* You probably know about the “Truthers.” They’re the ones who insist that 9/11 was an “inside job.” They also have a bizarre theory about why Rod Blagojevich was “really” arrested.
According to them, Blagojevich was picked up by the feds because he dared to threaten Bank of America a few days earlier with the loss of all state business…
The impending prosecution of Blagojevich sends a powerful message to other governors, mayors, city council members around the country: don’t mess with the international banking cartel, the global financial mafia.
Your article just goes to show how epic this media failure is when it comes to the Blago trial. What Magical Current and what spell have you fallen under? AOL perhaps first and foremost. Just once I would like to see someone mention the Bank of America boycott! It was the last straw for the federal government. IT was not an action of a sinking life boat but rather an act of self-sacrifice. Watch ‘Rod Blagojevich Uncensored’ on youtube. Remember that when we take over we are going eat the bankers! [F-word expletive deleted] You!
As we have seen in the past year, the media has only tried to bad-name [Blagojevich’s] credibility, poke fun at his hair, call him names, or criticize his personal life. We Are Change, with the intention to provide the American people with the TRUTH, talked to Governor Blagojevich about his resistance to big banks, which is what really led to his arrest.
And here’s the video mentioned in that e-mail. Blagojevich does utter some expletives (no surprise there), so be careful if you’re on a work computer…
When told that they believe the former governor was arrested because of his stance on Bank of America, Blagojevich appears to agree, and talks about how he tried to bully the company into restoring credit to the struggling Republic Windows & Doors company, which is based in Chicago, by cutting off state business…
“I didn’t say ‘please,’ I just said, ‘Hey, you better do it…’ and then they arrest me.”
One of the Truthers then thanked Blagojevich for “standing up to those guys.” And Blagojevich goes all in…
“And the weekend before, this so-called crime spree, they’re liars. It’s all Bank of America.”
Adam is prompting repeated objections from the government, and all of them so far have been upheld by the judge. Government prosecutors have perhaps already objected more in the first 15 minutes of the day than Sam Adam Jr. objected for the entirety of the government’s three days of questioning Monk.
“It might be better if you use less loaded words,” Judge Zagel told Adam. Zagel has also cautioned him on the relevance of his questioning.
Sam Adam Jr. gets animated asking Monk if he remembers any details from the meetings where the four — Monk, Blagojevich, Rezko and Kelly — agreed to split up money off of state deals.
“I don’t remember,” Monk says repeatedly.
Adam is nearing him, then paces away. He points to the ex-governor and points in the air.
Adam notes it’s the first time in Monk’s adult life he was going to commit a felony and he can’t recall “one!” detail about what Tony Rezko wrote on the board.
Rod is sitting sideways with one arm lazily lying on the courtroom table, looking as if he’s enjoying this.
“I don’t know if we gave that much thought where the money was going to go,” Monk says. Rod starts quietly laughing to himself, then puts his hand over his mouth suppressing a smile.
=== Rod starts quietly laughing to himself, then puts his hand over his mouth suppressing a smile. ===
That the kind of thing which can really go against you with a jury. Better to sit unreacting.
- grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:09 am:
Conspiracy theorists drive me nuts. I guess this whole trial is just a waste of time. No need to examine whether Blago is guilty of the crimes he has been charged with: “They” had motive to frame him, so that must mean that is exactly what happened!
The problem with conspiracy theorists is that even when you provide concrete proof that contradicts their claims, they just say it’s proof that the conspiracy is deeper and bigger, since it was able to manufacture and manipulate the evidence. You absolutely can not win a debate with a conspiracy theorist.
Bank of America was failing and needed a government bailout.
Unfortunately, the federal government doesn’t have the revenue needed to support the amount of bailout they wanted without driving up the deficit and causing the debt market to go into a death spiral.
Bank of America knew that the U.S. needed to raise the income tax, but you had all these little antagonists running around against income tax increases, like Rod Blagojevich.
So they needed to take their opponents (like Rod Blagojevich) out so they could raise taxes.
They asked Mike Madigan to join their secret cabal of tax-raisers, and he had the idea to make Blagojevich go crazy populist and freak out the Bush administration.
Madigan convinced the Republic Windows and Doors owners to move to Iowa.
