- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:55 am:
OK for a fluff piece, and to rich’s comment…a Black Hawks jacket would have been far more timely and given the appearance of a “winner” than either a Cub or Sox jacket at this point.
given the commitment to cut taxes (at a time when the state is starving for revenue), i have to wonder just how much he’s going to cut the budget. by $30B? 40B? 50B?
brady can’t really be serious. quite frankly, i don’t want anymore “exaggerators” in government. i give it a D. it’s not believable…
Following Rich’s sage advice, I played it first without sound. It does nothing for me. Faces and street shots. Nice quality video though, so there’s that.
Then with the sound on, that nasally “Blagojevich-Quinn” whining was like fingernails on a chalkboard. And the only “substance” was a reference to tax cuts for businesses. Total disconnect.
Good to see Jason in there. Hang tough Plummer: don’t let anybody push you around and start digging into your taxes. See, we’ve already forgotten about that little hiccup.
What is Brady’s plan to turn around the state’s economy and fiscal crisis. And, I mean, SPECIFICALLY. Because, I have not heard an actual idea from him yet.
Bill Flick’s Pantagraph column about brother Ed did not mention Ed’s falied primary attempt to take Bill’s seat in the House when Bill ran in the 2000 congressional primary and lost to Tim Johnson. Seems he thought the House seat was the Brady seat and should have been his.
Well, it has become sort of a Brady seat since the winner was Dan Brady–no relation but also another Brady going to Central Catholic at the same time as the Bill/Ed/Bob trio.
As a introductory add Okay. I give it a solid B, but he will obviously need to focus on why he is a better policy choice than Quinn in the near future. I really believe Chicago TV media will decide this race, and given Quinn’s apparent difficulty in raising funds, Brady ought to take maximum opportunity sooner rather than later.
I’d give the ad a C+. High on production value, short on substane. Which, if they were going for an ad that accurately portrayed the candidate, then I guess that would earn an A.
I would give it a B. it is nice fluff, and it is good to have fluff out there to humanize yourself. And since Quinn is not on the air it may help with name recognition. Overall though it was not memorable. Nothing cacthy or pithy (such as the old Drubin durkin spelling thing, or rod reference to his name bing hard to pronounce)
Also nothing that really grabbed me about how to fix our mess, just some generalizations. We need more then platitudes for our current mess.
Really, he’s gonna turn Illinois around? How? Anybody running for office can say he or she is gonna turn Illinois around. We’ve all heard this stuff before. Just how are you gonna do it, pal? Lower taxes….? Bring in jobs? Who’s against more jobs, puh-leeeeeze! And who’s Jason?
I give it a B also. A little bland but cheerful, minimally negative, everybody looked hopeful. Brady doesn’t look too ancient.
Of course, I don’t believe governors can do much about broad economic trends but this is an ad. I’m not supposed to believe it. I’m supposed to
react emotionally, since emotions rule in the voting booth.
I’d rate it a “D” at best. It doesn’t cover up the fact that apparently Sen. Brady believes the Budget Fairy will leave him $13 billion under his pillow on Inauguration Night to balance the state’s budget!
I give it A. I think it’s a feel good piece like someone else said. It asks for people to volunteer and ask others to do it too. I think it does the job but I sorta agree, needs one detail - too many or it will bog people down with putting it along with come join us kind of thing.
Sort of liked one of his last primary ads where it says what he wanted to do. I think this one is nice.
I think Peter Fitzgerald started out with intro ads also but he had a lot of money and was against a very damaged Senator. It worked for him.
I give it a B because it finally shows the Chicago and suburbs crowd that he recognizes they are an important part of the state. One of his biggest hurdles is to get past the moniker that he is a downstate legislator who doesn’t care about Chicago and the ‘burbs.
I like it. Positive and looks slick. Almost has a White Sox pre-game video feel to it; a bunch of fast-moving feel good images set to peppy music. I think it is a call to the GOP to come home and support Brady. B+
I assume Brady’s handlers decided they needed to get out there with clips of women saying Brady is a fine guy, before the Dems start reminding women that Brady opposes abortion even in the case of rape and incest.
Most interesting is that cute baby girl in the screen shot is asking, “Why won’t Jason Plummer release his tax returns?”
“Your Baby Can Read” evidently isn’t a sham afterall.
It seems pretty solid to me. B+. As if people are clamouring for substance.
While people may be skeptical of anything they hear from politicians, I’m sure the Brady people think voters are are even more skeptical of handing government more money with the promise that they will “make sure it gets spent with your best interests in mind.”
Dangle a flag, go after “bad”/corrupt government, play some schmaltzy music and tell people that they can dare to dream again and voters may just be ready to bite. “Morning in Illinois” is what it reminded me of.
