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*** UPDATED x3 *** Maybe not, and two new Kirk ads

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Sun-Times has now changed the wording of its reporting on yesterday’s testimony by SEIU Illinois honcho Tom Balanoff. Yesterday’s post read

[Balanoff] says Alexi Giannoulias, a friend to then President-Elect Barack Obama, asked him to ask Blagojevich about a possible appointment for him.

But that’s now been deleted after the campaign raised a question about its accuracy. Live-blogging is extremely difficult, especially during long, drawn-out events like trials, so these things happen. The story today reads

Balanoff also testified that Giannoulias helped arrange a meeting of Jarrett, Balanoff and Giannoulias to discuss a Blagojevich appointment of Jarrett. Balanoff called Giannoulias to tell him Jarrett was dropping out. “In passing, he said: ‘Maybe he’ll appoint me,’ ” Balanoff testified.

Balanoff testified that he told Giannoulias he would run it by the then-governor.

Blagojevich, in a Nov. 24 meeting, bristled at the thought.

” ‘That motherf - - - - -, I wouldn’t do s - - - for him. Every chance he got he took a shot at me,’ ” Blagojevich said of Giannoulias, according to Balanoff.

So, it’s not nearly as bad as I thought yesterday. Time to move on.

* Speaking of moving on, a day after Mark Kirk apologized again for embellishing his record, he has launched two new TV ads. Let’s rate them.

The first is called “Risky.” The Tribune’s description

In the first commercial, titled “Risky,” Kirk’s campaign shows a picture of a young-looking Giannoulias and then notes he is 34 years old. It then goes on to describe controversial loans Broadway Bank made to men with ties to organized crime while Giannoulias worked there, showing black-and-white pictures of the loan recipients. It also criticizes Giannoulias’ performance as treasurer when a college savings program run by the office lost $73 million.

“Alexi Giannoulias: Trust him with your money?” the announcer asks.


The other ad is called “Stand.” From the Sun-Times

“Stand,” portrays Kirk as a more committed environmentalist than Giannoulias because Kirk spoke out against BP’s plan to discharge more into Lake Michigan while Giannoulias has a top aide who worked as a lobbyist for BP.

Environmental groups The Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters, both have endorsed Giannoulias in this race, saying Kirk exaggerated his role in stopping BP’s proposal to dump more discharge into Lake Michigan.

The new ad buy starts on broadcast television in the Chicago area today and cable television Thursday.


From what I’m hearing so far, these are not huge ad buys. But they are getting wide publicity. WaPo

The commercials are evidence that Kirk is following a “your best defense is a good offense” strategy, seeking to use his press conference and these ads to shift the focus in the race back to Giannoulias after a month of questions about the veracity of his military resume.

Kirk is also trying to exploit his financial edge over Giannoulias by beginning to define the race in the costly Chicago media market over the summer — typically a very quiet time for politics.

* Also, the troubles with posting the full Kirk press conference video continued late yesterday when I posted only his speech and not his media Q&A. Here’s the Q&A

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*** UPDATE 1 *** Giannoulias is responding with his own ad. So far, this is Internet-only. But the campaign claims they will make a buy. No word on how big that will be. This is a one-minute ad that slams Kirk. Rate it

*** UPDATE 2 *** Today’s “Morning Joe” program was simply brutal. Make sure to watch

*** UPDATE 3 *** From the Giannoulias campaign…



Alexi has taken no money from BP, from its lobbyists or executives. Mark Kirk is paying for this ad with BP money: he has taken more than $120,000 from the firm that is making millions representing BP in the aftermath of the spill, $2,500 directly from BP and its executives, $4,750 from its corporate lobbyists, and another $8000 from Representative Joe Barton, who infamously apologized to BP executives on the House floor last week. [FEC; Center for Responsive Politics; Chicago Tribune, 5/18/10]


Congressman Kirk’s record on the environment has cost him the endorsement of the Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters. They chose Alexi because Kirk has continually sided with Big Oil by voting to protect tax breaks for big oil companies, to expand drilling throughout America’s coastal waters, and to allow drilling in prohibited areas. He even stood with Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin in 2008 to overturn the moratorium on drilling off the Florida coast. [Chicago Sun-Times, 6/8/10]

KIRK AD LIE 1: The Sun-Times said Kirk, quote, “fought hard to stop BP from dumping more waste into the lake.”

TRUTH: Jack Darin, who heads the Sierra Club’s Illinois chapter, called this claim “another case of Mark Kirk exaggerating his resume… He took a boat trip and held a press conference, but I think for him to say he stopped BP is clearly wrong. Unfortunately, Indiana went ahead gave BP the pollution permit for the pollution we were all so upset about, and still are. So BP in fact has not been stopped.”

KIRK AD LIE 2: Alexi says higher energy taxes are on the table.

TRUTH: Alexi has never pushed for higher energy taxes. He supports a market-based system that puts a price on global warming pollution, reduces our dependence on oil and spurs investment in renewable energy and new clean energy jobs. Numerous independent studies have shown that his transition can occur with minimal cost to consumers, and help make America more competitive in today’s global economy.

KIRK AD LIE 3: Alexi Giannoulias’ top aide was a longtime BP lobbyist.

TRUTH: Alexi’s unpaid advisor was never a lobbyist for BP. He was a real estate attorney who worked on zoning cases for BP-Bovis, the construction and development joint venture that converted existing Amoco stations into BP stations. It is required by the City of Chicago that real estate attorneys handling zoning cases register as lobbyists. He never advocated for BP and has done no work on oil and drilling issues.

KIRK AD LIE 4: Now running for Senate, Alexi supports higher taxes to fund billions more in spending.

TRUTH: Every proposal outlined by Alexi includes a counter-part offset to ensure that it is deficit neutral. Alexi also supports pay-as-you-go federal budgeting rules, which Congressman Kirk voted against. It’s no wonder — Kirk voted for every Bush budget and tax cut for the wealthy that tripled our national debt, took us from record surpluses to record deficits, and put the global economy on the precipice of collapse. [HR2920, Vote 612, 7/22/09; HJR45, Vote 48, 2/4/10; HCR353, Vote 79, 3/20/02; HCR95, Vote 141, 4/11/03; SCR95, Vote 198, 5/19/04; HCR95, Vote 149, 4/28/05,; HR4241, Vote 601, 11/18/05; HCR376, Vote 158, 5/18/06; SCR 21, Vote 377, 5/16/07; HR3, Vote 45, 3/8/01; HR6, Vote 75, 3/29/01; HR8, Vote 84, 4/4/01; HR1836, Vote 118, 5/16/01; HR1836, Vote 149, 5/26/01; HR3090, Vote 404, 10/24/01; HR3529, Vote 509, 12/19/01; HR586, Vote 103, 4/18/02; HR2143, Vote 219, 6/6/02; HR4019, Vote 229, 6/13/2002; HR2, Vote 182, 5/9/03; HR2, Vote 225, 5/23/0 3]

KIRK AD LIE 5: As Treasurer, he made risky investments that cost families $73 million in lost college savings.

TRUTH: Even Congressman Kirk has admitted that the problems experienced in one of Bright Start’s 21 funds was the fault of Oppenheimer, not the Treasurer’s office. As reported by the Chicago Tribune, “Kirk addressed a controversy involving Giannoulias’ stewardship as state treasurer of the Bright Start college savings program-and appeared to take Giannoulias’ side… Kirk went after “a state bureaucrat that has a bad record.” Asked by a reporter who that bureaucrat was, Kirk replied it was the person who ran the Oppenheimer “core plus” fund-who is not a state employee.” [Chicago Tribune, 10/12/09] In fact, under Alexi’s stewardship, the Bright Start program went from one of the worst in the country to one of the top five, according to several independent analysis.

KIRK AD LIE 6: At his father’s bank, Alexi made tens of millions in risky loans to convicted mobsters. Then, the bank collapsed.

