Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Giannoulias mentioned at Blagojevich trial, but not a big deal
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Giannoulias mentioned at Blagojevich trial, but not a big deal

Thursday, Jun 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Republicans are actively trying to push this story into the bloodstream

Illinois state Treasurer and Democratic Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias’ name came up Wednesday at the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D).

There’s was no smoking gun — or anything close to it — but with Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) struggling mightily beneath his misrepresentations of his military record, Republicans’ hopes of tying Giannoulias to the trial and changing the subject could be buoyed.

That WaPo mention was prompted by this Sun-Times passage about Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias calling on behalf of Valerie Jarrett’s appointment to the US Senate after Barack Obama’s election win

In the same call, [chief of staff John Harris] is overheard talking about getting a message from Illinois state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

“So Alexi called me. He wanted to have a discussion about the Senate seat,” John Harris is heard telling Blagojevich. “I imagine he’ll tell me … Barack wants Valerie.”

Blagojevich: “Listen to me, don’t see him today. Just … let’s run the clock now.”

Back to the WaPo

The recording, which is from a phone call about a month before Blagojevich and Harris were arrested, suggests Giannoulias is serving as some kind of intermediary for Obama.

Not true, said Giannoulias spokeswoman Kathleen Strand. “Alexi did not call Harris at the behest of President Obama,” she said. “Alexi thinks very highly of Valerie Jarrett, and it was well known that he thought she would make a terrific senator. So naturally, he was an advocate for her appointment.”

For Republicans, the back and forth between Harris and Blagojevich gives them something with which to tie Giannoulias to the trial and the deeply unpopular former governor. But nothing in the brief tape suggests any wrongdoing on GIannoulias’ part.

I took a look at the surveillance transcript of that Harris/Blagojevich conversation. After the above exchange, the conversation moves on and then they come back to Giannoulias and Jarrett…

HARRIS Right. The question is if Alexi is coming in on her behalf, do we use Alexi to get the word back to her?

BLAGOJEVICH No, I don’t trust Alexi, I, no, under no circumstances.

HARRIS Mm-hmm.

BLAGOJEVICH No, no. Absolutely, not.

Seems like almost a vindication to me.

*** UPDATE *** From the IL GOP…

For more than a year and a half, Alexi Giannoulias failed to disclose this phone call. If Alexi tried to hide this phone call, what else might he be hiding about this case?

Key Questions for Alexi Giannoulias:

1) Why did you call Blagojevich Chief of Staff John Harris regarding Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat?

2) Did you make any other phone calls to John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or any other Blagojevich associate?

3) Did you, your staff or your family at anytime speak with John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or any other Blagojevich associates regarding Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat? If so, what was discussed each time?

4) Do you believe you are recorded on any federal wiretaps of John Harris, Rod Blagojevich or other individuals in connection with this criminal trial?

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* In other Senate campaign news, the AP has published a national story about the race. The lede pretty much says it all

Republican Mark Kirk has stepped on a political landmine of his own creation, leaving him as damaged as his Democratic opponent in the race for an Illinois Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama.

* Pat Gauen of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch looks at what he believes is political strategy

[Treasurer Giannoulias] announced June 13 that he will begin granting family medical leave to employees of his office who are in committed homosexual relationships, just as though they were married. It’s novel in Illinois state government and obviously timed for the election year. (He has had 3½ years in office to do it. And if it isn’t about politics, why not announce the same terms for committed but unmarried straight people?)

OK, a Democrat courting votes from gays and lesbians isn’t very deep strategy. But gently laying the subject on the voters’ table in this instance is subtle, potentially venomous, gamesmanship. […]

Giannoulias, you will remember, is running for Obama’s old Senate seat in what early polls say is a dead heat with an upstate Republican congressman named Mark Kirk. Here, too, Giannoulias is quietly using a homosexual-themed buzz to electoral advantage.

It serves as a small reminder that Kirk’s generally good marks from the gay-lesbian community have not endeared him to the political right and its hefty block of votes. Moreover, floating the subject reminds true homophobes that enemies in Kirk’s own party have garnered even mainstream news media attention by floating persistent rumors that he is gay. Kirk, who is divorced, denies it.