Then Bank of America then foreclosed, successfully stringing up the bait for Blagojevich to go after Bank of America.
Blagojevich got all populisty, and said Illinois would no longer do business with them.
This freaked out the Bush Administration, who then finally gave in to the demands of Bank of America to remove Blagojevich.
Next thing you know - Bam! They swoop in and take him out.
I thought Bank of America pulled out of carrying the State cedit cards becuase they were losing money and did not want to continue the deal. i.e. the bank stood up to us.
“The problem with conspiracy theorists is that even when you provide concrete proof that contradicts their claims, they just say it’s proof that the conspiracy is deeper and bigger”
I would suspect that there are also a good number of “Birthers” who are equally convinced that Blago must be innocent, or at the very least, that he’s being prosecuted only because he threatens to “expose” Obama for the “Chicago Way” crook that he really is…. yeah, right.
I know that the fed Gov’t will do a great job on redirect when the time comes, but I am at least enjoying reading about Adam, Jr.’s lines of questioning. Just wondering out loud now…what will it mean for the outcome of the trial if team Blago successfully bring a bunch of elected officials to the stand that all say they were not aware of any criminal wrongdoing in regard to the Senate seat.
=== what will it mean for the outcome of the trial if team Blago successfully bring a bunch of elected officials to the stand that all say they were not aware of any criminal wrongdoing in regard to the Senate seat. ====
um that it was a conspiracy to sell it? The enerla nature o a conspiracy is to coneal illegal conduct….no matter how bleeping golden the opportunity is.
The “conspiracy” is the one Rod & Patti have hired even tho they are broke.
When it comes to publicity, there’s no PR firm better than The Publicity Agency.
The PR agency, called “one of the top PR firms in the U.S.” by the Tampa Tribune, was founded by power publicist Glenn Selig, the multiple award-winning former major city network news reporter/anchor. Glenn has been dubbed “The PR Guru” by CNN’s Nancy Grace and called “one of the best in the PR business” by Fox News Channel.
Glenn is frequently called on by network and cable news networks, radio stations and print publications nationwide for his expert opinions and perspective on big news stories. Glenn has been called on by ABC News, TV Guide, CNN, Agence French Press, Hollywood Life, local news and many others.
Glenn and his team of experienced publicity agents and publicists design custom publicity campaigns to land clients national or local news publicity. We know news and entertainment PR. We have the smarts and the connections to land publicity whether you represent a business or you’re a Los Angeles or New York based actor or entertainer.
Interesting to watch Blago calmly seem to be going along with everything those guys are saying, humoring them, while of course knowing it’s all bs. A finely honed skill he has in that, and he’s used it often.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that while no one in the Bush administration was in on the planning, they at least knew something was up on or around 9/11 and knew it was something that could be in the interest of their agenda to allow to happen.
Blagojevich should start guest hosting Coast To Coast AM instead of Don and Roma.
Anyway, the Truthers are really clueless on this one. They’re going to feel pretty dumb next month when I reveal in my monthly newsletter (14 subscribers and growing!) that Blagojevich is actually a reptilian, tracing his lineage back to some of the first monarchies of the second age of Thostisis.
Kjellander previously indicated that he made the loan to Aramanda because he got a “very favorable interest rate”.
Today’s testimony suggested that he was repaid the $600,000 plus $24,000, presumably for interest. That’s an APR OF 4%; ON A $600,000 loan; which as far as we know was made without collateral, without a personal guaranty, and without so much as a credit check on the borrower.
Now granted the loan was repaid in 6 months, rather than than the pruported full one year term; and if that’s the case then he was actually getting an APR OF 8% for the term, but that remains to be seen.
The Fun Times BLAGO BLOG and the PFITZ PR PALOOZA site are posting numerous trial exhibits, but they have not yet posted it, but somehow someone has to call for the release of the loan term sheet that documents this loan.
Otherwise, this “loan” was nothing more than woven from straw by the Mad Hatter sometime after Alice fell down the Rabbit Hole.
If Aramanda has been given immunity, then he would have no reason not to produce his copy of the loan document.
If nobody can produce such a document, then I am afraid that Alice is going to have to stand up to this Kangaroo Court, and tell those involved that they are nothing more than a pack of cards.
