* Apparently, a lot more happened after that Republican video tracker turned off his cam at Alexi Giannoulias’ DC fundraiser the other day. You’ll remember the story. Tracker shows up, gets harrassed, told to leave, GOP makes a big splash claiming foul play. The video…
The first guy to confront the tracker was DC lawyer Michael Kosmas, the party’s host. Politico has a story about what transpired later that evening…
An attorney for a resident of Madrigal Lofts, a condominium building in downtown Washington, D.C., is asking the Senate campaign of Democrat Alexi Giannoulias to investigate an alleged incident of “harassment, intimidation, and assault” that occurred after a recent rooftop fundraising event. […]
The tracker contended that he had been invited to the rooftop by a different resident of the condominium building. And that resident accused Kosmas and several other individuals of showing up at her door later that evening, around 11:00 pm, and confronting her “using inappropriate and threatening terms.”
The accusing resident did not open the door at the time but was later escorted by a building security guard to Kosmas’ condominium to complain, according to accounts by both parties.
According to a letter sent to the Giannoulias campaign by the woman’s attorney, Bobby Burchfield, Kosmas “would not commit to refrain from repeating the situation” and the woman was “knocked on her shoulder” as she walked past him.
The woman was not identified, but according to the article “she has worked for Republicans in the past but is not currently employed by an official GOP organization.”
* As you’d expect, the Republicans have pounced yet again. From a Mark Kirk for Senate press release, entitled: “Kirk Campaign Expresses Serious Concern over Report that Giannoulias Event Host Intimidated Young Woman after Fundraiser”…
“The news that Alexi Giannoulias’ campaign event host intimidated a young woman at her home in Washington following the campaign’s DC fundraiser raises serious concerns with regard to the integrity of the Giannoulias campaign and its associates,” Kirk spokesperson Kirsten Kukowski said. “We call on Alexi Giannoulias to immediately apologize for his campaign affiliates’ intimidation tactics, publicly identify all those involved and terminate all association with them.”
“We call on Alexi Giannoulias to issue a public apology, identify those involved and cut ties to them immediately,” Chairman Brady said.
“Campaigns should not tolerate the intimidation and harassment of women.
“I hope some of Alexi Giannoulias’ supporters like Dick Durbin and Jan Schakowsky will have the courage to stand with me in condemning all acts of violence, bullying, intimidation and harassment of women by a political campaign or their supporters.”
And from the NRSC…
“Instead of demonstrating leadership by stepping up and denouncing this kind of inappropriate activity, mob banker Alexi Giannoulias simply embraced the Chicago way and condoned it. The people of Illinois deserve better than a mob banker who is willing to turn a blind eye to any type of predatory harassment, intimidation, or violence.” – Amber Marchand, National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Press Secretary.
* The Giannoulias campaign isn’t commenting, but Michael Kosmas did issue a statement. Here’s part of it…
On the evening of June 16, 2010, I hosted an event at my Washington residence for Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois. Despite the fact that this was a private event in a private residence building, an uninvited intruder entered the perimeter of the party and videotaped my guests. Building security ultimately escorted him to the outside the perimeter of my private reserved party area. This person continued to videotape the event from afar despite being told repeatedly by the security guard that he was in violation of the building rules.
Following the event I went and complained at the unit whose occupant allowed the videographer upon my roof. She did not answer her door, but instead came to my door with the building security guard a few moments later to complain I was harassing her. The security guard told her in no uncertain terms that if her guests violate building rules, I have an absolute right to go to her unit and complain. Unsatisfied with the guard’s explanation, she then summoned a District of Columbia police officer, who gave her the exact same answer.
On the evening in question this woman refused to identify herself. I have since been given a copy of a letter on her behalf by a Washington attorney to the Giannoulias campaign. Aside from containing many factual inaccuracies, it quite simply doesn’t make sense. If she in fact feels that she was harassed, with inappropriate and potential illegal activity as she claims, where is her complaint to the police? Where is her complaint to the building? This is political opportunism and game playing at its worst.
Kosmas is also distributing a blistering statement by former Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley, a Maryland Republican…
On the evening of June 16, 2010, my longtime senior Congressional aide and chief political operative, Michael S. Kosmas, hosted an event at his Washington residence for Alexi Giannoulias, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois. Despite the fact that this was a private event in a private residence an uninvited intruder entered the perimeter of the party and videotaped Mr. Kosmas and his guests.
