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Lisa Madigan won’t release her tax returns

Monday, May 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* On Friday afternoon, I was on the phone with a Bill Brady campaign person talking about Jason Plummer’s refusal to release his tax returns. The operative wondered aloud why Attorney General Lisa Madigan hadn’t released her own tax returns. I didn’t really get the point until somebody mentioned in comments later in the day that since AG Madigan is one heartbeat away from the governor’s job (there being no lieutenant governor) she was fair game.

So, I called Madigan’s campaign and left a message with her campaign manager Mary Morrisey about how my thinking had evolved and about how I was now requesting her boss’ returns, just to be fair. I didn’t hear back, so I called again and spoke with Morrisey late in the afternoon. She read me this statement…

“This has nothing to do with Lisa. This is about Bill Brady not releasing his tax returns and Jason Plummer not releasing his tax returns.”

Asked if that meant AG Madigan was refusing to release her returns, Morrisey would only repeat the statement.

* Meanwhile, Gov. Pat Quinn went on the offensive against Plummer’s refusal to disclose his tax returns

“When these candidates play peek-a-boo, or not at all, with their tax returns, I think there’s legitimate questions to be asked,” said Quinn.

In response to a question, the governor opened a full bore attack on the Republicans running for the state’s top executive offices.

He was asked if thought Plummer was hiding something, Quinn said: “I think that’s a natural conclusion - I don’t think there’s any question about it, you know, when you don’t disclose your tax returns and you’re running for lieutenant governor of Illinois.”

Quinn also took a whack at Brady for not paying income taxes for two years…

“If you’ve got a taxpayer salary, if you have taxpayer paid health insurance, and you don’t pay one penny in taxes… It isn’t right,” said Quinn.

* Plummer responded

“It’s really frustrating to have an enabler of Rod Blagojevich try to question your ethics or transparency,” Plummer said.

And explained

“I’m the guy running for lieutenant governor, not investors or business partners or different people like that. If I release my taxes I’m releasing information about them, and you can’t do that,” Plummer said.

Plummer said releasing full returns with detailed information about business ties is “a standard that hasn’t been set anywhere.”

But Brady, Plummer’s own running mate, let reporters examine six years’ worth of such documents.

Exactly. He has no leg to stand on.

* I got the idea for my weekly syndicated newspaper column from a running debate we had in comments last week…

Twenty years ago, Secretary of State Jim Edgar and Attorney General Neil Hartigan ran for governor against each other. Both men released their tax returns without much fanfare.

Four years later, Gov. Jim Edgar and his opponent Comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch both released their tax returns. It wasn’t much of a story.

Then, in 1998, gubernatorial candidate George Ryan released his tax returns for the first time. He had adamantly refused to do so while he was secretary of state. And Ryan continued to refuse to release anything other than his current returns. Most of what he eventually got busted for happened while he was secretary of state, which may be no coincidence.

Four years later, Rod Blagojevich said he had filed a tax extension in April and wouldn’t be disclosing his returns until right before the election. By then, he was so far ahead of his opponent Jim Ryan that it really didn’t matter.

Four years ago, Blagojevich did the same thing and filed a tax filing extension. He finally released his returns in the fall, but only the front pages. He left out all the details that would’ve shown where his wife was making all her money. Turns out, a big chunk of Mrs. Blagojevich’s income was being funneled to her through fine upstanding folks like Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

Now comes 2010, and you’d think after 20 years and two criminal governors that the candidates would learn their lessons. They haven’t.

State Sen. Bill Brady flatly refused to release his tax returns, then finally relented after a media firestorm ensued. It turns out the reason for Brady’s reluctance was that he had paid no federal income taxes for two years on his state Senate salary, and no state income taxes on that government salary for one year. Indeed, he had asked for and received full and complete tax refunds. Brady’s businesses lost so much money that he was able to avoid taxes on his state pay.

After the beating that Brady took over his taxes, you might think that his running mate would’ve wanted to avoid the bad press. You’d be wrong.

