* Years ago, I was a regular on Mike Wilson’s WMAY talk show in Springfield, mainly on Wednesday afternoons when the station would broadcast from a downtown studio connected to a tavern. I was on his last show before he was laid off, but I wasn’t the reason. The station made the move because of financial pressures.
Mike was a young phenom. He was one of the youngest radio producers in Chicago when he worked for WLS, then was the Statehouse Bureau Chief for WMAY at the tender age of 21. He won the ACLU’s 2008 Ethel Gingold award for defending free speech rights while on the air.
Mike ended up on the Senate Democratic staff. But he left two years ago and is now doing stand-up comedy and writing in Chicago.
* In other “Mike” news, my former cartoonist Mike Cramer’s award-winning film Dear Mr. Fidrych is playing at the Acorn Theater in Three Oaks, Michigan on June 27th at 3 o’clock Eastern Time. Mike says the town is about an hour and a quarter from the Loop. If we can get enough people to go, I could easily be talked into a road trip.
It’s 1976 in Detroit. Twelve-year-old Marty Jones is intellectual and poetic. But, in his final year of youth baseball, he desperately wants to ascend to his local youth league’s ‘majors’ and star as a pitcher. Marty blows tryouts and finds himself mired on a terrible team in the youth league minors.
When Bird-mania hits, Marty is motivated by the overnight success of the Detroit Tigers’ quirky rookie sensation, Mark ‘The Bird’ Fidrych. Marty writes a poem to the Detroit Tigers’ star, and Fidrych unexpectedly writes back, propelling Marty on a winning streak.
Thirty years later, Marty is a Chicago advertising executive muddling through a mid-life slump. His wife is thinking of leaving him; he barely knows his son; his career is faltering; and he can’t find the inspiration to write new poems.
Can a father-son road trip in search of Mark ‘The Bird’ Fidrych help Marty reconnect with his family and his youthful optimism? Who will be the hero of Marty’s own life?
The film features a poignant performance by the late Mark Fidryich, who died in a tragic accident in April 2009, just as the film was nearing completion.
* And while we’re plugging things, Sen. Rickey Hendon is about to release his second book in a year. This one is called Backstabbers: The Reality of Politics. From a press release…
Rickey Hendon is the illustrious Democratic state senator from Illinois’ fifth senatorial district—located on the west side of Chicago—who has served as assistant majority leader in that chamber for the last ten years. As a professional politician, political consultant and active campaign manager for numerous political contests, Hendon brings his considerable insider’s perspective to bear in this lively and informative book just in time for election season.
In Backstabbers, Hendon teaches the nuts and bolts of all aspects of political campaigns. It is the ultimate political handbook for winning elections; written by someone who practices what he preaches. Hendon has been an elected official since 1988 and has won an astounding 16 elections over his extensive career.
Hendon describes the petition process—getting on the ballot while knocking your opponent off—and details the different strategies for not only beating out the competition, but destroying it. He is a winner because of his people skills, his dedicated organization and his remarkable ability to motivate voters, and his book is sure to be a valuable resource to fans of politics and future politicians alike.
Senator Rickey Hendon lives in Chicago and is the author of Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma. He has also spent time as a film producer and actor.
It’s the film that I really want to see. So far, no luck in convincing Rickey to re-release it.
…Adding… I forgot to add that a former college classmate of mine Amy Dean is promoting her best-selling book, A New New Deal: How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement, via a “Webinar”…
This compelling webinar complements the vision and strategic plan that forms the basis of her book. Using case studies, Amy will demonstrate how this model has already started to show tremendous results for workers and the progressive movement around the country. Amy’s message on doing labor organizing and politics differently – focused on building a larger, sustainable grassroots base and stronger progressive collaboration – will get you energized and inspired to take the next steps.
Sign up today to take the first step toward developing and executing a practical plan for real change in your community.
An autographed copy of A New New Deal: How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement ($29.95 value) is included in the webinar package, arming you with everything you need.
…Adding More… My Statehouse office-mate John Patterson of the Daily Herald has accepted a position with the Illinois Senate Democrats. Best of luck, John!