While these sorts of dirty tricks occur regularly in politics, what disturbs me is the response of the Republican Party. Rather than condemning this trespassing in a private party in a private residence, the Republican Party has lionized the trespasser, and with respect to Mr. Kosmas, the party host, have questioned who he is and his relationship to the Giannoulias campaign.
I am actually quite surprised that national Republicans have to ask this question. Six months to the day before the Giannoulias fundraiser at his home, Mr. Kosmas was an official co-host of an event at the National Republican Senatorial Committee for Rob Portman, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Ohio, at which Senator McConnell was the guest speaker.
For the record, Mr. Kosmas spent nearly a decade as my Congressional aide, and managed many of my successful re-election races to the U.S. House. He served a four year term as elected member of the Republican Central Committee of Maryland. He has donated thousands of dollars to Republican candidates over the years, including myself, Bob Ehrlich, Michael Steele, Susan Collins, Dan Burton, Duncan Hunter and others.
I am disgusted that the reward for Mr. Kosmas efforts for so many Republicans over the years is to have political operatives trespass into his home when he does an event for a member of the other party. The Kirk for Senate campaign and the National Republican Senatorial Committee owe Mr. Kosmas an apology.
* Lawyers and political strategists are now involved, so don’t bet on any apologies being offered by anyone, which is what would normally happen if this wasn’t a campaign thing and was just a dispute between a couple of tenants.
It certainly would’ve helped the GOP’s cause if a formal complaint had been filed with the local coppers about the confrontation and the alleged shoulder-bump, but that doesn’t appear to have happened. Still, confronting a female tenant at 11 o’clock at night is more than just ungentlemanly, not to mention the alleged physical contact. She had a right to be frightened, even though she did play a role in this escapade. But she shouldn’t have allowed somebody to use her name to crash the funder and not expect at least some consequences.
Everybody really needs to calm down and act like human beings. I suppose, however, that’s too much to ask. It is DC, after all.
Yeesh, these are the folks who think they should lead out country. Grow up, folks.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 10:58 am:
= serious concerns with regard to the integrity of the Giannoulias campaign =
Coming from a man who was fired upon in Iraq, and afganistan, and is a former school teacher, who won a myriad of individual military awards, I guess Kirk has room to call others integrity into question.
How does this effect me as an Illinois voter? I am supposed to base my support for a US Senate candidate based on this juvenile behavior? Why is this even news?
And what’s with the “mob banker” title? Since when has it been established that Giannoulais was even a “banker”, let alone a banker for the “mob”? Now they are stumbling over their own lies!
This is unprofessional, inmature, and unimportant. Anyone dragging this dead horse for a public beating should be treated similarly.
this is all mark kirk has. he won’t answer questions from voters (even before he got busted for exaggerating his resume or before the public was aware that he’d violated the military code) and he won’t talk to journalists. and it’s always been clear that kirk was going to run an extremely negative, rovian campaign. so kirk has to take pot shots at alexi giannoulias, because he sure won’t expose himself to the electorate…
I have to say it is truly impressive the two campaigns have come up with something to fight over that is even dumber than resume inflation. Full marks on the effort, if nothing else.
Both sides are at fault here but the losers are the people of Illinois.
Campaigns use to be about issues, now there about crap like this. We deserve the government we get because we keep voting for people and campaigns that act like this.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:09 am:
Kirk made Hardball again last night for dashing from the media.
He can issue all of the goofy news releases he wants…as Chris Matthews said, he can run, but he can’t hide all the way until November.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:12 am:
P.S. Oh yeah, and as i pointed out when this “story” first “broke”, the Kirk campaign operative was on the roof videotaping illegally.
Kosmas should file a civil suit for loss of privacy and damages to his reputation.
Rooftop events, booze, politics, condominium rules, ownership rights, lawyers—not a good mix. Thank goodness no one was seriously injured, but there are no winners here, only losers.
