Props to two Mikes and a Rickey… And an Amy… And a John
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Years ago, I was a regular on Mike Wilson’s WMAY talk show in Springfield, mainly on Wednesday afternoons when the station would broadcast from a downtown studio connected to a tavern. I was on his last show before he was laid off, but I wasn’t the reason. The station made the move because of financial pressures. Mike was a young phenom. He was one of the youngest radio producers in Chicago when he worked for WLS, then was the Statehouse Bureau Chief for WMAY at the tender age of 21. He won the ACLU’s 2008 Ethel Gingold award for defending free speech rights while on the air. Mike ended up on the Senate Democratic staff. But he left two years ago and is now doing stand-up comedy and writing in Chicago. Mike has a new blog that you should make sure to check out. He’s done some pretty darned funny political advertising spoofs. The best so far is the one he created “for” Mark Kirk, which was produced by Horacio Ramirez… Hilarious. * In other “Mike” news, my former cartoonist Mike Cramer’s award-winning film Dear Mr. Fidrych is playing at the Acorn Theater in Three Oaks, Michigan on June 27th at 3 o’clock Eastern Time. Mike says the town is about an hour and a quarter from the Loop. If we can get enough people to go, I could easily be talked into a road trip.
Click here to watch the trailer. * And while we’re plugging things, Sen. Rickey Hendon is about to release his second book in a year. This one is called Backstabbers: The Reality of Politics. From a press release…
It’s the film that I really want to see. So far, no luck in convincing Rickey to re-release it. …Adding… I forgot to add that a former college classmate of mine Amy Dean is promoting her best-selling book, A New New Deal: How Regional Activism Will Reshape the American Labor Movement, via a “Webinar”…
Amy also blogs for the Huffington Post. …Adding More… My Statehouse office-mate John Patterson of the Daily Herald has accepted a position with the Illinois Senate Democrats. Best of luck, John! Anybody else out there wanna plug something? Have at it.
Poll: Brady leads 34-30-9
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I told subscribers this morning, Public Policy Polling has released more results from its latest poll. PPP’s April results are in parentheses…
This is the first time that PPP included Green Party nominee Rich Whitney in its polling, so that led to some of the change since April. * From the pollster…
* Quinn is only getting 51 percent of the Democratic vote, which is just plain horrible… ![]() And check out how badly the governor is doing with women voters… ![]() Racial breakdown… ![]() This is what you’d call an extremely unmotivated Democratic electorate.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The Question: Could you support a ban on smoking outdoors in your town? Explain.
A severe case of whiplash
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Over a week ago, Gov. Pat Quinn said he believed he had “three or four” Republican votes to pass the pension borrowing plan in the Senate. As you know already, the House passed the bill last month with two GOP votes, but it stalled in the Senate when two Dems expressed opposition. A couple of days later, Quinn said that Senate President Cullerton had enough Democratic votes to pass the borrowing bill on his own. Cullerton has 37 Democrats and the bill requires a super-majority of 36. Cullerton’s office said Quinn was dreaming. Yesterday, Quinn again said he believed the Senate had enough votes to pass the borrowing bill and said the chamber would return at the end of this month…
Trouble is, the Senate has no plans to return at the end of this month because the votes are still not there…
I’m getting whiplash from all this back and forth. * And this sort of inflammatory, Blagojevich-like language won’t help his cause with the Senate President…
Like Blagojevich before him, Quinn is trying to deflect his problems onto the General Assembly. And like Blagojevich, Quinn may not fully realize that the governor always wears the jacket…
Fair or not, the buck stops at the governor’s desk. And that goes for school funding as well…
* Related…
* Chicago School Board opens door to 35 in a class * Huberman gets authority to lay off teachers, boost class sizes * Chicago teachers must give up 4% wage hike * Illinois is broke. Who’s gonna fix it? * Pension crisis scares off businesses: group * Village still reaping tax revenue for residents who left: A new state law could determine how much shared tax revenue the new village of Campton Hills is entitled to collect from the state. The county says it’s collecting part of the county’s share. * Illinois applies for high-speed rail funding * State DNA database is more than 20,000 samples behind
Caption contest!
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Congressman Mark Kirk’s Facebook page… ![]() …ADDING… Geez, I didn’t think I had to warn y’all about something like this, but keep it clean or you’ll find yourself banned for life. * Other US Senate campaign news…
Brady: I could beat Obama
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * OK, this Bill Brady quote is one of the most delusional campaign statements I’ve seen so far this season…
Bravado is one thing, but that’s something quite different. * Gov. Pat Quinn is sending unpaid state interns to attend and monitor the Blagojevich trial. Here’s the Quinn statement issued to WBEZ…
The question becomes whether their daily reports are getting to the campaign. I’ll check. * The Democratic Governors Association has removed an Internet ad that may have violated the General Assembly’s rules. The ad featured footage apparently from the official GA website of a House proceeding. The House footage was used to illustrate Sen. Bill Brady’s hundreds of missed Senate votes. But the House has a policy against using the footage without permission, and the campaign never received that permission…
Frankly, this is a goofy policy. There is a “Fair Use Doctrine” in this country, and I really doubt the House can legally prevent anyone from using the video. There is, however, a “gentleman’s agreement” to not use the video in campaigns to avoid embarrassing anybody. And that’s what is really at stake here. …Adding… I forgot to post a video from the Quinn campaign. As you may know, Quinn signed AT&T’s deregulation bill yesterday during a Chicago ceremony. He received plaudits from all involved, including a somewhat unlikely source: Illinois Chamber of Commerce President Doug Whitley. Here’s Whitley… * Related…
*** UPDATED x1 *** Listen to the tapes as prosecution case undermined by defense
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** I told subscribers about this earlier today, but the Tribune now has a story online about how Rod Blagojevich is caught on tape dissing his former bigtime contributor Blair Hull…
Maybe so. But Hull ain’t going to prison. [ *** End of Update *** ] * The US Attorney’s office has posted its trial exhibits to date online. Click here to see them. They’ve embedded the audio recordings into the transcripts, so you can hear Rod Blagojevich in all his glory. The Tribune has posted both prosecution and defense exhibits on its site. You may be able to get the audio to work better with the Tribune’s version. * Meanwhile, Lon Monk’s cross examination by Blagojevich attorney Sam Adam, Jr. didn’t go all that well yesterday…
* The defense did a decent job of undermining another prosecution witness…
* And I’m not quite sure that the $600,000 loan from Kjellander to Joseph Aramanda is easily traceable to Blagojevich, Monk and Chris Kelly…
OK, so the original loan was used to pay off Rezko’s debts. Then Aramanda got another loan from Wilton to repay Kjellander. So, my question is, where is the money that the “cabal of four” were supposed to divvy up? There appears to have been a plan to do so, but it doesn’t look like they ever got the cash, unless those pay-back recipients kicked it all back to Rezko. Then again, a conspiracy is alleged. Not necessarily a result. * Roundup…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller