* The allegation yesterday at Rod Blagojevich’s trial that then-Senate President Emil Jones agreed to kill an ethics bill in exchange for an appointment to the US Senate doesn’t really surprise me. It sickens me, but it doesn’t surprise me, considering how I’ve watched both of those guys pretty closely over the years.
Blagojevich wanted the ethics bill killed because it was specifically designed to dry up his campaign cash. The bill prohibited anyone with a state contract over a certain size to contribute to the statewide official who was responsible for the contract. Blagojevich’s fundraising machine focused heavily on contractors, including (but definitely not limited to) road contractors. So, Blagojevich used his amendatory veto to rewrite the bill to include contribution bans to legislators as well. That’s when the Jones deal went down…
“Emil Jones agreed not to call a vote if Rod named him to Obama’s Senate seat,” Monk said.
The agreement fell through when Obama called Jones personally and asked him to call the bill to a vote, so it wouldn’t negatively impact Obama’s campaign in 2008, Monk said he learned.
After Obama asked, Jones decided to call a vote on the bill, which would make it illegal for individuals or companies getting state business to make donations, Monk recalled. He said the Blagojevich camp believed Jones had reneged on the deal.
The House voted to override Blagojevich’s veto of the bill 110 to 3, and the Senate eventually voted 55 to 0 to do the same.
If it hadn’t been for Barack Obama, we could’ve had Emil Jones as our Senator. You think Roland Burris’ appointment caused an explosion? If Jones got the seat, the resulting explosion would’ve been thermonuclear because the media would’ve taken it right back to the President-elect, rightly or wrongly. Jones, remember, was often described as Obama’s “political godfather.” The mess would’ve been enormous.
* Speaking of legislative leaders, I don’t think anyone else has covered this aspect of how Stu Levine got introduced to Rod Blagojevich. One of the people who recommended him was House GOP Leader Tom Cross, according to testimony yesterday…
The prosecution asked Monk about Stuart Levine. He said Rezko introduced him to Levine at Rezko’s office and recommend Levine be appointed to two boards: TRS and the Illinois Health Facility Planning Board, which decides where and when hospitals can be built.
Monk said Levine was not the only person Rezko recommended be appointed to the facilities board, and Monk passed on all the recommendations to Blagojevich. Blagojevich wanted to appoint Levine because Levine was a big Republican, and would show Blagojevich was above party politics. Levine had received an honor from a foreign country, was also recommended by State Rep. Tom Cross and Kelly and seemed smart and reputable enough that Blagojevich followed through on Rezko’s recommendation.
Monk says Rezko wanted Levine appointed to TRS quickly because of an issue that Rezko was interested in.
* Back to the fundraising. After Barack Obama called Emil Jones and the Senate overrode the governor’s amendatory veto of the ethics bill, Blagojevich had until December 31st, 2008 to raise as much money as he could from state contractors. It didn’t go well, though, and the governor started to freak out…
The voices of the Blagojevich brothers are filling the courtroom for the first time as secret FBI recordings are played with Lon Monk on the stand.
Jurors can hear an animated and irritated Rod Blagojevich who is pushing his brother hard to get to $4 million.
Rod Blagojevich is snapping at his brother, telling him to keep hitting people up.
“In terms of having money in the bank, it’s going to be close,” Rod says. “We’ve got to somehow get there…get to that $4 million.”
Rod tells Rob to keep calling people and ask: “Can you send us $5,000, can you find us whatever, follow me?”
Rod tells his brother on the recording to hit up anyone and everyone: the Pritzkers, Sam Zell, Blair Hull.
* As we know by now, Blagojevich also tried to tie a $5 billion Tollway construction program to a $500,000 campaign contribution…
Monk said in the fall of 2008, the then-governor hoped the tollway plan would “incentivize” Krozel to make a large contribution before a new ethics law banning such donations went into effect at the end of that year, Monk said.
“We need to get $500,000 from him,” Monk recalled Blagojevich saying.
Monk said Blagojevich regularly asked about the matter, and Monk checked in with Krozel but didn’t specifically ask for $500,000 because he “didn’t feel like it” and didn’t think it was reasonable in a down economy.
