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Does Illinois need a wage cut?

Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Pat Quinn campaign has rightly noted that Sen. Bill Brady recently announced support for a $2,000 annual pay cut for full time minimum wage employees

Republican governor candidate Sen. Bill Brady today said he supports lowering Illinois’ minimum wage if he wins in November and the state rate remains higher than the federal one.

“For the state of Illinois to come in and micromanage wages above the federal minimum wage is a mistake,” Brady, a state senator from Bloomington, told reporters.

Illinois’ minimum wage will rise a quarter to $8.25 an hour on July 1, a dollar above the $7.25 federal minimum wage that took effect last July. […]

“When you try to over-manage the private sector, the private sector has choices, and they move, which is why the state of Illinois, under Blagojevich and Quinn, has lost nearly as many jobs as the state of Texas has gained,” Brady said.

Roeper weighs in

I get Brady’s point — but I still don’t see how one can advocate lowering the minimum wage. According to the Living Wage Calculator, if you live in Cook County, you have to earn a minimum of $9.95 an hour to cover food, housing, transportation, etc. (That’s for one adult. For one adult with one child, the Living Wage is $18.13.)


* Not surprisingly, Brady skipped Chicago’s Pride Parade

Shortly before Chicago’s annual Gay Pride Parade kicked off on Sunday, Republican state Sen. Bill Brady was gearing up for another event 40 miles west that commemorates the Swedish heritage of the Kane County suburb of Geneva.

“Well, this has been on our calendar a long time,” Brady said of his appearance at Geneva’s Swedish Day festival and parade. “The Swedish parade has got a long history and tradition and so we’re honored to be invited to be part of this.”

Asked by reporters if, as a social conservative, he would have marched in the Pride Parade, a celebration of gay rights, Brady responded: “I don’t know. I’d have to think about it. I didn’t even know the (Pride) Parade was going on today. It is? We’re here.”

* In other news, Gov. Quinn hinted that he’ll be taking some budget action soon

Gov. Pat Quinn on Saturday appeared resigned to dealing with the out-of-whack state budget lawmakers sent to him last month.

For weeks, the governor has been calling on the Democrat-controlled Senate to return to the Capitol to pass a $4 billion borrowing plan to make state worker pension payments. But with the new budget year set to start Thursday, there’s no sign of that happening.

“They didn’t want to make any cuts whatsoever,” Quinn said, while speaking to reporters at ithe Center on Halsted in Lakeview, where he signed a bill requiring high school social workers to undergo suicide prevention training. “They basically said the governor of Illinois will have to make all the decisions regarding health care, education, public safety, and they gave me a lump-sum budget.”

* And Brady chided Quinn for offering up a weak excuse

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady said Friday that if antiquated computers are to blame for escaped parolees, Gov. Pat Quinn should have ordered a prison-system technology upgrade before he released criminals early last fall.

Brady criticized Quinn for a “consistent blame game” regarding the “MGT Push” program, in which more than 1,700 criminals — hundreds of them violent — were secretly freed weeks early.

* Brady also defended Mark Kirk

GOP nominee for governor Bill Brady defended his party’s U.S. Senate nominee Friday, saying that suburban congressman Mark Kirk has served his country honorably despite the recent revelations he had embellished his military record.

“At the end of the day, Congressman Kirk’s military service is honorable and you can’t take that away from him,” Brady said in response to a question from reporters after his speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars statewide convention in Springfield.

* Related and a roundup…

* Bob Dold Thinks The Rules Don’t Apply to Him: Lo and behold, simultaneous to all of this happening in the virtual world Mr. Dold had boxes and boxes full of flyers printed up in the real world showing the exact same Trib logo with the same endorsement quote as he had on his site, then removed from his site, then put back on his site albeit with caveats. Problem is he’s using these Tribune-laden flyers for the general election — handing them out at train stations, ice cream shops, etc. in recent days — and the print-version Trib “endorsement” quote does not clarify that their nod came back in January during the primary:

* JournalStandard: Quinn ignores DOC issues

* As Quinn’s running mate, Simon courting women voters

* Journal-Courier: Cohen adds to state of confusion

* 14th District candidates speak out on unemployment

* Word on the Street: Candidate to Koehler: Let me stay

* Independent seeks new McHenry County judge post

* RR Star: Illinois Views: Ballot access unfair, needs to be fixed

* Governor Says Budget Information to Come This Week

* Illinois Borrowing $900 Million as Credit-Default Cost Doubles

* Pantagraph: Furlough plan doesn’t do much to reduce deficit

* Daley picks former aides, Shedd chairman for temporary McPier board

* Daley appoints 3 to McPier board

* Erickson: Quinn erasing some of Blagojevich’s legacy

* Quinn signs anti-bullying legislation

* Quinn to sign law at Scott Air Force Base

* New laws target fraud, inefficiency in Medicaid

* State Supreme Court rules underage drinkers don’t need to be driving to lose license

* Pantagraph: Court ruling on teen drinking can save lives

* Residents share mixed feelings on futuristic ‘low-speed vehicles’

* Experts warn: Add safety measures for high-speed rail

* Asian carp forces troubleshooters to dream big

* SJ-R: There’s no reason to ‘rethink’ new FOIA

* RR Star: U of I austerity moves need to start at the top

* VIDEO: Expectations After STAR Bonds Bill

* Southern Illinois development bonds plan approved, next step is luring businesses

* Biz owners skeptical, but happy to receive job creation tax credit

* Illinois Invests $10 Million For Advanced Emergency Response Center


  1. - Concerned Observer - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    I’ve pretty much stopped commenting here — though I read every day — but I can’t stop myself this time.

    Bill Brady saying he *didn’t know* the Pride Parade was yesterday might be the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a long, long time. Someone get him the number of the Mayor’s Office of Special Events, quickly.

    (I have no problem with him not BEING there…but I know he’s not really that clueless. He can’t be.)