I really have come to hate D.C. politics. I know they have been bad since the dawn of our great country, but the rhetoric, drive-by press releases, jingle/catch phrase/memes and overall chutzpahness of D.C. is worse now than ever. Mark Kirk is the recipient of NRSC backing and the RNC’s full-fledged victory program support, yet he can’t keep above the fray. Voters might actually have liked that. And Alexi is not really making a great effort to keep Obama’s old seat in the hands of the Dems. It’s only June 23rd, but I really wish the election were next Tuesday.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:53 am:
Wow COmmandoKirk and “Gags” Brady blow it again. Next they will hold a sympathy rally for BP and the loud mouth general
Fire,Aim, Ready!
47th Ward. Dog days of summer … the drek already smells and they’re going to keep poking at the drek. Campaigns get seriously ugly 5-6 weeks before an election, with the Fri., Sat., Sun., before an election, basically showing the candidate campaigning. Monday before the election is a good day for the candidate to go to the East Bank Club, get that haircut, facial, manicure, pedicure, and massage. Monday before an election is usually a DEAD NEWS DAY.
Co-incidentally (or not, if you are of a conspiratorial frame-of-mind) this year, this election time-line will collide with the Blagojevich trial.
Is there a pool on when a verdict on Blago will come down? I have dibs on either the Thursday or Friday before the election. The media cycle. Maximum damage, minimum time to do spin!
Is that a black helicopter hovering over my house, again! I better adjuct my tin-foil hat. ROTFLMAO
I know the weather is screwy, but didn’t realize it was the August silly season already! How can we mere civilians determine whether the Mob Banker or Fibber McKirk will best uphold the high standards of the U.S.Senatgarten?
And the Politico story has Kosmas saying he’s a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.
So really this story is about a Republicans harrassing fellow Republicans, while one Republican is supporting a Democrat. What else is new? Mark Kirk should be embracing this example of “Illinois Combine” politics being demonstrated on the roof of a D.C. building. This is Kirk’s bread and butter on display.
Plus it’s usually Republicans who say the loudest they need guns to protect their private property. Would drawing a gun have been better in this case, on this private property? Would the NRA not say it could be justified?
The least Giannoulias should do is repudiate the thuggish actions taken by the host of his fundraising event. He was at a fundraising event, something happened, it was handled very poorly by the event host and even though he doesn’t employ the host/thug, he doesn’t support that thug’s actions, either.
But just pretending nothing happened worth commenting on and ignoring the intimidation of a young woman?!? Sure, that’s real classy leadership, Alexi.
Alexi’s instinct should have been to break up the fight and bandage the wounds. Most of you, dear readers, would have done such a thing at a family reunion or a neighborhood bbq. The fact that he did not show that instinct, either live or after the fact says something.
Hmm so it looks like the conspiracy theory that Kirk set this up is gone…especially after Kosmas states that he was hosting the fundraiser for Gianoulias.
That being said, I do agree this is a stupid story and should disappear quickly.
Wow - sounds like all of these folks have been watching a little too much World Cup soccer, where every time opposing players so much as brush against each other, one or both end up writhing around on the ground grabbing a leg and making pained facial expressions.
It is interesting to me that after running away from the press on Monday, Kirk’s two Facebook posts this week have been this issue and “Giannoulias Greeted by Protests Over Bright Start Losses.” For that matter, he hasn’t posted anything without “Giannoulias” in it since June 15. Thus far his modus operandi for this campaign appears to be “deflect and distract.”
By contrast, most of Alexi’s Facebook posts are policy or position statements, or campaign news. There is only one mention of Kirk in the past couple of dozen or so posts.
I am burning with curiosity about who organized those Bright Start parents to be there, and just how many there were.
So the DC lawyer/lobbyist who hosted the rooftop DC fundraiser for Alexi Giannoulias, who previously stated that he would not take DC lobbyist money in this campaign, went to the door of the female resident who gave the stalker permission to go up to the roof and film the lobbyist fundraiser event.
Then the DC lobbyist fundraiser ever so politely knocked on the female resident’s door and ever so politely complained at 11:00 p.m. A reasonable person could politely come to the conclusion that he knocked on the door and ever so politely complained just as politely and unaggressively as he was acting when he told the stalker to get off the rooftop?
Sounds as believable as the Blagojevich defense at trial so far.
I am assuming that the female complainant will be have been sufficiently goaded into filing a police report so we can read some more about this tomorrow.
Then I predict that eventually the entire matter will be resolved when Obama invites everyone over to the White House for beers and discussion.
