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Report: Jackson mulling Kirk nod

Monday, May 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It would certainly be a shock if Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. endorsed Mark Kirk for US Senate or remained neutral. But considering that Jackson was embroiled in the controversy over the alleged crimes committed by Rod Blagojevich during his Senate appointment deliberations, it could have a downside as well

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who did not endorse anyone in the Democratic primary, is flirting with the idea of backing Republican nominee Mark Kirk in the general election.

“I like Alexi Giannoulias, but I have great respect for Mark Kirk and his service to the people of Illinois,” Jackson told POLITICO.

Jackson and Kirk work together on the House Appropriations Committee, on which both are senior members of the subcommittee that provides foreign aid.

It’s exceedingly rare for a lawmaker of one party to endorse a colleague of the other party — particularly within the same state — meaning Jackson lending his name to Kirk would be a bit of a shock to the political system and a blow to Giannoulias’s campaign.

Jackson always craved the spotlight, until he got caught up in the Blagojevich scandal, but he’s been slowly reemerging. He backed Forrest Claypool’s independent bid for assessor without stirring up too much controversy, so he appears ready to take the next step. Then again, the Blagojevich trial is coming up and his name is almost sure to be mentioned.


  1. - wordslinger - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 8:58 am:

    LOL, Kirk wanted Palin and now might wind up with Jesse Jr., right about when the Blago trial starts.

    I don’t think that’s in the victory playbook.

  2. - VanillaMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:03 am:

    First reality - just mentioning this possibility should make quite a few fence-sitters wonder what the future holds for Giannoulais. This is a rare occurance, and it’s novelty will make news. Jackson is a name in Illinois, especially in Cook County, and Giannoulais needs Cook to stay competative.

    Additionally, Jackson is damaged goods, especially regarding this senate seat. With the rumors flying over his involvement with Blagojevich over this senate seat - Jackson seems to be a moth to a flame. It is too easy to portray this political backstab to some grander scheme where he challenges Kirk in 2016. 2016 is about the time Jackson may have enough voters forget his backroom dealmaking with Blagojevich. That is, if Blagojevich and the FBI don’t have more damaging good on the Congressman. Jackson can paint himself as open to Kirk, score some points with independants with this endorsement, then pull away his support for Kirk in 2016, claiming disappointment, while retaining some residual effect of “crossing that aisle”.

    The winner is obviously Kirk. There is a powerful Democratic voter base in Jackson’s district and throwing this wrench into the works helps Kirk. While it is doubtful that Kirk will win over Jackson’s voter base, the fact remains that Giannoulais expected this voter base to work for him.

    And if this news report is true - it will not.

    Kirk is better for Jackson that Jackson is to Kirk. Kirk has to be aware that Jackson’s obsession over this senate seat will not go away. The deal for Kirk is to decide whether he should keep Jackson at arm’s length as the FBI and Congress continues their investigations, and what’s in it for Jackson, especially in 2016.

  3. - Anon - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:09 am:

    this reminds me of the SNL skit where John McCain was dragged grudgingly int othe oval office to receive the endorsement of George W. Bush. Hilarious. A JJJ endorsement during the Blago trial. Classic!

  4. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:11 am:

    This is startling, especially coming on the heels of last week’s kerfuffle over Rand Paul and his stand on civil rights. I’m not sure how Jackson sees this playing out locally — I’m guessing that he’s trying to back candidates that will get him entree to the white lakeshore for a possible mayoral bid — but this may have unintended consequences nationally.

    Specifically, the GOP, thanks to Rand Paul and the tea party movement, has a serious image problem when it comes to civil rights for African-Americans and hispanics right now. How long do you think it will be before Michael Steele and the NRSCC touts a Jackson endorsement of a GOP US Senate candidate, and uses that endorsement as a defense against charges that the GOP is racist?

  5. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:17 am:

    was JJJ subpoenaed for Blago’s trial?

  6. - the dark horse - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:22 am:

    I am actually starting to believe Quinn is going to win this thing. Who is with me?

  7. - the dark horse - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:26 am:

    I think that JJJ’s mere suggestion that he could endorse Kirk is a BAD thing for Kirk. JJJ is popular in his district, and maybe among the black voters in Cook, but his support would be a net negative. Blacks aren’t going to vote for Kirk merely because JJJ says they should–but independents would be turned off by Kirk if he is connected to JJJ. For example, a swing county like Will would start throwing eggs at Kirk if he was out campaigning with JJJ.