Blagojevich announced a $1.8 billion tollway plan that fall but held off on an even bigger expenditure because he thought Krozel should be able to bring in money from members of his group, Monk told the jury.
Here’s one reason why the contributions never arrived…
As Monk checked up on progress, [contractor Jerry Krozel] said he hit a snag.
“I’m not going to be able to raise money from my members right now because they had been served subpoenas from the U.S. Attorney’s office,” Monk said.
* Blagojevich wanted cash so much that he even believed Kurt Granberg ought to pony up for his long-promised job running DNR…
Lon Monk testified about a deal Blagojevich claimed he had made with former state Rep. Kurt Granberg to name him director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in exchange for the balance of the Democratic lawmaker’s campaign fund.
“If he was going to retire,” Monk said of Granberg. “We [decided we] should check on the amount of money in his campaign fund, because he doesn’t need that anymore if he is going to come for state, and we should check his cash balance and ask him for it.”
Granberg never paid Blagojevich’s campaign, even though Blagojevich held up the appointment until almost the very last minute of his governorship.
* And Kristen McQueary shows how all this proves at least one count against Blagojevich…
The tapes and another full day of admissions from Monk revealed the full extent of Blagojevich’s money-raising obsession. He knew everything - who was giving how much and when, and he would sulk and pout when donors held off.
So much for Blagojevich beating Count 24, a “making false statements” charge based on a 2005 interview Blagojevich gave to federal investigators. During it, he claimed a “firewall” existed between the campaign and government sides of his administration to ensure there was no conflict. One side had no idea what the other was doing.
But based on Monk’s testimony, the only firewall that existed apparently was lodged in Blagojevich’s brain, blocking the truth from exiting his mouth.
* Campaign money wasn’t everything. There was also the Blagojevich personal bank account to think of…
Monk said Rezko didn’t seem to be interested in what work Patti Blagojevich did for his company. All he cared about was “that he hire Patti and she do something and he be able to pay her a salary,” he told jurors.
It was preferred that Patti Blagojevich be placed on a retainer, as opposed to being paid by commission, which would require the actual sale of property for her to be compensated, Monk said.
In a conversation with a lawyer then representing Blagojevich and his wife, Monk said, it was made clear that Patti Blagojevich would actually have to at least show up at Rezko’s firm on a regular basis. That presented a dilemma, Monk said. “She was not only the governor’s wife and had certain duties there, (but) she was a stay-at-home mom for two little girls,” Monk said.
Prosecutors contend Patti Blagojevich did no work for approximately $150,000 from Rezko, while the former governor’s criminal-defense lawyers have argued she earned the money for her real-estate work.
* Roundup…
* Blagojevich trial: Talk of Jesse Jackson Jr. on tapes
* Jurors get an earful of Blago
* Monk details Blagojevich’s drive for cash
* Aide: Blagojevich said he made deal for Obama seat
* Monk: Blagojevich Had a Deal With Emil Jones
* Obama Phone Call Derailed Blagojevich Senate Deal
* Blagojevich trial: Kurt Granberg
* Blagojevich: Corrupt plotter or honest victim?
* Zorn: Blago’s best defense will be no defense
* VIDEO: Roe Conn Talks Blago
* VIDEO: Defense Atty. Steve Greenberg on the Blago Trial
* Blagojevich in Shadow of Famous Capone Trial
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 11:52 am:
The agreement fell through when Obama called Jones personally and asked him to call the bill to a vote, so it wouldn’t negatively impact Obama’s campaign in 2008, Monk said he learned.
So, if he felt it wouldn’t have negatively impacted his 2008 campaign, would Obama has prevented his mentor from becoming a US Senator? I’m not reading that Obama supported the bill, he supported his campaign. There is a difference. He gets credit for a political move that was good for us and good for him. So, I’m a little cynical about praising him as I would be cynical with any politician.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 11:59 am:
recommended by State Rep. Tom Cross
In what way was Levine recommended? Monk sounds like he is justifying a bad decision with a laundry list of excuses.