  2. - Sueann - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:13 pm:

    I have this feeling that Brady’s supporters do not include the gay and minimum wage types anyway

  3. - Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    It doesn’t seem wise to comment on lowering the min wage at this time of economic difficulty, though it would help employers hire more employees. It just doesn’t go over well.

    Of course, Brady would not go to a vulgar event like the “pride” events in Chicago. If the Chicago affair is anything like the San Fran events, it’s far from family friendly.

  4. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:25 pm:

    Brady knew when the Pride parade was. If he was honest he would come out and say that he doesn’t support equal rights for the GLBT community. He hasn’t been bashful about supporting amendments and legislation to that effect.

  5. - bill ryan - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:26 pm:

    Once again, politicians are making hay out of the very problems they created. Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady has attacked Governor Quinn for pointing out that the Department of Corrections old computers make it hard to track individuals released under parole supervision. “Brady: Don’t blame computers for missing parolees” (Belleville News Democrat Friday June 25, 2010), but lawmakers like Brady have known about the problem since at least June 2009 and done nothing about it. That’s when the Governor’s Taxpayer Action Board (TAB) described the risks posed by the 30-40 year old computer systems in Illinois’ social service agencies, including the DOC.

    In bold print the TAB declared that the Illinois Department of Corrections needed to “modernize and integrate a limited 25-year-old system…[otherwise] IDOC cannot measure or be held accountable for transitioning inmates back into society or lowering recidivism.” (Taxpayer Action Board Report June 2009, pp. 19, 91-92.)

    While some state lawmakers are satisfied to starve social service agency budgets, IDOC Director Michael Randle – with administration backing — has hired competent, private-sector experienced experts who have begun to revamp the Department’s computer data and reporting systems.

    Brady’s charge, that the Department should have waited until a new computer system was in place before releasing inmates, is cheap one. Releasing inmates days or weeks before their scheduled release date based upon good conduct credits –another TAB recommendation and a step taken by Governors of both parties since 1978 – has nothing to do with the tracking problem. What it does is offer the state a chance to shift some money from incarceration to rehabilitation and supervision, providing greater public safety than just a few more days jail time for soon to be released convicted felons.

  6. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:27 pm:

    Peggy SO-IL - Nice of you to show your small-mindedness by calling something vulgar that you haven’t even witnessed.

  7. - Amalia - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:35 pm:

    see those people marching in support of Wal Mart coming to Chicago Mr. Brady? they just want something barely above
    minimum wage. you are in serious stupid territory when
    you propose taking money from people.

    and on the Pride parade, yeah, right, no one knew it was
    happening. the Blackhawks have been talking to the
    media about the cup coming for days now, so unless
    you have not been listening to sports, you are just
    afraid to say what you really think, Brady.

    however, I would not be so hard on Peggy SO-IL. I have
    not been to the San Francisco parade so I have no idea
    if the two compare, but I have been to the one in Chicago,
    and, yes, it often goes over the family friendly line.

  8. - haverford - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:39 pm:

    Don’t sell Bill Brady short, Small Town. Supporting anti-LGBT bills? Usually he’s the sponsor.

    Also, Peggy, I was there yesterday along
    with many, many kids. It was lovely and
    very much a family affair for lots of families. No hate, please.

  9. - Son of Ben - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:42 pm:

    Our neighboring states (not counting dysfunctional Kentucky) are all a full 75 cents below us.

    Other states with higher costs of living (New York) maintain competitive minimum wage levels commensurate with the federal law.

    Further, if we are to be concerned about arbitrary dollar amounts assigned by “non-partisan” policy institutes running on liberal foundation and union dollars, then how’s about we look at Cook County tax policy and ease some of the local burden?

  10. - Montrose - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:46 pm:

    *Our neighboring states (not counting dysfunctional Kentucky) are all a full 75 cents below us.

    Other states with higher costs of living (New York) maintain competitive minimum wage levels commensurate with the federal law.*

    I want Brady to use that on a mailer, while Quinn has a mailer that says “Brady wants to cut your wage by $2,000.”

    We’ll see which one resonates with working people.

  11. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:47 pm:

    - yes, it often goes over the family friendly line. -

    That is up to individual families to decide, not self-righteous individuals from southern Illinois. Furthermore, there are many events that people may decide aren’t quite appropriate for children, but that doesn’t make them vulgar. Brady didn’t attend because he actively opposes gay rights, end of story.

  12. - Secret Square - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:51 pm:

    It is unfortunately true that there are many people struggling to support themselves and their families on minimum wage jobs. However, it is also true that most minimum wage jobs were never meant to be “living wage” jobs — they were meant for teenagers and others lacking experience or skills to either earn disposable income beyond what their parents or spouse provided for them, gain experience toward better paying jobs, or both. Without these entry level jobs it is hard for young people, displaced homemakers, etc. to get their foot in the door toward something better. If raising the minimum wage means these types of jobs disappear, then Brady has a point.

    I think most of us would agree that a job requiring education beyond high school or specialized training or skills should command at least a living wage. However, does the same principle apply to flipping burgers, picking up trash in the park, etc.? I think that is a question open to debate.

  13. - Amalia - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:54 pm:

    small town liberal, i’m not from southern illinois, i’m not
    small minded, and I am strongly in favor of LGBTQ rights
    and marriage for all. however, in general terms, the
    parade is not family friendly in my opinion.

  14. - Son of Ben - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    “Brady didn’t attend because he actively opposes gay rights, end of story.”

    Brady didn’t attend because he needs to deal with reality and reality, at least for him, is that there are votes in Geneva as opposed to Boystown.

    Granted his appearance would have made for spectacularly awkward footage and possibly hostile encounters with the flamboyantly costumed. However, just because there is a parade which celebrates gay pride, does not mean supporters of the parade are in the right when excoriating any politician who decides to attend another weekend celebration more friendly and politically useful to their objectives.

  15. - Montrose - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    *Brady didn’t attend because he needs to deal with reality and reality, at least for him, is that there are votes in Geneva as opposed to Boystown.*

    And Brady created that reality by actively opposing gay rights.