Louis G. Atsaves: wow, you’re just as credible as kirk!
before the fec report has come out, you already (claim to) know that alexi has accepted contributions in violation of his stated policy. i’d ask where you got that information, but i’m sure that, like kirk, you won’t answer questions either. i guess we’ll just have to assume that you’re exaggerating (or making it up)! par for the course, i suppose, for kirk supporters (gotta support your guy, he needs all the help he can get apparently).
of course, your assertion that a resident could “give permission” (in total violation of condo regs!) is just as bogus. i got to hand it to the kirk cult — y’all are so loyal that you’ve adopted your candidate’s sleazy behavior! now *that’s* devotion.
i guess it won’t do any good to warn y’all about drinking the kool aid…
bored, you write more bilious comments on here that almost anyone else. Reasonable, intelligent people can, and do, disagree especially about politics. But it is hard to imagine why you think these wild insults and partial thoughts advance your candidate’s cause, elevate your own credibility, or convince anyone of anything. I’m sorry, but your 4:30 comment is just downright painful to read.
Responsa: you’ve made this accusation before, but i note that you never answer the questions asked. feel free to show evidence for the assertions that louis made. i eagerly await your response. of course, experience suggests that i’ll be waiting for a long time.
i agree, we do disagree. and we disagree about fundamental things. i don’t think people should just make stuff up (like mark kirk or louis). as for you final thought, there is no one here who’s mind can be changed. so it would be a waste of time for me to try. i mock kirk’s supporters accordingly. after all, you support a candidate who just makes stuff up, repeating a continuous pattern of incredibly bad judgment.
that’s where we disagree. but if it’s too painful for you, feel free to ignore…
bored, thank you for giving me and others permission to ignore. Will do. But, why the heck would you even expect or challenge me to show evidence for any assertions you claim Louis (or any other commenter) makes? I don’t know Louis from the man in the moon and would never think of speaking for him. Bottom line is, you specialize in nasty personal ad hominem attacks and they are neither cool or persuasive. You are correct in remembering that I have made this “accusation” before.
Louis G. Atsaves: i was specific: “before the fec report has come out, you already (claim to) know that alexi has accepted contributions in violation of his stated policy.” you asserted that alexi had accepted “DC lobbyist money.” fec reports are public, and i find no press report that repeats your assertion.
show me the evidence.
you further asserted that a “female resident … gave the stalker permission to go up to the roof and film the lobbyist fundraiser event.”
again, you assert as fact things that cannot be found in media reports (at least, i haven’t found them). feel free to provide evidence that the fellow resident GAVE PERMISSION for the tracker to “film the event” — in violation of both the condo regs AND the NRCC’s own standards!
like mark kirk, you just made that up. feel free to prove me wrong…
Responsa: i’ve understood your need to overlook my input ever since i pointed out that mark kirk has never voted against the conservative republican leadership on a whipped vote without their permission. i’ve repeatedly asked you to provide an example of just ONE BILL where kirk had voted against the conservative republican leadership on a whipped voted without their permission. which you’ve declined. (i completely understand why.)
then you attempted to engage me on the fact that kirk avoids taking questions from both voters and media in the state. you contended that you’d heard him take questions in a safe republican setting in safe surroundings (which i already knew) and that he took questions at the gcc event (which were both moderated and a condition of his appearance — i was there).
there’s a reason why people on the hill are less impressed with kirk than you are. it’s because they are actually familiar with his work product (or lack thereof). which is why a republican congressional ex-staffer could host a dc event for alexi. and, more importantly, why a republican member of congress would defend her former staffer for doing so.
there’s no question that mark kirk has charmed a lot of people through the years. the real question that is out there is whether mark kirk could have charmed you and others if he’d been honest with you and not exaggerated events to make himself look more important. doesn’t seem very likely that he’ll charm more people now that his pattern of hubris and exaggeration are widely known. which is unquestionably why he’s reduced to name-calling and, well, making stuff up…
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 10:54 am:
Yeesh, these are the folks who think they should lead out country. Grow up, folks.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 10:58 am:
= serious concerns with regard to the integrity of the Giannoulias campaign =
Coming from a man who was fired upon in Iraq, and afganistan, and is a former school teacher, who won a myriad of individual military awards, I guess Kirk has room to call others integrity into question.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:02 am:
How does this effect me as an Illinois voter? I am supposed to base my support for a US Senate candidate based on this juvenile behavior? Why is this even news?