Jason Plummer is 27. He won his campaign with some hard work and a whole lot of money from himself and his father, a wealthy lumber dealer. Plummer and his father gave or loaned his campaign fund well over $1.3 million.

Shortly after he surprised the establishment by winning his campaign, reporters looked at him a bit more and found that the political unknown had inflated his resume. He often said during the campaign that he’d worked for a Washington, D.C. think tank and a U.S. Senator, but he was just an intern. He said he founded and ran an Internet service company, but his father was listed as the owner and Jason wasn’t even on the corporation documents. He’d touted himself as a Naval intelligence officer, but he hadn’t received any training since obtaining his commission in the fall.

Plummer repeated the twin mantras of “transparency” and “accountability” just about wherever he went during the primary. He also pledged not to take a state salary if he was elected lieutenant governor.

Since Plummer’s running mate had disclosed his own income taxes, it was assumed that Plummer would have to follow suit.

Instead, the onetime champion of openness, transparency and accountability adamantly refused to disclose his returns last week. No way, no how, Plummer harumphed. Releasing returnsis just a “political distraction by those who cannot answer the real issues that voters care about,” he said. That doesn’t reflect all that well on his running mate, but whatever.

Plummer claimed last week that voters “need to know any potential conflicts that a public official might have.” But what about a guy who won’t be taking a state salary for four years? Won’t there be numerous potential “conflicts” if he’s still living on his private income without telling us how much he’s making and where it’s coming from?

The last two governors who played games with their tax returns were crooks. That doesn’t make Brady and Plummer crooks, but in an era when we ought to do everything we can to avoid the mistakes of the past, it’s a fair hit.

Just release the returns and get it over with, man.

* I was also inspired by comments on a post over at Illinois Review to pull up a press release by Adam Andrzejewski blasting Bill Brady for not releasing his income taxes last year

“Some people parrot ‘reform’ rhetoric to get elected,” Andrzejewski said, “I want to be elected so that I can enact real reforms. The people of Illinois are intelligent enough to understand that the posting of tax returns is a serious step to reform, not a gimmick. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s ‘Gold Standard’ ethics policy included the posting of tax returns, and after the policy was enacted hundreds of elected officials resigned their posts.”

“I posted my tax return more than two months ago, and I have challenged my opponents to do the same – to prove that they have not benefitted financially from their government positions. None of them have followed suit. When I bring this up on the campaign trail, their embarrassment is not lost on the people in the audience. The people of Illinois get it.”


  1. - wordslinger - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 8:57 am:

    I bet most politicians on both sides of the aisle want this subject to go away. Probably a good reason to keep talking about it.

  2. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:04 am:

    I tend to agree with those who say that candidates for high elected office, e.g., statewide, should release their returns. Certainly, the candidates are entitled to some privacy and protection against identify theft. And I suppose that there is a legitimate concern about the spouse’s privacy. But all that, I think, can be accomodated while still providing the public with enough information to know about conflicts of interest, etc.

    It is surprising to me that Lisa Madigan did not release her tax return as a matter of course. Now that Rich has raised the issue, it probably won’t go away.

  3. - John Bambenek - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:12 am:

    Identity theft is a handle-able problem, but in reality, pretty much the entire system has been owned anyway.

    Just redact the sensitive info and provide an explanation as to why it’s redacted. It’s done all the time.

  4. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:23 am:

    “This has nothing to do with Lisa. This is about Bill Brady not releasing his tax returns and Jason Plummer not releasing his tax returns.”

    Not an honest answer, is it?

  5. - Loop Lady - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:32 am:

    I would love to say what I really think, but Rich would delete it…as he does with many of my posts concerning Ms. Madigan….hmmmmm

  6. - Ahoy - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:37 am:

    I don’t care about the tax returns but if you’re a Constitutional officer calling for another Constitutional officer to release their tax returns… you should release your own. Don’t be a hypocrite.