  16. - haverford - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:02 pm:

    That’s a nice thought Secret Square, but not everyone has access to education beyond high school and more and more people w skills for ’something better’ are only able to fine min wage work. The US has a huge underclass- the working poor- who rely on (frequently multiple) min wage jobs to make ends meet.

    Horribly enough, most people working min wage jobs will probably get his for more
    than $2000 under Brady because working 40
    hours a week on min wage doesn’t give you enough to live on.

  17. - Steve - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    Minimum wages laws are employment restriction laws. It’s that simple. I guess many economic illiterates would rather have people unemployed with the highest minimum wage law in the Midwest. Thanks!

  18. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:05 pm:

    - small town liberal, i’m not from southern illinois -

    I’m pretty sure Peggy SO-IL, who I was referring to, is.

  19. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:06 pm:

    Brady needs to be careful. He can advocate all he wants the reduction of taxes and budgets, but advocating a cut into worker’s incomes is something that will cost him votes in an election with results that will certainly be razor-thin.

    Although, I will note that, with our minimum wage scheduled to be an entire dollar an hour higher than the federal requirement, organized labor in Chicago needs to stop squawking about Wal-Mart.

  20. - Loop Lady - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:09 pm:

    Senator Brady: the middle class is still stuggling to come out of the abyss after losing their middle management positions, and ironically, some of them may be working minimum wage jobs to just get by…cutting their meager hourly wage sounds like a super way to endear the voters to you this Fall…please close your mouth so you do not hand the election to your opponent…let’s make this just a little interesting ok?

  21. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:11 pm:

    So do the goo-goos on here suggest we pay single moms in Chicago a minimum of $18.13 per hour for entry level jobs. Maybe after 6 months raise it to $25 so they can move up into lower middle class? That will create a lot of jobs, I bet. Walmmart will jump in feet first to open a dozen money-losing stores, I’m sure.

    The mind boggles at people who don’t understand that you can’t legislate away the laws of economics any more than an emperor can succeed in ordering the tides to recede!

  22. - Vole - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    Many if not most of these min wage jobs are in retail or service. These jobs are not moving out of state. Those mobile jobs are already in Mexico, China or Viet Nam. Illinois does not need to race to the bottom.

    Conservatives like Brady who propose such measures are the same types (e.g. Schock) who propose giving tax credits to pay for “affordable” health insurance premiums (clue: an affordable premium is also accompanied by about a $10 thousand deductible). I just wish these guys had the opportunity to try to live with what they advocate.

    Biden me Brady.

  23. - Deep South - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    Small Town Liberal:

    I’m from Southern Illinois and, like many others in the region, in no way agree with Peggy SO-IL, so please don’t lump us all together. That only shows a bias on your part.

  24. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    Schnorf, that was a bit over the top, don’t ya think?

    It’s like saying, “So, you support budget cuts, and therefore I suppose you want to cut education spending by half!”

    Try to stick with the topic at hand.

  25. - Deep South - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    Oh, and by the way, I’ve been to the parade and thought it was a hoot…but it’s probably not for everyone.

  26. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:15 pm:

    Me bad, but honest

  27. - Festus Hagen - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:22 pm:

    You guys have it all wrong. First of all, Bill Brady when asked why he was not at the “Pride” parade in Chicago thought that this event had to do with the preservation of “happy groups of lions” roaming across the Serengeti in Africa. Bill is an avid viewer of the “Animal Planet” and the “National Geographic Channel”on cable television. He is also an avid supporter of animal’s rights groups all across the world. If Bill had any inkling that what they were talking about was in regard to marching in or riding in the Chicago Gay & Lesbian Parade, he would have been there with “bells on his britches and rings on his toes” like Judy Barr Topinka and Pat Quinn. He saw how well that worked for Judy when she ran for Governor of Illinois last time. Why wouldn’t Bill Brady want to ride in the back of a big pink convertible in this popular parade, partner? Bill loves everybody.

  28. - Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    The SF events are characterized often by lewd and obscene acts on the streets. The visuals are pretty vulgar too, with rather sexualized costumes as it were. Most photos I see of pride events in any place have sexualized costumes or just really oddly-dressed persons. [And of course the anti-Catholic mocking of nuns (perpetual indulgence–that’s what the pride events symbolize, right?) are every where.] I can’t imagine how that would be wholesome for any child to see.

    I have been on the east coast for many years before returning to SO-IL a few years ago. I have no need to pretend to be cosmopolitan & claim some air of sophistication.

  29. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:28 pm:

    Deep South - I wasn’t lumping everyone from southern Illinois together, I was using that to specifically identify Peggy SO-IL. I’m from central Illinois, far from Chicago, and I’ve spent a lot of time in southern Illinois. I have no bias against any part of Illinois, just against self-righteous and/or bigoted people.

  30. - jonbtuba - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    Not everyone can sneak in stimulus provisions and pay no taxes for two years like Brady did.

    If we try to make sense of Brady’s various business stances, he says he wants us to eliminate all welfare and live within our means…unless
    1. You’re a business owner, in which case government hand outs are “different” from assistance to individuals
    2. You get by on the minimum wage, in which case you’ll just have to suck it up and accept less means to live by.


  31. - chuckT - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:33 pm:

    @Festus: I hadn’t thought about Judy in a while. Was she there? Has she been ANYWHERE since the primary?

  32. - Stallion - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:33 pm:

    I love the way Brady dummed down the question, like he didnt know the Gay Pride Parade was this weekend, and then when asked if he would have marched he says , I dont know I would have to think about it… This guy is a real phony, if he is elected i hope everyone marches in the parade that will be coming around again, its called “The Bush Policies & Folleys Parade”.