TRUTH: Because of banking regulations that were strictly followed by the bank, all of these loans were legal and reviewed by state and federal regulators. Any suggestion that these few loans had any relationship to the bank’s financial problems is a lie.

* Related…

* Kirk fails to set the record straight

* Kirk apologizes, again

* Kirk apologizes for being ‘careless’ on his record

* Kirk apologizes again for embellishing military record

* Mark Kirk holds expansive press conference in wake of embellishment controversy. Entire video of q and a

* Kirk apologizes for military misstatements

* Senate Candidate Mark Kirk Apologizes

* Giannoulias, Schakowsky Respond to Testimony

* Blago’s harsh words for Giannoulias: “That mother f—–“

* Balanoff: Blagojevich wanted job for Senate seat

* Blagojevich on Carol Marin: ‘I hate her’

* Blagojevich trial: Day 17 and recap

* Blagojevich trial: Jury hears ‘I’ve got this thing and it’s (expletive) golden’ quote

* Blago’s ‘golden’ comment makes appearance at trial

* Blagojevich trial tape transcripts, text version

* How Explicit Were Blagojevich’s Requests to SEIU?

* Union official: Obama said Jarrett met criteria


  1. - Really?? - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:27 am:

    I would actually think that the Blagojevich’s quote about Giannoulias being a “mother f****” and how the Treasurer always took shots at him would actually demonstrate that Giannoulias was as separtate from the Governor as he could be. They clearly weren’t friends or allies. I would think that is a positive for Giannoulias.

  2. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:30 am:

    The ads are just an attempt to change the subject back to a noun, a verb and broadwaybank.

    Giannoulias ought to already have an ad in the can quoting Sierra Club on Kirk essentially doing nothing re the BP toxic dumping in the Lake … other than turning it into a PR stunt.

    Hey, that sounds like an embellishment.

  3. - siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:39 am:

    Last week when you posted Alexi’s “fluffy” internet slam on Kirk I posted here that he would only make the issue work for him if he took it more seriously and went hard at it.

    This new ad from Alexi seems to follow my advice (you’re welcome). It’s rough and brutal.

    If he is able to put real money behind it, and I were his campaign manager, I would run that thing day and night for the next 120 days.

  4. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:39 am:


    Mark’s a little bit hokey
    Alexi’s a little bit bankroll
    Mark’s a little bit of military hero fake
    Alexi’s got a whole lotta daddy’s dough
    I don’t know if that’s good or bad
    But they’re the nominees, so
    I’m a little bit grossed out, ‘cuz Illinois a hellhole

    Mark’s a little bit mental,
    Alexi’s a little bit empty style
    Mark’s a little bit a liberal,
    Alexi’s thinks he’s Obama’s child
    Don’t know if I’m happy or sad
    Both should end up behind the woodpile
    Both are a little bit phoney
    And both have too much guile

    I like that peaceful easy feeling of a Senator who is strong
    And when I see them in the Senate, I see that they belong
    I love my country with all my heart and my soul
    I vote on Election Day for a leader, not a troll
    I know I’m goin’ to feel really sick
    No matter how I vote
    Between a little bit of crazy Kirk
    Or a little bit of Giannoulais shtick

    I love my country with all my heart and my soul
    I hate to see our taxes thrown into every black hole
    So, I know I’m goin’ to have to vote
    For one of these stupid Pols
    Between a guy with his eye on his memoir
    And a guy who lends felons dough

  5. - Upstate - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:41 am:

    Who’s the top aide who was a BP lobbyist?

  6. - Amalia - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:42 am:

    yes, the Alexi ad on Kirk is rough. let the carpet bombing

  7. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:52 am:

    The ads are just an attempt to change the subject back to a noun, a verb and broadwaybank.

    You’re not finished -
    The ads are just an attempt to change the subject back to a noun, a verb and Kirkisaliar.

  8. - Whatever - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:54 am:

    Tina Brown: politicians are like “genetically altered salmon.” Yes, both Kirk and Alexi stink like dead fish.

  9. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    Both of these guys have taken hard, self-inflicte d hammer blows to the head. One more to either could put him down for the count. Still more than four months to go.