* Related…

* Green Party IL-SEN Candidate: I Could Win This Thing

* Carl Officer says he kept Senate campaign secret because of St. Clair County Dems: Asked what he thought the county Democrats might have done to hurt his campaign, Officer responded, “I am not going to speculate.”

* Illinois conservative independent doesn’t file to run in U.S. Senate race: llinois State University political scientist Robert Bradley said it’s questionable how many votes Niecestro would have drawn from Kirk’s total in November. “I have a sense that the tea party is not as organized (in Illinois) as it is in other places,” Bradley said.


  1. - chicago publius - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:28 am:

    Just in.

    U.S. Supreme Court limits “honest services fraud” to bribes and kickbacks, or, by implication, an attempt to get/give a bribe or kickback.

    See decision here.

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:29 am:

    publius, scroll down.

  3. - Team America - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:41 am:

    According to Alexi’s camp (via WaPo), the call was not made at the behest of Obama.

    But the call was made. So now we have Alexi meddling in the U.S. Senate appointment with a disgraced former governor who tried to sell the seat.

    The seat Alexi is now running for.

    Not armageddon, the way this race is going, but can’t be good for Alexi.

  4. - corvax - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    “potentially venomous gamesmanship”? C’mon,
    Alexi did the right thing–if there’s collateral political benefit, great.

    Mark, whether gay or not, can be counted on to lose any “gay” vote on his own w/ his vote on DADT

  5. - MrJM - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:52 am:

    If I were running Alexi’s race, “Rod Blagojevich never trusted me” would go straight to the top of his bio.

    – MrJM

  6. - 10th Indy - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:55 am:

    And Kirk could spin it this way - “Alexi Giannoulias - so crooked even Blago wouldn’t trust him”

  7. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:56 am:

    Nothing here, anyway, on Alexi.

    I’m curious, though. Who’s to say he wasn’t calling for himself? He says he was an advocate for Jarrett but obviously he has an interest in the post.

  8. - Team America - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 10:57 am:

    I had the same thought, wordslinger. Now we wait to see if we hear more.

  9. - Deep South - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:01 am:


    You did see the line about Blago, Alexi and trust? I don’t think Blago was EVER gonna appoint Alexi…and Alexi probably knew it.

  10. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    I think corvax is right…Alexi’s move is not about dragging Kirk out of the closet.

    This allows Alexi to establish a clear contrast between himself and Kirk on issues that gay Americans and their friends and family care about.

    “As Treasurer, I supported equal rights…as a Congressman, Mark Kirk sided with Rush Limbaugh when it came to equality.”

  11. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    BLAGOJEVICH No, I don’t trust Alexi, I, no, under no circumstances.

    There ya go! If you can’t figure out what that means, then you can’t read or you are spinning so hard everything is blurry.

  12. - Team America - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:27 am:

    So, if there was so much bad blood between Alexi and Blago, then what was Alexi thinking by calling him?

  13. - shore - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:30 am:

    First charles thomas taking a swipe at the congressman’s moderate stance now we get another intellectually dishonest quip. The media needs to call balls and strikes not spend its time on makeup calls. The congressmans resume matter was a minor thing and does nothing to diminish what even his detractors acknowledge has been 30 years of honorabl service. Big difference than with alexi whose entire raison d’etre was this failed bank.

    As former senator moynihan said you are entitled to your opinion not your own facts.

  14. - just sayin' - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:39 am:

    I believe I heard Blago say on the tape he didn’t trust Giannoulias. Obviously that is good for Giannoulias. You’ve got Blago himself acknowledging Giannoulias is outside his circle.

    Just more dishonest spinning from the Kirk camp. Same old same old.

  15. - Berkeley Bear - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    TA, almost everyone in the Democratic establishment had bad blood with Blago. Yet Jesse Jr., Durbin, Emanuel, the SEIU and AFSCME guys all put their two cents in on the appointment for a variety of reasons. Madigan was the only serious player who didn’t and that was because he knew full well Blago wouldn’t listen to him. Quit trying to find fault with everything Giannoulis does. It is tiresome.