  7. - Fed up. - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:42 am:

    Hmm the chief law enforcment officer of the state want nothing to do with an open and honest goverment. Lisa has done a decent job going after safe targets like insurance companys while over looking the 800lb gorrilla of corruption in Ill. My ignorant guess is she files jointly with her hubby and doesn’t want us to know where his money comes from. This will be fixed before the next election.

  8. - Anon - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:43 am:

    I think that this is an important issue related to transparency. Voters need to know that the elected officials are representing the voters, and not donors or political supporters. I think that ALL elected officials in Illinois should disclose their tax returns. As a previous commenter said, if they dont want it, its probably a good idea.

  9. - LDS - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:46 am:

    Lisa Madigan is actually more fair game than Jason Plummer. She is currently a heartbeat from the Governor’s mansion and he is simply trying to be a heartbeat away.

  10. - Reality - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:50 am:

    Tax returns do not matter and are a red herring issue. Repeat—tax returns do not matter. Get over it.

  11. - John Bambenek - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:54 am:

    They don’t matter? Really. So that means I could hire Brady as a consultant, though treat him no better than a ghost payroller, and pay him $5M, and you’d be ok with that?

  12. - Loop Lady - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:55 am:

    LDS: Yep!

  13. - Fed up. - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:02 am:

    Has Quinn shown that he paid taxes on the income he earned from his senate campaign fund. He didn’t release his taxreturn he just let them be viewed same as Brady. I wonder if he will show that he pays taxes on the money he made of a bogus campaign fund for the last 7 years.

  14. - MrJM - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:05 am:

    “Lisa Madigan won’t release her tax returns”

    Inexcusable and unacceptable.

    Please, try again Team Madigan.

    – MrJM

  15. - cassandra - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:05 am:

    Given the large number of trivial laws that our fearless state legislators pass every year, it shouldn’t be that time-consuming to pass a law requiring, say, that all cabinet officers release their tax returns annually. And maybe some of their top aides. Put a future date on it so current incumbents do not have to comply but future incumbents do, as part of the confirmation process. Encourage voluntary release of this information. Once it becomes routine, people won’t pay that much attention anyway unless there is something particularly egregious in there. In which case, taxpayers should have the information.

    If Ms. Madigan has a rich husband, so what. Lots of pols have rich spouses. Think John McCain. John Kerry. Megarich spouses. Think this knowledge affects voter choices. Not much, I bet.
    The US is hardly a hotbed of economic revolution.
    In general, we admire rich.

  16. - Cousin Ralph - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:18 am:

    If Lisa Madigan refuses to release her tax returns, then the only place where this will be discussed in on this blog. The major media in Illinois has not demonstrated a keen desire to attack Lisa Madigan. I dont expect them to do in now- not in Chicago anyway. So, where does that leave Plummer’s tax return issue, in the dust and irrelevant. Plummer has never been paid a government salary. How long has Lisa been on the government payroll? Plummer has not held a position in which he had the power to prosecute or investigate. Lisa has been AG since 2002. One suspects that Lisa’s return would be more intriguing than that of a young businessman with multiple real estate partnerships. If Lisa does’nt have to release her’s than Jason wont be catching much flack over his.

  17. - Fairplay - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:25 am:

    I like the arguement show the returns and when we do we will use that against your LT. Governor candidate as an excuse to make him show his.

    Still waiting to see you start attacking Quinn for his “peek and boo” tax return viewing last year and it seems pretty clear you have given up on the Lisa and Mike Madigan already. Fairplay means if your the democrat you don’t have to answer.

    I suggest if your Brady or Plummer tell you staff sorry that is are final answer on this question like Lisa did.

  18. - shore - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:33 am:

    to borrow from a former campaign ad “what’s he hiding?”.

    bear in mind he was a college senior for parts of the last campaign cycle for governor, had his resume shot to pieces by the trib and had one of the most painful know nothing interviews on chicago tonight that I have ever seen.

  19. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:36 am:

    You do realize that regarding income tax releases and legislation that benefits their businesses, Brady can simply invoke the Madigan name anytime these issues arise.