  10. - Windy City Mama - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 10:58 am:

    Mark might want to also add Alexi’s PR guy came from Blago. As for Blago swearing about Alexi ? Rod and Alex were great friends. But like everyone else. Alexi only started kicking Rod when he was down. That took alot of courage.

  11. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:00 am:


    The guy was a lobbyist for a joint venture BP had with another company to open gas stations in Europe.

    It’s a stretch.

  12. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:04 am:

    =Mark might want to also add Alexi’s PR guy came from Blago.=

    Another “scandal”. Time for a press release.

  13. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:10 am:

    I would rate the Kirk adds as c- on substance, but B+ on political effectiveness. This will be a “dirty” campaign, but then again it is Illinois.

  14. - shore - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:10 am:

    the kirk q and a was some of his best most forceful stuff that I’ve seen from him in a long long time. He used to be a very confident energetic politician, that has gone away in recent years a bit but it’s good to finally hear he will be running downhill.

    the alexi ad is awful, he has settled on a strategy of muddling the message against kirk. One day kirk is a bush republican, the next day he’s a flip flopper, the next day he’s a liar, the next day he’s a dc insider. When you say 5 different things to voters it cancels them out and leaves you with nothing which is what he’s done.

  15. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:12 am:

    Kirk’s ads are strong B’s. Alexi ad’s is a C.

  16. - Reformer - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:15 am:

    Nice job, Vanilla Man!
    This election campaign, as well as Brady v. Quinn, will be so dirty that the public will recoil in disgust and more will sit home or skip these races if they do vote.

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:19 am:

    Yes, nice job, V-Man.

    I think the conservatives will come out in droves.

  18. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:23 am:

    ===Mark might want to also add Alexi’s PR guy came from Blago. ===

    That’s quite a stretch, ain’t it?

  19. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    MSNBC “Morning Joe” political pundits agree: “Kirk has a perfect resume!”

  20. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:41 am:

    There’s you spin -

  21. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:42 am:

    Yeah, V-Man, but that last bit at the end wasn’t very “kind”. And some of the stuff in between, too.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:43 am:

    You tease. ;)

  23. - Windy City Mama - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:53 am:

    Perhaps I’m wrong ? Isn’t Pete Giangreco working for Alexi ?

  24. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:56 am:

    Kirk cannot tell the truth. Kirk says he made mistakes, he was careless.

    That is a lie!

    What Kirk did was lie about his military service. Kirk lied about being a teacher. Kirk is a liar plain and simple.

    The people of Illinois can’t believe a word Kirk says.

  25. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 11:59 am:

    At least by pushing all his reserve weekends into November (i.e., after the election), the campaign won’t have to “attack” the DOD anymore.


  26. - Vole - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:01 pm:

    Will the press examine either of Kirk’s or Alexi’s voting records, job performance, or positions as public servants during this so called campaign?

    Kirk and Alexi gave the press too much ammo to facilitate their proclivity to be lazy conformists and follow only the latest buzz hitting the 24 hour media and internet. Sadly, the least informed and/or most misguided will probably once again decide this election.

  27. - Bill - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:05 pm:

    Both of these guys, but especially Kirk, are making ol’ Roland look like statesman of the year. Kirk is now eligible for membership into the Pat Quinn Super Buffoon Society. It really is a race to the bottom in Illinois. What’s next? Can they get any more stupid? Why do we have to choose between two morons for both of the two top statewide offices. It is quite revealing that the first 8 links of this post are about Kirk and the next 8 are about Blogojevich. Nothing like bi-partisian mopery!

  28. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:06 pm:

    Giangreco has worked for a ton of candidates, not just Blagojevich.

  29. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:11 pm:

    =…and follow only the latest buzz hitting the 24 hour media and internet….=

    I was kind of under the impression that all this bad stuff started when the campaigns tried creating their own news and/or “sensationalizing” stuff that didn’t pan out as quite so newsworthy.