“Blagojevich wanted to appoint Levine because Levine was a big Republican, and would show Blagojevich was above party politics.”
So Monk’s excuse list wasn’t really a factor. Blagojevich wanted Levine with or without recommendations.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:01 pm:
Have you noticed the wookie in the courtroom?
- Vole - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
(Note: I posted the following comments on Rich’s earlier Blago blog, but they seem to be more relevant here.)
I want to know: who was the first person to have the number on the group of four and expose them publicly?
Some people who had dealings with these characters had to have know something from the get go in Rod’s first term.
Was his father in law, Mell, the first or were others raising the red flag before him?
Did some people in the “know” shirk their duty to inform because they were also somehow getting their share or the corrupt system was benefiting them and their constituents, i.e. serving up the “where’s mine”? How many people in government shirked their ethical duty to expose and decided instead to play along?
- conda67 - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
Sounds like obama new what rod was up to me,
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:07 pm:
“I’m not going to be able to raise money from my members right now because they had been served subpoenas from the U.S. Attorney’s office,” Monk said. So, even if Obama didn’t personally intervene with Jones regarding the Ethics bill, it looks like it was subpeonas that stopped Blagojevich’s biggest cash flows, not the Ethics bill. What the Ethics bill did was give Blagojevich a deadline, forcing him to start squeezing.
I’d like to know where the money is. We all know Blagojevich rasied millions. Just how can that much money just disappear as Sam Adams Jr. claims?
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
How did Obama know that the Ethics Bill was being held up by Blagojevich with a deal with Jones for the US Senate seat he was still occupying?
How did he know to call Jones so that neither Jones nor Illinois Ethics became a campaign issue? Who did Jones tell someone about his deal with Blagojevich? How did that lead get to Obama?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:12 pm:
Uh, VM, the Tribune told Obama to call Emil.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
===I’d like to know where the money is.===
I think about $3 million is in his frozen Friends of Blagojevich account. And while we know that money couldn’t have been legally converted to personal use (as was the case with other pols’ funds back in the day), I think we all know that Rod could have found a way to divert some of that cash to his pockets.
I know how I’d do it, so it isn’t a stretch to believe Rod had some ideas of how some of that money could find its way into his personal accounts.
But from a prosecution perspective, “follow the money” is a trap for Adam. A conspiracy does NOT have to be successful to be illegal. So it really doesn’t matter where the money is.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
VMan, your Obama hatred is palpable. Go back and read the Cap Fax during those days. There was plenty of commentary about Jones refusal to call the bill and that Obama should call him.
You’ll see some comments from yourself, too.
- Northside Bunker - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:17 pm:
Maybe those Illinois Tollway workers who lost there jobs in 2004 could get reinstated.
Ball’s in your court - Paula Wolff, Tollway Board Chair; Kristi Lafleur, Tollway Executive Director; David Mosena, Tollway Transition Team Chair
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
===How did Obama know that the Ethics Bill was being held up by Blagojevich with a deal with Jones for the US Senate seat he was still occupying?===
I note your assumption that Obama knew of the deal to appoint Jones. Maybe, maybe not. On the other hand, it was public knowledge that the bill was on the docket for the Veto session.
If it makes you feel better VM, why don’t you just assume Obama made Jones a better deal than the Senate seat Rod offered. Either way, you’re making assumptions, and you know what happens when you assume, right?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:23 pm:
VanillaMan, get a clue, man. You were around here back then. Use the Google.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:30 pm:
From my casual observer perspective, our now-President acquitted himself OK in these dealings. If he got inside advice, it was good.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:44 pm:
VMan, your Obama hatred is palpable.
Obama isn’t the issue. I know that. Geez, the moment you even wonder about how something transpires that involves him, you guys go all nutty.
…and wordslinger, your accusation is over the top.
- Please... - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:51 pm:
The more I hear from the FEDS the less I believe what they are saying. Talk about spinning.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
VMan, after all the baseless, uninformed, dark accusations you made above, you have no standing to accuse someone else of being over the top. Just sayin…
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
Obama likely saved Emil Jones from being indicted. Wouldn’t that have raised everyone’s opinion of Illinois. A Governor and Senator under indictment together!
