Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** More trouble for Quinn on early release, while Meeks praises Brady and a problem (or not) for Giannoulias
* The early release scandal won’t go away. From the AP…
More than 1,700 Illinois prison inmates were supposed to get extra scrutiny on parole after they were set free early in a secret program that later embarrassed Gov. Pat Quinn.
But parole agents can’t monitor dozens of them because they can’t find them.
There are about 50 parolees who are AWOL after being let go as part of the so-called “MGT Push” early release program. Several were paroled after serving shortened sentences for violent crimes - or they have violent pasts.
More than three dozen have been missing more than 100 days. The average length of time on the AWOL list is 4 1/2 months.
Yet, Gov. Quinn thinks his Corrections director is doing a fine job.
…Meeks, who in the past threatened to run for governor only to be bluffed out by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, stopped short of endorsing Brady, a Senate colleague from Bloomington, or Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. Asked by reporters if a Brady endorsement was possible, Meeks, who also is pastor of Salem Baptist Church, responded: “All things are possible. That’s what the scriptures teach us.” […]
“I’m not making a commitment or an endorsement at this time of either candidate,” Meeks said. “I support many of the initiatives of Gov. Quinn. Gov. Quinn and I both support a tax increase. Sen. Brady does not. Gov. Quinn and I both support many initiatives. So we’re together on many things.”
Meeks said the fact that he and Brady could come together to support Wal-Mart against union opposition in Chicago demonstrated how politics should work.
“I think that the message to those Democrats is that if we’re going to get things done in Springfield, if we’re going to get things done in Washington, it’s time to cross the aisle,” the Chicago Democrat said. ‘Every idea that Republicans have ain’t bad and every idea that Democrats have ain’t good. So it’s time for us to sit down. It’s time for us to cross the aisle. It’s time for us to come together. That’s why the state of Illinois is messed up right now.”
* Alexi Giannoulias has based many of his campaign ads on saving hundreds of jobs at a clothing manufacturer, but those jobs are now in jeopardy…
The overseas firm that controls men’s apparel maker HMX — whose labels include Hart Schaffner Marx and Hickey Freeman, famously favored by the president — is pushing for heavy cost cuts, sparking worries that one of its key US factories might eventually be shuttered, sources told The Post.
India-based textile giant SKNL — which last August led a group of investors in scooping up the company formerly known as Hartmarx out of bankruptcy for $128.4 million — has been so aggressive about slashing costs and moving production overseas that union workers in Des Plaines, Ill., right in Obama’s backyard, are afraid the plant will be closed.
*** UPDATE 2 *** The Sun-Times says the NY Post story is bunk…
Owners of HMX men’s suitmaker, formerly run by Chicago-based Hartmarx, are denying a report in today’s New York Post that the Des Plaines factory is again in danger of closing. […]
Doug Williams, CEO of HMX, now based in New York, issued the following statement today: “The Hart Schaffner Marx factory in Des Plaines is running at full capacity to meet customer orders. To fully meet those orders, we have taken the excess required production (primarily sport coats and suit trousers) and are adding it to our Hickey Freeman factory in Rochester, N.Y.
“Today Rochester is also running at full capacity. In addition, we have added a pant sewing shop in our Des Plaines factory to speed our product to market.”
Williams said that owner-partner SKNL “is in full support of management’s strategy and sees our factories as a competitive advantage to our domestic market.”
Lesson finally learned: Never, ever trust the NY Post. I’ve been burned before by them. This one’s on me.
[ *** End of Update *** ]
* Meanwhile, Giannoulias has a new campaign Internet video. Rate it…
…Adding… In case you’re wondering about the music, it’s “Largo al factotum” from the “Barber of Seville.” Bugs Bunny performed the tune in Long-Haired Hare. The Giannoulias campaign confirmed my suspicion that this was an inside joke because a bunny rabbit is featured in the video. Being a hardcore Bugs Bunny fan, it’s what I immediately assumed.
Instead of obtaining supporters locally, [former East St. Louis Mayor Carl Officer] turned in 3,452 pages of petitions or about 34,000 names gathered in Cook County or in the collar counties to the west and south of Chicago, said a spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections. […]
“I see how our federal government is not upholding our constitution and that’s why I’m running,” said [Constitution Party candidate Randy Stufflebeam] a retired Marine, who said he received nearly 20,000 votes when he ran for governor in 2006. He said he is opposed to those who, “Blatantly violate our constitution.”
I’m hearing some things about how some candidates don’t even have the minimum 25,000 signatures, but I suppose I’ll save that for subscribers.
* For those of you who think that pulling petition sheets and challenging signatures is purely a “Machine” game, well, think again. Green Party gubernatorial nominee Rich Whitney has viewed the petitions of fourdifferentgubernatorialcandidates. However, he hasn’t had copies made yet, so he may not file an objection.
*** UPDATE *** I forgot to add this one. We talked yesterday about how conservative US Senate candidate Mike Niecestro pulled up stakes on his campaign when an unidentified “flake” Republican failed to deliver on his promised petition signatures. I already told subscribers about this today, but Doug Ibendahl also talked to Niecestro yesterday and filed this report…
…the guy who didn’t deliver to Niecestro as promised was Bill Kelly – the same Bill Kelly who just ran unsuccessfully in the GOP Primary for Comptroller. I would definitely agree with the “flake” characterization mentioned by Niecestro.
I would give the ad a B. It would be better if there was more time spent on the positive plans that Alexi had put forward. Also, I like Rachel Maddow, but it is the equivalent of Kirk putting a critique of Alexi by Glen Beck in one of his commercials. He should stick with clips from media that is not perceived to be as biased.
Quinn Urges Released Felons To Work At Dairy Queen
Governor Quinn today combined two unique newsmaking events into one remarkable suggestion. The Governor asked that those given Early Release by his administration, consider working at local Dairy Queen restaurants, today celebrating their 70th Anniversary.
“I need the cooperation of those I released early in order to demonstrate my insights on criminal rehabilitations. Combined with my personal experience with dining across this great land at every Dairy Queen, I implore these men to turn from their criminal ways, and seek employment with a great organization”, the Governor pronounced.
“Every Blizzard, every Brazier, and every tastey treat can be a personal act of redemption for these men. While I do not personally vouch for each and every one, I do want them to experience the satisfaction of dipping a large vanilla cone into sweet chocolate coating. I believe that with every Crunch Cone, these men will find more meaning in their lives, than they could in an abandoned house full of hypodermic needles. Just sayin’!”
Governor Quinn was asked about the new felonies committed by a few of the men released under his program, but was unable to answer the question without continually referring to how “pineapply” the pineapple topping was on the Banana Split he was eating.
When asked later about the Governor’s announcement, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady told us that the Governor was stealing from him a similar idea he had proposed as an Illinois State Senator. “But it wasn’t Dairy Queen”, Brady said, “it was Taco Bell.” Asked why, the candidate responded, “because I don’t like Taco Bell.”
The Dairy Queen mascot also responded to the Governor’s announcement. Vicky Newsome of Joliet was given the honor of wearing the Dairy Queen costume for this anniversary. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, ‘cuz my last boyfriend was a felon, it wasn’t his fault, but he was no good makin’ Blizzards.”
man, when Ibendahl calls you a flake you got real problems.
- FirstAmmendment - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:22 pm:
The ad is tedious. C- The music is silly and get very old very fast. Cherry picking headlines and news clips can work well for a quick hit, buts seems lacking after you see the 20th one. And Rachel Maddow?
I can see some 22 year old wonder kid gigling himself silly over making this. I just can’t believe that the adults in the campaign would put it out.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:28 pm:
One would think Niecestro had just moved to Ilinois.
OK, I was right about that song being from a Bugs Bunny cartoon: Long-Haired Hare. The tune is Largo al factotum, which is performed by Bugs. It’s from the Barber of Seville.
Get it? Rabbit? The video features a bunny?
