Question of the day
Thursday, May 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller Caption?
Behind the headlines on schools, McPier and AT&T
Thursday, May 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune ran a profile today of some public school teachers worried about whether they will lose their jobs in the face of 20,000 layoff notices…
That 20,000 layoffs figure bandied about all over the media is based on a proposed $1.3 billion cut to education funding by Pat Quinn. Union contracts require that layoff notices must be issued, and the governor’s original cut was all the local school districts had to go by. However, it now appears that there will be no significant cut - or any cuts at all - to education funding, unless something really goes off the rails with the budget. …Adding… The Illinois Federation of Teachers took questions from the media today about new revenues… * While hyperbolic, it would be nice if we could have seen stories like this when the McCormick Place reform plan was being negotiated. Only a couple of us ever really wrote about it, even though the facility is such an important economic engine…
Actually, it’s not suspicious at all. It was done that way at Speaker Michael Madigan’s behest. In return, the Republicans demanded and received a one-year revolving door prohibition to prevent Reilly from immediately cashing in on his 18-month tenure as McPier’s czar. And I really doubt that Quinn will touch that bill. Hinz explains why…
The only way he’d touch that bill is if there was an agreement up front to hold an immediate vote to accept the changes. Otherwise, he’d probably get overridden. * Chris Wetterich thinks Quinn might listen to CUB and change AT&T’s so-called “jobs bill”…
Given that this is an election year and AT&T did a remarkable job of lining up newspaper editorial support (including Wetterich’s) and unanimous legislative support, plus the fact that the company and its allies (including newspaper editorial boards) are hailing the legislation as a major “jobs bill,” I doubt he’ll change it. He wants jobs and he wants to cut ribbons, and the word is there was a side deal for a big ribbon-cutting opportunity. More later. * Related…
Tone it down, please
Thursday, May 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Never let the facts get in the way of a good story…
Kirk was in DC yesterday voting on bills - which is where he said he would be and which was the reason he gave for not being able to make the Palin speech. I checked the House Clerk’s website and found a two percent absentee rate on the bill which received the most votes yesterday. Kirk’s reason was legit, aside from the amateur pseudo-psychological mumbo-jumbo quoted above. You’d think Palin was Queen or something the way this visit has been treated by some in the press. Who will go? Who will snub? Please. I doubt even her most ardent supporters will remember on election day who was and who wasn’t at that speech. * As someone who often gives speeches for a fee (and it’s a pretty hefty fee for Illinois), I would be embarrassed to go in front of an audience with such a weak presentation. Hey, I don’t begrudge the half-term ex-guv the cash. I wish I could charge $100K a speech. But you’d think she’d have some basic mechanics down by now, including refraining from speaking over applause lines and content that is at least slightly above pablum levels… Oof. * Related…
People aren’t cartoons
Thursday, May 13, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * It goes almost without saying that politicians are often portrayed as one-dimensional cartoon characters by their opponents, the media, even themselves. But Bernie’s piece today ought to remind us that candidates can have more than one facet…
Now, you could make the cynical argument that Brady doesn’t want to create yet another wedge issue when he’s trying to focus on the economy and governmental mismanagement. You might even be right. But even if that’s so, this is a pretty big step for somebody who once sponsored a constitutional amendment that would’ve permanently outlawed any state-sanctioned relationship between gay people that could result in these very benefits. Anyway, something to think about.