  16. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:44 am:

    Man shore, I have never seen anyone cry so hard over every little ding a politician takes, or even every perceived ding. Do you carry a little picture of Kirk around and reassure it that everything will be alright throughout the day?

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    Shore, politics isn’t just about throwing punches, it’s knowing how to take a punch as well.

  18. - Joe - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:46 am:

    You’re right, shore about opinion vs. facts. So let’s look at those facts. Kirk voted 88.7% of the time the way Boehner told him to. That’s independent & moderate?

    Oh, and on the one vote where he did vote with any moderation — Cap & Trade — he has since stated that he regrets that vote & would vote “no” now.

  19. - Conservative Veteran - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:50 am:

    Kirk isn’t moderate. He’s liberal. According to, these are some of Rep. Kirk’s latest interest group ratings: Planned Parenthood, 100%; NEA, A; Americans for Democratic Action, 55%; AFL-CIO, 47%; American Conservative Union, 48%; Club for Growth, 42%; National Taxpayers Union, C-; Citizens Against Government Waste, 33%; John Birch Society, 25%; Concerned Women of America, 23%; and Gun Owners of America, F-.

  20. - MrJM - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:54 am:

    I also don’t see how it is “potentially venomous gamesmanship” for Alexi to contrast his advocacy for the GLBT community with Mark Kirk’s recent lurch away from the constituency that dare not speak its name.

    – MrJM

  21. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 11:57 am:

    So, if there was so much bad blood between Alexi and Blago, then what was Alexi thinking by calling him?

    There is a difference between not trusting another state officer and having “bad blood”. Having another statewide officer contact a governor during considerations of filling a US Senate seat with a person representing the same political party, shouldn’t be seen beyond what it was.

    There is no there there.

  22. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    Other than the curiosity factor of Alexi making a call to recommend someone else for the position he is now seeking through an election, I don’t see a smoking gun here.

  23. - shore - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    The discrepancy that is confusing is this. National journal judges issues on a conservative/liberal basis, the 88 percent with boehner line is about gop/democrat breakdown.

  24. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:08 pm:

    >>Kirk isn’t moderate. He’s liberal.

  25. - Northsider - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:09 pm:

    “Kirk isn’t moderate. He’s liberal.”

    Must. Not. Lau…BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

  26. - MrJM - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:17 pm:

    Conservative Veteran,

    Some of your numbers are very, very old, e.g. your John Birch number is from way back in 2003. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to mislead CapFax readers with stale data.

    But I’m in a good mood, so let me bring you up to date:

    Planned Parenthood didn’t rate Kirk last year, but NARAL Pro-Choice America gave him a score of just 25% in 2009.

    The Illinois AFL-CIO gave Kirk a score of 24% in 2009, much less than the old AFL-CIO score you cite. Kirk’s most recent rating with the NEA is also lower than the one you posted.

    And the American Conservative Union gave Kirk a score of 72% in 2009.

    I’d accuse you of cherry-picking your statistics, but you aren’t even picking out of this year’s crop.

    – MrJM

  27. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:22 pm:

    - the 88 percent with boehner line is about gop/democrat breakdown. -

    So are you saying Kirk is a moderate but he still votes however the GOP wants him to most of the time?

  28. - Conservative Veteran - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:44 pm:

    All of the ratings, that I used, were the most recent ones, on They were usually from 2009, and some are from ‘08.

  29. - Team America - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 12:59 pm:

    Lou, of course it’s not a smoking gun but it’s a chance to tie Alexi to Blago. Every little bit helps, my friend.

  30. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:09 pm:

    And that, in a nutshell, is the GOP mindset on this. A mere mention qualifies you as a co-conspirator.