  8. - Walter - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:26 am:

    Finally, the big break Alexi’s been waiting for!

  9. - Fed up. - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:35 am:

    Not sure it really helps Kirk, but it is a huge slap in the face to Alexi. It shows that a vetran Dem loyalist isn’t happy with him or his campaign. Maybe triple J and Booby Rush are playing chess and thinking about 2018. Looking at the demographics Ill will be tilting even more blue then and it would be easier to take on Kirk then alexi.

  10. - I'm Just Saying - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:36 am:

    and the worst part is, I remember it was Him who pushed Alexi on us four years ago, rememeber the billboards with him and Jesse Jr. everywhere in the city

  11. - fedup dem - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:44 am:

    If Jesse Jr. pulls this stunt, look for him to be stripped of his Appropriations Committee seat in the next Congress at the very least. He’ll be a persona non grata with the Obama administration; you can draw your own conclusions as to what the will mean.

  12. - zzzzzz - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:47 am:

    JJJ for Kirk followed by Art Turner for Brady and the dems will have to finally at long last stop taking the black vote for granted. It may not help Kirk, but it hurts Quinn

  13. - Independent Minded Dem - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 9:49 am:

    I think that the votes JJJ will deliver would help Kirk in the African American community. I think this would show Alexis true weakness and, I could honestly see someone going to Lisa and trying one last time (however doubtful it maybe) to get her to step in for Alexi. I doubt she would, because she might have her sights set on the street corner of LaSalle and Washington.

  14. - FillB - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:02 am:

    This is not the first time Jesse has shown a little leg to a GOP candidate. He did it just two years ago in the 11th CD race.

    And the reason for it there is probably the same as it is here — Peotone.

  15. - OneMan - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:17 am:

    This would only hurt Alexi, may not help Kirk much. But it will hurt Alexi, because besides ignoring it his other option would be to go after JJJ which would do him no favors.

  16. - shore - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    They won’t strip jesse jackson of his appropriations seat because as of January 4, 2011 Illinois will have exactly 1 veteran house appropriator with kirk’s retirement and that is jackson. LaHood was never replaced on the committee by an Illinois republican and I doubt the state wants to have a session of congress with at best aaron schock in the minority and no democrats pulling weight.

    On jackson, I will leave it for the democrats on this blog who know their party best to proffer their opinions as to whether or not alexi really needs him. I have serious doubts about whether a democrat south side establishment will help a republican but at the very least these kinds of stories don’t help alexi inside the beltway.

  17. - friend of a friend - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:34 am:

    Let’s go back some… The White House wanted ANYONE except JJJ, or was it just Rahm? No way, cuz Rahm wouldn’t dare do it without the Prez’s blessing. Rahm maybe alot of things, but he’s loyal to his bosses. JJJ endorsing Kirk would be his line in the sand, and could give him greater credibility with his BASE. Washington didn’t elect him (to his seat), the Prez didn’t select him (to HIS seat), but now they will all have to RESPECT him. Rod’s gonna put him on the stand to say that he did not try to sell the seat, once that happens, his credibility will be restored. Not because Rod said so, but because the G didn’t indict him for it. WATCH IT HAPPEN!!!!

  18. - Deep South - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:39 am:

    If JJJ endorses Kirk…who’s gonna back Jackson for re-election. Seems like a ready-made issue, especially in a primary…next time around.

  19. - George - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    Rod’s gonna put him on the stand to say that he did not try to sell the seat, once that happens, his credibility will be restored.

    Yea… simple.

  20. - Deep South - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:40 am:

    Oh, Mr. Horse…I’m with ya. And Quinn hasn’t even really started to campain.

  21. - Ghost - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:51 am:

    What was Kirk’s position on the new aiport? I wonder if JJJ is hoping to pick up support from Kirk for this project of his when this is over.

  22. - Aldyth - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 10:55 am:

    November is six months away and the Blago trial is coming. JJJ may not have a whole lot of credibility on the issue of who gets that Senate seat, depending on how the trial goes.