    Look out little worker, if he wants to cut the minimum wage, thats just the beginning. This guy doesnt know what its like to live on a fixed income. He has had his plate filled at our expense for the past what upmteen years ? Maybe you Mr. Brady should have made minimum wage all those years in the House and Senate, this way I could respect what you preach. The construction Co. and the legislative pay, why didnt you say that you should be getting paid the minimum wage so we could set the example and bring jobs into Il. What a joke, this guy…

  33. - MikeMacD - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:50 pm:

    A law of nature is - An assertion of truth for which there is no known example to the contrary.

    A law of economics is - An assertion of truth for which there is no known method for verification.

  34. - Son of Ben - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 2:55 pm:

    “I want Brady to use that on a mailer, while Quinn has a mailer that says “Brady wants to cut your wage by $2,000.”

    We’ll see which one resonates with working people.”

    By working people, are you also considering the other 98.9% of working adults over age 25 not making minimum wage? You might be surprised that many of these workers are politically and economically inquisitive beyond your SEIU mailers, and may see that as mentioned by a commenter earlier, that government creates unintended macroeconomic externalities when it tries to do something to save all those poor helpless, able-bodied adults.

  35. - Worst Bill Ever - AGAIN - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    Did I read correctly that Rep Bradley’s relative owns some of the property in the new Star Bond District in Marion ? Wonder how much per acre, over the appraised value of the property, that a Bradley will make on this deal thanks to rep Bradley - how about checking into this

  36. - nortsider - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:17 pm:

    I live in Chicago and didn’t know the gay pride parade was yesterday. Why would I? I was at a prolife pig roast in McHenry co. and Brady was there too.
    I read today Brady has already said that instead of cutting the min. wage he would hold off raising it again until the Federal wage caught up.

  37. - Anon - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:20 pm:

    When did the gay pride parade become the ‘must stop shop’ for every candidate? This was one Sunday where his time was best spent elsewhere.

    Using the Trib’s haughty logic (and parroted here), then President Obama is shunning Christians and God by finding other things to do on virtually every Sunday morning over the last two years.

  38. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    - When did the gay pride parade become the ‘must stop shop’ for every candidate? -

    No one said he had to attend, but its completely dishonest and cowardly for him to act like he didn’t know it was going on. If he believes his anti-gay stance is what Illinois needs and wants he should say so instead of playing dumb.

  39. - Chicago LCR - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:38 pm:

    The Chicago Log Cabin Republicans have released a podcast on the Gay Pride parade here. (nsfw)

  40. - DiamondStar - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:39 pm:

    All Brady has to do is post Illinois’ job performance #s under Democrats. That will answer the minimum wage question.

  41. - MrJM - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    No one has addressed the important question: If the pay for full-time minimum wage employees was cut by $2000, would they then pay more or less in income taxes than Bill Brady?

    – MrJM

  42. - Deep South - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:52 pm:

    Well, now, a better question might be this:

    Is Brady trying to balance the Illinois budget, and/or attract more business to the state, on the backs of the poorest Illinoisans?

    So he wants to kill dogs and cats in mass quantities, cut the pay of the poorest people in the state while paying no income taxes himself and thinks Mark Kirk should be elected? Man alive I can’t wait to see the Democrat attack ads.

  43. - Montrose - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    *By working people, are you also considering the other 98.9% of working adults over age 25 not making minimum wage?*

    The minimum wage floor affects a lot more than the folks making minimum wage. Moreover, people may not have a lot of trust in government, but they also don’t have a lot of trust in corporations. So siding with corporations over workers ain’t the greatest idea.

    I also have the view that most folks, regardless of whether they personally are making the minimum wage, believe people should be paid an decent wage for an honest day’s work.

    So, yeah, I think Quinn talking about Brady’s desire to cut wages is a much better mailer than one about macroeconomic externalities. A lot of politically and economically inquisitive voters will agree with me.

  44. - Liandro - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    I fully support Brady on this. My small business (restaurant) employs just under 20 people. I opened a bit over two years ago. In that time, food costs have gone up, gas has gone all over the place (we have a delivery service, to get an edge on competitors and do catering), and brilliant Illinois has also raised minimum wage THREE TIMES.

    I still haven’t raised prices. Why? Well, we’re in a recession for one. People are already complaining about prices, and they know that in many cases cost of living has remained steady or shrunk. Many in the Dixon area have lost jobs, as several local factories have fled/closed (another big one just fled to another state from nearby Sterling/Rock Falls area), so I’ve been worried how my market would respond. So what does that mean?

    It doesn’t mean my mortgage goes down, but my payroll % still goes up. It doesn’t mean the high school kids I hire work any better or more effectively, but it does mean I give less raises to those who deserve them. It means I have less of a safety net for my own company, which can be dangerous in this kind of economy (or any). Basically it means I am far less profitable. So what do I, as a business owner, do?

    Well, as mentioned, I give less raises. Period. The bulk of which would have gone to my managers and senior employees, who unlike the high school/college kids who get minimum–are actually trying to raise kids and pay for houses/rent! I work more hours myself, of course, and my salary guys often work more. I do less marketing then I would like, which could be damaging long term. I certainly don’t pay ahead on my mortgage, like I had hoped to. I go a little farther to get more out of my equipment, and put off new purchases I would like to make, and which would likely help my store. And finally, after this latest July increase, I am going to bite the bullet and raise prices. I can’t take three hits to my payroll while food cost is still increasing, especially if gas keeps rising (gas prices, besides directly impacting my delivery, have a huge effect on food cost).

    So, let me recap. In my store, raising the minimum wage gives higher pay to high school students living at home and some college students, while lowering the amount I can afford to pay long time employees, hourly managers, and salary managers (i.e. the people people making a living that minimum wage SUPPOSEDLY helps). It weakens my business, and gives me less space to invest in the future of the business. And, ultimately, it is going to add to local inflation by raising prices, which I hope my market can absorb–otherwise, instead of not getting raises, the families I support are not going to have jobs at all. That scenario has fallen upon quite a few local families.