  31. - bored now - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:13 pm:

    Team America: as anyone who had any connection to the obama campaign would know, alexi would do just about anything for barack, including calling people with whom he didn’t have friendly relations. it’s pretty simple…

  32. - Team America - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:14 pm:

    Well, Rich, I believe you are usually the first person to point out how all the Democrats (including Alexi) enabled this clown for years because it was in their best interests to support him. Now, he’s the friend no one ever had. If you lie down with dogs…

    TA apologizes to all the Dems that now find it inconvenient to be reminded of how you all supported Blago when it served your purposes.

  33. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    And that, in a nutshell, is the GOP mindset on this. A mere mention qualifies you as a co-conspirator.

    Seems as if Alexi’s campaign has been quite successful at putting both Kirk’s campaign and the GOP on the defensive.

    Here’s a thought: rise above all of this, refuse to play along, and move forward selling your candidate and his strengths. There’s plenty there.

  34. - George - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:19 pm:


    Ever since I saw this Clint Webb for Senate video, I can’t get it out of my head whenever I think of this Senate race.


  35. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    What??!!! Am I being “naive”?

  36. - bored now - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    shore: mark kirk’s “resume matter” was “a minor thing” if that’s all there were to it. but not only do we discover that he made stuff up here and there, but apparently everywhere. it’s a pattern that suggests dishonest and a lack of integrity.

    add to it the *fact* that kirk violated the military code — something that would have gotten a non-member of congress court martialed — and this “minor thing” becomes another example of kirk’s character.

    so we have someone of questionable character running as a faux war hero trying to raise doubts about an honorable opponent. the contrast is quite clear: mark kirk has exhibited extraordinarily bad judgment (about himself, about iraq, about, really, everything) while alexi giannoulias has proven to be a capable reformer, returning his office to professionalism, making the state money in a period of bad economic conditions, accepting questions from illinois’ voters and media, and putting himself out there, for all to see. i’d rather vote for the honest man, someone we can trust to work for us, someone who doesn’t feel the need to exaggerate when it’s not necessary. the choice is obvious…

  37. - Cindy Lou - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    I’ll take the IL GOP demand for answers seriously after their own candidate schedules a press avail and stops running through kitchens to dodge questions on himself.

    I will also presently assume if there were a big tie between Alexi and Rod worth snooping out the tapes would have let us in on the ’secret’. In the meantime though, I suppose IL GOP can bombard my area with another run of anti-Alexi ads inwhich they can claim ‘Alexi called Rod’. Yeah, it really sounds like they were best buds, only not.

  38. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 1:33 pm:

    And here’s one other observation:

    Did the method of “engagement” suddenly change for campaign staff and political consultants?

    Do they get paid only for–or an additional bonus–then they get THEIR names into the papers; for issuing the greatest number of press releases; or for getting the greatest number of quotes in response to an opponent’s sound bytes?

    Doesn’t anyone ever “go silent” anymore when it might behoove them?

  39. - (618) Democrat - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:03 pm:

    From the AP story: Jerry Stocks, Republican chairman for Macon County, in central Illinois.

    Stocks said he recently took Kirk’s picture out of the window at party headquarters.

    “Financial supporters in my county have pledged they will not vote for Kirk,” Stocks said. “Veterans have contacted me to complain about him. If I took a roll call of my precinct committeemen it would not bode well for Rep. Kirk.”

    Ouch!! Not good for the serial liar Kirk!

  40. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    I believe we’ve covered that already, 681.

    There’s still time.

  41. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:14 pm:

    Woops! Meant to say, “618″.


  42. - (618) Democrat - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:16 pm:

    @ RAfkaA 14:09

    Covered what? Still time for what?

  43. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:17 pm:

    To repair the damage, of course–and to restore the reputation.

  44. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:17 pm:

    Through building trust and focusing on experience and know-how.

  45. - (618) Democrat - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:27 pm:

    @ RAfkaA 14:17

    When Kirk tries to repair the damage he tells another lie.

    That is what serial liars like Kirk do. They have no conscience when it comes to lying.

    That’s why Kirk’s problem will not go away.

  46. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    Keep believing that, 618. It’s useful.