Hard to rate because at least 2 different constituencies will see this ad very differently. For those who are cynical of government, and/or are already down on Brady this will seem like so much useless cotton candy and will not sway. But for those citizens who still need to believe that Illinois can be saved and that she is worth saving, and who despise starkly negative advertising I think this ad’s positive and hopeful message will resonate. I give it a B.
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
Doom and gloom in the beginning, depressed looking people,talk about no more Blagojevich for 4 more years, scenes of people hard at work at blue collar jobs , then a dark street shot, then sunshine and happy people when they show Brady
The first part showed a doom and gloom followed by happpy when they show and talk about Brady.
It was not a super negative, they did throw a Blago reference in. Nothing outstanding.
About a B-
I think this deserves two ratings here. As an overall ad, I give it a C-. It does nothing to make an independent voter want to vote for him. It’s just move of his delusional “I’m going to cut taxes and balance the budget with all the money that is going to appear magically when I become governor” language. The music in the background is also way over the top.
For what I think the purpose of the ad is, I give it an A. I believe the main purpose of this ad was just to recruit the tea party types to give him money and volunteer for his campaign… these people can identify with this kind of ad.
- agree with myself - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:44 pm:
B-/C+ I like the last line spoken by Brady, but I found the camera work downright distracting! too many jerky shots and quick cut-aways. Also pretty obvious that the men/women on the street were reading their lines rather than being spontaneous.
I don’t care about the personal income taxes of the candidates other than a sort of Hollywood/gossipy kind of interest. That is the IRS’ job. I like the ad. I showed it to a couple of non-political acquaintences(both women). They liked it. To the masses, “I’m with Bill” is a catchy phrase.
Everyone who posts on this blog already knows who they’re voting for. The general public will like the upbeat music and positive message. It should play very well in the burbs where Brady is focusing his attention anyway.
There’s no specificity anywhere. When the “business owner” says “Bill will cut taxes, which will make Illinois a perfect place for jobs and families”, I couldn’t help but reflect on other GOP candidates calling Brady’s economic suggestions “naive”.
Also, if you don’t know who Bill Brady is and you see this ad, the first thing that will come to your mind after this ad will probably be “who is Jason?”
At least the ad looked decent from a visual standpoint. Baby steps.
Mostly a fluff piece. However, there is a line in there about him cutting taxes. Has he ever explained how he is going to cut taxes when the state is facing a $13 billion budget deficit? Has he ever really explained how he will balance the budget just keeping taxes where they are?
I guess that I would give it a “C” or perhaps a “C+”. My wife said that she didn’t like the music. It was “pleasant” but that it was “ONLY” pleasant instead of being something that you could get your heart and soul thumping to or your blood pressure raised and your teeth into it when you heard it. For the amount of money that Brady & Plummer are spending for these brief and fleeting commercials, they need to set them to music with a beat and with some “passion”.
Bill Brady neeeds to run a political ad showing Pat Quinn and the Democrat-controlled House & Senate in the background with the music from the Rolling Stones song screaming out “I can’t get NO SATISFACTION” in the background.
Come on Bill & Jason–Let’s get some passion into these political commercials. Folks are “mad as hell” and they won’t take it anymore. Passion guys-more “PASSION”. Why do you think these Tea Party Movements suddenly got traction? Let Illinois voters get a chance to see, hear, and feel your own political passion or you are going to put them all to sleep.
I’d give it a strong B. An introductory spot often targets matters in terms of emotions, so the “fluff” doesn’t bother me. I do think the inclusion of Jason Plummer could have been handled a tad better–but overall, not too bad.
I’d be more impressed if they had $500K to run it.
c minus–felt like it was a preview ad at a movie theater
- for what it's worth - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 5:43 pm:
If I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure at least one of the people endorsing Brady in that ad is a GOP party official, Eloise Gerson, a GOP Ward Committeeman in Chicago. 42nd Ward.
Seriously, could they not find enough “regular” voters?
content C music A 4 shots with a baby. last commercial
was wife centric. in the news biz they say sex, babies
and animals sell. the wife is as close to sex as Brady will
get, now he’s got babies, next, solve the puppy/kitten
killer puzzle!
I was going to give it a B+ until “Jason and I” - no introduction, not titles underneath. Most people will think that’s his son. Somewhat confusing because Plummer is not known.
Generic ad. Change the names, splice in any candidate action shot and you could basically run this ad for any candidate in any race with any political leaning.
- Loop Lady - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:45 am:
ummm…lotsa caucasian folks in that ad…
- Cincinnatus - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:45 am:
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:45 am:
A clean break.