The Giannoulias people say they picked the music for that reason. So it was an inside joke after all.
VM - very nice. We need more realistic news releases like that around here. For your next act, I’d like to see you take one of Martin Sandoval’s weekly press releases touting his single-handed accomplishment of passing the capital bill and combine that with a news story about Betty Loren Maltese getting a new job at a different pizza place.
The Giannoulias video was cute (B-), but he really needs to take the lying angle much more seriously against Kirk. If he just plays cutesy, it looks amateurish. It’s a legitimate issue that will probably keep him in striking distance if he plays it right - which I’m not sure he will.
What percentage of felons, especially the subgroup of violent felons, usally disappears while on parole, I wonder. Hopefully, corrections departments collect data on this. Maybe the early release stats cited above are better….or maybe they are worse.
Whatever one thinks about Mr. Randle, those who think he should depart are wasting their breath.
It is clear that Quinn intends to keep all of his high level state agency appointees until November. And he also intends to keep all of the Blago appointees who survived his first year. After that, who knows. But he does seem to have trouble firing folks. So I wouldn’t expect a major housecleaning if he wins in Nov.
All those six figure Democratic hacks will be safe for at least another four years.
Mr. Randle, I would note, is not one of the hacks.
He was selected on his experience and credentials.
He may have made a big mistakeor he may have been sandbagged re early release. In any case, let’s hope he learned something and he keeps trying to develop new strategies for dealing with
Illinois’ large and expensive prison population.
We can no longer afford to pay the salaries of so many state agency heads who merely collect hefty paychecks while trying to dodge the difficult work associated with implementing meaningful change. And that includes the governor, I would
You are sharp as a tack today, Rich (or else it’s painful evidence you waste way too much time watching cartoons). Whatever. For the sake of the future employment of the AG campaign’s creative types I’m glad at least *somebody* got their inside joke!
No wonder I thought it was a Looney Tunes cartoon, it was.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:59 pm:
If this keeps up, we might have to consider actively recruiting some new bloggers who are more “creative types” like V-Man, who will not only be able to translate the hidden messages for us, but help us respond in kind.
Otherwise, all that effort on behalf of Alexi’s campaign might go to waste–and they might decide they have to return to prepping their candidate on the issues.
“The Giannoulias people say they picked the music for that reason. So it was an inside joke after all.”
So will the next Alexi campaign commerical feature “Ride of the Valkyries” from “What’s Opera, Doc” — the cartoon in which Elmer Fudd chases Bugs while dressed like a Viking (”Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit…”)
Make Way For The Factotum! - Gioachino Rossini, enhanced by VanillaMan
Make way for the factotum of Illinois!,
Hurrying to his Presser, reporters are here.
Ah, what a fine life, a fine handsome golden boy
He’s the Treasurer of our State so dear!
Ah, bravo Alexi!
Bravo, bravissimo!
A rich banker’s son is he!
Ready to say anything
Night or day,
“Reversing a river is bad!”
A cushier fate for a banker’s son,
A noble Senate life, is his to be had.
Radio and TV,
Newspapers and YouTube,
At his command
Everything’s there.
And everyone has paid for it
When Broadway collapsed
All the ladies…all the gentlemen…
“Everyone votes for me, everyone wants me,
Ladies, young lads, old men, young girls -
Here is my big smile…my speech is written…
Listen to what I say!
Kirk is a liar and a fraud!”
Alexi! Alexi! Alexi!
“Ah, what frenzy!
Ah, what a crowd!
One at a time, please!”
“I’m swifter than Jordan, I’m like a thunderbolt
I’m the factotum of Illinois!
With candidates like Kirk facing me,
I’ll never lack for luck!”
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:51 pm:
You mean a “magic helmet” like one that he can wear during a debate to transmit, if not the right answers–at least words–to him from someone in the audience?