    It is rather difficult to attack Brady when the Speaker and Attorney General would be similarly attacked.

  20. - Ghost - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:46 am:

    So Lmad is running for election, she and her oponent should release their returns.

    But since 2 wrongs dont make a right, Plummer I do not need a salary I just want the power plummer needs to show us who is giving him the pay for access to his power?

    Toss in that brady has been voting or legislation to benefit hinmself personally, and this looks like a vote for brady and plummer is setting us up for a trifecta indicment of sitting govenors.

  21. - jonbtuba - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    Plummer continues to look more and more like a political novice. I can’t imagine voters trusting a man who campaigned on transparency and then gave a big middle finger to the media when they asked him for a fairly simple example of it.

  22. - just sayin' - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    Lisa Madigan should release her returns, no question.

    But it’s also ridiculous for Republicans to point fingers at others for the indefensible behavior of their own candidates. Republicans always say they are about better government. You can’t ride your high horse around all the time about being better than the Democrats and then resort to this “but they do it too” garbage when your own candidate is obviously trying to lower the bar.

    Until Plummer releases his returns, we should all assume he’s trying to hide something VERY embarrassing. Presumably there is something there that is even worse than the big embarrassment Brady had.

    And good point, where is Adam Andrzejewski on this issue now that the primary is over? Why isn’t he calling on Plummer to release his returns?

  23. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    ===Still waiting to see you start attacking Quinn for his “peek and boo” tax return viewing last year===

    Actually, I called him out on this very blog. I’ve also been told that the returns are forthcoming.

    ===and it seems pretty clear you have given up on the Lisa and Mike Madigan already. Fairplay means if your the democrat you don’t have to answer.===

    Where is that clear? If her opponent, the state party, Brady’s campaign, etc. want to press the issue, then I’ll be more than happy to go with it. I’ll be asking them all today, BTW.

    And if you’re so concerned about LM’s tax returns, why defend Plummer’s refusal to release his? You are obviously one of those seriously impaired hyperpartisans. Nothing is ever good enough or “fair” enough to your side. Here’s a hint: Tell your side to stop bungling.

  24. - Fed up - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    Tell your side to Stop bungling. Rich which side has been in complete control of this state for the last 6 years the amount of bungling is criminal. Yeah it’s nice to spread the blame but the dems have bankrupted Ill. No matter how you spin it complete dem control for the last 6 years and they have destroyed the state

  25. - Steve-O - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:38 am:

    Glad to see you calling out Ms. Madigan, Rich. I commend you. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Also, I’m just curious, did Quinn release his tax returns during his two campaigns for Lt. Governor?

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:40 am:

    fed up, I meant bungling in the campaign sense. I don’t think the state is “destroyed” by the way. It’s not in good shape, but it isn’t destroyed. Calm down, please.

  27. - the Patriot - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    Lisa is fair game. Not only is she a current office holder and one heartbeat from the Governor, she is the cheif law enforcement officer of this state. Investigating and prosecution Government corruption was what she campaigned on in her first election. How cans he do that without us knowing where her bread is buttered.

    Not to mention the person on the top of your ticket is hammering his opponent for not disclosing. How do you go to the State fair and sit on the stage with Quinn while he rails on Brady/Plummer for not disclosing.

    Why do we really want to see their returns? Do we think they have done something illegal, look for conflicts of interest. I am pro-Brady, mostly because of what a bafoon Quinn is, but the Fact is Brady is a businessman which is going to raise questions. Quinn sucks off the governrment because he lacks the skills to work in the private sector.

    Can’t we just leave it at that and get back to the 13 billion dollar deficit, the pension debt, unemployment, and the sinking economy. I really don’t care where Brady, Quinn, or Madigan got their money. What I do care about is whether or not my kids school will be open in 3 years.

  28. - Fed up - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:47 am:

    Rich not in good shape is a bit of an understatement it might not be destroyed pysically but it is broken beyond repair. No Quinns plan doesn’t fix it and I don’t think Brady has a plan except that he isn’t Quinn.