    Now, I am only a case study. Take it for what you will. But I have been in either management or ownership for a decent amount of time, and if you don’t think this is a common case (as far as businesses that start at minimum) you just don’t understand business. Minimum is NOT a living wage, and it actually takes away from those who NEED a living wage. It hurts businesses (which, you know, create jobs…), especially small businesses (which, you know, drive economic growth…). AND A RECESSION IS A TERRIBLE TIME TO ATTACK SMALL BUSINESSES.

    Now, I’ve seen many local shops go out. I’ve done my projections, and I’m confident I won’t be one of them. But I’m also fairly confident I won’t be opening a new store any time soon over in the Sterling/Rock Falls area (which, at one time, was part of my business plan). That’s okay…they don’t need jobs over there, do they? Or maybe I’m taking away from my argument by closing with so much snark, so I’ll just sign off by saying:

    The minimum wage is not the savior of the working poor that it is sold as, plain and simple. And, frankly, you don’t need an economics degree to figure that out.

  45. - sal-says - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:08 pm:

    “Does Illinois need a wage cut?”

    Actually, IL needs different candidates for Gov. & Sen.

  46. - Cincinnatus - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 3:27 pm:

    - When did the gay pride parade become the ‘must stop shop’ for every candidate? -

    No one said he had to attend, but its completely dishonest and cowardly for him to act like he didn’t know it was going on. If he believes his anti-gay stance is what Illinois needs and wants he should say so instead of playing dumb.”

    Why is it unbelievable that Brady did not know of an event? I live about 100 miles closer to Chicago than Brady, and I didn’t know about the event until this morning. Most probably, Brady does little to arrange what events he attends, relying instead on his staff to prioritize his schedule. That the downstate Republican chose to introduce himself to voters in the collar counties, which he must decisively win in order to be elected, instead of a small gay community in Chicago should not come as a surprise to anyone.

  47. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:21 pm:

    - I live about 100 miles closer to Chicago than Brady, and I didn’t know about the event until this morning. -

    Are you running for Governor? And again, neither myself nor anyone else acted surprised that he failed to attend. But if you honestly believe his staff didn’t inform him that the Pride parade was yesterday and he might get asked about it, you’re pretty gullible.

  48. - Anon - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:22 pm:

    Brady wasn’t at the Gay Pride Parade? Well color me rainbow shocked. STL, I’ve been to the parade area on the Pride day. There are umpteen things on “display” that any reasonable person would not consider family friendly. It’s not a gay/straight thing, it’s a public decency thing. It’s a Mardi-Gras-esque atmosphere, and I’m not taking a two year old to that any time soon either.

  49. - cassandra - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:23 pm:

    Is there an authoritative text on the pros and cons of minimum wage laws. Listening to either of the principal gubernatorial candidates on this issue is not useful or educational. We are stumbling in the dark with these guys.

    Having said that, this announcement doesn’t seem too smart on Brady’s part. Who is he trying to please. Whoever, is it worth alienating a large segment of working and lower middle class voters who do have jobs, however modest. Maybe there’s an explanation that makes sense but I am not optimistic.

  50. - Liandro - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:25 pm:

    So Brady didn’t know what day a gay pride parade was. Big deal. Some of his staff probably knew the exact day, but again, who cares? I didn’t know it was happening, and I sure didn’t care. I was working. I wouldn’t pay any attention to a straight pride parade, either. Heck, I wouldn’t pay attention to a Latino pride parade, and I’m Latino. Kinda busy with the whole recession thing atm, sorry. If Brady’s focus is closer to where mine is, good for him I say. In the prioritizing of IL’s problems, sex and marriage issues are so far down my list they don’t show up atm. Unless my wife turns out to be gay, it just isn’t going to show up on my radar.

  51. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:49 pm:

    So you pound Brady when he says we should reflect the national minimum wage, then pound him again when he offers a lame excuse about not attending the gay parade.

    What he should have done is say nothing about both issues, so you’d just keep complaining about him gassing puppies.

  52. - Concerned Observer - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    Cincinnatus and Liandro, I kinda feel like you’re missing the point.

    If you’re the Governor of the state, and almost 4% of the citizens of your state all flock to the same place, aren’t you going to be at least a little interested in where they’re going?

    That’s what happened on Sunday when an estimated 450,000 people (Sun-Times) went to the Pride parade.

    I didn’t go. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t care to go. I couldn’t even have found the thing without GPS. But I knew it was going on, and Brady should have too.

    It’s kinda funny…this really reminds me of the way southern Illinoisans always feel (or at least, they did when I lived there for 8 years). When something would happen that they/we felt was very important, they often had to scream at the top of their lungs and jump up and down just to get anyone to pay attention to them. And it makes sense…they’re small, like it or not. Maybe the parade’s organizers should have screamed louder.

    Then again, that “small gay community in Chicago” consisted of more people than the populations of Alexander, Pulaski, Massac, Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Union, Jackson, Williamson, Saline, Gallatin, White, Hamilton, Franklin, Perry, Randolph, Monroe, Washington, Jefferson, and Wayne Counties *combined*.

  53. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 4:54 pm:

    You guys shouldn’t jump on Brady about the Pride Day thing. With his legislative history, I’m sure he’s not trying to court gay voters, and probably no one on his staff even thought to check up on it. He knows going in he’s not getting much of the gay vote.

    I doubt Quinn knows when the next tea party rally is, either. If it’s not in your wheelhouse, why waste your time?

  54. - Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:00 pm:

    Brady may or may not have really known about the “Pride” parade. In any case, isn’t it the prudent thing politically to feign ignorance and not say outright what he might think of such an event? Why make the gay movement angry? He can’t win, I guess. While Brady does seem to have a bit of a tin ear, I think it was wisest of him to be dis-interested and indifferent to the “pride” parade in Chicago rather than give cause for animosity and anger from the gay movement.

    Dems are never castigated by the media for their non-attendance at the Annual March for Life. Why should a GOP candidate pay homage to a Dem cause?