    Almost like they believed that flooding the press with “red herring” data and then asking tons of questions would generate “publicity” for weeks and maybe, if they were lucky, even kick off a few “investigations” based on a “whisper”.

    If nothing panned out after that, it seemed as if they thought the previous two-week period’s damage would have been worth it and no one would remember they started the “buzz” in the first place.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what I saw.

  30. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:21 pm:

    “Any suggestion that these few loans had any relationship to the bank’s financial problems is a lie.”

    So all of those loans paid off handsomely for the bank? Not a single one of those questionable loans defaulted?

  31. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:23 pm:

    He was a lawyer but not an advocate? Aren’t lawyers supposed to be advocates? And he registered as a lobbyist against his will to take that BP cash to serve as a mere real estate attorney and not an advocate?

    Clear as mud.

  32. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    Louis, in Chicago, zoning lawyers must register as lobbyists.

  33. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:25 pm:

    “Alexi has never pushed for higher energy taxes. He supports a market-based system that puts a price on global warming pollution, reduces our dependence on oil and spurs investment in renewable energy and new clean energy jobs. Numerous independent studies have shown that his transition can occur with minimal cost to consumers, and help make America more competitive in today’s global economy.”

    So he is advocating “service fees” on the price of the product instead of taxes?

    Clear as mud.

  34. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:27 pm:

    Louis, if it’s clear as mud you must need to clean those scales off your eyes.

    If the law required the guy to register as a lobbyist then Kirk is essentially whining that the guy followed the law.

    Some complaint.

  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:32 pm:

    The thing that I find even more interesting, though, is that one of the campaigns has been “whisper attacked” several times, but somehow the damage wound up being controlled fairly well–through sheer luck for all we know.

    But that’s the same campaign that for some reason thinks everything has legs, or should be perceived that way by the media. Go figure.

  36. - MrJM - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 12:59 pm:


    That “Morning Joe” clip hurt my feelings.

    – MrJM

  37. - siriusly - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:17 pm:

    Halperin’s quote at the end sums up how I think many voters are reacting to Kirk’s “misrememberences” but are afraid to actually say it. He said “people who know him think there is something wrong in his head.”

  38. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    I just pretty much assume that anything that comes from Mark Kirk now is untrue. That’s the safe bet. The truth just isn’t in Mark Kirk. He can’t seem to help himself. Something just not right about that guy.

  39. - shore - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:24 pm:

    I don’t think the clip is all that brutal for kirk. Like every other neutral and even liberal commentator has said, Kirk has an oustanding resume for this job, which is true, and this is not louis or team america saying this, it’s everyone from anne marie cox-no fan of republicans to steve chapman at the trib to these folks. Comparing Mark Kirk to roland burris is a joke.

    As carol marin notes, this issue is over. We have really issues to discuss in this campaign like corruption, like alexi’s failed bank, like 8 years of broken promises.

    The last time this issue was raised I liked to the wttw video of mssr giangreco gushing all over blago, there may be some berkowitz tape of him from earlier in the decade too. The democrats have played 8 years and longer of guilt by association and I look forward to team america linking alexi, blago and giangreco and asking voters how this is not more of the same.

  40. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:49 pm:

    “If the law required the guy to register as a lobbyist then Kirk is essentially whining that the guy followed the law.”

    Lots of laws in lots of places that require lobbyists register as lobbyists. Didn’t Giannoulias claim he was going to shy away from Washington, D.C. lobbyists (except for that infamous rooftop function in DC that was caught on tape) and proclaim them all as evildoersl? And one of his best buddies and “senior advisor” is a . . . lobbyist! In this area? His backyard? The horrors! :-)

    The embellishments in the Giannoulias campaign press release response are kind of cute in they way they split hairs and try to dance away from such issues.

    Since Kirk has been pounded upon for weeks over splitting hairs and dancing, perhaps the Giannoulias campaign would have learned their lesson and avoided the extended Tsamiko dance in their embellished “response” press release. I guess not!

  41. - Bring Back Boone's - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:53 pm:

    Wow they really tore Kirk apart on Scarborough.