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:49 am:

    Beyond repair? Really? How?

  30. - Ghost - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Quinn technically had the most realistic plan to fix it, more revenue from a tax increase; just like the one passed by edgar when he needed more rveneue.

    Problem is the GOP does not want a fix, they want a platform soundbite. As far as fixin the State, right now Quinn is the only one who has offered a real solution. Brady and the no new taxes group are an impedement to fixing the problems.

  31. - Logical Thinker - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    I’ll repeat what I said weeks ago when it comes to these issues and how the media reports them:

    Put the same EQUAL pressure on EVERYONE to do the same thing or don’t; either way, be CONSISTENT!

    Are tax returns a big deal? Not particularly. Very few people base their votes on how much a candidate makes or how they complete a tax return.

    However, it’s completely hypocritical to scrutinize and keep one side accountable for a failure to release documents and give the other side a complete pass.

    Where are Giannoulias’ returns? That is the big(gest) tax return story of the campaign especially when the taxpayers paid for the failure of his family’s bank.

  32. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:23 pm:

    The Point of Tax Returns - Kansas, enhanced by VanillaMan

    I heard reporters saying something
    That candidates don’t handle well
    Reporters want tax returns released
    So they can investigate and then tell
    All they ask is, “How long, how long?”

    They say that after Blagojevich
    Voters are tired of being shocked
    Transparency and open governments
    Demands every closet door be unlocked
    Reporters ask, “How long, how long?”
    “How long to see your tax return?”

    Your voters, claim they need you
    Your supporters, claim the love you
    But the damn reporters, they ask and ask
    “How long before we see your return?”
    “How long, how long?”

    Today their cry is a message floating
    In the news for all to see
    Reporters claim voters need to see it
    Candidates cry with fear, the Return is near
    Was it Miller who asked, “How long, how long?”
    “How long before we see your tax return?”

  33. - cousin ralph - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:31 pm:

    By the way, Rich, nice work on getting Lisa Madigan to address tax return issue. Nobody would be looking at this if not for you.

    By the way, what does Lisa Madigan’s husband do for a living? I honestly dont know. Maybe he has partnership issues like Plummer?

  34. - BigTwich - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:35 pm:

    “No matter how you spin it complete dem control for the last 6 years and they have destroyed the state ”

    If memory serves (I used to say that with a lot more confidence) the State started skipping pension payments about 1986. More then enough blame to go around.

  35. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    Cousin Ralph,

    He is a cartoonist and writer, IIRC. I doubt there are any partnership issues with his line of work, and seriously doubt there any potential conflicts with her job.

    Also, can we please stop referring to the AG as a law enforcement office? It’s the state’s lawyer first and foremost. It handles civil cases for the most part, environment, consumer protection, etc. Roland Burris got the GA to give the office “statewide grand jury” power if a criminal conspiracy crossed county lines. I don’t think there’s ever been an indictment returned under this authority.

    Every AG candidate talks tough about law enforcement, but 99% of the work involved is on the civil side.

  36. - cousin ralph - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:45 pm:

    Thanks for the info 47. You may want to look at the awesome power that office has regarding regulatory agencies and enforcement actions. I also remember the AG announcing that it was turning over to the US Atty.s office for further criminal investigation, all the evidence it gathered regarding rampant abuses by the Blago Adm. in political hiring. Not a toothless office.

  37. - Brennan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:53 pm:

    Just asking, but let’s say a candidate for public office has formed a finance team to raise money for them. Do voters have the right to demand the tax returns of the members of the finance team for the candidate for public office?

    A flat tax would end this debate.

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:53 pm:

    As an update, the governor’s campaign says they’re making copies of his tax returns for me this afternoon.

  39. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:54 pm:

    ===A flat tax would end this debate. ===

    We have a flat tax in Illinois and Brady still didn’t pay income taxes one year.