  23. - Conservative Veteran - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:07 am:

    Congressmen Jackson and Kirk agree about many issues. According to, these are some of Rep. Kirk’s latest interest group ratings: Planned Parenthood, 100%; NEA, A; Americans for Democratic Action, 55%; AFL-CIO, 47%; American Conservative Union, 48%; Club for Growth, 42%; National Taxpayers Union, C-; Citizens Against Government Waste, 33%; John Birch Society, 25%; Concerned Women of America, 23%; and Gun Owners of America, F-.

  24. - friend of a friend - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:08 am:

    C’mon George, the trial will be about the ability to spin the facts of what happened. The difference between the truth and a lie is this, one really happened, and the other one didn’t. We all thought JJJ was toast, if not he’s at least toasty! He is still a sitting US Rep., has more money than Rod probably ever will, and will have access to an unprecedented amount of assistance should he be indicted. Remember, this is Jesse’s baby boy, and he’s not handing him over to ANYONE, let alone anyone who works for Obama, willingly or not. Kirk gives him the chance to prevent an alternative, and give a BALANCE which is why the state is in the condition it is in… to many demmies and too many dummies.

  25. - friend of a friend - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:09 am:

    sorry, i meant to type present, not prevent. Think fast, type SLOW!

  26. - Responsa - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    There seem to be several elective offices which JJJ might aspire to in the future assuming he can restore his cred–a big if. However, his viability for those offices would benefit from his having a wider base of respect and support than he currently has as just a south side congressman. Plus, he is always walking that fine line to separate himself from Daddy’s history as a partisan and a baiter. Whatever JJJ’s inner motivations are for circulating this possible endorsement rumor, one can ultimately be sure it is done with the sole intent to benefit JJJ, no one else.

  27. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 11:24 am:

    Funny, I heard Alexi and Robin Kelly were thinking of endorsing Judy Baar Topinka.

  28. - Northside Bunker - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    Lets divert attention away from me J.J.J. and Blago. Because J.J.J. is a team player.

  29. - Logical Thinker - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    I like the Peotone angle mentioned earlier as a possible explanation.

    Let me throw 2 more into the mix as possibilities.

    1. This was done intentionally by the WH crew of Rahm and Axelrod to hurt, yes hurt, the Kirk campaign. A JJJ endorsement of Kirk is more of detriment to the independents and conservatives that support him rather than a gain of African-American voters who would vote for him. It’s a net negative. Therefore, it’s worth considering that this is deliberate.

    2. JJJ is using this as leverage to save his own skin. His names WERE on those Blago tapes and he most likely has some legal issues of his own. If the scenario above isn’t correct and the WH isn’t behind this move, then JJJ might be creating a poker chip for himself by tossing a mock endorsement to Kirk feeler out there.

    There isn’t a person on this board who will suggest that Alexi will win the race without the AA support on the south side. I think JJJ knows this and he’s going to use it to his advantage. Unfortunate, but likely true.

  30. - IrishPirate - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:15 pm:

    I doubt JJJ will endorse Kirk.

    This seems more like a fit of pique than anything else. His pride and vanity have been wounded and he is lashing out.

    It’s a big “look at me, look at me” moment from the south side’s favorite son.

    As for triple J running for Mayor I doubt it. He both lacks the “testicular virility” and the votes. The latest census projections show the black population of the city dropping by 150,000. Couple that with his ties to Blago and JJJ should get used to be called “Congressman”.

    His name got him elected to congress, but it will keep him from getting elected to higher office. Whether that is a good thing is open to debate.

  31. - cousin ralph - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    I will be curious to see if Kirk goes out of way to avoid JJ Jr. as much as he had Sarah Palin.

  32. - Peggy SO-IL - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 12:41 pm:

    This hurts Kirk. It only reminds GOP voters of how Kirk has been left of center and has aided the Obama agenda.

  33. - Ghost - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:43 pm:

    More interesting would be if Kirk rejected the endorsement

  34. - Ghost - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    Now if Doc were to endorse Kirk…

  35. - Wenner - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 3:10 pm:

    Alexi won’t release his tax returns, won’t get Jackson’s support, won’t raise money…looking bad for the Treasurer.

  36. - Moving to Oklahoma - Monday, May 24, 10 @ 7:20 pm:

    This is surprising, but it goes to show me that Mark Kirk is exactly what everyone knows he is. A Democrat.

  37. - peanut - Tuesday, May 25, 10 @ 10:19 pm:

    jjj do you think people cazy stop play game with people. 2 congessman dist, need a debate concern dist, @ sale sentorseat

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