  42. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:55 pm:

    Louis, try to avoid goofy embellishments.

  43. - FillB - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 1:58 pm:

    “…I look forward to team america linking alexi, blago and giangreco and asking voters how this is not more of the same.”

    If that happens, literally dozens of voters will learn that two Democratic politicians in Illinois have hired the same Illinois-based political consultant.

    Feel the carnage!

    I have more to add: I heard Alexi and Rod have both eaten lunch at Manny’s!

    Other shoe: dropped!

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:11 pm:

    =I have more to add: I heard Alexi and Rod have both eaten lunch at Manny’s!=

    No! Was it the same time? On the same day?!!!! Maybe someone can investigate for us. Time for another press….

  45. - shore - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    You can’t accuse someone of being a washington insider and then hire the karl rove of the corrupt ex governor on trial. Not that alexi ever had any credibility on anything but hiring blago’s go to guy is something that should be played up more and further diminishes his campaign.

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:12 pm:

    shore, you’re embellishing. A lot.

  47. - (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    @ LGA 13:49

    Kirk hasn’t been pounded upon for weeks over splitting hairs.

    Kirk has been pounded on for weeks over being a liar and when he tries to explain his way out of his lies he tells more lies.

    Kirk has no conscience when it comes to lying.

  48. - Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:23 pm:

    RM, keep up the good work for Alexi!

  49. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:24 pm:

    CR, bite me.

  50. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:29 pm:

    Shore, have you been rolling in the mud with Louis?

    You’re making even less sense than your normally irrational self.

  51. - Responsa - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:38 pm:

    Soapbox time. I’m not crazy about either of the ads. If Alexi and Mark had respect for themselves, their parties, and for the State of Illinois and its voters they would take a deep breath, lay low for a couple weeks, save some media money, and rethink their whole strategy. They both have damaged themselves. Both have way too much Samsonite to carry for this early in the campaign. Except among their most ardent supporters both have completely lost the aura of the boyish charm and charisma they once seemed to have. Normal, non-hack people are already sick of the whole darn thing. If Mark and Alexi go “at each other” over the airwaves non-stop for the next four months it will be a horrific mistake.

    I realize many on their staffs–both candidates’ staffs–will champion and enable continuing the assaults upon the voters. They think they are assaulting and bruising the other guy, but it’s really the voters who are getting the beating. I’m old enough to know that 2010 is a different kind of election in the shadow of the economy and the Blago trial. The mood of the electorate is really dicey this summer. Politicians in general are not trusted and admired.

    I don’t know that most of the campaign managers and media gurus have ever dealt with something quite like this political climate before no matter how much experience they have. Yet they somehow seem to be too close to the situation and to their candidates to recognize that, and see it clearly. The old Illinois ways of campaigning and operating are exactly what the citizens of Illinois do not want to see. But that’s what we are seeing.

  52. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:39 pm:

    Shoot CR… You’re ruining it! This whole post started with Rich Miller peddling Mark Kirk’s ads — giving him free airtime for his fibs and flubs without questioning the claims Kirk was making.

    If you keep pointing out that Miller is carrying water for Kirk he might stop. You’re supposed to keep it on the down-low man.

    Oh… wait. You wrote about Alexi.

  53. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:43 pm:

    Responsa says, “Normal, non-hack people are already sick of the whole darn thing. If Mark and Alexi go “at each other” over the airwaves non-stop for the next four months it will be a horrific mistake.”

    Randy Stufflebeam and LeAlan Jones hope your advice is not heeded.

  54. - The Doc - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 2:49 pm:

    ==shore, you’re embellishing. A lot.==

    In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning.

    Shore, I remain confused as to why you continue to unleash your blatant pro-Kirk fealty on this site, where most everyone is paying (relatively) close attention to the race.

    Sell your snake oil somewhere else, please.

  55. - muon - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:02 pm:

    On other Senate news, I just noticed Sweet’s blog entry about a possible special election to fill the last month of Obama’s Senate seat before the regular replacement election takes effect. The operative quote from her blog was “Today, in the same building where Blagojevich is being tried, lawyers will gather in the courtroom of U.S. District Court Judge James F. Grady to deal with a June 16 decision handed down by the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, written by Judge Diane Wood.”