  55. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:02 pm:

    I’ve worked for a lot of different people, and I can tell you that the boss who thinks the minimum wage is too high is a stiff. You don’t want to work for him. That attitude prevails in things big and small.

    I’d be interested in hearing stories from those who built the houses for the Bradys. Good bosses? Union, non-union, skilled trades, drywallers, landscapers, roofers, you have all kinds of folks it takes to make a buck building a house. Entender?

  56. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:03 pm:

    I don’t blame Brady for not attending the parade and would have been shocked if he had attended. He is a right-wing candidate and would not have been well received.

    I find it interesting that now that the primaries are over, none of the “moderate” republicans attended the parade. Mark Kirk wasn’t there. Judy Barr Topinka wasn’t there. As far as I know the only republican candidate that attended is running for a state rep seat on the North Lakefront.

  57. - conda67 - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    Everybody knows Brady is not going to change the wage. Illinois needs to make sure we stop running gas, cigs, grocers, alcohol and all other sales we can bring back or bring to us. Now how all this will happen being competitive is a big start.

  58. - Son of Ben - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:06 pm:

    Montrose, your follow up was vague. Not to get all existential, but who are the people? I understand we’re all conditioned to divide ourselves into tribes and its easy to think it’s all an eternal battle between government and corporations for the hearts and mind of the ‘people,’ but the truth is that people make up both government and corporations.

    So whether it’s some suburban bi-ped at Swedish Days or the gayest drag queen in Andersonville, we’re all people.

    “I also have the view that most folks, regardless of whether they personally are making the minimum wage, believe people should be paid an decent wage for an honest day’s work.”

    Really? Care to make it interesting? I bet most folks, even the smug, self-righteous and anti-corporate, don’t give a rat’s about some guy they don’t know who went from making $8 to $7.25. Much less I don’t believe that a critical mass of people would independently come to the conclusion that $8 is the magic number for “decent” but no, $7.25 just won’t do. So don’t write off the people’s ability to understand that lowering the minimum wage, though initially difficult for 1%, would attract business, allow existing employers to add payroll, reduce unemployment, and who knows, maybe get people excited about opportunity for once in this state.

    “So, yeah, I think Quinn talking about Brady’s desire to cut wages is a much better mailer than one about macroeconomic externalities.”

    Can’t disagree with that at all. But it doesn’t make Brady’s position wrong. And it does mean that Brady showed some stones by stepping out on a political limb.

    “A lot of politically and economically inquisitive voters will agree with me.”

    I understand you have a secret connection with the people, but you better not speak for the voters. At least not without an accurate November weather forecast.

  59. - Anon - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:07 pm:

    ==Mark Kirk wasn’t there==

    Yes, I’m sure Mark Kirk going to the Pride parade would’ve been an outstanding idea with all the nuts pushing rumors about him.

  60. - jimbo2600 - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:17 pm:

    Brady wants to cut the minimum wage which would help bring down all wages & more people would qualify for Medicaid which he also wants to cut. OK I guess if you pay no income tax like Brady!

  61. - Lefty Lefty - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:26 pm:

    If you pay a bunch of your employers minimum wage and you start a saving a buck per man-hour because of a legislative change, are you going to run out and hire one more person for every 8 man-hours saved, or are you going to put it in your pocket, especially at first because of the mess most of us have been in for 2 years?

    “Lower minimum wage = more hiring” may be true sometimes, but it is not a lock to improve economic conditions now when no one needs to hire.

  62. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:30 pm:

    Schnorf, you lost me. You talk about paying entry level single moms $18.13 an hour. The minimum wage here will be $8.25 an hour.

    Where’d the $18.13 come from? That’s a lot more than $8.25

  63. - Anon - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:33 pm:

    ==Where’d the $18.13 come from? ==

    From Roeper’s column cited above:

    “According to the Living Wage Calculator, if you live in Cook County, you have to earn a minimum of $9.95 an hour to cover food, housing, transportation, etc. (That’s for one adult. For one adult with one child, the Living Wage is $18.13.)”

  64. - Objective Dem - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 5:43 pm:

    It is also worth noting the parade is more of a cultural divide than a geographical divide. The audience comes from throughout the state. And a large number of the attendees who live in Chicago were born and raised downstate and the suburbs.

    And it is also worth tying together the issue of minimum wage with gay rights. One approach is to drive economic development by lowering the minimum wage and going after low wage paying jobs. The other approach is embracing a creative culture. The City of Chicago and Mayor Daley have pursued the creative class approach. As a result many of the smartest kids move from the small towns to Chicago and start businesses and careers in the Chicago rather than their hometowns.

  65. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 6:02 pm:

    Does it get any better than NoTaxRushmore wanting to slash the minimum wage and “not knowing” about the Pride Parade?
    Keep it up
    What’s next?

  66. - just sayin' - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 6:14 pm:

    Maybe Brady figures if he could only pay a lower minimum wage to his employees, maybe his business would be successful. We know that voting on legislation targeted to help his own real estate projects didn’t work.

    And on the Gay Pride Parade issue. I don’t think it’s the fact he didn’t attend that bothers people so much. It’s Brady’s pretending he didn’t even know it was this past weekend. Having your intelligence insulted is extra annoying when a not-so-bright person wants to do it.

  67. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 6:28 pm:

    Schnorf, sorry, I didn’t read Rich Roeper. I didn’t know that anyone did.

  68. - T.J. - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 6:37 pm:

    You can support equal rights for the GLBT community without supporting men dressed up as nuns whipping one another in public.

  69. - Liandro - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 6:42 pm:

    @Concerned Observer:
    You say almost 4% of the state was at one place. I’ll admit: that’s compelling. But I bet a far, far larger percentage of Illnois was at another place: work. Add in a few more who wanted to go there, but couldn’t. Brady should focus on them, not distractions, which is what going to that parade would have ended up being for him.