Anybody else out there wanna plug something? Have at it.
- Way Way Down Here - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:30 pm:
The “Kirk” bit is funny. “He invented the Ramen noodle. . .”
LEN SMALL: Governors and Gangsters by Jim Ridings through Amazon. Blago is just a CROOKED CHICAGO CLOWN compared to this thug!I’m a fourth generation Kankakeean so although I’ve heard Small empire stories all of my life the details provided here made me sick with rage! Better than any textbook on Illinois!
After hearing the faux Kirk ad, I can’t help but envision Kirk’s name popping up in a bunch of Chuck Norris-style quotes.
Mark Kirk doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Mark Kirk can divide by zero.
Mark Kirk once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger by yelling “Bang!”
I’ve got to agree with jontuba, though I would say the Brady one is better. The kirk is a litttle too ‘Team America’. Rich, can you put that one up, too? I like to laugh without leaving the blog.
Obamalac: I splurged (spending $25 on a book is splurging for me) to buy a copy of ‘Governors and Gangsters’ from the Prairie Archives bookstore in Springpatch. They had several copies last week but when I went in today I got the last one they had on display. Must be selling pretty well… Anyway, I just wanted to plug Prairie Archives, which is my all time favorite book store ever.
- Living in Oklahoma - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:06 pm:
I would like to plug the blues band that I do the management and booking for. They are based out of Carbondale and play over 200 gigs every year. Check em out.
New DEVO album launched TODAY. Getting great reviews! First new album in 20 years. Party! Something For Everybody. They were on Tonight Show last night, and will be on The Colbert Report tonight.
Also check out Vampire Weekend’s Contra album! Awesome!
Props to Huffington Post for their great coverage of Brady’s recent statement!
“Journalist and Capitol Fax blogger Rich Whitney called Brady’s statement “one of the most delusional campaign statements I’ve seen so far this season.” And the poll numbers seem to back Whitney up.”
Everyone should give a listen to Ryan Bingham who did the theme song from the movie Crazy Heart. He has two major label releases out and his newest is coming out in September. A great singer songwriter who is bringing back the edge in country/rock.
if patterson is gone who will clean the office now?
- Mike Wilson Fan - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 4:38 pm:
I miss storytime with Mike Wilson. It involved Mike reading the Capitol Fax to a crowd in the morning. The only thing more entertaining than reading the Capitol Fax, is listening to the Capitol Fax voiced by Mike Wilson.
Check out “The Oldsmobiles” facebook page. Recently formed band of old guys playing blues and rock. I am biased as to how good the band sounds as I am a member. We’re having alot of fun playing.
Great Bear Wilderness at Brookfield Zoo is a magnificent addition to an Illinois jewel. Bison, grizzlies, wolves, bald eagles all up close and personal. Both Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoo continue to evolve for the better.
We’ve had an annual pass ($99) since my kids were babies. Two visits and it’s paid for, and it’s good 365 days a year. One of the best family investments we ever made.
- Way Way Down Here - Thursday, Jun 17, 10 @ 9:19 am:
In support of Living in Okla: Ivas Johns is great.
- Way Way Down Here - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:30 pm:
The “Kirk” bit is funny. “He invented the Ramen noodle. . .”
- Nicole Edwards - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:39 pm:
I really miss Mike Wilson!! Keep up the great work, man!
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:40 pm:
Sky Full of Bacon–the award-winning HD video podcast and blog about food in Chicago by Mike Gebert–has a new look:
- Betsy - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:45 pm:
Mike Wilson for Senate!
- Matt - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 1:53 pm:
Great Kirk ad. The ending is especially creative.
- obamalac - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 2:02 pm:
LEN SMALL: Governors and Gangsters by Jim Ridings through Amazon. Blago is just a CROOKED CHICAGO CLOWN compared to this thug!I’m a fourth generation Kankakeean so although I’ve heard Small empire stories all of my life the details provided here made me sick with rage! Better than any textbook on Illinois!
- jonbtuba - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 2:07 pm:
Great Kirk ad. The Brady one from today is just as hilarious.