- Steve Downstate - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:53 pm:
Not to be a cynic…but I’ll be a cynic anyway. The reason Carl Officer gathered signatures in Cook County is that there’s no way in hell he could gather 30,000 signatures in the Metro East. He could get several thousand signatures in East St. Louis, no doubt, but he would reach a ceiling fairly fast even there (despite the fact that he snagged a seat on the school board a couple years ago). He’s not universally beloved in East St. Louis, and in surrounding communities his petitions would generate more guffaws than names. But I’m glad to see he enjoyed his trip to Chicago!
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
If Kirk is the Wabbit, would that not make Alexi Elmer Fudd?
Yes, it would–based on a hunch, i.e., I like the rabbit and would vote for him over Mr. Fudd.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
So if Hartmarx is increasing their stateside production does this mean the end of “office casual” clothing rules? Are men dressing up more than in the recent past?
Nearly Normal, men’s clothing stores are often a good indication of the business cycle. When the economy starts going down, they go down faster. So, that could be encouraging news. Then again, the Great Recession hasn’t really hurt too many people who are able to afford those suits.
Carl Officer–ugh. Won’t that man go away? He couldn’t get nominated for state legislative office down here. I’ll never forget his infamous appearance on Phil Donohue in the 80s. Yes, he couldn’t get many signatures outside of ESTL.
Drudge linked the early release story. Lots of bad news for IL Dems at Drudge today.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 5:14 pm:
So, is the Hartmarx business upswing an example of “Trickle Down” economics? The wealthy are buying and we “little people” are working.
Whatever, hope it keeps up so those jobs stay stateside.
Quinn needs to quit jerking the taxpayers around and clean house. Fire Randle and fumigate the state of Blago holdovers. Lets face it Quinn is no rocket scientists and all the people he has surrounded himself with are idiots. Randle is a failure to the Department and has lost all respect from the officers that serve in the department.
Didn’t know where else to post this as I thought it was in this morning’s Shorts but with regard to the “Worst Bill Ever” (STAR Bond (Illinois Senate Bill 2093))
Maybe even intervention by Mother Nature can’t prevent this from becoming law:
“Governor Pat Quinn was set to sign the STAR Bonds bill, Illinois Senate Bill 2093, late Wednesday morning in Marion.
It’s the legislation that would divert tax dollars to pay for a major entertainment and retail development in Marion.
Due to storms in Chicago, the governor’s plane was unable to depart for Southern Illinois where hundreds were gathered.”
Downstater–well saidabout Randle and Blago leftovers in DOC. Now, Randle and/or the union have come up with doing away with all hardship transfers. Only way to get one is for your hardship reason is to be disabled. The transfers at DOC are now and continue to be a total mess. Quinn, just like Blagojevich, don’t have a clue whats going on in Corrections.
I am a Democrat. The Ad is stupid. Lets get over the Kirk lies and Alexi’s family bank b.s. I realize both issues are great theater, but addressing either issue does very little to enhance public policy. I wish I could have sat in on the commercial’s focus group, because I would have spoken out how terrible the commercial is!!!
- OneMan - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:48 pm:
A Meeks’ endorsement along with the Washington footage about Quinn would make a great TV and Radio Ad…
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:49 pm:
Carl Officer? That’s a blast from the past. I don’t if having City Hall seized out from under you is a strong campaign point.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:52 pm:
Note to costume shops: the rabbit costume is the new chicken costume. Plan accordingly.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:55 pm:
Hmmm, 47th.
Am watching the MPC 2010 Annual Luncheon vids released just a little while ago.
I can see why it might become an “issue”, for “some”, to stop running away from addressing “issues”.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:58 pm:
I would give the ad a B. It would be better if there was more time spent on the positive plans that Alexi had put forward. Also, I like Rachel Maddow, but it is the equivalent of Kirk putting a critique of Alexi by Glen Beck in one of his commercials. He should stick with clips from media that is not perceived to be as biased.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:58 pm:
What’s with the music in the Alexi internet ad? Sounds kind of like the sounds coming out of 5th period Junior High band class in the Eisenhower era.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:00 pm:
Sorry, lost my handle again–as I probably have over the last couple of days. (Sheesh.)