And what’s with the “mob banker” title? Since when has it been established that Giannoulais was even a “banker”, let alone a banker for the “mob”? Now they are stumbling over their own lies!
This is unprofessional, inmature, and unimportant. Anyone dragging this dead horse for a public beating should be treated similarly.
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:02 am:
this is all mark kirk has. he won’t answer questions from voters (even before he got busted for exaggerating his resume or before the public was aware that he’d violated the military code) and he won’t talk to journalists. and it’s always been clear that kirk was going to run an extremely negative, rovian campaign. so kirk has to take pot shots at alexi giannoulias, because he sure won’t expose himself to the electorate…
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:03 am:
Still a molehill. The dog days of summer are upon us.
I said it before but it bears repeating for Mr. Kosmas: nothing good ever happens when campaign supporters pretend to be cops.
- Dirt Digger - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:04 am:
I have to say it is truly impressive the two campaigns have come up with something to fight over that is even dumber than resume inflation. Full marks on the effort, if nothing else.
- Indeedy - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:05 am:
I kept reading, expecting it to make column-inch sense. It doesn’t. Not newsworthy.
- Ahoy - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:06 am:
Both sides are at fault here but the losers are the people of Illinois.
Campaigns use to be about issues, now there about crap like this. We deserve the government we get because we keep voting for people and campaigns that act like this.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:09 am:
Kirk made Hardball again last night for dashing from the media.
He can issue all of the goofy news releases he wants…as Chris Matthews said, he can run, but he can’t hide all the way until November.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:12 am:
P.S. Oh yeah, and as i pointed out when this “story” first “broke”, the Kirk campaign operative was on the roof videotaping illegally.
Kosmas should file a civil suit for loss of privacy and damages to his reputation.
- shore - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:13 am:
Alexi said he wasn’t going to take money from lobbyists. Whoops.
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:16 am:
kirk claimed he was intelligent. whoops…
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Indeedy, you contradicted yourself. You kept reading.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:26 am:
oooooh….lawyers, guns and money!!!!!
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:32 am:
We live in this state. whoops…
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:37 am:
dupage dan: lol! great answer…
- Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:38 am:
Rooftop events, booze, politics, condominium rules, ownership rights, lawyers—not a good mix. Thank goodness no one was seriously injured, but there are no winners here, only losers.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:47 am:
I really have come to hate D.C. politics. I know they have been bad since the dawn of our great country, but the rhetoric, drive-by press releases, jingle/catch phrase/memes and overall chutzpahness of D.C. is worse now than ever. Mark Kirk is the recipient of NRSC backing and the RNC’s full-fledged victory program support, yet he can’t keep above the fray. Voters might actually have liked that. And Alexi is not really making a great effort to keep Obama’s old seat in the hands of the Dems. It’s only June 23rd, but I really wish the election were next Tuesday.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 11:53 am:
Wow COmmandoKirk and “Gags” Brady blow it again. Next they will hold a sympathy rally for BP and the loud mouth general
Fire,Aim, Ready!
- HatShopGirl - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
47th Ward. Dog days of summer … the drek already smells and they’re going to keep poking at the drek. Campaigns get seriously ugly 5-6 weeks before an election, with the Fri., Sat., Sun., before an election, basically showing the candidate campaigning. Monday before the election is a good day for the candidate to go to the East Bank Club, get that haircut, facial, manicure, pedicure, and massage. Monday before an election is usually a DEAD NEWS DAY.
Co-incidentally (or not, if you are of a conspiratorial frame-of-mind) this year, this election time-line will collide with the Blagojevich trial.
Is there a pool on when a verdict on Blago will come down? I have dibs on either the Thursday or Friday before the election. The media cycle. Maximum damage, minimum time to do spin!
Is that a black helicopter hovering over my house, again! I better adjuct my tin-foil hat. ROTFLMAO
- D.P. Gumby - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
I know the weather is screwy, but didn’t realize it was the August silly season already! How can we mere civilians determine whether the Mob Banker or Fibber McKirk will best uphold the high standards of the U.S.Senatgarten?
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:13 pm:
And the Politico story has Kosmas saying he’s a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN.
