Question of the day
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Mark Kirk is to ____ as Alexi Gianoulias is to ____?
Quinn hammers Brady, talks budget, scholarships, hints at special sessions
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn talked to reporters after this morning’s prayer breakfast. He was asked what he’d done since the House and Senate adjourned on Friday, but dodged the question. Quinn said he didn’t foresee giving up any of the emergency powers granted to him in a bill passed by the Senate, but which is still sitting idle in the House. He also hinted at special sessions: “When the legislature wants to drift off and not focus on doing important things for the people, the governor has to call them back and make sure they do their duty… That’s what I plan to do every day this month until we get a good budget.” Gov. Quinn also spoke about his veto of the legislative scholarship program: “The government is not about politicians, it’s about the people.” Borrowing: “Every state in the union does this… [Sen. Brady] doesn’t have a plan at all… Sen. Brady runs around and tries to foment as much discord as he can. That’s going back to the past. That’s going back to George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich… We’re not going to have a lot of fakery before the election, where people run around and say they have a secret plan to cut the budget [and] they never give you any details.” Quinn must’ve said “We’re not going back to the days of Ryan and Blagojevich” or a version of that a half dozen times, ironically echoing his opponent Bill Brady. * Old news…
This actually first surfaced in February, when Sen. Dan Duffy (R-Lake Barrington) first rose to criticize their appointments. We even had a Question of the Day on the issue back then. Duffy used the issue to raise money in a March 26th fundraising letter (complete with the State Seal) and he was called on it the other day, so the Sun-Times used it as an excuse to dredge this issue up all over again. * Related and a roundup…
A raw deal for Rod
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * As much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with Carol Marin’s premise today. Rod Blagojevich is getting a raw deal on his motion to delay his trial…
Congress has eroded federal defendants’ rights to almost nothing over the years. This move is just plain unfair, even if I believe Blagojevich’s punishment should be tar and feathers and then 50 years in a super-max. * Speaking of Blagojevich, a new audit of his AllKids program shows significant problems with administration…
The full report is here. * Related…
Palin stirs it up again
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I’ve pointed out before, if Mark Kirk really does have votes planned in the US House tonight, then that’s a pretty good excuse to skip out on the Sarah Palin event…
The House did have some votes on minor legislation last night and Kirk was a no-show, one of anywhere from 35 to 42 who didn’t make it for four votes. Now that kinda undermines his excuse. Again, though, those were pretty minor bills. Even so, Alexi Giannoulias’ campaign is trying to make some hay out of Palin’s visit with a new Internet ad… * The Daily Herald is peeved about Palin’s “no media” rules for tonight’s GOP fundraiser…
Reporters are going to be allowed into the WIND event, but cameras and recorders have been banned. Weird, that. * Bill Brady will be there tonight after originally saying he wouldn’t and he talked out of both sides of his mouth to Chicago Public Radio…
* Kind of a small peg to hang this hit on, but whatever. From a press release…
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
*** UPDATED x1 *** A Cohen-Swilley ticket
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up for visibility because it was posted so late yesterday.] * It just gets weirder, folks. SLC picked a staffer as his running mate…
Apparently, there wasn’t a mad rush to join the ticket. Swilley is a young African-American. Here he is on video talking about the failed bid to bring the Olympics to Chicago… *** UPDATE *** Hilariously clueless…
A suburban mom type. Yeah, that’s it. “The females will forgive me” Cohen was looking for a little insta-redemption. No chance. More…
So many questions, so little point.