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:03 pm:
I thought I was watching a Looney Tunes cartoon. This ad is unfocused and childish. C-
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:11 pm:
I thought the bunny was actually kind of cute.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:13 pm:
Quinn Urges Released Felons To Work At Dairy Queen
Governor Quinn today combined two unique newsmaking events into one remarkable suggestion. The Governor asked that those given Early Release by his administration, consider working at local Dairy Queen restaurants, today celebrating their 70th Anniversary.
“I need the cooperation of those I released early in order to demonstrate my insights on criminal rehabilitations. Combined with my personal experience with dining across this great land at every Dairy Queen, I implore these men to turn from their criminal ways, and seek employment with a great organization”, the Governor pronounced.
“Every Blizzard, every Brazier, and every tastey treat can be a personal act of redemption for these men. While I do not personally vouch for each and every one, I do want them to experience the satisfaction of dipping a large vanilla cone into sweet chocolate coating. I believe that with every Crunch Cone, these men will find more meaning in their lives, than they could in an abandoned house full of hypodermic needles. Just sayin’!”
Governor Quinn was asked about the new felonies committed by a few of the men released under his program, but was unable to answer the question without continually referring to how “pineapply” the pineapple topping was on the Banana Split he was eating.
When asked later about the Governor’s announcement, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady told us that the Governor was stealing from him a similar idea he had proposed as an Illinois State Senator. “But it wasn’t Dairy Queen”, Brady said, “it was Taco Bell.” Asked why, the candidate responded, “because I don’t like Taco Bell.”
The Dairy Queen mascot also responded to the Governor’s announcement. Vicky Newsome of Joliet was given the honor of wearing the Dairy Queen costume for this anniversary. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, ‘cuz my last boyfriend was a felon, it wasn’t his fault, but he was no good makin’ Blizzards.”
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:15 pm:
Responsa, the music may be an inside joke for Bugs Bunny mega-fans. Or I’m just too much of a Bugs Bunny fan.
- Easy - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:16 pm:
man, when Ibendahl calls you a flake you got real problems.
- FirstAmmendment - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:22 pm:
The ad is tedious. C- The music is silly and get very old very fast. Cherry picking headlines and news clips can work well for a quick hit, buts seems lacking after you see the 20th one. And Rachel Maddow?
I can see some 22 year old wonder kid gigling himself silly over making this. I just can’t believe that the adults in the campaign would put it out.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:28 pm:
One would think Niecestro had just moved to Ilinois.
- Squideshi - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:28 pm:
Filing objections isn’t the only reason to view petitions; so you’re right, Rich Whitney is not yet playing the “Machine” game.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:33 pm:
OK, I was right about that song being from a Bugs Bunny cartoon: Long-Haired Hare. The tune is Largo al factotum, which is performed by Bugs. It’s from the Barber of Seville.
Get it? Rabbit? The video features a bunny?
The Giannoulias people say they picked the music for that reason. So it was an inside joke after all.
Now THAT’s crack reporting, campers. lol
“Of course you realize, this means war!”
- siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:39 pm:
VM - very nice. We need more realistic news releases like that around here. For your next act, I’d like to see you take one of Martin Sandoval’s weekly press releases touting his single-handed accomplishment of passing the capital bill and combine that with a news story about Betty Loren Maltese getting a new job at a different pizza place.
The Giannoulias video was cute (B-), but he really needs to take the lying angle much more seriously against Kirk. If he just plays cutesy, it looks amateurish. It’s a legitimate issue that will probably keep him in striking distance if he plays it right - which I’m not sure he will.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:41 pm:
What percentage of felons, especially the subgroup of violent felons, usally disappears while on parole, I wonder. Hopefully, corrections departments collect data on this. Maybe the early release stats cited above are better….or maybe they are worse.
Whatever one thinks about Mr. Randle, those who think he should depart are wasting their breath.
It is clear that Quinn intends to keep all of his high level state agency appointees until November. And he also intends to keep all of the Blago appointees who survived his first year. After that, who knows. But he does seem to have trouble firing folks. So I wouldn’t expect a major housecleaning if he wins in Nov.