Easy and simple.
Like the guy himself.
- Whatever - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:46 am:
Not sure why he felt compelled to include Plummer.
- Loop Lady - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:48 am:
I give it a 0…a major piece of fluff…”Brady will save the State of IL” yeah, but who will save us from Shady Brady?…
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:49 am:
LL, there is an African-American family in the ad. Take a breath.
My personal beef is that the candidate is wearing a Cub jacket in one of the shots. Yuck. Major turnoff for me, I’m afraid.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:50 am:
People, make sure to rate the ad when you comment.
I’ll give it a B. It is what it is, a feel-good motivational spot.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:51 am:
- Irish - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:54 am:
C Too many talking points coming from people who probably would not ordinarily use those exact words.
- WRMNpolitics - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:55 am:
A C+ it has a good beat but you cant dance to it.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:55 am:
OK for a fluff piece, and to rich’s comment…a Black Hawks jacket would have been far more timely and given the appearance of a “winner” than either a Cub or Sox jacket at this point.
- David Ormsby - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 11:59 am:
Graphics: A
Content: C (It gives no solid, persuasive, credible reasons to be for Brady)
- bored now - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:03 pm:
given the commitment to cut taxes (at a time when the state is starving for revenue), i have to wonder just how much he’s going to cut the budget. by $30B? 40B? 50B?
brady can’t really be serious. quite frankly, i don’t want anymore “exaggerators” in government. i give it a D. it’s not believable…
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
Following Rich’s sage advice, I played it first without sound. It does nothing for me. Faces and street shots. Nice quality video though, so there’s that.
Then with the sound on, that nasally “Blagojevich-Quinn” whining was like fingernails on a chalkboard. And the only “substance” was a reference to tax cuts for businesses. Total disconnect.
Good to see Jason in there. Hang tough Plummer: don’t let anybody push you around and start digging into your taxes. See, we’ve already forgotten about that little hiccup.
Just kidding. Nobody’s forgotten.
- Nearly Normal - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
Same ole Bill Brady–lots of generalities no specifics. Just what he has fed us in his senatorial district for 8 years.
- the dark horse - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
What is Brady’s plan to turn around the state’s economy and fiscal crisis. And, I mean, SPECIFICALLY. Because, I have not heard an actual idea from him yet.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:11 pm:
Stick to the question, please.
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:12 pm:
yawner….but reminds us of NOTaxBill and NoReturnMaGurn should be a potent vote getting dynamo.
Yikes Quinn Wins — Again
- Nearly Normal - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
Bill Flick’s Pantagraph column about brother Ed did not mention Ed’s falied primary attempt to take Bill’s seat in the House when Bill ran in the 2000 congressional primary and lost to Tim Johnson. Seems he thought the House seat was the Brady seat and should have been his.
Well, it has become sort of a Brady seat since the winner was Dan Brady–no relation but also another Brady going to Central Catholic at the same time as the Bill/Ed/Bob trio.
- OneMan - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:16 pm:
It’s a B, it’s not really a vote for me piece as much as it is a ‘help me’ piece.
Good tone for June, suspect the tone and tempo will pick up and the summer progresses
- downstate hack - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:16 pm:
As a introductory add Okay. I give it a solid B, but he will obviously need to focus on why he is a better policy choice than Quinn in the near future. I really believe Chicago TV media will decide this race, and given Quinn’s apparent difficulty in raising funds, Brady ought to take maximum opportunity sooner rather than later.
- ShadyBillBrady - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:19 pm:
I’d give the ad a C+. High on production value, short on substane. Which, if they were going for an ad that accurately portrayed the candidate, then I guess that would earn an A.
- quicknote - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:33 pm:
really captured the way ordinary people talk. Also, the use of the score from “Rudy” gives it a good midwestern feel
- Skeeter - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:37 pm:
C. Very typical, very boring. No creativity at all. Nobody will notice this ad. 5 minutes after seeing it, nobody will remember his name.
- Ghost - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
I would give it a B. it is nice fluff, and it is good to have fluff out there to humanize yourself. And since Quinn is not on the air it may help with name recognition. Overall though it was not memorable. Nothing cacthy or pithy (such as the old Drubin durkin spelling thing, or rod reference to his name bing hard to pronounce)
Also nothing that really grabbed me about how to fix our mess, just some generalizations. We need more then platitudes for our current mess.
- Deep South - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:42 pm:
C, C-
Really, he’s gonna turn Illinois around? How? Anybody running for office can say he or she is gonna turn Illinois around. We’ve all heard this stuff before. Just how are you gonna do it, pal? Lower taxes….? Bring in jobs? Who’s against more jobs, puh-leeeeeze! And who’s Jason?
