* Yesterday was the first day that independents could file their petitions for the general election. These are always entertaining weeks. For instance…
The poor fellow can’t make up his mind what he wants to do.
* At least two other candidates will wait until the 21st to file…
Monday was the first day independent candidates could file to run for office in Illinois, but Scott Lee Cohen plans to wait until the last minute before finalizing his plans for governor.
Cohen, who previously won the Democratic primary race for lieutenant governor, plans to file his petitions June 21, the last available day, Cohen spokesman John Davis said.
“You’d like to have at least a little bit of drama,” Davis said. […]
But also waiting until the last day will be Mike Niecestro of Itasca, who also plans to file for the U.S. Senate race.
Niecestro says he has 27,000 signatures and expects to have as many as double that by the time he turns them in June 21.
“A little bit of drama”? Yeah. Like Cohen needs more of that.
Also, if Niecestro has 27,000 sigs today, I’m not sure how he doubles that in a week, unless they’re still coming in from all over the state. And considering Niecestro isn’t all that well known, that’s a bit doubtful. Not to mention that Niecestro told NBC5 he has collected over 40,000 signatures. Which is right?
* Speaking of Niecestro…
Would Niecestro even favor drilling in Lake Michigan, if oil were discovered there?
“If there’s oil under Lake Michigan, why not?” he says. “Absolutely.”
Yeah. Stick with that promise. I’m sure it’ll work so well in the Chicago media market, which gets most of its drinking water from the lake. Niecestro also has a prediction…
“If I get my name on the ballot, Mark Kirk is going to go as far right as he can to get the conservative vote,” predicts Niecestro
Assuming he gets on the ballot, and that’s still a big “if,” Kirk will probably use stuff like “Drill, baby, drill in our fresh water supply!” to paint Niecestro as a crackpot.
Also, if you want to read a harshly critical take on people like Niecestro, then click here. It won’t disappoint.
* In other campaign-related news, the state Republican Party misfired badly with its first major attempt to use the Blagojevich trial against Pat Quinn and Alexi Giannoulias…
In a press release [yesterday], the Illinois Republican Party used a government exhibit from the case to point out that now-Gov. Pat Quinn and political consultant Pete Giangreco — who works for Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias — attended a meeting with some of those who have been charged or convicted in the case.
The meeting, which included Alonzo “Lon” Monk, “Antoin “Tony” Rezko and Blagojevich, happened a week after the new governor’s inauguration in January 2003. According to testimony from Monk, nothing untoward occurred. It was just a discussion involving nearly 20 people about what Blagojevich should try to accomplish policy-wise in his first term.
So, prosecution witness Monk testified under oath that the meeting was no big deal, but this is the press release we get from the IL GOP…
Recently, the U.S. Attorney introduced “Government Exhibit January 2003 Schedule” – a section of Rod Blagojevich’s calendar showing a meeting between Blagojevich, Lon Monk, Tony Rezko, Pat Quinn, Pete Giangreco and other key Blagojevich insiders.
Lon Monk testified that kickback schemes were being discussed by this core group as early as 2003. Now seven years later, Quinn is running for governor while Pete Giangreco is serving as senior strategist for Alexi Giannoulias’ Senate campaign.
Actually, Monk’s testimony was just the opposite. And then we get a non-denial denial from the state Repubs…
Asked about the wording of the release, state GOP Chairman Pat Brady, he said he could see how some people could read it like the GOP was accusing Quinn and Giangreco of being part of the conspiracy. But he said that wasn’t the intent.
“I can see what you’re saying. We aren’t insinuating that,” Brady said. “Abraham Lincoln did not write this (press release). That was not the intent. We were talking about that gang of four.”
Um, no, you weren’t.
…Adding… Click here to see the document in question.
* Related…
* Illinois Supreme Court Election Flooded with Money: Millions of dollars will likely be spent on Kilbride’s election this year, though no one is running against him. “Those of us who will be trying to defeat him,” said Ed Murnane, of the Illinois Civil Justice League. “We don’t even need a candidate.”
* Press Release: Today, Tenth Congressional District Candidate Dan Seals announced that Aviva Gibbs, currently Communications Director to U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), will be joining his campaign team. Gibbs will leave Mr. Quigley’s office to serve as Communications Director for Seals starting in early July.