All those six figure Democratic hacks will be safe for at least another four years.
Mr. Randle, I would note, is not one of the hacks.
He was selected on his experience and credentials.
He may have made a big mistakeor he may have been sandbagged re early release. In any case, let’s hope he learned something and he keeps trying to develop new strategies for dealing with
Illinois’ large and expensive prison population.
We can no longer afford to pay the salaries of so many state agency heads who merely collect hefty paychecks while trying to dodge the difficult work associated with implementing meaningful change. And that includes the governor, I would
- siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:42 pm:
Rich - the DH is reporting that Mary Lou Cowlishaw has passed away.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:43 pm:
“Now THAT’s crack reporting, campers. lol”
Investigative journalism at its finest.
I know have mental image of Alexi working hair tonic into Kirk’s scalp. Lovely.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:47 pm:
–Now THAT’s crack reporting, campers. lol—
You are sharp as a tack today, Rich (or else it’s painful evidence you waste way too much time watching cartoons). Whatever. For the sake of the future employment of the AG campaign’s creative types I’m glad at least *somebody* got their inside joke!
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:53 pm:
I watched Bugs Bunny every morning on Ray Rayner before school. He was my childhood hero. Bugs, not Ray, although Ray was super-cool in my book.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:54 pm:
No wonder I thought it was a Looney Tunes cartoon, it was.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:59 pm:
If this keeps up, we might have to consider actively recruiting some new bloggers who are more “creative types” like V-Man, who will not only be able to translate the hidden messages for us, but help us respond in kind.
Otherwise, all that effort on behalf of Alexi’s campaign might go to waste–and they might decide they have to return to prepping their candidate on the issues.
- Jaded - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
If Kirk is the rabbit, then all Alexi needs is his spear and magic helmet, and this race is over.
- Secret Square - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:43 pm:
“The Giannoulias people say they picked the music for that reason. So it was an inside joke after all.”
So will the next Alexi campaign commerical feature “Ride of the Valkyries” from “What’s Opera, Doc” — the cartoon in which Elmer Fudd chases Bugs while dressed like a Viking (”Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit…”)
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:43 pm:
- Jaded - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:42 pm:
If Kirk is the rabbit, then all Alexi needs is his spear and magic helmet, and this race is over.
If Kirk is the Wabbit, would that not make Alexi Elmer Fudd?
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:44 pm:
Make Way For The Factotum! - Gioachino Rossini, enhanced by VanillaMan
Make way for the factotum of Illinois!,
Hurrying to his Presser, reporters are here.
Ah, what a fine life, a fine handsome golden boy
He’s the Treasurer of our State so dear!
Ah, bravo Alexi!
Bravo, bravissimo!
A rich banker’s son is he!
Ready to say anything
Night or day,
“Reversing a river is bad!”
A cushier fate for a banker’s son,
A noble Senate life, is his to be had.
Radio and TV,
Newspapers and YouTube,
At his command
Everything’s there.
And everyone has paid for it
When Broadway collapsed
All the ladies…all the gentlemen…
“Everyone votes for me, everyone wants me,
Ladies, young lads, old men, young girls -
Here is my big smile…my speech is written…
Listen to what I say!
Kirk is a liar and a fraud!”
Alexi! Alexi! Alexi!
“Ah, what frenzy!
Ah, what a crowd!
One at a time, please!”
Hey, Alexi! We’re here!
Alexi happy, Alexi cheer,
Alexi polls up, Alexi polls down,
“I’m swifter than Jordan, I’m like a thunderbolt
I’m the factotum of Illinois!
With candidates like Kirk facing me,
I’ll never lack for luck!”
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:51 pm:
You mean a “magic helmet” like one that he can wear during a debate to transmit, if not the right answers–at least words–to him from someone in the audience?