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:44 pm:
There were two things that struck me.
One, linking Quinn to Blagojevich seemed like Brady is saying that he can’t beat Quinn without linking him to Blagojevich.
Two, all these people were saying they “believe” in Brady, but there weren’t any specifics attached to why they believe in Brady.
Is it possible to find a few citizens who believe in a Republican b/c they hate Democrats. Yep.
But that ain’t the same as having a plan.
- cassandra - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:45 pm:
I give it a B also. A little bland but cheerful, minimally negative, everybody looked hopeful. Brady doesn’t look too ancient.
Of course, I don’t believe governors can do much about broad economic trends but this is an ad. I’m not supposed to believe it. I’m supposed to
react emotionally, since emotions rule in the voting booth.
- fedup dem - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
I’d rate it a “D” at best. It doesn’t cover up the fact that apparently Sen. Brady believes the Budget Fairy will leave him $13 billion under his pillow on Inauguration Night to balance the state’s budget!
- Cutiemomma46 - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:04 pm:
I give it A. I think it’s a feel good piece like someone else said. It asks for people to volunteer and ask others to do it too. I think it does the job but I sorta agree, needs one detail - too many or it will bog people down with putting it along with come join us kind of thing.
Sort of liked one of his last primary ads where it says what he wanted to do. I think this one is nice.
I think Peter Fitzgerald started out with intro ads also but he had a lot of money and was against a very damaged Senator. It worked for him.
- A.B. - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:10 pm:
Agreed - hate the Cubs garb.
I give it a B because it finally shows the Chicago and suburbs crowd that he recognizes they are an important part of the state. One of his biggest hurdles is to get past the moniker that he is a downstate legislator who doesn’t care about Chicago and the ‘burbs.
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:10 pm:
F. He’s lying. And wearing a Cubs jacket.
- Red Ranger - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
I like it. Positive and looks slick. Almost has a White Sox pre-game video feel to it; a bunch of fast-moving feel good images set to peppy music. I think it is a call to the GOP to come home and support Brady. B+
- just sayin' - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
I’ll give the ad a B for a D candidate.
I assume Brady’s handlers decided they needed to get out there with clips of women saying Brady is a fine guy, before the Dems start reminding women that Brady opposes abortion even in the case of rape and incest.
Most interesting is that cute baby girl in the screen shot is asking, “Why won’t Jason Plummer release his tax returns?”
“Your Baby Can Read” evidently isn’t a sham afterall.
- CanoeCzar - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:14 pm:
It seems pretty solid to me. B+. As if people are clamouring for substance.
While people may be skeptical of anything they hear from politicians, I’m sure the Brady people think voters are are even more skeptical of handing government more money with the promise that they will “make sure it gets spent with your best interests in mind.”
Dangle a flag, go after “bad”/corrupt government, play some schmaltzy music and tell people that they can dare to dream again and voters may just be ready to bite. “Morning in Illinois” is what it reminded me of.
- unclesam - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:16 pm:
I will give the ad a B — just for the fact he’s not wearing a Cardinals jacket (unlike many Illinoians who live in central and southern IL).
- Responsa - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
Hard to rate because at least 2 different constituencies will see this ad very differently. For those who are cynical of government, and/or are already down on Brady this will seem like so much useless cotton candy and will not sway. But for those citizens who still need to believe that Illinois can be saved and that she is worth saving, and who despise starkly negative advertising I think this ad’s positive and hopeful message will resonate. I give it a B.
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
Doom and gloom in the beginning, depressed looking people,talk about no more Blagojevich for 4 more years, scenes of people hard at work at blue collar jobs , then a dark street shot, then sunshine and happy people when they show Brady
The first part showed a doom and gloom followed by happpy when they show and talk about Brady.
It was not a super negative, they did throw a Blago reference in. Nothing outstanding.
About a B-
- Ahoy - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:36 pm:
I think this deserves two ratings here. As an overall ad, I give it a C-. It does nothing to make an independent voter want to vote for him. It’s just move of his delusional “I’m going to cut taxes and balance the budget with all the money that is going to appear magically when I become governor” language. The music in the background is also way over the top.
For what I think the purpose of the ad is, I give it an A. I believe the main purpose of this ad was just to recruit the tea party types to give him money and volunteer for his campaign… these people can identify with this kind of ad.
- agree with myself - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:44 pm:
B-/C+ I like the last line spoken by Brady, but I found the camera work downright distracting! too many jerky shots and quick cut-aways. Also pretty obvious that the men/women on the street were reading their lines rather than being spontaneous.