So really this story is about a Republicans harrassing fellow Republicans, while one Republican is supporting a Democrat. What else is new? Mark Kirk should be embracing this example of “Illinois Combine” politics being demonstrated on the roof of a D.C. building. This is Kirk’s bread and butter on display.
Plus it’s usually Republicans who say the loudest they need guns to protect their private property. Would drawing a gun have been better in this case, on this private property? Would the NRA not say it could be justified?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:16 pm:
OK, JS. We don’t need to go all those places. Stay on topic, please.
- Simply Put - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:25 pm:
The least Giannoulias should do is repudiate the thuggish actions taken by the host of his fundraising event. He was at a fundraising event, something happened, it was handled very poorly by the event host and even though he doesn’t employ the host/thug, he doesn’t support that thug’s actions, either.
But just pretending nothing happened worth commenting on and ignoring the intimidation of a young woman?!? Sure, that’s real classy leadership, Alexi.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:41 pm:
Alexi’s instinct should have been to break up the fight and bandage the wounds. Most of you, dear readers, would have done such a thing at a family reunion or a neighborhood bbq. The fact that he did not show that instinct, either live or after the fact says something.
- MrJM - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
“[The woman’s attorney, Bobby Burchfield] Burchfield said the woman declined to be named because of ‘privacy’ and ’safety’ concerns.”
Her name will be public knowledge by sundown.
And she’ll be doing tearful television interviews by the end of the week.
– MrJM
- A.B. - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
Hmm so it looks like the conspiracy theory that Kirk set this up is gone…especially after Kosmas states that he was hosting the fundraiser for Gianoulias.
That being said, I do agree this is a stupid story and should disappear quickly.
- Team America - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:34 pm:
Yes, A.B., it seems like all the prior promoters of that theory are quite silent today.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:37 pm:
A. B.
You’re right that this story will disappear quickly since it will be soon replace by some new gaff from one of the campaigns.
- BigDog - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 1:56 pm:
Wow - sounds like all of these folks have been watching a little too much World Cup soccer, where every time opposing players so much as brush against each other, one or both end up writhing around on the ground grabbing a leg and making pained facial expressions.
Why can’t politicians ever act like grownups??
- MrJM - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:18 pm:
AB & TA,
This only proves how deep the conspiracy goes!!1!
– MrJM
- siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:31 pm:
Both campaigns have major mental health issues if they think any single voter in IL cares about this one bit.
- The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:36 pm:
siriusly, have you rated the new *bunny* video yet? If not you might want to *hop* on over to the other thread.
- Indeedy - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 2:47 pm:
@Rich > Yup.
- Dr Kilovolt - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:38 pm:
It is interesting to me that after running away from the press on Monday, Kirk’s two Facebook posts this week have been this issue and “Giannoulias Greeted by Protests Over Bright Start Losses.” For that matter, he hasn’t posted anything without “Giannoulias” in it since June 15. Thus far his modus operandi for this campaign appears to be “deflect and distract.”
By contrast, most of Alexi’s Facebook posts are policy or position statements, or campaign news. There is only one mention of Kirk in the past couple of dozen or so posts.
I am burning with curiosity about who organized those Bright Start parents to be there, and just how many there were.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:41 pm:
Oh, man, I forgot about that bogus protest. Tomorrow.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 3:45 pm:
So the DC lawyer/lobbyist who hosted the rooftop DC fundraiser for Alexi Giannoulias, who previously stated that he would not take DC lobbyist money in this campaign, went to the door of the female resident who gave the stalker permission to go up to the roof and film the lobbyist fundraiser event.
Then the DC lobbyist fundraiser ever so politely knocked on the female resident’s door and ever so politely complained at 11:00 p.m. A reasonable person could politely come to the conclusion that he knocked on the door and ever so politely complained just as politely and unaggressively as he was acting when he told the stalker to get off the rooftop?
Sounds as believable as the Blagojevich defense at trial so far.
I am assuming that the female complainant will be have been sufficiently goaded into filing a police report so we can read some more about this tomorrow.
Then I predict that eventually the entire matter will be resolved when Obama invites everyone over to the White House for beers and discussion.