- Steve Downstate - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:53 pm:
Not to be a cynic…but I’ll be a cynic anyway. The reason Carl Officer gathered signatures in Cook County is that there’s no way in hell he could gather 30,000 signatures in the Metro East. He could get several thousand signatures in East St. Louis, no doubt, but he would reach a ceiling fairly fast even there (despite the fact that he snagged a seat on the school board a couple years ago). He’s not universally beloved in East St. Louis, and in surrounding communities his petitions would generate more guffaws than names. But I’m glad to see he enjoyed his trip to Chicago!
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:55 pm:
If Kirk is the Wabbit, would that not make Alexi Elmer Fudd?
Yes, it would–based on a hunch, i.e., I like the rabbit and would vote for him over Mr. Fudd.
- Greg B. - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:59 pm:
I like the dude w/the beard in the background…
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:24 pm:
So if Hartmarx is increasing their stateside production does this mean the end of “office casual” clothing rules? Are men dressing up more than in the recent past?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:32 pm:
Nearly Normal, men’s clothing stores are often a good indication of the business cycle. When the economy starts going down, they go down faster. So, that could be encouraging news. Then again, the Great Recession hasn’t really hurt too many people who are able to afford those suits.
- Ben Gazzara - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:35 pm:
Greg B. and/or anyone else,
Who is the dude with the beard in the background at 45 second mark?
Does anyone know? He looks like me and I want to mess with my friends who are Alexi fans.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:52 pm:
RT @kirk4senate: Today the president named Mark Kirk as the top US commander in Afghanistan
– MrJM
- Peggy SO-IL - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 5:09 pm:
Carl Officer–ugh. Won’t that man go away? He couldn’t get nominated for state legislative office down here. I’ll never forget his infamous appearance on Phil Donohue in the 80s. Yes, he couldn’t get many signatures outside of ESTL.
Drudge linked the early release story. Lots of bad news for IL Dems at Drudge today.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 5:14 pm:
So, is the Hartmarx business upswing an example of “Trickle Down” economics? The wealthy are buying and we “little people” are working.
Whatever, hope it keeps up so those jobs stay stateside.
- Sammy - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 7:13 pm:
Early release.. yawn…
- Blago Sphere - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 7:13 pm:
{union workers in Des Plaines, Ill., right in Obama’s backyard, are afraid the plant will be closed}
Could someone please ask the NY Post to look below the fold in its Rand McNally Road Atlas.
For goodness sakes, Obama’s backyard is closer to the future site of the Michael Jackson Museum in Gary, then it is to Des Plaines.
The only thing close to Obama’s backyard is Mrs. Rezko’s backyard.
- downstater - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 8:42 pm:
Quinn needs to quit jerking the taxpayers around and clean house. Fire Randle and fumigate the state of Blago holdovers. Lets face it Quinn is no rocket scientists and all the people he has surrounded himself with are idiots. Randle is a failure to the Department and has lost all respect from the officers that serve in the department.
- LINK - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 9:15 pm:
Didn’t know where else to post this as I thought it was in this morning’s Shorts but with regard to the “Worst Bill Ever” (STAR Bond (Illinois Senate Bill 2093))
Maybe even intervention by Mother Nature can’t prevent this from becoming law:
“Governor Pat Quinn was set to sign the STAR Bonds bill, Illinois Senate Bill 2093, late Wednesday morning in Marion.
It’s the legislation that would divert tax dollars to pay for a major entertainment and retail development in Marion.
Due to storms in Chicago, the governor’s plane was unable to depart for Southern Illinois where hundreds were gathered.”
- WARDOG - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 10:40 pm:
Downstater–well saidabout Randle and Blago leftovers in DOC. Now, Randle and/or the union have come up with doing away with all hardship transfers. Only way to get one is for your hardship reason is to be disabled. The transfers at DOC are now and continue to be a total mess. Quinn, just like Blagojevich, don’t have a clue whats going on in Corrections.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:34 am:
I am a Democrat. The Ad is stupid. Lets get over the Kirk lies and Alexi’s family bank b.s. I realize both issues are great theater, but addressing either issue does very little to enhance public policy. I wish I could have sat in on the commercial’s focus group, because I would have spoken out how terrible the commercial is!!!