- jonbtuba - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 2:13 pm:
After hearing the faux Kirk ad, I can’t help but envision Kirk’s name popping up in a bunch of Chuck Norris-style quotes.
Mark Kirk doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Mark Kirk can divide by zero.
Mark Kirk once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger by yelling “Bang!”
Am I alone in this?
- haverford - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 2:53 pm:
I’ve got to agree with jontuba, though I would say the Brady one is better. The kirk is a litttle too ‘Team America’. Rich, can you put that one up, too? I like to laugh without leaving the blog.
- Secret Square - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 2:56 pm:
Obamalac: I splurged (spending $25 on a book is splurging for me) to buy a copy of ‘Governors and Gangsters’ from the Prairie Archives bookstore in Springpatch. They had several copies last week but when I went in today I got the last one they had on display. Must be selling pretty well… Anyway, I just wanted to plug Prairie Archives, which is my all time favorite book store ever.
- Living in Oklahoma - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:06 pm:
I would like to plug the blues band that I do the management and booking for. They are based out of Carbondale and play over 200 gigs every year. Check em out.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
Music News -
New DEVO album launched TODAY. Getting great reviews! First new album in 20 years. Party!
Something For Everybody. They were on Tonight Show last night, and will be on The Colbert Report tonight.
Also check out Vampire Weekend’s Contra album! Awesome!
Finally, Gorillaz’s Plastic Beach is first rate! Check out Stylo video!
- Matt - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:23 pm:
Props to Huffington Post for their great coverage of Brady’s recent statement!
“Journalist and Capitol Fax blogger Rich Whitney called Brady’s statement “one of the most delusional campaign statements I’ve seen so far this season.” And the poll numbers seem to back Whitney up.”
- hawksfan - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:26 pm:
Everyone should give a listen to Ryan Bingham who did the theme song from the movie Crazy Heart. He has two major label releases out and his newest is coming out in September. A great singer songwriter who is bringing back the edge in country/rock.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:27 pm:
I would like to plug the Karate kid, great family movie, even if it is a bit emotionaly darker then the original.
- Been There - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:32 pm:
Our old buddy Dave Feller has a part in an indie movie “Champions of Glory”. It had its preview this past weekend. You can find info here:
Dave works for Sheriff Tom Dart and use to make his presence known in Springfield.
- heet101 - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:34 pm:
I would like to plug the Dave Matthews Concert tonight in STL and I would also like to plug the pipe leaking oil into the golf of Mexico!
- heet101 - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:35 pm:
I would like to plug the Dave Matthews Concert tonight in STL and I would also like to plug the pipe leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico!
- heet101 - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:35 pm:
please delete my misspelled post! argh
- Willie Stark - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:38 pm:
Good luck to John Patterson. He’s a sharp guy who has done a great job covering the state house.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 3:50 pm:
if patterson is gone who will clean the office now?
- Mike Wilson Fan - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 4:38 pm:
I miss storytime with Mike Wilson. It involved Mike reading the Capitol Fax to a crowd in the morning. The only thing more entertaining than reading the Capitol Fax, is listening to the Capitol Fax voiced by Mike Wilson.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Jun 16, 10 @ 5:01 pm:
Check out “The Oldsmobiles” facebook page. Recently formed band of old guys playing blues and rock. I am biased as to how good the band sounds as I am a member. We’re having alot of fun playing.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 17, 10 @ 8:06 am:
Great Bear Wilderness at Brookfield Zoo is a magnificent addition to an Illinois jewel. Bison, grizzlies, wolves, bald eagles all up close and personal. Both Brookfield and Lincoln Park Zoo continue to evolve for the better.
We’ve had an annual pass ($99) since my kids were babies. Two visits and it’s paid for, and it’s good 365 days a year. One of the best family investments we ever made.
- Way Way Down Here - Thursday, Jun 17, 10 @ 9:19 am:
In support of Living in Okla: Ivas Johns is great.
- Barton Lorimor - Friday, Jun 18, 10 @ 12:01 am:
Dear JP,
Please don’t go.
Your former office mate’s intern.