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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pat Quinn is to Bill Brady as ____ is to ____?


Quinn’s campaign manager hire now official

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers about this a week ago. Gov. Pat Quinn finally has a new campaign manager, but he’s from Wisconsin, of all places

The chief of staff to Wisconsin Lieutenant Gov. Barbara Lawton is leaving to run the election campaign for Democratic Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.

Ben Nuckels has been Lawton’s chief of staff since February 2007. Lawton announced Nuckels’ move to the Quinn campaign on Tuesday.

Nuckels left Lawton’s office briefly last year to work on her campaign for governor. But when she dropped out of the race, Nuckels rejoined her Capitol staff.

A photo from his Facebook page. Kinda on the young side

So, Quinn waits over three months to hire a campaign manager, but he’s a young out-of-stater who hasn’t run anything in Illinois. Welcome to the bigtime, Mr. Nuckels. Good luck. You’re gonna need it.

…Adding… With a hat tip to a commenter, check out Gov. Quinn’s heavily ironic quote from yesterday

“When there’s a job to be done, look to Illinois workers because they are second to none.”

That slogan apparently only applies to the private sector, not to campaigns.

…Adding More… This is essentially something that I pointed out to subscribers last week and brought up in comments today…

The fact is [that] Quinn is Quinns campaign manager. He does not want anyone around him to contradict his thinking. This guy is going to be asked to coordinate Quinn’s direction and he very well may be up to that limited task.


A closer look at the budget battle

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Decatur Herald & Review editorial page writes about something I told subscribers this week

The House and Senate adjourned Friday night after it became clear that more negotiations were needed to come up with a plan that could gain approval. According to the Capital Fax newsletter, the delay is necessary so the governor can negotiate with some legislators about including pet projects in the budget.

Whatever the cause, the rank and file was told to go home for a few days, with the promise they would be called back to approve a budget.

Actually, it’s more involved than that, but thanks for the hat tip anyway. The table is being set for a deal on the worst possible budget ever, but it’ll still be more politically palatable than forcing citizens to face up to the harsh realities that deep cuts and revenues are both needed.

* I seriously doubt that this is the case

Maybe, possibly, potentially (one never really knows when one lives in a state controlled by Sorcerer Madigan and his apprentices, who chant vague incantations in their shrouded backrooms), [House Speaker Michael Madigan is] stalling until Republicans will be forced into the game.

It’s then, after May 31, that passing a budget would require GOP votes too, and another party would be forced to share the voters’ ire when the consequences come to light.

That would, of course, force Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady to step up and declare himself and present his budget solution before voters pull the lever to elect him on some vague and generic feel-good promises.

First, the House Republicans have only one real targeted member, Rep. Reboletti. The rest of the game will be played on almost purely Democratic incumbent turf. That means the Republicans can easily afford to stay in Springfield and keep vulnerable Democrats pinned down behind their desks, instead of out walking precincts. I have yet to ever see the minority party exclusively blamed for an overtime, or for an overtime dragging itself out. So, if this thing goes past June 30th, the Republicans have no real incentive to cut a deal until, well, election day.

And I’m not sure, either, that Brady will ever get smoked out on his full budget plan. Most likely, he’ll just introduce some amendments to eliminate things like the State Board of Education, which is one of his campaign promises, but only accounts for about $27 million in personnel and operating expenditures - and all but $3 million of that is slated for running student assessment programs.

* SJ-R

It’s a good thing Illinois legislators blew out of town on Friday without passing a state budget because the options they produced were the worst yet in what is now a seven-year fiscal debacle.

We’ve had a nasty structural deficit in this state for years, but the latest problem goes back to the 2001 recession. Nine years, not seven. George Ryan did a yeoman’s job of cutting the budget, but it wasn’t enough and ever since then they’ve been using one-off patchwork solutions to “fix” the problem. As Steve Schnorf has said before, they’ve been spending like they passed a major tax hike without ever actually passing a tax hike. Not to mention the revenue crash.


*** UPDATED x2 *** “Strike Three” on Brady’s budget plans, and the major media’s theft

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s been reported that Sen. Bill Brady lobbied the House Republicans hard against borrowing to make the state’s scheduled pension payments. Brady has called the governor’s pension borrowing idea “kicking the can down the road,” and “digging the hole deeper” for the state. And we’ve already pointed out that Sen. Brady actually has proposed borrowing to eventually balance the budget, despite his statements to the contrary.

But back in February, Brady outlined - you guessed it - a pension borrowing plan to Crain’s

[Brady would] fill much of the existing $80-billion hole in the state’s pension plans by borrowing. The borrowing would be repaid by allotting much of the natural growth in state revenues to pension debt service, he says.

Yesterday, Gov. Pat Quinn’s campaign issued this statement about Brady’s denial that he’d ever supported a ten percent across the board budget cut when he clearly had…

“It’s important for voters to ask: Is this someone who doesn’t comprehend his own budget proposal? Or is it that Sen. Brady simply cannot recall his numerous statements about the budget over the past five months?”