So Armaranda engages in money laundering of like a million dollars, funnels the money to Rezko and makes a tainted contribution to Obama and the United Staes Government has him managing a 1000 census employees? Can’t wait for the explanation from the WH
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 10:59 am:
=== Rod starts quietly laughing to himself, then puts his hand over his mouth suppressing a smile. ===
That the kind of thing which can really go against you with a jury. Better to sit unreacting.
- grand old partisan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:09 am:
Conspiracy theorists drive me nuts. I guess this whole trial is just a waste of time. No need to examine whether Blago is guilty of the crimes he has been charged with: “They” had motive to frame him, so that must mean that is exactly what happened!
The problem with conspiracy theorists is that even when you provide concrete proof that contradicts their claims, they just say it’s proof that the conspiracy is deeper and bigger, since it was able to manufacture and manipulate the evidence. You absolutely can not win a debate with a conspiracy theorist.
- George - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:12 am:
Hold on! Wait a minute! It all makes sense!
Bank of America was failing and needed a government bailout.
Unfortunately, the federal government doesn’t have the revenue needed to support the amount of bailout they wanted without driving up the deficit and causing the debt market to go into a death spiral.
Bank of America knew that the U.S. needed to raise the income tax, but you had all these little antagonists running around against income tax increases, like Rod Blagojevich.
So they needed to take their opponents (like Rod Blagojevich) out so they could raise taxes.
They asked Mike Madigan to join their secret cabal of tax-raisers, and he had the idea to make Blagojevich go crazy populist and freak out the Bush administration.
Madigan convinced the Republic Windows and Doors owners to move to Iowa.
Then Bank of America then foreclosed, successfully stringing up the bait for Blagojevich to go after Bank of America.
Blagojevich got all populisty, and said Illinois would no longer do business with them.
This freaked out the Bush Administration, who then finally gave in to the demands of Bank of America to remove Blagojevich.
Next thing you know - Bam! They swoop in and take him out.
Yea. That’s the ticket.
- Scooby - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:12 am:
Not to give away anything in this morning’s Fax, but I’m not sure I buy any of the three theories that were in there.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:16 am:
It’s because Bank of America was protecting the wookie!
What do you mean that makes no sense?
- Prognosis Negative - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:19 am:
“Truthers” Think Blagojevich is Innocent - Blagojevich Agrees
It reads like a headline out of The Onion. Unfortunately, its spot on. How sad.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:21 am:
I thought Bank of America pulled out of carrying the State cedit cards becuase they were losing money and did not want to continue the deal. i.e. the bank stood up to us.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:21 am:
Great. Truthers.
How can this trial get any worse?
Oh, yeah. Jury finds Blagojevich not guilty.
That would be worse.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:24 am:
Truthers, Birthers, Flat Earthers, oh my!
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:30 am:
Vm guilty by reason of insanity
- Secret Square - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:37 am:
“The problem with conspiracy theorists is that even when you provide concrete proof that contradicts their claims, they just say it’s proof that the conspiracy is deeper and bigger”
I would suspect that there are also a good number of “Birthers” who are equally convinced that Blago must be innocent, or at the very least, that he’s being prosecuted only because he threatens to “expose” Obama for the “Chicago Way” crook that he really is…. yeah, right.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:46 am:
Truthers, birthers, tea partiers, they’re all part of the Victim Class.
- heet101 - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:55 am:
I know that the fed Gov’t will do a great job on redirect when the time comes, but I am at least enjoying reading about Adam, Jr.’s lines of questioning. Just wondering out loud now…what will it mean for the outcome of the trial if team Blago successfully bring a bunch of elected officials to the stand that all say they were not aware of any criminal wrongdoing in regard to the Senate seat.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 11:55 am:
Maybe Rod can share a cell with Lyndon Larouche.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:02 pm:
=== what will it mean for the outcome of the trial if team Blago successfully bring a bunch of elected officials to the stand that all say they were not aware of any criminal wrongdoing in regard to the Senate seat. ====
um that it was a conspiracy to sell it? The enerla nature o a conspiracy is to coneal illegal conduct….no matter how bleeping golden the opportunity is.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
–Kelly wanted Bernie Kosar to approach: “(Then-Florida Governor) Jeb Bush and then go to President Bush and then pardon Chris,” Monk said.–
That’s almost as stupid as Rezko telling folks they were going to get Rove to have W fire Fitz in the middle of the Libby prosecution.