    My apologies if this was posted elsewhere on cap fax already.

  56. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:04 pm:

    We dealt with that days ago.

  57. - muon - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:07 pm:

    I was just wondering if there was news from the meeting she described.

  58. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:08 pm:

    Hearing is still going on.

  59. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:35 pm:

    =They think they are assaulting and bruising the other guy,…=

    Nope. I disagree.

    If they were really looking for “their guys”, they’d be paying attention and doing the right thing.

    They seem to be in it simply for their own “15 minutes” and to get ready to move onto their next “gig”. They have only a 50/50 chance, after all.

  60. - shore - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:36 pm:

    Alexi says he’s the outsider then hires blago’s guy. One of blago’s guys was hired by mayor bloomberg and the village voice there wrote a long nasty piece on him. Yet here Alexi brings this guy into his campaign and calls himself and outsider. Does not pass the smell test.

    Here at 345,8,80,11,2

  61. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 3:37 pm:

    =The old Illinois ways of campaigning and operating are exactly what the citizens of Illinois do not want to see. But that’s what we are seeing. =

    Nope. I disagree with that, too. Seems to me that this has much more of a “DC spin” to it–and that’s going to hurt everyone in Illinois (including Rich in a sense because he’s going to get even less sleep than usual in the upcoming months).

  62. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:01 pm:

    =Alexi says he’s the outsider then hires blago’s guy.=

    You know what, shore, your problem seems to be that you’re WAY too into “networking” and “pedigrees”.

    Maybe it’s SKILL that counts. Did you ever consider that?

  63. - FillB - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:02 pm:

    Shore, your post does not pass the “makes any freaking sense” test.

  64. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:04 pm:

    lol. You think this is bad? Try “grasping” the stuff he posts on TA’s blog.

  65. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:05 pm:

    OK, let’s move along.

  66. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:05 pm:

    Sorry, Rich.

  67. - shore - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:06 pm:

    Democrats take a 1,000 contribution kirk (out of 5 million kirk gaised) gets from a prolife member of congress and put $100k of mailers to 10th district families telling them Mark Kirk is prolife-despite 10 years of pro-choice votes. Alexi hires blagos political aide to run his campaign and all of the sudden who you keep political company with is no big deal.

  68. - too obvious - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:07 pm:

    “As carol marin notes, this issue is over.”

    Ha! The Kirk people are beyond delusional. There’s a LOT more to come. I suspect the Dems are just waiting until it’s officially too late for the GOP to replace Kirk on the ballot.

  69. - FillB - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:09 pm:

    Seriously, let’s dissect:

    “Alexi says he’s the outsider then hires blago’s guy.”

    Presumably you’re talking about giangreco. So, we’ve established that a candidate has hired a consultant.

    “One of blago’s guys was hired by mayor bloomberg and the village voice there wrote a long nasty piece on him.”

    What? If my goofy-to-English translator is correct, I assume you mean Bradley Tusk, who has zilch to do with giannoulias’ campaign.

    “Yet here Alexi brings this guy into his campaign and calls himself and outsider.”

    Having established that Tusk is not with AG, we must have careened back onto giangreco.

    And you inexplicably finish up by linking to a Chicago Tonight collection of Obama interviews.

    Rich says your embellishing. Could be you are just ignorant of the process. Consultants work for candidates.

    If Giangreco is “Blago’s Rove,” please point to me on which of the FBI tapes he and Blagojevich are heard talking to one another.

    Explain what job he had in the administration.

    I’ll enjoy your answer, I am sure.

  70. - FillB - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:10 pm:

    Sorry - was typing when the post imploring us to move on was issued. Moving on…

  71. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:12 pm:

    shore, try to stay on the same election, please. Your constant rehashing of something that happened in a different election years ago is tiresome and off-topic.