Brady’s lack of comprehension appears to apply to almost all of his major budget plans: Borrowing, pension borrowing and across the board cuts. Sheesh.

* Speaking of yesterday’s kerfuffle, my intern Dan Weber broke the story yesterday that Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady was contradicting himself on his previous support for a ten percent across the board state budget cut. Brady claimed during a media availability last week that he never supported an across the board cut and Dan pounced while other reporters let it go. He pressed Brady to admit that he had, in fact, supported an across the board budget cut. Brady challenged Dan to “find it on tape” and Dan did. He also found other quotes of Brady in news articles claiming that the GOP candidate did, indeed, support an across the board cut.

Well, Carol Marin led off her segment last night with Dan’s story, which she unfortunately attributed to me

At least she got the news source right. The AP then picked it up without any attribution at all…

Bill Brady is taking issue with a politician’s comments on how to solve the state’s budget crisis. Problem is, that politician is himself.

Brady, the Republican candidate for Illinois governor, bristled last week when a reporter asked about his proposal for a 10 percent, across-the-board cut in state spending.

“I’ve never said ‘across the board.’ I’ve never said ‘across the board.’ You find it on tape,” the Bloomington state senator said.

In fact, Brady has called for “across the board” cuts on multiple occasions.

The AP is the media giant most upset with little ol’ bloggers rewriting their stories without attribution, yet here they do exactly the same thing as those hated Huffington Post aggregators, but don’t even provide a link. That’s outright theft in my book.

The Tribune also picked up Dan’s story and attributed it to Chicago Tonight, not Dan

Republican governor candidate Bill Brady sought today to tamp down a flap over his plans for the state’s deficit-plagued budget after previously calling for 10 percent across-the-board cuts, then denying it.

“It’s how the question is framed. And I will admit it’s a matter of semantics,” Brady, a veteran state senator from Bloomington, said during an interview on WTTW-Ch. 11’s “Chicago Tonight.” “But what I simply say is that I have to reduce spending by 10 percent. No area of state government shall be (protected) from reduced spending. Pretty much it is every area.”

And the Sun-Times, which is usually good about crediting (mainly because they get to plug me as a Sun-Times columnist), said it all came from the governor’s campaign

Quinn’s campaign wasted little time Monday digging up news clippings and a Jan. 13, 2010 video posted on in which Brady did just that.

Actually, the video they used in their online story was the same one Weber used, and it wasn’t from the governor’s campaign, it was posted months ago by Jeff Berkowitz’s guy.

The big boys really need to grow up and stop pretending that alternative media doesn’t exist and, therefore, is not deserving of any credit. I’ve dealt with this for 20 years, and now Dan is getting a little taste of it. I don’t think he’s enjoying it. Enough, already.

*** UPDATE *** Nice catch by Progress Illinois from Brady’s appearance on Chicago Tonight yesterday

BRADY: I call for elimination of the State Board of Education: $80 million a year spent. … Now, I’d create a downsized department, so that we provide the necessary –

MARIN: So it wouldn’t be a total $80 million.

BRADY: No, but let’s say half — $40 million.

“Half” is not “eliminate.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Zorn posts the entire transcript of the Chicago Tonight interview and notes how Brady twice tried to excuse his denials over ever saying he was for an across the board budget cut. Zorn’s conclusion…

Either Brady doesn’t know what “semantics” means or he’s a liar


* Related…

* Edgar isn’t sold on Quinn, Brady plans: Speaking of the Democratic and Republican candidates for the office he once held, former Gov. Jim Edgar said “both are right and both are wrong.” … “We are going to have to raise taxes,” Edgar said Monday night in a question-and-answer session at the McLean County Museum of History. “We have to do the cuts first and then increase taxes.” Edgar said the cuts will need to be “brutal.” “Everyone in this room is going to be mad if they are done right. It’s going to have to affect everyone.”

* Lawmakers’ furloughs not as costly

* Illinois can’t afford holiday on sales taxes

* Where there’s smoke, there’s ire

* Our View: Stop delaying and start leading in Springfield

* Lawmakers shirk their duty on budget

* Our Opinion: Lawmakers hit new low in irresponsibility

* Legislature shows it lacks leadership

* IL lawmakers continue to debate budget


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Federal judge issues sweeping TRO to block Trump administration budget cuts (Updated x3)
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Madigan trial roundup: Jury instructions; Breakdown of all charges; Get notified of a verdict
* HGOPs demand Dems hold Statehouse hearings if Mayor Johnson won't testify to Congress
* Garbage in, garbage out
* It’s just a bill
* More Illinois-related executive directives, orders and lawsuits
* Pritzker blocks pardoned Jan 6 rioters from state jobs
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Pritzker rejects tax hikes to balance budget: 'If we balance the budget again this year, I believe people will finally see that Illinois can govern itself'
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today's edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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