Someone the other day asked when the “endemic hiring fraud” was going to come out at the trial. Don’t know that it will but I can say from first hand experience that many of the folks Blago hired that I worked with showed many of the same traits that are now being highlighted at the trial. They just did very dumb things right out in the open like it was no big deal. If you said anything the excuses was others previous to this did the same thing. George Ryan’s fate had no effect on their actions. That’s why the Governor, be it Quinn or Brady has to fumigate. Public service is not in these folks DNA. It is all about what’s in it for me.
- WesternSky - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
==How did he know to call Jones==
You mean how did he know to call the Senate president about moving a bill in the Senate? Who else do you think he is going to call to remove a brick from an important issue that the Senate has been sitting on and the House already passed? The doorkeeper?
- Secret Square - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
If the story about Jones is true, it would give Blago yet another reason to blame Obama for “ruining” his life…. not only did he spoil Blago’s best chance to run for president, he also shut off one of Blago’s biggest sources of campaign cash. No wonder Blago said “bleep him” when it came time to make the Senate appointment!
- Berkeley Bear - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 1:33 pm:
Back at the time, Jones and his wife were pretty open about the idea that they’d be relocating somewhere after the election. The fact Obama didn’t reward Jones as a matter of course, or let the old man dip his beak, tells you a lot about why he’s in the White House and Rod’s going to the big house.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:02 pm:
Well, I’m definately discovering where the guard rails are on this conversation, aren’t I?
Good. Serves me right. Good job guys!
- dupage dan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:08 pm:
You did post your questions earlier in another part of this blog. I responded by asking where you have been for the last 8 years. If you have just moved here, google it.
- dupage dan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:09 pm:
=VMan, after all the baseless, uninformed, dark accusations you made above, you have no standing to accuse someone else of being over the top=
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:14 pm:
VMan, did you think you were on to a big scoop, brother? The issue was discussed, ad nauseum, by all of us, including you, at the time.
I guess you misremembered. That could be the only motivation for your baseless nonsense, right?
You’ve been auditioning to be Glenn Beck’s sidekick for years. He hasn’t called? Are you sure he’s got your number? I know I do.
- dupage dan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:19 pm:
Man the ramparts, VM, here come the Friday afternoon hordes.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:24 pm:
===I guess you misremembered===
He misremembered incorrectly. Be precise.
- just sayin' - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:38 pm:
Wow. Tom Cross is even sleazier than I thought.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:40 pm:
Dupage Dan,
I’ll help you with some reading comprehension: VM suggested Obama only intervened to help his own campaign, not to advance the ethics bill. He further suggested Obama’s intervention wasn’t what carried the day for Ethics legislation, rather it was the subpeonas that stopped Rod. Next, VM assumed that Obama knew about Rod’s deal with Jones. Finally, VM wonders aloud if there was a conspiracy between Obama and Jones, and asks who else was in on it. This was all in one thread, mind you.
If his handle was RumRaisinMan, his comments wouldn’t get much attention. But since he’s been commenting here as long as anyone, and has made his disdain for Obama quite well known over the years, he doesn’t get a free pass to spew nonsense.
Some readers here are quite gullible. VM has a prominent voice here and his comments might sway those who aren’t paying as much attention to reality as we are. In other words, sometimes it’s necessary to call bulls–t on VM.
- dupage dan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
47th Ward,
Thank you for the tutorial. I would be lost without your explanation (snark).
I just don’t agree with your point of view. I also don’t think you should feel responsible for the neophytes here. Let ‘em figure out who to believe on their own. I had no problem with that, being an observant person who believes in personal responsibility.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 3:19 pm:
dd, we don’t like to confuse people here too much. Correcting gross factual errors in comments is routine business here.
- Leave a light on George - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
You guys are harder on Vanilla Man than you’ve ever been on Bill.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 11, 10 @ 4:52 pm:
Some readers here are quite gullible.
That is a pitiful thing to write, and worse, to believe.