- yikes - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 1:49 pm:
I don’t care about the personal income taxes of the candidates other than a sort of Hollywood/gossipy kind of interest. That is the IRS’ job. I like the ad. I showed it to a couple of non-political acquaintences(both women). They liked it. To the masses, “I’m with Bill” is a catchy phrase.
- unclesam - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 2:00 pm:
Just sayin’ — “I’m with Stupid” was another catchy phrase.
- anon - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 2:15 pm:
Solid “A”
Everyone who posts on this blog already knows who they’re voting for. The general public will like the upbeat music and positive message. It should play very well in the burbs where Brady is focusing his attention anyway.
- Deep South - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 2:22 pm:
===It should play very well in the burbs where Brady is focusing his attention anyway.===
Untile they learn about his plans for the mass execution of cats and dogs.
Oh, the humanity.
- Back to Voter - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 2:47 pm:
C - Why would you start the ad with your back to the camera/voter??
- jonbtuba - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 2:49 pm:
There’s no specificity anywhere. When the “business owner” says “Bill will cut taxes, which will make Illinois a perfect place for jobs and families”, I couldn’t help but reflect on other GOP candidates calling Brady’s economic suggestions “naive”.
Also, if you don’t know who Bill Brady is and you see this ad, the first thing that will come to your mind after this ad will probably be “who is Jason?”
At least the ad looked decent from a visual standpoint. Baby steps.
- LouisXIV - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 3:09 pm:
Mostly a fluff piece. However, there is a line in there about him cutting taxes. Has he ever explained how he is going to cut taxes when the state is facing a $13 billion budget deficit? Has he ever really explained how he will balance the budget just keeping taxes where they are?
- Festus Hagen - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 3:11 pm:
I guess that I would give it a “C” or perhaps a “C+”. My wife said that she didn’t like the music. It was “pleasant” but that it was “ONLY” pleasant instead of being something that you could get your heart and soul thumping to or your blood pressure raised and your teeth into it when you heard it. For the amount of money that Brady & Plummer are spending for these brief and fleeting commercials, they need to set them to music with a beat and with some “passion”.
Bill Brady neeeds to run a political ad showing Pat Quinn and the Democrat-controlled House & Senate in the background with the music from the Rolling Stones song screaming out “I can’t get NO SATISFACTION” in the background.
Come on Bill & Jason–Let’s get some passion into these political commercials. Folks are “mad as hell” and they won’t take it anymore. Passion guys-more “PASSION”. Why do you think these Tea Party Movements suddenly got traction? Let Illinois voters get a chance to see, hear, and feel your own political passion or you are going to put them all to sleep.
- Down the Middle - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 4:38 pm:
I’d give it a strong B. An introductory spot often targets matters in terms of emotions, so the “fluff” doesn’t bother me. I do think the inclusion of Jason Plummer could have been handled a tad better–but overall, not too bad.
I’d be more impressed if they had $500K to run it.
- quinn fan - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 5:08 pm:
c minus–felt like it was a preview ad at a movie theater
- for what it's worth - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 5:43 pm:
If I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure at least one of the people endorsing Brady in that ad is a GOP party official, Eloise Gerson, a GOP Ward Committeeman in Chicago. 42nd Ward.
Seriously, could they not find enough “regular” voters?
- Amalia - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 5:44 pm:
content C music A 4 shots with a baby. last commercial
was wife centric. in the news biz they say sex, babies
and animals sell. the wife is as close to sex as Brady will
get, now he’s got babies, next, solve the puppy/kitten
killer puzzle!
- siriusly - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 6:35 pm:
I was going to give it a B+ until “Jason and I” - no introduction, not titles underneath. Most people will think that’s his son. Somewhat confusing because Plummer is not known.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 21, 10 @ 9:46 pm:
I give it an A.
Brady looks good, and very gubernatorial, and the visuals were very good too.
Brady should continue to include minorities in his campaign ads whenever possible.
Solid effort. A
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Jun 22, 10 @ 8:27 am:
Generic ad. Change the names, splice in any candidate action shot and you could basically run this ad for any candidate in any race with any political leaning.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 22, 10 @ 8:50 am:
F. I hate spots that use actors portraying “real” people. A lot of phony-baloney here.
The thing is though, Brady is the only one on TV. What’s Quinn’s plan?
- Yadi Dog - Tuesday, Jun 22, 10 @ 10:03 am:
Why didn’t Jason Plummer get to speak in the ad? Maybe Brady didn’t want him to pull another “Chicago Tonight” interview gauffe.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 22, 10 @ 10:12 am:
A grade, except for the part where”Jason and I” sounded like domestic partners rather than running mates.