  40. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:05 pm:

    - It is rather difficult to attack Brady when the Speaker and Attorney General would be similarly attacked. -

    Last time I checked, Brady wasn’t running against the Speaker or AG. You think Madigan is going to make Quinn stop using this issue? Dream on. Lisa may be next in line, but she’s not Quinn’s running mate and he has no control over what she does or doesn’t release.

  41. - Loop Lady - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:09 pm:

    Madigans husband is a cartoonist (I am being serious) and his work has appeared in the New Yorker…I’ll bet he makes a pretty good buck at it…

  42. - Brennan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:16 pm:

    =We have a flat tax in Illinois and Brady still didn’t pay income taxes one year.=

    Don’t be foolish. The tax returns going public is to review the litany of tax credits candidates exercise as a result of changes in asset values and returns.

  43. - RobRoy - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    So the point is to catch a candiate talking out of both sides of his or her mouth regarding taxes, tax credits and so forth? hmmmm….and I thought it was far more about wealth and class warfare. Silly me.

  44. - Steve-O - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 2:31 pm:

    =We have a flat tax in Illinois and Brady still didn’t pay income taxes one year.=

    Correction…Brady didn’t OWE any income taxes one year. Why would you pay taxes when you didn’t owe any?

  45. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    Last time I checked, Brady wasn’t running against the Speaker or AG.

    So you would recommend we just close our eyes. Nah - you keep doing it, I’d rather see what’s going down.

  46. - Ann O'Namus - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 2:56 pm:

    Did any legitimate media representative actually ASK her to release her tax returns? I don’t recall ever reading that a request was made. Until then, this nonsense about her “refusing” to release her tax returns does indeed seem to be all about Brady and Plummer trying to turn the attention somewhere else.

  47. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:03 pm:

    ===I don’t recall ever reading that a request was made.===

    I requested them.

  48. - Chris Robling - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    Out of respect for this conversation I offer the following points, which I first put up at a another Illinois site.
    Thanks, Rich, as always —

    Jason Plummer is doing every Illinoisan a huge favor.

    He is an unelected first-time candidate whose impact on Illinois public policy and government in his 25 years has been, shall we say, commensurate with his age and level of involvement.

    So, from the unhinged conniption fit into which his strong stand has sent the press, Jason has shown all of us beyond any doubt the Mile-Wide Double Standard our press applies to public figures.

    The same press now baying at the moon over The Impropriety of His Stand blithely ignores the income sources of such inconsequential side-players as House Speaker Mike Madigan, Senate President John Cullerton and Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

    Makes sense, right?

    Of course not.

    Madigan and Cullerton are steering the status quo directly into the shoals of bankruptcy. AG Madigan is our top law enforcement officer. Might the public be better informed by a journey into their income sources than blathering over a newcomer transitioning to public service?

    Any Illinois political reporter who spends 15 seconds writing about Jason Plummer’s tax forms whilst ignoring Mike Madigan’s is making an in-kind contribution to the Illinois Democratic Party.

    Editors should take note and devote the proper multiple of broadcast time and news hole to The Impropriety of The Madigan / Cullerton / Madigan Stand.

    This episode is yet another object lesson for all of us, and for Jason Plummer another chapter in the fiery baptism the inbred liberal chattering class bestows upon any independent conservative.

  49. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    ===the inbred liberal chattering class===

    Yeah, that line probably works well at the “other” web site you posted it on.

    But by all means Chris, tell Plummer to stick to his guns. All of us inbred chatterers will just keep asking until November. Great strategy there.

    And are you really suggesting a return to the Fairness Doctrine? I thought you conservatives were against that?

  50. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    But, Chris, what about Mark Kirk? Kinda undercuts your argument doesn’t it?

    Actually, kinda = totally.

    Also, try to be original here, man. TLDR

  51. - Captain Flume - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:32 pm:

    If there is dirt to be found on tax returns, the feds are the ones to make that call. If there is some kind innuendo leading to a real legal problem that a tax return may reveal, there are more than likely other means of digging out that problem. The tax return issue really is a red herring. Maybe we should also ask to see medical reports, medications prescribed, any counseling records, college and high school transcripts, complete police records including traffic and parking violations. That should keep people busy on non-issues until after the election and candidates will only have to defend their pasts and not their policies.