    You didn’t comment on any of the points I raised, but did manage to call me a stiff (if not quite by name). I don’t think minimum wage is too high because I don’t want to pay it, I think minimum wage is too high because it is counter-productive. I don’t know what you know about business, but we have this thing called profit margin…often seen as a percentage. As other things–say, labor percentage–go up, profit margin goes down. As profit margin goes down (or red), a business gives out less raises, gives out less bonuses, gives out less hours, increases prices, or maybe goes out of business. There are a lots of options, and almost none of them benefit workers.

    You’re worried about the possibility of working for a “stiff”, while others are worried about paying the bills and getting work at all, and while I’m worried about my entire livelihood. You have a somewhat valid concern, but your sense of proportion is a bit off.

    @ Lefty Lefty:
    Yes, I would run out and hire more people if minimum wage was less–as well as give more hours to the best of my current employees. I would also give the raises I have been holding off on. You can, of course, doubt me, but it is for EXACTLY those reasons that I decided to raise my prices. I just had to hire a couple more people, my service was becoming an issue, especially if I wanted to grow to a safer size (I do). Plus there was a handful of employees that really deserved raises.

    Bottom line: You want economic growth, you can’t add to employers’ burdens. You want to push new (and existing) businesses to other states, to hurt your existing employers, to cut total man-hours, and to lower IL’s business reputation? Raising minimum wage is one way. Illinois has found other ways to do that, too (not paying it’s bills comes to mind, as does the uncertain political climate).

  70. - Leatherneck - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 7:00 pm:

    Slight change of subject to Quinn’s budget/cuts announcement as early as Wednesday.

    Any early speculation what (if any) agencies/programs might get spared, and what gets hammered (or cut entirely)? Could the office budgets of, say, Comptroller Hynes and AG Lisa Madigan get slashed for political reasons? Could Quinn revert back to the agency budget levels he proposed in his March budget address? Thoughts?

  71. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 7:10 pm:

    Liandro, I was talking about Brady. I didn’t read your original post.

  72. - Liandro - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 7:30 pm:


    Heh, fair enough. Given that I posted as a business owner very much against the multiple increases in minimum wage, I read your comments as including me. Although, given the all-inclusive nature of your statement, they do…if not intentionally. Anyway, thanks for clarifying.

  73. - Leatherneck - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 8:20 pm:

    Springfield State Journal-Register breaking news story regarding Quinn’s plans to make budget cuts Wednesday. Per the article, he states that the only area he’s saying so far will be cut heavily is “bureaucracy.” Along the lines of what I wondered earlier, I wonder what that will entail–whose office/agency budgets (if any) may get “spared” and who gets the budgetary axe (e.g. could the likes of say, Comptroller Hynes or AG Lisa Madigan see their constitutional office budgets slashed for political reasons–and who knows, could the other constitutionals and even the General Assembly get their budgets hammered by at least 10%)?

  74. - Leatherneck - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 8:20 pm:

    Sorry, forgot the story link:

  75. - Skirmisher - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 8:42 pm:

    Of all the social tinkering I have seen in my lifetiem, I am by far the most sympathetic to the concept of a minimum wage. However, that being said, I see nothign in the Constitution that gives any government the right to require a business owner to pay workers any more than what they are worth in the competitive market place, and I am firmly convinced that this is an area in which the government has no rights whatsoever. For once, Brady is probably on the right track.

  76. - anon - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 8:42 pm:

    Brady could cut the minimum wage to whatever amount he wants, but those earning that wage will still pay more income taxes than…Senator Bill Brady. I tell you this not paying income taxes should be the gift that keeps on giving for Quinn.

  77. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 8:59 pm:

    So exactly how many more people would Bill Brady hire at his hotel or football team or construction business or other interests if the minimum wage dropped a dollar? I’m genuinely curious. Can Rich or somebody find out?

    And I kind of think it’s a phony argument to claim all these businesses are not hiring or jobs are leaving the state over a $1 difference in minimum wage. The minimum wage earners are gas station attendants, fast food drive-thru employees, dishwashers and other service jobs that can’t be outsourced by and large.

    It’s the 12-25 dollar an hour jobs leaving Illinois or simply evaporating that has the state hurting the most.

    And maybe most voters who were inclined to vote for Brady already make quite a bit more than minimum wage so the thought is those people simply won’t care about people not as fortunate as them… well what about their kids working part-time jobs this summer saving for college? Do you think those parents are going to be excited about Bill Brady pushing for lowering their wages?

  78. - Nuance - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 9:08 pm:

    You have to remember the true minimum wage is really $0 for the poor somebody who is let go because of rising costs or loss of business income. I am not totally opposed to the concept of minimum wage but you have to be willing to accept the potential downside along with it.

    It is a delicate balancing act and to talk like it isn’t just shows that you probably haven’t ever had to meet much of payroll in a business with minimum wage earners or deal with the harsh realities of business.

  79. - Liandro - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 10:03 pm:


    I noted in my first post here how minimum wage can hurt the higher, living-wage jobs. Unfortunately it seems to have disappeared? Anyway, having to pay more to lower wage employees means less payroll for mid-pay employees. It’s pretty much that simple, and it has played out that way at my own store. I’m in the process raising my prices to give my labor percentage more room, but it won’t cover the whole spread of the three minimum wage increases that have hit since I opened.

    Spot on. People keep harping on how $1/hr wouldn’t make a different, but not only are they wrong they are ignoring that it is nickel-and-diming that gets people and businesses (and governments) deeper into debt. Stuff adds up, and businesses have enough on our plate right now.

    @Rich, any idea what happened to my first post?

  80. - Marty - Monday, Jun 28, 10 @ 10:53 pm:

    Roeper’s argument is silly. Lots of people would be happy to get a job paying $7.25/hr, maybe not to raise a family but as a young person looking to get some experience and a bit of income, or someone taking a second job or a spouse looking for a second income for the household, or an elderly person trying to make ends meet. Those doors are allk shut by a too-high min wage.

    Of course, they would like to make more, but if teh choice is between a job paying $7.25 or no job and no income at all?