* Daily Herald: The search for independent thought
* Pantagraph: Candidates must meet obligations to current office
* Quinn, Dems mum on attack ad
* Freeport Journal-Standard: Plans, not politics, in big races
* Simon To Hold Jeb Bush Counter-Protest
* Quinn tries to counter Bush visit with B-N event
* Pollak Cites Gun-Toter As Example Of Tea Party Diversity
* Crespo meets in Hanover Park
* Dems seeking applications for 35th District candidate: O’Shea said local Democratic leaders are focused on finding the best candidate and on making it an “open and transparent” process. Unlike the lieutenant governor process, applicants’ information and applications will not be posted online, O’Shea said. “We haven’t really set a timetable. We want to make sure we take as much time as we need to,” O’Shea said. “In my conversations with the mayors and committeemen throughout the district, the thought is to come up with the best possible person to be the Democratic nominee on the November ballot.”
* Naperville to consider term limits referendum
- George - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:57 pm:
Just met my first Scott Lee Cohen petition passer yesterday - in a heavily minority community.
He rattled off a list of people he was passing out signatures for (wish I would have remember some of those other names), and then got to Scott Lee Cohen.
I asked back “Scott Lee Cohen?” - likely looking surprised.
He says: “Oh, you’ve heard of him?” and quickly scurries away.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:03 pm:
Niecestro will be a welcome addition to the Senate race. Typically, the republican party in Illinois and the Media will try to tear down a candidate who actually stands for conservative values.
- matt - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:05 pm:
Ran into another SLC circulator today, on an el train too, which is blatantly illegal.
His story was basically “the guy is a scumbag. He won’t get on the ballot. Don’t vote for him. But please help me feed my kids”.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:13 pm:
===actually stands for conservative values===
Like drilling for oil in Lake Michigan?
- CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:37 pm:
Hat Tip to Gags Brady —- the man who silenced the GOPers at the State Fair — for his stunning media performance. Perhaps he should join NoTaxBill and NoReturnPlummer at the FL condo.
Fire,Aim Ready!
- Northsider - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:04 pm:
John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience is another pretty good read on the Bush-Cheney crowd and their fellow travelers.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:09 pm:
In honor of VM, this gop attempt to link quinn and alexi to blago, that shark wont hunt.
If anything, this kind of a misfire tends to make the whole attempt to link them look very suspect and waters down future attacks like this.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
Are you speaking for me because you admire my previous opinions, or are you speaking for me in order to make me look foolish?
It’s every blogger for themselves around here. I am perfectly capable of appearing foolish without anyone speaking for me.
Additionally, I won’t even attempt to speak for you in order to make you appear foolish. It is dishonest, and a waste of time.
There is no reason to try and link anyone to Blagojevich. Anyone who has been around him has a stink on them that voters can detect for themselves. When any political party attempts to make links like this, they are also saying that they believe voters are too stupid to make these links. It is an insult. No party should try to do these things.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:19 pm:
See what I mean?
I didn’t even understand what you wrote before making a foolish statement.
I am a genius.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:42 pm:
That was a long way around the barn by Brady.
If he wants a direct link to Blago’s corruption, he can start with Cellini and Big Bob K.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 3:29 pm:
I see you have chosen to speak for me….
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 4:13 pm:
It would be hard for anyone to out crackpot Mark Kirk at this point.
By the way, there’s no evidence of any oil reserve under Lake Michigan. Any spill would blow down to Indiana anyway so who cares? The Hoosiers probably wouldn’t even notice. Oh just kidding. Indiana is great.
- fed up - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 5:46 pm:
“In honor of VM, this gop attempt to link quinn and alexi to blago, that shark wont hunt.” Ghost Quinn was Blagos running mate in 2 elections you might remember the Blago/Quinn campaign signs the GOP didnt make those. Quinn is Blagos boy. He still hasnt fired all those Blago staffers like he promised. Quinn is running using the Blago playbook. Thats why Emil Jones Booby Rush and Danny Davis were at Quinns primary party on the podium. He doesnt give a damn about the unions or the collar counties he knows Blago won with overwhelming cook Co numbers( and a weak opponent) Hmm that sounds familiar.
- Logical Thinker - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 7:49 pm:
Isn’t it time for another hit piece on Kirk? It’s been a few hours.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 8:17 pm:
From Giannoulias or his own Campaign, Thinker?