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 4:30 pm:
Louis G. Atsaves: wow, you’re just as credible as kirk!
before the fec report has come out, you already (claim to) know that alexi has accepted contributions in violation of his stated policy. i’d ask where you got that information, but i’m sure that, like kirk, you won’t answer questions either. i guess we’ll just have to assume that you’re exaggerating (or making it up)! par for the course, i suppose, for kirk supporters (gotta support your guy, he needs all the help he can get apparently).
of course, your assertion that a resident could “give permission” (in total violation of condo regs!) is just as bogus. i got to hand it to the kirk cult — y’all are so loyal that you’ve adopted your candidate’s sleazy behavior! now *that’s* devotion.
i guess it won’t do any good to warn y’all about drinking the kool aid…
- Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 5:36 pm:
bored, you write more bilious comments on here that almost anyone else. Reasonable, intelligent people can, and do, disagree especially about politics. But it is hard to imagine why you think these wild insults and partial thoughts advance your candidate’s cause, elevate your own credibility, or convince anyone of anything. I’m sorry, but your 4:30 comment is just downright painful to read.
- bored now - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 7:24 pm:
Responsa: you’ve made this accusation before, but i note that you never answer the questions asked. feel free to show evidence for the assertions that louis made. i eagerly await your response. of course, experience suggests that i’ll be waiting for a long time.
i agree, we do disagree. and we disagree about fundamental things. i don’t think people should just make stuff up (like mark kirk or louis). as for you final thought, there is no one here who’s mind can be changed. so it would be a waste of time for me to try. i mock kirk’s supporters accordingly. after all, you support a candidate who just makes stuff up, repeating a continuous pattern of incredibly bad judgment.
that’s where we disagree. but if it’s too painful for you, feel free to ignore…
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 8:06 pm:
bored now: “Make stuff up?” Such as?
Be specific.
Everything I’ve used has come from news articles or the video. If you can’t answer the questions I’ve posed, then just say so.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 8:10 pm:
bored, thank you for giving me and others permission to ignore. Will do. But, why the heck would you even expect or challenge me to show evidence for any assertions you claim Louis (or any other commenter) makes? I don’t know Louis from the man in the moon and would never think of speaking for him. Bottom line is, you specialize in nasty personal ad hominem attacks and they are neither cool or persuasive. You are correct in remembering that I have made this “accusation” before.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 9:03 pm:
Last few posts are beginning to sound alot like those on a blog that covers a particular CD in IL.
Just sayin.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 23, 10 @ 9:05 pm:
Just waiting for four more regulars from that blog and other in the same CD to jump in. Then we can all “go home”.
- bored now - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 7:08 am:
Louis G. Atsaves: i was specific: “before the fec report has come out, you already (claim to) know that alexi has accepted contributions in violation of his stated policy.” you asserted that alexi had accepted “DC lobbyist money.” fec reports are public, and i find no press report that repeats your assertion.
show me the evidence.
you further asserted that a “female resident … gave the stalker permission to go up to the roof and film the lobbyist fundraiser event.”
again, you assert as fact things that cannot be found in media reports (at least, i haven’t found them). feel free to provide evidence that the fellow resident GAVE PERMISSION for the tracker to “film the event” — in violation of both the condo regs AND the NRCC’s own standards!
like mark kirk, you just made that up. feel free to prove me wrong…
- bored now - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 7:22 am:
Responsa: i’ve understood your need to overlook my input ever since i pointed out that mark kirk has never voted against the conservative republican leadership on a whipped vote without their permission. i’ve repeatedly asked you to provide an example of just ONE BILL where kirk had voted against the conservative republican leadership on a whipped voted without their permission. which you’ve declined. (i completely understand why.)
then you attempted to engage me on the fact that kirk avoids taking questions from both voters and media in the state. you contended that you’d heard him take questions in a safe republican setting in safe surroundings (which i already knew) and that he took questions at the gcc event (which were both moderated and a condition of his appearance — i was there).
there’s a reason why people on the hill are less impressed with kirk than you are. it’s because they are actually familiar with his work product (or lack thereof). which is why a republican congressional ex-staffer could host a dc event for alexi. and, more importantly, why a republican member of congress would defend her former staffer for doing so.
there’s no question that mark kirk has charmed a lot of people through the years. the real question that is out there is whether mark kirk could have charmed you and others if he’d been honest with you and not exaggerated events to make himself look more important. doesn’t seem very likely that he’ll charm more people now that his pattern of hubris and exaggeration are widely known. which is unquestionably why he’s reduced to name-calling and, well, making stuff up…