal of getting back in power.

    Every time we get close, we fall short. Plummer is putting a bright spotlight where the message doesn’t need to be to win .. on himself!

    Good candidates know to stay on message, but being the last of the 4 Guv/LG candidates to even let the press LOOK at your tax returns by deflecting that question, and then, in my opinion by how Brady’s crew responded, not lettting the campaign know what you are going to do is NOT going to make me come around and think, “Golly, I was wrong, Plummer is the best choice Brady can have right now”.

    Bringing up taxes of deceased parent and lifelong income make us look dopey. Plummer is 27. Five years ago, Plummer was graduating U of I about now … we need to stop helping the Dems make hay about either candidate.

    Disclose, take your medicine, move on …

    Plummer is not helping. Plummer is making GOP supporters aggrivatged, and in my case, from T - minus Day 1 … Please help Brady, stop hurting him by doing anything not approved by the Brady crew!

  66. - just sayin' - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 1:07 pm:

    The kneejerk pushback from GOP’ers thinking they’ve got to blindly defend Brady/Plummer or else they won’t get to ride the state gravy train post November, are being very shortsighted.

    It’s a long way to November and if Brady/Plummer don’t stop playing in the kiddy league with inept handlers and awful communication, they’re going to lose big for certain.

    If Brady/Plummer can’t even handle this easy stuff, God help ‘em later on.

    For crying out loud, you’ve got Sheila Simon looking like Karl Rove & David Axelrod combined in this thing.

  67. - Responsa - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 1:16 pm:

    Yesterday on a thread Rich said something very simple and true, but also profound: “You can’t help who you fall in love with”

    It’s hard to predict how the image as a trust fund baby will ultimately play out for Jason, but I do think most reasonable folks understand that you can’t help the family you are born to. Just food for thought.

  68. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 1:48 pm:


    You are mixing apples and oranges. The implicit beef against Plummer is that he’s funded by his parents, and something foul is afoot. Of course, that’s based on nothing other than Plummer’s reasonable contention that he has no obligation to disclose his income taxes. So if the demand is that he disclose his tax returns and family financial information, the same should be done by Political Dynasty Baby Sheila Simon.

    Brady’s brothers have nothing to do with this. I shouldn’t have to explain the distinction. While we’re at it, why should we trust what you write? Lets see some disclosure of all the sources of your income and amounts, then we can evaluate whether you are truly disinterested or not.

    I’m a “CR”. So I accept the challenge of others here. I’m happy to defend Plummer’s right to silence…and still face the voters. If there is no plausible basis for presuming conflict of interest, then a demand for invasion of his privacy is unwarranted.

    According to the logic of many here, pretty soon we will be demanding full financial disclosure from candidates for school boards (which might not be a bad idea for Highland Park).

  69. - Really?? - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 2:07 pm:

    =you can’t help the family you are born to=

    Very true. But you do have a say about the family money you do or do not accept for your campaign.

  70. - Pelon - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 2:35 pm:

    == Pelon, I might agree with you that it is a non-issue if there had been no issues surroungind Billy’s. The fact that Billy already went through a fiasco, only for us all to see what he was hiding (nothing illegal, mind you, but he clearly didn’t want anyone to know he had paid no taxes), means that JP not doing it does matter. If it was done in a vacuum, you’re right, probably a complete non-issue. ==

    Brady’s tax returns weren’t an issue with the average voter before he released them, and they aren’t an issue now that he has released them. There is a huge difference between what is important to the average Capitol Fax reader and the average Illinois voter. Political strategists and media members want to see the returns to generate story lines. The media types want to sell them, and the political strategists want to use them to bash their opponent.

    If you took a poll of the average moderate or independent, how many would know which candidates have released their returns? I bet less than 1 in 10 voters could even tell you the name of both Lt Governor candidates.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 2:46 pm:


    Brady/Plummer WILL be painted as “out of touch, elitist” no matter what. However, when the spin is that of you Guv candidate (fair or not fair) not paying a lick of taxws after getting a state salary, and a 27 year old kid, who loaned himself $350K to run for LG and THEN he won’t disclose his tax returns … yeah its a problem.

    Angry, unemployed, voters whose kids are crowded in a classroom this fall are going to look at Brady and look at Quinn and how they are percieved on this issue will come into play…its only a non-factor if its disclosed and they all move on.