Were these guys drunk all day, all the time?
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:13 pm:
Let’s pray the Truthers and the 10% who believe Mark Kirk aren’t mating.
- Northside Bunker - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
The “conspiracy” is the one Rod & Patti have hired even tho they are broke.
When it comes to publicity, there’s no PR firm better than The Publicity Agency.
The PR agency, called “one of the top PR firms in the U.S.” by the Tampa Tribune, was founded by power publicist Glenn Selig, the multiple award-winning former major city network news reporter/anchor. Glenn has been dubbed “The PR Guru” by CNN’s Nancy Grace and called “one of the best in the PR business” by Fox News Channel.
Glenn is frequently called on by network and cable news networks, radio stations and print publications nationwide for his expert opinions and perspective on big news stories. Glenn has been called on by ABC News, TV Guide, CNN, Agence French Press, Hollywood Life, local news and many others.
Glenn and his team of experienced publicity agents and publicists design custom publicity campaigns to land clients national or local news publicity. We know news and entertainment PR. We have the smarts and the connections to land publicity whether you represent a business or you’re a Los Angeles or New York based actor or entertainer.
- Gregor - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
Oy, Rod’s home planet has come to claim him!
Interesting to watch Blago calmly seem to be going along with everything those guys are saying, humoring them, while of course knowing it’s all bs. A finely honed skill he has in that, and he’s used it often.
- Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that while no one in the Bush administration was in on the planning, they at least knew something was up on or around 9/11 and knew it was something that could be in the interest of their agenda to allow to happen.
However, Blagojevich? Guilty on most counts.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 12:55 pm:
NB, the only conspiracy is in your mind. RRB’s PR guy gets a cut of the action he generates.
- Deluxe - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:13 pm:
Rod’s spaceship left in 1997.
- Sacks Romana - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 1:30 pm:
Blagojevich should start guest hosting Coast To Coast AM instead of Don and Roma.
Anyway, the Truthers are really clueless on this one. They’re going to feel pretty dumb next month when I reveal in my monthly newsletter (14 subscribers and growing!) that Blagojevich is actually a reptilian, tracing his lineage back to some of the first monarchies of the second age of Thostisis.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 2:48 pm:
Was he signing a playing card about 7 mins into that video? My money is that it was the “joker”.
- really?? - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 3:19 pm:
Cats and Dogs living together…is it about time for the Ghostbusters to show up in the court room?
- Park - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 8:31 pm:
Finally. This explains the tinfoil hat shortage that suddenly hit Chicago. Can’t find them anywhere!
- Blago Sphere - Tuesday, Jun 15, 10 @ 9:59 pm:
Kjellander previously indicated that he made the loan to Aramanda because he got a “very favorable interest rate”.
Today’s testimony suggested that he was repaid the $600,000 plus $24,000, presumably for interest. That’s an APR OF 4%; ON A $600,000 loan; which as far as we know was made without collateral, without a personal guaranty, and without so much as a credit check on the borrower.
Now granted the loan was repaid in 6 months, rather than than the pruported full one year term; and if that’s the case then he was actually getting an APR OF 8% for the term, but that remains to be seen.
The Fun Times BLAGO BLOG and the PFITZ PR PALOOZA site are posting numerous trial exhibits, but they have not yet posted it, but somehow someone has to call for the release of the loan term sheet that documents this loan.
Otherwise, this “loan” was nothing more than woven from straw by the Mad Hatter sometime after Alice fell down the Rabbit Hole.
If Aramanda has been given immunity, then he would have no reason not to produce his copy of the loan document.
If nobody can produce such a document, then I am afraid that Alice is going to have to stand up to this Kangaroo Court, and tell those involved that they are nothing more than a pack of cards.
What time are they serving tea tomorrow?
- SUE - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 6:33 am:
So Armaranda engages in money laundering of like a million dollars, funnels the money to Rezko and makes a tainted contribution to Obama and the United Staes Government has him managing a 1000 census employees? Can’t wait for the explanation from the WH