  47. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    Alexi has a nice sound bite there…. Blago knew Alexi was an honest politcian, and would not trust him to participate in Blago’s conspiracies.

  48. - Lefty - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 3:19 pm:

    Once again, two fine choices for Senate from Illinois. If there ever was a time to “go Green” it is certainly now!

  49. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 3:28 pm:

    Ghost, that means you are trusting Blagojevich’s judgment of character of others, considering some of the people he surrounded himself with?

    Although I am a die hard Republican, I don’t see any positives for any candidate who relies on Blagojevich’s judgement of character of others, whether good or bad!

  50. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 3:33 pm:

    You will notice that my reference did not point to Blago making a charcater judgment, but a trust judgment. Blago did not trust that Alexi would participate in shady dealings, so left him on the outside.

    So I trust that Blago recognized Alexi would not be a good co-conspirator.

  51. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 3:49 pm:

    How did this posting end up bashing Kirk when it is about Giannoulais and Blagojevich?

    Can you Alexi lovers give us all a break? There is nothing here that needs to be defended by your Kirk bashing.

  52. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 3:51 pm:

    - How did this posting end up bashing Kirk when it is about Giannoulais and Blagojevich? -

    Maybe you should ask Mr. Miller since he included some stories about Kirk’s problems in the posting as well.

  53. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 4:55 pm:

    OK then.
    So my question is now, “how long are you guys going to spin this “Kirk is a liar” crap?” It is already as boring as “Giannoulais is a “mob banker”" crap.

    It is June and I’m already bored out of my head with these campaigns and their supporters.

  54. - Joe - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 4:59 pm:

    Kirk has been lying to us since he was first elected. That’s at least 10 years worth of lying. I think that’s significant enough to keep discussing it until the election. And who knows what other Kirk lies will surface between now & November.

  55. - The REAL Anonymous fka Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    You’re right, V-Man. That’s why I believe that if we’re destined to go down that path, we may as well have some fun.

  56. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 24, 10 @ 6:14 pm:

    A loyal Democrat who won’t be supporting Alexi, this isn’t the first reference to Alexi or his family on the Blago tapes. Two days, Blago was talking about “the Greeks” — the Giannoulias family and fundraising.

    Again, Blago and Alexi basically have the same resume, the same education, the same DNA. Both of their parents were immigrants, neither were highly educated or spoke the language. They both learned how things work in Chicago: it’s not what you know, it’s who you know — and how many favors you can do for them.

    Rod’s parents worked their butts off so they could have the American Dream every immigrant wants: send their kids to college so they don’t have to work as hard as they did (at the factory). Robert was a hard working intelligent guy; Rod just wanted to have fun and be a big shot without putting in the work.

    Rod was a horrible student at college and at law school, as said by Lon Monk. He wasn’t interested in politics until he marries the daughter of one of the most powerful Aldermen in Chicago. His father-in-law gives him a State House seat, then Congressmen, then Governor. Meanwhile, the entire time Blago was trying to figure out how to get rich (because 175K a year is nothing).

    Alexi who entered the politic world at a much younger age and with a somewhat connected family, albeit brighter than Rod — which isn’t saying much, followed a very similar path. His father started a bank after coming here with no knowledge of English and no money. Alexi’s older brothers (just like Rob), are the brains of the operation. Alexi “got” into U of C, realized it was one of the most competitive schools in the country, bounced to Boston University (not to be confused with Boston College) to play some basketball. He graduates and goes to Greece to play hoops and party on the islands. Goes to law school just like Blago but never intends to practice. Meanwhile, his family befriends Obama just like Blago marrying into Dick Mell’s family. A gofer at the bank or wait in this election is he the president of the bank? Well anyways, he doesn’t do much there except to say that that experience “qualifies” him to be Treasuer. And now Senator.

    Rezko did business with both Blago and with Alexi and his family at Broadway. Many of the homes/condos Stuart Levine purchased were through Broadway and we all know he worked with Blago.

    Blago = Alexi. Forget about Democrats and Republicans — they’re all sinners.

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