    ==There is a huge difference between what is important to the average Capitol Fax reader and the average Illinois voter. Political strategists and media members want to see the returns to generate story lines. The media types want to sell them, and the political strategists want to use them to bash their opponent.==

    In this case, Plummer IS generating the story lines … no discloser KEEPS THE STORY GOING …

    $350K in personal “loans”… no tax returns …..27 & embellishing a resume … and he is HIDING … right now!

    Plummer is generating … no one else is ginning this up.

  72. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===and they aren’t an issue now that he has released them.===

    Keep dreaming.

  73. - illinoise - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    ==If you took a poll of the average moderate or independent, how many would know which candidates have released their returns? I bet less than 1 in 10 voters could even tell you the name of both Lt Governor candidates.==

    that doesn’t change the fact if brady falls ill or is thrown out of office, the lt gov needs to step up. and there is NO WAY plummer is ready for this. and now it looks like he wouldn’t be a fair governor if if he tried.

    illinois will be in the wrong hands with the brady/plummer ticket

  74. - Pat Robertson - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    ==If that was the case (pure speculation), then I hope Plummer’s income tax returns show the $350K as a gift from his father, subject to taxes, and that he paid the taxes he would owe on that gift. ==

    No speculation: Any gifts will not be on his returns. Gifts are not taxable income. 26 USC Section 102.

  75. - Bill - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    I can just imagine the debate between Junior and Sheila. Hilarious!

  76. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 3:21 pm:

    There’s not any question as what’s the ultimate source of Plummer’s wealth: family money.

    What’s surprising is that he apparently didn’t see the question coming. I’ll give Brady credit for getting through the primary without having to release his taxes. I imagine those guys didn’t want to release their returns, either.

  77. - heet101 - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 3:50 pm:

    I don’t care who pays his expenses as long as it isn’t the Illinois taxpayer.

  78. - Secret Square - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    “Because of Blagojevich, people are gonna suspect the worst.”

    Which also appears to be at least partly the motivation behind IPI’s push to disclose job evaluations for ALL state employees… “we don’t need more secrecy,” they argue. (I’m kind of surprised you didn’t do a post on that topic, Rich)

  79. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    I forgot until just now. I’ll do it tomorrow.

  80. - ironman - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 4:39 pm:

    To MRMJM Mr.Plummer has postedon his website and keeps it updated of all donations.

  81. - quincy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 4:55 pm:

    lets dont foreget Dan Walker went to jail after he left office. Not like ryan who got in trouble well he was in office and forcing state emploees to pay for their jobs or lose it.

  82. - fyi - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 5:48 pm:

    Pat Robertson, there most certainly is a limit on what you can give as a gift without it being taxed. I forget the limit now. I think it’s like 20 grand a year at most.

    If that weren’t the case, no one would ever have to worry about an inheritance/estate tax. Everyone would just give it all away right before they croked.

    Bottom line, the Plummer/Brady camp can spin all it wants. There’s obviously something in the returns that the campaign thinks will be even more damaging than Brady’s situation. If there wasn’t, they wouldn’t be stonewalling. They wouldn’t be repeating this disaster again.

  83. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 6:04 pm:

    –Brady’s tax returns weren’t an issue with the average voter before he released them, and they aren’t an issue now that he has released them. There is a huge difference between what is important to the average Capitol Fax reader and the average Illinois voter–

    It’s a natural negative spot, and if Quinn can apply some money, it’s got legs.

  84. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 6:06 pm:

    –I don’t care who pays his expenses as long as it isn’t the Illinois taxpayer.–

    That’s an interesting idea about integrity in government. Think about it.

  85. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 8:37 pm:

    ==Nevermind the fact that he cited his privavcy when he only allowed the media a 3-hour peak of his 2008 taxes==

    But … the press SAW those taxes … didn’t they?

  86. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 8:39 pm:

    The last post was mine…

  87. - Justme - Thursday, May 20, 10 @ 9:22 pm:

    ==Pat Robertson, there most certainly is a limit on what you can give as a gift without it being taxed. I forget the limit now. I think it’s like 20 grand a year at most.

    fyi — but that tax is on the person who makes the gift, not the recipient. It wouldn’t show up on any return by Plummer, much less his income tax return.

  88. - ShadyBillBrady - Friday, May 21, 10 @ 9:19 am:

    Ironman, would you be so kind as to point out where the list of donors is on I looked and I’ve been unable to find it.

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