    No one will get paid more than their job is worth; they could get paid less and the surplus be kept by the employer. But a minimum wage definitely means no jobs below the minimum and if you are looking for that first opportunity or a second income, that floor may be above what you can offer an employer.

    I am agnostic on the subject, but I hate bad arguments.

  81. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 6:04 am:

    Does it get any better?
    NoTaxRushmore answered before the sun set
    The capper to slashing the minimum wage for working families is this passion for arming IL.
    “Brady also reiterated that he would support an Illinois law to allow regular citizens to carry concealed guns,….”
    Hollow points with your fries sir?

    Fire,Ready Aim!

  82. - Anon3 - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 7:42 am:

    Peggy-SO IL- I was in Chicago over the weekend and stopped by the Pride parade with friends. I had not been to one since college almost 20 years ago, its mostly corporate sponsored floats and lots of couples with strollers etc Still plenty of over the top stuff but a very different atomophere. It merely rivals the St. Patty’s Parade for alochol consumption not exceeds it. I guess it really is reflective of our changing society.

  83. - N'ville - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 7:43 am:

    anon 8:42pm…just how much more did you pay to the government than you owed in income taxes this year?

  84. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 8:18 am:

    My Norwegian folks used to to take us kids to Swedish Days every year in Good Templar Park. It was quite a gathering every year of the pretty sizable Scandinavian immigrant society of Northern Illinois back in the day. You’d see the same crowd at 17th of May celebrations in Stoughton, WI.

  85. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 9:10 am:

    If anything, the state minimum wage should not impact counties outside Chicagoland where it’s increase puts the other 95 or so counties at a disadvantage. The cost of living downstate is far less than in Chicago, so forcing all Illinoisans to pay the higher minimum wage doesn’t really help outside Chicagoland.

    The national minimum wage is sufficient for most of Illinois.

    Brady isn’t from Chicagoland. Naturally he doesn’t accept the higher wage rate. As a business owner, he knows how this impacts who he hires, how many he hires, and the reality of the minimum wage laws. He understands why it isn’t a good idea. He understands how it impacts competition. If you would rather have a governor who doesn’t understand these things, you can vote for the guy who doesn’t have this experience.

  86. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 9:26 am:

    - If you would rather have a governor who doesn’t understand these things, you can vote for the guy who doesn’t have this experience. -

    Please, if Brady is such an astute business owner, why did his businesses lose enough money for him to not have to pay taxes? Oh, right, because economics isn’t an exact science and lots of things besides minimum wage impact businesses. So keep spouting off this tired, simple minded talking point, it doesn’t make any more sense the more you use it though.

  87. - the Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 9:34 am:

    STL, your post it spoken like a true government reliant liberal. Brady’s business is surviving an economic downturn in which an overwhelming majority of those in his industry have failed.

    So the man didn’t take a bunch of money out of his business while he had to lay people off, so that is a bad thing. Consider Alexi’s family who took 7 to 8 figures out of a bank, then bailed. How much of a pay cut has Quinn or Madigan? Say what you want, but Brady’s business is doing much better than Quinn’s.

  88. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 9:41 am:

    Anyone who thinks that McDonald’s would be hiring more people in Illinois right now if wages were lower is deluded.

  89. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 10:10 am:

    Your assumption that since Brady didn’t earn a profit, he doesn’t understand business, is ridiculous. Instead you claim that economics isn’t an exact science. Did you hear that from a businessperson with business sense or a professor who read about a businessperson with business sense?

    Failure is a part of being a businessperson and a better teacher than any academic. That isn’t being simple minded, it is simply using my brain.

  90. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 10:25 am:

    It’s simply Brady’s snide disingenuousness–had he been straight forward and said “No, I do not support gay marriage and chose not to go to the Gay Pride Parade”–it would have been less offensive.
    For a man who pays no taxes to oppose the minimum wage in Illinois simply demonstrates his right-wing misguided Club for Growth philosophy–like religion, one can’t argue it.

  91. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 10:29 am:


    –That isn’t being simple minded, it is simply using my brain.–

    LOL, too easy.

  92. - Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 10:49 am:

    - Your assumption that since Brady didn’t earn a profit, he doesn’t understand business, is ridiculous. -

    Thats not my assumption genius. My assumption is that just because someone is a business person doesn’t mean they can guarentee positive results for our state, or their business.

  93. - Peggy SO-IL - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 11:18 am:

    On Brady’s business, taxes, etc. Now, you all saw on this site that Brady paid taxes in prior years as his business income was positive. For goodness sake, he’s not a business failure. He’s in construction. The banks over-extended lending to unworthy borrowers, pumping up demand for new and existing homes. Brady I am sure did quite well and paid commensurate taxes during those years. Sigh.

  94. - Liandro - Tuesday, Jun 29, 10 @ 12:24 pm:

    @Small Town Liberal:

    I’m torn. I want to point out that yes, actually having business experience generally makes you better at understanding business needs. But I also am no expert on Brady, and certainly not on his business history. So I’ll compromise by pointing out that many businesses lose money in certain months, quarters, or years. In fact, for accounting purposes, sometimes it is BETTER to take losses during certain periods. Perhaps all Brady’s tax returns show is that he had a good accountant, and had planned far enough ahead (rainy day funds, etc) that his accountant had leeway to save him some money. But that would portray Brady as a *smart* businessman, so I understand if you ignore that possibility.

    And yes, I know it seems counter-intuitive to WANT to show losses sometimes, but you can thank our ridiculously complex tax code for that.

    @Yellow Dog Democrat:

    Or, maybe anyone who thinks small businesses AREN’T hurt by minimum wage increases is deluded…the goal of this has NOTHING to do with megacorps like McDonald’s, so mentioning them is nothing besides a (fairly obvious) diversion. Small businesses are what help produce sustainable economic growth. Go read my first post for a REAL example of how the minimum wage works, and lay off the megacorp irrelevancy.

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