  72. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:14 pm:

    =…all of the sudden who you keep political company with is no big deal…=

    Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, shore, candidates, politicians, candidates, etc. come and go.

    IL activists, pundits, consultants, etc. STAY to fight another day.

    Thank God.

  73. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:18 pm:

    =I suspect the Dems are just waiting until it’s officially too late for the GOP to replace Kirk on the ballot.=

    Illinois at it’s “finest”–with, don’t forget, a “DC Spin” (why you, tough guys, you!) this time around earlier than EVAH before. Hope you’re paying attention.

    Welcome to *THE STATE* of Illinois.

  74. - cover - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:20 pm:

    Louis G. Atsaves @12:25pm does make a valid point, as Giannoulias raised an issue that he should have avoided.

    In the “Kirk ad lie #2″ response, Alexi backs “a market-based system that puts a price on global warming pollution”. But the only way to add “a price” on pollution is to impose a tax or fee on it. “Minimal cost to consumers” is still greater than zero. On this one point, I think Kirk wins.

  75. - downstate hack - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 4:46 pm:

    n the “Kirk ad lie #2″ response, Alexi backs “a market-based system that puts a price on global warming pollution”. But the only way to add “a price” on pollution is to impose a tax or fee on it. “Minimal cost to consumers” is still greater than zero. On this one point, I think Kirk wins.

    I agree completely, Any carbon based fee is just a value added tax on the consumer. There is no way companies will not pass it on.

  76. - FillB - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 6:17 pm:

    egads. that’s “you’re” not “your” at 4:09.

  77. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 6:27 pm:

    downstate hack, et al -

    “Consumers” are already paying a pollution tax in the form of higher asthma rates and other lung diseases.

    You can’t dump garbage in the air for free. One way or another somebody pays.

    Energy companies can choose to increase their rates, pay the taxes out of profits, or avoid the taxes altogether by getting greener.

    PS - Every tax any company owes gets passed on to their customers at some point. Duh.

  78. - Hurricane Bob - Wednesday, Jun 30, 10 @ 9:59 pm:

    So Kirk wins by slamming Alexi for supporting Cap n Trade which Kirk actually voted for?

  79. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 1, 10 @ 12:22 am:

    Yup. Time for another press release.

  80. - Cincinnatus - Thursday, Jul 1, 10 @ 9:17 am:


    To say that man-made CO2 emissions are causing global warming is a highly disputed issue. Be prepared to back your support of taxes on CO2 emissions with undisputed facts, especially in light of all the controversies surrounding the science. Obama’s and Biden’s and Gore’s claims that “the science is settled” is far removed from the truth of the matter.

    If Alexi were proposing a straight up carbon tax, he would be on much better footing.

  81. - Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Jul 1, 10 @ 9:48 am:

    - To say that man-made CO2 emissions are causing global warming is a highly disputed issue. -

    Wrong. Even the American Association of Petroleum Geologists agree that humans are increasing the level of CO2 in the atmosphere while they still aren’t all in agreement as to how much this impacts climate. They were the last major scientific body to accept the IPCC’s general findings on the issue. Very few scientists offer any resistance to the theory that humans are causing climate change. Calling something “highly disputed” doesn’t make it so, even if Glen Beck says it does.

  82. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 1, 10 @ 9:54 am:

    ===To say that man-made CO2 emissions are causing global warming is a highly disputed issue===

    Most scientists don’t dispute the impact human activity has on carbon in the atmosphere, but politicians sure do. Most politicians in this country who deny the science are from oil/gas producing states like James Inhofe. That’s where most of the noise and disputing originates.

    Even conservative publications like the Economist support government creating a market for carbon. If you want to call it a tax, fine. Cap and trade is another name for it. Carbon emissions have a cost, why shouldn’t we pay for the cost of our emissions?

    The science is pretty clear. The politics are not, thanks to idealogues like you.

  83. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 1, 10 @ 10:06 am:

    ===Be prepared to back your support of taxes on CO2 emissions with undisputed facts, especially in light of all the controversies surrounding the science.====

    Perhaps you should change your screen name to Philip Morris. lol

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