  52. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===medical reports, medications prescribed, any counseling records,===

    1972 veep nominee. Been there, done that.

  53. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    ===college and high school transcripts===

    2000 preznit race.

    Statements in kindergarten were brought up in the 2008 Dem prez primary.

  54. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    ===complete police records ===


  55. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:59 pm:

    I wouldn’t mind seeing college and post-college transcripts - if the candidate has NOT been out of academia for a period of 10 years … I think on a general resume’ you ARE asked relative WORK experiece for the past 10 years, and are given more paper on an application if needed …

  56. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 4:00 pm:

    - So you would recommend we just close our eyes. -

    Uhhh, no, I’d recommend that Quinn keep attacking Brady and Plummer about this. You were the one who said it would be difficult to attack Brady because of the Madigans.

  57. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    the inbred liberal chattering class

    Liberals don’t breed, let alone breed within their own families. They decide to plan for a child or two after careful considerations, which often occur after a the college education, the career choice, a residence within the right neighborhood, and a vacation to St. Barts.

    Breeding suggests husbandry. Liberals are not husbandry proponents.

  58. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    - Liberals don’t breed -

    Its just that we understand contraception, Vman, and we rely on rhythm for other aspects of the experience.

  59. - Rambler - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 4:42 pm:

    ==asked if thought Plummer was hiding something, Quinn said: “I think that’s a natural conclusion - I don’t think there’s any question about it, you know, when you don’t disclose your tax returns and you’re running for lieutenant governor of Illinois.”==

    Steve-O asked if Quinn released his returns when running for LG. I assume the answer is no. Quinn’s indignation seems pretty contrived.

    ==Since Plummer’s running mate had disclosed his own income taxes, it was assumed that Plummer would have to follow suit.==

    This is a curious conclusion, since the article only refers to guv candidates before bringing up Plummer.

    Quinn, Brady, and Plummer find themselves on common ground. None of them really expected to be where they are now, and none of them want you to look too closely at their taxes before they reached this level. Recall that Quinn did essentially the same thing last year with his taxes that Brady did this year, except Brady released info for several years instead of Quinn’s one year.

    The Brady/Plummer campaign is probably working on a way to release some info to mitigate the issue.

    BTW still waiting to see the returns of the most powerful politician in Illinois.

  60. - Steve-O - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 5:53 pm:

    So, I’m assuming that as a two-time candidate for LG, Pat Quinn never released his tax returns?

  61. - Park - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 6:27 pm:

    Rich, its not really a ‘flat tax’. That means no deductions, like “this is your income, pay us 10%”. Illinois has a ‘flat rate’, but it’s calculated after all the deductions taken at the federal level, or at least the ones used to calculate adjusted gross income. Flat would be “sorry about those loss carryovers and everything, but pay us 10% on this year. Depreciation? never heard of it”.

    Sounds like LM hasn’t really weighed in on a final decision. Hate to see this…why target her? MJM, sure if it’s important for a Gov., double important for him. And, by the way, the Attorney General is the chief LEGAL officer in the State, not the chief ‘law enforcement officer’. Chicago cops don’t report to LM.

  62. - ironman - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:41 pm:

    I don’t think any non public figure should have to release their tax returns. Jason Plummer is not a elected official “yet”. I believe the Quinn administration is trying to create any type of distraction that they can and not talk about the real issues. Budget, poor management, lack of leadership, still hiring cronies, and wasteful spending…………

  63. - wordslinger - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:55 pm:

    And Vman, you’re clear proof that Darwin was so wrong. I don’t see how you fit into any master plan, either. Maybe one of your pals at U of C econ can explain chaos theory to you.

    What are you billing the songs to today? Who’s picking up the tab for your valuable time?

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